Catalog: Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) - PG/WebReg

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1. Paraprofessional Summer Series #1

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Paraprofessionals

Dates: 6/13/2024

Location: Commonwealth A/B

This training day will be divided into three separate topics, including Executive Functioning, Accommodations and Modifications, and Autism 101/Behavior. Individuals will learn:

- an overview of key executive functioning skills and the impact these skills have on school success and daily living. Practice strategies for teaching and supporting executive functioning skills, specific to the role of the paraprofessional, will be presented.

- an overview of how accommodations and modifications can be implemented and sustained to meet the needs of the students. Being able to provide ample opportunities for success to all students requires a clear understanding of the needs of each individual student.

- an overview of autism spectrum disorders, which will include skill deficit areas and common effective instructional approaches, including visual supports, basic behavior principles relating to autism and behavior, behavior self-regulation, and social stories.

Please note you can attend any or all Paraprofessional Summer Series trainings.

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes Lopez at or 610-987-8425.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline registration.

2. Paraprofessional Summer Series #2: Communication & Visual Supports for the Low Incidence Population

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Paraprofessionals working with students with intellectual disabilities and autism

Dates: 7/31/2024

Location: Commonwealth A/B

The full-day training will be divided into two half-day training topics listed below.

Better Communication with Challenged Learners: This half-day session will focus on techniques for paraprofessionals to use when communicating with students with autism and other low-incidence disabilities. We will review effective modeling of communication and the power of modeling communication within daily routines. We will also discuss effective communication within the context of challenging behaviors.

Visual Supports for the Low Incidence Classroom: Developing independence and reducing adult prompting is one of the primary goals for all students receiving life skills support, autistic support, and multiple disability support. Participants will develop an understanding of what visual supports are and the reasons to incorporate them into daily uses. They will gain a variety of strategies and methods that can be used to meet their students' unique needs.

Please note you can attend any or all Paraprofessional Summer Series trainings.

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes Lopez at or 610-987-8425.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline registration.

3. Paraprofessional Summer Series #3: The Effective Use of Reinforcement - Your Behavior Makes ALL the Difference!

Program: PD & C Educational Consultants' Events

Audience: Paraprofessionals

Dates: 8/7/2024

Location: Commonwealth A/B

This full-day training will focus on the topic of effective use of reinforcement in the classroom. Reinforcement is how people learn new skills and how already learned skills are maintained. Adults working with children need to understand how THEIR behavior impacts the behavior of other students. Using reinforcement effectively is a key component of changing student behavior. This session will introduce the concept of reinforcement and how to use reinforcement effectively to teach academic and functional skills such as social skills, effective routines, academics, and self-regulation skills. The session will give you, as paraprofessionals, knowledge and strategies for working with student behaviors and helping students learn new skills.

Please note you can attend any or all Paraprofessional Summer Series trainings.

If you have any questions, please contact Claribel Reyes Lopez at or 610-987-8425.

Professional development sessions are offered for Berks County Intermediate Unit member district staff and staff from organizations supporting students from Berks County member districts. Additionally, sessions are offered for Pennsylvania districts per contracted work that falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Statewide System of Support services. Fees will apply to all other participants as listed in the Frontline registration.