Catalog: Nassau BOCES (WR)

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**PE Consortium Members Only** Brookville Environmental Center - Adventure Education: A Learning Environment for All

Program: Curriculum & Instruction: PE Consortium - CoSer 507.517

Location: Nassau BOCES Environmental Center at Brookville (Brookville, NY) - Outdoor Ed[map]

Audience: PE Consortium Members Only

Dates: 5/3/2024

Location: Outdoor Ed

"Join us for a practical one-day professional development program titled "Adventure Education: A Learning Environment for All," tailored for educators, K-12, interested in getting their students outside to learn. Explore innovative trends in outdoor and environmental education, blending physical activity, experiential learning, and environmental responsibility. Participate in hands-on activities that integrate adventure-based learning methods, emphasizing teamwork, resilience, and critical thinking. Uncover the potential of nature as a classroom, discovering eco-friendly approaches that meet the needs of the whole child. Our seasoned Naturalists will guide you through immersive sessions, supplying practical tools to seamlessly integrate outdoor education into your teaching. Attend for a day of hands-on exploration, collaboration, and discovery, elevating the learning experience for students in the outdoors.”