This workshop will provide the participants with an opportunity to explore the three required Biology Investigations. These new performance tasks provide authentic, hands-on scientific and engineering experiences that allow students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills from the Learning Standards. Science teachers and administrators will deepen their knowledge of the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) with their expectations for three-dimensional student learning and how the investigations will prepare students for the 3-D scientific reasoning they will need to perform on the Life Science Biology regents examination.
Included will be:
• Demonstration of how the investigations align with the NYSSLS;
• How the investigations are an assessment of student learning;
• A hands-on experience with the investigations;
• An opportunity to collaborate on strategies for successful implementation
***Participants must bring paper copies of each Biology Investigation's documents.
These cannot be provided.***
**B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) - Participants should bring a fully charged laptop, iPad, or tablet to download resources and access websites throughout the workshop.