Catalog: ONC BOCES Instructional Support Services

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1. 2024-2025 Statewide Itinerant Supervisor PLC

Program: Itinerant Services

Dates: 9/13/2024 to 6/6/2025

Monthly meetings to discuss current issues, network, share resources and best practices, and brainstorm ideas to improve Itinerant and Related Services within BOCES around the State.

2. Data-Based Decision-Making to Improve Student Performance Targeted Skills Group

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: District and school administrators, literacy specialists, school psychologists, interventionists, other school staff

Dates: 9/18/2024 to 3/20/2025

Targeted Skills Groups will adopt a team structure that focuses on data-based individualization to make decisions, while using a tool/checklist to ensure fidelity of implementation, in order to improve the outcomes for all students.

3. 24-25 Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing CLC

Program: Itinerant Services

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 6/19/2025

This is a collaborative learning community in which teachers/providers from around the state can gather to network, build relationships, collaborate, share ideas, and educate each other in the upcoming trends and regulations of their field. Updates from the field will be shared and new content explored as it becomes available. A meeting link will be sent to registrants several days prior to the meeting. If you do not receive this information, please reach out to Kimberlea Curran

4. Welcome to the 24-25 School Year in the Library - Databases, Updates, Changes and Other Good Stuff!

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 9/24/2024

Welcome back to another awesome year in the ONC BOCES School Library System! This library liaison workshop will be filled with updates, new things and time to talk library. Hear about new databases, changes from the summer library work group, updates from NYS, presentations from fellow colleagues and time to work together. Looking forward to seeing you! To be held at the School Library System offices conference room on Southside Drive, Oneonta NY.

5. Transition Targeted Skills Whole Group Meetings (Credit Hours: up to 25 Sessions 1, 3, 5 and 6 are each 5.5 credit hours Session 2 and 4 are each 3 credit hours (These will happen in your district; dates TBD by your district)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Otselic Valley Central School, Milford Central School, Morris Central School, and Gilbertsville-Mount Upton School District- only

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 2/27/2025

Session 1 is mandatory for all participants. Remaining Sessions should be consistently attended by participants as they build upon one another.
- In session 1 of this workshop, the training mandated for all school districts that will be part of the compliance review for SPP Indicator 13 in the 2025-2026 school year will be presented. Attendance of Administrator overseeing CSE decisions for students of transition age is Mandatory! If you have a CSE chairperson in addition to an administrator that is responsible for meetings of transition aged students, they are also mandated to attend. Participants will become familiar with the requirements of SPP Indicator 13 and assess at least one of the samples requested in the following section.
- In the remaining sessions participants will utilize the best practices presented to as a critical lens when reviewing the samples they bring with them and as they reflect on the practices utilized within their district and have some time to work with peers/teams on district IEPs (Confidentially)

A team of representatives that work with students that are 14 and older and would be an integral part of the transition planning process for students with disabilities that may include, but is not limited to General and Special Education Teachers, related service providers, agency representatives (providers), school psychologists, school (guidance) counselors, CSE Chairperson, and administrators It is recommended that each district send at least two participants. There will be some time built into each session to work on IEPs with your district partner(s) on the topic covered. Please bring with you or have access to at least one of each of the following IEPs for students that would be included in the self-review process (15 yrs. or older): -Out of District/BOCES placement -Consultant Teacher -Resource Room -NYSAA -Home Instruction (if you have any receiving services)

6. Graduation and Dropout Rates Targeted Skills Group- Credit Hours: up to 18 Sessions 1, 3, 5 and 6 are each 3 credit hours Session 2 and 4 are each 3 credit hours (These will happen in your district; dates TBD by your district)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: A team of representatives that may include CSE chairperson/director, General and special education teachers, school

counselors, transition coordinators, related service providers and must have an administrative representative that has the

authority to make decisions (which may or may not be the Director of CSE).

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 2/3/2025

The Graduation and Dropout Rates TSG is designed to assist Educational Organizations (EOs) to

develop systems and evidence-based practices that are known to enhance successful completion of school for students with

disabilities. As part of this TSG, additional follow-up with coaching for facilitating teams, accessing data, using data

effectively to make decisions, selecting appropriate interventions, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions are

interwoven in sessions 2 and 4.

7. Least Restrictive Environment

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Invited Districts
● Stamford Central School
● Unatego Central School
● Gilboa-Conesville Central School
● Edmeston Central School

Dates: 10/3/2024 to 6/4/2025

The objectives of this group are to:
● Develop district-wide supports for students with disabilities to learn in general education environments.
● Review and revise policies, procedures and practices that result in LRE identification.
● Identify and address factors contributing to LRE identification and develop staff training for equitable understanding.
● Increase the amount of time students with disabilities spend within the general education environment.

8. Conference Day - AI in the Library and Classroom with Information Literacy expert Dr. Kristen Mattson

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians, Teachers

Dates: 10/11/2024

Learn practical uses of Artificial Intelligence in the classroom and library with information literacy expert and former librarian, Dr. Kristen Mattson. Students as digital citizens need a unique skill-set to effectively, efficiently, and safely engage in a global society. Please join us for a full day workshop exploring practical uses and the ethical use of AI. To be held at SUNY Oneonta, Morris Hall, Craven Lounge.

9. Diverse Books Club: Louder Than Hunger

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians and High School Teachers and Administrators

Dates: 10/16/2024

Participants in our DEI Book Series will read Louder Than Hunger by John Schu. We will meet via Zoom on October 16, 2024 to discuss themes and resources for teaching in a classroom. A Zoom link will be sent to participants the day prior to meeting. This title is a Middle/High School read. We can loan you a copy of the book, or you can borrow an ebook, just let us know!

Revered teacher, librarian, and story ambassador John Schu explores anorexia-and self-expression as an act of survival-in a wrenching and transformative novel-in-verse.

But another voice inside me says,
We need help.
We're going to die.

Jake volunteers at a nursing home because he likes helping people. He likes skating and singing, playing Bingo and Name That Tune, and reading mysteries and comics aloud to his teachers. He also likes avoiding people his own age . . . and the cruelty of mirrors . . . and food. Jake has read about kids like him in books-the weird one, the outsider-and would do anything not to be that kid, including shrink himself down to nothing. But the less he eats, the bigger he feels. How long can Jake punish himself before he truly disappears? A fictionalized account of the author's experiences and emotions living in residential treatment facilities as a young teen with an eating disorder, Louder than Hunger is a triumph of raw honesty. With a deeply personal afterword for context, this much-anticipated verse novel is a powerful model for muffling the destructive voices inside, managing and articulating pain, and embracing self-acceptance, support, and love.

10. The Science and Joy of Reading in the School Library - Statewide PD for School Librarians

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 10/22/2024

Librarians and library services play a significant role in the literacy development of young people. Through their expertise and the use of library resources, librarians positively influence the implementation and success of evidence-based literacy instruction as defined by NYSED's Literacy Briefs and current research about literacy and libraries. In this workshop, participants will examine research findings and instructional resources, collaborate with peers, and develop plans for supporting and enhancing students' literacy and social development. In this session, Donalyn Miller (The Joy of Reading: Supporting Social Development and Building Background Knowledge) will share research findings, instructional moves, resources, and programming ideas for promoting wide reading. Session includes work session time to explore resources and collaborate with peers. 

11. Leatherstocking Conference

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 10/24/2024

Annual Leatherstocking Conference- Pablo Cartaya, internationally acclaimed author, screenwriter, speaker, and educator will be giving the keynote at this year's conference. Come spend the day learning with fellow school librarians at the areas only local library conference! Great food, keynote speaker, many great breakout sessions, vendor floor and prizes are planned. If you'd like to attend this wonderful conference, ONC School Library Systems will cover your registration fees! Register here!

12. Zoom Office Hours

Program: Distance Learning

Dates: 10/25/2024 to 5/30/2025

Join us for our Monthly Zoom Office Hours-a dedicated session where you can connect, learn, and get answers to all your Zoom-related questions! Whether you're new to Zoom or a seasoned user, these office hours provide a relaxed, open environment to:

Ask questions about any Zoom features, settings, or functionalities.
Explore new features and updates released by Zoom.
Troubleshoot any issues you're facing in real-time with expert assistance.
Share tips and best practices with fellow users.

Simply bring your questions or challenges, and we'll walk through solutions together. Whether you need help with Zoom meetings, webinars, or anything in between, we're here to support you.

13. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 11/5/2024 to 3/4/2025

Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend.

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

****Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day. ****

14. It's a MediaFlex/OPALs Holi-DAY!

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 12/12/2024

It's our annual MediaFlex learning day rolled into a holiday celebration! OPALS has new features, update your OPALS, implement new features and customize your pages for your users. OWL has a new look for your younger students. Learn how to run those reports you need. Half day of updates and half day of hands-on work time with experts. Make your OPALS pages look like new! Bring inspiration library web pages, or use one of ours to tailor your own OPALS.

15. Science of Reading for Administrators: The First Steps

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 1/14/2025

Starting Soon
This training helps administrators gain a greater understanding of what the Science of Reading has determined to be the foundational skills needed to become a proficient reader.  Participants will explore current instructional practices in reading and the impact they have on reading proficiency.  The training will also provide context for the importance of effective reading instruction and the impact that it has on equity for all students. To overcome equity barriers, school leaders need to support educators in utilizing systemic, explicit instruction to teach the skills supported by the science of reading.  This training also highlights ineffective practices and why those may not be working; this is intended to inform leadership support of teachers implementing research-based and effective reading instruction.

16. Creating the IEP

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers, psychologists, related services, and chairpersons. Administrators who
may be in a dual administrative role such as chairpersons or directors of special education.

Dates: 1/15/2025

Starting Soon
Participants will develop their understanding of the components of a quality IEP designed to
provide students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum.

17. Consultant Teacher Services: Supporting Classroom and Curriculum Participation

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special education teachers; general education teachers; administrators

Dates: 1/16/2025

Starting Soon
The purpose of this training is to help participants understand how to use consultant teacher services to support the participation of students with disabilities in the general education classroom and curriculum. Participants will examine the purpose and goals of including consultant teacher services in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). The training will define consultant teacher services according to New York State regulations as well as offer insight into what effective consultant teacher services look like in the classroom. Participants will learn how to determine if consultant teacher services are appropriate for meeting a student with a disability's unique educational needs, what information about consultant teacher services should be included in an IEP, and the roles and responsibilities of educators in providing these services. We will also explore how teachers can engage in effective collaboration and co-planning to ensure the effective delivery of high-quality consultant teacher services.

***Must enroll into training by 1/9/24 in order to get paper copies for materials, any time after that it will be digital copies***

18. Transition In the IEP Condensed Version

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special education teachers, Committee on Special Education (CSE) chairpersons, guidance counselors, school

psychologists, and families; anyone else involved with the development of the student's IEP.

Dates: 1/16/2025

Starting Soon
The purpose of Transition in the IEP 4 Part Series is to gain an in-depth understanding of the
transition planning process and the components within a transition IEP. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities embedded throughout the training.

Part 1.1: Transition in the IEP overview and Part 1.2: Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments
• Identify key components of high-quality transition IEPs and understand the transition planning process
• Identify high-quality transition assessments
• Identify key elements of the Present Levels of Performance and be able to directly apply and implement today's concepts into practice

Part 2: Measurable Postsecondary Goals and Annual Goals
• Identify the components needed to develop and write measurable postsecondary goals
• Understand the relationship between transition needs and the development of annual goals to support the student toward achieving the postsecondary goals and identify the components needed to develop and write measurable annual goals that support each of the measurable postsecondary goal
• Understand the difference between measurable postsecondary goals and annual goals

Part 3: Interagency Collaboration, Student Engagement, and Coordinated Set of Activities
• Identify key components of high-quality transition IEPs and understand the transition planning process
• Identify key concepts of Coordinated Set of Activities
• Be able to directly apply and implement these practices to ensure student success with postsecondary goals

Part 4: Linking the State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicators and Transition
• Identify all key components related to Indicators 1 - Graduation Rates; 2 - Dropout; 13 - Secondary Transition; and
14 - Post-School Outcomes and recognize the impact of the transition planning process

19. FBA/BIP: Booster

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Teachers, CSE chairs, School psychologist, counselors, social workers, and anyone who has completed the full four part series on FBA/BIP.

Dates: 1/17/2025

Starting Soon
A Booster session on understanding the Functional Behavior Assessment, Behavior Intervention Plan, and Progress Monitoring process as it relates to the NYS Part 200 regulations. Review of each part of the original training will be included. Part 1: Understanding the Behavior Pathway by building fluency with the theoretical foundations on which FBAs and BIPs are based (i.e. the behavior pathway) Part 2: Conducting the Functional Behavior Assessment by understanding and developing the skills necessary to complete the FBA; and learning the components of the Competing Behavior Pathway (CBP) from which to develop the BIP. Part 3: Using the Competing Behavior Pathway to Develop the Behavior Intervention Plan by identifying intervention(s) to use based upon the Competing Behavior Pathway and discovering the function of the behavior. Part 4: Implementation and Progress Monitoring of the Behavior Intervention Plan by developing skills to ensure the BIP is implemented with fidelity progress monitor a student's response to the plan with regard to changes in both the problem and replacement/desired behaviors. Participants will need to have completed the four part series of Using the FBA and BIP process to support severe behaviors as a prerequisite to this booster training. Participants are expected to bring along their binder from the first training as materials will be added and/or subtracted based on new regulations. We will also have time available to review a current FBA and BIP participants are working on.

20. Library Policies - Getting policies in place for your school library

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 1/23/2025

Not sure what library policies you have for your district? Do you know why you need to have library policies approved by your Board of Ed, and why you need procedures to follow policy in your school library? Feeling confused but want to make sure you're up-to-date? This is the right workshop for you! If you already have policies in place, please attend to help our discussions and work day! Workshop will include expert speakers and hands-on work time. Location at the School Library Office Conference room, 7352 State Highway 23, Oneonta, NY.

21. Discipline Procedures of Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: District/building level administrators 1/4 may include superintendents, directors of special education, directors of pupil personnel services, CSE chairpersons, principals, deans of students, etc.

Dates: 1/23/2025

This full-day training package is designed for district/building level administrators to gain a better understanding of the process related to discipline for students with disabilities as per the Part 201 of the Commissioner's Regulations. This professional development supports the administrator's understanding of the regulatory requirements and the administrative responsibilities, as they relate to discipline, and are aligned to state law to ensure district compliance. Participants will increase their knowledge of policies, regulations, and best practices related to suspension, removal, and behavioral support related to implementing discipline for students with disabilities. Gaining a deeper understanding of Part 201 can lead to increased compliance with Part 201 Regulations for Disciplining Students with Disabilities. Covered more specifically will be the latest information and regulation requirements in reference to suspension procedures, the use of time out, and removals.

22. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 1/30/2025

***Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend. ***

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

23. Connecting and Collaborating for Social Studies Teachers (7-12)

Program: Instructional Support/School Improvement

Audience: Teachers, Paraprofessionals (Support Staff)

Dates: 1/31/2025

Please come together with your colleagues from around the region- to connect and collaborate! Specific topics and learning sessions will be developed by participant input as the date for the workshop is closer.

For a successful day together, please note the following:

- The workshop will begin at 8:30 am and end promptly at 2:30 pm.
- Coffee, Tea, Water, and Light Snacks will be provided.
- Please bring a laptop to utilize during our work sessions.
- A one hour lunch is scheduled. Going out? The group can assist with recommendations! Want to brown bag it? We have a fridge and microwave available!
- An agenda, parking instructions, and inclement weather policies will be sent to registered participants before the workshop.

I look forward to reconnecting with those of you I've had the pleasure of working with before and connecting with those of who are relatively new to the region.

If you have any difficulties registering, please contact Audra DeSilva, Administrative Assistant to ISS,

24. Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and Special Education Administrators, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, School

Psychologists and other Related Service Providers.

Dates: 1/31/2025

This training is designed to ensure that students with disabilities and their families are aware of the multiple pathways to graduate school with a diploma and exiting credentials. 1. Define Self-Determination 2. Discuss credit requirements for graduation 3. Discuss the multiple pathways to Regents diploma 4. Discuss appeal eligibility criteria 5. Discuss safety nets for students with disabilities 6. Discuss exiting credentials

25. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 2/3/2025

*** Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend. ***

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

26. Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) for Preschool

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Preschool educators, including teachers, administrator, assistants, aides, paraprofessionals, and clinical staff

Dates: 2/4/2025

This professional development training contains content and materials that are designed to help general and special education preschool and primary teachers set up learning environments that are developmentally appropriate for three, four, and five year old children with diverse needs and backgrounds. DAP involves an awareness of
age appropriate/"typical" development
what the latest research says about how children this age learn best,
individual development
recognizing each child develops uniquely and has individual strengths and needs,
cultural content providing meaningful, relevant, and respectful learning experiences for each child and family
Developmentally appropriate teachers are intentional in everything they do - activities selected to meet goals and instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners.

27. Creating the IEP

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers, psychologists, related services, and chairpersons. Administrators who
may be in a dual administrative role such as chairpersons or directors of special education.

Dates: 2/5/2025

Participants will develop their understanding of the components of a quality IEP designed to
provide students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum.

28. Diverse Books Club: Apple:Skin to the Core by Eric Gansworth

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians and High School Teachers and Administrators

Dates: 2/5/2025

Participants in our DEI Book Series will read Apple:Skin to the Core by Eric Gansworth. We will meet via Zoom on February 5, 2025 to discuss themes and resources for teaching in a classroom. A Zoom link will be sent to participants the day prior to meeting. This title is a High School read. We can loan you a copy of the book, or you can borrow an ebook, just let us know!

Winner of the American Indian Youth Literature Award, Michael L. Printz Honor winner and many other awards and nominations, this book is a must read. The term "Apple" is a slur in Native communities across the country. It's for someone supposedly "red on the outside, white on the inside." Grades 9-12. In Apple, Eric Gansworth tells his story, the story of his family-of Onondaga among Tuscaroras-of Native folks everywhere. From the horrible legacy of the government boarding schools, to a boy watching his siblings leave and return and leave again, to a young man fighting to be an artist who balances multiple worlds. Eric shatters that slur and reclaims it in verse and prose and imagery that truly lives up to the word heartbreaking. 272 pages

29. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 2/7/2025

***Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend. ***

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

30. Explicit Instruction: An Evidence-Based Practice for Effective and Long-Term Learning

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special education teachers, general education teachers, coaches, instructional support staff, administrators

Dates: 2/11/2025

This explicit instruction training package is intended to support participants' knowledge of explicit instruction and teachers' abilities to effectively implement explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is a high leverage practice that has proven to be effective for special education students. Research has shown higher achievement results for students with disabilities in both reading and math after receiving explicit instruction.

31. Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Graduation and Dropout Rates

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers and administrators, school counselors, transition coordinators, related

service providers, agency staff, students, and families.

Dates: 2/11/2025

The Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Graduation and Dropout Rates package is designed

to assist Educational Organizations (EOs) to develop systems and evidence-based practices that are known to enhance

successful completion of school for students with disabilities. The outcomes of this training may indicate the need for

additional follow-up with coaching for facilitating teams, accessing data, using data effectively to make decisions, selecting

appropriate interventions, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.

32. Regional Teaching and Learning Day

Program: Instructional Support/School Improvement

Dates: 2/13/2025

Regional Teaching and Learning Day on a Portrait of a graduate.
Michael Fisher is a Professional Development Coordinator at Orleans Niagara BOCES, specializing in contemporary curriculum design. He collaborates with schools both locally and nationwide, helping to align curricula with new standards, emerging technologies, and more recently, with Portrait of a Graduate competencies to ensure students receive high-quality learning experiences. Michael has worked with educational institutions across multiple states, facilitating the integration of these competencies into curricula, and has presented on the emerging Portrait of a Graduate transformation at both local and statewide events in New York.

Michael has written several books published by leading education organizations, including ASCD, Solution Tree, and Times 10 Publications. His most recent book is Hacking Instructional Design: 33 Extraordinary Ways to Create a Contemporary Curriculum. His forthcoming project, Contemporary Curriculum Leadership, is slated for publication in 2025.

Agenda for February 13th:
-Overview of the Transformations from the BRC
-Overview of Portrait of a Graduate
-A look at what other states have done
-Break Out Session 1: Redesigning Learning (by PoG Facet)
-Break Out Session 2: Teaching to the Portrait (by PoG Facet) - same groups
-Break Out Session 3: Action Planning (by PoG Facet)
-Debrief the collected data
-Wrap Up and Questions

33. Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Graduation and Dropout Rates

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers and administrators, school counselors, transition coordinators, related

service providers, agency staff, students, and families.

Dates: 2/13/2025

The Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Graduation and Dropout Rates package is designed

to assist Educational Organizations (EOs) to develop systems and evidence-based practices that are known to enhance

successful completion of school for students with disabilities. The outcomes of this training may indicate the need for

additional follow-up with coaching for facilitating teams, accessing data, using data effectively to make decisions, selecting

appropriate interventions, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.

34. Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Mandated 6 Hour Certification Workshop (HYBRID)

Program: DASA

Audience: Principals, Superintendents, Teachers, Paraprofessionals (Support Staff)

Dates: 2/24/2025 to 3/13/2025

The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) requires that candidates applying for certification, including educators with initial certification applying for professional certification, complete at least 6 hours of coursework/training on harassment, bullying, cyber bullying, and discrimination in schools [Article 2 Sections 10-18 of the Education Law]. This training also addresses microaggressions and social patterns of harassment, bullying, and discrimination.

We are approved to offer the DASA workshop as a 2-part course:

Part #1 Asynchronous training (Monday February 24 to Friday March 7): Participants work at their own pace during this window, to complete all tasks and assignments by the end date. This consists of a series of modules using recorded lectures, videos, readings, and activities, which takes at least 3 hours to complete. Participants need a computer/device with internet access to watch videos, view and complete documents in PDF format, complete Google Forms, and engage in online activities. You MUST complete Part #1 before you can attend the in-person session.

Part #2: In-Person Training (March 13, 8:00 am to 11:30 pm) Participants attend an in-person workshop with the trainer. Make sure you are on time, as we do not allow late entry.

Registration ends on Friday, February 7. Payment must be received no later than Friday, 02/14. Please mail your CHECK or MONEY ORDER ONLY to: ONC BOCES, Attn: Audra DeSilva, 7352 State Hwy 23, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820. (Payable to: ONC BOCES)

There is a $25 fee for employees of: Andes CSD, Charlotte Valley CSD, Cooperstown CSD, Laurens CSD, Schenevus CSD, Stamford CSD, South Kortright CSD, Worcester CSD

There is a $100 fee for all others.

Upon completion of both parts of the course, ONC BOCES will report your completion electronically. If you fail to complete you would need to pay and retake the course at the next offering.

35. Book Study: Figuring Out Fluency in Mathematics

Program: Instructional Support/School Improvement

Dates: 2/26/2025 to 5/28/2025

Exploring the book, Figuring Out Fluency in Mathematics Teaching and Learning, this book study aims to challenge and refine educators' understanding of fluency, moving beyond traditional notions to embrace a more holistic approach. While redefining what it means to be fluent in math, the book also provides practical tools and strategies to help students move beyond rote memorization of facts.

Featuring a blended learning approach, the study will incorporate asynchronous discussions with monthly Zoom meetings to summarize learning and discuss implementation of strategies.

Participants will:
-Critically examine their preconceived notions of what it means to be fluent in mathematics.
-Learn to identify and address common misconceptions surrounding mathematical fluency.
-Discover fluency routines and assessment tools that go beyond worksheets and rote memorization.
-Engage in thoughtful planning and implementation of fluency strategies that also involve families.

36. Foundations of Effective Reading Instruction: Understanding the Science of Reading

(Opened enrollment starting from Feb. 1st to Feb.28th) Asynchronous training

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Literacy Specialists; Special Education Teachers; General Education Teachers; School Psychologists; Principals

Dates: 2/28/2025

Asynchronous training through a shared Google Drive. Participants will be able to:
-describe the current status of reading achievement of students in the United States and New York State;
-describe the gap between what is known about effective reading instruction and the implementation of effective reading instruction;
-identify theories of reading that are supported by research; and
list the skills that are essential for proficient reading and how to best teach those skills

Credit will be given based on activities completed.

37. Creating the IEP

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers, psychologists, related services, and chairpersons. Administrators who
may be in a dual administrative role such as chairpersons or directors of special education.

Dates: 3/5/2025

Participants will develop their understanding of the components of a quality IEP designed to
provide students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum.

38. Function Based Thinking

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Administrators, CSE chairpersons, P-12 Special Education Teachers, Counselors, Social Workers, Regular Education Teachers, School Psychologists, and any members of district staff who might be included on a team for MTSS behavior support.

Dates: 3/6/2025

This training package offers an overview of challenging behaviors, the behavior pathway, and the function-based thinking process. Function-based thinking is a Tier 1 support that can be used for all students, which requires teachers to informally gather data on student behavior, analyze the behavioral data and use the behavior pathway to determine the function of the behavior, and to match interventions to the function of the student behavior. Function-Based thinking can support school staff in determining appropriate intervention measures that will help eliminate unwanted behaviors, which may lead to fewer suspensions and be associated with an increase in academic engagement and performance.

Participants will be able to:
describe challenging behaviors
understand the behavior pathway and use it to determine the function of behaviors
understand the function-based thinking process to prevent or extinguish unwanted behaviors by selecting intervention measures that meet the function of the behavior.

39. Regional School Counselor Workshop

Program: Instructional Support/School Improvement

Audience: School Counselors

Dates: 3/10/2025

This event is open to school counselors in the ONC BOCES region.

All participants will participate in a session focused on the portrait of a graduate.

Participants will also have opportunities to network with others in leveled breakouts (elementary, MS, HS), engage in round table discussion, and collaborate with other counselors in the region to build professional knowledge and capacity.

Lunch is not provided. Participants will have an hour break for lunch, and there are many local options.

40. March Principals Academy

Program: Principals' Academy

Audience: ONC BOCES component district Principals

Dates: 3/12/2025

In the 2024-2025 school year, Principal Academy sessions will focus on:

- The Principal's Guide to Conflict Management book study
- Instructional leadership
- Using data for decision - making
- Creating and maintaining a welcoming and affirming environment
- NYSED and BOCES updates, announcements, and Round Table

We provide a quiet workspace from 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. for those who would like to arrive early and complete book study reading. Light breakfast refreshments, coffee/tea/water, and lunch are provided.

41. Conference Day - Science of Reading for School Librarians

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 3/14/2025

Learn about the science of reading and how this impact our library learners. Walk away with ways to support our library readers, with expert speakers and focus on school libraries and their impact on our students. This workshop is in collaboration with OHM and MO BOCES School Librarians.

42. Specially Designed Instruction

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Related Service Providers

Dates: 3/14/2025

Participants will:
Define and describe specially designed instruction.
Identify what instructional strategies may work to close gaps based on different characteristics of each student.
Examine what SDI looks like in the classroom.
Examine the elements of the IEP and recognize how and where SDI for the student should be included in the IEP.
Apply their knowledge of SDI to complete student summary sheets and write comprehensive IEPs.
This training will be a presentation and learning session; participants will then be applying skills learned. Please bring a charged device and access to your IEPs (Preferably drafts) and access to student data. Participants will have independent work time and time to work on IEPs with the SDI Specialist available for questions.

43. Phonological Awareness: Establishing Foundations for Reading Success

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Literacy/Reading instructors; Special Education Teachers; General Education Teachers; Administrators

Dates: 3/18/2025

The purpose of this training is to help participants gain a greater understanding of the Science of Reading; specifically, what phonological awareness is and how crucial this skillset is to the foundation of reading success. Participants will explore what skills to teach when, and how to teach these skills for students to master phonological awareness. The training will also provide context for the importance of using assessments to improve the effectiveness of phonological instruction for students. To overcome equity barriers, educators need to focus on systemic, explicit instruction to teach the skills supported by the science of reading.

44. AIS ELA Collaboration Meeting

Program: Instructional Support/School Improvement

Audience: Teachers, AIS ELA Providers- Elementary & Secondary

Dates: 3/21/2025


Join AIS ELA providers from around our BOCES region to collaborate and share best practices for developing students' reading and writing skills. Participants will have the opportunity to share their work and to learn from others on the topics of interventions, assessments, progress monitoring, using data, and more. Elementary and secondary AIS ELA providers are all welcome.

45. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 3/27/2025

*** Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend. ***

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

46. The Language of Classroom Management

Plan to attend both days

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Administrators, P-12 General education teachers, Special Education Teachers, aides and teaching assistants.

Dates: 3/27/2025 to 4/7/2025

This is a two-day, multiple module training designed for PreK- 12th grade educators who would like more information on positive behavior support-classroom management strategies which include:
arranging the physical environment
defining, teaching, and acknowledging expectations and rules
defining and teaching classroom procedures and routines
active supervision
behavior specific praise
response strategies for inappropriate behavior
class wide group contingencies
multiple opportunities to respond

Time will be provided to review and revise classroom management strategies within your own classroom and how to effectively implement changes to current classroom procedures and routines.

This is a two day training. Please plan to attend both days.

47. Weeding and Collection Development

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 4/3/2025

This workshop will have guest experts in the field on the new weeding rules for your 21st century library collection, with a K-12 focus. This is a shared day with DCMO librarians, in-person.

48. April Principals Academy

Program: Principals' Academy

Audience: ONC BOCES component district Principals

Dates: 4/9/2025

In the 2024-2025 school year, Principal Academy sessions will focus on:

- The Principal's Guide to Conflict Management book study
- Instructional leadership
- Using data for decision - making
- Creating and maintaining a welcoming and affirming environment
- NYSED and BOCES updates, announcements, and Round Table

We provide a quiet workspace from 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. for those who would like to arrive early and complete book study reading. Light breakfast refreshments, coffee/tea/water, and lunch are provided.

49. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 4/15/2025

Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend.

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

50. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 4/25/2025

*** Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend. ***

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

51. Developing an Effective Student Exit Summary

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers and administrators, school counselors, transition coordinators, agency staff, as well as

students and families

Dates: 4/29/2025

This training contains information on the development and provision of an effective exit summary for students. It will cover

both the traditional exit summary and the exit summary provided with the Skills and Achievement Commencement


The goals of this training are to ensure participants will recognize and identify:

1. Analyze the importance of students' self-determination skills in making the SES a meaningful and relevant


2. Learn the federal and state requirements for the SES

3. Recognize and identify the required components of the SES

4. Identify a process for the development and issuance of the SES that that is student-centered

52. Creating the IEP

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers, psychologists, related services, and chairpersons. Administrators who
may be in a dual administrative role such as chairpersons or directors of special education.

Dates: 4/30/2025

Participants will develop their understanding of the components of a quality IEP designed to
provide students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum.

53. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 5/2/2025

***Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend. ***

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

54. Annual School Librarians and Administrators Symposium

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians

Dates: 5/21/2025

School librarians and administrators will be learning and growing together while celebrating school libraries. Join us for a wonderful keynote speaker and a day of celebrating all things school library.

55. Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and Special Education Administrators, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, School

Psychologists and other Related Service Providers.

Dates: 5/21/2025

This training is designed to ensure that students with disabilities and their families are aware of the multiple pathways to

graduate school with a diploma and exiting credentials.

1. Define Self-Determination

2. Discuss credit requirements for graduation

3. Discuss the multiple pathways to Regents diploma

4. Discuss appeal eligibility criteria

5. Discuss safety nets for students with disabilities

6. Discuss exiting credentials

56. May Principals Academy

Program: Principals' Academy

Audience: ONC BOCES component district Principals

Dates: 5/21/2025

In the 2024-2025 school year, Principal Academy sessions will focus on:

- The Principal's Guide to Conflict Management book study
- Instructional leadership
- Using data for decision - making
- Creating and maintaining a welcoming and affirming environment
- NYSED and BOCES updates, announcements, and Round Table

We provide a quiet workspace from 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. for those who would like to arrive early and complete book study reading. Light breakfast refreshments, coffee/tea/water, and lunch are provided.

57. Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and Special Education Administrators, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, School

Psychologists and other Related Service Providers.

Dates: 5/21/2025

This training is designed to ensure that students with disabilities and their families are aware of the multiple pathways to

graduate school with a diploma and exiting credentials.

1. Define Self-Determination

2. Discuss credit requirements for graduation

3. Discuss the multiple pathways to Regents diploma

4. Discuss appeal eligibility criteria

5. Discuss safety nets for students with disabilities

6. Discuss exiting credentials

58. Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and Special Education Administrators, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, School

Psychologists and other Related Service Providers.

Dates: 5/22/2025

This training is designed to ensure that students with disabilities and their families are aware of the multiple pathways to

graduate school with a diploma and exiting credentials.

1. Define Self-Determination

2. Discuss credit requirements for graduation

3. Discuss the multiple pathways to Regents diploma

4. Discuss appeal eligibility criteria

5. Discuss safety nets for students with disabilities

6. Discuss exiting credentials

59. Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and Special Education Administrators, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, School

Psychologists and other Related Service Providers.

Dates: 5/22/2025

This training is designed to ensure that students with disabilities and their families are aware of the multiple pathways to

graduate school with a diploma and exiting credentials.

1. Define Self-Determination

2. Discuss credit requirements for graduation

3. Discuss the multiple pathways to Regents diploma

4. Discuss appeal eligibility criteria

5. Discuss safety nets for students with disabilities

6. Discuss exiting credentials

60. IEP Writing Workshop

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education teachers and Related Service Providers

Dates: 5/28/2025

*** Disclaimer: Participants must attend Creating the IEP training before they will have access to this IEP Writing Day. If you attended Creating the IEP in the 2023-2024 school year, you are able to attend. ***

Participants will:
Learn how to write quality IEPs with review around Present Levels of Performance, Goal Writing, and Accommodationations/Modifications
Have collaboration time to work with other educators throughout the region and ask questions of the trainer

Participants should bring draft copies (or electronic access to a draft) of IEPs to work throughout the day.

61. Creating the IEP

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General and special education teachers, psychologists, related services, and chairpersons. Administrators who
may be in a dual administrative role such as chairpersons or directors of special education.

Dates: 6/12/2025

Participants will develop their understanding of the components of a quality IEP designed to
provide students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum.