Professional Learning
formerly MLPPDMS
Web Registration
Program: RPDC - Northeast
Location: 4 Truman State University (Kirksville, MO)
Audience: Beginning Teachers
Dates: 8/16/2024 to 4/15/2025
TIME: 9:00am-3:00pm
LOCATION: Truman State University TBA
COST: Free (automatic scholarship) - morning refreshments and lunch included
Beginning teachers are one of our greatest assets. Yet, 17% of teachers leave the career within the first 5 years (Gray et al., 2015). Research shows effective professional development is a key factor of teacher retention (Podolsky et al., 2018). This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System (MTDS). MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements. This opportunity provides-- -networking with other new teachers & educational consultants; -just-in-time learning (critical firsts); -awareness of the phases of a new teacher; and -relationship-building skills.
MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements. This opportunity provides-- -networking with other new teachers & educational consultants; -just-in-time learning (critical firsts); -awareness of the phases of a new teacher; and -relationship-building skills.
Location: 4 Macon, MO (Macon, MO)
Dates: 8/26/2024 to 4/14/2025
LOCATION: Macon R-I District Office Building - 902 N. Missouri St. (Onshore Building)
Audience: Mentor Teachers
Dates: 8/28/2024 to 4/11/2025
This program offers learning and support for mentor teachers. MTDS Mastering: Foundations of Coaching and Mentoring is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System (MTDS). This opportunity provides-- -coaching, observation, and feedback training and support; -consultant support; -regional networking with other mentor teachers; -opportunities to apply newly acquired skills with beginning teachers; and -competency-based programming.
Audience: Teachers who have a strong desire for continuous professional improvement
Dates: 8/30/2024 to 3/31/2025
DATES: Friday, August 30; Thursday, September 18 (state-wide meeting); Friday, November 15, 2024; Friday, February 21; Monday, March 31, 2025 Dates are subject to change. TIME: 9:00am-3:00pm LOCATION: Truman State University TBA - EXCEPT September 19 which will be the state-wide meeting at Hilton Garden Inn, Columbia COST: Free (automatic scholarships) - includes morning refreshments and lunch This program offers support for mid-career teachers. MTDS Developing Stories Through Powerful Task Design is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has -a strong desire for professional improvement, and -although not a requirement, it is strongly recommended to have completed MTDS Teacher Academy. This opportunity provides >a state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book Powerful Task Design, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
LOCATION: Truman State University TBA - EXCEPT September 19 which will be the state-wide meeting at Hilton Garden Inn, Columbia
COST: Free (automatic scholarships) - includes morning refreshments and lunch
This program offers support for mid-career teachers. MTDS Developing Stories Through Powerful Task Design is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has -a strong desire for professional improvement, and -although not a requirement, it is strongly recommended to have completed MTDS Teacher Academy. This opportunity provides >a state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book Powerful Task Design, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
MTDS Developing Stories Through Powerful Task Design is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has -a strong desire for professional improvement, and -although not a requirement, it is strongly recommended to have completed MTDS Teacher Academy.
This opportunity provides >a state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book Powerful Task Design, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
Audience: Northeast Region School District Grow Your Own [GYO] Designers/Facilitators
Dates: 9/3/2024 to 1/28/2025
Audience: Teachers who have completed a MO BTAP, at least 3 years of successful teaching, and a strong desire for professional improvement
Dates: 9/5/2024 to 4/2/2025
DATES: Thursday, September 5; Wednesday, September 18 (state meeting); Wednesday, October 16; Wednesday, November 13; Monday, December 16, 2024; Tuesday, January 21 (state meeting); Thursday, February 20; Wednesday, April 2, 2025 TIME: 9:00am-3:00pm LOCATION: Truman State University TBA - EXCEPT September 18 and January 21 which will be at Hilton Garden Inn, Columbia COST: Free (automatic scholarship) - morning refreshments and lunch included This program offers support for mid-career teachers. MTDS Teacher Academy (TA) is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has-- 1) completed a MO Beginning Teacher Assistance Program, 2) completed at least 3 years of successful teaching, 3) a strong desire for professional improvement. This opportunity provides >state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book 17,000 Classroom Visits Can't Be Wrong, >access to on-demand learning modules to enrich teacher learning anywhere and anytime, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
LOCATION: Truman State University TBA - EXCEPT September 18 and January 21 which will be at Hilton Garden Inn, Columbia
This program offers support for mid-career teachers. MTDS Teacher Academy (TA) is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has-- 1) completed a MO Beginning Teacher Assistance Program, 2) completed at least 3 years of successful teaching, 3) a strong desire for professional improvement. This opportunity provides >state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book 17,000 Classroom Visits Can't Be Wrong, >access to on-demand learning modules to enrich teacher learning anywhere and anytime, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
MTDS Teacher Academy (TA) is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has-- 1) completed a MO Beginning Teacher Assistance Program, 2) completed at least 3 years of successful teaching, 3) a strong desire for professional improvement.
This opportunity provides >state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book 17,000 Classroom Visits Can't Be Wrong, >access to on-demand learning modules to enrich teacher learning anywhere and anytime, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
Location: 4 TBA in the NE RPDC Region (Kirksville, MO)
Dates: 9/9/2024 to 4/7/2025
LOCATION: Session 1 and 2 - Madison C-3 School; remaining TBA
Location: 4 Palmyra, MO (Palmyra, MO)
Dates: 9/10/2024 to 4/16/2025
LOCATION: Northeast Power - 3705 N Business 61, Palmyra
Audience: Any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri
Dates: 9/23/2024 to 2/26/2025
This program offers continued support for early career teachers.
Purposeful Lesson Planning is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System (MTDS) and is open to any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri.
This professional development opportunity provides-- -consultant support; -networking with other teachers; and -competency-based programming.
Audience: early educators, those who are entering the profession through other means (such as alternative certification), or those navigating changes in content or grade-level
Dates: 9/30/2024 to 2/24/2025
Audience: professional development committees
Dates: 3/20/2025