Catalog: Rockland BOCES (WR)

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Search Results (1 - 37 of 37)

1. Secondary School Librarian Network

Program: School Library System

Audience: K-12 School Librarians

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 5/15/2025

The Secondary School Librarian Network is a forum to support school librarians as leaders in their educational community on program development, curricular development, educator collaboration, and advocacy. School librarians will share successes, ideas, and strategies for professional growth and to build a network of peers. All school librarians are invited to join.

2. Elementary School Librarian Network

Program: School Library System

Audience: K-12 School Librarians

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 5/15/2025

The Elementary School Librarian Network is a forum to support school librarians as leaders in their educational community on program development, curricular development, educator collaboration, and advocacy. School librarians will share successes, ideas, and strategies for professional growth and to build a network of peers. All school librarians are invited to join.

3. High School Science Curriculum Council 24-25

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Science Teacher Leaders, Science Department Chairs/Supervisors, Administrators

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 4/3/2025

The Science Curriculum Council is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) to keep informed of recent changes in Science curriculum, instruction, and assessment in New York State and provide direction for Science Education in Rockland County. Council members will have the opportunity to collaborate on Science teaching and learning in order to best prepare students for success. In addition, under advisement from Rockland Assistant Superintendents for Instruction, this collegial group will assess professional development needs for Rockland Science educators and will plan future workshops to provide secondary teachers with an informative and intellectually stimulating experience.

4. Communications Coordinators (Liaison) and Council Joint Meeting

Program: School Library System

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 6/3/2025

The School Library System Council meets regularly to recommend policy, perform long-range and short-range planning, including overseeing the development of the system's Plan of Service. Participants will also work to approve the annual system budget, the system's annual report, and to evaluate the system's services. The December 3rd meeting's snow date is December 10, 2024. The March 4th meeting's snow date is March 11, 2025.

5. Middle School (Grades 6-8) Science Curriculum Council 24-25

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Science Teacher Leaders, Science Department Chairs/Supervisors, Administrators

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 4/10/2025

The Science Curriculum Council is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) to keep informed of recent changes in Science curriculum, instruction, and assessment in New York State and provide direction for Science Education in Rockland County. Council members will have the opportunity to collaborate on Science teaching and learning in order to best prepare students for success. In addition, under advisement from Rockland Assistant Superintendents for Instruction, this collegial group will assess professional development needs for Rockland Science educators and will plan future workshops to provide secondary teachers with an informative and intellectually stimulating experience.

6. Secondary Social Studies Curriculum Council facilitated by Pat Krizan

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Social Studies Lead Teachers, Department Chairs/Supervisors, Administrators

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 5/21/2025

The Social Studies Curriculum Council is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) that will meet for four half-day sessions to keep informed of NYSED updates in social studies curriculum, instruction, and assessment as well as provide direction for social studies education in Rockland County. Council members will keep abreast of and share best practices in the varied aspects of the Seal of Civic Readiness. In addition, members will have the opportunity to collaborate on social studies teaching and learning in order to best prepare students for success.

7. Elementary Science Curriculum Council 24-25

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers, Elementary Technology Teachers, Science Department Chairs/Supervisors, Administrators

Dates: 10/15/2024 to 5/1/2025

The Science Curriculum Council is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) to keep informed of recent changes in Science curriculum, instruction, and assessment in New York State and provide direction for Science Education in Rockland County. Council members will have the opportunity to collaborate on Science teaching and learning in order to best prepare students for success. In addition, under advisement from Rockland Assistant Superintendents for Instruction, this collegial group will assess professional development needs for Rockland Science educators and will plan future workshops to provide secondary teachers with an informative and intellectually stimulating experience. This council will be using a hybrid, in-person/virtual meeting format.

8. ELA Curriculum Council Grades K-5

Program: Professional Development Center

Dates: 10/22/2024 to 4/23/2025

Are you a Literacy Leader in your District? If you are, this council is an ideal opportunity for you to come share ideas, resources and strategies with your colleagues from across the county. The ELA council is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) who will meet four times throughout the school year during rotating half day sessions.

During the councils, participants will examine instructional strategies and best practices currently being implemented in classrooms across the county in ELA. Updates from the State Education Department will be shared along with how to navigate the Next Generation ELA Learning Standards.

The council provides an opportunity for collaboration with Literacy colleagues across the districts to discuss professional development needs, best practices, vertical alignment across grade levels and provide direction for ELA instruction in Rockland County.

Participants will be added to the list serv to raise questions and get answers from all members of the council!

9. Using NYSESLAT Data To Plan for Instruction - at Rockland BOCES [HVRBERN-CTLE ID #23120]

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: All teachers who work with ELLs and who utilize NYSESLAT data.

Dates: 10/22/2024

In this hands-on workshop, participants will deconstruct NYSESLAT data and utilize strategies for NYSESLAT data analyzation. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to convert raw NYSESLAT data to actionable formats and determine their ELL students' proficiency levels in reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Data will be used to plan for purposeful instruction across the four modalities and NYSESLAT proficiency levels. This workshop is intended for all teachers who work with ELLs and who utilize NYSESLAT data. Participants should bring a device to access workshop materials. Facility Fee: FREE For questions regarding this activity, please contact the Rachael Wasilewski-Alcantara.

10. ELA Curriculum Council Grades 6-12

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Administrators, ELA Chairperson

Dates: 10/24/2024 to 4/22/2025

Are you a Literacy Leader in your District? If you are, this council is an ideal opportunity for you to come share ideas, resources and strategies with your colleagues from across the county. The council is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) who will meet four times throughout the school year during rotating half day sessions.

During the councils, participants will examine instructional strategies and best practices currently being implemented in classrooms across the county in ELA. Updates from the State Education Department will be shared along with how to navigate the Next Generation ELA Learning Standards.

The council provides an opportunity for collaboration with Literacy colleagues across the districts to discuss professional development needs, best practices, vertical alignment across grade levels and provide direction for ELA instruction in Rockland County.

Participants will be added to the list serv to raise questions and get answers from all members of the council!

11. Integrated ENL Co-Teaching - Series of 3 Sessions

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: ENL and content area co-teaching partnerships, dually certified ENL and content area teachers

Dates: 11/7/2024 to 3/27/2025

Wait List
This series will help co-teaching pairs to understand, plan for, and successfully implement Integrated ENL Co-Teaching in their content area classes. This series will discuss the NYS Co-Teaching Topic Briefs and reference the book Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection by Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld. Session 1 will focus on building co-teaching relationships, culturally responsive sustaining education, and instructional strategies. Session 2 will focus on co-planning practices and routines, assessment and writing language and content objectives. Session 3 will focus on co-teaching models. Opportunities for implementation of the practices and strategies will be embedded throughout the series. Classroom and state testing accommodations for ELLs will also be covered. We strongly recommend that ENL teachers attend this series with one co-teacher to allow pairs to strengthen their relationship and dedicate time within each session to planning upcoming units and lessons that they will co-teach together. Dually certified ENL and content area teachers are also encouraged to register. All participants must bring a device to access materials and participate in activities. Fee: Free For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBERN.

12. New Visions Biology Science Curriculum Training

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Biology Teachers, Curriculum Leaders

Dates: 11/19/2024 to 5/20/2025

Rockland BOCES is excited to announce New Visions training in Biology. This Curriculum-Based Professional Learning (CBPL) is for teachers to support the adoption and implementation of the New Visions Biology curricula. Professional learning grounded in the use of high-quality materials has been shown to be more effective than traditional professional learning that often relies on imparting static strategies and information that teachers selectively apply to existing classroom practice.

Focusing on curriculum provides teachers the opportunity to engage in ongoing, active, and concrete experiences that help them fine-tune their instructional approaches and challenge their beliefs. Using high-quality curriculum materials as a cornerstone of teacher learning may be especially effective for changing practice in science classrooms, as it engages participants in the same sort of ambitious learning that is called for in the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS).

Teachers will be provided in-person learning opportunities along with online coaching that are based on each unit of the course. In Biology, there will be five unit-based sessions for each unit, along with a two day culminating curriculum analysis.

13. New Visions Earth & Space Science Science Curriculum Training

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Earth & Space Science Teachers, Curriculum Leaders

Dates: 11/20/2024 to 5/22/2025

Rockland BOCES is excited to announce New Visions training in Earth & Space Science. This Curriculum-Based Professional Learning (CBPL) is for teachers to support the adoption and implementation of the New Visions Earth & Space Science curricula. Professional learning grounded in the use of high-quality materials has been shown to be more effective than traditional professional learning that often relies on imparting static strategies and information that teachers selectively apply to existing classroom practice.

Focusing on curriculum provides teachers the opportunity to engage in ongoing, active, and concrete experiences that help them fine-tune their instructional approaches and challenge their beliefs. Using high-quality curriculum materials as a cornerstone of teacher learning may be especially effective for changing practice in science classrooms, as it engages participants in the same sort of ambitious learning that is called for in the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS).

Teachers will be provided in-person learning opportunities along with online coaching that are based on each unit of the course. In Earth & Space Science, there will be five unit-based sessions for each unit, along with a two day culminating curriculum analysis.

14. Working with Newcomers - at Rockland BOCES [HVRBERN-CTLE ID #23120]

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: All teachers, administrators, teaching assistants, counselors and therapy providers of English Language Learners in all grades and settings

Dates: 12/5/2024

Newcomer ELLs, or students who arrive at school knowing very little English, can face many challenges during their first days of school. This course explores some of the social, linguistic and cultural considerations for newly arrived ELLs. Suggestions for helping newcomers access content, establishing connections to parents, and recognizing the learning resources that newcomers bring to their peers and to their teachers are explored. This workshop will cover inquiry-led, Project-Based Learning (PBL) instruction for diverse, multilingual learners, including high school SIFE students. Participants should bring a device to access workshop materials. Fee: FREE For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBERN.

15. Adult CPR/AED UPDATE Course for Coaches

Program: Coaching Courses

Dates: 2/24/2025

This course satisfies the state guidelines for elementary and secondary coaching certification. This certificate is valid for 2 years.

Location at Spring Valley High School in the upper gym.

Please use the entrance for athletics.

16. NY State Smart Start Grant Final Check-In with Mouse.Org **Grades 3-5**

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Grade 3-5 Teachers

Dates: 2/25/2025

This training day is a check-in and next steps session for those educators who attended the training during the Summer and Fall of 2024.

As part of the NY State Smart Start Grant Virtual Summer Professional Development with Mouse.Org, teachers who participate, will be trained in effective coaching techniques and how to lead a professional learning community in the context of computer science education.

Objective #1: Increase the number of teachers prepared to teach and deliver K-8 CS using research and evidence-based curriculum and instructional strategies.

Objective #2: Increase the number of schools offering computer science in grades K-8.

Objective #3: Increase the number of students enrolled in computer science-related courses for all students with attention to diversity -- racial, socioeconomic, gender, disabilities, ELL.

Objective #4: Demonstrate relevance of computer science education and computer science careers in local contexts (as defined by REDC).

Objective #5: Engage CS educators in a supportive professional learning community.

17. NY State Smart Start Grant Final Check-In with Mouse.Org **Grades 6-8**

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Grade 6-8 Teachers

Dates: 2/25/2025

This training day is a check-in and next steps session for those educators who attended the training during the Summer and Fall of 2024.

As part of the NY State Smart Start Grant Virtual Summer Professional Development with Mouse.Org, teachers who participate, will be trained in effective coaching techniques and how to lead a professional learning community in the context of computer science education.

Objective #1: Increase the number of teachers prepared to teach and deliver K-8 CS using research and evidence-based curriculum and instructional strategies.

Objective #2: Increase the number of schools offering computer science in grades K-8.

Objective #3: Increase the number of students enrolled in computer science-related courses for all students with attention to diversity -- racial, socioeconomic, gender, disabilities, ELL.

Objective #4: Demonstrate relevance of computer science education and computer science careers in local contexts (as defined by REDC).

Objective #5: Engage CS educators in a supportive professional learning community.

18. NY State Smart Start Grant Final Check-In with Mouse.Org **Grades K-2**

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Grade K-2 Teachers

Dates: 2/25/2025

This training day is a check-in and next steps session for those educators who attended the training during the Summer and Fall of 2024.

As part of the NY State Smart Start Grant Virtual Summer Professional Development with Mouse.Org, teachers who participate, will be trained in effective coaching techniques and how to lead a professional learning community in the context of computer science education.

Objective #1: Increase the number of teachers prepared to teach and deliver K-8 CS using research and evidence-based curriculum and instructional strategies.

Objective #2: Increase the number of schools offering computer science in grades K-8.

Objective #3: Increase the number of students enrolled in computer science-related courses for all students with attention to diversity -- racial, socioeconomic, gender, disabilities, ELL.

Objective #4: Demonstrate relevance of computer science education and computer science careers in local contexts (as defined by REDC).

Objective #5: Engage CS educators in a supportive professional learning community.

19. Adult CPR/AED FULL Course for Coaches

Program: Coaching Courses

Dates: 2/25/2025

This course satisfies the state guidelines for elementary and secondary coaching certification. This certificate is valid for 2 years.

This class starts at 7:00PM

Location at Spring Valley High School in the upper gym.

Please use the entrance for athletics.

COVID-19 Procedures will be enforced.

20. First Aid Update for Coaches by Howard Arciniegas

Program: Coaching Courses

Audience: Coaches

Dates: 2/26/2025

Individuals who apply for a Temporary Coaching License Renewal or a Professional Coaching License or License Renewal must obtain a valid (not expired) first aid certificate of completion by completing either an Initial or Review course (not a Challenge or fully online course).

This course is required every 3 years to maintain First Aid Certification.

21. Adult CPR/AED FULL Course for Coaches

Program: Coaching Courses

Dates: 3/3/2025 to 3/5/2025

This course satisfies the state guidelines for elementary and secondary coaching certification. This certificate is valid for 2 years.

This class starts at 7:00PM

Location at Spring Valley High School in the upper gym.

Please use the entrance for athletics.

COVID-19 Procedures will be enforced.

22. Building Thinking Classrooms with Peter Liljedahl

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Elementary Teachers; mathematics teachers, K-12

Dates: 3/12/2025

Wait List
*** This session is full. We are offering a repeat of this session on March 13. Please sign up here: *** Dr. Peter Liljedahl will be giving a full-day workshop on Building Thinking Classrooms (BTC), outlining 14 research-based classroom practices that promote thinking in the mathematics classroom. This workshop will not only give an overview of the ideas in BTC, but also allow teachers who have begun to implement these practices to ask questions about implementing these practices successfully.
--If you can no longer attend after being fully enrolled, you will need to find someone to take your place. No refunds will be given.
--Please be fully enrolled by January 8, 2025.
Building Thinking Classrooms is an educational approach developed by Dr. Peter Liljedahl, professor of mathematics education at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Sparked by observing dozens and dozens of teachers struggle to engage students in deep thinking and problem solving, and observing hundreds of students engaged in a lot of behavior that didn't include thinking-or learning-Peter set out to find the answer to a simple question: How can we get more students to think and to think longer?
Over the next 15 years, he set a research course to break every institutional norm possible to see what shifts could get students thinking. Out of this research grew 14 specific norm-busting teaching practices that have proven to enhance thinking-and thus learning in hundreds of thousands of classrooms around the world. And it doesn't stop there. Not only do the 14 practices enhance thinking, they enhance other competencies in students such as collaboration, perseverance, risk-taking. Further, they enhance access and equity to learning and student autonomy and ownership of learning.

23. Building Thinking Classrooms with Peter Liljedahl - March 13

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Elementary Teachers; mathematics teachers, K-12

Dates: 3/13/2025

Due to the overwhelming interest in this workshop, this is the 2nd offering of the workshop scheduled for March 12. Dr. Peter Liljedahl will be giving a full-day workshop on Building Thinking Classrooms (BTC), outlining 14 research-based classroom practices that promote thinking in the mathematics classroom. This workshop will not only give an overview of the ideas in BTC, but also allow teachers who have begun to implement these practices to ask questions about implementing these practices successfully.
--If you can no longer attend after being fully enrolled, you will need to find someone to take your place. No refunds will be given.
--Please be FULLY ENROLLED by February 4.
Building Thinking Classrooms is an educational approach developed by Dr. Peter Liljedahl, professor of mathematics education at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Sparked by observing dozens and dozens of teachers struggle to engage students in deep thinking and problem solving, and observing hundreds of students engaged in a lot of behavior that didn't include thinking-or learning-Peter set out to find the answer to a simple question: How can we get more students to think and to think longer?
Over the next 15 years, he set a research course to break every institutional norm possible to see what shifts could get students thinking. Out of this research grew 14 specific norm-busting teaching practices that have proven to enhance thinking-and thus learning in hundreds of thousands of classrooms around the world. And it doesn't stop there. Not only do the 14 practices enhance thinking, they enhance other competencies in students such as collaboration, perseverance, risk-taking. Further, they enhance access and equity to learning and student autonomy and ownership of learning.

24. Beyond the Barcode: Creating Seamless Digital Library Experiences

Program: School Library System

Audience: K-12 School Librarians

Dates: 3/14/2025

This hands-on professional development workshop is designed to empower school librarians with library management systems updates to help keep school libraries efficient, user-friendly, and connected to the needs of their learning communities. The day includes work session time to explore resources and collaborate with peers. Participants will:

  • *Explore techniques for creating smooth, easy-to-use experiences to reduce barriers between learners and information.
  • *Leverage local and regional resource sharing of materials for cost savings and expanded access for all learners.
  • *Customize OPACs to use as communication tools for library services and experiences to increase student confidence in classroom and independent learning.

Participants are kindly asked to bring their own laptops as they will be needed for the activities planned.

25. Raising Awareness: Immigration and Unaccompanied Minors - Some Things You Need to Know - at Rockland BOCES Superintendents Conference Day [HVRBERN-CTLE ID #23120]

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Teaching Assistants

Dates: 3/14/2025

Currently, there are over 11.4 million undocumented immigrants residing and working in communities throughout the United States. These individuals have, on average, lived in the country for 16 years and play vital roles as parents, grandparents, and siblings to an additional 10.2 million family members. According to recent data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, agents encountered approximately 16,182 migrants per day in January 2023. Notably, during the same period, the number of children and families seeking to enter the U.S. more than doubled. This workshop will help to build awareness of the various experiences of students and families, specifically undocumented immigrants. Participants should bring a device to access workshop materials. Cost: Free For questions regarding this activity, please contact Beverly Guity.

26. Statewide DEI Conference

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: New York State administrators, DEI leaders, and educators

Dates: 3/19/2025

This hybrid conference will provide New York State administrators, DEI leaders, and educators with an opportunity to learn about how school districts across the state are aligning practices with the NYS Board of Regents Policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

New York State Education Department (NYSED) staff, along with partners from districts, will share current practices across the state in several key DEI areas, with opportunities for discussion and share out with colleagues.

*Please note that to participate in this event, you must attend in person at a BOCES or Big 5 designated site. Lunch will be provided.

27. Pathways to Progress: School Librarians Forge Ahead - SLS Annual Joint Conference

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians, K-12 Educators

Dates: 3/28/2025

The SLS Annual Joint Conference, "Pathways to Progress: School Librarians Forge Ahead," addresses the evolving landscape of education and the crucial role of school librarians. Pathways to Progress will equip school librarians as learning leaders with the tools and knowledge necessary to respond to contemporary factors influencing education and student learning. Through multidisciplinary engagement and upholding professional standards, school librarians can inspire students to develop a diverse skill set that prepares them for the complexities of the modern world.

Early Bird Special: February 28, 2025 - $125.00. February 28, 2025 - $150.00.

For Districts who are currently using NCI or for those who are looking to bring it to their District, this 4 day certification training will allow you to do it with flexibility in scheduling. Many Districts are training their staff in this valuable methodology that teaches staff how to use nonphysical, preventative methods to intervene early or deescalate a situation.

If success is not found in the de-escalation process, NCI teaches the study and practice of holds. NCI training is valuable to any District who wants to put an emphasis on early intervention and nonphysical methods for preventing or managing disruptive behavior. NCI focuses on disengagement skills that are demonstrated and practiced in the seminar to prepare staff to safely remove themselves and others from a dangerous situation.

After successful completion of this 4 day training program, each participant will be able to train staff within their own district allowing for flexibility in the scheduling of training and saving time and money.

29. Instructor Certification Program in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® with Advanced Physical Skills - Renewal

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Certified Instructors who have previously completed the Instructor Certification

Dates: 4/1/2025 to 4/3/2025

For Districts who are currently using NCI or for those who are looking to bring it to their District, this 3 day renewal and upgrade certification training will allow you to do it with flexibility in scheduling.

Many Districts are training their staff in this valuable methodology that teaches staff how to use nonphysical, preventative methods to intervene early or deescalate a situation. If success is not found in the de-escalation process, NCI teaches the study and practice of holds. NCI training is valuable to any District who wants to put an emphasis on early intervention and nonphysical methods for preventing or managing disruptive behavior. NCI focuses on disengagement skills that are demonstrated and practiced in the seminar to prepare staff to safely remove themselves and others from a dangerous situation.

After successful completion of this 3 day renewal and upgrade training program, participants have fulfilled their two-year instructor proficiency requirement. Each participant will be able to, continue to, train staff within their own district allowing for flexibility in the scheduling of training and saving time and money.

30. Teaching CSDF Impacts of Computing Across the Content Areas

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: All Teachers

Dates: 4/3/2025

Computer Science Standards are not just for STEM teachers, and it can be done without adding extra time to what you are already teaching! In this workshop, we will discuss ways to address the NYSED CSDF Impacts of Computing Standards (Society, Ethics, Accessibility, Career Paths) across the content areas in natural and authentic ways.

31. NYSESLAT Administration Training

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: Any teacher or administrator who administers the NYSESLAT

Dates: 4/8/2025

NYSESLAT Administration Training - at Rockland BOCES [HVRBERN-CTLE ID #23120] Participants will learn about the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) structure and administration, and will practice scoring sample speaking and writing responses. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the NYSESLAT exam. To access this workshop, a Zoom link will be shared with registered participants. Fee: FREE For questions regarding this activity, please contact Rachael Wasilewski-Alcantara.

32. Accelerating Academic Success for Long-Term English Learners - at Rockland BOCES [HVRBERN-CTLE ID #23120]

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: MS/HS administrators, and teachers of special education, ELA and other content area subjects, ENL or Bilingual Teachers of Long-Term ELLs

Dates: 5/1/2025

Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) face challenges due to limited access to grade-level curriculum and lack of targeted support, often resulting in low academic achievement and higher dropout rates. This session will explore how an accelerated instructional program with asset-based strategies can help LTELs reach their academic and linguistic potential. We will explore methods such as activating prior knowledge, peer collaboration, scaffolding that preserves the richness of text, and providing flexible access to grade-level standards. Using this approach, LTELs no longer need to be relegated to remedial programs. This workshop underscores the importance of ensuring LTELs civil right to education and a pathway to graduation. Participants will leave with practical tools and insights to better support LTELs, fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment that upholds the principles of equity, inclusion, and justice. Participants should bring a device to access workshop materials. For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBERN.

33. Play-Based Learning Strategies to Enhance Numeracy with Suzy Koontz

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: K-5 Grade Educators, AIS Math Teachers, Math Coaches, and Special Education Teachers

Dates: 5/15/2025

Brain scientists have identified that movement is essential for enhanced brain function, circulation, focus, concentration, learning, and retention. Movement-based learning helps students to problem solve, and regulate emotions. It reduces math anxiety and increases motivation. In this six-hour, in-person, professional development, you will learn practical, play-based learning and kinesthetic strategies for making math fun, boosting fluency, building number sense and supporting students who have unfinished learning.

I will share inspiring, real-life stories of active learning programs where learning skyrocketed and the classroom experience was enhanced for both educators and students. We will engage with the research behind the active learning framework and attendees will receive numerous movement-based activities to boost student engagement, confidence, and math fact fluency. Attendees will be able to supply their schools/classrooms with effective and highly engaging activities and resources - resources that are not only inclusive to all learning styles, but also impactful for students who have faced Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Suzy Koontz, Founder and CEO of Learn Thru Movement, is an actuary, an educational consultant, a math teacher, and the creator of Math & Movement, Movement & Literacy and over 200 kinesthetic teaching tools. As the author of over 20 books, Suzy's passion is helping students recognize their ability to learn and helping them lead healthier lives while achieving academic success. Suzy's mission is for ALL students to be on grade level in math and reading. As a national presenter for schools, conferences and PTA/O, Suzy shares how movement-based learning can assist in accomplishing this goal. Suzy's work has been featured in television, radio and print. Please see Suzy's media performances, at

34. Accelerating Academic Success for Long-Term English Learners - at Rockland BOCES [HVRBERN-CTLE ID #23120]

Program: Professional Development Center

Audience: MS/HS administrators, and teachers of special education, ELA and other content area subjects, ENL or Bilingual Teachers of Long-Term ELLs

Dates: 6/3/2025

Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) face challenges due to limited access to grade-level curriculum and lack of targeted support, often resulting in low academic achievement and higher dropout rates. This session will explore how an accelerated instructional program with asset-based strategies can help LTELs reach their academic and linguistic potential. We will explore methods such as activating prior knowledge, peer collaboration, scaffolding that preserves the richness of text, and providing flexible access to grade-level standards. Using this approach, LTELs no longer need to be relegated to remedial programs. This workshop underscores the importance of ensuring LTELs civil right to education and a pathway to graduation. Participants will leave with practical tools and insights to better support LTELs, fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment that upholds the principles of equity, inclusion, and justice. Participants should bring a device to access workshop materials. For questions regarding this activity, please contact the HV RBERN.


Program: SAVE and Child Abuse Awareness

Audience: Classroom teachers, teaching assts, educ in adm/supv service, coaches, persons NY State cert/license

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)

This is an ONLINE course. Candidates applying for New York State certification/license, or are have an active registration in TEACH, in New York State, must complete two hours of course work in the **UPDATED** Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment in accordance with Education Law. Rockland BOCES is providing a two-hour fully online certification course that fulfills this requirement. A certificate will be issued to participants at the completion of this course as well as an electronic upload of completion directly to TEACH.

Participants register thru Frontline. Upon receipt of payment, each registrant will receive an online account.

Usernames, enrollment password for the course, and link to the course are then emailed to the student. Students may begin the course when they receive their account information. Participants do not have to wait until the date posted on this registration.

36. **ONLINE** Dignity For All Students (DASA) - 6 Hour Certification Course

Program: Dignity for All Students Act

Audience: Anyone needing training for certification

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)


Effective December 31, 2013 all applicants for Certification are required to complete six clock hours of coursework or training in accordance with Article 2 Sections 10-18 of the Education Law. Rockland BOCES is pleased to be a provider of DASA Training. Upon completion of the workshop, you will receive a Certification of Completion.

The coursework will address the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, marginalization and microaggressions, including but not limited to those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex.


A check may be mailed to:
Rockland BOCES
Attn: Stacy Muthig
Building 10 65 Parrott Rd,
West Nyack, NY 10994

If you have encryption software and can send credit card information through email - please email Stacy Muthig: You may also contact Stacy to set up a time to provide credit card information over the phone.

Once payment is received you will receive your login credentials via email and you may begin the course right away!

No district approval and building required.

37. S.A.V.E. Online Class

Program: SAVE and Child Abuse Awareness

Audience: Classroom teachers, teaching assts, educ in adm/supv service, coaches, persons NY State cert/license

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)

Candidates applying for a New York State certification/license, must complete two hours of course work in school violence prevention (Schools Against Violence in Education) in accordance with Education Law. Rockland BOCES is providing a two-hour fully online certification course that fulfills this requirement. A certificate will be issued to participants at the completion of this course.

Participants register thru MyLearningPlan. Upon receipt of payment, each registrant will receive an online account. Once participants receive their account information, they may start the course. Participants do not have to wait until the date posted on the registration.

Usernames, enrollment password for the course, and link to the course are then emailed to the student.