Catalog: NYS United Teachers Education and Learning Trust

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Reclaiming Personalized Learning (CURI 6533)

Program: Long Island - Nassau

Location: Remote (n/a, n/)

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 6/1/2024 to 6/9/2024

CURI 6533 SUNY Empire State University
Now is the time to create classrooms, schools, and school districts that will offer students, teachers, and administrators a wide range of strategies to reclaim personalized learning. Personalized learning doesn't mean individualization of curriculum. This class will help educators restore equity and humanity to their classrooms and schools through personalization of education. The lessons will help teachers shape whole-class instruction, leverage small-group interactions, and nurture a student's inner dialogue. The class will also help teachers design curriculum with a flexible frame that helps to emphasize the state standards. Teachers will be able to design new lessons that create multiple opportunities for students to become global thinkers and prepare them for a changing world. The overarching goal will be that teachers will reclaim personalized learning for all students that they interact with. 3 graduate credits.

Required Text: Reclaiming Personalized Learning: A Pedagogy for Restoring Equity and Humanity in Our Classrooms, 1st Edition, ISBN #9781544360669

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