Catalog: Monroe-2-Orleans BOCES WEBREG

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1. IN-PERSON (By Invitation ONLY): Grade 2 Save the Bees!

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 6/24/2024 to 9/13/2024

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

2. IN-PERSON (By Invitation ONLY): Grade K Weather for Kindergarten

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 6/25/2024

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

3. IN-PERSON (By Invitation ONLY): Grade 1 A Bunny's Life

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 6/26/2024 to 9/27/2024

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

4. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade K Weather for Kindergarten

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/8/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

5. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 2 Made of Matter

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/10/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

6. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade K Pushes and Pulls

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/10/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

7. IN-PERSON (Monroe County Region): 3-D Assessment Writing for Secondary Science Teachers

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Science Teachers: Grades 6 - 12

Dates: 7/16/2024 to 7/17/2024

Come join BOCES 4 Science for a 2-day experience of learning and collaborating on writing 3-D science assessments! We will use an assessment development process that is based on the NYSED model. The skills you develop can be used to write your own assessments. For this workshop, you must attend both days and have experience using the NYSSLS and PLDs. It is advised that you bring a colleague to work with. Lunch is on your own.

8. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade 2 Earth's Features

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/19/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

9. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade 3 Investigating Weather and Climate

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/22/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

10. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 5 Toys Matter

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/23/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

11. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade 5 Deer, Deer Everywhere!

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/23/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

12. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade 3 Where Are the Wolves?

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/26/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

13. IN-PERSON (5 Days): HS Science Summer NYSSLS Workshop

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: High School Science Teachers

Dates: 8/5/2024 to 8/9/2024

This is a 5-day workshop for HS Science teachers to help them align their classroom instruction with NYSSLS and the shifts that it entails. We will start with the end in mind by diving into 3-D assessments and will then move to the instructional lens. Some of the instructionally focused tasks we will engage in are: 1) Adopt a process for evaluation of instructional resources (tasks, activities, instructional strategies, labs, phenomena, storylines) 2) Evaluate instructional resources, using our process, for inclusion in a curated collection to be shared with all. 3) Identify areas of deficiency in resources and plan/implement improvements. 4) Share curated collection and evaluation process with broader educational community. We hope that you will join us for this week of important NYSSLS-aligned work before the school year begins. There will be an hour for lunch each day on your own.

14. Career Connected Learning for the Future of Work

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: District and School Level Leaders

Dates: 8/6/2024

Left Bank Consulting will provide a career connected learning workshop as an entry point for helping K12 districts navigate the Blue Ribbon Commission recommendations, this workshop will focus on the NYS Portrait of a Graduate as a lever for designing career connected learning across K12.

This session is for district leadership teams and school-level leaders. We will focus on a detailed overview of Career Connected Learning (CCL) as an approach for building Tier 1 coherence and innovation across K12 with an emphasis on post-secondary readiness for all students. We'll share actionable examples of CCL and provide a general framework for building a CCL model that aligns to NYS Blue Ribbon Recommendations on Graduation Measures and Portrait of a Graduate. District leadership teams will have an opportunity to participate in a self-assessment of their K12 practices to create a districtwide snapshot of their current CCL approach.

Intended Outcomes
- Framework for using Portrait of a Graduate to design CCL initiatives and pathway models
- District self-assessment results for immediate prioritization for AY 24-25 and future planning
- Coordinated follow-up conversations with each district in early August to support next steps

Presented by Left Bank Consulting
Audience: K-5 Educators Join Angela Stockman for an engaging exploration of artificial intelligence and the skills necessary to engage chatbots and other AI tools in ethical and intentional ways. Participants will leave with tangible strategies and experience with tools intended to streamline their planning processes, level-up their curriculum design work, and customize classroom resources rapidly and efficiently. A robust supplemental resource will be shared, where participants may find protocols and examples of district and classroom policy statements, prompts that support high quality unit, lesson, and assessment design, and an archive of the best free AI tools on the web that is consistently updated. Angela is an educator with vast K-12 classroom experience, a consultant who supports multiple districts in their AI implementation work internationally, and the former Executive Director of Distance Education at Daemen University, where she served on the AI task force, chaired the Quality in Online Learning and Accessibility committees, and served as a senior instructional designer and faculty in the department of education.

16. 6-12 Navigating the AI Landscape: Promising Practices and Ethical Considerations w/ Angela Stockman

Program: CaTS - Technology

Audience: Secondary Educators

Dates: 8/7/2024

Audience: 6-12 Educators Join Angela Stockman for an engaging exploration of artificial intelligence and the skills necessary to engage chatbots and other AI tools in ethical and intentional ways. Participants will leave with tangible strategies and experience with tools intended to streamline their planning processes, level-up their curriculum design work, and customize classroom resources rapidly and efficiently. A robust supplemental resource will be shared, where participants may find protocols and examples of district and classroom policy statements, prompts that support high quality unit, lesson, and assessment design, and an archive of the best free AI tools on the web that is consistently updated. Angela is an educator with vast K-12 classroom experience, a consultant who supports multiple districts in their AI implementation work internationally, and the former Executive Director of Distance Education at Daemen University, where she served on the AI task force, chaired the Quality in Online Learning and Accessibility committees, and served as a senior instructional designer and faculty in the department of education.

17. Reading Recovery Assessment Week - Observation Survey Training

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Reading Recovery and Essential Literacy teachers in training, as identified by their districts

Dates: 8/12/2024 to 8/15/2024

This course, required for Reading Recovery teachers in training, prepares teachers for administration and interpretation of the Observation Survey, designed to support systematic observation of young readers and writers. The Observation Survey is an assessment with a standard administration and includes six literacy tasks: letter identification, word test, concepts about print, writing vocabulary, hearing and recording sounds in words, and text reading. This session will provide explicit instruction in the administration and interpretation of the literacy tasks. Participants should expect at-home assignments as a part of this training. NOTE: This course is only open to Reading Recovery and Essential Literacy teachers in training, as identified by their districts. Assessment materials are included. Participants are responsible for providing their own supplies for the organization of the materials. A list will be sent in advance of the session.

18. Ableism PD Learning

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 8/12/2024

In this one-hour session over Zoom, participants will have the opportunity to learn about Ableism from experts in the field. The training aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Understanding Ableism: Participants will gain insights into the concept of ableism.
- Self-Reflection and Identification: Attendees will learn how to identify ableism within themselves and recognize it in others.
- Impact on Society: The training will explore how ableism affects society.

Virtual: - Meeting ID 947 3752 4566 - Passcode 834000

19. Neurodiversity - Viewing the World Through a Different Lens

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 8/12/2024

In this one-hour session over Zoom, participants will have the opportunity to learn about Neurodiversity from experts in the field. The workshop aims to equip attendees with the following knowledge and skills:
- Defining Ableism: Participants will learn to define and provide examples of ableism.
- Models of Disability: Attendees will explore various models of disability and their historical context.
- Understanding Neurodiversity: The workshop will introduce the concept of neurodiversity and familiarize participants with the neurodiversity paradigm shift.
- Political Climate and Vocabulary: Participants will gain insights into the current political climate surrounding the neurodiversity movement and specific terminology.

20. IN-PERSON (Monroe County region): Regents Life Science: Biology Investigations

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Life Science: Biology teachers

Dates: 8/13/2024 to 8/15/2024

Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative 3-day workshop that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. We will also discuss how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

21. Mentoring That Matters

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Mentors

Dates: 8/13/2024

This full-day training will provide district mentors with the required training needed to work with proteges. This training is in accordance with the NYSED Mentoring requirements and uses the Mentoring that Matters program. Mentors will receive the book, Mentoring Matters, and an additional workbook of materials for use with their proteges.

22. Emotion Regulation Basics: Strategies for Educator and Student Success

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: PreK-12 Educators and Leaders

Dates: 8/13/2024

Emotion is a complex state of feeling that impacts people both physically AND psychologically. It's essential to realize the way emotions affect the mind, body, and behavior for us all - adults, students, and families. "Emotional Regulation" is a term that gets thrown around a lot, but how much do we really know about what it means? How does it impact us? What are the precursor skills? How do we explicitly teach this to students or even learn it for ourselves and our own personal benefit? This session will allow participants to engage in this crucial area of social and emotional learning. Participants will also spend time learning and discussing strategies within a framework for success in the development of emotion regulation skills in the classroom - both for adults and for students.

23. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 1 Sky Patterns

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 8/13/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

24. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade 4 Earth Processes in NYS

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 8/13/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

25. Community Schools 101

Program: Community Schools

Audience: Educators, providers, and community partners interested in the community schools strategies

Dates: 8/14/2024

The morning will be content centric, the afternoon will be team time to discuss how this strategy applies to your building. Using schools as hubs, community schools bring together many partners to offer a range of supports and opportunities to children, youth, families and communities. The Community Schools strategy aims to "support the development of culturally responsive trauma-informed community schools that integrate school and community resources to provide evidenced-based and restorative practices organized by a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS).” This workshop will examine the foundational elements of the community schools framework and give practical examples of implementation.

26. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 4 Riding the Waves of Information

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 8/14/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

27. Superintendent Hearing Training

Program: Labor Relations

Dates: 8/15/2024

Join us for our annual Superintendent Hearing Training wherein we will review statistics from 2023-2024; new student disciplinary guide and sample letters; waivers, contracts for conduct and early returns; proving your case; and other odds and ends including a brief update on free speech. A light breakfast will be served.

28. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 1 Sending Messages with Light and Sound

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 8/15/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

29. Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI) Information Session

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Social Studies Teachers, World Language Teachers, ENL Teachers, Bilingual Educators, Counselors, Administrators, Parents, Community Based Organizations

Dates: 8/15/2024

Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI) is a FREE 30 hour leadership training program available for Hispanic high school students in grades 11 & 12 in Mid-West Regional School Districts. Each year 15 students from the Monroe Delegation are invited to attend the weekend Institute in Albany with over 250 students from across the state. Register for the PR/HYLI Information Session to learn more about how to get your students involved. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now available. If you are unable to attend the PR/HYLI Information Session, contact Anna Stukes:

30. IN-PERSON (Monroe County region): Regents Earth and Space Science Investigations

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Earth Science teachers

Dates: 8/19/2024 to 8/21/2024

Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative 3-day workshop that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. We will also discuss how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

31. Mentoring that Matters

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Mentors

Dates: 8/20/2024

This full-day training will provide district mentors with the required training needed to work with proteges. This training is in accordance with the NYSED Mentoring requirements and uses the Mentoring that Matters program. Mentors will receive the book, Mentoring Matters, and an additional workbook of materials for use with their proteges.

32. TCIS Refresher

Program: TCIS - Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools

Dates: 8/22/2024

This is a 1-day TCIS recertification class for staff that are already TCIS certified and need their yearly recertification. *LUNCH- please bring your own lunch to this training. A 1/2 hour duty-free time is included. *PHYSICAL COMPONENT- you will be asked to participate in a required physical component to this training to be recertified. If you cannot participate in the physical component, you are still required to stay until the training is over. Please review your TCIS student workbook prior to the training and you are encouraged to bring it with you to the training. ATTIRE: Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes to this training.

33. Ancestor Approved - Book Study - virtual meeting on zoom

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: 3rd - 9th grade teachers, ENL teachers, Social Studies teachers, ELA teachers, coaches, librarians

Dates: 8/23/2024

ANCESTOR APPROVED INTERTRIBAL STORIES FOR KIDS BY CYNTHIA LEITICH SMITH This book is a collection of stories and poems by Native writers written for 8-12 year olds. Some of the stories intersect as families plan for, travel, and attend a powwow in Michigan. Enjoy the themes of friendship, heritage, culture, trust, strength, pride, and family as you hear the stories come alive told by different voices. This book is available (free) on Hoopla as an audiobook, or at Hipocampo Childrens Books. The book study runs from August 6 - August 23, 2024. You must register by August 2nd. While most of the course is asynchronous (on your own time) there is a mandatory VIRTUAL ZOOM meeting on August 23, 2024 from 10:00 - 11:00am. Participants will receive 6 CTLE Credits.

34. TCIS FULL Training

Program: TCIS - Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools

Dates: 8/26/2024 to 8/29/2024

This training is offered as a four-day format which allows for certification in verbal and physical interventions. This entire training will be conducted in-person. Participants must attend all four days for certification. Materials: You will be receiving a TCIS Student Workbook. You are responsible for reading this entire workbook. Please read Modules 1-3 (through page W43) prior to the first day of training and be sure to bring your workbook to the training. Physical Component: You will be asked to participate in a required physical component to this training to be certified in TCIS. If you cannot participate in the physical component, you are still required to stay for the entire duration of the training. Attire: Wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, mask and bring any other PPE you would typically use for a physical restraint. (i.e., face shield) Lunch is on your own.

35. Mentoring that Matters Refresher

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Mentors

Dates: 8/27/2024

This three-hour training will provide district mentors who have already been trained with the opportunity to revisit the Mentoring that Matters content and have guided practice with mentoring skills. Mentors will also have the opportunity to begin planning their sessions with their proteges.

36. Reading Recovery Teacher Training Class - 2024-2025 Fall

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Only Teachers accepted into the Reading Recovery Training Program

Dates: 8/27/2024 to 12/10/2024

This course is designed to introduce experienced teachers to the principles and practices of Reading Recovery. This course is required for and open only to teachers accepted into the Reading Recovery training program.
(For more information, please contact Stephanie Smyka:

Teachers will:
* Develop their understanding of reading and writing processes.
* Become skilled at using a range of systematic observation techniques to assess and guide children's reading and writing progress.
* Become competent at using the specific Reading Recovery procedures.
* Be able to design individual instruction that assists the child to produce effective strategies for working on text.
* Be able to critically evaluate their work and that of their peers.
* Be able to guide the program and report regularly on its operation in their schools.

37. New to NYSITELL & Welcoming New ELLs Hybrid Training

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Any certified educator who has not yet been trained to administer the NYSITELL

Dates: 8/28/2024

In this course, we cover the New York state English language learner ID process from enrollment to exit. Participants will learn everything they need to know to successfully administer the New York State Identification of English Language Learners test (NYSITELL). This is a hybrid course. Participants will first join us at the Monroe 2 BOCES PD Center and will complete the rest of the course at their own pace within one month. All components must be complete to receive credit.

38. Summer 2024 Authors Study- August

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: All School Staff

Dates: 8/31/2024

Please join Midwest RBERN for a summer author study focusing on Middle Grades author Katherine Marsh. We will be reading The Lost Year. Thirteen-year-old Matthew is miserable. His journalist dad is stuck overseas indefinitely, and his mom has moved in his one-hundred-year-old great-grandmother to ride out the Covid pandemic, adding to his stress and isolation. But when Matthew finds a tattered black-and-white photo in his great-grandmother's belongings, he discovers a clue to a hidden chapter of her past-one that will lead to a life-shattering family secret. Set in alternating timelines that connect the present day to the 1930s and the US to the USSR, Katherine Marsh's latest novel sheds fresh light on the Holodomor-the horrific famine that killed millions of Ukrainians, which the Soviet government covered up for decades. This book study will run from August 1-31. Schoology course link will be sent to participants prior to the start of the course.

39. Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development - Opening Session

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/6/2024

Trained Reading Recovery teachers will meet as a site to develop a collective vision for the year, as well as engage in data analysis, review procedures and ground in instructional theory.

40. Orientation to the TIF Program, Fall 2024 - Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/6/2024

This professional development session will focus on the nuts and bolts of the TIF Program. Participants will review the history of the program, the current program status and goals, as well as how the program functions. Additionally, participants will get information on the basics of substitute teaching, the professional development requirements, and who to contact should concerns arise. Finally, participants will review professionalism in the workplace and expectations surrounding the TIF Program.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the structure, requirements, and expectations of being part of the program, including key processes and procedures, such as professional development reporting, resignation/leave of absence (LOA) procedures, and infractions.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the basics of substitute teaching, including safety procedures, attendance requirements, and how to read a sub plan.

41. Professional Boundaries for TIF Fellows, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/6/2024

Participants will explore the laws to which educators are bound when working for a district, along with a discussion of how close is too close in interacting with students. Professional boundaries will review the nuances of maintaining a positive relationship in various types of interactions, with students and families, while being cognizant of what can be considered "crossing the line.” This awareness will help you protect yourself and your students in your daily interactions. We will review scenarios and engage in discussions of real-life situations to better prepare you to uphold the high professional standards to which all TIF Fellows are held.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the various professional expectations that they will be held to in the fellowship, including guidance on social media, dress, language, and relationship building.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the laws governing educators as it relates to professionalism and student interaction.

42. Orientation to the TIF Program, Fall 2024 - Option 2

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/10/2024

This professional development session will focus on the nuts and bolts of the TIF Program. Participants will review the history of the program, the current program status and goals, as well as how the program functions. Additionally, participants will get information on the basics of substitute teaching, the professional development requirements, and who to contact should concerns arise. Finally, participants will review professionalism in the workplace and expectations surrounding the TIF Program.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the structure, requirements, and expectations of being part of the program, including key processes and procedures, such as professional development reporting, resignation/leave of absence (LOA) procedures, and infractions.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the basics of substitute teaching, including safety procedures, attendance requirements, and how to read a sub plan.

43. Professional Boundaries for TIF Fellows, Option 2

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/10/2024

Participants will explore the laws to which educators are bound when working for a district, along with a discussion of how close is too close in interacting with students. Professional boundaries will review the nuances of maintaining a positive relationship in various types of interactions, with students and families, while being cognizant of what can be considered "crossing the line.” This awareness will help you protect yourself and your students in your daily interactions. We will review scenarios and engage in discussions of real-life situations to better prepare you to uphold the high professional standards to which all TIF Fellows are held.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the various professional expectations that they will be held to in the fellowship, including guidance on social media, dress, language, and relationship building.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the laws governing educators as it relates to professionalism and student interaction.

44. Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI) Information Session

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: High School and District Administrators; DEI Coordinators; High school teachers: Social Studies, ELA, ENL, Bilingual; High School Counselors; Community Members; Social Workers

Dates: 9/12/2024

Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI) is a FREE 30 hour leadership training program available for Hispanic high school students in grades 11 & 12 in Mid-West Regional School Districts. Each year 15 students from the Monroe Delegation are invited to attend the weekend Institute in Albany with over 250 students from across the state. This program is for students who speak, listen, read, and write in English OR Spanish. Scholarship opportunities are available for 12th grade students. Register for the PR/HYLI Information Session to learn more about how to get your students involved. Student enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now available. A ZOOM LINK WILL BE SENT 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING TIME. If you are unable to attend the PR/HYLI Information Session, contact Anna Stukes:

45. ONLINE Grade 1: Sky Patterns

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/12/2024 to 9/26/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional learning workshops include guidance on NYSSLS-aligned instructional strategies specific to the unit of study, formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin teaching the unit to their students. Participants should plan to attend all dates of synchronous, online instruction. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

46. ONLINE Grade 5: Deer, Deer Everywhere!

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/12/2024 to 9/26/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional learning workshops include guidance on NYSSLS-aligned instructional strategies specific to the unit of study, formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin teaching the unit to their students. Participants should plan to attend all dates of synchronous, online instruction. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

47. IN-PERSON (Monroe County region): Regents Life Science: Biology Investigations

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Life Science: Biology teachers

Dates: 9/16/2024 to 9/17/2024

Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative 2-day workshop that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. We will also discuss how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

48. Regional School Counselor Group

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: School Counselors

Dates: 9/16/2024 to 5/28/2025

School Counselors attending these meetings will receive updates from the NYSED and various districts, contribute to planning the Annual Regional School Counselor Conference, and provide feedback to shape our professional development initiatives. They will also have the opportunity to suggest conference topics, ensuring our agenda aligns with the needs of the counseling community. These meetings are a cornerstone of our commitment to continuous learning and collaboration.

49. Orientation to the TIF Program, Fall 2024 - Option 4

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/16/2024

This professional development session will focus on the nuts and bolts of the TIF Program. Participants will review the history of the program, the current program status and goals, as well as how the program functions. Additionally, participants will get information on the basics of substitute teaching, the professional development requirements, and who to contact should concerns arise. Finally, participants will review professionalism in the workplace and expectations surrounding the TIF Program.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the structure, requirements, and expectations of being part of the program, including key processes and procedures, such as professional development reporting, resignation/leave of absence (LOA) procedures, and infractions.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the basics of substitute teaching, including safety procedures, attendance requirements, and how to read a sub plan.

50. Professional Boundaries for TIF Fellows, Option 4

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/16/2024

Participants will explore the laws to which educators are bound when working for a district, along with a discussion of how close is too close in interacting with students. Professional boundaries will review the nuances of maintaining a positive relationship in various types of interactions, with students and families, while being cognizant of what can be considered "crossing the line.” This awareness will help you protect yourself and your students in your daily interactions. We will review scenarios and engage in discussions of real-life situations to better prepare you to uphold the high professional standards to which all TIF Fellows are held.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the various professional expectations that they will be held to in the fellowship, including guidance on social media, dress, language, and relationship building.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the laws governing educators as it relates to professionalism and student interaction.

51. Academy for Instructional Coaches

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 5/13/2025

Through participation in the Academy for Instructional Coaching, participants will engage in the development of skills related to building relationships, leading professional learning, and coaching individuals and teams of educators on the implementation of the Next Generation Learning Standards and the impact on student learning. Participants will engage in a student-centered model of coaching which centers data at the forefront of decision-making.

52. APPR 4 Day Training for Teacher Evaluators - Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Lead Evaluators of Teachers

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 10/1/2024

This training is for new administrators who have not been previously trained. The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers to be certified through an appropriate training process. Lead teacher evaluators are those who conduct summative annual professional performance reviews. The district must certify that these lead evaluators have been trained in the minimum requirements as outlined in the new APPR regulations. The training that we provide will meet this requirement in the manner prescribed by the SED. You must complete all 4 days for certification.

53. ONLINE Grade 1: Sending Messages with Light and Sound

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 10/1/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional learning workshops include guidance on NYSSLS-aligned instructional strategies specific to the unit of study, formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin teaching the unit to their students. Participants should plan to attend all dates of synchronous, online instruction. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

54. IN-PERSON (Monroe County Region) Grade 5: Overview of Units

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/18/2024

ONLINE Grade 5 Unit Overview: Join us as we introduce new features of our units, from streamlining and management sheets to 3-D assessments! We will then provide an overview of each 5th grade unit, including a deep dive into at least one lesson per title. We hope this new format will encourage you to attend additional unit workshops, if necessary. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training session is FREE for districts who lease at least one Grade 5 BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

55. New Teacher Training: Understanding and Using Your Strengths

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: new teachers at all levels of instruction

Dates: 9/18/2024 to 10/21/2024

Daneli Partners will work with new teachers at all levels of instruction. In the first session, you will understand your own individual strengths and how your unique profile can be leveraged to have the best possible school year. The second session will be at the building level and will strengthen the faculty as a collaborative organization to meet stated goals. The mutual understanding of each other and concerns can lead to deep conversation to act on immediate concerns while preserving successes.

Session 1: Teach with Your Strengths: "Name it, Claim it, and Aim it”
- Introduction to CliftonStrengths and Strengths-based Psychology
- Understanding Your Unique Results of Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment
- Classroom management
- Characteristics of success and "recipes for failure”
- The four domains and your place on the faculty

Session 2: My Strengths and the Team: "Claim It”
- Revisiting your CliftonStrengths
- The Best of Me
- Conflict Resolution
- Reframing a Difficulty
- Difficult Conversations
- Dealing with the challenging students
- Navigating the challenges of parents and guardians

Session 3: Overcoming the Obstacles to Success in the Classroom - Emotional Intelligence
- Stress Management
- Time Management
- AgileBrain
- Finding my place in the profession

Presented by: Paul Muench, President of Daneli Partners.

56. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 1 Sky Patterns

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/18/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

57. Orientation to the TIF Program, Fall 2024 - Option 3

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/18/2024

This professional development session will focus on the nuts and bolts of the TIF Program. Participants will review the history of the program, the current program status and goals, as well as how the program functions. Additionally, participants will get information on the basics of substitute teaching, the professional development requirements, and who to contact should concerns arise. Finally, participants will review professionalism in the workplace and expectations surrounding the TIF Program.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the structure, requirements, and expectations of being part of the program, including key processes and procedures, such as professional development reporting, resignation/leave of absence (LOA) procedures, and infractions.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the basics of substitute teaching, including safety procedures, attendance requirements, and how to read a sub plan.

58. Professional Boundaries for TIF Fellows, Option 3

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/18/2024

Participants will explore the laws to which educators are bound when working for a district, along with a discussion of how close is too close in interacting with students. Professional boundaries will review the nuances of maintaining a positive relationship in various types of interactions, with students and families, while being cognizant of what can be considered "crossing the line.” This awareness will help you protect yourself and your students in your daily interactions. We will review scenarios and engage in discussions of real-life situations to better prepare you to uphold the high professional standards to which all TIF Fellows are held.

Objective 1: Participants will understand the various professional expectations that they will be held to in the fellowship, including guidance on social media, dress, language, and relationship building.

Objective 2: Participants will understand the laws governing educators as it relates to professionalism and student interaction.

59. The Questions Teachers Ask

Program: Monroe Accountability, Assessment & Reporting Services

Audience: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 9/18/2024

Do you ever think about the questions you typically ask your students during instruction? Teachers use questions every day to enhance their students' learning. The quality of these questions is fundamental. Questioning spans the teaching and learning process when questions help to build students' knowledge and teachers seek to understand the thinking behind student responses. Participants will discover how questioning with intentionality can lead to increased student engagement, meaningful discussions and higher-level thinking.

For this course, there is no fee for educators from the 19 component districts that make up Monroe One and Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES. (Brighton, Brockport, Churchville-Chili, East Irondequoit, East Rochester, Fairport, Gates-Chili, Greece, Hilton, Holley, Honeoye Falls-Lima, Kendall, Monroe One BOCES, Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, Penfield, Pittsford, Rush-Henrietta, Spencerport, Webster, West Irondequoit, Wheatland-Chili)

60. New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) Information Session

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: High School: ELA teachers, ESOL teachers, Bilingual teachers, World Language teachers, Counselors, Administrators; District Administrators, Parents, Community Based Organizations

Dates: 9/19/2024

The New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) recognizes students who develop a high level of proficiency in English and one (or more) world language. The NYSSB acknowledges the importance of being bilingual in today's global society and highlights the achievement of multilingual students. This information session will provide a general overview of the NYSSB, share resources, and other supports for your school or district's implementation.

61. IN-PERSON (Monroe County region): Regents Earth and Space Science Investigations

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Earth Science teachers

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 9/24/2024

Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative 2-day workshop that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. We will also discuss how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

62. New to NYSITELL & Welcoming New ELLs Hybrid Training

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Any certified educator who has not yet been trained to administer the NYSITELL

Dates: 9/23/2024

In this course, we cover the New York state English language learner ID process from enrollment to exit. Participants will learn everything they need to know to successfully administer the New York State Identification of English Language Learners test (NYSITELL). This is a hybrid course. Participants will first join us at the Monroe 2 BOCES PD Center and will complete the rest of the course at their own pace within one month. All components must be complete to receive credit.

63. Bringing the Science of Reading into the Elementary Classroom

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary principals, assistant principals, curriculum coordinators, teacher leaders, literacy coaches

Dates: 9/23/2024

Talk about the science of reading and a call for changed practices in the literacy classroom is everywhere these days. The good news is that you don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water. The other good news is that by making some powerful shifts in the way we teach literacy, we can make learning to read easier for kids.

But how do you know who to listen to? And how do you support educators with diverse experiences, beliefs, and opinions in directing their energy towards those important shifts in practice?

In this workshop, Jan Burkins explores the heart part of this work, offering guidance on navigating the sometimes tricky work of helping teachers see the opportunity that these shifts offer to them and their students. Jan will also offer a high-level overview of all twelve shifts, drawing from both the K-2 (Burkins and Yates) and the 3-5 (Cunningham, Burkins, and Yates) Shifting the Balance books. Come learn common practices that need reexamination in the light of scientific research, and untangle some common instructional misunderstandings that actually make it harder for children to learn to read.

Jan understands the overwhelm of the "where to start?” question. She's experienced the confusion of "who to believe” in a sometimes polarized and heated context. Join Jan to learn about a refreshing approach that is respectful, accessible, and practical - grounded in an earnest commitment to building a bridge between research and classroom practice. And leave with insights about when, where, and how to start with implementing these shifts in your school.

Learn more about Dr. Jan Burkins at Books are not provided but you're welcome to purchase Shifting the Balance prior to the workshop.

This is a virtual session. A link will be provided prior to the session.

64. Math Fact Fluency: Addition & Subtraction

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Math Teachers

Dates: 9/24/2024

Join us for a day of addition and subtraction fact fluency! The day will be spent diving into standards, games and assessments, including time for guided planning in the afternoon.

65. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade K Pushes and Pulls

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/24/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

66. Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education - Cohort 8

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: K-12 Regular and Special Education/ENL Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Social Workers, Psychologist, and School Counselors

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 2/12/2025


This is a 6 full-day in person CR-S education training.

The sessions will be co-facilitated with 4 individuals from districts who have already been trained to build their competency and capacity in executing the Culturally Responsive Sustaining (CR-S) education training. The CR-SE co-facilitation team will co-facilitate the CR-S education content, in which an NYU Metro Center IESC associate will coach CR-SE co-facilitators before each upcoming session, co-present during the sessions, and observe district CR-SE trainers. After the session, feedback will be offered to the CR-SE co-facilitators. This session will help educators shift deficit thinking mindsets, specifically focusing on how race, identity, power, and privilege create education barriers that have historically created educational inequities for marginalized children and families. The CR-S education series supports the development of educators' ability to use race and culture to improve educational outcomes (Howard, 2010) and supports educators' engagement in a process of self-transformation in order to ensure equitable outcomes for every student (Banks, 2007). In this session, we will explore how microaggression, stereotype threat, and risk and protective factors are central in considering the role that schools have in creating welcoming, affirming, and validating environments, inclusive curriculum and rigorous instruction that mitigate vulnerability.

Session 5 and 6 will focus on identifying CR-S education school and classroom practices, developing competency around using the CRE Toolkit (CRE Curriculum Audit, CR-SE problem solving teams, CR-SE classroom tool), and developing district/school level Guardians of Equity teams.

67. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 1 Sending Messages with Light and Sound

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/25/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

68. IN-PERSON (Monroe County Region) Grade K: Overview of Units

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/25/2024

ONLINE Grade 5 Unit Overview: Join us as we introduce new features of our units, from streamlining and management sheets to 3-D assessments! We will then provide an overview of each 5th grade unit, including a deep dive into at least one lesson per title. We hope this new format will encourage you to attend additional unit workshops, if necessary. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training session is FREE for districts who lease at least one Grade K BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

69. The Science(s) of Reading - Roundtable Sessions for Leaders

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary Principals, Assistant Principals, Literacy Coordinators, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 5/6/2025

Join your administrative/leadership colleagues for an ongoing series related to understanding the research around best practices in literacy instruction that make up the Science(S) of Reading. Session topics may include comprehension, fluency, assessment, bridging processes, text selection, instructional practices and more. These sessions are designed to support leadership in literacy.

70. AI and Media Literacy

Program: School Library Services

Dates: 9/25/2024

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic, both in education and in our personal lives. While the possibilities are exciting, there are potentially negative consequences for us and for our students. The rise of widely available generative AI tools has serious implications for the future of media literacy. Moving forward, it will be more important than ever that our students have the skills to analyze the media they encounter and the habits of mind to think critically before reacting. In this session, we will talk about how to view AI through a lens of media literacy.

71. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 3 Investigating Weather and Climate

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 9/26/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

72. Bilingual Educator Collaborative

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Bilingual Administrators, Bilingual Teachers

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 5/22/2025

Please join us for an affinity group around Bilingual Education. The aim of this Professional Learning Community for leaders of bilingual or dual language programs is to share resources and collectively solve problems to ensure equitable access to education for bilingual students. Reading material for professional growth will be provided between sessions. The sessions is open to leaders of bilingual and dual language programs in the Mid-West Region. Zoom links for the entire series will be sent to registrants 24 hours prior to the first meeting. Note: Meetings are held from 10am-11am with additional time provided for reading material. Please register and attend the sessions that fit your schedule. Registration closes on September 24th.

73. Equitable Grading Pracitces in Action

Program: Monroe Accountability, Assessment & Reporting Services

Audience: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 9/26/2024

Most educators were successful as students, so it is likely that traditional grading practices worked well for us when we were in middle and high school. However, they do not work well for all students. We have heard that more equitable grading practices promote greater success for all students, particularly those historically underserved.

It can be very difficult to imagine something different from what we lived. What would different (more equitable) grading practices look like in action? How could they potentially benefit all students? It is not about lowering expectations. It is about helping all students succeed at a high level.

We will examine scenarios where teachers use different grading practices and think about the effects those practices have on students. By the end of our time, we will discuss the potential impact for students as well as the instructional and logistical considerations of the grading practices we examine together. This interactive session is geared toward but not limited to grade 6-12 teachers.

Note: There is no fee for this class for educators who are part of the 19 school districts that are part of the Monroe 2-Orleans and Monroe One School Districts and already pay for MAARS Core Services. If you are interested in participating but you are not affliated with one of those districts, please contact Lorena at for more information.

74. Regional PD Coordinator meetings

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: PD Coordinators, District Office Administrators

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 5/30/2025

This series of meetings is designed for district PD Coordinators to meeting monthly to collaborate and share best practices. The meetings will also include NYSED Updates, problem solving and PD on various topics based on request from the group. If you have questions about this group please email Dr. Marijo Pearson at

All sessions will be Online via Zoom and the information will be sent as a reminder the day before each meeting.

75. Advanced Series in Education 208: The Power of Formative Assessments, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

In order to meet the needs of a wide variety of students, teachers must be knowledgeable about what the students know and where they struggle. Having and utilizing a range of formative assessment strategies in the diverse classroom is key. This professional development will highlight the need for and frequency by which formative assessments should be used in the classroom. Additionally, participants will develop a repertoire of options for their own classrooms, with an emphasis on gaining valuable formative assessment data along the way that informs the next steps in teaching.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an understanding of the need for frequent checks for understanding.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a repertoire of checks for understanding strategies.

76. Advanced Series in Education 209: Understanding the NYS Standards, Elementary, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

Participants will explore the resources available on the New York State Department of Education's website and review the NYS Teaching Standards along with the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) law that all teachers in New York State are subject to. Participants will also be able to explore New York State standards and resources related to their content-specific needs. This course will provide a review of how to navigate NYS teaching standards documents for ELA, math, and social studies. Participants will be encouraged to review the standards for science as well. The focus will be on teaching grades p-6.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an awareness of the New York State Department of Education's website, a knowledge of the NYS Teaching Standards, and an awareness of the teacher evaluation process and tools used.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of where to find standards documents and gain a knowledge of how to read the ELA, math, social studies, and/or science documents.

77. Advanced Series in Education 210: Understanding the NYS Standards, Secondary Math, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

Participants will explore the resources available on the New York State Department of Education's website and review the NYS Teaching Standards along with the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) law that all teachers in New York State are subject to. Participants will also be able to explore the New York State Next Generation Math Standards document and complete a deep dive into the eight mathematical practices. The focus will be on teaching middle school and high school math students.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an awareness of the New York State Department of Education's website, a knowledge of the NYS Teaching Standards, and an awareness of the teacher evaluation process and tools used.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of where to find standards documents and gain a knowledge of how to read them.

78. Advanced Series in Education 211: Understanding the NYS Standards, Secondary English Language Arts, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

Participants will explore the resources available on the New York State Department of Education's website and review the NYS Teaching Standards along with the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) law that all teachers in New York State are subject to. Participants will also be able to explore New York State standards and resources related to their content-specific needs. Not only will participants be introduced to the introduction to the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards for ELA, but they will also gain an understanding of where to find and how to read the full p-12 standards document. This course will focus on teaching grades 7-12.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an awareness of the New York State Department of Education's website, a knowledge of the NYS Teaching Standards, and an awareness of the teacher evaluation process and tools used.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of where to find standards documents and gain a knowledge of how to read them.

79. Advanced Series in Education 212: Understanding the NYS Standards, Secondary Social Studies, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

Participants will explore the resources available on the New York State Department of Education's website and review the NYS Teaching Standards along with the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) law that all teachers in New York State are subject to. Participants will also be able to explore New York State Social Studies Framework documents, standards documents, and resources related to their content-specific needs. This course will focus on teaching grades 7-12.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an awareness of the New York State Department of Education's website, a knowledge of the NYS Teaching Standards, and an awareness of the teacher evaluation process and tools used.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of where to find the social studies framework and standards documents and gain a knowledge of how to read them.

80. Advanced Series in Education 213: Understanding the NYS Standards, Secondary Science, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

Participants will explore the resources available on the New York State Department of Education's website and review the NYS Teaching Standards along with the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) law that all teachers in New York State are subject to. Participants will also be able to explore New York State standards and resources related to their content-specific needs, reviewing the introductory document to the P12SLS (P-12 Science Learning Standards), the NYS Quick Guide for reading the standards, and the full P12SLS document. This course will be focused on teaching MS and HS students as the standards do not break down according to grade level at the MS and HS levels but rather present as competencies to be mastered at the end of each exit level.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an awareness of the New York State Department of Education's website, a knowledge of the NYS Teaching Standards, and an awareness of the teacher evaluation process and tools used.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of where to find the P12SLS documents and gain a knowledge of how to read them.

81. Advanced Series in Education 214: Technology in Education, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

Participants will be introduced to the function of technology in today's modern classroom. The idea of technology as a means to enhance and transform learning will be examined, along with necessary legislation that limits student use of technology in learning as well. Participants will get a choice of several instructional technology tools to explore on a deeper level and will have the opportunity to determine how tools like ChatGPT could be integrated into their future classrooms.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an awareness of the SAMR Model of effective technology integration along with the New York State's restrictions on technology usage in the classroom for students.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of technology that they may be able to use in the field of education and a knowledge of solid resources that are frequently updated for future use.

82. Creating Affirming Spaces for LGBTQIA+ Youth & Staff

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

This training will provide introductory information on LGBTQIA+ terminology and participants will learn information about using pronouns and other best practice tips to support youth and staff who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

83. Teaching Basics 101: Classroom Management and Engagement

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 New Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

This professional development session will focus on the pillars of classroom management and engagement, including the importance of rules and norms, relationships, and routines. Participants will also explore engagement and participation techniques to ensure all students are reaching their full potential. Not only will participants gain knowledge on how to structure a lesson using key strategies, but they will also leave the professional development with a wide variety of techniques on how to manage student behavior and engage students in learning.

Objective 1: Participants will understand how rules, norms, and relationships impact classroom management.

Objective 2: Participants will explore a variety of strategies and techniques to manage the classroom.

84. Teaching Basics 103: Special Education and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

This professional development session will focus on special education law, state guidance, and key information on this unique population of students. Not only will the course review necessary skills such as how to read an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) and 504 plan, but it will also review acronyms commonly used. Additionally, participants will examine what specially designed instruction is, the specially designed instruction framework, and how to ensure that special education students receive equitable, personalized instruction in the classroom.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an understanding and knowledge of special education, including acronyms as well as how to read an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) and 504 plan.

Objective 2: Participants will develop an understanding of how to apply the specially designed instruction framework to planning and working with special education students.

85. Teaching Basics 104: English Language Learners, An Overview, Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 New Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 9/30/2024

New York State's dynamic and diverse student population includes a significant number of English Language Learners (ELLs), presenting both opportunities and challenges for educators. This professional development class is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective support for ELLs, while also aligning with Part 154 regulations. Additionally, participants will explore the many resources NYS provides, including the NYS Department of Education's website along with the Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) and opportunities that exist for multilingual students such as the Seal of Biliteracy program.

Objective 1: Participants will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of Part 154 regulations, language proficiency standards, and program models, and review strategies to ensure compliance while meeting the diverse needs of ELL students.

Objective 2: Participants will explore best practices related to English Language Learners across the content areas, focusing on scaffolding techniques and differentiated instruction, while exploring a variety of strategies unique to the needs to ELLs in NYS.

86. The Art and Science of Reading Series - ALL in One Day!

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: K-2 teachers

Dates: 10/1/2024

How does it look in the K-2 classroom?

Come join me for a full day version of my Art and Science of reading series. We will explore all 6 of the sessions in the year-long series. This is your chance to attend all six of the 1-hour PD sessions in the same day addressing the following topics:

Phonemic Awareness
Oral Language Development
Hi-Frequency Words
Text Types & Purposes

87. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade 4 Earth Processes in NYS

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 10/1/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

88. TIF Program Classroom Visit with Coaching and Feedback

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellow

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/3/2024

Wondering how you might improve the use of a strategy in the classroom? Looking for feedback on building community in the classroom? Utilize our coaching and feedback service! Adrienne Loftus will visit you (at a time/date of your choosing) while substitute teaching and provide feedback relating to a particular focus area.

Prior to the visit, a focus area based on a particular instructional strategy or part of the Danielson rubric will need to be identified and discussed between the coach and the Fellow. A debrief immediately following the lesson, or within the next days, will need to occur. In total, the pre-visit preparation and discussion will be an hour, the visit 15-20 minutes, and the feedback/debrief discussion will utilize the remaining time (counts as a paid PD credit/course).

89. Seneca Culture and Current Issues Workshop for Educators

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: preK - 12 teachers, ENL teachers, Social Studies teachers, ELA teachers, Science teachers, Instructional Coaches, DEI leaders

Dates: 10/2/2024 to 10/30/2024

Onöndowa'ga:' : People of the Great Hill. This afternoon workshop will take place at Ganondagan on October 2, 2024 from 1:00 - 3:30pm and be led by the Cultural liaison and staff at Ganondagan State Historic Site - the Seneca Art & Culture Center in Victor, NY. This workshop will give educators a deeper understanding of the Hodinöhsö:ni' Confederacy and the formation of the Six Nation's League of the Iroquois. Clan systems, social life, stereotypes and current issues will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to submit questions prior to the workshop day. The time will be tailored to what educators want to learn about. The Seneca Art and Culture Center will be utilized for high impact, hands-on learning and guided discussions. This workshop opportunity is for all educators who want to learn more and bring present day cultural issues of native people into their instruction and classroom. The specific events for this afternoon professional learning will be: The Trail of Peace, Earth is our Mother Trail, and time in the Bark Longhouse. There will also be an online follow up on October 30th from 3:30-4:30.

90. Regional Math Leaders Monroe 2 Districts

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Math Leaders

Dates: 10/2/2024 to 5/28/2025

This year, the Regional Math Leaders Group will focus on: Project Based Learning, MTSS, Updates from NYSED, and other relevant topics. Meetings will be held virtually via zoom throughout the school year. The zoom invitation will be sent the day before to all who are registered.

91. Grading for Equity - System Change Partnership Program

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Teachers and Instructional Coaches, Guidance Counselors, Site and District Leadership

Dates: 10/3/2024 to 10/4/2024

The Grading for Equity Cohort aims to improve grading practices in education, promoting fairness and equity for all students.

- Attend a 2-Day Kickoff for Teachers Cohort, 4 workshops (2.5 hours each / 2 virtual / 2 in-person) and four 30-minute, 1:1 remote coaching sessions.
- Understand history and negative impact of traditional grading.
- Learn about research-based grading practices that more equitably reflect students' understanding of course standards.
- Gain practice and support implementing equitable grading practices with evidence collection.
- Build cohort's collective understanding and endorsement of improved grading practices.

Instructional Coaches:
- Attend teacher Kickoff, Workshops, and 4 one-on-one remote coaching sessions.
- Learn how to support teachers to successfully implement equitable grading practices.
- Build understanding and empathy about teachers' learning trajectories.

Guidance Counselors
- Attend teacher Kickoffs and Workshops.
- Gain understanding about grading improvements in classrooms.
- Be prepared to support students and families with the improvements.
- Unlimited Counselors can attend.

Site Leadership
- Attend teacher Kickoffs and Workshops and Asynchronous mini-lessons for leaders throughout the year
- Be prepared to support launch of Teacher Cohort
- Learn approaches to lead and support equitable grading, including communication strategies and building shared community investment.

District Leadership:
- Attend teacher Kickoffs and Workshops, be prepared to support Teacher Cohort, gather student voices and experiences with grading, receive formal reports of program impact.
- Up to 9 district leaders can attend


92. Math Fact Fluency: Multiplication & Division

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Math Teachers

Dates: 10/3/2024

Join us for a day of multiplication and division fact fluency! The day will be spent diving into standards, games and assessments, including time for guided planning in the afternoon.

93. Regional Social Studies Leaders Group

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Social Studies teacher leaders, instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, and others

Dates: 10/3/2024 to 2/27/2025

Monroe One and Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES are pleased to offer a Regional Social Studies Leaders Group again for the 2024-2025 school year to bring social studies leaders from across the region together on a regular basis to hear updates from NYSED and collaborate. This group will provide an opportunity for Social Studies teacher leaders, instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, and others to share strategies, ask questions, and acquire new knowledge. This year we will be doing a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. Our first session will be virtual. The other 3 sessions will alternate between BOCES 2 and BOCES 1.

94. Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI) Information Session

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: High School and District Administrators; DEI Coordinators; High school teachers: Social Studies, ELA, ENL, Bilingual; High School Counselors; Community Members; Social Workers

Dates: 10/3/2024

Puerto Rican/Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (PR/HYLI) is a FREE 30 hour leadership training program available for Hispanic high school students in grades 11 & 12 in Mid-West Regional School Districts. Each year 15 students from the Monroe Delegation are invited to attend the weekend Institute in Albany with over 250 students from across the state. This program is for students who speak, listen, read, and write in English OR Spanish. Scholarship opportunities are available for 12th grade students. Register for the PR/HYLI Information Session to learn more about how to get your students involved. Student enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now available. A ZOOM LINK WILL BE SENT 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING TIME. If you are unable to attend the PR/HYLI Information Session, contact Anna Stukes:

95. Advanced Series in Education 215: The Science in Reading and Early Literacy Instruction, Part I, Option 2

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Fall 2024 Teacher Immersion Fellows Program Fellows

Dates: 10/7/2024

This course will provide participants with an overview of what the Science of Reading is, as well as key elements of literacy instruction at primary grades. The course is based in part on guidance provided by NYSED's Literacy Initiative and the Science of Reading Brief Series released in January 2024.

In Part 1 of the course, we will define the Science of Reading and discuss myths and facts related to the use of the term.
We will also explore what science is telling us about how children develop:

• oral language and listening comprehension.

• letter sound knowledge (the alphabetic principle)

• decoding skills through explicit, systematic phonics instruction

We will then discuss a few research-based instructional practices in these areas of literacy. Objective: 1. Participants will understand the term Science of Reading and be aware of some research-based instructional practices for primary grade literacy.

96. ONLINE a.m. Session: Grade K Weather for Kindergarten

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 10/8/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

97. Excellence Through the Math Practices Project - MONROE 2 DISTRICTS ONLY

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: All Math Educators

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 6/4/2025

Welcome back for year three of the Excellence Through the Math Practices Project! All are welcome to join this team as we continue to explore how the implementation of the Next Generation Learning Standards is truly an opportunity to focus on equitable instruction for ALL students. This year we will be developing strategies and resources, through the lens of the 8 Mathematical Practices, to support student success. This is open to all math educators who want to help lead the way in this essential work.

98. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade 2 Made of Matter

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 10/9/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

99. Indigenous Peoples' Day and Beyond - Culture, Values, & Literature

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: ENL teachers, K-12 teaches, Administrators, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 11/19/2024

BRINGING INDIGENOUS LITERATURE, VOICE, AND VALUES TO EDUCATION Part I will be an IN PERSON session, offered for three hours. What can we learn and teach about Indigenous values? Where do these fascinating cultures fit into our curriculum? Why is this important? Join us to discuss how to incorporate literature by and about Indigenous People into our teaching. We will spend time discussing children's literature by and about Indigenous and Native people to share in the classroom as well as focusing on mindfulness, gratitude, connection to nature, and history. Participants will leave with resources to use with students and ideas on how to lead, culturally rich discussions at school. Part II will be a one hour follow up session ONLINE. We'll further explore some of the ideas and topics we looked at in part I. Participants will have time to share what they've implemented and get feedback from the group. There will be time to ask questions, discuss needs for support and next steps with learning and teaching about Indigenous People. You must attend both sessions to receive CTLE credit for this PD series.

100. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade 3 Where Are the Wolves?

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 10/10/2024

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

101. Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 10/10/2024

Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development for Churchville, Hilton, York. Intended Learning Outcomes: * Participate in the observation of teaching procedures demonstrated by the trained colleagues behind the two-way mirror. * Engage in in-depth study of the components of Reading Recovery lessons and the theoretical foundations for them. * Continue to refine observational expertise of children's on-going literacy development in order to better inform decision making for instruction. * Learn how to best support struggling emergent readers and develop skill in teaching children selected for intervention using effective instructional procedures and theory. * Analyze reading and writing records and discuss teaching decisions. * Examine data and discuss Reading Recovery results at the school level. * Discuss and solve implementation problems at the school level. * Participate with the Teacher Leader in planning and evaluating Continuing Contact sessions. * Engage in self-evaluation and reflection of theory and practice leading to on-going professional growth and effective teaching. **Persons who are NOT trained, but are interested in observing a session should contact Stephanie Smyka, Site Coordinator: