Catalog: NYS United Teachers Education and Learning Trust

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Making Thinking Visible in the Classroom (CURI 6562)

Program: Long Island - Nassau

Location: Remote (n/a, n/)

Dates: 6/27/2024 to 7/3/2024

CURI 6562 SUNY Empire State University
This course is an introduction to the theories proposed from the program called Project Zero at Harvard's Graduate School of Education. It is an introduction to the eight cultural forces that are found in educational settings. Specifically focusing on one cultural force which is making a student's thinking visible in the classroom. Participants will learn about thinking involved in understanding and how students think. Specific focus will be on Howard Gardner's "Multiple Intelligence Theory" and the eight intelligences. Participants will also explore how to make thinking visible in a classroom environment. This course will focus on twenty-two different thinking routines. The instructor will demonstrate each thinking routine by first teaching the philosophy of the routine and then how it can apply to all areas of the curriculum. The instructor will teach the setup of the routine and then complete examples of the routine with the participants. The participants will then be encouraged to discuss the benefits of the routine in their classrooms, which curriculum it can be used in, and how the routine creates visible thinking.

Required Text:Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners, ISBN #978-0-470-91551-6 & Participant booklet available as a download in Frontline.

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

Be mindful that New York State requires ALL students enrolled in a SUNY school to show proof of their MMR Immunization and Meningitis Vaccination when they have enrolled in a total of six or more credits that involve face-to-face instruction with an individual institution. (Online course work does not apply)

The form is also available online