Want to read and reflect for CTLE credits and professional growth?
Select books off the list below to read and respond to in Book Creator! Each book you read and respond to will be worth 10 CTLE Credits.
NOTE: NO REPEATS. If you read the book and completed the reader response for the Summer Reading EdVenture, you may not do that book again.
This option will remain open through April 18th, 2025! You may read all, a few, or one.
Here are the titles that you can choose from:
- Grit
- Empower
- Creating Innovators
- Pure Genius
- AI for Educators
- Hacking Groupwork
- Tech for Teacher Wellness
- AI to Streamline your Teacher Life
All materials and reader response links can be accessed here:
Professional Reading 2024-25
*This work is asynchronous, so ignore the dates in Frontline.