Catalog: Staff Curriculum and Development Network

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1. 2024-2025 SCDN Membership

Program: SCDN

Audience: SCDN Members

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)

This registration is for the SCDN 2024-2025 Annual Membership. This membership provides access to the listserv and to the quarterly meetings and for the additional professional learning sessions scheduled in the 24-25 SY.

2. ELA Statewide Membership Registration

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

This registers you for the ELA Framework Membership. The Framework Chairpersons will use this roster to update Google Classrooms and distribution lists for the year. Two individuals from each BOCES region are able to register to participate. YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THE FALL, WINTER AND SPRING MEETINGS SEPARATELY.

3. Math Statewide Framework Membership Registration

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

This registers you for the Math Framework Membership. The Framework Chairperson will use this Roster to update Google Classrooms and distribution lists for the year. Two individuals from each BOCES region are able to register to participate.

4. Science Framework Membership 2024-2025

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

This registers you for the Science Framework Membership. The Framework Chairpersons will use this roster to update Google Classrooms and distribution lists for the year. Two individuals from each BOCES region are able to register to participate. YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THE FALL, WINTER AND SPRING MEETINGS SEPARATELY.

5. SEL Statewide Framework Membership Registration

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

This registers you for the SEL Framework Membership. The Framework Chairperson will use this Roster to update Google Classrooms and distribution lists for the year. Two individuals from each BOCES region are able to register to participate.

6. Social Studies Framework Membership 2024-2025

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

This registers you for the Social Studies Framework Membership. The Framework Chairpersons will use this roster to update Google Classrooms and distribution lists for the year. Two individuals from each BOCES region are able to register to participate. YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THE FALL, WINTER AND SPRING MEETINGS SEPARATELY.

7. Statewide Frameworks Participation 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Audience: Voting Member from BOCES or Big 5

Dates: 7/1/2024

This registration will commit the BOCES/Big 5 to participating in the 6 Framework groups for 24-25. Those groups are ELA, Math, Science Social Studies, TLE and SEL. Membership in the Frameworks allows each BOCES/Big 5 to send up to 2 individuals to each of the Framework groups. Once this registration is received the membership registrations for each group will be shared with the voting member to distribute to the two representatives for each of the 6 groups from their BOCES or Big 5. This registration is for billing purposes only.

8. TLE Framework Membership 2024-2025

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

This registers you for the TLE Framework Membership. The Framework Chairpersons will use this roster to update Google Classrooms and distribution lists for the year. Two individuals from each BOCES region are able to register to participate. YOU WILL NEED TO REGISTER FOR THE FALL, WINTER AND SPRING MEETINGS SEPARATELY.

9. Executive Committee Meeting - September 2024

Program: SCDN

Audience: Executive Committee

Dates: On-Going (Ends Sep 25, 2024)

For SCDN Executive Committee members only.

10. SCDN Membership Meeting - September 2024

Program: SCDN

Dates: On-Going (Ends Sep 27, 2024)

The Staff and Curriculum Development Network (SCDN) hosts a comprehensive 1 1/2 day meeting four times a year, bringing together representatives from each BOCES and the Big 5 school districts in New York State. These extended sessions are designed to foster professional learning, provide networking, and deep collaboration, for SCDN members to learn with and from one another. A main emphasis is on aligning with and supporting the initiatives of the New York State Education Department. The agenda often features keynote presentations, interactive workshops, breakout sessions, and panel discussions, all crafted to align with SCDN's mission of strengthening district capacities to meet New York State Standards. A significant portion of the meeting is dedicated to engaging with New York State Education Department colleagues, ensuring participants are informed about standard and assessment updates, policy/regulation/legislative updates, and to collaborate on statewide educational initiatives. Through these interactions, attendees are equipped to implement state-aligned strategies and drive continuous improvement in their districts.

11. Science Framework Fall Meeting

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/2/2024

This session will introduce literacy and science, and use The Writing Revolution as an anchor text. We will spend time learning the connections between science and literacy, building on some of the work we did previously with NYU's SAIL Team and their language work. The Writing Revolution will guide our work for the 24-25 school year.

12. TLE Framework Meeting #1 In Person 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 10/11/2024

Participants will deepen their understanding of what it means to be a socially and culturally competent leader. They will be able to take this deeper understanding with its connection to the PSEL and NYS teaching standards, and bring it back to the work they do with leaders in their region. This work is in alignment with supporting districts in using informed best practices when designing their potentially new APPR/PRP plans

13. SEL Statewide Session #1: Annie O'Shaughnessy: Leading School Change

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 10/17/2024 to 10/18/2024

Leading school change is a big lift, especially when trying to implement approaches that are deeply connected to mind-set and personal beliefs about what is and is not an educator's "job.” In this follow up to "A Holistic Approach to Equity-Centered, SEL-Based Restorative Whole School Change” we will explore a framework for implementation based on Improvement Science, Street Data and Emergent Strategies philosophies and processes. Having established basic understanding of this framework, participants will collaborate to build strategic plans based on this framework and resources offered last time. Time will be given for independent work time, collaboration, and Q & A and participants will leave with tangible steps to take personally and organizationally to begin change work in their schools. Day 2 will be devoted to application and collaboration of the work Annie O'Shaughnessy shares *Breakfast and Lunch is included on both days.

14. ELA Framework Meeting #1- In Person 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 10/24/2024 to 10/25/2024

Welcome to the first interdisciplinary ELA and Social Studies combined framework group session to be held in person at WSWHE BOCES in Wilton, NY (near Saratoga.) This link is for ELA Statewide Framework Members. If you sit on both ELA and Social Studies, please only register for the event ONCE so that we have accurate numbers for food. *Please ensure you register as an ELA Framework group member using the separate ELA Framework group registration link first prior to registering for the event*

15. Social Studies Framework Meeting #1 - In Person 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 10/24/2024 to 10/25/2024

Welcome to the first interdisciplinary Social Studies and ELA combined framework group session to be held in person at WSWHE BOCES in Wilton, NY (near Saratoga.) This link is for Social Studies Statewide Framework Members. If you sit on both ELA and Social Studies, please only register for the event ONCE so that we have accurate numbers for food. *Please ensure you register as an Social Studies Framework group member using the separate Social Studies Framework group registration link first prior to registering for the event*

16. SEL Statewide Hosting Community Calls for SCDN, Framework Members

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Audience: Anyone passionate about fostering a more inclusive and supportive educational environment, must be a member of SCDN or a Statewide Framework

Dates: 11/18/2024 to 4/28/2025

We are excited to invite all members of the Statewide Frameworks community and SCDN members to our upcoming virtual community call. These events will be a unique opportunity to connect, share, and learn from one another as we explore current topics through the lenses of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), culture, and community. Attendees can expect to engage in thought-provoking discussions, strengthen connections with fellow educators and community members, and hear about the tools and resources others are using to address challenges, as well as celebrate what is supporting their region's needs.

17. Executive Committee Meeting - December 2024

Program: SCDN

Audience: Executive Committee

Dates: On-Going (Ends Dec 4, 2024)

For SCDN Executive Committee members only.

18. SCDN Membership Meeting - December 2024

Program: SCDN

Dates: On-Going (Ends Dec 6, 2024)

The Staff and Curriculum Development Network (SCDN) hosts a comprehensive 1 1/2 day meeting four times a year, bringing together representatives from each BOCES and the Big 5 school districts in New York State. These extended sessions are designed to foster professional learning, provide networking, and deep collaboration, for SCDN members to learn with and from one another. A main emphasis is on aligning with and supporting the initiatives of the New York State Education Department. The agenda often features keynote presentations, interactive workshops, breakout sessions, and panel discussions, all crafted to align with SCDN's mission of strengthening district capacities to meet New York State Standards. A significant portion of the meeting is dedicated to engaging with New York State Education Department colleagues, ensuring participants are informed about standard and assessment updates, policy/regulation/legislative updates, and to collaborate on statewide educational initiatives. Through these interactions, attendees are equipped to implement state-aligned strategies and drive continuous improvement in their districts.

19. SEL Statewide Session 2: Mental Health through the SEL Lens

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 12/12/2024 to 12/13/2024

Session two will explore concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of creating affirming and welcoming environments for all students. Discuss systemic barriers that marginalized students, including LGBTQ+ students, may face in schools and communities. Provide strategies for addressing bias, fostering cultural competence, and promoting equity and inclusion. We will engage in discussions to support how we access state resources that reinforce state initiatives and educational equity. *This is a virtual offering only, no meals will be provided.

20. Math Framework Meeting #2 - Virtual

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 1/6/2025

In this workshop, participants engage in learning around the standards for mathematical practice, the science and engineering practices, and the cross-cutting concepts in order to make connections among both disciplines as well as develop crosswalk resources. Participants will then create protocols and instructional strategies to support the connections among math and science practices.

21. Science Framework Winter Meeting

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 1/6/2025

In this workshop, participants engage in learning around the standards for mathematical practice, the science and engineering practices, and the cross-cutting concepts in order to make connections among both disciplines as well as develop crosswalk resources. Participants will then create protocols and instructional strategies to support the connections among math and science practices.

22. ELA Framework Meeting #2- Virtual 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 1/9/2025

Welcome to the second meeting for the ELA statewide group. This will be a virtual meeting for ELA Framework Group Members. A virtual link will be sent to registrants prior to the meeting.

23. TLE Framework Meeting # 2 virtual 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 1/16/2025

Participants will continue to build on their learning of the past few years on recognizing harmful comments and practice and building capacity and strategies to interrupt that harm. As teacher leaders, we need to be able to have difficult conversations and be able to access strategies in support of healthy school cultures and climates. In 23-24, we worked with the Jim Knight group on Better Conversations, which helped us to use protocols to support productive communication. This work will deepen this understanding by bringing in how to disrupt harmful cultural practices and support positive dialogue with all stakeholders.

24. SCDN Executive Committee Winter Retreat

Program: SCDN

Audience: SCDN Executive Committee Members

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jan 31, 2025)

SCDN Executive Committee Winter Retreat

25. Social Studies Framework Meeting #2 - Virtual 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 2/6/2025

Welcome to the second meeting for the Social Studies Statewide Group. This will be a virtual meeting for Social Studies Framework Group Members. A virtual link will be sent to registrants prior to the meeting.

26. Executive Committee Meeting - March 2025

Program: SCDN

Audience: Executive Committee

Dates: On-Going (Ends Mar 5, 2025)

For SCDN Executive Committee members only.

27. SCDN Membership Meeting - March 2025

Program: SCDN

Dates: On-Going (Ends Mar 7, 2025)

The Staff and Curriculum Development Network (SCDN) hosts a comprehensive 1 1/2 day meeting four times a year, bringing together representatives from each BOCES and the Big 5 school districts in New York State. These extended sessions are designed to foster professional learning, provide networking, and deep collaboration, for SCDN members to learn with and from one another. A main emphasis is on aligning with and supporting the initiatives of the New York State Education Department. The agenda often features keynote presentations, interactive workshops, breakout sessions, and panel discussions, all crafted to align with SCDN's mission of strengthening district capacities to meet New York State Standards. A significant portion of the meeting is dedicated to engaging with New York State Education Department colleagues, ensuring participants are informed about standard and assessment updates, policy/regulation/legislative updates, and to collaborate on statewide educational initiatives. Through these interactions, attendees are equipped to implement state-aligned strategies and drive continuous improvement in their districts.

28. SEL Statewide Session 3: Educational Equity Driven by the Emotionally Savvy Leader

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 3/20/2025 to 3/21/2025

Equity work begins with administration, classroom leaders, and students all having a growth mindset when holding high expectations. This work means we are willing to have challenging conversations about practice and why certain populations of students remain stagnant with growth. Participants will discuss and explore strategies to facilitate such practices for all and will engage in a book discussion for practices that cultivates our capacity to model, teach, and support such work. The texts below align with our yearly goals. *Breakfast and Lunch will be provided.

29. Science Framework Spring Meeting

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 5/1/2025 to 5/2/2025

This meeting will complete our work using The Writing Revolution, including creating resources that science teachers can use to incorporate more writing into their courses. We will also focus on what makes a good phenomena for science learning. We would plan to invite researchers from the NYS Museum to share their work, and engage in how phenomena can be used in creating interdisciplinary opportunities.

30. ELA Framework Meeting #3- In Person 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 5/8/2025 to 5/9/2025

Welcome to the final interdisciplinary ELA and Social Studies combined framework group session of 24-25 to be held in person at WSWHE BOCES in Wilton, NY (near Saratoga.) This link is for ELA Statewide Framework Members. If you sit on both ELA and Social Studies, please only register for the event ONCE so that we have accurate numbers for food. *Please ensure you register as an ELA Framework group member using the separate ELA Framework group registration link first prior to registering for the event*

31. Social Studies Framework Meeting #3 - In Person 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 5/8/2025 to 5/9/2025

Welcome to the final interdisciplinary Social Studies and ELA combined framework group session to be held in person at WSWHE BOCES in Wilton, NY (near Saratoga.) This link is for Social Studies Statewide Framework Members. If you sit on both ELA and Social Studies, please only register for the event ONCE so that we have accurate numbers for food. *Please ensure you register as an Social Studies Framework group member using the separate Social Studies Framework group registration link first prior to registering for the event*

32. Math Framework Meeting #3 - IN PERSON

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 5/15/2025 to 5/16/2025

Educators who are creating equitable and joyful learning experiences with standards-aligned instructional materials understand that high-quality instruction depends on applying culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) in their planning and instruction. We will dive deeply into the Achieve the Core math resources around culturally relevant pedagogy, specifically stride 1, Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction. We will engage in exercises to reflect on our own biases to transform instructional practice.

33. TLE Framework Meeting #3 in person 24-25

Program: Statewide Frameworks

Dates: 5/29/2025 to 5/30/2025

The participants will have a deeper understanding of the explicit connections between the CRSE and SEL frameworks and the PSEL and NYS teaching standards. Through the book study, and the presentations across the year and shared conversation,, they will be able to support districts to consciously anchor leadership in the pillars of the CRSE framework.

34. Executive Committee Meeting - June 2025

Program: SCDN

Audience: Executive Committee

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 11, 2025)

For SCDN Executive Committee members only.

35. SCDN Membership Meeting - June 2025

Program: SCDN

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 13, 2025)

The Staff and Curriculum Development Network (SCDN) hosts a comprehensive 1 1/2 day meeting four times a year, bringing together representatives from each BOCES and the Big 5 school districts in New York State. These extended sessions are designed to foster professional learning, provide networking, and deep collaboration, for SCDN members to learn with and from one another. A main emphasis is on aligning with and supporting the initiatives of the New York State Education Department. The agenda often features keynote presentations, interactive workshops, breakout sessions, and panel discussions, all crafted to align with SCDN's mission of strengthening district capacities to meet New York State Standards. A significant portion of the meeting is dedicated to engaging with New York State Education Department colleagues, ensuring participants are informed about standard and assessment updates, policy/regulation/legislative updates, and to collaborate on statewide educational initiatives. Through these interactions, attendees are equipped to implement state-aligned strategies and drive continuous improvement in their districts.