Catalog: MESTRACT (Web Registration)

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1. *MESTRACT 7 Cohort* Stony Brook University's EDL 502: Educational Leadership Theory II

Program: Mid East Suffolk Teacher Resource and Computer Training Center

Audience: Aspiring Administrators

Dates: 6/11/2024 to 7/23/2024

Stony Brook University EDL Students Only

Educational Leadership Theory II (prerequisite: EDL 501) The focus of this course will be on organizational behavior. Topics include: the study of roles and relationships; working well with the school staff, students, parents, and community; bureaucracy; social systems; human motivation; using resources effectively; maintaining an orderly physical environment; decision making, leadership and organizational change; communications; and the effect of community and outside influences.

PLease note: Dates and times listed in Frontline are simply placeholders for the hours of the course.

2. *MESTRACT 6* Stony Brook University's EDL 541 - School Building Leadership

Program: Mid East Suffolk Teacher Resource and Computer Training Center

Audience: Aspiring Administrators

Dates: 6/20/2024 to 8/8/2024

Stony Brook University Students Only
This Stony Brook University course focuses on the leadership and administrative roles of elementary and secondary school building leaders. Topics include: tasks of a building administrator; building organizations and staff utilization; curriculum development; evaluating the school or program performance and involving the staff in making changes; leadership; engaging teachers, staff, and parents in the decision-making process; facilities management; employee relations, student affairs; public relations; maintaining collaboration between the home and the school and school law.

Please note: The hours listed in Frontline are placeholders for the hours of the course. Synchronous course meetings will be arranged by your instructor.

3. *Three Village 2nd Cohort (MESTRACT 5)* Stony Brook University's EDL 541 - School Building Leadership

Program: Mid East Suffolk Teacher Resource and Computer Training Center

Audience: Aspiring Administrators

Dates: 6/20/2024 to 8/8/2024

Stony Brook University Students Only
This Stony Brook University course focuses on the leadership and administrative roles of elementary and secondary school building leaders. Topics include: tasks of a building administrator; building organizations and staff utilization; curriculum development; evaluating the school or program performance and involving the staff in making changes; leadership; engaging teachers, staff, and parents in the decision-making process; facilities management; employee relations, student affairs; public relations; maintaining collaboration between the home and the school and school law.

Please note: The hours listed in Frontline are placeholders for the hours of the course. Synchronous course meetings will be arranged by your instructor.