Catalog: Nassau BOCES (WR)

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1. *COPY OF Nassau BOCES Mental Health Consortium presents The Integral Role Mental Health Professionals have in the Assessment and Management of Threat/Risk within k-12 settings Day 3 of 3

Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Conference Room 1,2,3

Audience: District staff interested in learning about threat/risk assessment that DID NOT attend the Fall Cohort

Dates: 1/25/2024

Location: Conference Room 1,2,3

This is the Spring Cohort for this course. It is open to districts who did not attend the fall cohort first. A second MLP listing will open on February 2nd, 2023, allowing districts who did attend the Fall to send collages to this training. The Integral Role Mental Health Professionals have in the Assessment and Management of Threat/Risk within K-12 Settings Kostas A. Katsavdakis, Ph.D., ABPP is a Diplomate in Forensic Psychology with the American Board of Professional Psychology . He is retained by Prosecutors, Defense Attorneys and the State/Federal Court to evaluate defendants charged with violent sexual and violent non-sexual crimes. Dr. Katsavdakis conducts threat assessments/management, including at the request of the United States Department of Justice for counterterrorism related cases and as an Associate with Work Trauma Services, based in San Francisco, for workplace and campus settings. In addition to his forensic and threat management practice, he maintains a clinical caseload, providing individual treatment for adults and juveniles. Dr. Katsavdakis is currently an Associate Professor-Adjunct at John Jay College of Criminal Justice where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in psychology of criminal behavior, forensic psychological testing, assessment of psychopathy and psychology/law.

• What role does the school's mental health staff play in threat assessment?

• Do you know when to escalate student behavior concerns?

• Is your district's crisis plan up to date? How to use the EARL III and SAVRY Risk Assessment Tool

2. New Administrator Collegial Circle

Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

Audience: New Building Administrators, Chairs

Dates: 8/16/2024 to 3/4/2025

Location: Aug 16- LS 2, Mar 4 - LS 3

"I believe the best leaders are able to influence us in positive ways regardless of how long we have been in education.” Jimmy Casas

Our New Administrative Collegial Circle is a perfect place for you to connect with other educational leaders in order to share experiences, refine your skills and work collaboratively with other instructional leaders.

  • Engage in reflective discussions and problem-solving sessions with experienced administrators
  • Dive deep into research-based leadership strategies and explore innovative approaches
  • Collaborate with a supportive community of practice to enhance your leadership roles
  • Share resources, experiences and success stories to inspire and empower fellow instructional leaders

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR123

    Audience: all

    Dates: 9/13/2024

    Location: CR123


    4. Erin's Law/ Stewards of Children Trainer Group

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Mental Health Services Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Zoom

    Audience: all

    Dates: 9/18/2024

    Location: Zoom

    Starting Today

    5. SMS - eSchoolData - Basic Navigation

    Program: Student Management Services: eSchoolData

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Lab 1

    Audience: New Users, Beginning Users

    Dates: 9/18/2024

    Location: Lab 1

    NewStarting Today
    This workshop is perfect for your new users or users who are looking for an in-person overview of the navigating eSchoolData. Participants will learn the basics of the SIS and how to navigate through eSchoolData to find key tools most users need to access

    6. **VIRTUAL** September State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

    Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1,2,3

    Dates: 9/18/2024

    Location: CR 1,2,3

    Starting Today
    If you are registered, you will receive a link in an email the morning of the workshop.

    This workshop will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be in person at the Nassau BOCES Lupinskie Center. Please show ID at the door.

    7. BRC Ambassador Educator Forums (in-person)

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Levittown Memorial Education Center (Levittown UFSD) (Levittown, NY) [map]

    Audience: Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents

    Dates: 9/18/2024

    Starting Today
    New York State Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) on Graduation Measures

    In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

    Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Please attend and share your input!

    8. **Virtual** Social Studies Collegial Circle (for Nassau Districts)

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY)

    Audience: Chairperson, Director, Coordinator

    Dates: 9/19/2024 to 6/12/2025

    Starting Soon
    Nassau BOCES is joining, once again, with Western Suffolk to offer monthly Social Studies Collegial Circles for administrators and coordinators to connect, share resources and discuss important issues. The group has proven to be an incredible support system for those who have participated.

    All meetings will be held virtually from 9am-10am.
    **please note the January and March meetings are held on Friday**

    9. Initial APPR Certification Training for Administrators

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 2

    Audience: Administrators, Teacher Evaluators

    Dates: 9/19/2024

    Location: LS 2

    Starting Soon
    The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers and principals to be certified through an appropriate training process. During this in-person and interactive Teacher Evaluation Training workshop, participants will explore the following topics:

    1. Recent history of theory and practice relative to teacher evaluation
    2. Understanding the most recent version of NYSED's APPR Regulations
    3. The application of rubrics in evaluating classroom lessons

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    10. Restorative Practices Collegial Circle

    Program: Health & Allied Services MHC For COST Associated PD

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Mental Health Services Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Zoom

    Audience: all

    Dates: 9/19/2024

    Location: Zoom

    Starting Soon
    Topic TBD

    11. **Virtual** ELA Collegial Circle (for Nassau Districts)

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY)

    Audience: Chairperson, Director, Coordinator

    Dates: 9/19/2024 to 6/12/2025

    Starting Soon
    Nassau BOCES is joining, once again, with Western Suffolk to offer monthly ELA Collegial Circles for administrators and coordinators to connect, share resources and discuss important issues. The group has proven to be an incredible support system for those who have participated.

    All meetings will be held virtually from 10am-11am.
    **please note the January and March meetings are held on Friday**

    12. Selective Mutism - Northwell Partners ONLY

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Northwell District PD

    Audience: Northwell Health Behavioral Clinic Members

    Dates: 9/19/2024

    Location: Zoom

    NewStarting Soon
    This session will provide educators with a comprehensive understanding of selective mutism, a complex anxiety disorder that affects a child's ability to speak in certain social situations. Learn practical strategies to support students with selective mutism in the classroom and facilitate their communication and social engagement.

    13. NASTECH Monthly Meeting - September

    Program: NASTECH

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Conference Rooms 1, 2 and 3

    Dates: 9/19/2024

    Location: Conference Rooms 1, 2 and 3

    Starting Soon
    NASTECH Monthly Meeting - September

    14. *Virtual* Math Specialist Collegial Circle - 10 Session Series

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY)

    Audience: Grades K-8 AIS math teachers, math coaches, and math instructional support teachers

    Dates: 9/20/2024 to 6/20/2025

    Starting Soon
    Collaborate with math specialists, coaches, teacher leaders from around Long Island to share best practices in mathematics instruction. Discuss current issues in Grade K through 8 mathematics.

    Each meeting's agenda is created organically by the needs and conversation of our members.

    Register once and you will be registered to attend all 10 sessions.

    15. *Virtual PD* Annual APPR Recertification Training for Principal and Teacher Evaluators

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Virtual via Zoom

    Audience: School Administrators and Supervisors

    Dates: 9/23/2024

    Location: Virtual via Zoom

    ClosedStarting Soon
    The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers and principals be re-certified each year. This re-certification workshop for teacher and principal evaluators will provide updated information on APPR regulations.

    Participants will review video on the entire evaluation cycle and how to use evidence for change during the post observation conferences.

    Participants will also discuss how to implement systemic change in instructional practices using Webb's Depth of Knowledge as an example.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    16. Chat GPT and Your Classroom

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 123

    Audience: Classroom Teachers

    Dates: 9/23/2024

    Location: CR 123

    Starting Soon
    We invite you to come and learn how to use Chat GPT for all kinds of professional and classroom learning enhancements right in your classroom. This exciting and essential technology can help you differentiate instruction by creating various levels of text, helping students generate ideas for writing, promoting experimentation with language, creating questions at various levels of complexity, facilitating project-based learning, and all kinds of other ways to help students learn. The workshop will include opportunities to learn, collaborate, and explore. By the end of the day, you'll feel like an expert.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    17. EIB: Creating a Safe, Supportive, and Affirming School Environment for Transgender and Gender Expansive Students: An Overview and Exploration of the NYSED Legal Update and Best Practices Guidance Document

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: EIB Support Service

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 2

    Audience: District and School Leaders, Teachers, SEL teams, Social Workers, Psychologists

    Dates: 9/23/2024

    Location: LS 2

    Starting Soon
    This interactive and informative session is an opportunity for educators, administrators, and support staff to enhance their knowledge and understanding of creating inclusive environments for transgender and gender expansive students. The NYSED 2023 guidance document was updated to reflect changes in New York State Human Rights Law and federal law which provide enhanced protections to transgender and gender expansive students; provide current national and New York State data on the experiences of transgender and gender expansive students; clarify information regarding student privacy, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and student records; provide best practices for supporting transgender and gender expansive students and recommended best practices to move away from gender-based activities; offer updated and expanded resources for schools; and include student voices and their lived experiences.

    Please note:Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    18. Schoology User Group

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: COL

    Dates: 9/23/2024

    Starting Soon
    Learn about best practices and product updates for the 2024 - 25 school year. Time/Topic: 9:00 - 9:20 Breakfast and Mingle

    9:20 - 9:35 Introductions - What is your Schoology Journey?

    9:35 - 10:10 Schoology Feature Updates

    What's New? - Lesson Planner

    What's Upcoming?

    10:10 - 10:45 Best Practices / Course Templates

    Q and A

    Hands On Practice

    10:45 - 11:00 Break

    11:00 - 11:35 Roles and Permissions

    Advisor Roles

    Building Leader Roles

    Section Level Override

    11:35 - 11:50 Nicole and Melissa (Account Owners) - PowerBuddy for Learning

    11:50 - 12:00 Final Thoughts and Takeaways

    19. Renaissance Star Early Literacy /Lalilo

    Program: Student Support Services: Renaissance Learning (Star, Freckle, or myON)

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS3

    Dates: 9/23/2024

    Location: LS3

    Starting Soon
    Discover Star Early Literacy, a computer-adaptive assessment tailored for Pre-K to 3rd-grade students, concentrating on early literacy and numeracy skills. Explore the connection between Star Early Literacy and Lalilo, which is an integral part of Renaissance's individualized literacy practice for students still developing foundational skills.

    20. NEW UPDATED WORKSHOP - Mandated Reporter Training: Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Maltreatment - VIRTUAL-VIA ZOOM

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Child Abuse - CoSer 507.530

    Dates: 9/23/2024

    NewStarting Soon
    Anyone applying for a provisional or permanent certificate or license (valid for administrative, supervisory, school or classroom teaching service) must complete two hours of course work or training in the identification and reporting of child abuse and maltreatment. This course includes the topics of the role of the reporter, definition of abuse, indicators of abuse, and follow-up steps. Upon completion, your Child Abuse Certification will be uploaded to your TEACH account. Please have microphone and video access for the entire presentation. Please enter the virtual room with your first and last name.
    This session is for Nassau BOCES staff ONLY.

    21. Smart Start Grant Year 4 Fall Workshop

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: COL

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Conf 1, 2, 3

    Audience: Smart Start Grant participating teachers and administrators

    Dates: 9/24/2024

    Location: Conf 1, 2, 3

    Starting Soon
    Join facilitators from NYIT and the Smart Start grant lead team from Nassau BOCES to launch the fourth year of the NYSED Smart Start grant. All participating teachers and district grant leads should attend. The day's activities will include an overview of the grant, and introduction to the NYSED Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards (CSDF), breakout sessions showcasing previous grant work and applied technologies and breakout sessions for individual cohorts to begin working with their assigned NYIT facilitator.

    22. *Virtual PD* DASA Coordinator Refresher Training

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY)

    Audience: Experienced DASA Coordinators and School Professionals

    Dates: 9/25/2024

    This half-day refresher session is designed for experienced Dignity for ALL Students Act (DASA) Coordinators and school professionals seeking to enhance their effectiveness in handling incident reports effectively.

    This session aims to provide a focused review and update on key aspects of Dignity Act implementation, ensuring that participants are equipped with the latest knowledge and strategies to fulfill responsibilities with confidence. Additionally, we'll delve into adaptive skills essential for receiving and responding to incident reports, offering insights and best practices to sharpen your approach.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    23. ADHD, Executive Function, and Behavioral Challenges in the Classroom, K-12

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 2

    Audience: K-12 Teachers, School Counselors, School Psychologists, Building Leaders, Support

    Dates: 9/25/2024

    Location: LS 2

    This workshop gives teachers, guidance counselors, and school psychologists an understanding of the social and emotional impact that ADHD and Executive Function challenges have on learning, motivation, behavior, and the family system.

    Upon completing this program, participants will:
  • Have a functional and actionable understanding of Executive Function skills and what performance can be expected at different learning levels.
  • Learn valuable methods to manage problems with attention, organization, stress, homework completion, and test performance based on the latest brain research and evidence-based best practices.
  • Discover subtle changes in teaching methods and classroom structure to improve time management, working memory, motivation, and emotional regulation that will benefit all children, not only those with ADHD.

    This workshop provides practical tips, tools, and strategies to help students gain self-awareness, self-direction, and greater accountability that can be incorporated into everyday teaching and across the curriculum. Receive valuable handouts and resources for teachers, parents, and students to manage homework, home/school communication, study skills, behavior, and more.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.
  • 24. IDW: ELL Navigation: One Stop Shop

    Program: Student Support Services: Instructional Data Warehouse

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Lab 1

    Dates: 9/25/2024

    Location: Lab 1

    How do the ELLs/MLLs in your district compare to others? Join us for this Instructional Data Warehouse training to learn about the "one stop shop" option and the NYSESLAT/ Reference Guides. These tools serve as an HOV lane to give you easy access to myriad reports that focus on the linguistic and academic performance of ELLs/MLLs.

    25. Nassau BOCES Mental Health Consortium September Meeting

    Program: Health & Allied Services MHC For COST Associated PD

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR123

    Audience: all

    Dates: 9/25/2024

    Location: CR123

    We invite all MHC Liaisons and district staff to join us for our first Mental Health Consortium meeting of the 2024-2025 school year! At this meeting, we will provide updates on new offerings for the '24-'25 school year, introduce new staff and new initiatives including our new School Guidance and Counseling Services. We will build off the momentum from our spring Summit "Influenced Minds: Exploring the Impact of Social Media and Phone Use on Childhood Development and Mental Wellness" by hearing from Jen Sullivan from the 'Let Grow' project and learn how your district can get involved.  We will also hear from our colleagues from Outdoor Education and the partnership we are building with them.  We look forward to seeing you and kicking off the '24-'25 school year! 

    26. SMS - SchoolTool - Gradebook Workshop

    Program: Student Management Services : schooltool

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 1

    Dates: 9/25/2024

    Location: LS 1

    Learn all about SchoolTool's Gradebook.

    27. **VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM-LIVE** School Violence Prevention and Intervention Certification

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction:School Violence - CoSer 507.530

    Dates: 9/25/2024

    Location: VIRTUAL VIA ZOOM

    New York State's SAVE Legislation requires that anyone seeking NYS certification (teachers, teaching assistants, pupil personnel professional and administrators) must complete a two-hour violence prevention course. Upon completion, your School Violence Certification will be uploaded to your TEACH account. Please have microphone and video access for the entire presentation. Please enter the virtual room with your first and last name. If you need accessibility accommodations, please email Susan Pogor,, upon registering. If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    28. ADHD - Teacher Circle

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Mental Health Services Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Zoom

    Audience: all

    Dates: 9/26/2024

    Location: Zoom

    Evidence based …… Strategies to Increase Engagement for ALL Learners! Topic highlights include: Ø Challenges of Student Engagement. Ø Minimize Work Avoidance. Ø Build a Connected Classroom. Ø Identify Boundaries to Learning. Ø Enhance Academic Success for Struggling Students.

    29. EIB: Deconstructing Symbols of Hate

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: EIB Support Service

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1 2 3

    Audience: School Administrators, Supervisors, Counselors, Equity Leaders, Grades 6-12

    Dates: 9/26/2024

    Location: CR 1 2 3

    This workshop is designed for leaders to gain a deeper understanding of some of society's most widely-known symbols of hatred, discrimination, and in some cases, genocide, and bring strategies back to school staff and community for how to stand up to hatred when we see it or hear it. Participants will analyze the history and meaning of symbols that represent antisemitism and genocidal hatred and examine the history of key symbols of hate targeting African Americans. A detailed demonstration of the presentation and a discussion session to talk about how to implement it in schools will be shared, along with resources, implementation guidelines, and recommended readings.

    Please note:Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    30. Overview of Fundations, Grades 1-2

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 123

    Audience: Teachers and Teacher Assistants

    Dates: 9/26/2024

    Location: CR 123

    In this workshop we will explore all the parts of the Fundations curriculum and the different options that can be used to teach the curriculum to all students.

  • The participants will be able to review the necessary components of a week's lesson plan to ensure success for their students and to help support the teacher's planning.
  • Strategies and tips for organizing the flow of a lesson over a week and the materials needed for each part of the lesson.
  • Discussion on assessment data and suggestions on how to organize and differentiate target groups to ensure success for all students.

    Please bring your teacher's manual to class because time will be provided to design lesson plans for a week.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.
  • 31. PowerUp: Ask the Naviance Expert

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Naviance Support

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Health and Allied Services - Virtual (Garden City, NY) - Virtual: Zoom

    Dates: 9/26/2024

    Location: Virtual: Zoom

    Welcome and Overview
    Zoom Link:

    • Our Team & PowerUps

    • PowerSchool Community

    • Support & Help Center

    •Open Forum for your questions - below is the topics to focus on during this time of year:

    • eDocs questions

    • Reporting questions

    • Configuration questions

    • Resources questions

    32. Navigating Renaissance Next- WEBINAR

    Program: Student Support Services: Renaissance Learning (Star, Freckle, or myON)

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Zoom link will be sent

    Dates: 9/26/2024

    Location: Zoom link will be sent

    Back to school and noticing that Renaissance has changed? You're in luck because you have Renaissance Next! Wondering what to do next? We'll guide you through the new features of Renaissance's updated interface!

    33. SMS - Infinite Campus - Infinite Campus 101

    Program: Student Management Services: Infinite Campus

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Learning Studio 1

    Dates: 9/26/2024

    Location: Learning Studio 1

    This workshop is perfect for your new users or users who are looking for an in-person overview of the navigating Infinite Campus. Participants will learn the basics of the three sites available to Campus users, the purpose of each, and how to navigate through Campus to find key tools most users need to access.

    34. Test Scoring Onboarding Meeting

    Program: Student Support Services:Test Scoring

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS2

    Dates: 9/26/2024

    Location: LS2

    The Nassau BOCES Test Scoring Team would like to announce the Test Scoring Onboarding Meeting for new building and district testing coordinators. The purpose of this meeting is to: * Familiarize school/district testing coordinators with the test scoring process * Announce upcoming deadlines and protocols * Obtain a testing coordinator manual * Meet the Nassau BOCES Test Scoring Team

    35. *Virtual* Math Supervisor Collegial Circle - 6 Session Series

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Virtual

    Audience: Mathematics administrators

    Dates: 9/27/2024 to 6/13/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Collaborate with math chairs, coordinators, directors, specialists, coaches, mentors and teacher leaders from around Long Island to share best practices in mathematics instruction. Discuss current issues in Grade K through high school mathematics.

    Each meeting's agenda is created organically by the needs and conversation of our members.

    Register once and you will be registered to attend all 6 sessions.

    36. **This Mtg. will now be 10/2 @ Brookville**Nassau BOCES Mental Health Consortium - Discover the Power of Play & Outdoor Education for Child Development

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES Environmental Center at Caumsett State Historic Park (Huntington, NY) - 1,2,3[map]

    Audience: all

    Dates: 9/27/2024

    Location: 1,2,3

    Unlock the potential of outdoor education for holistic childhood development and mental wellness! Join us at Caumsett State Park for an enriching workshop experience. What to Expect: Dive into the importance of outdoor activities for children's growth Gain insights into enhancing outdoor spaces in your school/district Explore the profound impact of nature on mental well-being and overall health. Workshop Highlights: Collaborate with Nassau BOCES environmental experts. Learn innovative methods to infuse nature-based activities into your curriculum. Align lessons with NYSED SEL and CASEL 5 SEL benchmarks. Develop executive skills through engaging activities. Who Should Attend: District Mental Health Coordinators Science, Physical Education, and Health Educators Anyone keen on integrating outdoor experiences into their classroom. Don't miss this opportunity to nurture young minds amidst the beauty of nature! Join us and be part of the movement towards holistic education. Dress for the OUTDOORS!

    37. EIB: Unpacking and Developing a Deeper Understanding of the NYSED Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: EIB Support Service

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS2

    Audience: District and School Leaders, Teachers, Equity Teams, Support Staff

    Dates: 9/30/2024

    Location: LS2

    The NYSED Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education (CR-SE) Framework is based on the principle that all students can succeed. It is designed to promote equity and inclusivity in education. In this workshop, we will provide a full day overview and deeper exploration of the NYSED CR-SE framework, its key components, and strategies for all stakeholders to support inclusive learning environments that support all students. We will focus on building strong relationships with students and families, creating a supportive and inclusive classroom culture, and using culturally responsive teaching practices. This workshop will offer strategies and resources for educators to implement in their schools and classrooms, such as designing rigorous tasks that incorporate student perspectives and cultural experiences, providing regular feedback and support, and building relationships with students and families. Participants will explore a variety of resources that can be used to develop lessons that are inclusive and responsive to students' cultural backgrounds. Participants will learn about a range of assessment strategies, including formative and summative assessments, that can be used to create an inclusive assessment system that supports all students. By the end of the workshop, participants will develop a deeper understanding of the NYSED CR-SE Framework, along with practices, strategies, and a resource toolkit that support a culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable learning environments.

    Please note:Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    38. Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered System of Support Collegial Circle K-12

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - CR 1,2,3

    Audience: Classroom teachers, Specialists, Building Administrators

    Dates: 9/30/2024 to 3/12/2025

    Location: CR 1,2,3

    Anne Rullan, Ed.D, Professional Development Consultant, will facilitate professional learning to develop a better understanding of Response to Intervention, Multi-Tiered System of Support, data-driven decision making, and targeted interventions to improve student outcomes.

    Professional learning will focus on:
  • Ensuring district plans meet the requirements of RtI as outlined by NYSED
  • Understanding data and how it informs what type of intervention to use
  • Understanding the lagging skills and/or learning gaps to make appropriate recommendations
  • Identifying the strengths of students to help support overcoming weaknesses
  • Ensuring systematic data collection, data management, and data monitoring
  • Analyzing data to determine adequate progress
  • Tapping into the talents of specialists, colleagues, and parents
  • Differentiating instruction to provide necessary support for students to allow students to learn at their level and scaffold for students to construct their own knowledge and make educational gains
  • Including Social-Emotional Learning with areas of intervention, screening, and progress monitoring
  • Determining whether a student is struggling from a gap in their fund of knowledge, a curriculum gap, or a learning disability

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.
  • 39. Teaching Grammar: What Really Works- The Basics

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 3

    Audience: Teachers: ELA, ENL, Special Ed. Grades 3-12

    Dates: 9/30/2024

    Location: LS 3

    In this workshop, teachers will learn engaging ways that really work to teach grammar in the context of the language arts. Amy Benjamin will demonstrate ready-to-go classroom practices for teaching parts of speech and basic sentence structure and punctuation. Emphasis will be placed on applying grammatical concepts to improve reading and writing.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    40. DPSS Presents: AristotleK12 Data Privacy

    Program: Data Privacy & Security Services

    Location: Webinar (x, x)

    Dates: 9/30/2024

    AristotleK12's new data privacy features are game changers for the software approval and compliance process! Join this virtual meeting to see how AristotleK12 can help with:
    •Product use discovery without SSO approval restrictions
    •Establishing software approval workflows
    •Communicating what software products meet data privacy compliance under Ed Law 2-d and FERPA

    41. AI for Inclusive Education: Empowering Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - (GRAD - UMASS GLOBAL) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDUU 9956 Instructor: Tom Fabian GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE "AI for Inclusive Education: Empowering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion” is designed to equip educators with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to effectively integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies into their teaching practices while fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment. Participants will explore the dynamic intersection of AI and education using real-world examples of AI enhanced learning experiences and applications. They will gain insights into the key concepts of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and learn about the importance of EDI in addressing biases and promoting fairness within AI including how AI can tailor content to individual students' needs and diverse learning styles, create unbiased grading assessment methods, mitigate biases, make education more accessible for culturally underrepresented groups, and design AI driven curriculum materials that promote EDI.

    42. AI for Inclusive Education: Empowering Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDUU 9956 Instructor: Tom Fabian GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE "AI for Inclusive Education: Empowering Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion” is designed to equip educators with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to effectively integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies into their teaching practices while fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment. Participants will explore the dynamic intersection of AI and education using real-world examples of AI enhanced learning experiences and applications. They will gain insights into the key concepts of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and learn about the importance of EDI in addressing biases and promoting fairness within AI including how AI can tailor content to individual students' needs and diverse learning styles, create unbiased grading assessment methods, mitigate biases, make education more accessible for culturally underrepresented groups, and design AI driven curriculum materials that promote EDI. This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    43. Bridging Our Connectivity - (GRAD - UMASS GLOBAL) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDTU 9155 Instructor: Edward Storck GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE Connections are a bedrock in education. Educators know that meaningful connections can better engage students and motivate them to reach their potential and these ties can and should extend beyond students to their families, the greater community, and beyond. In this course, we will explore how we can create intentional connections to best serve all students, including students that have been historically under served and marginalized. We will collaborate as a think tank to learn what role technology can play in bridging the home-school divide and we will create a turnkey action plan that can enhance existing relationships and build new ones that leverage students' strengths to maximize their learning District approval must be complete before start date

    44. Bridging Our Connectivity - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDTU 9155 Instructor: Edward Storck GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE Connections are a bedrock in education. Educators know that meaningful connections can better engage students and motivate them to reach their potential and these ties can and should extend beyond students to their families, the greater community, and beyond. In this course, we will explore how we can create intentional connections to best serve all students, including students that have been historically under served and marginalized. We will collaborate as a think tank to learn what role technology can play in bridging the home-school divide and we will create a turnkey action plan that can enhance existing relationships and build new ones that leverage students' strengths to maximize their learning This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    45. Building Connections in the Post - Pandemic Classroom - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course # EDUU 9064 Instructor: Valerie Fiano GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE This course will focus on reflecting on changes in students and classrooms post-pandemic and developing skills of independence and addressing social and emotional needs. We will focus on building strong relationships and trust, helping students become aware of their needs as learners and finding their identity and discuss specific activities and interactions that will help students find their purpose and make personal connections with the content, teacher, and diverse learning community. We will also address the social and emotional needs of students and strategies for guiding under served populations in building connections and identifying their needs as learners. This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    46. EdTech Tools for Equity - (GRAD - UMASS GLOBAL) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course # EDUU 9961 Instructor: Kim Turri GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE There is no time like the present for educators to reflect on their role in culturally responsive teaching and use new educational technology tools to build an even stronger school community inclusive of English Language Learners and marginalized students. Students bring rich and diverse backgrounds to the classroom! Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning and reinventing our learning approach. It can help affirm and advance relationships between educators and students and remove the barriers to long-standing equity and accessibility gaps. Opportunities to reflect on digital tools to help adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of English Language Learners, economically disadvantaged, and other groups that have been historically underserved and marginalized will be enhanced. With equity in mind, educators can develop a climate in which students' backgrounds, experiences, and cultures are honored to build a stronger and more diverse learning community. The tools and strategies included specifically address teaching English Language Learners and marginalized students but are suited for all educators teaching grades K 12. District approval must be complete before start date

    47. EdTech Tools for Equity - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course # EDUU 9961 Instructor: Kim Turri GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE There is no time like the present for educators to reflect on their role in culturally responsive teaching and use new educational technology tools to build an even stronger school community inclusive of English Language Learners and marginalized students. Students bring rich and diverse backgrounds to the classroom! Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning and reinventing our learning approach. It can help affirm and advance relationships between educators and students and remove the barriers to long-standing equity and accessibility gaps. Opportunities to reflect on digital tools to help adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of English Language Learners, economically disadvantaged, and other groups that have been historically underserved and marginalized will be enhanced. With equity in mind, educators can develop a climate in which students' backgrounds, experiences, and cultures are honored to build a stronger and more diverse learning community. The tools and strategies included specifically address teaching English Language Learners and marginalized students but are suited for all educators teaching grades K 12. This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    48. Habits of Mind: Elements of Students Success - (GRAD - UMASS GLOBAL) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDDU 9161 Instructor: Valerie Fiano GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE The Habits of Mind course will allow teachers of all content areas, grade levels, and experience to examine the educational philosophy behind habits of mind that have been linked to the optimal success of students. Participants will look at all sixteen successful student behaviors in detail and determine how to promote these behaviors in their classroom practice. District approval must be complete before start date

    49. Habits of Mind: Elements of Students Success - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDDU 9161 Instructor: Valerie Fiano GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE The Habits of Mind course will allow teachers of all content areas, grade levels, and experience to examine the educational philosophy behind habits of mind that have been linked to the optimal success of students. Participants will look at all sixteen successful student behaviors in detail and determine how to promote these behaviors in their classroom practice. This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    50. Let's Talk! Integrating Restorative Circles - (GRAD - UMASS GLOBAL) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDUU 9955 Instructor: Valerie Fiano GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE What are restorative practices? It is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as develop social connections within families and communities. Restorative practices help to create a trusting environment by giving both students and adults an opportunity to make positive choices and interact respectfully in the home and classroom community. In this course, participants will learn how to proactively build healthy relationships that helps to develop the community by using affective language , empathic listening, nonverbal affirmations, talking circles, conflict resolution among peers and family members, problem-solving skills, and reintegration circles to name a few. Participants and students alike will learn to reflect upon behaviors and decisions that will affect overall success and relationships among communities. District approval must be complete before start date

    51. Let's Talk! Integrating Restorative Circles - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDUU 9955 Instructor: Valerie Fiano GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE What are restorative practices? It is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as develop social connections within families and communities. Restorative practices help to create a trusting environment by giving both students and adults an opportunity to make positive choices and interact respectfully in the home and classroom community. In this course, participants will learn how to proactively build healthy relationships that helps to develop the community by using affective language , empathic listening, nonverbal affirmations, talking circles, conflict resolution among peers and family members, problem-solving skills, and reintegration circles to name a few. Participants and students alike will learn to reflect upon behaviors and decisions that will affect overall success and relationships among communities. This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    52. Shifting the Perspective on Poverty: Asset Based Mindset and Strategies - (GRAD -MANHATTAN COLLEGE) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course # EDPD 678 Instructor: Kerri Coudrey GRAD THROUGH MANHATTAN COLLEGE OR IN-SERVICE Students in poverty has long been viewed through a deficit perspective, one that immediately eliminates the assets and strengths such students surely have. One in five American children under the age of 18 live in poverty making the effects on students' wellbeing and academic success vast. As educators, we must delve in to understand it and how to best reach the students by shifting our perspective. Instead of a deficit viewing, this course will show how to shift one's perspective and mindset, connect with students, teach and empower students through an asset- based lens. This course will explore shifting perspectives on poverty to one of deficit to one of asset based and how this shift in mindset will provide a new way to better reach and support students. Awareness, strategies and outreach opportunities educators can put into practice will be provided, assessed and ultimately implemented by those participating in this course. Further, this course will give participants the tools to develop structures and routines to engage students and opportunities to grow District approval must be complete before start date

    53. Shifting the Perspective on Poverty: Asset Based Mindset and Strategies - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course # EDPD 678 Instructor: Kerri Coudrey GRAD THROUGH MANHATTAN COLLEGE OR IN-SERVICE Students in poverty has long been viewed through a deficit perspective, one that immediately eliminates the assets and strengths such students surely have. One in five American children under the age of 18 live in poverty making the effects on students' wellbeing and academic success vast. As educators, we must delve in to understand it and how to best reach the students by shifting our perspective. Instead of a deficit viewing, this course will show how to shift one's perspective and mindset, connect with students, teach and empower students through an asset- based lens. This course will explore shifting perspectives on poverty to one of deficit to one of asset based and how this shift in mindset will provide a new way to better reach and support students. Awareness, strategies and outreach opportunities educators can put into practice will be provided, assessed and ultimately implemented by those participating in this course. Further, this course will give participants the tools to develop structures and routines to engage students and opportunities to grow This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    54. Teacher Rescue: Preventing and Reversing Burnout - (MANHATTAN COLLEGE) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course # EDPD 624 Instructor: Cathy Carella-Dean GRAD THOUGH MANHATTAN COLLEGE OR IN-SERVICE The role of an educator has increasingly become more and more demanding. In addition to being content specialists, or service providers, educators find that their roles encompass so much more than delivering instruction and/or services. Educators' daily work includes elements of counseling, caregiving, mentoring, mediating, coaching, and so much more. Over time, these demands can lead educators to feel "burnt out.” This course will give participants the tools to recognize what teacher burn out is and how it negatively impacts teacher and student outcomes. Participants will go beyond identifying issues and will analyze research-based strategies, techniques, and actions to help prevent or reverse burn out. Educators will learn about the positive and invigorating effects of participating in PLCs, PDs, stress management activities, reflections, and leadership opportunities. Educators will discuss and analyze research-based, best practices that improve instructional strategies and collaborative approaches to student learning. Educators will examine their underlying personal beliefs, norms, practices, and assumptions, and reflect on how a student's race or culture may have influenced school culture. Educators identify they will implement to meet the needs of their students with a careful eye to how cultural responsiveness works to achieve this. Educators will synthesize fresh lesson plans and faculty presentations that improve student outcomes, and serve to prevent and reverse teacher burnout. District approval must be complete before start date

    55. Teacher Rescue: Preventing and Reversing Burnout - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course # EDPD 624 Instructor: Cathy Carella-Dean GRAD THOUGH MANHATTAN COLLEGE OR IN-SERVICE The role of an educator has increasingly become more and more demanding. In addition to being content specialists, or service providers, educators find that their roles encompass so much more than delivering instruction and/or services. Educators' daily work includes elements of counseling, caregiving, mentoring, mediating, coaching, and so much more. Over time, these demands can lead educators to feel "burnt out.” This course will give participants the tools to recognize what teacher burn out is and how it negatively impacts teacher and student outcomes. Participants will go beyond identifying issues and will analyze research-based strategies, techniques, and actions to help prevent or reverse burn out. Educators will learn about the positive and invigorating effects of participating in PLCs, PDs, stress management activities, reflections, and leadership opportunities. Educators will discuss and analyze research-based, best practices that improve instructional strategies and collaborative approaches to student learning. Educators will examine their underlying personal beliefs, norms, practices, and assumptions, and reflect on how a student's race or culture may have influenced school culture. Educators identify they will implement to meet the needs of their students with a careful eye to how cultural responsiveness works to achieve this. Educators will synthesize fresh lesson plans and faculty presentations that improve student outcomes, and serve to prevent and reverse teacher burnout. This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    56. The Peaceful Classroom and Easing Student Anxiety and Stress - (GRAD - UMASS GLOBAL) LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDUU 9048 Instructor: Kysten Elliston-Martin GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE The class will address the stress and anxiety students contend with on a daily basis by examining the causes and learning ways to help alleviate such within the classroom. By becoming more aware and versed in strategies of social emotional learning and practices through the lens of culturally responsive practices that embrace and reflect the many identities and experiences of the students in their care, educators will learn to support their students and lessen the stress and anxiety often felt by them. How the recent pandemic has changed student motivation and behavior and what to do in order to meet their unique and diverse interests will be included in this timely course as well. In all, this course will cultivate an awareness and provide resources and strategies to employ in creating a peaceful classroom that works to reduce stress and anxiety of students with the goal of developing equitable practices for the students in one's care, notably for those marginalized populations. District approval must be complete before start date

    57. The Peaceful Classroom and Easing Student Anxiety and Stress - In Service LILIE

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/28/2024

    Location: Virtual

    Course #: EDUU 9048 Instructor: Kysten Elliston-Martin GRAD THROUGH UMASS GLOBAL OR IN-SERVICE The class will address the stress and anxiety students contend with on a daily basis by examining the causes and learning ways to help alleviate such within the classroom. By becoming more aware and versed in strategies of social emotional learning and practices through the lens of culturally responsive practices that embrace and reflect the many identities and experiences of the students in their care, educators will learn to support their students and lessen the stress and anxiety often felt by them. How the recent pandemic has changed student motivation and behavior and what to do in order to meet their unique and diverse interests will be included in this timely course as well. In all, this course will cultivate an awareness and provide resources and strategies to employ in creating a peaceful classroom that works to reduce stress and anxiety of students with the goal of developing equitable practices for the students in one's care, notably for those marginalized populations. This course must be approved by District prior to start of class.

    58. Discovery Education Boot Camp

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: COL

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1, 2, 3

    Dates: 10/1/2024

    Location: CR 1, 2, 3

    Description: Discovery Education continues to empower educators with resources, strategies and tools for creating quality lessons using multi-modal digital resources. For Back-to-School 2024-25, we are combining all that teachers and students love about the DE ecosystem with new content to keep all learners curious and engaged. Join us this Fall at Nassau BOCES to learn about the best ways to utilize all that Discovery Education has to offer as well as exciting updated features, synchronous and asynchronous activities, assignment templates, background builder lessons and much more:

    • Ready-to-Use Activities & Video Quizzes

    • Supports for NYS Science Investigations

    • Curriculum Alignment for Social Studies

    • Core 4 Focus & Supplemental Supports

    • Spotlight On Strategies for All Subjects and Grade Levels RECOMMENDED AUDIENCE: Librarians, Technology Integration Specialists, Lead Teachers, Curriculum & Instruction Department, Teaching & Learning Department. Lunch will be provided by Discovery Education.

    59. Putting the Pieces Together: Differentiation-Accommodation-Modification

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 2

    Audience: K-12 Special Educators, General Educators, Paraprofessionals, Administrators

    Dates: 10/1/2024

    Location: LS 2

    In this engaging workshop, we will clarify the differences between differentiated instruction strategies, accommodations, and modifications, and offer ways to combine all three within a classroom to support a wide range of learners.

    Participants will gain a deeper understanding of differentiated instruction and specially designed instruction components. The workshop will explore the implementation of accommodations and teach a paradigm for understanding and creating modifications.

    In addition, attendees will spend time planning lessons that incorporate the information presented.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    60. Using Text Sets to Support Reading and Writing Activities to Build Knowledge, Vocabulary and Comprehension

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 3

    Audience: Teachers, Literacy Coaches, Reading Teachers, ENL teachers, and Administrators

    Dates: 10/1/2024

    Location: LS 3

    On this day, participants will study the role of background knowledge and its connection to comprehension. We will reference the NYS Literacy Briefs, the Science of Reading research base, and connect it to Scarborough's rope.

    Giving students the opportunity to read several texts across a topic is supportive for building knowledge. You will leave with practical tips to help students compare information across books and be critical readers taking into consideration the author's point of view. We will explore how to create and infuse text sets across your school day in a variety of subject areas.

    Writing to learn can also help us form a knowledge base. We will explore a variety of authentic student-centered ways to help students determine important information and collect useful notes. We will also explore strategies to write clear cohesive sentences using The Hochman Method from The Writing Revolution.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    61. SMS - eSchoolData - Report Card and Transcript Builders

    Program: Student Management Services: eSchoolData

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 1

    Audience: New Users, Beginning Users

    Dates: 10/1/2024

    Location: LS 1

    This workshop will show users how to create traditional and standards-based report cards using eSchool's drag and drop report builders. Users will also learn how to use a similar transcript building tool to build transcripts in eSchool. This is a great for users looking to move away from report cards and transcripts in Edge!

    62. Nassau BOCES Mental Health Consortium- Moving Toward Mental Health: Nature's Blueprint for Well-Being

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES Environmental Center at Brookville (Brookville, NY) - 1,2,3[map]

    Audience: all

    Dates: 10/2/2024

    Location: 1,2,3

    Join us for the opportunity to explore the profound impact that nature and full-body movement have on mental health led by Dr. Crystal Miller from "How to Be a Kid". We will highlight why outdoor experiences are essential for emotional well-being, cognitive development and executive skills development setting the stage for a deeper understanding of their importance in educational and therapeutic settings. This interactive workshop will provide practical strategies and tools for incorporating outdoor learning and full body strategies into everyday practice. Attendees will engage in hands-on activities and explore various methods to effectively utilize natural environments for promoting mental health in children and adolescents. Participants will work together to develop actionable plans for integrating outdoor learning and movement into their specific roles. Through guided discussion and peer collaboration, attendees will leave with tailored strategies to implement in their schools, counseling sessions, or programs, ensuring these practices become a sustainable part of their approach to mental health. Who Should Attend: District Mental Health Coordinators, PPS Staff, Special Education Staff Classroom Teachers K-12, Administrators Anyone keen on integrating outdoor experiences into their classroom. Don't miss this opportunity to nurture young minds amidst the beauty of nature! Join us and be part of the movement towards holistic education. Dress for the OUTDOORS!

    63. IDW: Navigation Training: HS Admin

    Program: Student Support Services: Instructional Data Warehouse

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Lab 1

    Dates: 10/2/2024

    Location: Lab 1

    Wait List
    This Instructional Data Warehouse training will demonstrate how to navigate the new IDW platform as well as utilizing IDW reports that are most critical for High School Administrators. Reports emphasized in this workshop will include the following reports: College Tracking, AP Summary, Comparison Reports.

    64. Literacy Coach Collegial Circle

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Lab 2

    Audience: Literacy Coaches

    Dates: 10/2/2024 to 5/12/2025

    Location: Lab 2

    Our Literacy Coach Collegial Circle is the perfect place for you to connect with other educators in your position, share best practices, and refine your coaching skills.

  • Engage in reflective discussions and problem-solving sessions with experienced literacy coaches.
  • Dive deep into research-based instructional strategies and explore innovative approaches.
  • Collaborate with a supportive community of practice to enhance your coaching practice.
  • Share lesson plans, resources, and success stories to inspire and empower fellow coaches.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.
  • 65. Overview of Fundations, Grades 2-3

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 3

    Audience: Teachers and Teacher Assistants

    Dates: 10/2/2024

    Location: LS 3

    In this workshop we will explore all the parts of the Fundations curriculum and the different options that can be used to teach the curriculum to all students.

  • The participants will be able to review the necessary components of a week's lesson plan to ensure success for their students and to help support the teacher's planning.
  • Strategies and tips for organizing the flow of a lesson over a week and the materials needed for each part of the lesson.
  • Discussion on assessment data and suggestions on how to organize and differentiate target groups to ensure success for all students.

    Please bring your teacher's manual to class because time will be provided to design lesson plans for a week.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.
  • 66. PREPaRE - Crisis Team Leader Meeting

    Program: Health & Allied Services MHC For COST Associated PD

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Mental Health Services Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Zoom

    Audience: all

    Dates: 10/2/2024

    Location: Zoom

    Reviewing start of the school year crisis preparedness procedures.

    67. SMS - PowerSchool - PowerSchool 101 - WEBINAR

    Program: Student Management Services: PowerSchool

    Location: Webinar (x, x) - Webinar

    Audience: Front Office

    Dates: 10/2/2024

    Location: Webinar

    This session will help new front office users navigate PowerSchool. Learn student screens, teacher schedules, searching, and running basic reports.

    68. Teaching with the Nassau BOCES Regional Social Studies Curriculum (grade 3)

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 2

    Audience: 3rd Grade Classroom Teachers - NB RSSC subscribers

    Dates: 10/2/2024

    Location: LS 2

    Subscribing districts are invited to meet with grade level colleagues to discuss the implementation of the new Nassau BOCES Regional Social Studies Curriculum.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    69. DPSS Presents: CyberNut Lunch and Learn

    Program: Data Privacy & Security Services

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Conference Rooms 1, 2 and 3

    Dates: 10/2/2024

    Location: Conference Rooms 1, 2 and 3

    Learn how CyberNut can help districts streamline training campaigns, strengthen your defenses against phishing attacks, and ensure compliance with mandatory security protocols.

    70. **VIRTUAL** Certification in the Needs of Students with Autism

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Autism - CoSer 507.530

    Audience: Special Education Teachers and Administrators

    Dates: 10/7/2024

    Location: VIRTUAL

    Please check your email the morning of the start date of the training. You will receive an email from with instructions on how to proceed with the 3-hour virtual training. You can do this at your leisure, and you will have about two weeks to complete this. Topics covered will include Definitions, Etiology and Prevalence, Characteristics, Evidence Based Instructional Methods/Interventions for Teaching Students with ASDs, Behavior Management and Positive Behavioral Supports, Effective Collaboration, Resources and Supports. Upon completion, participants will receive The State Education Department Certification of Completion in Training in the Needs of Students with Autism and it will be uploaded to your TEACH account. If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed. If you need accessibility accommodations, please email Susan Pogor,, upon registering.

    71. **VIRTUAL** DASA Certification Training: SIX Hour Course in Harassment, Bullying, Cyber bullying and Discrimination in Schools (BLENDED COURSE)

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: DASA - CoSer 507.530

    Dates: 10/7/2024 to 10/17/2024


    Please check your email the day before Part-1 is due to begin (start date). You will receive an email from with instructions on how to login to Buzz to begin Part-1: 3-hour virtual training. The online portion must be completed before attending Part-2 face-to-face session (virtual via zoom-live). Please note that you must spend 180 minutes on Part-1 and your score cannot be anything lower than a 70 or else you must retake Part-1 before moving onto Part-2. Participants will: Understand rational for key components and definitions in the Dignity for All Students Act
  • Understand diversity and examine personal biases. Develop sensitivity to the experiences of specific student populations. Understand how school climate and culture have an impact on student achievement. Learn intervention and prevention strategies including how to interact with families. Part-1 must be successfully completed one week prior to the start of Part 2 (end date). Upon completion, your DASA Certification will be uploaded to NYS and appear on your TEACH account. Please have microphone and video access for the entire presentation. Please enter the virtual room with your first and last name. If you need accessibility accommodations, please email Susan Pogor,, upon registering. Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.
  • 72. Advancements in Teaching Grammar: What Really Works

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 123

    Audience: ELA, ENL, Special Education Teachers

    Dates: 10/7/2024

    Location: CR 123

    In this workshop, teachers will learn how to teach grammar in detail to advance skills in sentence structure and punctuation. Topics will include: using mentor texts to achieve sophisticated and varied sentence structure; understanding and using parallel structure, editing for clarity and style.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    73. McKinney Vento Liaison Meeting***This meeting will now be on Sept. 17th-Please register on this date.

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS-2

    Audience: McKinney Vento Liaisons

    Dates: 10/7/2024

    Location: LS-2

    Meeting with district McKinney Vento Liaisons re - overview of district policies for students experiencing homelessness.

    74. Technology Integration Specialist Roundtable - IN-PERSON

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Model Schools - CoSer 534.531

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 2

    Audience: Staff

    Dates: 10/7/2024

    Location: LS 2

    The Instructional Technology Specialist Roundtable Meetings serve as a dynamic and collaborative community space for Instructional Technology Coaches and Specialists. Led by the Nassau BOCES Model Schools team, we engage in discussions covering a wide range of technology-related topics, including best integration practices, favorite/new programs, troubleshooting pressing technology (hardware, software, integration) issues, and more. The Roundtable meetings provide districts with the opportunity to leverage our collective expertise, thereby enhancing the utilization of technology within their respective districts.

    75. BCBA Collegial Circle

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Mental Health Services Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - virtual

    Audience: BCBA

    Dates: 10/7/2024

    Location: virtual

    Topic will be Behavioral Interventions for Aggressive Behavior.

    76. Breakfast Briefing: Elevate Your Core Curriculum with Nearpod & Flocabulary

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Curriculum Support Program

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS2

    Audience: Curriculum (& department specific directors), principals, tech directors, ENL

    Dates: 10/8/2024

    Location: LS2

    Looking to breathe new life into your curriculum? Join us for breakfast on October 28th and learn how Nearpod and Flocabulary can transform the teaching experience. Nearpod offers an extensive collection of 22,000 pre-made, standards-aligned lessons, videos, and interactive activities for differentiating instruction and bridging curriculum gaps. Flocabulary cultivates literacy across the K-12 curriculum by leveraging the power of hip-hop, storytelling, and emotional connection. To both longtime partners and new districts, join us to explore the full potential of the variety of interactive tools that support deeper student insights.

    77. DASA Coordinator Training: Comprehensive Full Day

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 2

    Audience: New DASA Coordinators and School Professionals seeking an In-Depth Overview

    Dates: 10/8/2024

    Location: LS 2

    Join us for a comprehensive full-day workshop designed for new Dignity for ALL Students Act (DASA) Coordinators or any school professionals seeking an in-depth understanding and overview of both the technical know-how and the adaptive skills crucial for handling incident reports effectively.

    Together, we will delve into the intricacies of Dignity Act implementation, providing clarity on the requirements and offering practical strategies for creating a nurturing school atmosphere. We'll tackle common misconceptions surrounding School Safety and the Educational Climate reporting, ensuring that attendees are well-prepared to address any questions or concerns related to reporting procedures.

    Participants will walk away with a wealth of resources tailored specifically for building-level Dignity Act Coordinators, empowering them to make a tangible difference in their schools and uphold the dignity and rights of every student.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    78. SMS - SchoolTool - Discipline Workshop

    Program: Student Management Services : schooltool

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 1

    Audience: Discipline Staff

    Dates: 10/8/2024

    Location: LS 1

    Learn discipline ins and outs in SchoolTool. Review of discipline reports.

    79. Social Worker Circle

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Mental Health Services Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Zoom

    Audience: all

    Dates: 10/8/2024

    Location: Zoom

    Topic TBD

    80. **In-person** NYSED STAC Training: Introduction to School Age STAC Processing

    Program: Student Support Services: STAC

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY)

    Dates: 10/8/2024

    This session will provide an introduction to the STAC online (EFRT) system. It will also provide a walkthrough on how to identify a student's STAC ID and steps that should be taken to avoid creating duplicate STAC IDs. Next, it will provide an introductory overview of the process for claiming school age reimbursement using the STAC online (EFRT) system. The following personnel are encouraged to attend: New school district users, existing school districts users who haven't used EFRT in a while, any users who wish to enhance their understanding of the STAC Online (EFRT) System.

    81. Intro to AI Tools for Microsoft Office - Virtual

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: AOS CoSer 558.500

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - virtual

    Audience: All Staff

    Dates: 10/8/2024

    Location: virtual

    This session will explore creative ways to use free AI applications to automate routine tasks for administrative support staff. We will examine several free AI tools and features integrated into existing applications. You will learn how to use these tools to save time by automating various tasks. We will cover how to perform tasks in Excel without needing to know specific functions. We will be looking at the free version of Microsoft CoPilot, the Editor feature in Word, the designer in PowerPoint and flash fills in Excel.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 5 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    82. **In-person** NYSED STAC Training: STAC Verification and Payments for School Business Officials

    Program: Student Support Services: STAC

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY)

    Dates: 10/8/2024

    This session will focus on verification claims within the STAC Online (EFRT) System in order to receive reimbursement, as well as more advanced payment topics. The following Personnel are encouraged to attend: District Business Officials, Assistant Superintendents for Business, Directors of Special Education/PPS and STAC Coordinators and other staff using STAC's EFRT Online Screens to claim School Age STAC reimbursement.

    83. NYSED CBT Training (Roadshow)

    Program: Student Support Services:Test Scoring

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1, 2, 3

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: CR 1, 2, 3

    The New York State Regional Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Fall Training Sessions are intended for school/district-level administrators and will focus on administrative and software preparation for computer-based testing. The training will provide information on the Nextera Admin and Nextera Test Delivery / Questar Secure Browser platforms. Attendees will learn where to find valuable resources available on CBT Support as well as learn how to troubleshoot common issues during their CBT administration, and hear about best practices, and CBT technology tips.

    84. NYSED CBT Training (Roadshow) - ZOOM

    Program: Student Support Services:Test Scoring

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: Online/Zoom

    The New York State Regional Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Fall Training Sessions are intended for school/district-level administrators and will focus on administrative and software preparation for computer-based testing. The training will provide information on the Nextera Admin and Nextera Test Delivery / Questar Secure Browser platforms. Attendees will learn where to find valuable resources available on CBT Support as well as learn how to troubleshoot common issues during their CBT administration, and hear about best practices, and CBT technology tips. PLEASE NOTE: Login information for the ZOOM virtual session will be emailed to everyone who has registered on MyLearningPlan a day prior to the scheduled session. When you get the ZOOM log on invitation, you must click the link in the invitation and register for the session on ZOOM. When registering in ZOOM, your name and email MUST be the same as your MyLearningPlan account information. You will then receive an email with the ZOOM link.

    85. SMS - SchoolTool - SchoolTool Security

    Program: Student Management Services : schooltool

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Lab 1

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: Lab 1

    We know it's difficult to find the uninterrupted time to conduct a site audit and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. As part of Cyber Security Awareness month, we have reserved a time in a lab here at Lupinskie for you to review your permissions settings (user groups, groups & security trees, user account maintenance) in a quiet environment along with a SchoolTool team member.

    86. The Art of Co-Teaching (Level 2)

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Regional PD - CoSer 507.530

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS 3

    Audience: Co-Teaching Teams

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: LS 3

    This lively workshop is designed for teams who have been co-teaching together for two(+) years. We will provide an opportunity for participants to build on their prior knowledge from Level 1 and take a deeper dive into the six co-teaching models, with variations for each.

    Co-teaching partners will create a collaborative plan while discussing four critical areas: communication, accountability, management, ad preferences. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to use their own content materials for facilitated lesson planning.

    Please note: Cancellation policy: If a participant has registered for, but is unable to attend, a Nassau BOCES workshop, they are required to drop their workshop registration on Frontline/MLP at least 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop. In the event the participant does not cancel within this timeframe, the participant/district will be billed.

    87. Elementary Counselor Collegial Circle

    Program: Health & Allied Services - Mental Health Consortium

    Location: Nassau BOCES - Mental Health Services Virtual Professional Development (Westbury, NY) - Zoom

    Audience: all

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: Zoom


    88. DPSS Presents: LanRover Lunch and Learn

    Program: Data Privacy & Security Services

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Learning Studio 2

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: Learning Studio 2

    DPSS Presents: LanRover Lunch and Learn

    89. SMS - Infinite Campus - Bueller? Bueller? - Attendance Tools

    Program: Student Management Services: Infinite Campus

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - Learning Studio 1

    Audience: Clerical Staff

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: Learning Studio 1

    An overview of the Attendance module tools including entering attendance for teachers, modifying individual student attendance, using the Attendance Wizard, and running attendance reports. Users will also learn how to create attendance letters based on various criteria.

    90. IDW Bullseye Meeting - October

    Program: Student Support Services: Instructional Data Warehouse

    Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1, 2, 3

    Dates: 10/9/2024

    Location: CR 1, 2, 3

    This IDW Bullseye Meeting will focus on the use of reports created for curriculum and instructional purposes. At this meeting, information will be presented regarding the use of IDW reports as they relate to topics of interest for district and building administrators. Topics will include, but not be limited to: NEW Navigation​ Screens, Trends Longitudinal​, NYSESLAT Snapshot​, New Generation of Gap/WASA Visual​, Comprehensive iReport for Graduation Rates​, Census Dashboard​, Third-Party Report Updates​, Data Wise Course Overview

    91. #NoFakeNews: Teaching Information Literacy - CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    When students of today are asked to research something, a few things might happen, sometimes simultaneously: Students will struggle to choose their own research topic and browse for ideas. Students take a stance before researching and get frustrated when sources don't fit their argument. Out of desperation, students rely on less credible sources Students are reluctant to go beyond Google and become overwhelmed by information choices and quantities. Students find it difficult to find the right words when searching for information online. Students aren't aware of the need to search again and again, refining their searches as they discover new questions and synthesize new information. Most likely, your student will give up and choose a different topic. This course will help both you and your students navigate the many credible databases that exist, learn search terms, feel confident in research, and eliminate the #fakenews and plagiarism that students so often fall victim to when the research process becomes overwhelming or hits a dead end. This course will focus on the five different research strategies that help students and teachers develop strong research skills, which is also known as information literacy or media literacy: clarify, search, delve, evaluate, cite

    92. 21st Century Skills: From Your Classroom to the Workplace and College - CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    The workplace and higher education settings we are preparing our students for is much different than what we as their teachers encountered coming out of high school 10. 20. or 30 years ago. The evolution of technology, collaboration and communication methods has rewritten what it means to be college and career ready in this century. Teachers in this class will look at methods and strategies for increasing the amount of 21st Century workplace and college skills in their classroom. Areas of exploration will include PBL, the flipped classroom, blended learning and digital collaboration and sharing. This course is appropriate for all K-12 educators.

    93. A Classroom Brand and Identity - CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Technology has become ubiquitous in today's classroom. With all of these innovations in technology, it's important to take time to reflect on how to most effectively use our time with the most appropriate tools for learning. We will explore ideas for parent communication, update classroom websites with engaging reinforcement & enrichment activities, and explore how to utilize QR Codes in the classroom. By utilizing professional Twitter accounts, students will have the latest educational updates and ideas from the gurus in education. This class will allow you to apply technology to any discipline of elementary education to make your teaching even more engaging. Each educator will have the opportunity to create student resources, collaborate with their peers, and exchange ideas and best practices.

    94. A New Bully - The Cyberbully - CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Bullies have always existed, so why is it important to address cyberbullying? In a nutshell, it can be extremely detrimental to the victim's physical and mental health and, in some cases, possibly deadly. Since cyberbullying allows the anonymity of bullying from a distance, it can also be easily hidden from parents, friends and school administrators and adds an almost invisible dimension to the traditional face-to-face bullying that can be hard to detect and address. A primary goal of this course requires that teachers will learn various techniques that they can implement upon return to their classrooms. Additionally, teachers will reflect on what they are learning and propose a way to integrate cyberbullying content into the classroom curriculum. This course is appropriate for all K-12 school professionals.

    95. Achieving Literacy Gains for Students with Limited English - CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Our country's diversity and demographics have changed what our classrooms look like. We all encounter students that have limited English, and we need to differentiate instruction to meet their needs. In order to meet academic success, this population needs to make linguistic gains in order to begin to master course content. Participants will work with evidence-based practices and instructional intervention strategies to improve language skills for this population.

    96. Acquiring Parent Involvement and Support - CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Each day we as educators have reasons to reach out and communicate with parents. Our changing educational and technological landscape has really altered how we accomplish obtaining a strong level of parental involvement and support. Just as importantly, the American family looks much different than it did years ago. With changes in student population groups, these changes in family structures become even more complex. Educators in this course will examine methods for utilizing technology to engage parents and achieve their support in the education process.

    97. Adapting Instruction to Reduce Unwanted Behavior - CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    We often look at behavior as something that needs to be addressed before instruction can occur. Research shows that with the right instructional tools, we can limit those unwanted behaviors that interrupt the learning process. Educators in this course will examine dozens of research based strategies to address behavior through instruction. Each educator in this course will focus on specific behaviors from their classes and will utilize research based strategies for overcoming these barriers to learning.

    98. Adding Mindfulness and Meditation Into Your Classroom- CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Mindfulness when integrated into the classroom, has the ability to transform classroom and school culture. We as educators understand that we are living in a time when social emotional learning is an urgent matter. Mental health issues and school violence are on the rise. It is clear that so many students are emotionally deprived, socially disconnected, foundation-less, and uncentered. We as educators need to get back to where the whole child is cared for and nurtured. Creating a safe haven and a refuge for children of all backgrounds and abilities. Giving the students the ability to face difficult emotions and discover what is really is the underlying issue. Educators in this course will develop strategies for putting mindfulness activities into their classrooms to improve student learning outcomes and behaviors.

    99. Adding Yoga Into Your Classroom- CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Today's children are more anxious and stressed at school than ever before due to more rigid testing requirements and higher academic and social expectations. The prevalence of behavior and emotional disorders is on the rise in children. In this course you will learn ways to figure out how to help these children by giving them the tools to calm themselves during anxious moments, quiet their minds of the negative thinking, and feel good about themselves in general. Begin introducing some breathing techniques, guided visualizations, and a few postures a few minutes each day. As teachers, we all face the dilemma of not having enough time to teach with depth and it seems like we are always just scratching the surface. We are bombarded by paperwork, testing requirements, classroom management issues, and now core curriculum expectations. Most teachers would say, "How do you expect me to fit yoga into my already jam-packed schedule?” The answer is , as a teacher who Incorporating yoga can be as simple as 10 minutes a day.

    100. Addressing Conflict through Restorative Justice Practices- CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    Restorative justice is a theory of justice that focuses on mediation and agreement rather than punishment. Offenders must accept responsibility for harm and make restitution with victims. Teachers who use restorative discipline practices find that behavior in their classroom improves dramatically. They have better relationships with their students and, therefore, less stress from unresolved conflicts. For the growing number of districts using restorative justice, the programs have helped strengthen campus communities, prevent bullying, and reduce student conflicts. And the benefits are clear: early-adopting districts have seen drastic reductions in suspension and expulsion rates, and students say they are happier and feel safer. This course is appropriate for all K-12 school professionals.

    101. Addressing Disciplinary Literacy- CPD In Service

    Program: Curriculum & Instruction: Online Learning

    Dates: 10/10/2024 to 1/10/2025

    Location: Virtual

    When students enter middle and high school, their teachers expect that they have learned the basic skills and strategies for reading and comprehending text. Students who are still working to develop these proficiencies may need assistance from their classroom teachers and, in some cases, from specialists in reading or special education, to support their reading and writing in the classroom. This course will help educators to learn to create effective integrated literacy experiences for all students in every discipline. An important focus of the course is the development of discipline-specific and academic language. Teachers will examine and analyze the unique characteristics of the literacy patterns of their individual discipline and acquire strategies for addressing these patterns in order to improve comprehension. Disciplinary literacy needs to be seen not as an add-on, but as a means to an end, that end being deeper understanding and transfer of learning for all students. This course is appropriate for all K-12 school professionals.