Program: Online Courses
Audience: Educators K-12
Dates: 3/5/2025 to 4/2/2025
Relational aggression , which is a type of aggression that involves social manipulation more than physical force, is a critical issue that affects many female individuals, particularly in schools and among peers. Knowing that this type of aggression is rather covert and not easily visible, it is more challenging to identify and deal with, often leading to escalated situations. Relational aggression is especially relevant concerning mental health and the overall wellbeing of individuals as it can lead to depression, anxiety, increased stress levels, and low self-esteem. Additionally, it can be an indication of future bullying tendencies in counseling, and preventive sessions can help the victim to deal with future situations better. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize and prevent relational aggression to create a safe and healthy environment.
This course will examine why the topic of relational aggression is relevant and important.It will explore the various kinds of relational aggression, the causes and risk factors, the effects, and strategies for prevention and intervention. Participants will complete assigned readings and respond to questions, share from their past experiences, and create presentations and tools to use specifically within their own school communities.