Catalog: CCIU (Web Registration)

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1. Statewide STEELS Admin PLC

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 3/7/2025

Meeting Times: 8:30am-10:00am

The PENNSELA Statewide STEELS Admin Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a collaborative network designed to support administrators across Pennsylvania in implementing the PA STEELS Standards with fidelity and impact. This PLC provides a space for educational leaders to engage in targeted discussions, share best practices, and develop actionable strategies for fostering three-dimensional, equity-centered science education. Through regular meetings, expert-facilitated sessions, and peer learning opportunities, participants will deepen their understanding of the STEELS framework, explore ways to lead systemic change, and build capacity to support educators and students in achieving the vision of the standards. The PLC emphasizes practical solutions, data-informed decision-making, and the development of sustainable leadership practices that prioritize inclusive and effective science teaching and learning statewide. This initiative is driven by the Pennsylvania Science Education Leadership Association (PENNSELA), in partnership with key stakeholders, to ensure that all administrators are equipped to champion high-quality science education in their schools and districts.


2. Statewide STEELS Teacher PLC

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Teachers, Coaches, Administrators

Dates: 4/10/2025

Meeting Times: 4/10/2025; 3:30pm - 4:30pm

This statewide PLC is an opportunity for educators to come together to collaboratively tackle the challenges of implementing STEELS standards. Share your experiences, hear innovative solutions from peers across the state, and gain fresh ideas to enhance your teaching practice. Together, we can foster a vibrant community dedicated to improving science education for all students!

PLC Session Details:
- Thursday, April 10, 2025
- Wednesday, May 21, 2025
*All dates 3:30pm - 4:30pm

All sessions will be held via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided to registrants via email one week prior to the session. Contact your IU STEELS representative with any questions about this opportunity.


3. Statewide STEELS Teacher PLC

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Teachers, Coaches, Administrators

Dates: 5/21/2025

Meeting Times: 5/21/2025; 3:30pm - 4:30pm

This statewide PLC is an opportunity for educators to come together to collaboratively tackle the challenges of implementing STEELS standards. Share your experiences, hear innovative solutions from peers across the state, and gain fresh ideas to enhance your teaching practice. Together, we can foster a vibrant community dedicated to improving science education for all students!

All sessions will be held via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided to registrants via email one week prior to the session. Contact your IU STEELS representative with any questions about this opportunity.


4. STEELS Assessment Institute

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Administrators, Curriculum Coordinators, Teacher Leaders

Dates: 5/27/2025 to 5/29/2025

Meeting Times: 5/27/25, 5/28/25, and 5/29/25; 8:30am - 3:30pm each day

The new science standards for PA will mean shifts in teaching,learning, and assessment. In this multi-day institute, we will dive into state changes with student assessments. We will examine formative, summative and state assessments as part of our work.

5. STEELS Summit: Igniting Innovation for K-12 Teaching & Learning

Program: Hourly Workshops

Dates: 6/18/2025

Meeting Times: Wednesday, June 18, 2025; 9AM to 3PM

Keynote: It's All About the Vision! Making 3-Dimensional Instruction Come Alive in Your Classroom
Facilitated by Wil and Stacey van der Veen

Join us for the STEELS Summit: Igniting Innovation for a Sustainable Future, a one-day conference from 9 AM to 3 PM designed to help Pennsylvania educators learn about and prepare to implement the state's new Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy, and Sustainability (STEELS) Standards. Engage in interactive sessions, gain practical strategies, and collaborate with fellow educators to bring these standards to life in your schools and classrooms. Whether you're new to STEELS or looking to deepen your understanding, this summit offers valuable insights and resources to support your teaching journey. Don't miss this opportunity to lead the way in science and sustainability education!

Educators with STEELS implementation experience are invited to submit a proposal. Please fill out the Call for Proposal form by March 20, 2025!

Cancellation/No-Show Policy: Full fee assessed for drops after 6/2/25 or no-shows.

#leadership#STEELS #Science

6. Engineering Principals in an Elementary Setting

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Curriculum Directors.

Dates: 8/6/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00am-3:00pm

This workshop will allow attendees to access two different engineering curricula: Engineering is Elementary, and Youth Engineering Solutions. These curricula are focused in the K-5 and K-8 bands to help address the need to support engineering standards present in STEELS. Participants will be given time to access and explore the curricula, while also participating in activities directly from the EiE and YES curricula.


7. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District leaders, Coaches, Administrators

Dates: 8/12/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


8. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 9/9/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


9. SLIFE Solutions: Integrating ELD and Science

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Secondary science teachers, curriculum directors, EL teachers and leaders

Dates: 9/16/2025

Meeting Times: 12:00pm - 2:30pm

This SLIFE Solutions workgroup will be dedicated to exploring innovative strategies for seamlessly integrating English Language Development (ELD) and science instruction at the secondary level. The workgroup will provide a supportive space for teachers to share insights, co-create lessons, and refine practices that engage SLIFE students in both language and content learning, using the STEELS standards and English language development resources.


10. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 10/14/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


11. SLIFE Solutions: Integrating ELD and Science

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Secondary science teachers, curriculum directors, EL teachers and leaders

Dates: 11/11/2025

Meeting Times: 12:00pm - 2:30pm

This SLIFE Solutions workgroup will be dedicated to exploring innovative strategies for seamlessly integrating English Language Development (ELD) and science instruction at the secondary level. The workgroup will provide a supportive space for teachers to share insights, co-create lessons, and refine practices that engage SLIFE students in both language and content learning, using the STEELS standards and English language development resources.


12. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 11/11/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


13. Learning to See the Resources Students Bring to Sense-Making

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Admin, Teachers, Coaches,

Dates: 11/19/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00am-3:00pm

Every student deserves to feel valued and fully included in their educational experiences. This one-day workshop focuses on helping educators recognize and leverage the diverse intellectual resources students bring to making sense of phenomena. By adopting an asset-based approach, participants will explore how to create inclusive and equitable learning environments that celebrate and support students' unique ways of knowing and contributing to science. The workshop will guide participants through an examination of the equity dimensions embedded in the science and engineering practices, highlighting the importance of understanding and honoring the varied ways students make sense of phenomena. Educators will learn to see connections between students' experiences and scientific concepts while gaining a deeper appreciation for the shared human experience of navigating multiple ways of knowing. Through engaging discussions and practical examples, participants will explore strategies for reshaping instruction to support diverse approaches to sense-making. The session also addresses the challenges that less expansive learning environments can create, particularly for students from non-dominant communities. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to foster classrooms where all students can thrive and feel a true sense of belonging.


14. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 12/2/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00am-11:30am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


15. Crafting Targeted Feedback with STEELS and Danielson

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Admin, Building Admin, Coaches, Teacher Leaders, Department Chairs

Dates: 1/12/2026

Meeting Times: 9:00am-3:00pm

Join us for an engaging, hands-on workshop where you'll learn to provide meaningful feedback to science teachers using the STEELS standards and the Danielson Framework. The day begins with an exploration of what high-quality science instruction looks like, focusing on student engagement in authentic science practices and evidence-based reasoning. From there, we'll dive into strategies for observing classrooms, gathering data, and turning those observations into actionable, supportive feedback. You'll practice aligning your comments with STEELS criteria and Danielson's domains through role-playing exercises and collaborative discussions. These activities will refine your ability to provide feedback that motivates teachers and promotes continuous growth. By the end of the day, you'll walk away with practical tools and strategies to foster constructive conversations with teachers, build trust, and elevate science instruction in your school or district. Participants will receive a copy of "The Instructional Leader's Guide to Implementing K1/48 Science Practices"


16. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 1/13/2026

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


17. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 2/3/2026

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


18. SLIFE Solutions: Integrating ELD and Science

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Secondary science teachers, curriculum directors, EL teachers and leaders

Dates: 2/24/2026

Meeting Times: 12:00pm - 2:30pm

This SLIFE Solutions workgroup will be dedicated to exploring innovative strategies for seamlessly integrating English Language Development (ELD) and science instruction at the secondary level. The workgroup will provide a supportive space for teachers to share insights, co-create lessons, and refine practices that engage SLIFE students in both language and content learning, using the STEELS standards and English language development resources.


19. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 3/10/2026

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


20. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 4/14/2026

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


21. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 5/12/2026

Meeting Times: 9:00am-10:00am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!


22. STEM Council

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: District Leaders, District Administrators

Dates: 6/9/2026

Meeting Times: 9:00am-11:30am

Join us for a collaborative meeting designed for STEM district leaders to connect, share updates, and discuss key initiatives. This session will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices, explore challenges, and foster partnerships that enhance STEM education across our districts. Together we'll strategize on innovative solutions and ensure our students receive the highest quality of STEM learning experiences. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to driving our collective success!