Catalog: Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13

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Look Who's Talking

Program: Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental, Literacy and Sustainabilit

Audience: K-12 Mathematics and Science educators

Dates: 2/28/2023

Think about this: "correct answers can mask confusion, just as incorrect answers can hide understanding” (Marilyn Burns). An answer is a response to a question or situation. As educators, we ask a large amount of questions, but how can we use questioning to make student thinking visible? Educators can use effective questioning to help students share, clarify, and expand on their thinking as well as listen to and think with peers. According to Barack Rosenshine, a professor and researcher who contributed to the understanding of effective instruction, "effective questioning is one of the most powerful tools for teachers to consolidate and assess student understanding.” Join us for this engaging one day workshop focused on questioning and facilitating discourse in mathematics and science classes. This workshop is being offered at no cost thanks to a PSU Catalyst Grant.

Please Note: District's will receive a $150 stipend for each attendee to offset the cost of travel to IU13 and a substitute.

Lunch will be on your own