Catalog: NYS United Teachers Education and Learning Trust

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1. Digital Literacy (CURI 6530)

Program: Lower and Mid Hudson

Location: Remote (n/a, n/)

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 6/14/2024 to 6/23/2024

CURI 6530 SUNY Empire State University
What is Digital Literacy? Digital Literacy is a broad term that encompasses nuts and bolts of skills and ethical obligations. (Common Sense Media, 2019) In January of 2020, the New York State Board of Regents approved the first ever learning standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency. In a collaborative process that included an intense needs assessment, the K-12 standards have been organized into 5 categories: Impacts of Computing, Computational Thinking, Networks and Systems Design, Cybersecurity and Digital Literacy.

This course will focus on digital literacy but include a brief introduction to the 4 other components of the new standards. Digital literacy includes both seamless integration of digital tools and skills across content areas as well as purposeful direct instruction on topics that include but are not limited to digital citizenship, safety, etiquette, privacy, laws and wellness. Through the exploration of these topics, participants will acquire skills, tools and knowledge to incorporate digital literacy across content areas and grade levels appropriately to enhance instruction. 3 graduate credits.

Two Required Texts: A Primer on Media, Identity, and the Evolution of Technology, ISBN# 978-1433128219
& Participant manual available as a download in Frontline.
Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

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2. Digital Literacy (CURI 6530)

Program: Capital District/Northern New York

Location: Remote (n/a, n/)

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 7/15/2024 to 7/19/2024

CURI 6530 SUNY Empire State University
What is Digital Literacy? Digital Literacy is a broad term that encompasses nuts and bolts of skills and ethical obligations. (Common Sense Media, 2019) In January of 2020, the New York State Board of Regents approved the first ever learning standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency. In a collaborative process that included an intense needs assessment, the K-12 standards have been organized into 5 categories: Impacts of Computing, Computational Thinking, Networks and Systems Design, Cybersecurity and Digital Literacy.

This course will focus on digital literacy but include a brief introduction to the 4 other components of the new standards. Digital literacy includes both seamless integration of digital tools and skills across content areas as well as purposeful direct instruction on topics that include but are not limited to digital citizenship, safety, etiquette, privacy, laws and wellness. Through the exploration of these topics, participants will acquire skills, tools and knowledge to incorporate digital literacy across content areas and grade levels appropriately to enhance instruction. 3 graduate credits.

Two Required Texts: A Primer on Media, Identity, and the Evolution of Technology, ISBN# 978-1433128219
& Participant manual available as a download in Frontline.
Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

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