Catalog: NYS United Teachers Education and Learning Trust

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Search Results (1 - 55 of 55)

1. Online Session I: Undergraduate Course - Assessment of Learning EDN 401 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 4, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 401 Russell Sage College

Course dates 2/24/25-4/4/25
This course explores assessment in the instructional process. The role of assessment will be examined as a key component of organizing and creating a classroom culture, planning lessons, delivering instruction, and examining how students have grown as a result of instruction. This course is appropriate for teachers, assistants, and other support staff who each play a role in assessing student growth and performance. Participants will learn to use tools and approaches to classroom assessment such as observations, performance-based assessments, checklists, portfolios, and achievement tests. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Two Required Texts:Advancing Formative Assessment, ,ISBN# 13: 978-1-4166-2669-5 & Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know,ISBN# 978-0-13-556910-8

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

2. Online Session I: Undergraduate Course - Classroom Management: Creating the Dynamic Classroom Environment EDN 402 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 4, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 402 Russell Sage College

Course dates 2/24/25-4/4/25
Participants will explore the extensive research base behind classroom management and work to create a classroom management plan that will provide a foundation on which to build instruction for the rest of the school year. They will investigate their curriculum and instruction to find ways to engage students in learning, which will virtually eliminate classroom management issues. Since preventive measures are not a failsafe, participants will explore some minor, escalating, and major behavior problems to better prepare you to address these situations as they arise. Participants will also explore how to address the special needs of inclusive classrooms as well as technology in the classroom. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Classroom Management: Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community, ,ISBN# 978-1-119-63998-5

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

3. Online Session I: Undergraduate Course - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment EDN 403 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 4, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 403 Russell Sage College

Course dates 2/24/25-4/4/25
This course is designed to provide teachers with an opportunity to study, reflect, question, become knowledgeable about, and develop skills in curriculum, and instructional and assessment methods. Major topics include using the New York State Learning Standards to build curricular units and lessons; identifying the characteristics of effective and intentional teaching; designing units that reflect an understanding of how student diversity influences curriculum and learning; writing effective lesson plans for instruction using a variety of approaches & technologies; designing assessments of and for student learning; and learning how to become a reflective practitioner. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Looking in Classrooms, 11th edition ISBN# 13: 978-1-13864-651-3

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

4. Online Session I: Undergraduate Course - Human Development EDN 404 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 4, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 404 Russell Sage College

Course dates 2/24/25-4/4/25
This course provides an overview of the theories, current research, and controversial issues in human development from birth to adolescence. It focuses on the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development of learners with different abilities and needs in the school environment. Various aspects of developmental contexts are explored, including heredity, culture, community, socioeconomic level/backgrounds, family, and school environment. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text: Child Development and Education, 7th edition, by McDevitt, Ormrod ISBN# 13: 978-0-13-480677-8 or ISBN#10: 0-13-480677-8

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

5. Online Session I: Undergraduate Course - Intro to Exceptionalities EDN 405 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 4, 2025)

Location: online course

Wait List
EDN 405 Russell Sage College

Course dates 2/24/25-4/4/25
This course provides an overview of the education of children and youth with exceptionalities, focusing on those with disabilities and giftedness. Among the areas covered are: a review of the historical, philosophical and legal foundations of special education and other exceptionalities; definitions of exceptionalities and their prevalence, causes and characteristics. In addition, the course will cover current issues and trends in regard to how and where these children are educated. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education,12th edition by William L. Heward ISBN# 13: 978-0-13575-662-1

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

6. Online Session I: Undergraduate Course - Introduction to Reading: Teaching Children to Read EDN 406 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 4, 2025)

Location: online course

Wait List
EDN 406 Russell Sage College

Course dates 2/24/25-4/4/25
Examination and analysis of effective literacy instruction for students at all levels. Includes the exploration of appropriate techniques for English language learners and students with special needs. Techniques for continued assessment in reading, remediation, and enrichment will also be discussed. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Teaching Children to Read: the Teacher Makes the Difference by Ruetzel and CooterISBN# 13: 978-0-13-474253-3

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

7. Online Session II - Adolescent Development Grades 7-12 (CURI 6501) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6501 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661117)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course covers adolescent development as it relates to the 7-12 educational context. Topics that are covered include physical development, developmental learning theories, personal, social and emotional development, learner differences, social cognition, behaviorism, information processing, constructing and assessing understanding, and creating positive classroom learning environments. Written assignments will integrate theoretical and research-based concepts with classroom practice.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text: Adolescence, 18th Edition,ISBN13: 9781260449204.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

8. Online Session II - Adolescent Literacy Grades 7-12 (CURI 6502) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6502 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661220)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course is designed for classroom teachers in grades 7-12 as well as individuals interested in adolescent literacy. As the course progresses, students will take an in-depth look at what adolescent literacy looks like in the 21st century American classroom, including increased awareness of Common Core Standards as they apply to content area literacy instruction. The role literacy plays in how adolescents construct meaning of the world, and their place in it will forefront instruction, discussions, and assignments.

Literacy is no longer the sole responsibility of the reading and English teacher. Research has shown that elevating literacy levels enhances the learning and performance of learners in all of the content areas. It is difficult for students to succeed in any content area if they cannot read instructions, interpret word problems, write up the results of a lab report, or interpret visual texts. Strategies and motivational techniques that encourage native English speakers and students who are learning English as a New Language to develop and refine their proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing, both in school and in out of school settings, will be explored.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.
Required Text(s): I Read It, But I Don't Get It Comprehension Strategies for Adolescent Readers, ISBN #9781571100894.
Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners,Grades 7-12, ISBN #9781412996471

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

9. Online Session II - Applied Behavior Analysis (UNY 807) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

UNY 807 Adelphi University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course presents the seminal research on antisocial behavior and provides educators with effective strategies for managing antisocial behavior across a number of learning environments. The course takes the research to the next level for students who do not respond to basic prevention through effective classroom management. Applied Behavior Analysis will provide teachers and support staff with the information, tools, and skills they need to prevent a great deal of antisocial behavior and/or to manage much of this behavior when it arises.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

No required textbook or materials needed.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

10. Online Session II - Approaches and Theories of Teaching Writing and Digital Literacy (EDUC 590) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 590 Mercy University

Formerly The Teaching of Writing and The Writing Process.
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
The interrelationship of teaching and writing are examined. Process writing and interactive methodologies will be reviewed. Emphasis will be placed on defining and describing the interactive writing process within the broader language and literacy.
*Please note: 10 hours field work is required for those students planning on matriculating into Mercy University to receive Master's and/or Advanced Certificate in Literacy. These logs serve as a chance for self-reflection, self-assessment, and conversation with others as they examine Literacy practices and issues.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Two Required Texts: Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product, 6th edition, ISBN #9780132484817 & The Reading/Writing Connection: Strategies for Teaching & Learning in the Secondary Classrooms ISBN #9780137056071

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Students are not eligible to register for a Mercy sponsored course through NYSUT ELT or UFT if:

-they have already completed 15 Mercy University credits through NYSUT ELT or UFT,
-they are currently matriculated into a Mercy University degree or Advanced Certificate Program,
-they are on a financial hold with Mercy University, or
-they were academically dismissed by Mercy University.
ELT is not responsible for reimbursement of tuition for students who register for any Mercy courses if they meet any of the above criteria.

11. Online Session II - Approaches to Literacy Instruction in Early Childhood through Adolescence (EDUC 507) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 507 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Examination and analysis of effective literacy instruction for students at all levels. This course includes the exploration of appropriate techniques for diverse learners. Techniques for continued assessment in reading, remediation, and enrichment will also be discussed. Requires practical application of methods in classroom and field assignments such as observation records, tutoring, and diagnostic evaluation and analysis.

*Please note: 10 hours field work is required for those students planning on matriculating into Mercy University to receive Master's and/or Advanced Certificate in Literacy. These logs serve as a chance for self-reflection, self-assessment, and conversation with others as they examine Literacy practices and issues.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Two Required Texts: Basic Reading Inventory Pre-Primer Thru Grade 12, ISBN# 978-1-5249-0562-0 & Teaching Reading in Today's Elementary Schools, ISBN#978-1-337-56629-2.

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

12. Online Session II - Beginning Reading Pre K-2 (CURI 6572) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6572 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Participants learn a variety of decoding activities in phonemic awareness, alphabetic principles, letter-sound correspondence, and phonics and word recognition. Model literacy centers where students can be independent and creative while reinforcing literacy skill building and content-area study skills are examined. Participants identify and incorporate instructional strategies and assessments into their teaching that improves student reading abilities.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks.

Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Textbook: Teaching Reading in the 21st Century Motivating All Learners, ISBN #9780135196755

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

This course is approved by NYS Education Dept. for Early Childhood Development Level, Birth-Grade 2, Pedagogical Core as well as Literacy: Teaching Literacy Skills Methods (for certificate title that require 6 credits in literacy) Certifications.

13. Online Session II - Beginning Reading Pre K-2 (UNY 717) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

UNY 717 Adelphi University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Participants learn a variety of decoding activities in phonemic awareness, alphabetic principles, letter-sound correspondence, and phonics and word recognition. Model literacy centers where students can be independent and creative while reinforcing literacy skill building and content-area study skills are examined. Participants identify and incorporate instructional strategies and assessments into their teaching that improves student reading abilities.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks.

Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Textbook: Teaching Reading in the 21st Century Motivating All Learners, ISBN #9780135196755

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

This course is approved by NYS Education Dept. for Early Childhood Development Level, Birth-Grade 2, Pedagogical Core, Literacy Instruction and Assessment (Literacy certification, required competency) as well as Literacy: Teaching Literacy Skills Methods (for certificate title that require 6 credits in literacy) Certifications.

14. Online Session II - Behavior Management and Intervention (SPED 6045) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

SPED 6045 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course is designed to help pre-service and in-service teachers identify, record, evaluate, and intervene with students who are displaying behavioral difficulties in the classroom. The course teaches universal and targeted behavior management assessments, techniques, and interventions for special educators within school-wide, classroom, and individual settings. This course focuses on both low and high-incidence emotional and behavioral problems encountered in general and special education environments. Specific emphasis will be on understanding the characteristics and interventions that work with the most challenging students, and assessment and intervention techniques for students with intensive behavioral needs will be emphasized. Intervention techniques will include functional behavior assessment, positive behavior support, crisis management, and applied behavior analysis. Students will learn how to develop classroom and individual behavior management plans.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Textbook: Behavior Management:Positive Applications for Teachers, 7th edition, ISBN-13: 9780134019086

15. Online Session II - Building Mathematical Understanding Grades 3-5 (CURI 6504) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6504 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661116)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course is intended to help those who teach mathematics in Grades 3-5 understand the mathematical content, how mathematical ideas develop, and how to implement successful teaching practices that make it more likely for students to grasp and be comfortable with mathematics. The course includes research findings on which the teaching of solid mathematics is based. It highlights teacher practices that researchers found to be associated with greater learning of mathematics and that teachers found to be relevant and vital for teaching mathematics in all grades K-12 with a focus on grades 3-5.

The course aligns the Ten Principles of Thinking Mathematics, the NYS P-12 Learning Standards for Mathematics, the Standards of Mathematical Practice and the National Research Council's Strands of Mathematical Proficiency, all vital frameworks for teaching mathematics. The research behind these principles is explained with models and explanations from within multiplicative structures and discusses the implications for teaching multiplication and division which is the essence of the work of Grades 3-5.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Two Required Texts: Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work, Grades 3-5 ISBN # 9781936764006 & the second is available as a download via Frontline.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

16. Online Session II - Building Positive Connections with Diverse Families and Communities (CURI 6505) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6505 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661101)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course will explore and discuss critical perspectives on school-community relationships. Participants will have a collection of tools, resources and documents that will be helpful in creating positive collaboration between schools and their communities.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

All materials on Moodle platform-no textbook required.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

17. Online Session II - Bullying: Preventing the Problem (CURI 6506) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6506 EDU SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661100)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
According to the Centers for Disease Control, schools have a responsibility to prevent aggressive behaviors and an obligation to provide an environment that promotes children's health and safety. However, although anti-bullying education efforts have increased exponentially over the years, recent statistics show that the prevalence of bullying is not declining. This course provides teachers, counselors, administrators and staff with cutting edge developmental and applied research to effectively address bullying in the school context.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Two Required Texts: School Where Everyone Belongs, ISBN #9780878225842 & Touching Spirit Bear, ISBN #9780380805600. Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

18. Online Session II - Culturally Responsive Teaching with Diverse Learners (CURI 6514) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6514 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course focuses on improving student outcomes by increasing teacher understanding of the impact of race, culture and language in the learning environment. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is a research-based method designed to enhance student engagement by implementing strategies to develop stronger relationships, culturally-inclusive curriculum and instruction techniques and positive learning environments. Participants examine the elements of Culturally Responsive Teaching through personal reflection and development of culturally competent strategies to effectively differentiate instruction for students from linguistically, culturally and racially diverse backgrounds. Participants deepen knowledge of their own cultural background and the impact on instruction while implementing strategies to increase connections with students and improve learning outcomes through culturally-relevant curriculum and instruction.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Three Required Texts:
-How to Teach Students Who Dont Look Like You: Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies, ISBN #9781452257914
-Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning: Classroom practices for student success , ISBN #9781425817312
-Participant Booklet available as a download in Frontline.

Optional but not Required Text: Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, research and practice, ISBN #9780807750780

19. Online Session II - Developing Innovators and Innovation Skills (CURI 6516) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teacher

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6516 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661113)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course focuses on developing innovation capabilities in students by exploring the discovery skills of associating, questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting. Participants learn how to create a culture of innovation and provide learning opportunities that promote perseverance, encourage curiosity, and ignite intrinsic motivation. Participants explore resources, strategies, and ideas for designing content-based lessons that incorporate discovery skills and foster the behaviors students need to be innovation-ready.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text: The Innovator's DNA Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators, ISBN #9781422134818

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

20. Online Session II - Dimensions of Learning and Literacy (EDUC 648) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 648 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Perspective on the interdisciplinary views of how children learn, including students with special needs. Students will understand the cognitive (memory, perception, critical thinking), social (group uses of literacy, literacy as a cultural tool), and linguistic (language systems, language variation) interrelationships in the development of literacy.

*Please note: 10 hours field work is required for those students planning on matriculating into Mercy University to receive Master's and/or Advanced Certificate in Literacy. These logs serve as a chance for self-reflection, self-assessment, and conversation with others as they examine Literacy practices and issues.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

One Required Text: Lenses on Reading: An Introduction to Theories & Models, ISBN#9781462530649

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

21. Online Session II - Educational Foundations from Diverse Perspectives (EDUC 500) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 500 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course provides a critical overview of the forces (historical, legal, financial, organizational, and philosophical) that provide for the foundation of education. It will provide a forum for students to examine, debate and speculate about the controversies that impact schools and teachers now and into the future. These basic concepts of education are examined from the diverse perspectives of race, gender, disabilities, and language learners. Aspects of education such as funding, instructional strategies, and due process procedures will be examined for their impact on social justice concerns such as equity and access, alternative ways of knowing, funds of knowledge, and other cultural factors as they impinge on the learning process. The role of the teacher as facilitator of critical thinking and as promoter of socially responsible action in the society will be considered. 10 hours of fieldwork required.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text:All materials on moodle platform-no textbook required.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Students are not eligible to register for a Mercy sponsored course through NYSUT ELT or UFT if:

-they have already completed 15 Mercy University credits through NYSUT ELT or UFT,
-they are currently matriculated into a Mercy University degree or Advanced Certificate Program,
-they are on a financial hold with Mercy University, or
-they were academically dismissed by Mercy University.
ELT is not responsible for reimbursement of tuition for students who register for any Mercy courses if they meet any of the above criteria.

22. Online Session II - Enhancing Assessment in Your Classroom with Digital Applications (CURI 6534) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 4 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends Mar 28, 2025)

Location: N/A - 4 week online course

CURI 6534 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-3/28/25
This course will cover a variety of digital applications that can be used to facilitate formative assessment practices in the classroom. Several different digital applications will be explored that can be used to increase student engagement in the assessment process, while also providing educators with valuable data that can be used to inform their instruction. Written assignments will integrate these digital applications with theoretical and practical considerations pertaining to best practices in classroom assessment.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 4 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required text: FormativeTech: Meaningful, Sustainable, and Scalable Formative Assessment With Technology by Monica Burns, ISBN 978-1506-36190-1. . Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

23. Online Session II - Enhancing Literacy for All Students (UNY 802) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

UNY 802 Adelphi University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course focuses on what all students, K-12 should know and be able to do in the English Language Arts. Included are research-based instructional strategies, activities and assessments to support teachers in improving students' literacy skills whatever their grade level and ability. Among the areas covered in reading are: phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Writing topics will include the writing process, types and purposes of writing and a variety of writing products. Special consideration is addressed focusing on ENL students and students with disabilities.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.
Required Text(s): Literacy Development in the Early Years, 9th edition, ISBN #978-0-13-489823-0,

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

Approved by NYSED for Literacy Certification **$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

24. Online Session II - Enhancing Your Classroom Digitally (CURI 6535) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 4 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends Mar 28, 2025)

Location: N/A - 4 week online course

CURI 6535 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-3/28/25
Improving instruction to make it relevant, meaningful and engaging should be a goal of every 21st century educator. In this course, we will explore instructional practices, digital tools, platforms and pathways to facilitate meaningful learning experiences in the classroom and beyond. Additionally, there are a variety of contexts and resources in all districts that impact what and how we choose to implement technology in our classrooms. In this course, participants will investigate how to put pedagogy first and add digital resources second. The course will frame instruction with a digital lens that supports the SAMR (Substitite-Augment-Modify-Redefine) model, Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and the New York State K-12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency standards with consideration given to the privacy and educational laws surrounding student use of technology.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 4 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text: Tech Like a PIRATE: Using Classroom Technology to Create an Experience and Make Learning Memorable, ISBN# 978-1951600204 . Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

25. Online Session II - Exceptionalities: Individualizing Learning (EDUC 6015) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 6015 SUNY Empire State University

Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course provides an overview of theories and research about students with special needs and a range of exceptionalities, as well as issues and strategies in developing educational programs and adapting instruction to meet the needs of all students. Students develop awareness of and sensitivity to individual differences and learn how to individualize instruction in the context of their certification areas. Topics include: physical, emotional and learning disabilities; gifted and talented students; gifted and talented students and computers; individualizing instruction for all students; uses of assistive and adaptive technologies and computers to meet special needs; inclusion; and assessing behavior problems and planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions. Students complete at least 15 hours in a middle or high school classroom (appropriate to the certification area) working with a certified special education teacher to explore the application of what they are studying to a classroom setting. 3 graduate credits.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

One Required Textbook: Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress & Dignity in Today's Schools ISBN-13:978-0-13-498433-9 or ISBN-10: 0-13-498433-1

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

26. Online Session II - Flipping The Classroom (CURI 6536) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 4 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends Mar 28, 2025)

Location: N/A - 4 week online course

CURI 6536 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-3/28/25
This course covers the flipped classroom approach as it relates to teaching the 21st century classrooms. Topics that are covered include the development of a flipped classroom, creating a flipped classroom, the benefits of flipping a classroom, how to implement a flipped classroom, and how to create a positive learning environment in a flipped classroom. Written assignments will integrate theoretical and research-based concepts with classroom practice.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 4 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required textbook Reaching Every Student in Every Class Every day. 1st edition. USA: International Society for Technology in Education, 2012. ISBN# 978-1564843159.. Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

27. Online Session II - Foundations in Special Education for Students with Disabilities (EDUC 502) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 502 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course will assist teachers in their understanding of the nature of students within the full range of disabilities, special health-care needs, and the effect of those disabilities and needs on learning and behavior. Students will examine current trends, historical, legal, and social foundations of education for students with disabilities.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text(s):
Introduction to Contemporary Special Education New Horizons ISBN #9780134895086
**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Students are not eligible to register for a Mercy sponsored course through NYSUT ELT or UFT if:

-they have already completed 15 Mercy University credits through NYSUT ELT or UFT,
-they are currently matriculated into a Mercy University degree or Advanced Certificate Program,
-they are on a financial hold with Mercy University, or
-they were academically dismissed by Mercy University.
ELT is not responsible for reimbursement of tuition for students who register for any Mercy courses if they meet any of the above criteria.

28. Online Session II - Instructional Planning, Strategic Teaching (CURI 6519) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6519 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661114)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course is designed to provide participants with instructional strategies that meet the needs of all students at all grade levels. Emphasis will be placed on misconceptions of academic failure; curriculum organization; effective instructional design; curriculum evaluation and instructional strategies that enhance and improve academic performance for all students. The following concepts serve as the basis for the design of curriculum and instruction: core concepts, essential questions, background knowledge, judicious review, strategic integration, cognitive strategies, and mediated scaffolding. Additional strategies and applications introduced in this course include rubrics, graphic organizers, LINCS vocabulary strategy, class wide peer tutoring, note-taking, paraphrasing, summarizing, reciprocal teaching, questioning, and the Socratic Seminar. The implications of brain research and the use of technology are also components of this course. Additionally, many of the practices examined correlate with the indicators on state and district-wide teacher evaluation rubrics, the New York State Teaching Standards, and the shifts in Learning Standards implementation.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

All materials on Moodle platform-no textbook required.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

29. Online Session II - Integrated Co-Teaching: Strategies Enhancing Student Achievement (CURI 6520) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6520 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661102)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course is designed for all K-12 educators who are or will be working with a co-teaching model. The course will investigate the pedagogical and practical facets of a co-teaching approach that provides academic instruction to a diverse community of learners (i.e., students within general education, special education, ESL and gifted programs) so that each student may find success.

It will cover topics such as: the background of inclusive teaching, legalities in New York State, a definition of co-teaching, a description of what co-teaching entails, investigation of issues and solutions of co-teaching, as well as, hands-on, practical co-teaching strategies.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Two Required Text(s): Purposeful Co-Teaching, ISBN #9781412964494 & A Guide to Co-Teaching: New Lessons and Strategies to Facilitate Student Learning,3rd edition, ISBN #9781452257785.
Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

30. Online Session II - Introduction to Early Childhood Education (EDUC 513) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

Wait List
EDUC 513 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Foundations, Methods, and Materials
The course presents a historical overview of the foundations in early childhood education. Students will study and review the process of social, emotional cognitive, linguistic, physical and aesthetic growth and development in young children, birth through grade two. The significance and effectiveness of past and present trends regarding the different types of early childhood programs will be discussed. Attention will also focus on the importance of play in the life of the child; language literacy and communication; developmentally appropriate lessons and activities; creating learning environments conducive to learning; study of model programs, concept building, curriculum design, assessment strategies, classroom management, and parent involvement.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

No Required Textbooks:

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Students are not eligible to register for a Mercy sponsored course through NYSUT ELT or UFT if:

-they have already completed 15 Mercy University credits through NYSUT ELT or UFT,
-they are currently matriculated into a Mercy University degree or Advanced Certificate Program,
-they are on a financial hold with Mercy University, or
-they were academically dismissed by Mercy University.
ELT is not responsible for reimbursement of tuition for students who register for any Mercy courses if they meet any of the above criteria.

31. Online Session II - Introduction to Early Childhood Education (EDUC 513) - Section 2

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 513 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Foundations, Methods, and Materials
The course presents a historical overview of the foundations in early childhood education. Students will study and review the process of social, emotional cognitive, linguistic, physical and aesthetic growth and development in young children, birth through grade two. The significance and effectiveness of past and present trends regarding the different types of early childhood programs will be discussed. Attention will also focus on the importance of play in the life of the child; language literacy and communication; developmentally appropriate lessons and activities; creating learning environments conducive to learning; study of model programs, concept building, curriculum design, assessment strategies, classroom management, and parent involvement.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

No Required Textbooks:

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Students are not eligible to register for a Mercy sponsored course through NYSUT ELT or UFT if:

-they have already completed 15 Mercy University credits through NYSUT ELT or UFT,
-they are currently matriculated into a Mercy University degree or Advanced Certificate Program,
-they are on a financial hold with Mercy University, or
-they were academically dismissed by Mercy University.
ELT is not responsible for reimbursement of tuition for students who register for any Mercy courses if they meet any of the above criteria.

32. Online Session II - Introduction to History of Special Education Law (SPED 6005) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

SPED 6005 SUNY Empire State College
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of the history of education law and the history of education of students with disabilities, advocacy, and disability laws from the mid-20th century. Students will be introduced to the role and responsibilities of the special education teacher in their legal obligation to the exceptional student, parents, and school. Particular emphasis will be placed on federal and New York State Education Department Law- Part 200 mandates and current special education laws and core issues that developed from the disability movement: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA (PL 94-142), No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), Individualized Education Programs (IEP), Parental Rights and Procedural Safeguards, Due Process, introduction to initiatives such as PBIS, FBA and RTI, and future litigation as it comes into effect. 3 graduate credits.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Texts: Special Education Law. 6th ed., ISBN#:978-1-5443-8822-9 - and Case Studies in Special Education Law: No Child Left Behind Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, ISBN #978-013-2186-28-5.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

33. Online Session II - Learning Technology Across the English Language Arts Curriculum (EDUC 573) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 573 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This is a hands-on course focusing on applications of learning technology to enhance the teaching and learning of English Language Arts as defined in the Learning Standards. Effective use of technology for teaching the literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing to native English speakers and students who are English language learners will be discussed. Criteria for evaluating software and a variety of approaches to integration of technology into the curriculum will be explored as it applies to the age/grade level and content area of the students' teaching certificates. The course will also examine techniques to enable students to collaborate with and support other staff in their schools to develop their own skill in of technology.

*Please note: 10 hours field work is required for those students planning on matriculating into Mercy University to receive Master's and/or Advanced Certificate in Literacy. These logs serve as a chance for self-reflection, self-assessment, and conversation with others as they examine Literacy practices and issues.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Two Required Texts: Technology to Teach Literacy: A Resource for K-8 Teachers, ISBN# 9780131989757 & Digital and Media Literacy: Connecting Culture and Classroom, ISBN# 9781412981583.

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

34. Online Session II - Literacy Instruction for Students with Special Needs (EDUC 561) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 561 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Candidates will develop competencies enabling them to provide appropriate instruction for students experiencing difficulties in acquiring literacy skills. These include students receiving academic intervention services, and those in compensatory and special education programs.
*Please note: 10 hours field work is required for those students planning on matriculating into Mercy University to receive Master's and/or Advanced Certificate in Literacy. These logs serve as a chance for self-reflection, self-assessment, and conversation with others as they examine Literacy practices and issues.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text(s): Reading Problems: Assessment and Teaching Strategies, 7th ed.; ISBN #9780132837804

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Students are not eligible to register for a Mercy sponsored course through NYSUT ELT or UFT if:

-they have already completed 15 Mercy University credits through NYSUT ELT or UFT,
-they are currently matriculated into a Mercy University degree or Advanced Certificate Program,
-they are on a financial hold with Mercy University, or
-they were academically dismissed by Mercy University.
ELT is not responsible for reimbursement of tuition for students who register for any Mercy courses if they meet any of the above criteria.

35. Online Session II - Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Classroom (CURI 6521) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6521 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661115)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Teaching all children to read is a critical responsibility of our elementary teachers. In this course, participants will learn and share the knowledge and skills they will need to be highly effective elementary teachers of literacy. The course will integrate what we have known is good teaching of literacy in the past and will expand the teachers' skills needed to meet the NYS P-12 Learning Standards. The inclusion of diverse students with various needs requires teachers of today to team with other professionals to plan and create an instructional environment that teaches all students to read.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text: All Children Read:Teaching for Literacy in Today's Diverse Classrooms,ISBN#9780134894652

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

36. Online Session II - Maximizing the Learning Environment for Increased Student Achievement and Growth (CURI 6522) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6522 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661111)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course addresses the fundamentals aspects of teaching and learning that are relevant for education in all grade levels and subject areas. It examines proven practices for many of the indicators on state and district-wide teacher evaluations rubrics.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text:All materials on moodle platform-no textbook required.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

37. Online Session II - Middle Childhood and Adolescent Development (EDUC 6010) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 6010 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course explores theories of middle child and adolescent development and educational psychology within the contexts of families, cultures, communities and schools. The course will focus on physical, cognitive, social and emotional development; theories of learning and teaching; genetic and environmental factors affecting development; individual differences in abilities and developmental patterns; developmental issues and learning needs of students with special needs; and best practices for teaching, assessment, and creating a positive and motivating learning environment.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text: Adolescence, 18th Edition, ISBN13: 9781260449204.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

38. Online Session II - Middle Level Curriculum Instruction and Assessment (CURI 6579) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6579 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Addressing the middle school teacher, the course focuses on the essential teaching repertoire necessary to meet the diverse needs of the young adolescent. It is a comprehensive treatment of curriculum, instruction and assessment strategies that increase student achievement in middle level education. There is a focus on standards-based curriculum that delineates a process for backward design of subject matter content. Authentic assessment strategies are integrated throughout the curriculum, development, and instructional areas.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Text: Introduction to Middle Level Education (4th Edition) ISBN #978-0134986807.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

39. Online Session II - Psychoeducational Assessment Practices and IEP Development and Implementation (SPED 6060) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

SPED 6060 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course focuses on special education processes, including screening, assessment, Individualized Education Program (IEP) development/ monitoring, and evaluation. Referral and assessment for special education eligibility, norm-referenced and teacher-developed assessments, legal and procedural issues in IEP development, and strategies for assessing students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds will be included. The course will include discussion and practice of the components of effective assessment, including examination of evaluation procedures, from pre-referral intervention, eligibility/placement decision making to progress monitoring of scientifically-based instructional interventions based on Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Focus will include academic, affective, behavioral, work-study skill, adaptive functioning, and environmental measures. Students will also learn how to interpret and evaluate the psychometric properties of psychoeducational assessments as part of choosing valid and reliable assessment tools. Additional course topics will address emerging evaluation trends, test modifications/accommodations, parent involvement in the IEP process, and progress monitoring and reporting.

Registration deadline is 2/26e/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Textbook: Assessing Students with Special Needs 8th edition, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-457570-4

40. Online Session II - Reading Across the Curriculum (CURI 6523) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 8 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 25, 2025)

Location: N/A - 8 week online course

CURI 6523 SUNY Empire University (formerly EDU 661110)
Course dates 3/3/25-4/25/25
The course provides research-based active reading comprehension strategies that participants can apply to their grade level or content area. By learning how to implement these metacognitive reading strategies, participants will be able to plan lessons more effectively.

Participants will also discover how to engage students, deepen their understanding of content, and prepare them for success beyond the classroom. Emphasis is on learning styles, types of text, notation systems, content-area reading, assessments, fluency, motivation, and grade-level vocabulary.

Required Text: But I'm Not a Reading Teacher: Strategies for Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas, ISBN# 9781596670495

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 8 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

41. Online Session II - Reading and Writing Across the Content Areas Grades K-12 (UNY 801) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

UNY 801 Adelphi University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course explores content area teachers' roles in student's literacy development. You will learn how to utilize research-based teaching strategies in content-area instruction. Strategies include word attack, before-reading, during-reading, after-reading, writing and research -- applied within the context of content area learning. In addition, you will learn how to incorporate technology into literacy tasks in your classroom, and explore how to assess reading and writing tasks within a balanced literacy-content area classroom.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Textbook: Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum, ISBN#9780135224625 Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

42. Online Session II - Social Emotional Learning: A New Approach (CURI 6526) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6526 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course will introduce participants to the concepts of emotional intelligence and the importance of incorporating social-emotional learning in the classroom in order to create academic environments that cultivate caring, empathic and successful students. Each component of social emotional learning will be discussed. Through research-based activities, participants will develop strategies to teach to the "whole child", review available programs and learn ways to motivate and engage students and promote positive interactions amongst students in order to increase academic achievement.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Three Required Texts:The Educator's Guide to Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement: Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom 1st Edition, ISBN #13:9781412914819, The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights, ISBN #13: 9781934441152 & The Triple Focus: A New Approach to Education Paperback 2014, 978-193444178-7 & additional participant booklet available as a download in Frontline.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

43. Online Session II - Successful Teaching for Acceptance of Responsibility (CURI 6575) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 8 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 25, 2025)

Location: N/A - 8 week online course

CURI 6575 SUNY Empire State University
Course dates 3/3/25-4/25/25
This online course helps experienced and beginning educators create a classroom environment in which responsible behavior is modeled, taught, and supported. Participants will explore the underlying causes of disruptive student behavior and learn specific classroom management strategies associated with four instructional approaches that empower students to be self-directed, responsible learners: helping students develop personal power, helping students use effective mental models, teaching students appropriate behaviors, and developing skills for positive student confrontation. As participants learn to mentor, model, coach, and facilitate responsible actions in their students' behalf, they likewise develop increasing responsibility and personal power in their own professional practice.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 8 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Two Required Textbooks: Teacher Talk: What It Really Means, ISBN #9780961604622 and Teaching Discipline & Self-Respect, ISBN #9781412915489

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

44. Online Session II - Teaching English as a Second Language (EDUC 505) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

EDUC 505 Mercy University
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
Historical, legal, theoretical and practical aspects of teaching English to learners of English as a Second Language in pre-school through 12th grade. Course content includes language acquisition theories for children and adults, as well as for students with special needs. Student language assessment, identification, academic placement, and a variety of successful instructional approaches and strategies will be explored. 10 hours of fieldwork required.Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.
Required Text: Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL, 7th ed. ISBN #9780134014548. Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

Students are not eligible to register for a Mercy sponsored course through NYSUT ELT or UFT if:

they have already completed 15 Mercy University credits through NYSUT ELT or UFT
they are currently matriculated into a Mercy University degree or Advanced Certificate Program
they are on a financial hold with Mercy University
they were academically dismissed by Mercy University.
ELT is not responsible for reimbursement of tuition for students who register for any Mercy courses if they meet any of the above criteria.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

45. Online Session II - Teaching Through Learning Channels (UNY 825) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 8 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends Apr 25, 2025)

Location: N/A - 8 week online course

UNY 825 Adelphi University
Course dates 3/3/25-4/25/25
This course focuses on helping experienced and beginner educators understand how to increase student achievement by addressing the brain's natural learning channels, using five specific instructional approaches: responding to the five basic needs of all learners (survival/physiological and safety needs; belonging; empowerment and esteem; freedom and self-actualization; and fun); teaching to all of the senses (kinesthetic, tactual, auditory, visual, olfactory, and gustatory); reinforcing five specific cognitive processes that help the brain integrate information (comparing and contrasting new information to old, conceptualizing or formulating a name for things, comprehending or practicing the concept, and combining or incorporating it into everyday life); teaching to the perceptual and organizational-learning styles (global, sequential, abstract, and concrete); and addressing certain personality or temperament styles (intuitive feelers, intuitive thinkers, sensing judgers, and sensing perceivers). Using an instructional process that allows participants to experience these five approaches from a learner's perspective then applying them in their own classrooms from a teacher's perspective, class members will gain expertise in helping their students acquire, process, recall, and apply the skills and content that lead to academic success.

Required Text:No Textbook needed. Participants will take the Kaleidoscope Profile online after the course begins.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 8 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

46. Online Session II - The 21st Century Classroom (CURI 6528) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6528 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661109)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
The 21st Century Classroom
This practical course is designed to enable K-12 educators to synthesize newly framed requirements for highly effective teaching (APPR), the 21st Century Skills, the Learning Standards, existing research on best instructional practices, technology use and assessment into a high performing classroom that can transform their students' learning and ready students for college and career success in a global, digital world. The course shows educators the practical "how-to" create innovative but easy to implement, standards-aligned project-based learning units that integrate intuitive digital tools into daily differentiated instruction. Participants will "learn from doing" in the same manner to be expected of students in a 21st Century Classroom. Participants will exit the course having designed three increasingly complex PBL with Technology units (PBL-T) and the ability to create additional PBL-T units for a single discipline or across disciplines. The aim of each standards-aligned unit is to increase student achievement simultaneous with the development of student's 21st Century skills beyond traditional gains from more conventional, factory model methods.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Textbook: Enriched Learning Projects: A Practical Pathway to 21st Century Skills, ISBN #9781934009741

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

47. Online Session II - The Role of Data, Assessments and Instruction to Raise Student Achievement (CURI 6529) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6529 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661104)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course will provide participants with a better understanding of the realities of data use and will empower users to identify and use data more appropriately to identify school wide priorities, inform instruction and enhance student learning.

Two Required Text(s): Transformative Assessment, ISBN# 9781416606673 & Data Dynamics: Aligning Teacher Team,School and District Efforts, ISBN #9781935542230
Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

48. Online Session II - Using Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for School Improvement (CURI 6524) - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - N/A - 10 week online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 9, 2025)

Location: N/A - 10 week online course

CURI 6524 SUNY Empire State University (formerly EDU 661107)
Course dates 3/3/25-5/9/25
This course is a framework for school improvement that involves tiers of increasingly intensive interventions. As students are identified by curriculum based measurement as exhibiting risk for school failure, they are instructed using interventions designed to eliminate or correct the cause of failure. Their progress is monitored using simple assessment tools. Participants will understand the MTSS process, its impact upon teaching and learning, and apply strategies and data-based decision-making in process implementation.

Registration deadline is 2/26/25 and course runs 10 weeks. Participants should log in daily to review and check assignments.

Required Textbook: Using RTI for School Improvement: Raising Every Student's Achievement Scores, ISBN #9781412966412

Book can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.
**$30 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

49. Online Session II: Undergraduate Course - Assessment of Learning EDN 401 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 2, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 401 Russell Sage College

Course dates 3/24/25-5/2/25
This course explores assessment in the instructional process. The role of assessment will be examined as a key component of organizing and creating a classroom culture, planning lessons, delivering instruction, and examining how students have grown as a result of instruction. This course is appropriate for teachers, assistants, and other support staff who each play a role in assessing student growth and performance. Participants will learn to use tools and approaches to classroom assessment such as observations, performance-based assessments, checklists, portfolios, and achievement tests. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Two Required Texts:Advancing Formative Assessment, ,ISBN# 13: 978-1-4166-2669-5 & Classroom Assessment: What Teachers Need to Know,ISBN# 978-0-13-556910-8

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

50. Online Session II: Undergraduate Course - Classroom Management: Creating the Dynamic Classroom Environment EDN 402 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 2, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 402 Russell Sage College

Course dates 3/24/25-5/2/25
Participants will explore the extensive research base behind classroom management and work to create a classroom management plan that will provide a foundation on which to build instruction for the rest of the school year. They will investigate their curriculum and instruction to find ways to engage students in learning, which will virtually eliminate classroom management issues. Since preventive measures are not a failsafe, participants will explore some minor, escalating, and major behavior problems to better prepare you to address these situations as they arise. Participants will also explore how to address the special needs of inclusive classrooms as well as technology in the classroom. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Classroom Management: Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community, ,ISBN# 978-1-119-63998-5

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

51. Online Session II: Undergraduate Course - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment EDN 403 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 2, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 403 Russell Sage College

Course dates 3/24/25-5/2/25
This course is designed to provide teachers with an opportunity to study, reflect, question, become knowledgeable about, and develop skills in curriculum, and instructional and assessment methods. Major topics include using the New York State Learning Standards to build curricular units and lessons; identifying the characteristics of effective and intentional teaching; designing units that reflect an understanding of how student diversity influences curriculum and learning; writing effective lesson plans for instruction using a variety of approaches & technologies; designing assessments of and for student learning; and learning how to become a reflective practitioner. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Looking in Classrooms, 11th edition ISBN# 13: 978-1-13864-651-3

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

52. Online Session II: Undergraduate Course - Human Development EDN 404 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 2, 2025)

Location: online course

Wait List
EDN 404 Russell Sage College

Course dates 3/24/25-5/2/25
This course provides an overview of the theories, current research, and controversial issues in human development from birth to adolescence. It focuses on the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development of learners with different abilities and needs in the school environment. Various aspects of developmental contexts are explored, including heredity, culture, community, socioeconomic level/backgrounds, family, and school environment. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text: Child Development and Education, 7th edition, by McDevitt, Ormrod ISBN# 13: 978-0-13-480677-8 or ISBN#10: 0-13-480677-8

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

53. Online Session II: Undergraduate Course - Intro to Exceptionalities EDN 405 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 2, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 405 Russell Sage College

Course dates 3/24/25-5/2/25
This course provides an overview of the education of children and youth with exceptionalities, focusing on those with disabilities and giftedness. Among the areas covered are: a review of the historical, philosophical and legal foundations of special education and other exceptionalities; definitions of exceptionalities and their prevalence, causes and characteristics. In addition, the course will cover current issues and trends in regard to how and where these children are educated. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education,12th edition by William L. Heward ISBN# 13: 978-0-13575-662-1

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

54. Online Session II: Undergraduate Course - Intro to Exceptionalities EDN 405 - Section 2

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 2, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 405 Russell Sage College

Course dates 3/24/25-5/2/25
This course provides an overview of the education of children and youth with exceptionalities, focusing on those with disabilities and giftedness. Among the areas covered are: a review of the historical, philosophical and legal foundations of special education and other exceptionalities; definitions of exceptionalities and their prevalence, causes and characteristics. In addition, the course will cover current issues and trends in regard to how and where these children are educated. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education,12th edition by William L. Heward ISBN# 13: 978-0-13575-662-1

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.

55. Online Session II: Undergraduate Course - Introduction to Reading: Teaching Children to Read EDN 406 - Section 1

Program: Online Courses

Location: Online Courses (, ) - online course

Audience: Teachers

Dates: On-Going (Ends May 2, 2025)

Location: online course

EDN 406 Russell Sage College

Course dates 3/24/25-5/2/25
Examination and analysis of effective literacy instruction for students at all levels. Includes the exploration of appropriate techniques for English language learners and students with special needs. Techniques for continued assessment in reading, remediation, and enrichment will also be discussed. Maximum class size of 20. (3 credits)

**$15 tech fee will be paid on the first day of class via our Moodle platform. Tech fee is non-refundable

Required Text:Teaching Children to Read: the Teacher Makes the Difference by Ruetzel and CooterISBN# 13: 978-0-13-474253-3

Books can be purchased at your favorite bookstore.