Catalog: CCIU (Web Registration)

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1. Statewide STEELS Admin PLC

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 1/21/2025

Meeting Times: 8:30am-10:00am

The PENNSELA Statewide STEELS Admin Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a collaborative network designed to support administrators across Pennsylvania in implementing the PA STEELS Standards with fidelity and impact. This PLC provides a space for educational leaders to engage in targeted discussions, share best practices, and develop actionable strategies for fostering three-dimensional, equity-centered science education. Through regular meetings, expert-facilitated sessions, and peer learning opportunities, participants will deepen their understanding of the STEELS framework, explore ways to lead systemic change, and build capacity to support educators and students in achieving the vision of the standards. The PLC emphasizes practical solutions, data-informed decision-making, and the development of sustainable leadership practices that prioritize inclusive and effective science teaching and learning statewide. This initiative is driven by the Pennsylvania Science Education Leadership Association (PENNSELA), in partnership with key stakeholders, to ensure that all administrators are equipped to champion high-quality science education in their schools and districts.


2. Statewide STEELS Admin PLC

Program: Hourly Workshops

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 3/7/2025

Meeting Times: 8:30am-10:00am

The PENNSELA Statewide STEELS Admin Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a collaborative network designed to support administrators across Pennsylvania in implementing the PA STEELS Standards with fidelity and impact. This PLC provides a space for educational leaders to engage in targeted discussions, share best practices, and develop actionable strategies for fostering three-dimensional, equity-centered science education. Through regular meetings, expert-facilitated sessions, and peer learning opportunities, participants will deepen their understanding of the STEELS framework, explore ways to lead systemic change, and build capacity to support educators and students in achieving the vision of the standards. The PLC emphasizes practical solutions, data-informed decision-making, and the development of sustainable leadership practices that prioritize inclusive and effective science teaching and learning statewide. This initiative is driven by the Pennsylvania Science Education Leadership Association (PENNSELA), in partnership with key stakeholders, to ensure that all administrators are equipped to champion high-quality science education in their schools and districts.
