Catalog: Rockland/Westchester Teachers' Center Institute

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1. EDPD 5037.01 Strategies for Students Living in Poverty

Location: North Rockland High School (North Rockland HS, )

Dates: 2/13/2025 to 4/10/2025

Starting Soon
Students living in poverty face challenges that educators may miss in our school settings. Ruby Payne (2019) says that students living in poverty are often in "survival mode.” This can make learning in schools challenging, but certainly not impossible for students. As a result of this course, participants will develop methods and strategies that will best meet the learning needs of students living in poverty. Participants will understand the nature of poverty and how poverty affects behavior and academic performance. Once an understanding of poverty has been established, participants will "embrace the mindset of change” necessary to assist students living with poverty (Jensen, 2009). Participants will view students as having "fluid intelligence” and develop action steps necessary to positively influence the way in which students can better understand learning standards and grow as learners/thinkers. Finally, participants will develop classroom level factors to improve student performance following the SHARE method developed by Jensen in his book titled Teacher with Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does To Kids' Brains And What Schools Can Do About It (2009). The SHARE method stands for: Standards-based curriculum and instruction; Hope building; Arts, athletics, and Advanced Placement; Retooling of the operating system; and Engaging instruction. Required Readings: "A Framework for Understanding Poverty-A Cognitive Approach”, 6th ed., by Payne, Ruby (2019). Aha Press, Highlands, Texas; "Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful Classroom Practices”, by Kathleen M. Budge and William H. Parrett (2018) ASCD Alexandria, VA. *If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must also register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment on Service Hub. Email Colleen Gill at for more information. Note: Official graduate transcripts will not be available until the official end of the college semester.

2. EDPD 5011.01 Creating and Leading a Flipped Classroom

Location: North Rockland High School (North Rockland HS, )

Dates: 3/13/2025 to 5/8/2025

Participants will develop strategies to create and lead classroom learning environments that are flipped. In 2014, the Flipped Learning Network defined flipped learning as "a pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting groups space is a dynamic, interactive learning environment.” Participants will develop strategies to guide students as they "apply concepts and engage creatively in subject matter.” Participants will refine practices to related to delivering information outside of the traditional classroom setting. By flipping the learning out of the traditional group dynamic, participants will be able to lead student learning by developing more in-depth relationships with students. Participants will also learn how to lead a more fluid classroom where students interact creatively with the content and each other. This type of teaching requires the skills of transformational leadership and participants will utilize Flip Your Classroom: Reaching Every Student in Every Class Every Day (2015) by Bergman and Sams and Flipping 2.0: Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Class (2013) by Bretzman to find and refine these skills. Required Readings: "Flip your Classroom: Reaching Every Student in Every Class Every Day”, by Bergman, Jonathan and A. Sams, San Diego, CA: ISTE. 2012 (and workbook, 2015); "Flipping 2.0: Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Class”, by Jason Bretzman, Bretzman Group LLC. 2013; "The Blended Workbook: Learning to Design the Schools of Our Future”, by Horn, Michael and H. Straker, New York: Jossey-Bass. 2017. This course was formerly CMSV CEGE 650-R01. *If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must also register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment on Service Hub. Email Colleen Gill at for more information. Note: Official graduate transcripts will not be available until the official end of the college semester.

3. EDPD 5036.01/Restorative Justice: Effective Classroom Management Interventions and Solutions

Location: North Rockland High School (North Rockland HS, )

Dates: 5/1/2025 to 6/26/2025

Based upon the book Better Than Carrots or Sticks by Dominque Smith, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, participants will learn and apply restorative practices for effective classroom management. These practices will assist teachers in not only teaching academic material but also instruct students in matters pertaining to social skills. In line with an educator's mission to educate the whole child, participants will develop strategies to: hold individual conferences with students to address problematic behavior, move beyond the traditional use of rewards and consequences, and ultimately build a strong classroom climate through restorative practices. Required Readings: "Better Than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management", Smith Dominique, et al., Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 2015; "All Learning is Social and Emotional: Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for the Classroom and Beyond", by Frey, Nancy et al., Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 2019. If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment. Email Colleen Gill at for more information.

4. EDPD 5130.01/Mastering the Teacher Evaluation Process: Effective to Highly Effective Teaching

Location: North Rockland High School (North Rockland HS, )

Dates: 5/29/2025 to 7/31/2025

In the words of Charlotte Danielson, "Teaching is complex work. It's a thinking person's job.” As a result of this course, participants will address and apply the themes of: equitable learning, high expectations, cultural competence, meeting the needs of all learners and student assumption of responsibility. Participants will identify highly effective practices around Danielson's "Framework for Teaching.” We will observe lessons to evaluate the four core areas of: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction and Professional Responsibilities. To become highly effective in the teacher evaluation process, participants will develop teaching strategies to help their students to take ownership of their own learning. Based upon Robert Marzano's The Art and Science of Teaching, participants will design instructional strategies that help students to think more logically, effectively and independently. During input sessions, participants will learn to incorporate a variety of research-based strategies into their lessons. These strategies include: providing and communicating learning goals, using assessments, conducting "deep thinking” lessons, using engagement strategies, implementing rules and procedures, and building relationships. Required Readings: "Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching", by Danielson, Charlotte (2007) ASCD: Alexandria, VA.; "The New Art and Science of Teaching", by Marzano, Robert (2017) Solution Tree Bloomington, Indiana. If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment. Email Colleen Gill at for more information.

5. EDPD 5017.01 Responding to Nonfiction with Power

Location: Online (online, ny)

Dates: 6/2/2025 to 7/28/2025

This course will help participants teach nonfiction reading skills and strategies. They will use these strategies to help their students respond powerfully and creatively to nonfiction through written responses, arguments, discussions, research essays, and presentations. Students will learn how to adapt their lessons to reach all learners. Finally, they will use the lessons taught to create a framework that is relevant to their particular students. Required Texts: "Disrupting Thinking Why How We Read Matters. Scholastic", by Beers, Kylene, and Robert E. Probst, 2017; "Reading Nonfiction Notice & Note: Strategies for Close Reading", by Beers, G., and Robert Probst, 2013, Heinemann; "Nonfiction Matters: Reading, Writing, and Research in Grades 3-8. Stenhouse Publishers", by Harvey, S., 1998; "5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children's Books", by Stewart, Melissa, and Marlene Correia, 2021, Stenhouse Publishers; "The Knowledge Gap: The hidden cause of America's broken education system-- and how to fix it", by Wexler, N., 2020, Avery, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. *If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must also register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment on Service Hub. Email Colleen Gill at for more information. Note: Official graduate transcripts will not be available until the official end of the college semester.

6. EDPD 5040.01 Responding to Literature with Power

Location: Online (online, ny)

Dates: 6/4/2025 to 7/30/2025

In this course, students will understand how to construct, teach, and enhance writing responses to texts. They will learn how to implement a yearlong framework that will move students from simple responses to multi paragraph essays. Students will learn how to adapt their lessons to reach all learners. Finally, they will use the lessons taught to create a framework that is relevant to their particular students. Required Texts: "Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility", 2nd Edition Paperback, by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, 2013, Alexandria, VA ASCD; "Notice & Note Strategies for Close Reading", by Kylene Beers and Robert E Probst, 2013, New Hampshire, Heinemann. If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment. Email Colleen Gill at for more information. Course runs asynchronously from Jan. 22 - Mar. 28. Only start and end dates are listed. Note: Official graduate transcripts will not be available until the official end of the college semester.

7. EDPD 5022.01 Responding to Historical Fiction with Power

Location: Online (online, ny)

Dates: 6/5/2025 to 8/7/2025

In this course, students will understand how to construct, teach, and enhance writing responses to historical fiction texts. They will learn how to implement a yearlong framework that will move students from simple responses to multi paragraph essays. Students will learn how to adapt their lessons to reach all learners. Finally, they will use the lessons taught to create a structure that is relevant to their particular students. Required texts: Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey. (2013). Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility, 2nd Edition Paperback. Alexandria, VA:: ASCD. Kylene Beers and Robert E Probst. (2013). Notice & Note Strategies for Close Reading. New Hampshire: Heinemann. *If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must also register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment on Service Hub. Email Colleen Gill at for more information. Note: Official graduate transcripts will not be available until the official end of the college semester.

8. EDPD 5045.01/ Making MTSS Work For All (WTCI)

Location: Online (online, ny) - Asynchronous

Dates: 7/7/2025 to 8/8/2025

Location: Asynchronous

In this online book study, participants will examine the dynamics of a multi-tiered system of supports, become familiar with the framework and learn how to support students at all tiers through research based interventions. Based on the book, The Road to Success with MTSS: A Ten-Step Process for Schools by Tom Hierck and Chris Weber, and additional resources, participants will embrace MTSS's multifaceted approach which includes addressing academic, social- emotional and behavioral needs. Teachers, support staff and therapists will all learn how to support students in many domains through case studies, while reflecting on their own current practices in MTSS. If you are taking for graduate credit and are not a student of Manhattanville, please contact Colleen Gill for info on creating your account.

9. EDPD 5050.01/Discussions and Questioning to Build Deep Thinking (WTCI)

Location: Online (online, ny) - Asynchronous

Dates: 7/7/2025 to 8/8/2025

Location: Asynchronous

In this online course, participants will explore how to facilitate classroom discussions through engaging conversations, the role of teachers as coaches during this process and how best to provide a supportive classroom environment when integrating higher order questioning techniques. When we closely examine the value of student participation in small group discussions, we find that students are able to connect with each other's thoughts and opinions and are able to engage in higher level critical thinking. Critical thinking involves logical thinking and reasoning including the following skills: comparison, classification, sequencing, cause/effect, patterning, webbing, analogies, deductive and inductive reasoning, forecasting, planning, hypothesizing, and critiquing. We will examine the link between critical thinking skills and questioning techniques by taking an in depth look at Bloom's Taxonomy and the quote, "Maslow before Bloom.” At the end of the course, you will have the tools needed to transfer responsibility from yourself to your students to speak purposefully, think outside of the box and lead an effective and engaging classroom discussion. Required Text: "Questioning for Classroom Discussion: Purposeful Speaking, Engaged Listening, Deep Thinking", by J. A. Walsh & B. D. Sattes, 2015, Alexandria, VA: ASCD. If you are taking for graduate credit and are not a student of Manhattanville, please contact Colleen Gill at for info on creating your account.

10. EDPD 5013.01 - Digital Tools to Support Meaningful Learning

Location: North Rockland High School (North Rockland HS, )

Dates: 8/4/2025 to 8/15/2025

Educators and support staff will become experts on using digital tools to communicate, create, collaborate and assess students. Participants will gain an understanding of Internet tools to create online resources, screencasting, assessments, online portfolios, communication options for students and parents, and how to maximize the learning environment to reach students through different learning mediums. No textbook is required for this course. Critical reading of assigned articles and supplementary materials are embedded throughout the course. If you are taking this course for Graduate Credit, participants must register with Manhattanville through Instant Enrollment. Email Colleen Gill at for more information.