Professional Learning
formerly MLPPDMS
Web Registration
Program: RPDC - Agency for Teaching, Leading and Learning
Location: Mountain Grove Elementary School (Mountain Grove, MO) [map]
Dates: 2/19/2024 to 4/29/2024
Program: RPDC - Central
Location: 9 Central RPDC (Warrensburg, MO) [map]
Audience: 1st Grade Teachers, 2nd Grade Teachers, 3rd Grade Teachers
Dates: 4/5/2024
Location: 5. Virtual (Virtual, MO)
Dates: 5/2/2024
Program: RPDC - South Central
Location: 6 Eminence School District (Eminence, MO)
Audience: Elementary K-5 Teachers, Title Reading Teachers, Special Education Teachers or Interventionists, & Administrators
Dates: 5/17/2024 to 3/31/2025
Location: 6 Waynesville - Freedom Elementary (St. Robert, MO)
Dates: 5/21/2024 to 3/11/2025
Program: RPDC - Kansas City
Location: Blue Springs School District Office (Blue Springs, MO)
Audience: By invitation Only: Limited to Blue Springs School District teachers pre-registered through MO Read, Lead, Exceed
Dates: 5/21/2024 to 3/27/2025
Location: Frontier School of Innovation – Elementary (Kansas City, MO)
Audience: Limited to MO Read, Lead Exceed Participants
Dates: 5/23/2024 to 3/24/2025
Location: Park Central Office Building (ROOM 112) (Springfield, MO)
Dates: 6/5/2024
Learning Blade is an online system that allows ANY teacher to provide Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), Computer Science (CS) and Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Program: RPDC - Northwest
Location: 5 Varies, St. Joseph (St. Joseph, MO)
Audience: Year 1 Building Leaders and Mentors
Dates: 6/6/2024 to 5/29/2025
Dates: 6/17/2024 to 6/21/2024
Location: 5. Maryville (Maryville, Mo)
Audience: K-6 Teachers, Title, Special Education or Interventionists, Administrators
Dates: 6/17/2024 to 3/4/2025
Location: 5. Trenton (Trenton, MO)
Dates: 6/17/2024 to 5/29/2025
Program: RPDC - Southeast
Location: 1 Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau (Cape Girardeau, MO) [map]
Audience: ALL EDUCATORS - Elementary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, Post-Secondary Instructors/Professors, Library Media Specialists, Building Administrators, District-Level Administrators, Instructional Technology Specialists, Instructional Coaches, etc.
Dates: 6/18/2024
Audience: Teachers that have completed LETRS Units 1-4 Training
Dates: 6/19/2024 to 2/25/2025
Dates: 6/24/2024 to 6/28/2024
Dates: 6/24/2024 to 3/26/2025
Location: Varies (Varies, MO)
Audience: Building Leaders in Year 3 and Beyond
Dates: 6/27/2024
Location: 5. St Joseph (St Joseph, MO)
Dates: 7/1/2024 to 3/5/2025
Dates: 7/8/2024 to 3/18/2025
Location: 3 North Kansas City School District (Kansas City, MO)
Audience: Limited to MO READ, LEAD, EXCEED Participants Only
Dates: 7/9/2024 to 2/27/2025
Program: RPDC - Heart of MO - Regional Professional Development Center
Location: Assessment Resource Center-Meeting Center, Rm B105, 2800 Maguire Blvd (Columbia, MO)
Dates: 7/9/2024 to 3/24/2025
Volume I includes 4 on-line units with a face-to-face training for each unit. All components are required and participants must attend all four face-to-face trainings. Units include: The Challenge of Learning to Read; The Speech Sounds of English; Teaching Beginning Phonics, Word Recognition, and Spelling; and Advanced Decoding, Spelling and Word Recognition. LETRS gives teachers the skills they need to master how to teach the five essential components of literacy, plus writing, spelling, and oral language. Teachers also learn: How to implement instructional routines and activities, Approaches to differentiate instruction to meet the literacy needs of all students, Bridge to Practice activities that ensure they can transfer what they learn in LETRS to the classroom.
Dates: 7/12/2024 to 4/15/2025
Location: 1 Southeast Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Cape Girardeau, MO) [map]
Dates: 7/16/2024 to 9/22/2025
Dates: 7/17/2024
Dates: 7/22/2024 to 4/1/2025
Location: 5. Lathrop School District (Lathrop, MO)
Audience: Beginning Teachers
Dates: 7/22/2024 to 3/20/2025
Beginning teachers are one of our greatest assets. Yet, 17% of teachers leave the career within the first five years (Gray et al., 2015). Effective professional development is a key factor of teacher retention (Podolsky et al., 2018).
This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements. This opportunity provides:
MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.
-networking with other new teachers and educational consultants
-just-in-time learning (critical firsts)
-awareness of the phases of a new teacher
-relationship-building skills
Audience: Mentors for BTAP Year 1 Teachers
Dates: 7/22/2024 to 2/26/2025
This program offers learning and support for mentor teachers.
MTDS Mastering: Foundations of Coaching and Mentoring is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System.
This opportunity provides:
-coaching, observation, and feedback training and support.
-consultant support
-regional networking with other mentor teachers
-opportunities to apply newly acquired skills with beginning teachers
-competency-based programming
Location: 9 University of Central Missouri (Warrensburg, MO) [map]
Dates: 7/24/2024 to 3/20/2025
Location: 6 West Plains Public Library (West Plains, MO)
Audience: First and Second year teachers needing to fulfill BTAP certification requirements
Dates: 7/24/2024 to 4/3/2025
Beginning teachers are one of our greatest assets. Yet, 17% of teachers leave the career within the first five years (Gray et al., 2015). Effective professional development is a key factor of teacher retention (Podolsky et al., 2018).
This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System. MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements. This opportunity provides: -networking with other new teachers and educational consultants -just-in-time learning (critical firsts) -awareness of the phases of a new teacher -relationship-building skills -on-demand learning, including videos by Mike Rutherford MTDS BTAP meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements. If you are attending a workshop for which you have not registered, a late fee will be applied. Lunch will be provided. Please notify us of any dietary restrictions at least seven (7) days in advance.
MTDS Beginning Teacher Assistance Program (BTAP) meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements. This opportunity provides:
-just-in-time learning (critical firsts)
-on-demand learning, including videos by Mike Rutherford
MTDS BTAP meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements. If you are attending a workshop for which you have not registered, a late fee will be applied. Lunch will be provided. Please notify us of any dietary restrictions at least seven (7) days in advance.
Location: TBD (Springfield, MO)
Dates: 7/25/2024 to 1/31/2025
Location: 6 Washington District Technology and Learning Center (Washington, MO)
Dates: 7/25/2024 to 4/17/2025
Dates: 7/26/2024 to 3/20/2025
Location: Bolivar - Lime Bank (Bolivar, MO) [map]
Audience: Teachers with an Initial Certificate or considered Teachers of Record in their District in their first 2 years of teaching.
Dates: 7/29/2024 to 3/24/2025
MTDS BTAP meets Missouri's BTAP certification requirements.
Dates: 7/29/2024 to 2/24/2025
Dates: 7/29/2024 to 4/16/2025
Location: Joplin - Harry M Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex (Joplin, MO) [map]
Dates: 7/30/2024 to 3/25/2025
Dates: 7/30/2024 to 2/25/2025
Audience: Mentors for BTAP New to Missouri Teachers
Dates: 7/30/2024 to 1/28/2025
Location: 6 S&T Phelps Health Annex E101 Seminar Room (Rolla, MO) [map]
Audience: Pre-K and Kindergarten Teachers
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 4/15/2025
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 4/16/2025
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 4/17/2025
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 3/18/2025
Volume 2 includes 4 on-line units with a face-to-face training for each unit. All components are required and participants must attend all four face-to-face trainings. Units include: The Mighty Word: Oral Language and Vocabulary; Digging for Meaning: Understanding Reading Comprehension; Text-Driven Comprehension Instruction; and The Reading-Writing Connection. LETRS gives teachers the skills they need to master how to teach the five essential components of literacy, plus writing, spelling, and oral language. Teachers also learn: How to implement instructional routines and activities, Approaches to differentiate instruction to meet the literacy needs of all students, Bridge to Practice activities that ensure they can transfer what they learn in LETRS to the classroom.
Location: 6 Comfort Suites in Rolla (Rolla, MO) [map]
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 4/14/2025
Audience: Second Year Teachers
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 3/17/2025
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 3/26/2025
Location: 5 In-District (Varies, MO)
Dates: 7/31/2024 to 2/14/2025
Location: 3 KCRPDC-Union Station (Kansas City, MO) [map]
Audience: School Leaders in their first few years of school leadership.
Dates: 8/1/2024 to 4/8/2025
Location: Hollister Central Office (Hollister, MO) [map]
Dates: 8/1/2024 to 3/27/2025
Dates: 8/1/2024 to 4/2/2025
Dates: 8/1/2024 to 4/24/2025
Location: 3 Pleasant Hill R-III School District Offices (Pleasant Hill,, MO)
Dates: 8/2/2024 to 3/6/2025
Mastering: Mentoring is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System.
Foundations of Coaching and Mentoring emphasizes the following MTDS Competencies:
Managing a Classroom: Manages Behavior, Creates & Manages a Learning Environment, Communicates Progress Toward Learning Goals
Being a Professional: Supports School District Vision, Mission, & Goals
Designing Instruction: Develops Research-Based Instruction
Reflecting on Practice: Sets Growth Goals
Dates: 8/2/2024 to 4/3/2025
Dates: 8/2/2024 to 5/6/2025
Location: 5 Varies (Maryville/St Joseph, MO)
Dates: 8/2/2024 to 3/18/2025
Dates: 8/5/2024 to 4/1/2025
Audience: Limited to MO Read, Lead Exceed Participants Only
Dates: 8/5/2024 to 4/23/2025
Location: Jefferson City Diocese Building (Jefferson City, MO)
Dates: 8/5/2024 to 2/11/2025
This program is part of the Missouri Teacher Development System
Audience: Principals and assistant principals with 3 or more years of experience.
-understanding grade-level expectations, Missouri Learning Standards, Missouri Priority Standards and assessment blueprints/resources
Audience: K-12 Teachers with 3 or more years of teaching
Dates: 8/5/2024 to 4/10/2025
-completed a Beginning Teacher Assistance Program in MO
-completed at least 3 years of successful teaching
-a strong desire for professional improvement
-Statewide event with national expert, John Antonetti
-a copy John's book: 17,000 Classroom Visits Can't Be Wrong
-access to on-demand learning modules to enrich teacher learning anywhere and anytime
-networking with other teachers
Dates: 8/5/2024 to 4/2/2025
Dates: 8/5/2024 to 4/22/2025
Location: 3 Independence 30 School District (Independence, MO)
Dates: 8/6/2024 to 4/21/2025
Location: 6 West Plains Civic Center (West Plains, MO) [map]
Dates: 8/6/2024 to 4/30/2025
Dates: 8/6/2024 to 4/9/2025
Dates: 8/6/2024 to 5/7/2025
Dates: 8/6/2024 to 3/24/2025
Dates: 8/6/2024 to 4/28/2025
Dates: 8/7/2024 to 4/29/2025
Audience: District Leadership Teams
Dates: 8/7/2024 to 4/14/2025
Dates: 8/7/2024 to 3/31/2025
Dates: 8/7/2024 to 4/30/2025
Dates: 8/8/2024 to 3/13/2025
Dates: 8/8/2024 to 2/27/2025
-Cost: $50 KCRPDC Members or $75 Non-Members
Dates: 8/8/2024 to 5/1/2025
Dates: 8/8/2024 to 3/27/2025
Dates: 8/9/2024 to 5/5/2025
Location: Gordon Parks Elementary School (Kansas City, MO)
Audience: This is for those that have pre-registered with DESE and approved by the district to attend.
Dates: 8/9/2024 to 4/18/2025
Dates: 8/9/2024 to 5/8/2025
Dates: 8/9/2024 to 3/25/2025
Location: Park Central Office Building (Springfield, MO)
Dates: 8/12/2024 to 2/27/2025
Location: SE RPDC-SE MO State Univ.-Cape Girardeau (Cape Girardeau, MO)
Dates: 8/12/2024 to 2/24/2025
Location: Tipton Central Office (Tipton, MO)
Dates: 8/12/2024 to 3/3/2025
Audience: K-12 Teachers, Administrators, Nurses, Counselors
Dates: 8/12/2024 to 4/8/2025
Location: Forsyth R-3 School District (Forsyth, MO) [map]
Dates: 8/13/2024 to 4/7/2025
This Vol. 2 professional learning series focuses specifically on oral language and vocabulary, understanding reading comprehension, text-driven comprehension instruction, and the reading-writing connection.
The 'blended learning' format of Vol. 2 series includes four face-to-face training dates and an online course license (through Lexia Learning) that includes tutorials/videos of effective classroom instruction.
Recipients of the MO Read-Lead-Exceed Initiative will receive their manuals from DESE. If you are not a MO RLE recipient, contact Melinda Odom for ordering your manual. DO NOT purchase your own materials! NOTE: Please select "Purchase Order" as method of payment even for Read-Lead-Exceed award (for our records only).
Meeting dates:
For any additional questions, contact Melinda Odom
Dates: 8/14/2024 to 4/3/2025
Dates: 8/15/2024 to 3/27/2025
Location: 3 Center School District (Kansas City, MO)
Dates: 8/15/2024 to 4/25/2025
Dates: 8/15/2024 to 3/20/2025
Dates: 8/16/2024 to 2/17/2025
Location: North Callaway High School (Kingdom City, MO)
Dates: 8/16/2024 to 5/19/2025
This list of dates is for Math Mentoring teachers that plan to attend on Mondays (provided for 4- or 5-day school week teachers). One registration should be completed and that would include all of the dates. For each date, we will meet at 8:00am -9:30 am at North Callaway HS unless otherwise specified. Registration is FREE.
Location: Winfield Middle School (Winfield, MO)
Dates: 8/19/2024 to 5/19/2025
This list of dates is for Math Mentoring teachers that plan to attend on Mondays (provided for 4- or 5-day school week teachers). One registration should be completed and that would include all of the dates. For each date, we will meet at 1:00pm -2:30 pm at Winfield MS unless otherwise specified. Registration is FREE.
Dates: 8/22/2024 to 1/30/2025
Location: Weaubleau Elementary School (Weaubleau, MO) [map]
Audience: K-5 classroom teachers; SpEd; literacy/instructional coach or interventionist
Dates: 8/26/2024 to 4/14/2025
(1) There are four 'face to face' dates for this workshop series. We will focus on each of the four LETRS units respectively:
(2) Those who aren't MO RLE recipients will need contact for purchase of their manual. The district will be invoiced for approximately $425.
(3) Recipients of the MO Read-Lead-Exceed Initiative will receive their materials from DESE. DO NOT purchase your own materials!
For any additional questions, contact
Dates: 8/26/2024 to 3/31/2025