Catalog: NYS United Teachers Education and Learning Trust

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1. 10 hour Online Seminar - Advanced Assessment Strategies (WKS PLS47)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 26, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.6, V.I, V.2, V.3, V.4, V.5, VI.3
Danielson Aligned: 1F,3D

Deepening Knowledge: Advanced Level

Participants will explore strategies to diversify and provide choice among assessments (including group/team assessments) that are aligned with outcomes and Common Core State Standards. This seminar also examines how to effectively share assignments, assessments, and rubrics with additional audiences (e.g., parents, school, community, blogs, and websites) in order to inform, improve, and acquire meaningful feedback from multiple perspectives about the entire assessment experience.

Participants have a maximum of 45 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

2. 10 hour Online Seminar - Enhancing Knowledge of Students (WKS PLS29)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.1, I.2, I.3, I.5, II.6, III.2, III.4, III.6, V.2
Danielson Aligned: 1B

Previously titled: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

In this seminar, participants will explore student cognitive, social, and emotional developmental stages. The seminar also explores how to address gaps and avoid misconceptions about student development and capability. With a solid foundation in developmental patterns, participants will apply and evaluate strategies designed to engage their students with content.

Participants have a maximum of 45 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

3. 10 hour Online Seminar - Fundamentals of Assessment (WKS PLS45)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.6, V.1, V.2, V.3, V.4
Danielson Aligned: 1F,3D

Deepening Knowledge: Novice Level

This seminar examines the fundamentals of planning and designing both formative and summative assessments that are congruent with instructional outcomes. Participants will design new and improve existing assessments (aligned with outcomes and Common Core State Standards) to use with their students.

Participants have a maximum of 45 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

4. 10 hour Online Seminar - Instruction in Assessment (WKS PLS46)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.6, V.1, V.2, V.3, VI.3
Danielson Aligned: 1F,3D

Deepening Knowledge: Intermediate Level

Participants will gain extensive experience with monitoring and adjusting student learning, providing feedback to students, and facilitating student self-assessment and progress monitoring. This seminar also explores uses for authentic and performance assessment as well as increased uses of formative assessment (aligned with outcomes and Common Core State Standards.

Participants have a maximum of 45 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

5. 10 hour Online Seminar - Responsive Teaching: Advanced (WKS PLS50)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, I.3, I.4, 1.5, III.3, III.4, III.6, IV.4, V.2, V.3
Danielson Aligned: 3E

Deepening Knowledge: Advanced Level
Previously titled: Advanced Strategies for Flexible and Responsive Teaching

Participants will examine when to make major or minor adjustments to a lesson/unit, opportunities for teachable moments that build on student interests, and persistent approaches for students who need help. More responsibility is passed along to students who can offer feedback about what is and isn't working. Participants will become advocates for students, educating families, and forming effective partnerships with students, teachers, and other stakeholders.

Participants have a maximum of 45 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

6. 10 hour Online Seminar - Responsive Teaching: Intermediate (WKS PLS49)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, I.3, II.1, II.3, II.4, III.1, III.3, III.4, III.5
Danielson Aligned: 3E

Deepening Knowledge: Intermediate Level

Previously titled: Flexible and Responsive Teaching

Participants will explore the teacher's role in a classroom environment specifically designed to support self-directed student learning and teacher-student collaboration. This seminar examines the instructional flexibility teachers need to create a repertoire of alternate activities and strategies, and have the ability to rapidly implement them.

Participants have a maximum of 45 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

7. 15 hour Online Seminar - Responsive Teaching: Basic (WKS PLS48)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, I.3, II.1, II.2, II.3, II.4, II.5, III.1, III.3, III.4, III.5
Danielson Aligned: 3E

Deepening Knowledge: Novice Level

Previously titled: Fundamentals of Flexible and Responsive Teaching

This seminar explores the essential foundation a teacher needs to accommodate student interests, explain outcomes, create activities, and design instruction to ensure engagement and success among all students in a flexible and responsive classroom. Participants will examine, implement, and reflect on the basics of lesson adjustment, teachable moments, and seek resources for students who need help.

Participants have a maximum of 90 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

8. 15 Hour Online Seminar - Web-based Tools to Boost Instruction in the Classroom (WKS PROF191) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

In this 15-hour online seminar, participants will have the opportunity to learn about and practice with web-based tools from a variety of providers in order to enhance instruction in the classroom. Content will include best practices for use of the Google Suite in instruction, as well as discussion and practice with several other web-based instructional tools. Some familiarity with the Google Suite is helpful, but not required.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have ninety (90) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the ninety days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

9. 3 hour Online Seminar - Autism Spectrum Disorder: Adjusting the Educational Image (WKS PROF 71) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

This three-hour training provides up-to-date information on the clinical and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Attention will be given to how these features manifest themselves and present unique instructional and learning challenges within educational settings. The seminar goes beyond the core features of the disorders and covers evidence-based, proactive strategies for helping children and adolescents with ASD succeed in schools today. There are several assessments included in the seminar worth a total of 35 points. Participants must score a minimum of 29/35 (83%) points to fulfill the NYSED requirement.

This workshop fulfills the state requirements for the 3 hour Autism training in the needs of students with Autism pursuant to Sections 3004(4) and (5) of the Education Law and Subpart 57-3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

10. 5 Hour Online Seminar - A Beginner's Guide to Implementing Restorative Practices (WKS PROF232) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Restorative practices can be transformational for a classroom, school, district, and community. They are growing in schools across the nation in response to the inequitable school model of punitive discipline measures, such as suspension, to keep kids in school and for better long-term results. Restorative practices are evidence-based interventions that have proven successful when implemented correctly as the ultimate goal in mediation rather than punishment. They are used to resolve conflicts between fellow students and between students and educators by proactively building school community and forming a foundation for healing work when harm has been done. In this seminar, we will explore what restorative practices are, how they tie to social emotional learning, how to differentiate for diverse learners, and how to begin to implement with students.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

11. 5 Hour Online Seminar - A Journey to Mindfulness in Schools (WKS PROF230) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Our students face many challenges today from mental health needs, the allure of living in the digital world, and the interruption to their education created by the pandemic. The research into the social and emotional needs of educators and students demonstrates the benefits of mindfulness in our schools. Practicing mindfulness promotes resilience, improves self-regulation, physical and mental health, and is aligned with having a growth mindset. The mindfulness skills students acquire in school can be utilized at home and beyond school as they pursue higher education and employment.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

12. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Academic Language for English Learners: What Teachers Need to Know (WKS ELL2) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Academic language development is a critical component of instruction for all learners. As a result, both the NYS ELA/Literacy Standards, as well as the NYS Bilingual Common Core Progressions, focus closely on academic language development. This seminar will help general education teachers target and improve academic language for all learners across disciplines and grade levels, particularly those who are learning English. Participants will identify the differences between social and academic language, analyze the academic language demands of a text, and examine research-based strategies for targeting academic language development in all domains of language. Participants will reflect on and strategically redesign a lesson based on NYS standards and best practices for English learners.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

13. 5 hour Online Seminar - Advanced Grouping Strategies (WKS PLS41)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.3, II.2, II.6, III.1, IV.3, IV.4
Danielson Aligned: 1E, 2C, 3C

Deepening Knowledge: Advanced Level

Participants will create several alternative resources for grouping students, with a focus on differentiation. This seminar explores advanced use of materials and resources that support outcomes and engage students in meaningful learning.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

14. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Advocating for English Language Learners Within the Scope of State and Federal Law (WKS ELL29) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

In an ever-shifting political and regulatory environment, teachers have more responsibility than ever before to not only teach but advocate for ELLs and their families. This seminar will familiarize participants with laws and regulations regarding ENL education both historically and in the present day, as well as those laws and regulations that are germane to many ELLs and their families, including but not limited to issues related to immigration and civil rights. Furthermore, participants will learn of support services available to ELLs and best practices in advocacy.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

15. 5 Hour Online Seminar - AI Essentials for Ethical and Practical Integration (WKS PROF291) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Unlock the potential of Artificial Intelligence in education with our comprehensive 5-hour primer, designed exclusively for New York State educators. Dive into the fascinating world of AI applications, ethical considerations, and practical implementation strategies, all while addressing real-world classroom needs. Explore the nuances of AI ethics and bias, and learn to seamlessly integrate AI into your teaching, empowering students with cutting-edge technology while safeguarding their data privacy. Through curated readings, insightful videos, and hands-on assignments, you'll gain the essential tools and knowledge needed to responsibly navigate and leverage AI's transformative power in education while saving you valuable time.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

16. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Belonging: Fulfilling the Goals of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (WKS PROF289) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Students need to know and feel that they belong in school in order to experience safety and success. Historically efforts to include students have improved schools; however more effort is needed to move students from being included to feeling that they belong. In this seminar you will examine the distinction between inclusion and belonging and review potential barriers to belonging. You will apply the five pillars of belonging to your school or classroom, use a rubric to evaluate your school or classroom, and finally, develop plans for creating a culture of belonging.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

17. 5 hour Online Seminar - Classroom Communication (WKS PLS1)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.1, III.3, IV.3, III.2
Danielson Aligned: 3A

Participants will explore methods for engaging students in meaningful work, clarifying limits, facilitating student choice, and encouraging accurate communication.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

18. 5 hour Online Seminar - Communicating Clear Directions and Procedures (WKS PLS 2)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.2, IV.3
Danielson Aligned: 3A

Previously titled: Communicating Directions and Procedures

Participants will define rules, directions, and procedures as they apply to the classroom and analyze strategies for effectively communicating them to students. This seminar shares strategies for practicing and reinforcing classroom procedures as well as how to evaluate methods for communicating directions clearly to all students.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

19. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Conflict Resolution for Behavior Management (WKS PROF274) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Knowing how and why conflicts arise in schools are critical skills for educators to develop in order to minimize their occurrence and impact on other students. This seminar will provide you with the opportunity to examine your current management practices and add new strategies to effectively resolve conflicts with students.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

20. 5 hour Online Seminar - Content Exploration and Student Engagement (WKS PLS 3)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, II.I, II.2, II.3, III.1, III.4, III.5, IV.2, IV.3
Danielson Aligned: 3C

Previously titled: Student Engagement and Exploration

When student engagement is minds-on (involving intellectual activity), students develop their understanding through what they do. This seminar examines how to engage students in intellectual, active exploration with important and challenging content.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

21. 5 hour Online Seminar - Creating a Caring Classroom Culture (WKS PLS36)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.5, IV.2, IV.1, IV.4, VI.1
Danielson Aligned: 2A

Deepening Knowledge: Novice Level

Previously titled: Creating a Culture of Respect and Rapport

This seminar emphasizes the foundation for creating a classroom of mutual respect, care, and trust. Participants will explore the qualities that characterize effective, caring teachers and identify the ways in which their beliefs and expectations about teaching and learning can inform and sustain their leadership abilities.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

22. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Culturally Responsive Classrooms (WKS ELL6) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

In order to meet the needs our diverse student population, educators must possess the mindset and skills needed to foster a positive learning environment for all students as it is critical to their academic success. Culturally responsive instructional practices honor and support this diversity, connecting learning to students' cultural and linguistic background while building on prior experiences. As a result, educators create an inclusive environment that is accessible and relatable to all students. In this seminar, participants will learn how to build on their current practices to create a culturally responsive classroom for their students. The goal of culturally responsive teaching is to instruct in a way that ensures engage in cognitively demanding tasks that foster independent learning by increasing student engagement and strengths-based mindset.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

23. 5 hour Online Seminar - Demonstrating Student Pride (WKS PLS 4)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.5, IV.1, 1V.2
Danielson Aligned: 2B

Previously titled: Student Pride in Work

Participants will examine how students can support and encourage one another while also taking pride in their accomplishments. Participants will also explore student risk taking in a safe environment, reflection, encouragement, peer review, and goal setting.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

24. 5 hour Online Seminar - Designing Lessons, Units, and Learning Activities (WKS PLS 5)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, 1.3, II.4, II.5, III.1, III.3, V.I, V.2
Danielson Aligned: 1E

Participants will examine how to create and differentiate learning activities that are tightly aligned to instructional outcomes and suitable to all students. They will also explore how to design lesson and unit structures that are clear, progress evenly, allow for different pathways according to diverse student needs, accommodate content that is connected to other disciplines, and allow for transfer of learning.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

25. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Digital Learning and Citizenship (WKS PROF280) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

In today's interconnected world, it is crucial for educators to equip their students with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape as responsible digital citizens. Using the ISTE standards for inspiration, this seminar will give educators practical strategies for fostering digital literacy, evaluative skills, and ethical behavior among their students. Participants will explore methods for thoughtfully integrating technology in their classroom while promoting Digital Citizenship through creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.
This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

26. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Dynamic Classroom Communication (WKS PROF279) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

This online seminar is designed to empower educational professionals with an understanding of how communication impacts student motivation and engagement. Educators will explore a comprehensive toolkit of dynamic communication techniques, engaging digital learning resources, and adaptable instructional methods to support all learners. Participants will be encouraged to find opportunities in their curriculum for students to build community and engage with content through the thoughtful incorporation of instructional technology platforms that promote collaboration. Participants will use these practical strategies to design classroom-ready inclusive and interactive learning experiences that will facilitate meaningful teacher feedback and effective peer interactions.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

27. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Educating for Equity (WKS PROF233) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

An equitable educational setting is not something that we create and then it is done. Rather than a single destination, equity is derived from the conscious actions we take every day. Every choice we make is a decision on how we will include our students and honor their identities in our daily practices. This seminar will assist participants to identify inequities in schools and examine ways in which educators can move beyond the comfort of what they have always done in the effort to create a more culturally affirming and culturally responsive environment that fulfills the promise of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

28. 5 hour Online Seminar - Effective Recordkeeping (WKS PLS 6)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: V.2, V.3, V.4, VI.4
Danielson Aligned: 4B

Previously titled: Maintaining Accurate Records

In this seminar, participants will explore how to keep accurate records of instructional and noninstructional events, including completion of assignments, student progress in learning, school records outside of the classroom, and student responsibility for contributing to and maintaining these records.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

29. 5 hour Online Seminar - Effective Uses of Language (WKS PLS7)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.3, IV.2, V.2, V.5
Danielson Aligned: 3A

This seminar examines the need for spoken and written language that is clear and correct, with vocabulary appropriate to students' ages and interests. Participants will explore how language influences students' understanding of what they are expected to do as well as the rationale behind it. Methods for bringing content to life through strategies such as metaphor, analogy, vocabulary, and expressive language will be examined.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

30. 5 hour Online Seminar - Engaging Instructional Groups (WKS PLS39)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: II.2, III.1, III.5, IV.2, IV.3
Danielson Aligned: 1E, 2C, 3C

Deepening Knowledge: Novice Level

In this seminar, participants will discover strategies for forming and adjusting engaging, productive instructional groups where students assume some responsibility for their group's productivity. This seminar introduces grouping methods, how to assign roles and responsibilities, and creating expectations for group work.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

31. 5 hour Online Seminar - Enhancing Knowledge of Resources (WKS PLS8)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.1, I.2, I.3, I.4, I.5, II.2, III.2
Danielson Aligned: 1D

Previously titled: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

Participants will evaluate the resources available to them and their students, including those used in the classroom, those available outside the classroom, those for teachers to advance their professional knowledge and skill, and those that provide noninstructional assistance to students.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

32. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Equitable Assessment: Implications for Instruction of English Learners (WKS ELL23) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

*Available to NYSUT Members Only.
Assessment is a powerful tool for teachers as the results are a quantifiable measure of students knowledge of the content. As an integral part of the teaching and learning cycles, assessment is a key focus for the teachers of English learners as it influences future instructional practice. This online seminar will guide participants through understanding the critical role both formative and summative assessments play and exploring practical assessment strategies for validly measuring English learners knowledge in various content and grade-level classrooms. Over the course of the seminar, participants will reflect on a formative or summative assessment and design a valid, differentiated assessment for English learners as a way to apply the information in a practical classroom setting.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

33. 5 hour Online Seminar - Explaining Content: Student to Student (WKS PLS10)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.1, I.6, II.2, II.3, II.4, II.6, III.1, III.4, III.5, IV.2, IV.3, IV.4
Danielson Aligned: 3A

Participants will explore strategies for facilitating student-centered and peer-to-peer learning. Utilizing approaches that integrate 21st Century skills, this seminar explores tools that effectively engage students in the collaborative learning process.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

34. 5 hour Online Seminar - Explaining Content: Teacher to Student (WKS PLS11)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.3, I.6, II.1, II.2, II.3, II.6, III.1, III.3, III.4, III.5, IV.4
Danielson Aligned: 3A

Participants will explore how to effectively present, explain, and design activities related to content. This seminar also examines strategies and activities that teachers can apply to make connections to student interests, experiences, backgrounds, and prior knowledge.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

35. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Extinguishing Educator Burnout (WKS PROF267) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

In this seminar, participants will examine how they can re-energize themselves to maintain or regain a positive outlook and love of working in schools. They will dive into specific, immediate actions they can take to enhance their well-being and thrive both on and off the job. Materials will explain how shifts in awareness, attitudes, and actions can be transformational for educators and their students. Specific steps related to mindfulness, empathy, gratitude, and altruism that educators can use on their own and with students will be shared. Equipped with these tools, educators can be their best, so they can give their best to the learners in their care.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

36. 5 hour Online Seminar - Facilitating Classroom Discussions (WKS PLS12)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, II.2, III.1, III.4, III.5, IV.2, IV.3, III.2
Danielson Aligned: 3B

Participants will learn how to implement effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques to help them encourage, redirect, engage, and challenge students in successful classroom discussions that enhance student learning.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

37. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Finding Success with Long-Term ELLs (WKS ELL38) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Like any other student population, ELLs are not a monolith by any means. Instead, they are a student demographic made up of students with a dizzying array of gifts and needs. One subgroup within this demographic is Long-term English Language Learners, or LTELLs. In this seminar, you will understand the determination of an LTELL, explore research-based recommendations of effective approaches that maximize their strengths while addressing their needs, engage with promising practices for instruction that support LTELLs in classrooms, and consider suggested districtwide programmatic policies.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

38. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Fostering Resilient Learners (WKS PROF218) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

More than 25 percent of American youth experience a serious traumatic event by their sixteenth birthday, and many children suffer multiple and repeated traumas which can seriously impact their cognitive, physical, emotional, and social development. Staff may be unaware of the specific traumatic events that have occurred with each child, and school environments may inadvertently compound the impacts of trauma. Creating resilience-fostering environments in school can lower the impact of trauma and enhance the factors that provide the foundation for better health, academic success, and positive interactions. When school staff learn effective responses to student trauma and how to help instill resiliency skills necessary to thrive in the classroom, children have better learning outcomes - in school and in life.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

39. 5 Hour Online Seminar - From Chaos to Control; Mastering Executive Function Skills (WKS PROF292) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Executive function skills are essential for navigating the complexities of daily life. They enable students to manage tasks, organize thoughts, and regulate emotions effectively. Students who possess strong executive function skills are better equipped to excel academically and socially. While many students naturally develop these skills within expected timelines, others may present with deficits. Recognizing and addressing these deficits is crucial to supporting students in their learning journey. As educators, it is our responsibility to ensure that all students have access to effective instruction tailored to their needs. In this seminar, we will explore executive functioning skills, methods for identifying deficits, underlying causes, and actionable strategies for fostering their development through thoughtful lesson planning.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.
This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

40. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Growing Great Minds with Growth Mindset (WKS ELL35) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

The perspective a person brings when doing anything in life can certainly impact their desired outcome. As educators, we want our students to discover a passion for learning that they can carry with them long after they leave our classrooms. Fostering a growth mindset will teach our students to understand the importance of mistakes and how to use them to their best advantage as mistakes prompt us to explore alternatives in the classroom and in life. Simply changing the way we interact with ourselves and others will open an endless world of possibilities.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

41. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Helping English Learners Succeed with a Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework (WKS ELL31) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

In a highly political climate of compliance in schools and a growing diversity in schools, teachers are required more than ever to implement culturally sustaining evidenced-based models of support that address the needs of students who are English language learners (ELLs) and those with disabilities. In the past, teachers have waited for students to fail before referring them to the student support team in their schools. Today, MTSS offers a prevention approach rather that a "wait to fail" method as it provides appropriate and responsive instruction for multilingual learners (MLLs) with and without disabilities in schools. In this seminar, you will look at how MTSS offers a tiered system of culturally-sustaining instructional practices, data-informed problem solving and academic and linguistic progress monitoring to address the needs of all learners, specifically those of multilingual learners with disabilities.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

42. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Honoring the Identities of LGBTQ+ Students in Schools (WKS PROF278) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

This five-hour online seminar is a comprehensive training program aimed at building the confidence of K-12 educators who strive to create inclusive and supportive environments for LGBTQ+ students. Participants will explore a range of critical topics that are essential for fostering a welcoming and affirming school climate and acquire actionable strategies and readily implemented best practices. This seminar provides a valuable opportunity to help all staff gain insight of the unique needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ students and create a future where every student feels valued, respected, and celebrated for who they are.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

43. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Inclusive Classrooms for Newcomer ELLs (WKS ELL33) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Newcomer ELLs are recently-arrived immigrants representative of a range of languages, cultures, school experiences, literacy skills, and immigration circumstances. While they face myriad challenges to adapt and succeed in their new home and schools, they bring with them a world of culturally diverse experiences and knowledge. Guided by Eight Promising Practices, educators will learn ways to create a classroom environment that promotes diversity and inclusion, social-emotional well-being and development, models encouragement, support and resilience and engages newcomer ELLs with high-quality instruction.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

44. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Increasing Multilingual Learner Family Engagement (WKS ELL34) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Families are a critical component of their child's success in school. Their responsibilities include providing a healthy environment and teaching lifelong learning habits that will enable academic success. We know that students whose families are engaged in school communities have a more successful educational experience. This seminar will focus on what culturally sensitive engagement looks like for multilingual learner (MLL) families and how to create an effective plan for your school or district.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

45. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Intervention and Identification: Supporting ELLs with Ability Differences (WKS ELL25) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Although all students demonstrate a wide range of strengths, needs, and social characteristics, the increasing diversity among English language learners (ELLs) presents puzzling questions for education professionals. This is especially true of ELLs who, despite receiving appropriate language-related supports and services, still do not demonstrate adequate growth or achievement in school. In these cases, we ask the question: Is this issue related to language acquisition or to disability? In this online seminar, you will explore critical issues related to interventions for ELLs who present unique learning challenges, as well as the assessment and disability identification processes which occur once intervention is proven ineffective.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

46. 5 hour Online Seminar - Involving and Interacting with Families (WKS PLS13)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.4, VI.1, VI.3
Danielson Aligned: 4C

Previously titled: Communicating with Families

This seminar examines how and when teachers should provide information about student progress and the instructional program to families. Participants will explore how to successfully engage families in the instructional program with professionalism and keen cultural sensitivity, as well as how students can participate and contribute ideas to the program.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

47. 5 hour Online Seminar - Learning Expectations (WKS PLS14)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.3, I.5, II.3, II.4, II.5, III.3, V.2, VII.1
Danielson Aligned: 3A

Previously titled: Setting Expectations for Learning

Participants will explore when and how to make the purposes of their lessons or units clear, position those lessons around key concepts for broader learning, and link them to student interests. This seminar examines ways teachers can communicate to students the importance of what they are undertaking and clarify what they are learning.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

48. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Mitigating School Violence to Cultivate a Positive School Climate (WKS PROF266) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Violence, anger, and disruptive behaviors are negatively impacting the well-being of our staff and students in the school environment. A school's culture and climate are the primary indicators of student achievement and behavior. When students and staff are connected to the school through its culture, everyone thrives. Current systems in NYS such as the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation, the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), local Codes of Conduct, district safety plans, and workplace protections serve to support all stakeholders in a school community. De-escalation techniques and conflict resolution practices comprise the next level of restoring community in a school so educators can safely work to support students so they can learn.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

49. 5 hour Online Seminar - Organizing the Physical Classroom (WKS PLS15)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.5, IV.4, VI.2, VI.4
Danielson Aligned: 2E

Previously titled: Organizing Physical Space

Participants will analyze needs and make adjustments to ensure a safe physical classroom environment. They will examine appropriate resources for classroom and student use, furniture arrangement conducive to activities, designing the physical layout of the classroom, and selecting resources for classroom and student use to ensure that all students can see and hear classroom events.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

50. 5 hour Online Seminar - Participating in Student-Led Discussions (WKS PLS16)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: II.2, II.3, II.5, III.1, III.5, IV.1, IV.2, IV.3, III.2
Danielson Aligned: 3B

Participants will explore techniques designed to ensure that all students contribute to classroom discussions in an environment where students help to ensure that all voices are heard. This seminar explores how to ask high-quality questions that deepen student understanding, methods for promoting student learning through discussion, and ways to ensure meaningful student contributions to the discussions.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

51. 5 hour Online Seminar - Preparing to Participate: Student-Led Discussions (WKS PLS17)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: II.2, II.3, II.5, III.1, III.5, IV.1, IV.2, IV.3
Danielson Aligned: 3B

Participants will explore how to teach their students to ask high-quality questions and ways to invite all students' views to be heard. A solid foundation of student responsibility and accountability create the conditions that must be in place for meaningful discussions where all voices are heard and listened to.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

52. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Prioritizing Work-Life Harmony (WKS PROF276) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

When professional responsibilities infiltrate personal life at home, educators need to learn how to harmonize the intersection of work and home. Using the techniques from this seminar, participants will be able to create a personalized set of practices that will help maximize what's most important in both one's personal and professional life without compromising either.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

53. 5 hour Online Seminar - Productive Student Grouping (WKS PLS40)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.3, I.5, II.2, II.3, III.1, III.4, III.5, III.6, IV.2, IV.3, V.2
Danielson Aligned: 1E, 2C, 3C

Deepening Knowledge: Intermediate Level

This seminar focuses on student choice in grouping, student reflection, and further explores more complex grouping methods as well as teaching students how to work productively. Participants will explore how to develop groups that meet the intended learning of lessons.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

54. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Redesigning Teaching Through Instructional Technology (WKS PROF190) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Technology has the power to fundamentally change and even reinvent how instruction is delivered, as well as how we provide appropriate instruction for students with a wide variety of needs. However, technology, like any other tool, requires knowing how and when to use it in order to maximize its efficacy and provide opportunities for true inquiry. In this seminar, we will explore K-12 appropriate models demonstrating when and how to strategically use technology in any scenario (e.g. classroom, hybrid, distance learning, etc.), as well as standards-based best practices for fundamentally redesigning instruction using technology across the curriculum.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

55. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Reducing Stress, Cultivating Calm (WKS PROF231) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Research demonstrates that stress has been dramatically increasing in America and it can have an impact on overall health and job satisfaction. Education is one of the more stressful fields and stress among educators is directly related to absenteeism, burnout, turnover, and early retirement. Educators have the additional challenge of working with youth who are also experiencing stress at unprecedented levels. The effects of stress on educators negatively affect the school climate and lead to poor student outcomes, both academically and behaviorally, and become a barrier to learning for students. In this seminar, participants will explore how to effectively manage the increasing demands and stress in their roles as well as how to support students in coping with the stress they are experiencing.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

56. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Self-Care Strategies for Educators (WKS PROF275) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2024)

Location: On-Line

Educators are expected to focus on the needs of others, whether they be students, families, or colleagues. While it may seem counterintuitive, educators who are able to prioritize their own self-care will be more successful at leading well-intentioned lives in addition to supporting others. This seminar's content is a collection of best practices derived from studies on the benefits of self-care for educators and how looking after one's needs can positively impact one's personal and professional life. Participants will reflect on their current status and formulate a plan to improve their self-care practices.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

57. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Teaching the Whole Child (WKS PROF217) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Designed for K-12 educators and school-related professionals, this 5-hour online seminar addresses how trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact students' abilities to form trusting relationships, learn new concepts and self-regulate their behaviors in and out of school. The impact of early trauma on brain development and early attachment will be explored. While the topics addressed are relevant for supporting and sustaining the needs of ALL students, time will be spent examining trauma specifically experienced by ELLs such as the impact of prior experiences, pre-flight, flight and post-flight, and how to create a safe and supportive environment that is conducive to learning. The ideas presented will provide a new lens through which to see maladaptive behaviors and provide the necessary tools and strategies to support student healing and growth, both academically and social-emotionally.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

58. 5 hour Online Seminar - Sparking Student Engagement (WKS PLS18)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, II.1, II.2, II.3, II.5, III.1, III.5, IV.2
Danielson Aligned: 2B

In this seminar, participants will implement and evaluate various instructional strategies such as project-based learning and active learning to promote engagement and participation in the classroom.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

59. 5 Hour Online Seminar - STEM-Infused Instruction (WKS PROF272) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

STEM instruction teaches children more than science, technology, engineering, and mathematics concepts as it encompasses a problem-solving application of knowledge and skills integrated through in-context projects or problems focused on learning outcomes. It incorporates real-world scenarios allowing students to see the connection between content they are studying and its application in authentic and relevant ways. This seminar offers K-12 teachers of all disciplines strategies for infusing STEM activities into instruction while immersing students with the 4C's of the 21st Century Learning Standards and social emotional learning concepts.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

60. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Strategies for SIFE Success! (WKS ELL26) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE) are English language learners who enter U.S. schools at least two years below grade level in reading and/or math in their native language due to underschooling. These learners bring with them rich cultural and life experiences, but are doing double the work in learning English and academic skills simultaneously. Teachers looking for support in how to address the intense needs of this population will benefit from this course. In this seminar, participants will examine common characteristics and experiences of the SIFE population, and learn how to design classroom environments and apply specific strategies that honor students' backgrounds to foster SIFE success.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

61. 5 hour Online Seminar - Student Grouping and Supportive Resources (WKS PLS19)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.6, II.6, III.1, IV.3, IV.4
Danielson Aligned: 1E

Participants will examine appropriate uses of technology, groups designed to enhance student learning, and materials and resources that are suitable to all students. This seminar emphasizes the need for student choice and input in the design process.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

62. 5 hour Online Seminar - Student Learning and Achievement (WKS PLS20)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.4, I.5, II.2, III.3, IV.2, IV.3
Danielson Aligned: 2B

Previously titled: Expectations for Learning and Achievement

Participants will evaluate how teacher, student, family, and school community involvement create accountability for student achievement in which all members support the value of learning.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the day they begin their seminar to complete. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

63. 5 hour Online Seminar - Student Participation in Purposeful Discussions (WKS PLS21)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: III.1, IV.1, IV.2, IV.3, III.2
Danielson Aligned: 3B

Previously titled: Student Participation

This seminar examines how to facilitate animated classroom discussions where all students are engaged, all perspectives are sought, and all voices are heard. Participants will construct a student-centered classroom where students assume responsibility for maintaining momentum and equality in discussions.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

64. 5 hour Online Seminar - Student-to-Student Interactions (WKS PLS38)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: II.2, III.5, IV.1, IV.3
Danielson Aligned: 2A

Deepening Knowledge: Advance Level

Participants will explore the benefits of students genuinely caring for one another in a healthy school environment. Participants will discover how to teach respectful verbal and nonverbal behavior as well as team building strategies that support learning.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

65. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Supporting ELLs/MLLs: A Strengths-Based Approach to Social-Emotional Learning (WKS ELL39) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

This seminar empowers educators of English learners/Multilingual learners (ELLs/MLLs) to support the whole child through a strengths-based, culturally responsive manner. It focuses on building resilience in historically underserved and underrepresented students by understanding the stressors that they face. Participants also learn how to engage families and create a positive and equitable classroom environment. Through seminar activities, they explore Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to cultivate skills like communication, conflict resolution, emotional management, goal setting, empathy, and responsible decision-making. They gain practical strategies and tools to create a supportive classroom culture for developing social-emotional skills in ELLs/MLLs as well as ways to incorporate SEL into the curriculum to foster academic and personal growth.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

66. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Tackling Cyberbullying to Safeguard Students (WKS PROF288) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Cyberbullying, which shares some traits with traditional bullying, involves the use of technology to threaten, harass, intimidate, or harm a person. The challenge for educators is the prevalence of and ease with which students can engage in cyberbullying. This seminar explores the causes and effects of cyberbullying. With a focus on legal issues, educators will learn strategies for preventing and responding to cyberbullying. Ultimately, participants will learn how to empower students to respond to cyberbullying.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

67. 5 hour Online Seminar - Teacher-to-Student Interactions (WKS PLS37)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.4, I.5, IV.1, VI.3, VI.1
Danielson Aligned: 2A

Deepening Knowledge: Intermediate Level

This seminar examines the teacher's role of interacting with students in an environment of respect and rapport. Participants will explore when and how to use effective verbal and nonverbal skills and work with families to enhance their relationships with students.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

68. 5 Hour Online Seminar - The Power of Healing Circles (WKS PROF269) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Healing circles are an important piece of restorative justice that reinforce social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies & emotional skills while embodying culturally responsive and sustaining practices by intentionally building equitable learning environments in schools. Circles are a powerful tool to proactively develop relationships and community by providing a safe space for students through careful listening and developing empathy which is desperately needed in schools. This seminar will explore the essential elements of healing circles, examine how they establish a culture of caring and build community, and illuminate ways healing circles can be used to address harm between students as well as repairing trauma in the community when harm is done.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

69. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Transforming the Lives of Students with Trauma-Informed Schools (WKS ELL30) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Designed for K-12 educators and school-related professionals, this 5-hour online seminar addresses how trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact students' abilities to form trusting relationships, learn new concepts and self-regulate their behaviors in and out of school. The impact of early trauma on brain development and early attachment will be explored. While the topics addressed are relevant for supporting and sustaining the needs of ALL students, time will be spent examining trauma specifically experienced by ELLs such as the impact of prior experiences, pre-flight, flight and post-flight, and how to create a safe and supportive environment that is conducive to learning. The ideas presented will provide a new lens through which to see maladaptive behaviors and provide the necessary tools and strategies to support student healing and growth, both academically and social-emotionally.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

70. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Translating IEP Goals into Classroom Accommodations (WKS ELL32) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Education in NY state has shifted to become progressively more inclusive for students thus requiring more collaboration between educators. Classroom teachers are faced with a wider array of abilities and proficiency levels in the classroom and are asked to differentiate curriculum to best meet the needs of all students. As the number of students with IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) in the classroom has increased, so has the expectation that classroom teachers will help students to meet IEP goals while maintaining a rigorous standards-based curriculum. This online seminar will offer accommodations that remove barriers and provide equal access to learning for all students with special needs in the general classroom setting including English language learners with IEPs.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

71. 5 hour Online Seminar - Types of Learning Activities (WKS PLS22)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, II.1, II.2, II.3, III.4, IV.2,
Danielson Aligned: 3C

This seminar focuses exclusively on types of learning activities that promote deep learning aligned with the goals of the lesson and allow students to exercise some choice.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

72. 5 Hour Online Seminar - Using Instructional Technology to Boost Student Well-Being (WKS PROF270) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Today's teachers need digital tools that do more than just deliver content and this online seminar will explore how instructional technology can be used to build connected classroom communities. Whether you meet your learners in person or online, classroom technology can support social/emotional learning and foster a sense of belonging in all students. Students engaged in supportive, connected communities will have meaningful opportunities to develop essential interpersonal skills. Using the ISTE standards for inspiration, this seminar will give teachers strategies for building classroom communities that support their students' well-being and promote collaboration through the thoughtful integration of technology.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

73. 5 hour Online Seminar - Working with Volunteers and Paraprofessionals (WKS PLS23)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: VI.1, VI.2, VI.4, VII.1, VII.3, VII.4
Danielson Aligned: 2C

Previously titled: Supervising Volunteers and Paraprofessionals

Volunteers and paraprofessionals can make substantive contribution to the classroom environment. Participants will acquire the skills to support volunteers and paraprofessionals, including developing guidelines, explaining duties, providing training, and discussing standards.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

74. 7 Hour Online Seminar - Crafting Inclusive Lessons for Linguistically Diverse Learners (WKS ELL46) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

This invaluable training will support content teachers across the grades to leverage the comprehensive "Academic and Linguistic Demands: Creating Access to the Next Generation Learning Standards in English Language Arts for Linguistically Diverse Learners." This essential tool provides classroom teachers with a detailed blueprint for planning lessons that ensure ELLs/MLLs can effectively access the Next Generation Standards. In this training, educators will learn how to maximize this document to craft lessons that cater to the diverse linguistic and academic needs of all Multilingual Learners. The A&LD document serves as a long-awaited replacement for the Bilingual Common Core Progressions as it offers updated strategies and frameworks.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

75. 7 Hour Online Seminar - De-Escalating Challenging Behavior (WKS PROF277) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Educators

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Every day across the country, educators are seeing an increase in challenging behavior within the school environment. Yet, many educators who work closely with students may not be adequately trained in understanding behavior. The first part of this seminar addresses building a mindset for understanding behavior with a goal of reframing behavior in a way to understand the why behind it. The next part addresses the latter phases of the Acting Out Cycle applied through a case study. Finally, participants will learn about how to become more proactive versus reactive in addressing this behavior in the future.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

76. 7 hour Online Seminar - Generating Purposeful Discussions (WKS PLS24)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.6, II.2, III.1, III.2, III.4, III.6, IV.2, IV.3, V.1, V.2
Danielson Aligned: 3B

Previously titled: Discussion Techniques

This seminar explores how effective discussion techniques promote student engagement with content, create opportunities for students to reflect upon what they have learned, and encourage student consideration of new possibilities. Participants will evaluate how to support a classroom where students assume high levels of participation in classroom discussions and take responsibility for their own learning.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

77. 7 Hour Online Seminar - Integrating AI-Generated Rubrics in Formative Assessment (WKS PROF290)

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Learn how harnessing the power of AI and formative assessment fosters a supportive classroom atmosphere where feedback is constructive, learning is continuous, and anxiety is minimized. Participants will learn how to use AI tools to create their own custom rubrics and explore practices for embedding formative assessment seamlessly into their instruction with the support of cutting-edge technology.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Participants will receive an email the day of their seminar with instructions how to login to this Online seminar.

78. 7 Hour Online Seminar - Scaffolding Strategies to Provide Equitable Access (WKS PROF268) - Section 1

Program: Online Seminars

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

*Available to NYSUT Members Only.
Scaffolding is a term that comes from psychologist Lev Vygotsky's theory of the Zone of Proximal Development. Scaffolds consist of temporary supports that amplify rather than simplify and are used to help an English language learner/Multilingual learner work just beyond the level that can be achieved independently. Today, scaffolding is an essential practice as it allows educators to identify the needs of each ELL/MLL and provide them with supports to build on prior knowledge, internalize new information, and ultimately master grade-level content and skills.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm.There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

Price includes $10 tech. fee

79. 8 hour Online Seminar - Classroom Management Procedures (WKS PLS25)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: IV.3, IV.4, VI.4
Danielson Aligned: 2C

Previously titled: Managing Classroom Procedures

This seminar explores seamless integration of transitions, routines for handling materials and supplies, and performance of noninstructional duties. Participants will explore how to encourage students to assume responsibility for ensuring efficient procedures in a well-managed classroom.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

80. 8 hour Online Seminar - Demonstrating Professionalism: Advanced (WKS PLS44)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: VI.1, VI.2, VI.3, VII.1, VII.2, VII.3
Danielson Aligned: 4F

Deepening Knowledge: Advanced Level

Previously titled: Enhancing Professionalism

Participants in the advanced seminar will explore their roles in supporting novice teachers, facilitating professional learning communities, taking the lead on school and district projects, facilitating a peer feedback program, and overseeing professional growth plans.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

81. 8 hour Online Seminar - Demonstrating Professionalism: Basic (WKS PLS42)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: IV.1, VI.1, VI.4, VII.1, VII.2, VII.4
Danielson Aligned: 4D

Deepening Knowledge: Novice Level

Previously titled: Exploring Professionalism

Participants will be introduced to the benefits of a professional learning community and a culture of professional inquiry where they share strategies and develop relationships with colleagues. Participants will also explore the professional benefits of providing volunteer services to school and district projects, strategies and methods to stay informed about content and pedagogy, seeking out and welcoming feedback from colleagues, and creating a professional growth plan.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

82. 8 hour Online Seminar - Demonstrating Professionalism: Intermediate (WKS PLS43)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: VI.1, VI.2, VI.4, VII.1, VII.2, VII.3, VII.4
Danielson Aligned: 4E

Deepening Knowledge: Intermediate Level

Previously titled: Developing Professionalism

Participants will experience the benefits of a professional learning community and explore how they can promote a culture of professional inquiry. This seminar emphasizes the need for a developing professional to assume leadership role among faculty, participate in school and district projects, facilitate opportunities for professional development, observe and provide feedback to colleagues, and assist peers with their professional growth plans.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

83. 8 hour Online Seminar - Effective Instructional Outcomes (WKS PLS26)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.3, II.4, III.3, V.2
Danielson Aligned: 1C

Previously titled: Setting Instructional Outcomes

In this seminar, participants will create and analyze instructional outcomes that represent high expectations and rigor, build on prior learning, and connect to other disciplines. They will offer careful consideration of assessment methods (how students will demonstrate achievement of outcomes) and explore how to align the outcomes to Common Core State Standards. This seminar also explores how participants can create a balance among types of learning and different disciplines, as well as how to differentiate the learning experiences for diverse learners.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

84. 8 hour Online Seminar - Enhancing Content and Pedagogical Knowledge (WKS PLS27)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: II.1, II.3, II.5, VI.1, VI.2, VII.1, VII.2, VII.4
Danielson Aligned: 1A

This seminar explores how participants can improve their content backgrounds, pedagogy, resources, and professional responsibilities in their specific content areas. Participants will explore methods for sharing their content knowledge and professional development beyond the classroom to make a difference in the profession.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning. <

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

85. 8 hour Online Seminar - Promoting Student Engagement (WKS PLS28)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: II.2, II.3, II.6, III.1, III.4, III.5, IV.2, IV.4
Danielson Aligned: 3C

Previously titled: Engaging Students in Learning

This seminar explores activities and assignments that promote deep learning, engage all students, and encourage students to initiate or adapt activities to enhance their understanding. Participants will also examine instructional materials and resources that engage students, as well as how to provide student choice among materials. This module also examines lesson structure and pacing that allows opportunity for reflection and closure.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

86. EQ1 - 5 hour Online Seminar - Self-Awareness and Reflective Practices for Equitable Classrooms (WKS PLS51)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

Danielson Aligned: 3E, 4A, 4E

Seminar 1 of 2

Participants must take these seminars in order, as they are building blocks where each seminar relies on knowledge and application of the previous seminar.

Participants will explore their implicit biases and the effect these biases have on teachers, students, school leaders, parents, and other stakeholders. Socialization filters, how biases are formed, the impact of making assumptions about individuals, and exploring definitions of equity are among the topics in this seminar.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in Frontline to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

87. EQ2 - 5 hour Online Seminar - Educators as Systems Change Agents (WKS PLS52)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

Danielson Aligned: 1B, 3C, 3E

Prerequisite: EQ1 Self-Awareness and Reflective Practices for Equitable (WKS PLS51)

Seminar 2 of 2

Participants must take these seminars in order, as they are building blocks where each seminar relies on knowledge and application of the previous seminar.

Participants will explore how they may create a culturally responsive classroom through equitable teaching practices. The effects of implicit bias and vulnerable decision points are explored. Participants will create an action plan designed to help them implement culturally responsive teaching and support colleagues to do the same.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in Frontline to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

88. Online SRP Seminar - Behind Behavior: Legal Insights and Constructive Strategies for SRPs (WKS SRP118) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

As schools increasingly strive to be inclusive environments for all students, there has been an increase in challenging behavior within schools. Yet, many school-related professionals who work closely with students may not be adequately trained in understanding behavior, nor do they know how to best respond. This seminar is designed to teach school-related professionals the law surrounding behavior in schools, while also building a framework for understanding behavior and how to best respond.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

89. Online SRP Seminar - Bully, Bullied, or Bystander (WKS SRP71) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

School-related professionals (SRPs) are often the ones in less structured parts of the school day-cafeteria, playground, hallways, bus, etc. They are be more likely to witness bullying because the people who bully tend to use larger, less structured areas as an opportunity to bully others. This seminar provides an overview of bullying and its impact on the school environment. It also includes the responsibilities of ALL school staff to deal with incidents of bullying. The seminar includes a definition of bullying and cyberbullying, the roles and responsibilities of people involved in bullying-the person bullying, the person being bullied, the person seeing or knowing about the bullying-and strategies to help prevent or decrease bullying.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

90. Online SRP Seminar - Creating a Welcoming School Environment for English Language Learners (WKS SRP67) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

This seminar will familiarize participants with who our English language learners are and the challenges they face as they learn a new language. By examining the critical nature of culture and its deep impact on an English learner's identity, participants identify strategies to ensure the school environment is a caring, accessible place for our English learners. 3 PD hours.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours and C.R. Part 154 requirements.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

91. Online SRP Seminar - Creating Inclusive Schools: Empowering SRPs to Support LGBTQ+ Students (WKS SRP119) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

This transformative three-hour online seminar is tailored for an audience of school-related professionals (SRPs) and delves into critical topics essential for cultivating a welcoming and affirming school climate. The seminar's comprehensive content equips SRPs with the tools needed to foster inclusive and supportive environments for LGBTQ+ students. Participants will gain practical strategies and insights that can be seamlessly integrated into the school environment, enhancing their understanding of the unique needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ students.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

92. Online SRP Seminar - Dealing With Difficult Behaviors (WKS SRP66) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

This seminar offers strategies for dealing with students who exhibit chronic and extreme misbehavior, including violence. Participants will learn to understand the motivation behind this behavior and which intervention techniques to use when it occurs. Additional topics presented include early warning signs of school violence, ways to defuse confrontation so it does not escalate and how to reinforce the positive student behaviors.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

93. Online SRP Seminar - Disability Awareness (WKS SRP70) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

School-related professionals (SRPs) play an important role with students with disabilities whether it is in the special education classroom, on the bus, in the cafeteria, on the playground, etc. They may work closely with one student with severe disabilities or multiple students with less severe disabilities. Therefore, it is important that all SRPs have a general understanding of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), characteristics of disabilities, and key concepts related to the education of students with disabilities. Through this program, participants will refine their skills and knowledge by experiencing what it is like to have a disability and then applying this information as they identify strategies to improve student learning and behavior specific to the students they support.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

94. Online SRP Seminar - Effective Interventions for Students with ADHD Grounded in Executive Function (WKS SRP117) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Each student in a classroom presents with unique strengths and areas of opportunity as a learner. This is particularly true for students with an Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity-Disorder (ADHD), as the same diagnosis can look incredibly different in two different students. As educators, it is our job to meet the needs of all students. This seminar will provide participants with an overview of ADHD and how it presents in classroom settings. It will engage participants in learning about the connection between ADHD and executive functioning difficulties, as well as specific interventions that can be used based on an individual student's needs.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

95. Online SRP Seminar - Poverty and Its Effect on Learning (WKS SRP72) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

According to recent statistics, 51% of our nation's children now live in poverty and the number appears to be growing. In New York State, about one in five children lives below the traditional measure of poverty and about half of those children live in extreme poverty. This seminar will explore the implications of poverty and socioeconomic issues on our students. Participants will examine the importance of building relationships and a sense of community within schools as well as creating a school environment that effectively engages students from low socioeconomic status as a way to combat poverty.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

96. Online SRP Seminar - Recognizing and Managing Conflict (WKS SRP68) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Conflicts are normal and unavoidable occurrences in our everyday lives. Most of these are minor and easily resolved. Participants will learn how to handle minor conflicts that may occur with colleagues, supervisors and students and identify ways to defuse these situations before they can get escalate and get out of hand. Components of conflict resolution and key factors to be considered in dealing with conflicts, understanding anger, and strategies for managing and resolving conflicts will be explored.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

97. Online SRP Seminar - Sparking Intrinsic Motivation in Students (WKS SRP120) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Students arrive at school each day with unique strengths and challenges. When students lack the motivation to engage with the academic setting, it has a major impact on their overall success. This seminar will address the motivation crisis in schools, the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and how school-related professionals can increase students' intrinsic motivation for learning.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

98. Online SRP Seminar - Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (WKS SRP69) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

School-related professionals (SRPs) often work with students in a 1:1 situation or in a classroom with students that are classified as Autism Spectrum Disorder. This seminar will provide up-to-date information on the clinical and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It also includes how these features manifest themselves and present unique instructional and learning challenges within educational settings. This seminar provides evidence-based, pro-active strategies for helping children and adolescents with ASDs succeed in schools today. Our goal of ending the achievement gap between students with and without disabilities requires understanding and addressing the essential factors that can influence their success.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

99. Online SRP Seminar - Sustaining Compassion While Avoiding Fatigue and Burnout (WKS SRP121) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

School-related professionals (SRPs) and school support staff are engaged in highly rewarding yet challenging professions. Challenges that existed before the global pandemic were exacerbated during remote learning. Now that students have returned to in person learning, new challenges have arisen. All these challenges, the new and the old, can contribute to compassion fatigue and burnout. This seminar offers participants the opportunity to identify distinctions between each, to assess their risk for each, recognize the signs of compassion fatigue and the symptoms of burnout, and review strategies to counter the effects of compassion fatigue.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

100. Online SRP Seminar - Understanding Trauma and Supporting Traumatized Students (WKS SRP65) - Section 1

Program: SRP Online Seminars

Audience: School Related Professionals

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: On-Line

Increasingly, our students experience exposure to multiple or prolonged traumatic events, such as child abuse, neglect, and domestic violence. This experience directly affects their social and emotional development and negatively impacts their behavior and academic growth in school. It is becoming more common that school staff is faced with the challenges of connecting with, and educating, students who have endured complex trauma. Often, the hurt that is felt by the student is transferred to the school personnel and it can manifest in a variety of ways. This seminar will engage participants in understanding the roots of trauma, its prevalence and causes, the characteristics and associated behaviors, as well as learning how to work with traumatized students in a proactive and positive way.

This seminar can be used to meet CTLE hours.

This is an online seminar. Participants have thirty (30) days from the day access is granted to complete and upload all the assignments. An experienced instructor will provide feedback and coaching. At the end of the thirty days, participants who successfully complete the requirements will receive a grade of Pass and a certificate of completion. If not, a grade of Fail will be entered.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

Please Note:
Registration is on a rolling admission basis. New registrations will be added every Monday. You will receive information on how to access the online seminar via email by 5:00 pm. There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.

101. Q1 - 5 hour Online Seminar - Questions that Gather Information (Seminar 1 of 3) (WKS PLS30)

Program: Online Seminars

Location: Online Seminars (n/a, n/) - Online

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 31, 2025)

Location: Online

NYSUT Alignments: I.2, II.2, II.3, II.5, III.1, III.2, III.5, III.6, IV.2
Danielson Aligned: 3B

Seminar 1 of 3
Participants must take these seminars in order as they are building blocks where each seminar relies on knowledge and application of the previous seminar.

This seminar explores how teachers can use questioning to advance student learning. Participants will discover how to ask insight, appraisal, summary, and evaluation questions that encourage students to analyze information. They will also analyze how to teach students how to ask (and identify) questions and reflect on peer comments to deepen student understanding.

Participants have a maximum of 30 days from the start date listed in MLP to complete all assignments. Seminar information including log in and enrollment link will be sent directly from PLS 3rd Learning.

Members are eligible for a 40% discount off non-member pricing.
Click Get Promocode below to apply for the discount. Discounts must be applied at the time of registration and are not valid for prior purchases.

These are online seminars. Participants will work at their own pace, receive feedback and coaching from an experienced instructor and receive a pass or fail grade upon completion.

Online Requirement:
Requires, reliable/stable high speed internet connection.

*Please Note that these seminars are rolling admission. They will begin every Monday.
You will receive your info via email by 5pm*

There is no refund once the access information has been sent to the participant.