According to the Justice Department, in an NPR special report, people with intellectual disabilities are sexually assaulted at a rate seven times higher than persons without disabilities. What can teachers and parents do to prepare young people with developmental disabilities to participate in community life with a reduced risk of sexual abuse?
In this training, participants will learn about tools and resources designed for teaching students with disabilities about sexuality education. We will also help participants make connections with community resources and community outreach opportunities.
-Learn ways to identify, prioritize, teach, and practice skills that can assist students with developmental disabilities to reduce their risk of sexual assault in community environments.
-Learn of current instruction and support models aimed at reducing the risk of sexual assault for individuals with intellectual disability, autism, and other developmental disabilities.
-Identify community partners that can assist families and persons with disabilities to reduce their risk of sexual assault and receive needed support if assault has occurred.
Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline Education registration.
If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.