Location: North Rockland High School (North Rockland HS, )
Dates: 5/27/2025 to 6/24/2025
New This course is designed to introduce teacher candidates to the content and current methods of teaching mathematics in elementary schools. It examines key concepts, strategies, and skills in the elementary school mathematics curriculum. Topics include theory, content included in the elementary mathematics curriculum (number sense, estimation and mental computation, place value, development of algorithms, algebraic reasoning, fractions, decimals, ratios, percents, probability, data analysis, geometry, and measurement), planning instruction, assessment, and the use of technology in the classroom. The course is also situated in a wider context by addressing state and national standards in elementary school mathematics. Interactive lectures, discussion, group work and presentations, inquiry-based methods, and field experience are used to explore and master course objectives. Required Texts: "Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally”, Eighth Edition, by J.A. Van de Walle, K.S. Karp, J.M. Bay-Williams; "Field Experience Guide for Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, Fourth Edition, by J.M. Bay-Williams.If you would like to take this graduate course and are not a matriculated Manhattanville student, please contact Colleen Gill at cgill@rockteach.org or call 845-553-9517 X110 before registering. Additional college tuition will be incurred. Registration is required on both Frontline and Service Hub to complete enrollment.