Catalog: Montana Regional Education Service Area III

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1. Positive School Culture: An MTSS Model

Program: Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

Audience: Administrators, K-12 Educators, SPED Educators, School Counselors, Pre-Service Educators, MTSS Schools

Dates: 8/6/2024

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework that helps educators identify students' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional strengths and challenges and provide differentiated support for students based on their needs.

Workshop Goal:
To empower educators to work collaboratively to identify, track, and put strategies in place across academic, behavior, and social-emotional learning to enable all staff to optimize effective interventions and monitor student progress for all students.

The "WHY":
The complexity of providing academic and social-emotional support to every student at their ability level requires educators to work together to support students with the understanding of MTSS and what it looks like in daily practice.

COLLEGE CREDIT PENDING: Combining both sessions (August 6 and 7) is eligible for one college credit through MSUB Extended Campus.

Dr. Randy Russell currently serves as the Freeman, WA School District Superintendent. Dr. Russell is a visionary and results-producing Education Leader with a career-long passion for serving others by focusing on relationships, leadership, and partnerships for educational excellence.

Randy has served thirty-five years in education as a teacher, coach, assistant principal and principal in addition to his time as a superintendent in Washington, Idaho and Montana. He has been the keynote speaker and presenter at numerous local, state, regional, and national conferences and symposiums. He is also the Founder and President of RLR Leadership Consulting.

2. Where Do We Begin? Positive School Culture/Climate

Program: Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

Audience: Administrators, K-12 Educators, SPED Educators, Pre-Service Educators

Dates: 8/7/2024

In divisive times we deal with difficult people, decisions, and situations. How these are handle can "make or break" a school, job, or relationship. It can dictate the culture and climate. This workshop will look at how to create a positive culture or climate that works towards working together as opposed to against each other--especially in schools.

During the workshop participants will explore the key elements of:
--Positive and highly effective school leadership
--Positive and highly effective school teams
--Positive and highly effective school culture and climate

Participants will leave with a game plan using these elements for themselves, their classrooms and their teams to positively impact and influence the culture and climate of their school.

Also, how to deal with difficult people, decisions, and situations by identifying strategies to work more collaboratively that builds respect and cooperation. Which one do you want to go with?

COLLEGE CREDIT PENDING: Combining both sessions (August 6 and 7) is eligible for one college credit through MSUB Extended Campus.

Dr. Randy Russell currently serves as the Freeman, WA School District Superintendent. Dr. Russell is a visionary and results-producing Education Leader with a career-long passion for serving others by focusing on relationships, leadership, and partnerships for educational excellence.

Randy has served thirty-five years in education as a teacher, coach, assistant principal and principal in addition to his time as a superintendent in Washington, Idaho and Montana. He has been the keynote speaker and presenter at numerous local, state, regional, and national conferences and symposiums.