This workshop will focus on progress monitoring for grades K-8. Participants will gain an overview of what progress monitoring for academics is and how to use the Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) to implement this practice with individual students. Content is applicable to work with all general education students within a tiered model of academic support (
e.g. MTSS, RtI) and students receiving special education services. Topics include legal considerations of progress monitoring, using Curriculum-Based Measures for data-based decision-making, and a 7-step process for implementing progress monitoring at the individual student level.
Intended Outcomes: Participants will be able to describe the purpose of progress monitoring, define progress monitoring, and identify the steps for implementing progress monitoring at the individual student level.
This training is one within a series of data-based literacy instruction for improving student outcomes. Recommended trainings within this series include Universal Screening: Best Practices in Screening Academic Deficits, Identifying and Intensifying Intervention: What to Do and How to Do It, and Reviewing Your Literacy Curriculum: Evaluating Alignment with the Science of Reading. Each of these trainings requires its own registration.
Our trainings are accessible to people with disabilities. To request accommodations, please contact Geraldine Gilmore,, at least three weeks prior to your event.
Cancellations or delays due to inclement weather can be found on the PNW BOCES website. If a delayed opening is announced:
- Morning trainings will be cancelled and we will attempt to reschedule at a later date.
- Full-day workshops will start at 10:30am and will be postponed if BOCES closes.
- In case of early dismissal, afternoon trainings will be cancelled.
Registration Deadline: Monday, March 3, 2025 at 11:59pm