Catalog: ESC of Central Ohio (Web Registration)

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1. Literacy Pathways-Kindergarten-Grade 5

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/11/2024

Ohio's Literacy Improvement Pathway consists of ten purposely ordered areas of focus for leveraging literacy and equity for improved literacy outcomes of all students. Participants will understand the critical importance of each stop on the pathway through review of evidence-based practices and related resources to assist with leading literacy in a school and/or district. This series is intended for district leaders at the building and central office levels such as Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors of Pupil Services, ad Dean of Students. The series dates are 11/12/24, 12/4/24, 1/14/25, 2/11/25, and 3/6/25

2. Literacy Improvement Pathways: K-5

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/14/2025

Starting Soon
Ohio's Literacy Improvement Pathway features ten strategically ordered areas of focus designed to enhance literacy and equity for all students. Participants will explore the significance of each step along the pathway through an examination of evidence-based practices and relevant resources to effectively lead literacy initiatives in their schools and districts. This series is tailored for district leaders, including Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors of Pupil Services, and Deans of Students. The series dates are 11/12/24, 12/4/24, 1/14/25, 2/11/25, and 3/6/25

3. ESELA (Engaging Special Education Leader Academy)

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/15/2025

Starting Soon
Participants will be provided the most up-to-date information about regarding topics from Bricker Graydon throughout 4 sessions. Session 1: Child Find and IEP-Learn more about the requirements of the evaluation and IEP process Session 2:Section 504-Session 3: Procedural Safeguards Session 4: Discipline and Dispute Resolution

4. Regional Career Technical Education Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/15/2025

Starting Soon
This network serves Career Centers and interested schools with Career Pathways to support their delivery of high quality instruction for students with disabilities.

5. Introduction to MTSS for Preschool Administrators

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/16/2025

Starting Soon
This networking series will introduce the integrated MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) framework for implementation in preschool settings. Network participants will explore core features of the framework, gain common understanding of the model, and discuss implications for practice. A variety of resources will be shared to support understanding and implementation. This network is designed for administrators and administrator-led early childhood teams. Attendance at all four sessions is required for Ohio Approved Hours. The sessions will focus on the following topics: Strong Systems, High-Quality Instruction, Tiered Intervention, Comprehensive Assessment Process, Early childhood data systems. Session Dates: 9/26/24, 11/7/24, 1/16/25, & 2/27/25. You must register for each session separately.

6. Literacy Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/16/2025

Starting Soon
The Literacy Network will provide literacy support and cross-district collaborative opportunities for district and community schools, grades PreK-12. We will build literacy capacity through common interests, collaboration, and expert speakers. We encourage the following to attend: District Literacy Leaders, Literacy Coaches, and Literacy Leadership Teams. Network dates are: 11/15/24, 1/16/25 and 3/13/25

7. EDSTEPS Cohort 2 Root Cause Analysis Booster Session

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/24/2025

These two identical work sessions are focused on supporting your team through completing a Root Cause Analysis on each of the priorities you have identified through your data analysis and prioritization. Your team should have completed a data analysis and identified/prioritized no more than three critical needs to focus on. Teams should bring all available data on each of the focus areas to support identification of the root causes. Some examples are; student screening, progress monitoring, intervention, state testing data, student and staff attendance, behavior, student and staff satisfaction surveys, OTES, OPES and anything else that may help your team answer root cause questions. The session will contain information and tools for conducting a Root Cause Analysis, and work time to complete one with your team.

8. High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities Book Study

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/29/2025

Join SST 11 as we embark upon a book study utilizing High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities (2nd ed) to take a deeper dive into best practices to support our students. Michael Kennedy, editor and Professor of Special Education at the University of Virginia, will. join us for our kick-off event! **Books will be provided for the first 25 registrants

9. Early Childhood Special Education Supervisor's Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/29/2025

These sessions are designed to provide a forum for discussion and information sharing relevant to preschool education supervisors. The network dates are 10/9/24, 1/29/25 and 4/30/25

10. Transition Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 1/30/2025

Participants will be provided the most up-to-date information about transition planning. The three network meetings will focus on one of the three areas of transition (post-secondary education, integrated employment, and independent living). Participants are encouraged to attend in person to network with colleagues across the region. Prerequisite: Complete the Learning Management System (LMS) module titled Secondary Transition for Students with Disabilities: Office for Exceptional Children. Series dates 9/26/24; 1/30/25; 4/3/25. Participants must register for each session individually.

11. Enhancing Your IEP Workshop Series (Session 5)

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/6/2025

Building upon the knowledge provided by Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Learning Management Modules, six engaging sessions will take a deeper dive into the elements of the Individualized Education Program. Each session will be workshop-based so feel free to bring a redacted IEP to help grow your skills. Participants are welcome to join all sessions! Session 5: Specially Designed Instruction in this session, participants will learn how to write the description of the Specially Designed Instruction, the location, the provider, and the amount of time. ****Pre-requisite: complete "Special Education Essentials” on ODEW Learning Management System accessible through OHID.

12. Enhancing Your IEP Workshop Series (Session 6)

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/6/2025

Building upon the knowledge provided by Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Learning Management Modules, six engaging sessions will take a deeper dive into the elements of the Individualized Education Program. Each session will be workshop-based so feel free to bring a redacted IEP to help grow your skills. Participants are welcome to join all sessions! Session 6: Accommodations/Modifications in this session, participants will learn skills to identify the appropriate accommodations and modifications to meet the individual student's needs. ****Pre-requisite: complete "Special Education Essentials” on ODEW Learning Management System accessible through OHID.

13. Developing a District Internal Monitoring Process

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/7/2025

Bring a team of professionals to understand internal monitoring and develop your own internal monitoring process aligned to the needs of your building. "The intent of the IDEA Monitoring Review Process is to maximize the use of resources that will result in better academic, social and postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities and to implement federal and state requirements” (ODEW, 2024). *Please note: This is a team training series. A minimum of 3 participants from your district must register to attend. Series Dates: 1/10/25, 2/7/25, 3/7/25 you must register for each training separately.

14. EDSTEPS Cohort 2 Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/7/2025

The EDSTEPS (Education Department's System of Tiered E-Plans and Supports) program aims to empower school leaders with the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to conduct comprehensive needs assessments and develop strategic plans tailored to their unique contexts. As we anticipate the release of critical information by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW) in early 2025, now is the perfect time for EDSTEPS COHORT 2 District to come together with your team and prepare for the upcoming process.
Here are the key objectives of the EDSTEPS Cohort 2 Network:
Capacity Building: Enhance your understanding of the One Needs Assessment and One Plan process, with your team through guidance, resources, and training sessions tailored to your needs.
Collaborative Learning: Engage with fellow school leaders in a supportive and collaborative environment. Share best practices, lessons learned, and innovative strategies to strengthen your planning efforts.
Guidance and Support: Receive personalized guidance and support from SST 11 consultants who are committed to helping your team navigate the needs assessment and planning process effectively.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with a network of school leaders from diverse backgrounds and contexts. Build relationships, exchange ideas, and leverage collective expertise to drive positive change in your schools and districts.
Participation in the EDSTEPS Cohort 2 Network offers a unique opportunity to ensure that your district is well-prepared to undertake the One Needs Assessment and One Plan process with confidence and efficacy. By investing in this initiative, you'll not only strengthen your team's capacity as leaders but also contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of your educational community. Network dates are: 10/4/24, 11//8/24, 2/7/25, and 4/4/25.

15. Emergent Literacy Series-Growing Strong Roots for Reading from Birth through Age Five

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/7/2025

The 3 part series consists of facilitated learning and discussion with connections to classroom fieldwork between sessions. The 3 sessions include: Part 1-Introduction to Emergent Literacy & Teaching Early Phonological Awareness Part 2-Developing Oral Language and Vocabulary for Emergent Literacy Part 3-Building Print Awareness and Interactive Read-Alouds

16. Literacy Improvement Pathways: K-5

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/11/2025

Ohio's Literacy Improvement Pathway features ten strategically ordered areas of focus designed to enhance literacy and equity for all students. Participants will explore the significance of each step along the pathway through an examination of evidence-based practices and relevant resources to effectively lead literacy initiatives in their schools and districts. This series is tailored for district leaders, including Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors of Pupil Services, and Deans of Students. The series dates are 11/12/24, 12/4/24, 1/14/25, 2/11/25, and 3/6/25

17. SST 11 MTSS Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/14/2025

The SST 11 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Network is an opportunity to meet quarterly with district leaders throughout Central Ohio. Participants will receive information and resources to support a MTSS framework including topics on PBIS, SEL, curriculum and instruction, data, and collaborative teaming (OIP). Each meeting will include time for meaningful interactions with colleagues and practice with practical tools that can be taken back and used instantly. The network dates are: 9/6/24, 11/1/24, 2/14/25, and 5/2/25

18. High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities Book Study

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/19/2025

Join SST 11 as we embark upon a book study utilizing High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities (2nd ed) to take a deeper dive into best practices to support our students. Michael Kennedy, editor and Professor of Special Education at the University of Virginia, will. join us for our kick-off event! **Books will be provided for the first 25 registrants

19. Science of Reading Facilitated Modules - Pathway A

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/19/2025

These 1-hour virtual sessions on pathways A and C will highlight key information from the modules and provide practical steps to incorporate the science of reading into the classroom to support all learners. These sessions will provide participants with the opportunity to discuss content as they complete the required 10 modules. The training dates are: 8/28/24, 10/24/24, 1/15/25 and 2/26/25.

20. Science of Reading Facilitated Modules - Pathway C

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/19/2025

These 1-hour virtual sessions on pathways A and C will highlight key information from the modules and provide practical steps to incorporate the science of reading into the classroom to support all learners. These sessions will provide participants with the opportunity to discuss content as they complete the required 10 modules. The training dates are: 8/28/24, 10/24/24, 1/15/25 and 2/26/25.

21. Central Ohio Special Education Administrators Network (COSEAs)

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/21/2025

Join other special education administrators throughout SST Region 11 to share and discuss current issues related to special education. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share ideas with colleagues to continue building support systems throughout the region. The last hour of the networking session will be geared toward directors who are new to the position. Series dates 9/20/24; 12/6/24; 2/21/25; 5/9/25. Participants must register for each session individually.

22. Emergent Literacy Series-Growing Strong Roots for Reading from Birth through Age Five

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/21/2025

The 3 part series consists of facilitated learning and discussion with connections to classroom fieldwork between sessions. The 3 sessions include: Part 1-Introduction to Emergent Literacy & Teaching Early Phonological Awareness Part 2-Developing Oral Language and Vocabulary for Emergent Literacy Part 3-Building Print Awareness and Interactive Read-Alouds

23. Dropout Prevention and Recovery School Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/21/2025

The series dates are 12/13/24, 2/21/25, and 4/11/25. The 12/13 and 4/11 will be held virtually and the 2/21 will be held at the ESC Northgate location 7207 Northgate way, Westerville, OH 43082 You must register for each training date separately.

24. ESELA (Engaging Special Education Leader Academy)

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/26/2025

Participants will be provided the most up-to-date information about regarding topics from Bricker Graydon throughout 4 sessions. Session 1: Child Find and IEP-Learn more about the requirements of the evaluation and IEP process Session 2:Section 504-Session 3: Procedural Safeguards Session 4: Discipline and Dispute Resolution

25. Supporting English Learners through the Science of Reading

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/26/2025

This session will be presented by Dr. Linda Cavazos, a national expert specializing in supporting multilingual learners in core literacy instruction. This session will focus on providing teachers and coaches with the essential information and strategies aligned to the science of reading to support English language learners.

26. Introduction to MTSS for Preschool Administrators

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 2/27/2025

This networking series will introduce the integrated MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) framework for implementation in preschool settings. Network participants will explore core features of the framework, gain common understanding of the model, and discuss implications for practice. A variety of resources will be shared to support understanding and implementation. This network is designed for administrators and administrator-led early childhood teams. Attendance at all four sessions is required for Ohio Approved Hours. The sessions will focus on the following topics: Strong Systems, High-Quality Instruction, Tiered Intervention, Comprehensive Assessment Process, Early childhood data systems. Session Dates: 9/26/24, 11/7/24, 1/16/25, & 2/27/25. You must register for each session separately.

27. After-School Series for Proactive and Restorative Classroom Management

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/4/2025

Effective classroom management is centered on the proactive planning and organizational methods a teacher uses to support all students for behavioral and academic success. This after-school training series will incorporate the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework into the classroom environment. The emphasis of classroom management is on establishing a safe, predictable, and consistent classroom structure with positive teacher-student interactions. Areas of focus will include: classroom organization and structure, teaching and reinforcing expectations, positive relationships and classroom community, and restorative discipline. These four sessions will assist regular and special education teachers in grades K-12 to examine effective practices and make revisions to their current classroom management. Series dates 3/4/25; 3/11/25; 3/18/25; 3/25/25. *Please plan to attend all sessions. Participants must register for each session individually.

28. Literacy Improvement Pathways: K-5

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/6/2025

Ohio's Literacy Improvement Pathway features ten strategically ordered areas of focus designed to enhance literacy and equity for all students. Participants will explore the significance of each step along the pathway through an examination of evidence-based practices and relevant resources to effectively lead literacy initiatives in their schools and districts. This series is tailored for district leaders, including Superintendents, Curriculum Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, Directors of Pupil Services, and Deans of Students. The series dates are 11/12/24, 12/4/24, 1/14/25, 2/11/25, and 3/6/25

29. PBIS Tier 2: Implementing Check In, Check Out

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/6/2025

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to support school staff in their efforts to establish school cultures that drive emotional and academic success. Tier 2 support is designed to provide targeted interventions to support students who are not responding to Tier 1 efforts. This training will support the building teams in implementing Check In, Check Out. Training will focus on the purpose of data rules, progress monitoring, and fidelity of implementing Check In, Check Out. Participants will have the opportunity to network with others to share ideas and resources will be provided to assist with implementation.

30. Developing a District Internal Monitoring Process

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/7/2025

Bring a team of professionals to understand internal monitoring and develop your own internal monitoring process aligned to the needs of your building. "The intent of the IDEA Monitoring Review Process is to maximize the use of resources that will result in better academic, social and postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities and to implement federal and state requirements” (ODEW, 2024). *Please note: This is a team training series. A minimum of 3 participants from your district must register to attend. Series Dates: 1/10/25, 2/7/25, 3/7/25 you must register for each training separately.

31. Emergent Literacy Series-Growing Strong Roots for Reading from Birth through Age Five

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/7/2025

The 3 part series consists of facilitated learning and discussion with connections to classroom fieldwork between sessions. The 3 sessions include: Part 1-Introduction to Emergent Literacy & Teaching Early Phonological Awareness Part 2-Developing Oral Language and Vocabulary for Emergent Literacy Part 3-Building Print Awareness and Interactive Read-Alouds

32. After-School Series for Proactive and Restorative Classroom Management

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/11/2025

Effective classroom management is centered on the proactive planning and organizational methods a teacher uses to support all students for behavioral and academic success. This after-school training series will incorporate the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework into the classroom environment. The emphasis of classroom management is on establishing a safe, predictable, and consistent classroom structure with positive teacher-student interactions. Areas of focus will include: classroom organization and structure, teaching and reinforcing expectations, positive relationships and classroom community, and restorative discipline. These four sessions will assist regular and special education teachers in grades K-12 to examine effective practices and make revisions to their current classroom management. Series dates 3/4/25; 3/11/25; 3/18/25; 3/25/25. *Please plan to attend all sessions. Participants must register for each session individually.

33. Literacy Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Audience: District Literacy Leaders, Literacy Coaches and Literacy Leadership Teams

Dates: 3/13/2025

The Literacy Network will provide literacy support and cross-district collaborative opportunities for districts and community schools, grades PreK-12. We will build literacy capacity through common interests, collaboration, and expert speakers. We encourage the following to attend: District Literacy Leaders, Literacy Coaches, and Literacy Leadership Teams. The network dates are: 11/15/24, 1/16/25 and 3/13/25.

34. After-School Series for Proactive and Restorative Classroom Management

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/18/2025

Effective classroom management is centered on the proactive planning and organizational methods a teacher uses to support all students for behavioral and academic success. This after-school training series will incorporate the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework into the classroom environment. The emphasis of classroom management is on establishing a safe, predictable, and consistent classroom structure with positive teacher-student interactions. Areas of focus will include: classroom organization and structure, teaching and reinforcing expectations, positive relationships and classroom community, and restorative discipline. These four sessions will assist regular and special education teachers in grades K-12 to examine effective practices and make revisions to their current classroom management. Series dates 3/4/25; 3/11/25; 3/18/25; 3/25/25. *Please plan to attend all sessions. Participants must register for each session individually.

35. After-School Series for Proactive and Restorative Classroom Management

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 3/25/2025

Effective classroom management is centered on the proactive planning and organizational methods a teacher uses to support all students for behavioral and academic success. This after-school training series will incorporate the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework into the classroom environment. The emphasis of classroom management is on establishing a safe, predictable, and consistent classroom structure with positive teacher-student interactions. Areas of focus will include: classroom organization and structure, teaching and reinforcing expectations, positive relationships and classroom community, and restorative discipline. These four sessions will assist regular and special education teachers in grades K-12 to examine effective practices and make revisions to their current classroom management. Series dates 3/4/25; 3/11/25; 3/18/25; 3/25/25. *Please plan to attend all sessions. Participants must register for each session individually.

36. Transition Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 4/3/2025

Participants will be provided the most up-to-date information about transition planning. The three network meetings will focus on one of the three areas of transition (post-secondary education, integrated employment, and independent living). Participants are encouraged to attend in person to network with colleagues across the region. Prerequisite: Complete the Learning Management System (LMS) module titled Secondary Transition for Students with Disabilities: Office for Exceptional Children. Series dates 9/26/24; 1/30/25; 4/3/25. Participants must register for each session individually.

37. EDSTEPS Cohort 2 Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 4/4/2025

The EDSTEPS (Education Department's System of Tiered E-Plans and Supports) program aims to empower school leaders with the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to conduct comprehensive needs assessments and develop strategic plans tailored to their unique contexts. As we anticipate the release of critical information by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW) in early 2025, now is the perfect time for EDSTEPS COHORT 2 District to come together with your team and prepare for the upcoming process.
Here are the key objectives of the EDSTEPS Cohort 2 Network:
Capacity Building: Enhance your understanding of the One Needs Assessment and One Plan process, with your team through guidance, resources, and training sessions tailored to your needs.
Collaborative Learning: Engage with fellow school leaders in a supportive and collaborative environment. Share best practices, lessons learned, and innovative strategies to strengthen your planning efforts.
Guidance and Support: Receive personalized guidance and support from SST 11 consultants who are committed to helping your team navigate the needs assessment and planning process effectively.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with a network of school leaders from diverse backgrounds and contexts. Build relationships, exchange ideas, and leverage collective expertise to drive positive change in your schools and districts.
Participation in the EDSTEPS Cohort 2 Network offers a unique opportunity to ensure that your district is well-prepared to undertake the One Needs Assessment and One Plan process with confidence and efficacy. By investing in this initiative, you'll not only strengthen your team's capacity as leaders but also contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of your educational community. Network dates are: 10/4/24, 11//8/24, 2/7/25, and 4/4/25.

38. Trauma Informed and Restorative Approach to Discipline

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 4/10/2025

Managing misbehavior in the classroom can be frustrating and exhausting. Trauma-Informed Teaching and Restorative Practices emphasize preventative supports and restorative responses as a key to healthy classroom environments. This training session will focus on the importance of understanding the impact of trauma on behavior, building and restoring relationships and community, and creating a positive and effective classroom climate. Participants will discover and discuss applicable strategies to develop a supportive classroom environment and to respond efficiently to misbehavior.

39. Dropout Prevention and Recovery School Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 4/11/2025

The series dates are 12/13/24, 2/21/25, and 4/11/25. The 12/13 and 4/11 will be held virtually and the 2/21 will be held at the ESC Northgate location 7207 Northgate way, Westerville, OH 43082 You must register for each training date separately.

40. Early Childhood Special Education Supervisor's Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 4/30/2025

These sessions are designed to provide a forum for discussion and information sharing relevant to preschool education supervisors. The network dates are 10/9/24, 1/29/25 and 4/30/25

41. SST 11 MTSS Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 5/2/2025

The SST 11 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Network is an opportunity to meet quarterly with district leaders throughout Central Ohio. Participants will receive information and resources to support a MTSS framework including topics on PBIS, SEL, curriculum and instruction, data, and collaborative teaming (OIP). Each meeting will include time for meaningful interactions with colleagues and practice with practical tools that can be taken back and used instantly. The network dates are: 9/6/24, 11/1/24, 2/14/25, and 5/2/25

42. Regional Career Technical Education Network

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 5/7/2025

This network serves Career Centers and interested schools with Career Pathways to support their delivery of high quality instruction for students with disabilities.

43. Central Ohio Special Education Administrators Network (COSEAs)

Program: ESC of Central Ohio State Support Team 11

Dates: 5/9/2025

Join other special education administrators throughout SST Region 11 to share and discuss current issues related to special education. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share ideas with colleagues to continue building support systems throughout the region. The last hour of the networking session will be geared toward directors who are new to the position. Series dates 9/20/24; 12/6/24; 2/21/25; 5/9/25. Participants must register for each session individually.