Catalog: DESE

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1. Jefferson City MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP)

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: Jefferson City Diocese Building (Jefferson City, MO)

Dates: 8/5/2024 to 2/11/2025

Beginning teachers are one of our greatest assets. Yet, 17% of teachers leave the career within the first five years (Gray et al., 2015). Effective professional development is a key factor of teacher retention (Podolsky et al., 2018).

This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System

MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.

This opportunity provides:

-networking with other new teachers and educational consultants

-just-in-time learning (critical firsts)

-awareness of the phases of a new teacher

-relationship-building skills

2. Tipton MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP)

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: Tipton Central Office (Tipton, MO)

Dates: 8/12/2024 to 3/3/2025

Beginning teachers are one of our greatest assets. Yet, 17% of teachers leave the career within the first five years (Gray et al., 2015). Effective professional development is a key factor of teacher retention (Podolsky et al., 2018).

This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System

MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.

This opportunity provides:

-networking with other new teachers and educational consultants

-just-in-time learning (critical firsts)

-awareness of the phases of a new teacher

-relationship-building skills

3. Jefferson City MTDS Purposeful Lesson Planning (BTAP 2)

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: Jefferson City Diocese Building (Jefferson City, MO)

Dates: 8/13/2024 to 1/10/2025

You made it through year one, but your learning never stops! Continue your growth as an emerging teacher!

Purposeful Lesson Planning (formerly BTAP B) offers continued support for early career teachers.

Purposeful Lesson Planning is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri.

This opportunity provides:

-consultant support

-networking with other teachers

-competency-based programming

4. Heart of MO MTDS Grow Your Own (GYO) Network

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: B116, Assessment Resource Center, 2800 Maguire Blvd, Columbia MO 65211 (Columbia, MO)

Dates: 9/4/2024 to 1/29/2025

Missouri students need great teachers. Your role as a builder of the next generation of educators is SO important! Together we can help build the future of Missouri teachers.

Regional Grow Your Own networks are designed:

•              to connect district GYO program designers/facilitators through active collaborative groups.

•              to promote resource/information sharing among colleagues.

•              to create opportunities that inspire students to become great educators.

•              using the Aspiring Level state competencies as a focus.

Join us if you are a designer/facilitator of a GYO club/chapter or class who wants to:

•              connect with other leaders who work with the next generation of educators.

•              hear relevant guest speakers.

•              learn about resources and opportunities that support your program.

•              share the fantastic happenings of your group of future teachers.

Regional networking sessions support the implementation and growth of GYO teacher recruitment programs in all Missouri school districts and charter schools. The state MTDS GYO Coordinator, Sandy Humbyrd, a former Ed Pathways Dual Credit Class Teacher & Ed Club Sponsor, who completed doctoral work on Missouri's GYO programs, will be facilitating network gatherings.

A fourth meeting date is TBA State GYO Teacher Leader Conference.

5. Heart of Missouri MTDS Teacher Academy

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: B116, Assessment Resource Center, 2800 Maguire Blvd, Columbia MO 65211 (Columbia, MO)

Dates: 9/5/2024 to 3/13/2025

This program offers support for mid-career teachers.

MTDS Teacher Academy is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has:

-completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program

-completed at least 3 years of successful teaching

-a strong desire for professional improvement

This opportunity provides:

-Statewide event with national expert, John Antonetti

-a copy John's book: 17,000 Classroom Visits Can't Be Wrong

-access to on-demand learning modules to enrich teacher learning anywhere and anytime

-consultant support

-networking with other teachers

-competency-based programming

**There will also be an additional January Winter Meeting with John Antonetti. Date and location TBD.

6. MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP 1)-Camdenton

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: Camdenton, MO (Camdenton, MO)

Dates: 9/12/2024 to 2/26/2025

Beginning teachers are one of our greatest assets. Yet, 17% of teachers leave the career within the first five years (Gray et al., 2015). Effective professional development is a key factor of teacher retention (Podolsky et al., 2018).

This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development SystemMTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.This opportunity provides:

networking with other new teachers and educational consultants

just-in-time learning (critical firsts)

awareness of the phases of a new teacher-relationship

building skills

7. MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP 1)-Climax Springs

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: Climax Springs School District (Climax Springs, MO)

Dates: 9/12/2024 to 2/26/2025

Beginning teachers are one of our greatest assets. Yet, 17% of teachers leave the career within the first five years (Gray et al., 2015). Effective professional development is a key factor of teacher retention (Podolsky et al., 2018).

This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development SystemMTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.This opportunity provides:

networking with other new teachers and educational consultants

just-in-time learning (critical firsts)

awareness of the phases of a new teacher-relationship

building skills

8. MTDS Purposeful Lesson Planning (BTAP2)-Camdenton

Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center

Location: Camdenton, MO (Camdenton, MO)

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 2/27/2025

You made it through year one, but your learning never stops! Continue your growth as an emerging teacher!

Purposeful Lesson Planning (formerly BTAP B) offers continued support for early career teachers.

Purposeful Lesson Planning is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri

This opportunity provides:

consultant support

networking with other teachers

competency-based programming