Catalog: HFM BOCES (Web Registration)

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1. Asynchronous and ongoing- Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) (for September-June)

Program: DASA 6-Hour Certification

Audience: anyone seeking NYS Certification

Dates: 9/9/2024

Beginning January 1, 2014, all persons applying to the NYS Education Department for an adminstrative or supervisory service, classroom teaching service, or school service certificate or license, must complete six (6) hours of coursework or training in harassment, bullying, and discrimination prevention and intervention. The training is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to create an affirming school environment for all students. This class must be paid for ahead of time. No credit card payments can be accepted. Checks may be sent to HFM BOCES 2755 StHwy 67, Johnstown, NY 12095 Att: Instructional Services. If your district is supplying payment they will be billed. This is an asynchronous workshop. Participants will receive a link with the required work and be given five business days to complete it. Please send questions to

2. Building Thinking Classrooms Book Study

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Anyone who teaches or assists with Math

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 5/19/2025

Student difficulty with mathematics has been a pervasive and systemic problem since the advent of public education-not because students can't learn mathematics, but because, by and large, students can't learn it by being told how to do it. Research has shown that within a 60-minute lesson, 20% of students spent 8-12 minutes thinking, while 80% spent zero minutes thinking. This is a problem. This is what has been missing. Thinking is a necessary precursor to learning, and if students are not thinking, they are not learning. In the book Building Thinking Classrooms by Peter Liljedahl each chapter explores one of the 14 optimal practices, beginning with a deep dive into what are the institutionally normative practices that permeate many classrooms around the world. It reveals how each of these practices is working against our efforts to get students to think, and then it offers a clear presentation of what the research revealed to be the optimal practice for each variable. By the end of the book teachers will have a space that is inhabited by thinking individuals as well as individuals thinking collectively, learning together, and constructing knowledge and understanding through activity and discussion. You will purchase the book on your own, or your district can purchase it for you.

3. Building Thinking Classrooms Book Study BP Only

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: BP Math

Dates: 9/30/2024 to 6/20/2025

BP ONLY - Dates TBD - - Student difficulty with mathematics has been a pervasive and systemic problem since the advent of public education-not because students can't learn mathematics, but because, by and large, students can't learn it by being told how to do it. Research has shown that within a 60-minute lesson, 20% of students spent 8-12 minutes thinking, while 80% spent zero minutes thinking. This is a problem. This is what has been missing. Thinking is a necessary precursor to learning, and if students are not thinking, they are not learning. In the book Building Thinking Classrooms by Peter Liljedahl each chapter explores one of the 14 optimal practices, beginning with a deep dive into what are the institutionally normative practices that permeate many classrooms around the world. It reveals how each of these practices is working against our efforts to get students to think, and then it offers a clear presentation of what the research revealed to be the optimal practice for each variable. By the end of the book teachers will have a space that is inhabited by thinking individuals as well as individuals thinking collectively, learning together, and constructing knowledge and understanding through activity and discussion. Your district will purchase the book for you.

4. Science of Writing Series (1): Why is Writing so Challenging?

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: All K-12 teachers

Dates: 10/3/2024

Did you know only 27% of students in the nation are proficient writers? Why is that? In this PD we will discover what makes writing so challenging for students K-12. We will also answer the questions; what does the Science of Writing tell us about how students learn to write and what the prerequisites are for being proficient writers. Join us for session 1 of this 5 part series on the science of writing.

5. Building Thinking Classrooms Book Study - OESJ ONLY

Program: Instructional Strategies

Dates: 10/7/2024 to 5/28/2025

OESJ Only - Student difficulty with mathematics has been a pervasive and systemic problem since the advent of public education-not because students can't learn mathematics, but because, by and large, students can't learn it by being told how to do it. Research has shown that within a 60-minute lesson, 20% of students spent 8-12 minutes thinking, while 80% spent zero minutes thinking. This is a problem. This is what has been missing. Thinking is a necessary precursor to learning, and if students are not thinking, they are not learning. In the book Building Thinking Classrooms by Peter Liljedahl each chapter explores one of the 14 optimal practices, beginning with a deep dive into what are the institutionally normative practices that permeate many classrooms around the world. It reveals how each of these practices is working against our efforts to get students to think, and then it offers a clear presentation of what the research revealed to be the optimal practice for each variable. By the end of the book teachers will have a space that is inhabited by thinking individuals as well as individuals thinking collectively, learning together, and constructing knowledge and understanding through activity and discussion. Your district will purchase the book for you.

6. Literacy Study Group - Middle/High School

Program: Instructional Strategies

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 6/5/2025

In response to NYSED's Literacy Initiative and the ongoing emphasis on the Science of Reading, this study group offers a recurring opportunity for educators to collaborate on advancing literacy. Together, we will explore systemic and classroom-based practices that support all students' literacy development. As schools and districts work toward similar goals and face common challenges, this forum will provide a space for mutual support, reflection, and sharing of best practices. This will be a bi-monthy, half day in person study group. All teachers are welcome to the group (SPED, Social Studies, Art, etc.) You do not need to come to every session if you are unavailable. Join anytime!

7. Model Schools: I have my i-Ready assessment data now what?

Program: Integrating Technology into Curricula and Instruction

Dates: 10/25/2024

Description of Learning: If your school uses the i-Ready Diagnostic Screener this training is for you! During our time together, we will cover the nuts and bolts of the i-Ready Diagnostic Screener. Topics discussed include the overview of the iReady Diagnostic Screener, the variety of i-Ready reports available, and how you can utilize and maximize the data to drive instructional planning. Please bring a computer and be ready to log into your iReady data as there will be time to dive into the data and start planning data-driven next steps. *Each session will be catered to the time of the year the test is taken

8. Science of Writing Series (2): How to Prepare Students for Writing (Spelling included)

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: K-5 Teachers (RTI - 6-8th grade)

Dates: 10/29/2024

In this PD we begin with understanding the basics of how writing develops in young students. We will then discuss how to teach spelling specifically for grades K-5. Spelling instruction does not have to end in 3rd grade. In fact, it shouldn't. "Until students learn how to spell the necessary vocabulary students often devote all of their available mental energy just getting words onto the page. Little memory is available for higher-level aspects of comprehension. As a consequence composition length and quality are likely to suffer. For this reason, spelling and overall writing achievement are highly correlated.” Join us for session 2 of this 5 part series on the science of writing.

9. The Science of Reading: A Secondary Focus

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Anyone who teaches and assists students in 6-12th grade.

Dates: 11/7/2024

There is a myth out there that the Science of Reading is only an elementary/phonics approach. That is just not true. The Science of Reading is research on how students learn to read AND comprehend at all levels of learning. If you're asking yourself, how does this effect me; how can I improve my instruction through the science of reading; what can I do to help my struggling learners, then come join us for an hour virtually after school. This applies to any and all teachers who teach grades 6-12.

10. HFM BOCES Mentor/Mentee Required Meetings

Program: Mentoring

Audience: HFM BOCES Mentors and Mentees

Dates: 11/12/2024 to 6/3/2025

Participants will discuss and collaborate on timely topics as part of the Mentor Plan here at HFM BOCES.

11. Science of Writing Series (3): Building Sentences - The POWERHOUSE to Quality Writing

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: k-12 teachers

Dates: 11/14/2024

All Teachers are writing teachers! No matter what subject or grade you teach, students should be writing. Writing begins with understanding the sentence. Could you tell me what a subordinating conjunction is? How about an appositive? Do you know the difference between a simple, compound, and complex sentence? In the upper grades, you may think your students know these terms and can apply them to their writing already so you just assign writing without teaching it. If you want quality writing, then all grade level teachers should be practicing sentence work daily in the classroom. What does that look like? Join us for session 3 of this 5 part series on the science of writing.

12. Comprehension is a Process AND a Product of Reading

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: All Teachers K-12

Dates: 11/18/2024

Have you ever encountered a student who, after reading the words on the page, looks up with a blank expression and cannot explain the story or text they just read? Or do they give bizarre or unrelated answers to questions about the meanings of passages read aloud? Or totally misinterpreted it because they "missed” something important? That is not uncommon. Most teachers would say that these students have problems with comprehension. But what exactly does that mean? In this PD we will define comprehension as both a process and a product of reading. We will dig deeper into finding out what specifically students are not comprehending and explore ways to help your students with reading comprehension.
(With this session, it is highly recommended that you attendant the Science of Writing Session 3 on Building Sentences) Now that we have a good understanding of the sentence level of writing, your students are ready to write paragraphs and compositions. Planning a Narrative vs. an Informational vs. an Opinion/Argumentative piece all need specific instruction. How do we create a writers environment? Which graphic organizers will student use? How do we scaffold writing for students? How do we give feedback through the revising and editing process? Join us for session 4 of this 5 part series on the science of writing.

14. The Science of Writing Series - In PERSON

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 12/9/2024

Can't make the after school Science of Reading Series Sessions or would you rather learn it all in one day? Join us as we compile all of the Science of Writing Series in a day long session. We will explore all of the writing topics from the virtual meetings such as; 1. Why is Writing so Challenging? 2. How to Prepare Students for Writing (Spelling Included) 3. Building Sentences - The POWERHOUSE to Quality Writing 4. Supporting Composition: Narrative, Informational, and Opinion/Argumentative Writing 5. Assessing the Writing Process

15. The Science of Writing Series (5): Assessing the Writing Process

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: k-12 Teachers

Dates: 12/12/2024

How do you currently assess student writing? Does assessment inform your writing instruction or is it just another grade for the writing standard on the report card? In the last installment of the Science of Writing Series we will learn about evaluating student writing. Students should be evaluated on both the composition and the foundational writing skills that have been taught through explicit instruction. Proficient writers take proficient teachers who use research backed instruction to teach writing! Join us for session 5 of this 5 part series on the science of writing.

16. NYS Literacy Initiative - P3 Literacy Instructional Best Practices

Program: School and District Planning

Audience: District and Building Leaders, Curriculum Leaders, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 1/7/2025

This event, which will be a hybrid webinar with in-person discussion and presentations, will provide New York State administrators and literacy leaders with an opportunity to learn about the P-3 Instructional Best Practices Tool to be utilized when reviewing instruction and making the required attestation per Education Law §818.

17. Teaching CBT Beyond the Platform

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Anyone who does CBT testing

Dates: 1/16/2025

Computer-based Testing is upon us but how do we fully prepare our students for the necessary technical skills and test-taking strategies required for students' success? This session will help you go beyond practice quizzes and show activities and lessons you can do in your classroom to help students feel comfortable and confident using the CBT platform. The same session will be held again on Feb 6th, if you cannot attend this date.

18. Collaborative Learning Group for Teachers of Middle School Math

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Any middle school Math Teachers

Dates: 1/21/2025

In this virtual meeting, we will be talking about our classroom schedules, curriculums and anything else teachers want to discuss. The focus will be on getting tips, tricks, and ideas from other teachers in the region.

19. How to Use Word Connections

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: 3+

Dates: 1/23/2025

Word Connections is a FREE supplemental, targeted reading intervention that includes research-based instructional practices to support students' multisyllabic word reading. The lessons take about 40 minutes (which can be adjusted) for grades 3+. It is recommended you print out the teacher and student manual for the virtual PD. You can find the documents online, or I can email them to you when you register.

20. Collaborative Learning Group for Teachers of Middle School ELA

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Any middle school ELA Teachers

Dates: 1/28/2025

In this virtual meeting, we will be talking about our classroom schedules, curriculums and anything else teachers want to discuss. The focus will be on getting tips, tricks, and ideas from other teachers in the region.

21. What "Tricky Words” Tell Us About the Whole System

Program: Instructional Strategies

Dates: 1/30/2025

We now know from research from the Science of Reading that Tricky words or high frequency words (was, the, done) are not just words students memorize. Rote memorization of these words leaves out word study which doesn't allow for students to see the connections between letters and sounds. Students need to develop the process of orthographic mapping. In this PD we will answer these key questions; How do people remember words and spelling patterns? How do children build their sight word vocabularies? and What are some of the most efficient practices supporting the development of robust schemas around words?

22. 2025 FCMEA All County Festival Observation Hours at BP Senior High School - 100 bridge St Broadalbin, NY 12025

Program: Other

Audience: Fulton County Music Teachers

Dates: 1/31/2025 to 2/1/2025

It's that time of year again for the annual Fulton County Music Educators All-County Festival. Throughout the festival, guest conductors from around the state will be working with our county students to prepare a concert. Throughout these rehearsals, county teachers will be exposed to new large ensemble literature while observing the following from our guest conductors: Rehearsal Etiquette Rehearsal Structure Warm-up exercises Skill and technical exercises Rehearsal strategies Classroom management skills Dress rehearsal strategies Concert formatting Teachers must sign-in for attendance the weekend of the festival in order to receive full CTLE credit.

23. Red Flags & Remedies: Evaluating Adolescent Literacy Interventions (4-12)

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Grades 4-12

Dates: 2/3/2025

How well do your secondary intervention materials align with the findings of the Science of Reading? Interventions for older students are either comprehensive (of large scope; covering or involving much) or designed to target specific skills. In this PD we will focus on the detailed components of a comprehensive intervention. We will look at all of the strands of Scarborough's rope (word recognition, background knowledge, vocabulary, language structure, and literacy knowledge) and beyond (design and delivery, assessment, fluency, and writing) as we determine what are some red flags in your current intervention or what is SOR aligned. We will be using The Reading Leagues Adolescent Reading Intervention Evaluation Guidelines to guide us. Join us for this full-day information-packed PD for anyone who does intervention in grades 4-12!

24. Collaborative Learning Group for Teachers of High School ELA

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Any high school ELA Teachers

Dates: 2/3/2025

In this virtual meeting, we will be talking about our classroom schedules, curriculums and anything else teachers want to discuss. The focus will be on getting tips, tricks, and ideas from other teachers in the region.

25. Teaching CBT Beyond the Platform

Program: Instructional Strategies

Dates: 2/6/2025

Computer based Testing is upon us but how do we fully prepare our students for the necessary technical skills and test taking strategies required for students success? This session will help you go beyond practice quizzes and show activities and lessons you can do in your classroom to help students feel comfortable and confident using the CBT platform.

26. MODEL SCHOOLS: Canva Intermediate

Program: Integrating Technology into Curricula and Instruction

Audience: All educators

Dates: 2/7/2025

Overview of some intermediate features of Canva, including education options, classroom features, presentation mode, and interactive content, with a creativity and consultation session developing media with help from the presenters. Canva Beginner is not a prerequisite but familiarity with the platform would be helpful.

27. Collaborative Learning Group for Teachers of High School Math

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Any high school Math Teachers

Dates: 2/10/2025

Starting Soon
In this virtual meeting, we will be talking about our classroom schedules, curriculums and anything else teachers want to discuss. The focus will be on getting tips, tricks, and ideas from other teachers in the region.

28. SLS Collaborative Mentoring Session

Program: School Library System/IRC

Audience: School librarians or acting librarians

Dates: 2/10/2025

NewStarting Soon
Held once a month these are hour long, virtual sessions for newer librarians, TA's and teachers in charge of a library to learn and reflect on topics unique to the school library program. The topics covered forFebruary will include: Collection Development and Advocacy. As always there will be time to share what's happening in your library and to ask those burning questions.

29. Model Schools: Teaching Tomorrow in an AI-Infused Classroom

Program: Integrating Technology into Curricula and Instruction

Dates: 2/13/2025

Starting Soon
Our world is changing. AI is ever present and not going away. How can we as teachers and administrators use it to our advantage? How can our students use this technology without it being considered "cheating?” Join us as we discuss AI and learn about how we can hone the power that it provides instead of shutting it out. Artificial Intelligence WILL change everything. Be part of the change for your students' success!

30. Model Schools: I have my i-Ready assessment data now what?

Program: Integrating Technology into Curricula and Instruction

Dates: 2/14/2025

Starting Soon
Description of Learning: If your school uses the i-Ready Diagnostic Screener this training is for you! During our time together, we will cover the nuts and bolts of the i-Ready Diagnostic Screener. Topics discussed include the overview of the iReady Diagnostic Screener, the variety of i-Ready reports available, and how you can utilize and maximize the data to drive instructional planning. Please bring a computer and be ready to log into your iReady data as there will be time to dive into the data and start planning data-driven next steps. *Each session will be catered to the time of the year the test is taken

31. MODEL SCHOOLS: Canva Advanced

Program: Integrating Technology into Curricula and Instruction

Audience: All educators

Dates: 2/28/2025

Overview of some advanced features of Canva, including video, artificial intelligence, editing a PDF, bulk create, and incorporating apps, with a creativity and consultation session developing media with help from the presenters. Canva Beginner and Canva Intermediate are not prerequisites but familiarity with the platform would be helpful.

32. Essential Writing Skills Before the Mighty Essay - 6-12

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Middle & High School

Dates: 3/3/2025

Currently only 27% of students in high school are proficient or above proficient in writing, leaving 73% of students who are not. How did this happen? In this PD we will use The Writing Revolutions' ideas for the building blocks of writing, helping students expand their sentences and plan their writing, and how to support multi-paragraph writing, revising, and editing. Whether you teach ELA, Science, Business, etc. everyone is a writing teacher because we expect our students to be able to write in our class.

33. "10 to 25 The Science of Motivating Young People" by David Yeager, PhD Book Study

Program: Culture/Climate

Audience: Any school Staff

Dates: 3/3/2025 to 5/19/2025

Imagine a world in which Gen Xers, millennials, and boomers interact with young people in ways that leave them feeling inspired, enthusiastic, and ready to contribute-rather than disengaged, outraged, or overwhelmed. That world may be closer than you think. In this book based on cutting edge research, psychologist David Yeager explains how to stop fearing young people's brains and hormones and start harnessing them. Yeager explains how to adopt what he terms the mentor mindset, which is a leadership style that's attuned to young people's need for status and respect. Anyone can adopt the mentor mindset by following a few highly effective and easy-to-learn practices such as validating young people's perspectives (rather than dismissing them), asking them questions (rather than telling them what to do), being transparent about your beliefs and goals (rather than assuming that they will accurately guess your thoughts), and holding them to high standards (rather than coddling them). Yeager's scientific experiments have shown these practices reduce a wide variety of behavior problems, including school dropout, unhealthy eating, stress, purposelessness, mental health problems, and more. One of the biggest misconceptions about mentoring is that it takes up too much time. On the contrary, those who use the mentor mindset end up with more time. Through back-and-forth conversations, young people feel empowered, and managers can transfer responsibility to them. Young people in this age group are poised to learn, grow, and accomplish incredible things-if only we can tap into the basic neurobiological systems that drive their motivation and behavior. We will discuss how this book relates to our lives and how it can be incorporated into our careers as well. The cost of this book study is only for the book. If you have the book, or plan on purchasing the book, the cost will be zero. If you would like me to order the book for you, please register by 12/20/24.

34. Collaborative Learning Group for Teachers of Middle School Math #2

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Any middle school Math Teachers

Dates: 3/10/2025

In this virtual meeting, we will be talking about our classroom schedules, curriculums and anything else teachers want to discuss. The focus will be on getting tips, tricks, and ideas from other teachers in the region.

35. Model Schools: Turbocharging Student Engagement

Program: Integrating Technology into Curricula and Instruction

Audience: All educators

Dates: 3/11/2025

Engaging students in the classroom has always been a challenge, but in our modern technological world, filled with distractions, that challenge seems to have grown. Join us as we investigate the causes of student disengagement and examine strategies that can be implemented to encourage classroom participation. We will also look at new technologies that have revealed ancient mysteries, creating opportunities to spark student interest and imagination.

36. Uplifting All Students Statewide Conference

Program: Culture/Climate

Audience: Administrators and other District Leaders

Dates: 3/19/2025

This hybrid conference will provide New York State administrators, DEI leaders, and educators with an opportunity to learn about how school districts across the state are aligning practices with the NYS Board of Regents Policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. New York State Education Department (NYSED) staff, along with partners from districts, will share current practices across the state in several key DEI areas, with opportunities for discussion and share out with colleagues.

37. Innovate the Arts 2.0! BP Senior High School - 100 bridge St Broadalbin, NY 12025

Program: Standards

Audience: Fine and Performing Arts Teachers

Dates: 3/19/2025

Back by Popular demand, it's Innovate the Arts 2.0 at Broadalbin-Perth Senior High School. Building off our first year, you should expect the same relaxed environment but with more offerings. We are excited to announce that John Keal Music and Jupiter Instruments will be here again and are bringing with them our Keynote Speaker, John Benham, all the way from Liberty University. There will be many more details shared as the event approaches. Please sign-up in frontline as soon as possible to help us with session and food planning.

38. Collaborative Learning Group for Teachers of Middle School ELA #2

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Any middle school ELA Teachers

Dates: 3/24/2025

In this virtual meeting, we will be talking about our classroom schedules, curriculums and anything else teachers want to discuss. The focus will be on getting tips, tricks, and ideas from other teachers in the region.

39. When Practice Isn't Enough: Providing Explicit, Systematic Fluency Instruction In Upper Elementary

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Grades 3-8

Dates: 3/27/2025

Did you students pass their phonics diagnostic, but are still receiving low scores on an oral reading fluency? The next step for you would generally be working on fluency during their AIS/WIN/MTSS time. Many people believe that if students just read more, they will be better, more fluent readers. But this is just not true. As students get older texts become longer and more complex. There are less predictable letter-sound correspondences, different vowel stress reductions, an increase in ambiguous syllable boundaries, and challenging vocabulary. Students in the intermediate grades (and beyond) require continued instruction focused on word-level reading skills. Learn about how to help these students who struggle with fluency.

40. Conquer the Regents! Social Studies, the Science of Reading and Writing, and Artificial Intelligence

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Anyone who teaches or support social studies in MS and HS

Dates: 4/4/2025

The NYS Global Studies and U.S. History and Government Regents Exams are fraught with pitfalls, from copious and sophisticated reading passages to demanding and advanced writing tasks. Join us as we discuss the components of these exams, science of reading and writing strategies that can help your students grow in their abilities, and how artificial intelligence platforms can tie it all together.

41. The Only 5 Text Structures You Need for Reading Comprehension

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: K-8

Dates: 5/2/2025

Our children are struggling with comprehension. Once they learn to decode, they should then be using their working memory to figure out what it is the words are trying to say. We are tasked as teachers to teach students comprehension "skills” such as; main idea, authors purpose, chronological order, theme, etc. in isolation throughout the school year. We are misusing text structure. There are actually only five, plus a bonus one, text structures that will allow students to understand the main idea of ANY passage. Whether you have use a program or not, this PD will teach you how to use just 5+1 text structures in your classroom for students to understand and write a main idea.

42. Collaborative Learning Group for Teachers of Middle School Math #3

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Any middle school Math Teachers

Dates: 5/12/2025

In this virtual meeting, we will be talking about our classroom schedules, curriculums and anything else teachers want to discuss. The focus will be on getting tips, tricks, and ideas from other teachers in the region.

43. Help! My Social Studies Students Can't Read!

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Middle School and High School Social Studies Teachers

Dates: 5/20/2025

Are your social studies students struggling to grasp historical concepts and express their ideas effectively due to weak reading and writing skills? This professional development session is here to help! Learn how to teach domain-specific vocabulary to enhance understanding of historical and civic concepts, support students in constructing well-organized sentences for analytical writing, and strengthen their ability to read and interpret primary sources, maps, and texts. Join us to bridge the gap between literacy and social studies, equipping your students with the tools they need to succeed in understanding and communicating the complexities of history and society!

44. Help! My Science Students Can't Read!

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Middle School/High Science Teachers

Dates: 5/20/2025

Are your science students struggling to understand and communicate complex ideas because they lack strong reading and writing skills? This professional development session is here to help! This professional development session is designed for science educators who are seeking effective strategies to support students struggling with reading and comprehension. Participants will explore how to integrate explicit vocabulary instruction into science lessons, scaffold sentence structure to help students articulate scientific concepts clearly, and develop students' ability to read and write with confidence in scientific contexts. Allow your students to become confident readers and writers in science, bridging the gap between literacy and scientific success!

45. Designing Effective Text Sets for Middle and High School

Program: Instructional Strategies

Audience: Middle and High School

Dates: 6/6/2025

Research has shown that students benefit from knowing the particular form and function of a genre. When units are based around a topic and not a particular text, there are amazing opportunities to read and analyze various text types. In this session we will explore the power of using text sets to enhance students' literacy knowledge while deepening content knowledge for middle and high school students. We will learn how to design purposeful text set that align with New York State Standards, engage students, and support diverse learners. We will also discuss how AI can help with the process when planning a curriculum around a text set topic! Stop doing the same old thing year after year! Start something new and exciting!

46. Model Schools: I have my i-Ready assessment data now what?

Program: Integrating Technology into Curricula and Instruction

Dates: 6/13/2025

Description of Learning: If your school uses the i-Ready Diagnostic Screener this training is for you! During our time together, we will cover the nuts and bolts of the i-Ready Diagnostic Screener. Topics discussed include the overview of the iReady Diagnostic Screener, the variety of i-Ready reports available, and how you can utilize and maximize the data to drive instructional planning. Please bring a computer and be ready to log into your iReady data as there will be time to dive into the data and start planning data-driven next steps. *Each session will be catered to the time of the year the test is taken