Catalog: NYS United Teachers Education and Learning Trust

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Creative Controversy (UNY 706)

Program: Long Island - Suffolk

Location: Remote (n/a, n/)

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 7/13/2024 to 7/17/2024

UNY 706 Adelphi University
This course teaches participants how to use controversy to support the pedagogical shifts demanded by the NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards and to prepare students who are College and Career Ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use.

Participants will learn how to structure academic controversies in their classroom using the Johnson's Five Step Process. This process uses academic controversy to teach students how to build content knowledge using informational texts to construct arguments based on close readings of increasingly complex texts, to shift perspectives on controversial issues, and to write reasoned reports that synthesize the best arguments from two points of view.

Participants will learn how to select and use structured intellectual controversies that will: increase student engagement, intellectual curiosity, motivation to learn, leadership, decision-making, communication, and conflict management skills. Participants will increase their understanding of how to use cooperative learning with their students to teach the social skills of participation, cooperation, and consensus.

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Creative Controversy: Intellectual Challenge in the Classroom ISBN-10: 0-9396-0-3233Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

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