Catalog: Measurement Incorporated

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1. Explicit Instruction: An Evidence-Based Practice for Effective and Long-Term Learning

Program: Capital District Regional Partnership Center

Dates: 2/26/2025 to 3/5/2025

This explicit instruction training package is intended to support participants' knowledge of explicit instruction and teachers' abilities to effectively implement explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is a high leverage practice that has proven to be effective for special education students. Research has shown higher achievement results for students with disabilities in both reading and math after receiving explicit instruction.

2. Disciplinary Change in Placement (DCIP) for Students with Disabilities in the Suspension Process

Program: Capital District Regional Partnership Center

Audience: N/A

Dates: 3/11/2025

This half-day training package is designed for district/building level administrators to gain a better understanding of the process related to discipline for students with disabilities, with a focus on DCIP as per the part 201 of the Commissioner's Regulations. This professional development supports the administrator's understanding of the regulatory requirements, as they relate to DCIP.

3. Developing an Effective Student Exit Summary

Program: Capital District Regional Partnership Center

Dates: 3/12/2025

Participants will analyze the importance of students' self-determination skills; learn the federal and state requirements for the Student Exit Summary; recognize and identify quality components of a Student Exit Summary, and identify a process for the development and issuance of the Student Exit Summary that is student-centered.

4. The Language of Classroom Management

Program: Capital District Regional Partnership Center

Dates: 4/22/2025 to 5/6/2025

This 3-module training is designed for PreK-12th grade educators who would like more information on positive behavior support1/4 classroom management strategies including: 1) arranging the physical environment, 2) defining, teaching, and acknowledging expectations and rules, 3) defining and teaching classroom procedures and routines, 4) active supervision, 5) behavior specific praise, 6) response strategies for inappropriate behavior, 7) class-wide group contingencies, and 8) multiple opportunities to respond.