Catalog: Mid-State FACE Center

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1. Explicit Vocabulary Instruction for Parents - VIRTUAL

Program: Mid-State FACE Center

Dates: 7/29/2024

Starting Soon
This training is designed to enable parents of preschool and elementary students to foster vocabulary development at home.
Participants will:
-gain knowledge in the importance of vocabulary instruction for their young children in the preschool and elementary grades.
-gain strategies and ways to incorporate vocabulary instruction in the home and while in the community.
NOTE: Link to training will be sent no later than morning of session.
In this training we will walk through the Family Guide to Transition Planning-Preparing Students with Disabilities for Life After High School to assist families in understanding the transition planning process specifically from high school to life after high school. When families are knowledgeable about and invited to participate in the transition planning process, students with disabilities experience improved post-school outcomes in the areas of employment, postsecondary education, and independent living.
NOTE: This training will be held in person at Advocates Incorporated, 290 Elwood Davis Road, Suite 101, Liverpool, NY 13088

3. Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) for Preschool - VIRTUAL

Program: Mid-State FACE Center

Dates: 8/7/2024 to 8/8/2024

This training is designed to help general and special education preschool teachers set up learning environments that are developmentally appropriate for preschool students with diverse needs and backgrounds. Developmentally appropriate teachers are intentional in everything they do - activities are selected to meet goals and instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Ideal for preschool educators, administrators, assistants, aides, and clinical staff.
2-part series - attendance at both sessions is expected.
NOTE: Link to training will be sent no later than morning of session.

4. What is an IEP for Families of School-Age Students - VIRTUAL

Program: Mid-State FACE Center

Dates: 8/22/2024

The purpose of "What is an IEP? For Families of School-Age Students” is to gain a foundational understanding of the entire IEP process, including but not limited to, the Committee on Special Education (CSE), the roles and responsibilities of all parties, the various components of the IEP, and the transition planning process.
Link to training will be sent no later than morning of session.

5. CPSE/CSE Chairpersons Training @ OCM BOCES

Program: Mid-State FACE Center

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 9/26/2024

This training is designed for CPSE/CSE chairpersons focused on promoting meaningful family engagement in the CPSE/CSE process and quality special education services for all students with disabilities. It utilizes a best practices approach to the CPSE/CSE process and a chairperson's role within that process that is consistent with State law and regulation. Participants will be able to: 1) Understand the special education process as delineated in education laws and regulations. 2) Know the role of the Chairperson and the Committee 3) Develop practices which encourage parental involvement and cultivate home-school partnerships 4) Identify strategies for leading the Committee in making high quality decisions that will result in an IEP that meets New York State requirements and will result in educational benefit to the student. Attendance at all 4 training days is expected.
NOTE: This training will be held in person at OCM BOCES, 110 Ellwood Davis Rd, Owasco Room, Liverpool, NY 13088

6. Explicit Vocabulary Instruction for Parents - VIRTUAL

Program: Mid-State FACE Center

Dates: 9/19/2024

This training is designed to enable parents of preschool and elementary students to foster vocabulary development at home.
Participants will:
-gain knowledge in the importance of vocabulary instruction for their young children in the preschool and elementary grades.
-gain strategies and ways to incorporate vocabulary instruction in the home and while in the community.
NOTE: Link to training will be sent no later than morning of session.

7. What is an IEP? For Families of Preschool Students - VIRTUAL

Program: Mid-State FACE Center

Dates: 10/16/2024

Designed for parents of preschool children to provide families an overview of the process for developing an IEP at the preschool level In addition to parents, this training is also ideal for general education teachers, preschool special education providers, community agencies and others who have an interest in understanding more about the IEP process for preschool students.
NOTE: Link to training will be sent no later than morning of session.
The Early Intervention (EI) to Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) for Professionals training provides a foundational understanding of the transition process. Participants will learn about: -the role of the Early Intervention Program and the Committee on Preschool Special Education as it relates to the transition process
- what to expect in the transition process
- timelines and vocabulary
- the role of the family/guardian, the provider(s), the County and the CPSE
- the importance of collaboration and communication throughout the process
This training is ideal for: Special education administrators, CPSE Chairpersons, preschool special education evaluators, special education and general education teachers, early childhood professionals, related services professionals, municipality representatives, agency/community service providers or case managers and Early Intervention service coordinators.
NOTE: Link to training will be sent no later than morning of session.
The Early Intervention (EI) to Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) training provides a foundational understanding of the transition process for professionals as well as parents. Participants will learn about:
-the role of the Early Intervention Program and the Committee on Preschool Special Education as it relates to the transition process
- what to expect in the transition process
- timelines and vocabulary
- the role of the family/guardian, the provider(s), the County and the CPSE
- the importance of collaboration and communication throughout the process
This training is targeted for parents of young children; however special education administrators, CPSE Chairpersons, preschool special education evaluators, special education and general education teachers, early childhood professionals, related services professionals, municipality representatives, agency/community service providers or case managers and Early Intervention service coordinators are always welcome!
NOTE: Link to training will be sent no later than morning of session.