Catalog: Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) - PG/WebReg

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1. Internship Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Internship Coordinators, Principals

Dates: 5/16/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach Room

Internship Coordinators' Meeting - PD, Sharing, Collaborating

2. EI Safety-Care Recert

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 8/19/2024

Techniques involving de-escalations and restraints.

3. EI OT/PT Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/6/2024

Location: Board Room

Mandatory meeting for OT/PT staff.

4. SASE Safety-Care Initial

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/11/2024 to 9/18/2024

Techniques involving de-escalations and restraints.

5. Safety-Care Initial

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/13/2024 to 9/27/2024

Techniques involving de-escalations and restraints.

6. Learner Engagement and Attendance Program (LEAP) 101 Training

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Audience: Berks County Social Workers, Home School Visitors, SAP team members, SRO's and Safety Officers

Dates: 9/13/2024

Location: Virtual Training

LEAP 101 Training The BCIU will be hosting a LEAP training this fall! LEAP (Learner Engagement and Attendance Program) is Connecticut's research-based relational home visit model proven to increase student attendance and family engagement. LEAP training will be available for Berks County Social Workers, Home School Visitors, SAP team members, SRO's and Safety Officers this fall to encourage building relationships for student success.

7. EI AT Training

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/13/2024

Location: 174

Reviewing AT procedures, using AT in the classroom, implementing AT, and making/takin AT materials.

8. EI Itinerant Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/13/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

Mandatory meeting for all itinerants (service delivery).

9. CPR / First Aid - Blue Mountain Academy - 5.0 Act 48 Credit (Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Staff Only)

Program: Safety & Operations

Audience: All

Dates: 9/16/2024

Location: Washington Room

CPR / First aid training by American Health & Safety Institute (Adult, Child, & AED) First Aid Training Completion card is good for 2 years. Any questions regarding this course, Please contact Rodney Good at 610-987-8615.

10. Berks County Transition Coordinating Council Meeting (BCTCC)

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Dates: 9/17/2024

Location: Commonwealth A

Wait List
Berks County Transition Coordinating Council (BCTCC) Meeting

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at or 610-987-8425.

11. Health and PE Collaborative with PDE

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Heath & PE Teachers

Dates: 9/17/2024

Location: Commonwealth B and Roosevelt

Elementary HPE Teachers will be provided two individualized sessions. Session 1 will include information on how to enhance health at the elementary level. Teachers will navigate building a strategic plan to enhance the delivery of health education. Session 2 will look at monitoring their equipment within and outside of the school. Teachers will look at new ways to utilize all available tools to maximize the use of equipment and materials in their physical education classes. Secondary HPE teachers will be provided two individualized sessions. Session 1 will look at monitoring their equipment within and outside of the school. Teachers will look at new ways to utilize all available tools to maximize the use of equipment and materials in their physical education classes. Session 2 will evaluate their current PE program. The purpose of this session is to provide teachers with tools to incorporate more lifelong fitness into their PE program.

12. CPR / First Aid - (5:00pm - 9:30pm)

Program: Safety & Operations

Audience: All

Dates: 9/17/2024

Location: Washington Room

CPR / First aid training by the American Health & Safety Institute (Adult, Child, & AED) First Aid Training Completion card is good for 2 years. Any questions regarding this course, Please contact Rodney Good at 610-987-8615.

13. IU14 Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - September 2024

Program: Information Technology

Audience: LEA Data Teams, Data Analysts, Data Personnel, PIMS Administrators

Dates: 9/18/2024

Location: Hohl

Starting Today
PIMS Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - September 2024. Visit for agenda.

14. (CANCELED)Classroom Management - PROFESSIONALS ONLY

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Professionals Only - General Ed Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Administrators.

Dates: 9/19/2024

Location: Washington Room

Starting Soon

This workshop is designed to give educators practical and effective methods to prevent and manage behaviors in their classrooms. Research-validated behavioral and instruction strategies will be presented. Topics include: Basic behavior principles, effective instruction, avoiding common management traps, group contingencies, environmental arrangement, prevention procedures, and teaching classroom rules, routines, and procedures.

Any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes Lopez at or 610-987-8425.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the My Learning Plan registration.

15. Berks County Instructional Coach Collaborative Network Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Instructional Coaches

Dates: 9/19/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

NewStarting Soon
The BCIU#14 Instructional Coach Collaborative is designed to give instructional coaches in Berks County an opportunity to:

1. Learn from and with peers

2. Gain support from other coaches and mentor

3. Share issues, concerns and solutions

Each meeting will include networking, an opportunity for professional learning, reflection and IU updates. Act 48 credits will be awarded for each meeting attended upon completion of an evaluation in Frontline Education.

If you have questions regarding the content of the session, please contact the Instructional Coach Mentor, Carissa Noel, at If you have questions regarding the registration process or Act 48 credits, please contact Claribel Reyes at

The 2024-2025 networking meetings will include components from Diane Sweeney's Student Centered Coaching model. During this first meeting, we invite school and district leaders to join with their coaches.

16. BECEC Annual Retreat

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/19/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

Starting Soon
Learning through Routines: Embedding Instruction for Young Children in Child Care and Preschool Classrooms
Early Intervention in Pennsylvania promotes the use of coaching supports and collaborative services to meet the needs of infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children with disabilities and their families, caregivers, and early care and education providers. During this session, participants will be introduced to the evidenced-based frameworks for Early Intervention service delivery in Pennsylvania; namely, Family Guided Routines Based Intervention and Embedded Instruction for Early Learning. The rationale and key principles underlying these service delivery models will be discussed. Participants will then be guided through the steps of Embedded Instruction for Early Learning to increase their understanding of how Early Intervention and Early Care and Education professionals can work together to provide embedded learning opportunities to children with delays and disabilities in childcare and preschool settings and to support participants' confidence in sharing this information with families.

17. McKinney-Vento Training Program: McKinney-Vento 101

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/19/2024

Starting Soon
For new and seasoned Homeless Liaisons, building-level liaisons, and other student support staff looking for an in-depth refresher on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and the roles and responsibilities of a Homeless Liaison.

18. Virtual Academy Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Online Learning Network Group

Dates: 9/19/2024

Location: Virtual Meeting/Roosevelt Room

Starting Soon
The virtual academy directors and coordinators in Berks County are meeting to discuss, share and compare each district's online program. The objective of the meeting is to collaborate and implement best practices for operating a successful online program. If you'd like to network with the group, please join us. Just be sure to register for each month you are planning to attend.

19. BSPA-

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks School Psychologists

Dates: 9/20/2024

Starting Soon
BSPA Meeting:

Presenters: BSPA Officers

This meeting is only available to those who hold a valid school psychologist certification/credential and/or are currently enrolled in a school psychology training program.

20. EI Speech Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/20/2024

Location: Hertz Room

Starting Soon
Mandatory meeting for EI speech therapists.

21. EI Teacher Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/20/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

Starting Soon
Mandatory meeting for EI classroom teachers.

22. Evidence Based Practices to Support Students with Autism: Part 1 - A.M. SESSION - PROFESSIONALS ONLY

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Professionals Only - sorry no Paraprofessionals

Dates: 9/24/2024

Location: Commonwealth A

Starting Soon
A.M and P.M. sessions are identical/repeated. PLEASE REGISTER FOR ONLY 1/2 DAY.

This introductory workshop is designed for new low-incidence classroom teachers, as well as administrators and related service providers. The focus of this workshop will be autism spectrum disorder, including the implications of the diagnosis, use of visual supports across educational environments, and instructional strategies. Please contact Sandy Webber at, 610-987-8532 with questions. Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the My Learning Plan registration.

23. Para Academy-Day 2

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Paraprofessionals already in the Para Academy

Dates: 9/24/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

Starting Soon
Day 2 of the Para Academy - registration is ONLY for those who are already in the program.

24. ECYEH Regional Liaison and Point of Contact Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/24/2024

Starting Soon
The Fall annual meeting for all ECYEH Region 2 homeless liaisons and foster care points of contact in Berks, Chester, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, and Schuylkill counties.

25. Evidence Based Practices to Support Students with Autism: Part 1 - P.M. SESSION - PROFESSIONALS ONLY

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Professionals Only - sorry no Paraprofessionals

Dates: 9/24/2024

Location: Commonwealth A

Starting Soon
A.M and P.M. sessions are identical/repeated. PLEASE REGISTER FOR ONLY 1/2 DAY.

This introductory workshop is designed for new low-incidence classroom teachers, as well as administrators and related service providers. The focus of this workshop will be autism spectrum disorder, including the implications of the diagnosis, use of visual supports across educational environments, and instructional strategies. Please contact Sandy Webber at, 610-987-8532 with questions. Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the My Learning Plan registration.

26. School Attendance Training Session - September 2024

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/24/2024

Location: George Washington

ClosedStarting Soon
The purpose of this session is to provide school personnel who are new to the school attendance process (or would like a refresher) a basic understanding of the Pa Compulsory Attendance Law, the PDE BEC and the process that needs to be followed especially in Berks County and the resources available for assistance. The workshop will include information about holding a School Attendance Improvement Conference and completing the School Attendance Improvement Plan. The Berks County Protocol and the Advancing School Attendance Program will be reviewed.

Target Audience: Assistant Principals, Attendance Secretaries, School Social Workers, Home School Visitors, and anyone else with a primary responsibility for attendance letters, Student Attendance Improvement Conferences, referrals to ASAP and/or citations.

27. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Audience: School personnel, and community members working with children or adolescents.

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 9/26/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop designed for schools, families, community organizations, etc., to provide "suicide first aid” and talk to some at-risk, but may have had little or no training in suicide prevention. ASIST can also provide those in formal mental and behavioral health roles with professional development to ensure that they are prepared to provide suicide first aid help as part of the care they provide to students and families.

The workshop teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will address and support their immediate safety. Participants learn to use a suicide intervention model to identify someone at risk with thoughts of suicide, seek a shared understanding of reasons for their wanting to take their own life, develop a safe-plan based upon a review of risk, be prepared to do follow-up, and become a part of a suicide-safer community that they support. The workshop is highly participatory and is developed through mini lectures, facilitated discussions, group simulations, and role plays.

28. Learner Engagement and Attendance Program (LEAP) Level 2 Training

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Audience: Berks County Social Workers, SRO’s and Safety Officers

Dates: 9/27/2024

Location: Virtual Training

LEAP Level 2 Training- Tier 3 Supports; working with families during those challenging times. The BCIU will be hosting a LEAP training this fall! LEAP (Learner Engagement and Attendance Program) is Connecticut's research-based relational home visit model proven to increase student attendance and family engagement. LEAP training will be available for Berks County Social Workers, Home School Visitors, SAP team members, SRO's and Safety Officers this fall to encourage building relationships for student success.

29. Tactile View Design Software Training

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 9/27/2024

Tactile view training

30. Tools & Techniques "Behavior Principles"

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 9/30/2024

Location: Hertz

Educators are often faced with the task of managing students who exhibit challenging behaviors. There are many factors that can affect how and why students behave the way they do. We can make an impact on student behavior by using research-validated behavior management strategies. For many strategies to work effectively, educators must have a solid foundation related to basic behavioral science.

• Participants will learn the science of behavior to identify antecedents, consequences, and functions of behavior.

• Participants will understand the importance of structuring their classrooms for academic and behavioral success.

• Participants will identify methods for using reinforcement differentially. If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at

31. Internship Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Internship Coordinators, Principals

Dates: 10/8/2024

Location: Hertz Room

Internship Coordinators' Meeting - PD, Sharing, Collaborating

32. Safety Care INITIAL Behavioral Safety Training

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: A Staff Development Opportunity for Berks County School Districts’ employees including general and special education teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals

Dates: 10/8/2024 to 10/9/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

Wait List

This two day training is intended to prepare staff to safely prevent and manage dangerous behavior. Staff learns to intervene professionally and therapeutically using a safe, effective approach designed to prevent or reverse escalation of problem behavior and avoid the use of restraint. Safety Care de-escalation skills work with individuals who can communicate verbally and those who cannot. Safety Care is based on an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) model and focuses on removing/reducing environmental consequences that reinforce problem behavior.

Any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at or 610-987-8425.

33. Transition Coordinators Meeting (TC Meeting)

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks County Transition Coordinators

Dates: 10/8/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

Berks County Transition Coordinators Meeting

If you have any questions, please contact V at or 610-987-8425.

34. CPR / First Aid - (5:00pm - 9:30pm)

Program: Safety & Operations

Audience: All

Dates: 10/8/2024

Location: Washington Room

CPR / First aid training by the American Health & Safety Institute (Adult, Child, & AED) First Aid Training Completion card is good for 2 years. Any questions regarding this course, Please contact Rodney Good at 610-987-8615.

35. Authentic Science Assessments

Program: Professional Development

Audience: K-12 STEELS educators, administrators

Dates: 10/9/2024

Location: George/Washington

How do we best assess student learning of multidimensional STEELS standards? In this session, participants will explore key features of high-quality science assessments including phenomena and problem-based scenarios and multi-dimensional prompts. Educators will consider the extent to which these features connect with their own vision for meaningful science learning. We will also explore how to use assessment data to inform teaching and support learning, how assessments guide a unit, and how assessments work together toward different purposes.

This workshop requires a minimum of 8 participants to run.
NOTE: Fees may apply, see specifics on full registration page. Subscriber Price or no fee applies to K-12 Educators employed by Berks County Public School Districts/CTCs as paid member districts under mandated services. The general price applies to all other educators in nonpublic schools, out-of-county schools, local organizations, etc. that are not paid members.

36. CPR / First Aid - (9:30am - 2:00pm)

Program: Safety & Operations

Audience: All

Dates: 10/9/2024

Location: Washington Room

CPR / First aid training by the American Health & Safety Institute (Adult, Child, & AED) First Aid Training Completion card is good for 2 years. Any questions regarding this course, Please contact Rodney Good at 610-987-8615.

37. Communications Supports in the Individual Education Plan

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Speech Language Pathologists, Special Education Teaching supporting students using AAC systems and other communication supports, school Psychologists

Dates: 10/10/2024

Location: George

This half-day training will review suggestions for documenting use of augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) systems and other forms of communication supports in IEPs. Too often these descriptions of these supports are very general; when a student moves between buildings or school districts, how these systems are used is lost in translation

- Documentation of AAC trials: where in the IEP, what language can be used when checking the assistive technology box,

- Documentation of AAC use,

- Documentation of other communication supports

- Review of a template which can be used to request more information from a previous school

Any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the My Learning Plan registration.

38. Supporting Students with Autism in Inclusive Settings

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Administrators, Related Service Personnel

Dates: 10/10/2024

Location: Washington Room

This one day training will provide participants with a general overview of effective research validated strategies for supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in inclusive classrooms. Participants will learn strategies to support students academically and socially.


-Gain an understanding of various visual supports used to support students with ASD.

-Gain an understanding of methods to teach social/behavioral skills

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline Education registration.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

39. McKinney-Vento Training Program: Unaccompanied Homeless Youth

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 10/10/2024

This session provides an in-depth overview of unaccompanied homeless youth, including their rights and answers to frequently asked questions. For new and seasoned Homeless Liaisons, building-level liaisons, and any student support staff.

40. Collaborating for English Learners Book Club

Program: Summer Workshops

Audience: ESL Teachers

Dates: 10/11/2024 to 11/18/2024

Location: Virtual

Description - The book, "Collaborating for English Learners: A Foundational Guide to Integrated Practices” by: Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove is an essential resource for educators, administrators, and support staff working with English learners (ELs) in diverse educational settings. This comprehensive guide offers practical strategies and evidence-based practices for effectively supporting ELs' language development and academic achievement. With a focus on collaboration and integration across content areas, this book emphasizes the importance of teamwork among educators to meet the needs of ELs effectively. From language-rich instruction to culturally responsive teaching approaches, "Collaborating for English Learners" equips educators with the knowledge and tools needed to create inclusive learning environments where all students can thrive. Whether you're a classroom teacher, a curriculum specialist, or a school leader, this guide will empower you to make a meaningful difference in the educational experiences and outcomes of English learners.

41. Art Educators Sessions, Common Inservice

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: Art Educators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Reading Central MS

Join your fellow art educators at Reading School District's Central Middle School for a day of sharing and learning.

42. Health & PE Educators Session, Common Inservice

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: Health & PE Educators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Governor Mifflin, Athletic Community Center

Join your colleagues for a day of learning and sharing at Governor Mifflin School District's Athletic Community Center. We encourage all health & PE teachers K-12 to join our session.

43. Internship Coordinators' Session, Common Inservice

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: Internship Coordinators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Reading National Guard Armory (2601 River Rd, Read

Join your colleagues for a day of learning and sharing at the Army National Guard, Reading Armory (2601 River Rd, Reading, PA 19605). Please note: this session is only 4 Act 48 hours (8:00 am - 12:00 pm).

44. Librarians Session, Common Inservice

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: Librarians

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: TBD

Unlocking the Future: AI in School Libraries with Elissa Malespina Join us for an insightful session featuring guest speaker Elissa Malespina, publisher of the AI Newsletter, founder of Educational Equity Advisors, and a contributor to the new book, Trouble in Censorville. In this workshop, Elissa will share insights on how technology, especially AI, is revolutionizing the way we teach, learn, and engage with knowledge in the 21st century. From smart search systems in libraries that recommend personalized reading materials to AI tutors offering customized learning paths for students, the potential of these tools is immense. The session will also include hands-on activities, giving participants the opportunity to explore these technologies firsthand and learn how to integrate them into their educational practices. Don't miss this chance to unlock the future of education!

45. Music Educators Session, Common In-service

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: Music Educators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Muhlenberg Jr HS

CURRENT SUMMARY OF SESSIONS: State-of-the-State: An overview of recent curricular trends and future music education initiatives at the state level || State-of-the-County: A quick look at the great things and local issues that have been happening in our Berks County schools || AI (Artificial Intelligence) in the Music Classroom || Making it Useful: The PDE's new Pennsylvania Arts Education Data Dashboard || Music Industry Careers beyond Performance & Education - Exploration & lessons for students of all levels || Communicating Your Music Program to the Public || Redefining the School Music Community through Music Industry Programming || The Instrument Repairs Every Music Teacher Should Know How to Do || Percussion Equipment Basics for Non-Percussionists || A Deeper Look at New Music Production Techniques for Music Teachers: Timbre Transfer and Stem Separation || DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) in the Music Classroom from Entry-Level to High-End || Plus MORE being added!

FEATURED PRESENTERS INCLUDE: DR. DEVIN ARNE - Asst. Prof. of Studio Composition | Music Theory & Composition | West Chester University… DR. MIKE D'ERRICO - Music Dept. Chair | Director of Music Technology & Composition | Albright College… MARK DESPOTAKIS - Director of Public & Government Affairs | PA Music Educators Association… KEVIN LONGWILL - Music Industry Educator | Abington (PA) School District… Additional session contributors include Berks County educators, musicians, and music community leaders.

46. Teachers of the Gifted Session, Common Inservice

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: Teachers of the Gifted, Gifted education supervisors and district administrators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Hertz Room

Join your colleagues for a day of learning and sharing at BCIU's Main Office. This session offers a valuable opportunity for gifted educators to connect, share, and learn from one another. You'll have the chance to build relationships with colleagues, exchange ideas and best practices, and find support for the challenges you face. Whether you're a seasoned gifted education veteran or just starting your journey, this gathering provides a space to explore potential collaborations, stay up-to-date on the latest research and trends, and ultimately enhance your professional growth. Gifted education supervisors and district administrators are also invited to attend.

47. Tech-Ed & STEM Educators' Session, Common Inservice

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: Tech-Ed & STEM Educators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Two Company Tours (East Penn Manufacturing in AM,

Join your colleagues for a day of learning and sharing. Two company tours will be done throughout the day. Travel will be on your own; please plan on carpooling. Lunch will be provided, courtesy of East Penn Manufacturing.

East Penn Manufacturing - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, 102 Deka Rd, Lyons, PA 19536

Teachers should arrive at 8:00 am at the Corporate Office. For plant tours they will need to wear closed toes shoes. EPM will supply the safety glasses.

Sweet Street Desserts - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, 722 Hiesters Ln, Reading, PA 19605

While on the tour, no jewelry can be worn and close toed shoes should be worn. SSD will provide the lab coats, hairnets etc.

48. Building Capacity & Promoting Instruction Through PASA DLM

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Special Education Teachers of PASA eligible students and district LEA

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: George/Washington

The PASA DLM is both an assessment system and a resource for instructional purposes. The BCIU Office of Professional Learning is offering state-mandated training on the instruction elements of this system. The Bureau of Special Education has mandated this training for all Special Education teachers instructing students who are eligible to take the PASA as well as their district LEA.


Participants will become familiar with PASA DLM terminology, understand how "Essential Elements (EEs)" are aligned to PA standards, use "Essential Elements" and "mini-maps" to plan instruction, and use PASA DLM resources to identify learning targets and support needs for individual students. Participants will see how EEs have already been modified for instructional use and identify existing resources to support implementation in lesson and unit planning. Please note the pre-requisite for this training course.


Once registered for this training, you will receive a link to a video that you are required to watch prior to attending this training. This will be Part 1 of this training. Parts 2 & 3 will be covered in person on the training day in which you registered.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline registration.

49. ESL Network Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: ESL Teachers & Administrators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Washington

ELD Teachers, Coordinators and Administrators you are invited to join us for an engaging session focused on collaboration, networking, and updates regarding English as a Second Language (ESL) education. Our meetings will offer valuable updates from state authorities on testing protocols and best practices, problem-solving sessions, and the development of English Language Development (ELD) strategies. This is an excellent opportunity to collaborate with colleagues, share insights, and discuss common questions regarding the education of English Language Learners (ELLs). The session will be conducted in person, providing a conducive environment for discussions and networking. We look forward to your participation and meaningful contributions to our collective efforts in supporting the ELL population in Berks County. NOTE: Fees may apply, see specifics on full registration page. Subscriber Price or no fee applies to K-12 Educators employed by Berks County Public School Districts/CTCs as paid member districts under mandated services. The general price applies to all other educators in nonpublic schools, out-of-county schools, local organizations, etc. that are not paid members.

50. World Language Educators' Session, Common Inservice

Program: Common Inservice

Audience: World Language Educators

Dates: 10/14/2024

Location: Twin Valley High School (4897 N Twin Valley Rd, El

This presentation will provide teachers a list of tech tools and games for the foreign language classroom. Teachers will learn how to use the games and play the games to gain the perspective of the student. There will be time to collaborate with colleagues to discuss how these tools and games can be used to enhance your curriculum. Time will also be allotted to create your own game. We will look at how we use Blooket, Quizlet, Duolingo, Gimkit, and Languagenut. These tools can be fun practice, homework, review, for data and goal making, or even assessments. We will also present the various other none-digital games we use to help students practice vocabulary. We would love for other teachers to bring their own ideas to present to the group! This will be a fun, hands-on, active presentation! Please bring a computer to connect to the games.

51. Para Academy-Day 3

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Paraprofessionals already in the Para Academy

Dates: 10/15/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

Day 3 of the Para Academy - registration is ONLY for those who are already in the program.

52. IU14 Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - October 2024

Program: Information Technology

Audience: LEA Data Teams, Data Analysts, Data Personnel, PIMS Administrators

Dates: 10/16/2024

Location: Hohl

PIMS Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - October 2024. Visit for agenda.

53. Berks County Instructional Coach Collaborative Network Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Instructional Coaches

Dates: 10/17/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

The BCIU#14 Instructional Coach Collaborative is designed to give instructional coaches in Berks County an opportunity to:

1. Learn from and with peers

2. Gain support from other coaches and mentor

3. Share issues, concerns and solutions

Each meeting will include networking, an opportunity for professional learning, reflection and IU updates. Act 48 credits will be awarded for each meeting attended upon completion of an evaluation in Frontline Education.

If you have questions regarding the content of the session, please contact the Instructional Coach Mentor, Carissa Noel, at If you have questions regarding the registration process or Act 48 credits, please contact Claribel Reyes at

The 2023-2024 networking meetings will be organized around Jim Knight's 7 Factors for Great Instructional Coaching. Unless otherwise noted, these meetings are only for instructional coaches.

54. PBIS Tier 1 - Day 1 Training | Overview

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Professionals Only - General Ed Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Administrators, School Counselors, Psychologists, BCBAs

Dates: 10/17/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

This module aims to build the capacity of participants to serve on a Tier 1 Team by 1) providing definitions and components of SWPBIS and 2) positioning teams to engage in effective teaming and action planning with the use of fidelity tools. This module also ensures that all team members develop an in-depth understanding of the importance of establishing school-wide behavioral expectations. In addition to establishing positively stated expectations, this module will require team members to create a behavior matrix that defines the stated behavioral expectations across all settings of the school community. Team members will also work together to generate a plan for obtaining staff and student feedback on the expectations and matrix. This training is only open to invited teams and a building administrator is required to attend each session. All participants must sign up for all 3 days of PBIS training. If interested, please contact Heather Wamsher, TaC Program Administrator, at prior to attempting to register.

Goals for this Module:

•Convey the evidence-based benefits of installing and implementing SWPBIS.

•Provide definitions, common language, and structures relevant to a SWPBIS that will encourage cohesive teaming.

•Identify team roles and responsibilities.

•Introduce the team to a problem-solving cycle and fidelity tools.

•Acquire an understanding of the importance of behavioral expectations.

•Develop behavioral expectations and matrix addressing all aspects of the school community.

•Create a plan for obtaining feedback related to expectations and matrix.

Any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

55. Virtual Academy Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Online Learning Network Group

Dates: 10/17/2024

Location: Virtual Meeting/Roosevelt Room

The virtual academy directors and coordinators in Berks County are meeting to discuss, share and compare each district's online program. The objective of the meeting is to collaborate and implement best practices for operating a successful online program. If you'd like to network with the group, please join us. Just be sure to register for each month you are planning to attend.

56. BSPA-

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks School Psychologists

Dates: 10/18/2024

BSPA Meeting:

Presenters: BSPA Officers

This meeting is only available to those who hold a valid school psychologist certification/credential and/or are currently enrolled in a school psychology training program.

57. Youth Mental Health First Aid

Program: Professional Development

Audience: All

Dates: 10/22/2024

Location: Commonwealth A/B

Youth Mental Health First Aid is an early intervention public education program. It teaches adults how to recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge, how to listen nonjudgmentally and give reassurance to a youth who may be experiencing a mental health challenge, and how to refer a person to appropriate professional support and services. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Describe the purpose of Youth Mental Health First Aid and the role of the Youth Mental Health First Aider.

• Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges that may impact youth.

• Explain the impact of traumatic experiences and the role of resilience on adolescent development.

• Apply the appropriate steps of the YMHFA Action Plan (ALGEE) to non-crisis situations.

• Apply the appropriate steps of the YMHFA Action Plan (ALGEE) to crisis situations.

• Choose appropriate methods for self-care following the application of Youth Mental Health First Aid in a crisis or non-crisis situation.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at

NOTE: Fees may apply, see specifics on full registration page. Subscriber Price or no fee applies to K-12 Educators employed by Berks County Public School Districts/CTCs as paid member districts under mandated services. The general price applies to all other educators in nonpublic schools, out-of-county schools, local organizations, etc. that are not paid members.

58. Para Academy-Day 3

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Paraprofessionals already in the Para Academy

Dates: 10/22/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

Day 3 of the Para Academy - registration is ONLY for those who are already in the program.

59. Keeping Kids Safe Symposium - Human Trafficking Awareness

Program: Safety & Operations

Audience: Educators, Administrators, School and District Safety Teams, Reunification Teams, Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS, Emergency Managers, Community partners, including elected officials, mental health professionals, and first responders.

Dates: 10/23/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach Room

The symposium will include feature speakers from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Berks County Human Trafficking Task Force, and the Department of Homeland Security Center for Human Trafficking | Blue Campaign.

60. Safety Care RECERTIFICATION Behavioral Safety Training

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks County School District General and Special Education who hold CURRENT Safety-Care certification

Dates: 10/23/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

Wait List

This one-day re-certification training is intended to refresh previously learned skills and maintain trainee compliance with Safety Care standards. Safety-Care training is intended to prepare staff to safely prevent and manage dangerous behavior. Staff learns to intervene professionally and therapeutically using a safe, effective approach designed to prevent or reverse escalation of problem behavior and avoid the use of restraint. Safety-Care de-escalation skills work with individuals who can communicate verbally and those who cannot. Safety-Care is based on an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) model and focuses on removing/reducing environmental consequences that reinforce problem behavior.

Any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at or 610-987-8425.

61. STEM Educators Network Meeting - October 2024

Program: Professional Development

Audience: STEM Educators

Dates: 10/24/2024

Location: Commonwealth A/B

This STEM Network Meeting will have a professional learning opportunity for learners of all levels, with a focus on 3D Design and 3D printing. We will host a "Bring your own 3D printer” event to support each other with our printers. More details will be emailed to registrants. The purpose of the BCIU STEM Network Meetings is to give STEM leaders and educators an opportunity to: -Stay informed of the most current information from the PDE and professional organizations, and share that information with colleagues in their school or district -Engage in collegial professional development activities for the purpose of building their own capacity to strengthen standards-aligned systems at the classroom, building and district levels|-Serve as a collaborative resource for regional professional development activities -Network and engage in collegial dialogue with other "job alike" professionals

-Network and engage in collegial dialogue with other "job alike" professionals

62. What Classroom Teachers Need to know About Special Education

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 10/24/2024

Location: Hertz

This presentation is designed to equip classroom teachers with essential knowledge and strategies for effectively supporting students with special educational needs. Topics will include understanding different types of disabilities, legal requirements and accommodations under IDEA and Section 504, individualized education programs (IEPs), and strategies for differentiation and inclusion. Practical tips for creating an inclusive classroom environment, collaborating with special education professionals, and addressing common challenges will also be covered. By the end of the session, participants will have a clearer understanding of how to tailor their teaching practices to meet diverse needs and foster an equitable learning environment for all students. If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at

63. EI Para Training: Setting Up the Classroom for Success

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 10/25/2024

Location: Room 173

Practical classroom tips and tricks to create a positive working environment for both the staff and students.

64. EI TeamSync Training

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 10/25/2024

The training will be held as an open discussion to answer any of your TeamSync-related questions and give you tips/tricks for better navigating the system!

65. Introduction to Technology & Engineering Standards, Contexts, and Instructional Best Practices with Brandt Hutzel *STEELS*

Program: Professional Development

Dates: 10/30/2024

Location: George/Washington Rooms

Are you tasked with teaching the STEELS Technology & Engineering standards? Join us to refine your understanding of key components of the T/E standards and learn best practices for instruction. We will explore how technology and engineering standards complement science standards. You will increase your knowledge and awareness of tools and resources that can lead to more effective T/E teaching and learning and curriculum development. Brandt Hutzel, PDE content advisor for Technology & Engineering Education, will be leading this workshop.
NOTE: Fees may apply, see specifics on full registration page. Subscriber Price or no fee applies to K-12 Educators employed by Berks County Public School Districts/CTCs as paid member districts under mandated services. The general price applies to all other educators in nonpublic schools, out-of-county schools, local organizations, etc. that are not paid members.

66. Empowering Secondary Principals with Structured Literacy Strategies

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Secondary Leaders (principals, assistant principals, department leaders, instructional coaches, reading specialists)

Dates: 11/6/2024 to 12/4/2024

Location: George

In this two-part workshop, secondary school leaders will gain a deep understanding of structured literacy and its crucial role in student success across content areas. Participants will explore how the brain processes and develops literacy skills, and how these insights can inform effective instructional practices. The workshop will focus on practical strategies for embedding structured literacy within content area teaching, addressing literacy challenges, and empowering educators to support diverse learners. Leaders will leave with actionable tools to guide and support teachers in implementing evidence-based literacy practices that enhance student learning in secondary classrooms.

67. Berks County Transition Coordinating Council Meeting (BCTCC)

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Dates: 11/6/2024

Location: Commonwealth A

Berks County Transition Coordinating Council (BCTCC) Meeting

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at or 610-987-8425.

68. EI Goals and Outcomes Training Day 2

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 11/8/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

Continuation of training for intake staff, itinerants, OTs, PTs, leads, coordinators, and psychologists.

69. Teaching Behavioral Self Regulation

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: A Staff Development Opportunity for General and Special Education Teachers, Paraprofessionals

Dates: 11/12/2024

Location: Washington Room

This training will focus on providing educators with a method for teaching students to regulate their behaviors related to stress, anxiety and sensory input. Participants will learn to teach students to identify and rate their own levels of anxiety/agitation as well as teach methods for independently implementing strategies to change their behavior.

Additionally, participants will learn how to teach students to identify early signs of stress and anxiety so that they can intervene early and provide students with life skills to prevent behavioral challenges and become independent self-regulators.


-Participants will learn the principles for teaching students to become independent self-regulators.

-Participants will learn to use visual supports to help students identify and regulate behaviors.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants.

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes Lopez at or 610-987-8425.

70. Teaching Safety Skills to Reduce the Risk of Sexual Abuse

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 11/12/2024

Location: George Room

According to the Justice Department, in an NPR special report, people with intellectual disabilities are sexually assaulted at a rate seven times higher than persons without disabilities. What can teachers and parents do to prepare young people with developmental disabilities to participate in community life with a reduced risk of sexual abuse?

In this training, participants will learn about tools and resources designed for teaching students with disabilities about sexuality education. We will also help participants make connections with community resources and community outreach opportunities.


-Learn ways to identify, prioritize, teach, and practice skills that can assist students with developmental disabilities to reduce their risk of sexual assault in community environments.

-Learn of current instruction and support models aimed at reducing the risk of sexual assault for individuals with intellectual disability, autism, and other developmental disabilities.

-Identify community partners that can assist families and persons with disabilities to reduce their risk of sexual assault and receive needed support if assault has occurred.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline Education registration.

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

71. Safety Care RECERTIFICATION Behavioral Safety Training

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks County School District General and Special Education who hold CURRENT Safety-Care certification

Dates: 11/13/2024

Location: George/Washington

This one-day re-certification training is intended to refresh previously learned skills and maintain trainee compliance with Safety Care standards. Safety-Care training is intended to prepare staff to safely prevent and manage dangerous behavior. Staff learns to intervene professionally and therapeutically using a safe, effective approach designed to prevent or reverse escalation of problem behavior and avoid the use of restraint. Safety-Care de-escalation skills work with individuals who can communicate verbally and those who cannot. Safety-Care is based on an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) model and focuses on removing/reducing environmental consequences that reinforce problem behavior.

Any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at or 610-987-8425.

72. McKinney-Vento Training Program: Special Populations

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 11/14/2024

This session provides an overview of three special populations often impacted by the McKinney-Vento Act, immigrant youth, LGBTQ youth, and early childhood-age children. For new and seasoned Homeless Liaisons, building-level liaisons, and any student support staff.

73. Virtual Academy Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Online Learning Network Group

Dates: 11/14/2024

Location: Virtual Meeting/Roosevelt Room

The virtual academy directors and coordinators in Berks County are meeting to discuss, share and compare each district's online program. The objective of the meeting is to collaborate and implement best practices for operating a successful online program. If you'd like to network with the group, please join us. Just be sure to register for each month you are planning to attend.

74. BSPA-Legal Updates with Andy Faust

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks School Psychologists

Dates: 11/15/2024

BSPA Meeting:

Presenters: BSPA Officers

This specific training is open to all Berks County School Psychologists, in addition to BSPA members.

75. EI Goals and Outcomes Training Day 2

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 11/15/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

Continuation of training for classroom teachers and speech therapists.

76. Behavior Assessment & Intervention Training - PROFESSIONAL STAFF ONLY

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: PROFESSIONAL STAFF ONLY in both General and Special Education, School Psychologists, Administration

Dates: 11/19/2024

Location: Commonwealth A/B

This workshop will focus on teaching participants the science of behavior as well as the behavior assessment process. Participants will learn how and when to conduct informal and formal functional behavior assessments (FBA's).

It will also teach participants how to use behavior assessment information for the purpose of developing a specific behavior intervention plan with goals and specially-designed instruction.


- Participants will review the process of conducting Functional Behavior Assessments and informal assessments.
- Participants will review the process of utilizing behavior assessments to drive the development of effective Behavior Intervention Plans.
- Participants will review how to use data to make necessary adjustments to Behavior Plans.


- The Science of Behavior
- Conducting Behavior Assessments
- Data Collection
- Writing Measurable Behavior Goals
- Developing Behavior Intervention Plans

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline registration.

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes Lopez at or 610-987-8425.

77. EI Full Staff In-Service/Team Data Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 11/25/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach & George/Washington

Mandatory meeting for all EI staff.

78. Introduction to Verbal Behavior - PROFESSIONAL STAFF ONLY

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Sp.Ed Teachers and Administrators, General Ed Teachers (if appropriate), Sorry, no Paraprofessionals

Dates: 12/4/2024

Location: Commonwealth A

This training is being offered as an introduction to the analysis of verbal behavior. Participants will gain a basic understanding of B.F. Skinner's analysis of human language by learning about the basic verbal operants (mand, tact, intraverbal, echoic, listener responding). Participants will learn how to apply behavior analytic principals to effective intensive teaching procedures. Topics to be covered include basic behavior principles, the verbal operants, the VB-MAPP assessment, pairing with reinforcement, and intensive teaching across the verbal operants.


If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline registration.

79. Teachers of the Gifted Network Meeting - December 2024

Program: Professional Development

Dates: 12/4/2024

Location: Berks County Intermediate Unit Main Office - Georg

Gifted support teachers, principals, and gifted education supervisors are invited to join us for professional learning and networking and collaboration with peers.
NOTE: Fees may apply, see specifics on full registration page. Subscriber Price or no fee applies to K-12 Educators employed by Berks County Public School Districts/CTCs as paid member districts under mandated services. The general price applies to all other educators in nonpublic schools, out-of-county schools, local organizations, etc. that are not paid members.

80. EI AT Training

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 12/6/2024

Location: 173

Reviewing AT procedures, using AT in the classroom, implementing AT, and making/takin AT materials.

81. PBIS Tier 1 - Day 2 Training |Designing Lesson Plans

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Professionals Only - General Ed Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Administrators, School Counselors, Psychologists, BCBAs

Dates: 12/10/2024

Location: Commonwealth AB

The purpose of this module is to prepare teams/schools to expand the development of establishing school-wide expectations and creating lesson plans to explicitly teach the expectations. This module will establish the importance of explicit instruction, determine a lesson plan format for the creation of the expectation, and develop a system to develop the lesson plan. This training is only open to invited teams and a building administrator is required to attend each session. All participants must sign up for all 3 days of PBIS training. Day 1 training must be completed prior to Days 2 & 3. Please contact Heather Wamsher, TaC Program Administrator, at with any questions or concerns. Goals for this Module:
• Understand why and how to teach appropriate behavior.
• Identify connections to the Danielson Model.
• Analyze the results of the Self-Assessment Survey
• Identify a format for lesson plans.
• Develop a plan to include teaching staff in the development of behavior lesson plans.

Any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

82. Beyond the Cards and Word Lists for Speech Therapy Activities: Books and Hallways and Classroom Materials...Oh My!

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Speech Language Pathologists

Dates: 12/11/2024

Location: George

This full day training will provide ideas for taking speech therapy sessions beyond the traditional "speech" materials of flashcards and echoic word lists. Participants will learn strategies to incorporate mainstream literature, curriculum literature, classroom projects and assignments, functional vocabulary, and common vocabulary into sessions in structured lessons with data collection. Participants will also learn how AAC, both high-tech and no-tech, can be easily modeled and used during these activities. This training is geared toward all grade and cognitive levels.

Any questions, please contact Sandy Webber at or 610-987-8532.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the My Learning Plan registration.

83. Transition Coordinators Meeting (TC Meeting)

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks County Transition Coordinators

Dates: 12/11/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

Berks County Transition Coordinators Meeting

If you have any questions, please contact V at or 610-987-8425.

84. Internship Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Internship Coordinators, Principals

Dates: 12/12/2024

Location: Hertz Room

Internship Coordinators' Meeting - PD, Sharing, Collaborating

85. Introduction to Restorative Practices and Circles

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Audience: School personnel and community members working with children or adolescents.

Dates: 12/12/2024

Location: George Room

This one day training provides an overview of restorative practices and its relationship to classroom management, school culture and climate, building positive relationships with students and families, and its roots in restorative justice. Participants will learn how to effectively establish classroom restorative practices by increasing communication, using circles as part of a daily routine, using affective statements, positive behavior management, and utilizing best practices and lessons from the field.

86. STEM Educators Network Meeting - December 2024

Program: Professional Development

Audience: STEM Educators

Dates: 12/12/2024

Location: Commonwealth A/B

Description This STEM Network Meeting will consist of 2 half-day experiences: a STEM Lending Library Mini-Showcase in the morning, followed by lunch provided by Newsela. The afternoon will include Newsela Certified Facilitator Training (which comes with free Newsela subscriptions for 1 year, including STEELS resources). The purpose of the BCIU STEM Network Meetings is to give STEM leaders and educators an opportunity to: -Stay informed of the most current information from the PDE and professional organizations, and share that information with colleagues in their school or district -Engage in collegial professional development activities for the purpose of building their own capacity to strengthen standards-aligned systems at the classroom, building and district levels|-Serve as a collaborative resource for regional professional development activities -Network and engage in collegial dialogue with other "job alike" professionals

-Network and engage in collegial dialogue with other "job alike" professionals

87. Virtual Academy Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Online Learning Network Group

Dates: 12/12/2024

Location: Virtual Meeting/Allmon Room

The virtual academy directors and coordinators in Berks County are meeting to discuss, share and compare each district's online program. The objective of the meeting is to collaborate and implement best practices for operating a successful online program. If you'd like to network with the group, please join us. Just be sure to register for each month you are planning to attend.

88. EI Para Training: Let's Play

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 12/13/2024

Location: Room 173

Young children learn best through play. How can we support their play?

89. Berks County Instructional Coach Collaborative Network Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Instructional Coaches

Dates: 12/18/2024

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

The BCIU#14 Instructional Coach Collaborative is designed to give instructional coaches in Berks County an opportunity to:

1. Learn from and with peers

2. Gain support from other coaches and mentor

3. Share issues, concerns and solutions

Each meeting will include networking, an opportunity for professional learning, reflection and IU updates. Act 48 credits will be awarded for each meeting attended upon completion of an evaluation in Frontline Education.

If you have questions regarding the content of the session, please contact the Instructional Coach Mentor, Carissa Noel, at If you have questions regarding the registration process or Act 48 credits, please contact Claribel Reyes at

The 2023-2024 networking meetings will be organized around Jim Knight's 7 Factors for Great Instructional Coaching. Unless otherwise noted, these meetings are only for instructional coaches.

90. ESL Network Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: ESL Teachers & Administrators

Dates: 12/18/2024

Location: Washington

ELD Teachers, Coordinators and Administrators you are invited to join us for an engaging session focused on collaboration, networking, and updates regarding English as a Second Language (ESL) education. Our meetings will offer valuable updates from state authorities on testing protocols and best practices, problem-solving sessions, and the development of English Language Development (ELD) strategies. This is an excellent opportunity to collaborate with colleagues, share insights, and discuss common questions regarding the education of English Language Learners (ELLs). The session will be conducted in person, providing a conducive environment for discussions and networking. We look forward to your participation and meaningful contributions to our collective efforts in supporting the ELL population in Berks County. NOTE: Fees may apply, see specifics on full registration page. Subscriber Price or no fee applies to K-12 Educators employed by Berks County Public School Districts/CTCs as paid member districts under mandated services. The general price applies to all other educators in nonpublic schools, out-of-county schools, local organizations, etc. that are not paid members.

91. IU14 Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - December 2024

Program: Information Technology

Audience: LEA Data Teams, Data Analysts, Data Personnel, PIMS Administrators

Dates: 12/18/2024

Location: Hohl

PIMS Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - December 2024. Visit for agenda.

92. BSPA-

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks School Psychologists

Dates: 12/20/2024

BSPA Meeting:

Presenters: BSPA Officers

This meeting is only available to those who hold a valid school psychologist certification/credential and/or are currently enrolled in a school psychology training program.

93. Para Academy-Day 4

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Paraprofessionals already in the Para Academy

Dates: 1/15/2025

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

Day 4 of the Para Academy - registration is ONLY for those who are already in the program.

94. Safety Care INITIAL Behavioral Safety Training

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: A Staff Development Opportunity for Berks County School Districts’ employees including general and special education teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals

Dates: 1/15/2025 to 1/16/2025

Location: Commonwealth AB

This two day training is intended to prepare staff to safely prevent and manage dangerous behavior. Staff learns to intervene professionally and therapeutically using a safe, effective approach designed to prevent or reverse escalation of problem behavior and avoid the use of restraint. Safety Care de-escalation skills work with individuals who can communicate verbally and those who cannot. Safety Care is based on an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) model and focuses on removing/reducing environmental consequences that reinforce problem behavior.

Any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at or 610-987-8425.

95. IU14 Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - January 2025

Program: Information Technology

Audience: LEA Data Teams, Data Analysts, Data Personnel, PIMS Administrators

Dates: 1/15/2025

Location: Hohl

PIMS Data Quality Network (DQN) Meeting - January 2025. Visit for agenda.

96. Berks County Transition Coordinating Council Meeting (BCTCC)

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Dates: 1/16/2025

Location: Hertz/Rohrbach

Berks County Transition Coordinating Council (BCTCC) Meeting

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes at or 610-987-8425.

97. Virtual Academy Coordinators' Meeting

Program: Professional Development

Audience: Online Learning Network Group

Dates: 1/16/2025

Location: Virtual Meeting/Roosevelt Room

The virtual academy directors and coordinators in Berks County are meeting to discuss, share and compare each district's online program. The objective of the meeting is to collaborate and implement best practices for operating a successful online program. If you'd like to network with the group, please join us. Just be sure to register for each month you are planning to attend.

98. BSPA-

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Berks School Psychologists

Dates: 1/17/2025

BSPA Meeting:

Presenters: BSPA Officers

This meeting is only available to those who hold a valid school psychologist certification/credential and/or are currently enrolled in a school psychology training program.

99. EI Itinerant Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 1/17/2025

Location: Commonwealth AB

Mandatory meeting for all itinerants (service delivery).

100. EI OT/PT Meeting

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 1/17/2025

Location: Board Room

Mandatory meeting for OT/PT staff.

101. EI Safety-Care Recert Gp.2

Program: Early Childhood & Student Services (ECSS)

Dates: 1/20/2025

Techniques involving de-escalations and restraints.