Professional Learning
formerly MLPPDMS
Web Registration
Program: RPDC - Northeast
Location: 4 Truman State University (Kirksville, MO)
Audience: K-6 Teachers, Title Teachers, Special Education Teachers or Interventionists, Administrators
Dates: 8/8/2023 to 4/2/2024
Audience: Northeast Region School District Grow Your Own [GYO] Designers/Facilitators
Dates: 9/3/2024 to 1/28/2025
Location: 4 Madison C-3 Schools (Madison, MO)
Audience: Mentors of Beginning Teacher Assistance Program A (BTAP A) Participants
Dates: 9/9/2024 to 11/18/2024
Location: 4 TBA in the NE RPDC Region (Kirksville, MO)
Audience: Teachers who have a strong desire for continuous professional improvement
Dates: 9/10/2024 to 3/11/2025
DATES: Tuesday, September 10; Thursday, November 14, 2024; Wednesday, January 29; Tuesday, March 11, 2025 TIME: 9:00am-3:00pm LOCATION: TBD - Hannibal area COST: Free (automatic scholarships) - lunch on your own This program offers support for mid-career teachers. MTDS Developing Stories Through Powerful Task Design is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has -a strong desire for professional improvement, and -although not a requirement, it is strongly recommended to have completed MTDS Teacher Academy. This opportunity provides >a state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book Powerful Task Design, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
TIME: 9:00am-3:00pm
LOCATION: TBD - Hannibal area
COST: Free (automatic scholarships) - lunch on your own
This program offers support for mid-career teachers. MTDS Developing Stories Through Powerful Task Design is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has -a strong desire for professional improvement, and -although not a requirement, it is strongly recommended to have completed MTDS Teacher Academy. This opportunity provides >a state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book Powerful Task Design, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
MTDS Developing Stories Through Powerful Task Design is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System and is open to any teacher who has -a strong desire for professional improvement, and -although not a requirement, it is strongly recommended to have completed MTDS Teacher Academy.
This opportunity provides >a state-wide event with national expert John Antonetti, >a copy of John's book Powerful Task Design, >consultant support, >networking with other teachers, and >competency-based programming.
Audience: Any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri
Dates: 9/23/2024 to 2/26/2025
This program offers continued support for early career teachers.
Purposeful Lesson Planning is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System (MTDS) and is open to any teacher who has completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in Missouri.
This professional development opportunity provides-- -consultant support; -networking with other teachers; and -competency-based programming.
Audience: early educators, those who are entering the profession through other means (such as alternative certification), or those navigating changes in content or grade-level
Dates: 9/30/2024 to 2/24/2025
Audience: Grades 6-12 Social Studies Teachers
Dates: 11/4/2024
Audience: Grades 3-6 Math Teachers
Dates: 11/5/2024
Location: Virtual (online, MO)
Location: 4 Palmyra, MO (Palmyra, MO)
Dates: 11/6/2024
Audience: Special Education staff involved in the creation and implementation of Transition Plans
Location: 4 Virtual (Internet, MO)
Audience: Grades 6-12 Math Teachers
Dates: 11/7/2024
Audience: K-5 Educators
Audience: Grades K-12 Administrators and/or Math Leaders
Dates: 11/12/2024
Dates: 11/13/2024
Dates: 11/14/2024
Audience: Grades 5-12 Science Teachers
Dates: 11/15/2024
Dates: 11/18/2024
Audience: Title I Teachers
Dates: 11/19/2024
Audience: English Language Arts Teachers, Special Education Teachers
Dates: 11/21/2024
Audience: Special Education Teachers, Administrators, Process Coordinators, and General Education Teachers
Dates: 12/4/2024
Audience: General Education Teachers and Special Education Teachers
Location: 4 Macon Co. R-I (Macon, MO)
Dates: 12/5/2024
Dates: 12/12/2024
Dates: 1/9/2025
Dates: 1/13/2025
Dates: 1/17/2025
Dates: 1/21/2025
Dates: 1/24/2025
Audience: Special Education Staff Working with MAP-A
Dates: 2/10/2025
Dates: 2/19/2025
Dates: 2/24/2025
Dates: 3/3/2025
Dates: 3/4/2025
Dates: 3/11/2025
Dates: 3/17/2025
Audience: professional development committees
Dates: 3/20/2025
Dates: 3/21/2025
Dates: 3/24/2025
Dates: 3/25/2025
Dates: 4/8/2025
Dates: 4/16/2025
Dates: 5/7/2025