Catalog: Nassau BOCES (WR)

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1. **VIRTUAL** September State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1,2,3

Dates: 9/18/2024

Location: CR 1,2,3

If you are registered, you will receive a link in an email the morning of the workshop.

This workshop will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be in person at the Nassau BOCES Lupinskie Center. Please show ID at the door.

2. **Virtual** Regionalization Data Collection Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 9/24/2024

Location: Zoom

These Regionalization Data Collection session will allow district personnel the opportunity to collaborate when completing the required data reporting question in the Strengths and Needs Tool. State Reporting / Data Warehouse staff will be available to assist. A Zoom link will be e-mailed to participants the morning of the meeting.

3. **Virtual**Monthly State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 10/16/2024

Location: Zoom

These workshops will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. A Zoom link will be e-mailed to participants the morning of the meeting.

4. **Virtual**Monthly State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 11/20/2024

Location: Zoom

These workshops will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. A Zoom link will be e-mailed to participants the morning of the meeting.

5. *Virtual* Understanding Special Education Data for State Reporting - BEDS Day Snapshot Review Workshop

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 11/20/2024

Location: Zoom

We will be offering our Understanding Special Education Data for State Reporting - BEDS Day Snapshot review workshop Wednesday November 20th, from 1-3. This workshop will review why reporting this data accurately is important, and how it is used at the State level. This session is intended for any new special education office staff who are responsible for reporting the PD Data System Verification Reports 1-6 and 8. Each verification report will be explained and reviewed. Presented by retired Special Education experts, Dr. Roberta Kupietz and Dr. Arlene Genden Sage. This session is also relevant to current District Data Coordinators who would like to learn more about this collection of reports and how to resolve errors. A Zoom link will be e-mailed to participants the day of the meeting.

6. In-person Monthly State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 12/11/2024

Location: Zoom

This workshop will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be in person at the Nassau BOCES Lupinskie Center. Please show ID at the door. A light lunch will be served at 12:30.

7. IDW Navigation Training: Teacher Interface

Program: Student Support Services: Instructional Data Warehouse

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LAB 1

Dates: 2/5/2025

Location: LAB 1

This is an Instructional Data Warehouse turn-key training that will enable the participant to train teachers in the district on accessing and using available reports regarding their students' performance. This powerful data resource will assist the teacher in uncovering specific areas for intervention and instructional adjustments. Student assessment history provides a peek into overall student performance which helps teachers when scaffolding and differentiating instruction

8. **Virtual State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 2/5/2025

Location: Zoom

These workshops will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be virtual via Zoom. Registrants will receive a link the morning of the meeting.

9. IDW Navigation Training: 3-8 Admin

Program: Student Support Services: Instructional Data Warehouse

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LAB 1

Dates: 2/5/2025

Location: LAB 1

This Instructional Data Warehouse training will demonstrate how to navigate the new IDW platform and utilizing IDW reports. Reports emphasized in this workshop will include the following reports: Third-Party Assessments, Demographic Dashboard, and Attendance Dashboard. This training is geared toward grades 3-8 principals, assistant principals, and curriculum leaders who have primary leadership responsibility for using data to examine instruction that will impact the implementation of specific curricula.

10. IDW Navigation Training: HS Admin

Program: Student Support Services: Instructional Data Warehouse

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LAB 1

Dates: 2/12/2025

Location: LAB 1

Starting Soon
This Instructional Data Warehouse training will demonstrate how to navigate the new IDW platform as well as utilizing IDW reports that are most critical for High School Administrators. Reports emphasized in this workshop will include the following reports: College Tracking, AP Summary, Comparison Reports.

11. NYSESLAT Information Meeting

Program: Student Support Services:Test Scoring

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1, 2, 3

Dates: 2/25/2025

Location: CR 1, 2, 3

Participants will learn about the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) structure and administration.  Nassau BOCES will review best practices to ensure all NYSESLAT exams answer sheets are received properly and best practices when returning answer sheets to BOCES.  We will review coding that needs to be in place to request answer sheets for all students taking the NYSESLAT.

12. Early Spring Renaissance User Group for School and District Leaders

Program: Student Support Services: Renaissance Learning (Star, Freckle, or myON)

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1,2,3

Dates: 3/3/2025

Location: CR 1,2,3

We're excited to announce that Renaissance consultant, Sara Youngbar, will be returning to lead our Early Spring User Group! Highlights include: A light breakfast sponsored by Renaissance. An introduction to the Renaissance Next School Analytics feature. Insights on utilizing our products for bilingual students. Insights on utilizing our products for students with disabilities. A brief discussion on eduCLIMBER and the new Guardian Notifications by Nicole Rust, Assessment and Analytics Account Executive. Also joining us: Kristen Marchiole, Customer Success Manager Jean Blackwell, Account Manager

13. Early Spring Renaissance User Group for Teachers

Program: Student Support Services: Renaissance Learning (Star, Freckle, or myON)

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1,2,3

Dates: 3/3/2025

Location: CR 1,2,3

We're excited to announce that Renaissance consultant, Sara Youngbar, will be returning to lead our Early Spring User Group! Highlights include: A light lunch sponsored by Renaissance. Product updates for teachers. Reports. A deeper dive into myON. Spring & Summer Engagement Kits for myON, Freckle, and Lalilo. Also joining us: Kristen Marchiole, Customer Success Manager Jean Blackwell, Account Manager

14. My students took the Star Assessment in two screening windows, now let's look at growth reports!

Program: Student Support Services: Renaissance Learning (Star, Freckle, or myON)

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS1

Dates: 3/4/2025

Location: LS1

This workshop will go over the Growth Reports section in Renaissance Star. In addition, we want to give you an opportunity to meet with your elementary colleagues from other districts to see how they are using Star!

15. OSCWorld: Spring Packaging Meeting - PUBS (ZOOM)

Program: Student Support Services: Online Scoring

Dates: 3/5/2025

Location: Online/Zoom

Vendor Scoring for OSCWorld - NYS 3-8 ELA/Math/Science/NYSESLAT Assessment Packaging Review: A meeting for districts and schools using Vendor Scoring with OSCWorld for the 2024 NYS 3-8 Assessments. Topics will include all aspects of Online Vendor Scoring including, packaging, and delivery of exams. PLEASE NOTE: Login information for the ZOOM virtual session will be emailed to everyone who has registered on MyLearningPlan on the morning of the scheduled session. When you get the ZOOM log on invitation, you must click the link in the invitation and register for the session on ZOOM. When registering in ZOOM, your name and email MUST be the same as your MyLearningPlan account information.

16. **Virtual State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 3/5/2025

Location: Zoom

These workshops will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be virtual via Zoom. Registrants will receive a link the morning of the meeting.

17. IDW Bullseye Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: Instructional Data Warehouse

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1, 2, 3

Dates: 3/6/2025

Location: CR 1, 2, 3

This IDW Bullseye Meeting will focus on the use of reports created for curriculum and instructional purposes. IDW reports will be presented as they relate to the following topics of interest for district and building administrators: Course Code Verification, Multi-Year Gap, Teacher Interface, College Graduation Result, and Census Data Reports.

18. Administrators in Schools NEW to Computer-Based Testing (CBT) - AM SESSION

Program: Student Support Services:Test Scoring

Dates: 3/11/2025

Location: Oceanside District - Room W23

This workshop is being presented for schools who are NEW to Computer-Based Testing (CBT). If your January CBT Simulation ran well, you do NOT need to sign up for this workshop.  The instructors will review with participants the following tasks:  Student Data uploads / District & Region Student Transfers / Adding-Editing Students / Creating-Editing Classes / Assigning Testing Accommodations / Accessing Login Tickets, Access Codes, and Proctor Pins. There will be a station for Q&A.  (Parking Instructions will be sent the week of the event.)

19. Renaissance Star for Administrators- District Level Reports and Discoveries

Program: Student Support Services: Renaissance Learning (Star, Freckle, or myON)

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS1

Dates: 3/11/2025

Location: LS1

Curious about your teachers' students' performance on the Renaissance Star Assessment? Join us to explore their progress from last spring to now. Additionally, dive deep into your building's overall performance! Please note, registrants MUST have BUILDING WIDE or DISTRICT Level Access in the Renaissance Platform.

20. Administrators in Schools NEW to Computer-Based Testing (CBT) - PM SESSION

Program: Student Support Services:Test Scoring

Dates: 3/11/2025

Location: Oceanside District - Room W23

This workshop is being presented for schools who are NEW to Computer-Based Testing (CBT). If your January CBT Simulation ran well, you do NOT need to sign up for this workshop.  The instructors will review with participants the following tasks:  Student Data uploads / District & Region Student Transfers / Adding-Editing Students / Creating-Editing Classes / Assigning Testing Accommodations / Accessing Login Tickets, Access Codes, and Proctor Pins. There will be a station for Q&A.  (Parking instructions will be sent the week of the event)

21. **Virtual State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 4/2/2025

Location: Zoom

This workshop will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be virtual via Zoom. Registrants will receive a link the morning of the meeting.

22. Frontline IEP EI/CPSE/CSE Transitions

Program: Student Support Services: Frontline IEP

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS2

Dates: 4/9/2025

Location: LS2

Transitions from EI/CPSE to CSE can be intricate, influenced by various factors. Will the CPSE student attend ESY, or not? Does the student qualify for CSE, or are they ineligible? Is the student being declassified, or are they aging out? These and other scenarios will be comprehensively addressed in our workshop.

23. Frontline IEP for Parentally Placed Students

Program: Student Support Services: Frontline IEP

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS2

Dates: 4/9/2025

Location: LS2

Lorraine from Frontline will be guiding you through the correct documentation process for Parentally Placed students within Frontline IEP. Join us to gain valuable insights and feel free to bring any questions or scenarios that impact your IEPs.

24. Frontline IEP- Data Hygiene and More!

Program: Student Support Services: Frontline IEP

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS2

Dates: 4/10/2025

Location: LS2

Lorraine from Frontline will be here in person for this training! This session is designed to help Special Education Administrators review Maintenance, Letters/Reports, Listings, and more. You'll learn how to customize settings and ensure your data remains clean and useful.

25. Frontline IEP- A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That!

Program: Student Support Services: Frontline IEP

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - LS2

Dates: 4/10/2025

Location: LS2

Join us for an enlightening session where you'll discover everything you didn't realize you needed to know! Lorraine mentioned that several NEW items have been added since our last training session, and she will continue to add more up until this training! You won't want to miss this opportunity! Additionally, this workshop will address various scenarios and provide essential information. This session is designed to make your work with Frontline IEP easier and more efficient!

26. In-person May State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Location: Nassau BOCES, Robert E. Lupinskie Center - One Merrick Avenue,Westbury, NY (Westbury, NY) - CR 1,2,3

Dates: 5/14/2025

Location: CR 1,2,3

This workshop will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be in person at the Nassau BOCES Lupinskie Center. Please show ID at the door.

27. **Virtual State Reporting / Data Warehouse CIO/DDC Meeting

Program: Student Support Services: State Reporting

Dates: 6/18/2025

Location: Zoom

This workshop will cover new Level 0 Updates, new SIRS Manual data elements, upcoming data deadlines and certification dates, and various NYSED policies and procedures. This meeting will be virtual via Zoom. Registrants will receive a link the morning of the meeting.