Catalog: Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES (WebReg)

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1. Explore Native Cultural Representation through an Inquiry Lens

Program: School Library System

Audience: Librarians, K-12 classroom teachers, ELA & Social Studies teachers, coaches and administrators

Dates: 9/26/2023

Now more than ever, educators must develop skills to create inclusive curriculums and affirming environments, in both libraries and classrooms. In a day of interactive learning with school librarians, educators and administrators, Nambe Pueblo scholar and educator Dr. Debbie Reese will share her expertise on the critical analysis of children's and young adult Native literature. In addition, Ganondagan educators and interpreters will provide programming to engage participants with local Seneca culture, including a guided longhouse tour and an introduction to Ganondagan educator resources. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the full Seneca Art & Culture Center and will have the option to walk the Trail of Peace. Continental breakfast & lunch will be provided, please wear comfortable footwear and clothing to explore the Ganondagan grounds.

2. Empowering Students through Media Decoding Online Course

Program: School Library System

Dates: 1/17/2024

This online course is geared towards district teams of school librarians and tech integrators who participated in the Project Look Sharp workshop at W-FL BOCES on January 17, 2024 and are ready to take constructivist media decoding (CMD) to the next level. Participants will be trained how to guide students and/or staff through media decoding activities, create and practice leading a media decoding activity of their own and learn how to build on their own experiences to become leaders of media literacy in their schools/districts. Participants will explore how the CMD approach can be used to address current issues related to AI and technology within the broader lens of media literacy and the NYS CS-DF standards. The course will take place from January to May 2024 and will consist of four online 90 minute group sessions led by Project Look Sharp (dates and times TBD) and four 30 minute individual coaching sessions. By the end of the course, each participant will earn a badge from Project Look Sharp as a CMD Trained Facilitator. Participation in the January 17, 2024 in-person workshop is required to participate in the course.

3. Teaching for Truth: Engaging Students in Media Literacy and Technology

Program: School Library System

Audience: School librarians, technology integrators, classroom teachers, instructional coaches

Dates: 1/17/2024

Given the rise of social media, disinformation and Artificial Intelligence, how do we realistically teach students habits of critical thinking about the media messages they see, read and hear? In this interactive full day workshop led by Ithaca College's Project Look Sharp, educators will gain the inspiration, theory, models, and resources to integrate critical thinking about all mediated information into their work with students, across all grade levels and subject areas. Participants will learn how the Project Look Sharp question-based constructivist media decoding approach can be used to connect and engage students to current issues related to AI, technology and social justice within the broader lens of media literacy, while helping them to develop the skills and aptitudes reflected in the NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency standards, the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum (ESIFC) and related subject area standards, including ELA, Social Studies, Science and Health. Lunch will be provided, please bring a device.

4. Project LookSharp Media Decoding coaching & meeting sessions

Program: School Library System

Audience: School librarians & tech integrators in the PLS media decoding cohort

Dates: 2/27/2024 to 5/13/2024

Participants in the W-FL BOCES Media Decoding cohort will participate in virtual 4 coaching sessions and 4 cohort meetings with Project Look Sharp.

5. Discovering Discoverability: Creating Library spaces for the kids that need them most

Program: School Library System

Audience: School librarians

Dates: 4/23/2024

Who are libraries for? From the way we shelve the books to how we order them, display them, promote them (and everything in between!), traditional library systems were designed to support readers who already know what resources they want, how the library is organized and who understand how to navigate existing search tools. But what about those readers who have no idea what book they want, or even that they want a book at all? What about those readers who don't care how the library is organized and who will never, despite all of our best efforts, learn how to use the catalog? What about those readers who don't embrace reading, school or the library, but need a space where they feel safe, welcomed and seen??? How do we make our library spaces discoverable for all students, not just some? In this session, we will discuss the difference between searchability and discoverability and explore ways to disrupt traditional library practices and then rebuild them for the readers who need them most. With a focus on reimagining library spaces in ways that emphasize discoverability over searchability, this hands-on workshop will unpack how to make big (and small!) changes to school library spaces in a way that refocuses the school library on our most vulnerable readers. Morning refreshments & lunch will be provided, please bring a device.

6. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Program: School Culture and Climate Grant

Audience: UPK - 12 Educators and School Staff

Dates: 7/9/2024 to 8/27/2024

MBSR is an 8-week evidence based, experiential program designed to provide participants with intensive and systematic training in mindfulness meditation and movement practices, and integrating into one's daily life what is discovered and learned through the process of participating in the program. First created in 1979, by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., MBSR has over 40 years of research that consistently demonstrates positive outcomes associated with increased self-awareness and emotional and attentional regulation. In addition, outcomes highlight statistically significant reductions in symptoms for various physical and behavioral health conditions including anxiety, depression and chronic pain, along with positive changes in risk factors that may lead to more serious chronic ailments.

In addition to registering for this course, we are also asking all participants to complete this form: WFL MBSR Application

7. MTSS Coaches and Coordinator Check-In Meetings

Program: Professional Development

Audience: MTSS Coaches, MTSS Coordinators, Leaders of MTSS

Dates: 7/23/2024 to 6/17/2025

This is a time for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Coaches/Coordinators/Leaders to come together to touch base with other professionals in a similar role. This virtual time will be used to share best practices, to ask questions, and to share resources. *Note - these sessions are intentionally planned on months opposite of the MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable events to maximize support for professionals in this role.

8. SEEDS of Learning

Program: Professional Development

Dates: 7/29/2024 to 3/14/2025

Starting Soon
SEEDS of LearningTM is a professional learning framework for adults who care for and teach children ages 3-5. SEEDS of Learning uses a unique combination of training, coaching, and professional learning communities (PLCs) to empower adults with the knowledge to develop oral language, emergent literacy, and social and emotional skills in all three- to five-year-olds, setting them up for success in kindergarten and beyond.

Session 1: SEEDS of Early Learning & Quality Interactions Part
Participants will build understanding of the SEEDS framework to engage in the key factors that support children's development and explore the environmental and interpersonal interactions that support children's social, emotional, and academic growth.

Session 2: SEEDS of Social-Emotional Development
Participants will examine the elements of a socially and emotionally-safe learning environment and consider how to embed classroom routines and rituals into the day, consequences for positive and negative behavior, classroom rules, and self-regulation.

Session 3: SEEDS of Book & Print Awareness
Participants will build understanding of concepts of print and early literacy development, including experiencing the characteristics of effective read aloud strategies.

Session 4: SEEDS of Phonological Awareness, Vocabulary, & Oral Language Development
Participants build their understanding of phonological awareness, vocabulary and oral language development and learn strategies to further support early literacy development for young children.

Session 5: SEEDS of Visual Discrimination
Participants will explore the elements of the Visual Discrimination Continuum of Complexity and learn strategies to embed and explicitly teach Visual Discrimination throughout all daily routines.

9. Math + Literacy in the Elementary Classroom = FUN!

Program: Professional Development

Audience: P-6 General Education and Special Education teachers, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 7/30/2024

Starting Soon
Is it possible for Math and ELA to co-exist in an elementary classroom? It sure is. Join Betsy and Theresa for a fast-paced, interactive, and engaging session that shows how to meaningfully connect the two content areas in a natural and productive way. Participants will learn strategies for teaching math concepts through explicit instruction of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

10. Getting Started with Microsoft Office 365

Program: EduTech Training

Audience: Faculty / Staff

Dates: 7/30/2024

Starting Soon
Learn the basics of Microsoft 365. This session will cover OneDrive, SharePoint, and Outlook. We will go over organization, sharing, and editing files. Bring your device, questions, and be ready to learn. At the end of this session you will feel comfortable with the Microsoft platform!

**To support the migration to Microsoft 365, all W-FL BOCES employees can register for this workshop at no cost.

11. Alternatives to Key Words in Math Problems

Program: Professional Development

Audience: K-5 teachers, math leaders, curriculum administrators

Dates: 7/31/2024

Starting Soon
Are your students struggling with word problems and/or constructed response type questions? Current research shows that teaching students key words to solve these types of problems hurts students more than helps them. Come learn alternatives to using key words to turn your students into problem solving mathematicians who can tackle any math question that comes their way!

12. Al in Education

Program: EduTech Training

Audience: Faculty

Dates: 8/1/2024

Starting Soon
This session will cover some philosophical and practical points / tactics for using AI in education. Whether you are looking for ways to ramp up your own workflow with teacher-facing AI tools, or even to begin incorporating AI into your lessons with students, you will leave with suggestions and tools in your back pocket.

13. EduTech Open House - Newark

Program: Meetings

Audience: Superintendents, Business officials, Data Protection Officiers, and IT Coordinators

Dates: 8/2/2024

Starting Soon
We invite you to an EduTech Open House, designed especially for Superintendents, Business Officials, Data Protection Officers, and IT coordinators. Learn how EduTech's services can enhance your overall efficiencies and district support by browsing our range of services. This open house gives you the opportunity to meet our staff that run the services we offer. 

14. Intro to Problem Based Learning in Math Class

Program: Professional Development

Audience: All Teachers of Mathematics

Dates: 8/5/2024

Why should I learn about Problem-Based Learning (PrBL)? What does it look like? How do I get started?

During this workshop, we will explore these questions and the instructional approach of PrBL. Research shows this way of teaching and learning can improve test scores and student confidence in their math abilities, to name a couple of the numerous benefits of PrBL! Let's explore Problem-Based Learning and how to implement it in your math class.

15. Excelling at Excel - Beginners Level

Program: EduTech Training

Audience: Faculty / Staff

Dates: 8/5/2024

Learn the basics of navigating and creating workbooks and spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel. This session will focus on formatting spreadsheets and incorporating some basic functions to make your data work for you. We will include time for demos and skill-building through practice. If you are looking for a double dose of Excel, sign up for the intermediate level as well, taking place right after this one.

**To support the migration to Microsoft 365, all W-FL BOCES employees can register for this workshop at no cost.

16. Excelling at Excel - Intermediate Level

Program: EduTech Training

Audience: Faculty / Staff

Dates: 8/5/2024

This session will pick up where the beginners level leaves off. We will dive deeper into Microsoft Excel's time-saving features like autofill, flashfill, tables, filters, slicers, and conditional formatting. We will also take a closer look at the IF function to learn how to automate your spreadsheets a bit.

**To support the migration to Microsoft 365, all W-FL BOCES employees can register for this workshop at no cost.

17. Intro to Restorative Practices

Program: School Culture and Climate Grant

Audience: UPK - 12 Educators and School Staff

Dates: 8/6/2024

All humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive. Restorative practices is a field within the social sciences that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. Though newer to the social sciences, restorative practices have deep roots within indigenous communities throughout the world.

In this workshop, participants will learn how to set high expectations of their students while being supportive. They will practice how to provide direct feedback and how to ask questions that foster accountability while remaining supportive to young people. Participants will also learn the most effective methods to resolve common conflicts that we see daily in our schools. In addition, they will gain a deeper understanding of community building through the power of the circle.

18. Smart Start Grant Year 4 Engineering for the Future Session C

Program: Smart Start Grant - year 4

Audience: K-8 Educators participating in the Smart Start Grant

Dates: 8/6/2024 to 3/18/2025

This professional development institute focuses on providing immersive experiences for teachers to engage in the work of engineers in the laboratories where they conduct their research, as the foundation to plan and implement engineering learning experiences with their students over the following school year. Participants will learn first-hand about the Engineering practices in STEM. There will be opportunities for participants to reflect on their own classroom practice; identify current technological resources within their school and district; have collaborative conversations about implementation; and then apply this personal learning to developing classroom digitally-rich STEM experiences for their students. Instructional technology will be woven into the learning. Teachers that register for this session are commiting to the Summer Institute and 4 additional half day session during the school year, as well as coaching with UofR mentors.
Teaching and learning are much easier when the classroom runs like a well-oiled machine. Join Betsy Serapilio to learn about easy and practical ways to establish classroom routines, procedures, and expectations that promote student engagement and set the stage for a successful school year for your students and you.

20. Mentoring for the 21st Century

Program: Professional Development

Audience: P-16 General Education and Special Education teachers, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 8/8/2024

Mentoring relationships are central to the success of developing and retaining effective practitioners in our schools. Successful mentoring creates a collaborative instructional partnership by establishing the norm that learning is a lifelong process. This full-day session will provide strategies for mentor teachers to create a collaborative and trusting partnership with their mentees. Mentors will also be introduced to the NYS Mentoring Standards.

21. Becoming A Culturally Responsive Educator

Program: Professional Development

Dates: 8/8/2024

Join staff development trainer Hilary Chaya for this professional learning experience. Participants will explore the NYSED Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework by analyzing the student and teacher guidelines outlined in the framework. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their classroom practice and develop a plan of action to further incorporate the Framework within their setting, with a specific focus on creating a sense of belonging and a welcoming & affirming environment. Time will also be spent discussing the research work of Zaretta Hammond (Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain) and Floyd Cobb & John Krownapple (Belonging Through a Culture of Dignity).

22. SchoolTool Census Training - 9-11AM

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: Registrars, Office Staff

Dates: 8/8/2024

For Registrars, Office Staff
Intro to SchoolTool; Census Overview; Census Search Submodule; Contacts Tab; Addresses Tab; Student Tab; Demographics Tab; Letters, User Defined, Notes Tabs; Reports; Add a Family; Contacts Tab; Addresses Tab; Student Tab; Add/Delete Person Submodule; Reports Submodule; Batch Enrollment Submodule; Batch Program Services Submodule

23. EduTech Open House - Leroy

Program: Meetings

Audience: District Superintendents, Business Officials, Data Protection Officers, and IT Coordinators

Dates: 8/9/2024

We invite you to an EduTech Open House, designed especially for Superintendents, Business Officials, Data Protection Officers, and IT coordinators. Learn how EduTech's services can enhance your overall efficiencies and district support by browsing our range of services. This open house gives you the opportunity to meet our staff who run the services we offer. 

24. Performance Level Descriptors and What They Can Do in Math Class

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Grades 3-12 Math Teachers, Math Leaders and Curriculum Administrators

Dates: 8/9/2024

Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) tell you the specific knowledge and skills expected of students when they demonstrate proficiency of a learning standard. A deeper understanding of the different levels within one standard can help teachers remediate or enrich student learning. Join Theresa Patchen to explore the NYS Next Generation Mathematics PLDs and how they can help strengthen student success in the classroom and on state assessments.

25. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention 2 edition

Program: Professional Development

Audience: This course is designed for School Personnel

Dates: 8/12/2024 to 8/15/2024

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) is a trauma-informed crisis prevention and management system. The TCIS system helps staff create a learning environment that decreases risk factors while increasing protective factors so both students and staff can feel safe. TCIS provides staff an understanding of trauma sensitive practices and skills (co-regulation) to help students learn how to regulate and manage their own emotions. These newly learned skills encourage a greater willingness and capacity for our students to learn.

TCIS helps participants and schools to:

◉ Create a trauma-sensitive environment where students and adults are safe and feel safe within their roles as a staff member
◉ Pro-actively prevent and/or deescalate potential crisis situations with the students they work with
◉ Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to students and staff
◉ Process the crisis event with students and each other to help improve their coping strategies to reduce future risk

26. APPR Lead Evaluator of TEACHERS Recertification

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Previously Certified Lead Evaluators of Teachers

Dates: 8/13/2024

This training is designed for administrators who evaluate teachers and have already attended a 4 day initial APPR training. This APPR Lead Evaluator of Teachers Recertification Training is in accordance with the 9 assurance areas as outlined in 3012-D regulations.

27. SchoolTool Medical Module Overview - 1-3PM

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: School Nurses

Dates: 8/13/2024

For School Nurses
Complete overview of each of the sub modules under the Medical Module including how to add Medication Types, setup pre-scheduled Medicine Disposition visits and track Immunizations

28. Smart Start Grant Year 4 Computer Science and Digital Fluency for the Future Full Year Participants August Institute

Program: Smart Start Grant - year 4

Audience: K-8 Educators participating in the Smart Start Grant

Dates: 8/13/2024 to 3/13/2025

The goal of this "strand” is to create each year a cadre of 60 "unique” K-8 teachers that will support the implementation of the new NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards while also reinforcing an effective use of instructional technology. Teachers that register for this session are commiting to the Summer Institute and 4 additional half day session during the school year, and PLC meetings with UofR mentor, concluding with a presentation of their work in March. In addition to the synchronous online work, there will be asynchronous work that will be assigned.

29. Smart Start Grant Year 4 Computer Science and Digital Fluency for the Future Half Year Participants August Institute

Program: Smart Start Grant - year 4

Audience: K-8 Educators participating in the Smart Start Grant

Dates: 8/13/2024 to 12/5/2024

The goal of this "strand” is to create each year a cadre of 60 "unique” K-8 teachers that will support the implementation of the new NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards while also reinforcing an effective use of instructional technology. Teachers that register for this session are commiting to the Summer Institute and 2 additional half day session during the school year, concluding with a presentation of their work in December. In addition to the synchronous online work, there will be asynchronous work that will be assigned.

30. Summer Regional DPO Meeting - LeRoy

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 8/14/2024

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues. At the summer session, we will focus on annual requirements of a DPO and suggestions for relevant documentation. Participants should bring or have access to the following documents to workshop them: Incident Response Plan, Disaster Recovery Playbook, data flow map, risk management register, other relevant tech procedures documentation.

31. Foundations of Psychological Safety for Leaders | Creating Brave Spaces

Program: School Culture and Climate Grant

Audience: UPK - 12 Leaders

Dates: 8/14/2024

In the research article "Feeling Safe at Work: Development and Validation of he Psychological Safety Inventory,” the authors write, "Psychological safety, defined as perceptions that an individual within a team is supported and feels safe to take interpersonal risks, voice opinions, and share ideas, is vital for organizational effectiveness.” Understanding this concept is a key to cultivating Brave Spaces and it is from these Brave Spaces that our culture can be strengthened. Join staff development trainer, Erica Ebert for an engaging and interactive online PD where leaders will explore: The four stages of safety and their impact on collaboration, compassion and culture throughout your District.

32. Frontline Medicaid New User Basics

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: New Frontline Medicaid Central Office Users

Dates: 8/14/2024

This training will cover the basics of Medicaid claiming from the billing clerk/administrative perspective. Topics to be covered include: Orders/Referrals, Importing Services, Reviewing and Submitting Claims, Claims Analysis, OPRA Registration, and Affiliating Providers to the District. This training assumes no knowledge of Frontline Medicaid.

33. Summer Regional DPO Meeting - Newark

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 8/16/2024

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues. At the summer session, we will focus on annual requirements of a DPO and suggestions for relevant documentation. Participants should bring or have access to the following documents to workshop them: Incident Response Plan, Disaster Recovery Playbook, data flow map, risk management register, other relevant tech procedures documentation.

34. Increasing Fluency: Dr. Nicki Newton's Math Running Records - Register by August 1st

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: K-5 Teachers, Math Leaders, Curriculum Administrators

Dates: 8/16/2024

Dr. Nicki Newton's Math Running Records is a researched strategy for teachers to increase student fluency with basic math facts. In this workshop we will learn about the progression of math facts, what a Math Running Record is, how to administer a math running record and what to do with the information you learn from the RR.

For this workshop, you will need a copy of the book Math Running Records in Action (Eye on Education Books) 1st Edition. Register by August 1st to receive a copy as part of your registration cost, registrations after August 1st purchase book on your own.

35. Microsoft Teams for Beginners

Program: EduTech Training

Audience: Faculty / Staff

Dates: 8/16/2024

Learn the basics of Microsoft Teams. We will cover the essentials of how to access, manage, and engage with your colleagues and students on Microsoft Teams.

**To support the migration to Microsoft 365, all W-FL BOCES employees can register for this workshop at no cost.

36. Upstate Institute - Food Service Personnel Conference - GENESEO -Register by August 1st

Program: Upstate Institute for School Boards & Staff Development

Audience: School district food service personnel: staff, supervisors, and directors

Dates: 8/20/2024

Upstate Institute for School Boards and Staff Development, through a partnership with Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES, is excited to host the Food Service Personnel Conference. This conference will feature Ervin Watson's, a 17-year veteran of school nutrition, keynote session "Bend Don't Break." The Conference will also feature additional sessions: civil rights and responsibilities in the school nutrition programs, gratitude workshop, FUNdamentals of school nutrition, communication, and chef demo.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Send information regarding any dietary allergies to by August 1, 2024.

Registration deadline is August 1, 2024

37. SchoolTool Counseling Training - 9-11AM

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: School Counselors, Counseling Secretaries, Principals

Dates: 8/20/2024

For School Counselors, Principals
Counseling Search; Batch Enrollment Edit; Assessments; Batch Edit Schedules; Activities; User Defined Assessments; Course History; Alternative Enrollments; Retrieve Student Grades; Grades Tab; Reports; Managing Student Schedules

38. Upstate Institute - Food Service Personnel Conference - PALMYRA-MACEDON - Register by August 1st

Program: Upstate Institute for School Boards & Staff Development

Audience: School district food service personnel: staff, supervisors, and directors

Dates: 8/22/2024

Upstate Institute for School Boards and Staff Development, through a partnership with Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES, is excited to host the Food Service Personnel Conference at Palmyra-Macedon. This conference will feature Jeff Joiner's keynote session "How to Have More Fun, Less Stress, and Make Time Fly at Work!" The Conference will also feature additional sessions: civil rights and responsibilities in the school nutrition programs, and learning to work productively with people.

Brunch will be provided at 10:30am. Send information regarding any dietary allergies to by August 1, 2024.

Registration deadline is August 1, 2024

39. SchoolTool Counseling Training - 1-3PM

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: School Counselors, Counseling Secretaries, Principals

Dates: 8/22/2024

For School Counselors, Principals
Counseling Search; Batch Enrollment Edit; Assessments; Batch Edit Schedules; Activities; User Defined Assessments; Course History; Alternative Enrollments; Retrieve Student Grades; Grades Tab; Reports; Managing Student Schedules

40. Ins & Outs of Section V: Policies, Procedures & Resources

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Athletic Directors, Athletic Office Personnel

Dates: 9/16/2024

This course will provide a deep dive in to Section V, the rules, regulations and policies of the organization and key take aways Athletic Directors need to know to operate within the regulations and policies and support student athletes, coaches, and all stakeholders.

41. New Athletic Director Series

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: New Athletic Directors, Athletic Directors with one to three years of experience, all Athletic Directors

Dates: 9/16/2024 to 4/29/2025

This series is open to all Athletic Directors, but intentionally planned for first year ADs and those with one to three years of experience. Topics and discussion will include detailed support pertinent for new Athletic Directors relative to Section V Policy, NYSPHSAA Rules & Regulations, Strategies & Best Practices for Athletic Offices, and strategies for managing the day to day needs of an athletic office. In addition, this course will provide strategies and supports for Athletic Directors who also oversee Physical Education & Health in their Districts.

42. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention 2 edition

Program: Professional Development

Audience: This course is designed for School Personnel

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 9/25/2024

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) is a trauma-informed crisis prevention and management system. The TCIS system helps staff create a learning environment that decreases risk factors while increasing protective factors so both students and staff can feel safe. TCIS provides staff an understanding of trauma sensitive practices and skills (co-regulation) to help students learn how to regulate and manage their own emotions. These newly learned skills encourage a greater willingness and capacity for our students to learn.

TCIS helps participants and schools to:

◉ Create a trauma-sensitive environment where students and adults are safe and feel safe within their roles as a staff member
◉ Pro-actively prevent and/or deescalate potential crisis situations with the students they work with
◉ Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to students and staff
◉ Process the crisis event with students and each other to help improve their coping strategies to reduce future risk

43. The Reading League - Administrator Info Session

Program: Professional Development

Audience: School Administrators and Literacy Leaders

Dates: 9/20/2024

Administrators and literacy leaders are invited to learn about the big lessons from the body of research commonly known as the "science of reading." The Reading League is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to advance the awareness, understanding, and use of evidence-based reading instruction. At The Reading League, we don't sell programs; we equip educators with knowledge to make their teaching more effective. Join us to learn what is possible when a school transforms their practice toward the science of reading, and what it means to be a TRL PD Partner.

Lunch will be available beginning at 12:00; The session will begin promptly at 12:30

44. Consortium on Trauma, Illness and Grief in Schools (TIG) Core Curriculum Training - Register by August 16th

Program: Professional Development

Audience: School Trauma Teams - Administrators, Counselors, Psychologists, Communications Staff

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 12/11/2024

Wait List
From Trauma to Healing; Building a Trauma Sensitive Approach to Service Delivery

There is a growing awareness that trauma is pervasive and that the impact of trauma is often deep and life shaping. Trauma and toxic stress are often at the center of a person's mental health challenges, substance use, physical health issues and/or involvement with the justice system. This means, whether or not it is fully recognized, staff at our school districts are working with survivors of trauma.

Creating a trauma-informed system requires not only understanding the impact of trauma, but implementing changes in the service delivery that align with the five core principles of trauma-centered safety: safety, trust, choice, collaboration and empowerment.

This training aims to support staff by increasing their knowledge and capacity around the essential elements of a trauma-informed system and how that understanding can be applied to their daily practice and organizational culture.

Day 1: Grief and Loss; Trauma
Day 2: Chronic Illness; Suicide Assessment
Days 3 & 4: Group Crisis Response Skills (Critical Incident Stress Management)
Day 5: Threat Assessment Management; Infrastructure Development and Implementation

You must register by August 16, 2024

45. Medicaid Supervisor Training

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: Staff who are responsible for Medicaid documentation

Dates: 9/25/2024

A review of Medicaid documentation. Here are just some of the questions we will answer. What am I looking for on a written order/referral (script)? What is an OPRA? When should a MAR form be used? What must I have in place to submit a Medicaid evaluation claim? What is required of a UDO/USO? Who needs to sign a Provider Agreement and Statement of Reassignment?
This session will provide an overview of the Science of Reading, including theories of learning to read and how to interpret and analyze research articles. We will discuss the key elements of effective interventions according to research. The session will also address how the Science of Reading is applied to a multi-tiered system of support with practical solutions for increasing student reading outcomes. Participants will have opportunities to apply the session content to their context and curriculum. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

47. MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable #1 - Tier 1

Program: School Culture and Climate Grant

Audience: MTSS Teams

Dates: 10/2/2024

The MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable events, offered in partnership with Finger Lakes Community Schools, are designed to bring local MTSS Teams together to learn, share, and to continue to build capacity in our region (and beyond) to ultimately ensure success for our students. The collaborative time is set up with connection and content in the morning, and then dedicated team work time, and support, in the afternoon. Our October Roundtable will focus on ensuring solid systems and structures, and ultimately a strong Tier 1 foundation.

48. Coffee Talk - Topics for Related Service Providers

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: Related Service Providers

Dates: 10/10/2024

The targeted audience related service staff providing Medicaid eligible services. Topics will include entering writtten orders, evaluationm documentation, Medicaid attendance wizard, and the related services log.

49. Coffee Talk - Topics for Related Service Providers

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: Related Service Providers

Dates: 10/16/2024

The targeted audience related service staff providing Medicaid eligible services. Topics will include entering writtten orders, evaluationm documentation, Medicaid attendance wizard, and the related services log.

50. Social Studies Cadre

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Grades 6-12 social studies teachers, instructional coaches, administrators

Dates: 10/17/2024 to 5/15/2025

The Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Staff Development Department and The Center for Professional Development and Education Reform (CPDER) at the University of Rochester, are excited to partner for Year 2 of the Social Studies Cadre. This work aims to build off of the success we've experienced with CPDER's past Social Studies, Math, and Science Cadres by bringing together regional grades 6-12 Social Studies teachers over the course of the school year.

This year's theme is: : "Recognizing and Addressing Misinformation and Disinformation in the Social Studies Classroom” Additional content/conceptual priorities to be integrated with this theme include:

1) understanding how, why, and where misinformation and disinformation proliferate in students' civic lives
2) situating how we study and teach about misinformation and disinformation in the current political climate
3) empowering youth to detect and discuss misinformation and disinformation and reduce their negative effects
4) teaching in alignment with culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogies and social studies standards

Facilitators: Dr. Kevin Meuwissen, Rhiannon White, and Amy Stell - Warner School of Education, University of Rochester; and Betsy Serapilio - Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES

*Lunch is included

51. Mentoring for the 21st Century

Program: Professional Development

Audience: P-16 General Education and Special Education teachers, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 10/19/2024

Mentoring relationships are central to the success of developing and retaining effective practitioners in our schools. Successful mentoring creates a collaborative instructional partnership by establishing the norm that learning is a lifelong process. This full-day session will provide strategies for mentor teachers to create a collaborative and trusting partnership with their mentees. Mentors will also be introduced to the NYS Mentoring Standards.

52. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention 2 edition

Program: Professional Development

Audience: This course is designed for School Personnel

Dates: 10/21/2024 to 10/30/2024

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) is a trauma-informed crisis prevention and management system. The TCIS system helps staff create a learning environment that decreases risk factors while increasing protective factors so both students and staff can feel safe. TCIS provides staff an understanding of trauma sensitive practices and skills (co-regulation) to help students learn how to regulate and manage their own emotions. These newly learned skills encourage a greater willingness and capacity for our students to learn.

TCIS helps participants and schools to:

◉ Create a trauma-sensitive environment where students and adults are safe and feel safe within their roles as a staff member
◉ Pro-actively prevent and/or deescalate potential crisis situations with the students they work with
◉ Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to students and staff
◉ Process the crisis event with students and each other to help improve their coping strategies to reduce future risk

53. 2024-2025 Regional Mathematics Leadership Cadre Recognizing Brilliance in the Mathematics Classroom: Embracing Students as Sense Makers

Program: Professional Development

Audience: K-12 teachers, teacher leaders, math coaches, and administrators

Dates: 10/23/2024 to 4/2/2025

The Center for Professional Development and Education Reform, in partnership with Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES, is once again offering an opportunity for teachers, teacher leaders, math coaches, and administrators to come together to learn, share resources and ideas, and provide support to each other as we work to successfully implement high-quality mathematics instruction for K-12 students. All students are capable of engaging in challenging mathematics, and "it is extremely important that students experience mathematics in ways that help them see the mathematical expertise that resides in themselves, their classmates, their families, and their communities.” (Seda and Brown, 2021,p. 27) To accomplish this, we, as mathematics educators, must view our students as capable mathematics learners with knowledge to share. This year's Cadre will continue our commitment to bring research to practice as we focus on recognizing brilliance in the mathematics classroom by embracing our students as sense makers.

**Note: Participants will complete approximately 2 hours of asynchronous work between sessions.

Morning Beverages and Lunch will be provided.

54. Coffee Talk - EI to CPSE Transitions

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: CPSE/CSE Office Staff

Dates: 10/23/2024

A review of Early Intervention (EI) students referred to CPSE and how to properly enter these students into Frontline IEP

55. Word Recognition: Phonological Awareness

Program: Professional Development

Audience: PK-12 Literacy Educators

Dates: 10/28/2024

This session will provide participants with the opportunity to understand the research around how phonological awareness impacts reading development. Session participants will learn about the different types of phonemes and how to conduct an error analysis to determine best practices for intervention. Participants will learn assessment practices around phonological awareness and instructional techniques for intervention. Key takeaways are activities that can be used for students to grow their phonological awareness skills. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

56. NYSPHSAA Rules & Regulations

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Section V Athletic Directors

Dates: 11/4/2024

This course will cover the NYSPHAA Rules & Regulations that are pertinent for Athletic Directors to ensure compliance in your athletic program. Facilitators: Jen Lapinski/Kathy Hoyt

57. SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

Program: School Library System

Dates: 11/5/2024

SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

58. Fall Regional DPO Meeting - Newark

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 11/5/2024

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues.

59. Coffee Talk - Process Tracking and SE Events Reporting

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: CPSE/CSE Office Staff and Data Coordiantors

Dates: 11/6/2024

A review of the process tracking log, special eductaion events reporting, and SE Events Level 0 errors.

60. Fall Regional DPO Meeting - LeRoy

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 11/6/2024

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues.

61. Word Recognition: Phonics Instruction

Program: Professional Development

Audience: PK-12 Literacy Educators

Dates: 11/8/2024

In this session participants will learn about the research around phonics instruction. The units of written language (graphemes, syllables) will be taught with opportunities to apply knowledge to single and multi-syllable words. Participants will learn about assessment procedures and how to group students based on phonics knowledge to accelerate reading intervention outcomes. Attendees will examine the key elements of an evidence-based phonics lesson and will engage in these procedures. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

62. Leading and Developing Coaches

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Section V Athletic Directors

Dates: 11/20/2024

This course will be focused on strategies to develop and lead your coaches in creating welcoming & affirming run program, navigating relationships with all stakeholders, while engaging in meaningful and courageous conversations. Athletic Directors will be provided resources to turn key with their coaches and learn strategies and best practices for supporting coaches in fostering relationships, navigating challenging conversations, and creating a team and program that is welcoming of all student athletes. Facilitators: Jen Lapinski & Melissa Reeves

63. Coffee Talk - BEDS Day Reporting for CSE and CPSE

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: CPSE/CSE Office Staff

Dates: 11/20/2024

Overview of BEDS day verification for Preschool and School Age Students. Other topics to include how to report parentally placed students and CSE students placed student in other public school districts.

64. MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable #2 - Tier 2/3

Program: School Culture and Climate Grant

Audience: MTSS Teams

Dates: 12/4/2024

The MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable events, offered in partnership with Finger Lakes Community Schools, are designed to bring local MTSS Teams together to learn, share, and to continue to build capacity in our region (and beyond) to ultimately ensure success for our students. The collaborative time is set up with connection and content in the morning, and then dedicated team work time, and support, in the afternoon. Our December Roundtable will focus on Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports (strengthening current practices and using data to determine the effectiveness of these supports).

65. Sight word recognition and Orthographic Mapping

Program: Professional Development

Audience: PK-12 Literacy Educators

Dates: 12/9/2024

In this session participants will learn about the research around orthographic mapping and how to promote sight word learning with students. Specific strategies will be taught to use multi-sensory learning techniques to increase instant word recognition, including how to link spelling to facilitate automatic word retrieval. Participants will have opportunities to apply strategies and create activities to use with their students. Assessment practices in this area will also be examined. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

66. Student Athlete Advisory Committee: Roadmap to getting started

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Athletic Directors, Athletic Coordinators

Dates: 12/9/2024

This course will provide a tool kit and strategies on creating a Student Athlete Advisory Committee in your school and provide resources for developing these important student leadership opportunities for your student athletes in your school. Attendees will leave with resources and practical next steps for starting a Student Athlete Advisory Committee.

67. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention 2 edition

Program: Professional Development

Audience: This course is designed for School Personnel

Dates: 1/6/2025 to 1/15/2025

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) is a trauma-informed crisis prevention and management system. The TCIS system helps staff create a learning environment that decreases risk factors while increasing protective factors so both students and staff can feel safe. TCIS provides staff an understanding of trauma sensitive practices and skills (co-regulation) to help students learn how to regulate and manage their own emotions. These newly learned skills encourage a greater willingness and capacity for our students to learn.

TCIS helps participants and schools to:

◉ Create a trauma-sensitive environment where students and adults are safe and feel safe within their roles as a staff member
◉ Pro-actively prevent and/or deescalate potential crisis situations with the students they work with
◉ Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to students and staff
◉ Process the crisis event with students and each other to help improve their coping strategies to reduce future risk

68. SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

Program: School Library System

Dates: 1/9/2025

SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

69. LETRS 3rd Edition, Volume 1 - Register by October 31st

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Elementary Teachers of Reading

Dates: 1/13/2025 to 4/3/2025

LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling)

LETRS comprehensive professional development empowers teachers to understand the science behind how students learn to read and why some students struggle. LETRS participants will deepen their knowledge of the what, why and how of scientifically based reading instruction - while sharpening their ability to diagnose why students are struggling and how to provide proven interventions.

LETRS 3rd Edition professional development is delivered in a series of units that address each essential component of reading instruction and the foundational concepts that that link each component. The full LETRS course is two volumes. This 4 day series will address volume 1, units 1-4.

Participants will receive access to print materials and a one year online license. Each of the session dates will be with a LETRS consultant. It is recommended that in between sessions, participants complete online practice, assigned readings and classroom applications. Districts can provide their participants credit for the asynchronous work at their own discretion.

Register by October 31, 2024

70. LETRS 3rd Edition, Volume 2 - Register by October 31st

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Elementary Teachers of Reading

Dates: 1/14/2025 to 4/4/2025

LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling)

LETRS comprehensive professional development empowers teachers to understand the science behind how students learn to read and why some students struggle. LETRS participants will deepen their knowledge of the what, why and how of scientifically based reading instruction - while sharpening their ability to diagnose why students are struggling and how to provide proven interventions. LETRS 3rd Edition professional development is delivered in a series of units that address each essential component of reading instruction and the foundational concepts that that link each component. The full LETRS course is two volumes. This 4 day series will address volume 2, units 5-8: Teaching vocabulary, language and reading comprehension, and writing.

Participants will receive access to print materials and a one year online license. Each of the session dates will be with a LETRS consultant. It is recommended that in between sessions, participants complete online practice, assigned readings and classroom applications. Districts can provide their participants credit for the asynchronous work at their own discretion.

Prerequisite: LETRS Volume 1, Units 1-4

71. Frontline Medicaid New User Basics

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: New Frontline Medicaid Central Office Users

Dates: 1/16/2025

This training will cover the basics of Medicaid claiming from the billing clerk/administrative perspective. Topics to be covered include: Orders/Referrals, Importing Services, Reviewing and Submitting Claims, Claims Analysis, OPRA Registration, and Affiliating Providers to the District. This training assumes no knowledge of Frontline Medicaid.

72. Fluency: Research, Assessment, and Instructional Techniques

Program: Professional Development

Audience: PK-12 Literacy Educators

Dates: 1/27/2025

In this session participants will learn about the research around reading fluency and best practices for assessment and interpretation of fluency measures. Participants will learn about why some students struggle with fluency and how to provide intervention to promote reading fluency. Participants are encouraged to bring individual or classwide Oral Reading Fluency data to analyze during the session. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

73. Athletic Office Prioritization

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Athletic Directors, Athletic Office Personnel

Dates: 1/28/2025

This course will include a detailed look at the day to day operational efficiencies of the Athletic Offices and provide resources, strategies, and applications for optimizing and developing systems and structures. Attendees will be leave with strategies to manage the competing needs of an Athletic Office leveraging technology and task management strategies.

74. rSchool Optimization

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Athletic Directors, Athletic Office Personnel

Dates: 1/28/2025

This workshop will provide hands on learning with the rSchool Today platform and provide concrete takeaways to implement to ensure your office is utilizing this platform to best meet your needs and optimize performance.

75. Coffee Talk - Frontline IEP Listings/Custom Listings Overview

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: CPSE/CSE Office Staff

Dates: 2/5/2025

Overview of listings and how to create custom listings in Frontline IEP.

76. Language Comprehension: The ABCs of Background Knowledge: Activating, Building, and Connecting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: PK-12 Literacy Educators

Dates: 2/10/2025

In this session participants will learn about the research around how background knowledge impacts reading comprehension. Specific strategies will be provided to activate, build, and connect background knowledge to maximize reading comprehension. Session participants will learn about assessment practices around background knowledge and impacts of deficit knowledge on inference making. We will also examine common reading comprehension tools and explore differences between measures. Participants will have opportunities to apply strategies to their context. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

77. Winter Regional DPO Meeting - Newark

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 2/11/2025

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues.

78. Winter Regional DPO Meeting - LeRoy

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 2/12/2025

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues.

79. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention 2 edition

Program: Professional Development

Audience: This course is designed for School Personnel

Dates: 2/25/2025 to 3/6/2025

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) is a trauma-informed crisis prevention and management system. The TCIS system helps staff create a learning environment that decreases risk factors while increasing protective factors so both students and staff can feel safe. TCIS provides staff an understanding of trauma sensitive practices and skills (co-regulation) to help students learn how to regulate and manage their own emotions. These newly learned skills encourage a greater willingness and capacity for our students to learn.

TCIS helps participants and schools to:

◉ Create a trauma-sensitive environment where students and adults are safe and feel safe within their roles as a staff member
◉ Pro-actively prevent and/or deescalate potential crisis situations with the students they work with
◉ Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to students and staff
◉ Process the crisis event with students and each other to help improve their coping strategies to reduce future risk

80. MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable #3 - Tier 2/Tier 3

Program: School Culture and Climate Grant

Audience: MTSS Teams

Dates: 3/5/2025

The MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable events, offered in partnership with Finger Lakes Community Schools, are designed to bring local MTSS Teams together to learn, share, and to continue to build capacity in our region (and beyond) to ultimately ensure success for our students. The collaborative time is set up with connection and content in the morning, and then dedicated team work time, and support, in the afternoon. Our March Roundtable will continue to focus on Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports (strengthening current practices and using data to determine the effectiveness of these supports).

81. Coffee Talk - CPSE to CSE Transition Process

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: CPSE/CSE Office Staff

Dates: 3/5/2025

Review of the CPSE to CSE transition process, the process tracking log, and how to ensure accurate reporting for end of year special education data certification.

82. Vocabulary and Morphology: Building Networks of Words

Program: Professional Development

Audience: PK-12 Literacy Educators

Dates: 3/10/2025

In this session participants will learn about the research around vocabulary knowledge. Best practices for selecting words for explicit instruction by understanding three-tiers of vocabulary words will be applied. Participants will learn about how to use morphology as a tool to expand vocabulary and build networks of words through morphological instruction. Attendees are encouraged to bring student texts from their curriculum to apply procedures for word level instruction. Assessment practices for vocabulary knowledge will be presented with opportunities to learn how to examine data and draw conclusions for instructional purposes. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

83. SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

Program: School Library System

Dates: 3/13/2025

SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

84. Language Comprehension: Syntax, Text Structure, and Genre

Program: Professional Development

Audience: PK-12 Literacy Educators

Dates: 4/1/2025

In this session participants will learn about the research around how syntax, text structure, and genre impact reading comprehension and written expression. The session will teach concepts of grammar that can be communicated to students in a structured "kid-friendly” manner. A template will be provided to help students write sentences and apply various parts of speech to expand sentences. Participants are encouraged to bring student created writing pieces for analysis and interpretation for instructional shifts. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

85. Coffee Talk - VR11 and VR12 Certification

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: CPSE/CSE Office Staff and Data Coordinators

Dates: 4/9/2025

Review of VR11 and VR12 certification, special education data checks, amd Level 0 errors.

86. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention 2 edition

Program: Professional Development

Audience: This course is designed for School Personnel

Dates: 4/29/2025 to 5/8/2025

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) is a trauma-informed crisis prevention and management system. The TCIS system helps staff create a learning environment that decreases risk factors while increasing protective factors so both students and staff can feel safe. TCIS provides staff an understanding of trauma sensitive practices and skills (co-regulation) to help students learn how to regulate and manage their own emotions. These newly learned skills encourage a greater willingness and capacity for our students to learn.

TCIS helps participants and schools to:

◉ Create a trauma-sensitive environment where students and adults are safe and feel safe within their roles as a staff member
◉ Pro-actively prevent and/or deescalate potential crisis situations with the students they work with
◉ Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to students and staff
◉ Process the crisis event with students and each other to help improve their coping strategies to reduce future risk

87. Best Practices for Interviewing and Retaining Coaches

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Section V Athletic Directors

Dates: 4/29/2025

This course will provide strategies for recruiting and retaining coaches, specifically fine tuning the interview and onboarding processes within the Athletic Department to ensure input from various stakeholders, as well as a long term plan to support newly hired coaches. Facilitator: Dr. Patrick Irving Facilitators:

88. SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

Program: School Library System

Dates: 5/13/2025

SLS Council/Communications Coordinator Meeting

89. Spring Regional DPO Meeting - Newark

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 5/13/2025

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues.

90. Coffee Talk - VR13 and VR14 Certification

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Audience: CPSE/CSE Office Staff and Data Coordinators

Dates: 5/14/2025

Review of VR13 and VR14 certification, special education data checks, amd Level 0 errors.

91. Spring Regional DPO Meeting - LeRoy

Program: EduTech (Student, Data, Test Scoring, Medicaid)

Dates: 5/14/2025

Join fellow regional Data Protection Officers in a quarterly meeting to learn about current data privacy topics, hear from relevant EduTech staff, share and collaborate with colleagues.
This culminating session will provide participants with the opportunity to synthesize their knowledge of the Science of Reading. There will be an emphasis on application of concepts discussed throughout the series to design system level changes. For example, we will provide tools for districts to evaluate their language arts curriculum and assessments. An examination of district assessment and intervention practices will also occur. Participants will be encouraged to set goals for the following school year with regards to implementation of Science of Reading-aligned instruction and intervention. We encourage school teams and/or individuals from multiple disciplines to attend including: administrators, school psychologists, reading teachers, classroom teachers, speech and language pathologists, special education teachers, and other school professionals.

93. Leading and Developing Coaches

Program: Section V Athletics

Audience: Section V Athletic Directors

Dates: 5/21/2025

This course will be focused on strategies to develop and lead your coaches in creating welcoming & affirming run program, navigating relationships with all stakeholders, while engaging in meaningful and courageous conversations. Athletic Directors will be provided resources to turn key with their coaches and learn strategies and best practices for supporting coaches in fostering relationships, navigating challenging conversations, and creating a team and program that is welcoming of all student athletes. Facilitators: Jen Lapinksi Melissa Reeves

94. MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable #4 - TFI Action Planning and Summer Preparation

Program: School Culture and Climate Grant

Audience: MTSS Teams

Dates: 6/4/2025

The MTSS & Community Schools Roundtable events, offered in partnership with Finger Lakes Community Schools, are designed to bring local MTSS Teams together to learn, share, and to continue to build capacity in our region (and beyond) to ultimately ensure success for our students. The collaborative time is set up with connection and content in the morning, and then dedicated team work time, and support, in the afternoon. Our June Roundtable will focus on reviewing the outcomes of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory and action planning, as well as preparing for summer work.