Catalog: Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 (WebReg)

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1. DISTRICT INDUCTION CONSORTIUM: Orientation/Network #1 & Universal Design for Learning (UDL)_BY INVITATION ONLY

Program: District Induction Consortium

Audience: Educational Staff Enrolled in the IU8 District Induction Consortium ONLY

Dates: 9/16/2024

**NOTE** PLEASE BRING A LAPTOP OR IPAD WITH YOU. If you need IU8 to provide you with a laptop during the training, please email Gina Satkovich with the subject line "LAPTOP NEEDED." New teachers will be introduced to their colleagues across the region, and they will learn the requirements of the IU8 District Induction Consortium. UDL is a framework for inclusive education that aims to reduce barriers to learning and optimize each individual's opportunity to learn. It is based on brain research that examines pathways of engagement, recognition, and strategic planning. Understanding the 3 principles and core beliefs of UDL is necessary to reflect on materials, strategies, and methods implemented within your classroom to more purposefully plan lessons to be flexible and accessible, resulting in maximal outcomes for all students. Facilitator: Andrea Zern, IU8 Educational Consultant & Jennifer Anderson, IU8 Director of Professional Learning.

2. Co-Teaching Quick Tips

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 4/30/2025

We know your time is limited, so in order to give you meaningful training, we're going to drip out QUICK TIPS for you and your co-teacher. Each week, we will have a new focus on successful co-teaching and share these tips on our interactive Facebook Group called Co-Teaching Quick Tips. These tips will be manageable to implement right away and help clear up misconceptions on what co-teaching is and isn't. During our live office hours each month, we will discuss what you've tried and answer any questions you have about the strategies. Then we'll celebrate our successes from the year in-person on May 14. Act 48 hours will be given at the end of the year. We will track your attendance each time you attend office hours and credit your total hours attended.

3. Co-Teaching Quick Tips

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 4/30/2025

We know your time is limited, so in order to give you meaningful training, we're going to drip out QUICK TIPS for you and your co-teacher. Each week, we will have a new focus on successful co-teaching and share these tips on our interactive Facebook Group called Co-Teaching Quick Tips. These tips will be manageable to implement right away and help clear up misconceptions on what co-teaching is and isn't. During our live office hours each month, we will discuss what you've tried and answer any questions you have about the strategies. Then we'll celebrate our successes from the year in-person on May 14. Act 48 hours will be given at the end of the year. We will track your attendance each time you attend office hours and credit your total hours attended.

4. Starting your MTSS Series

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 3/11/2025

This free series will walk your team through the eight pillars of PA's MTSS Framework. The IU8 MTSS
Consultants will guide and support your team as you begin to build you own school's framework. Time to work with your team and collaboration opportunities with other districts will be included.

5. CANCELED: Literacy Lift Off

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 4/10/2025

Join IU8 and IU10 as we explore literacy strategies for all students, specifically students with complex needs. The event will take place in 4 virtual sessions with two additional in-person sessions for participants to explore and create adapted literacy materials. This course will ensure literacy lifts off for all students!

6. Internal ECRI Coaches Support

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 10/11/2024 to 3/28/2025

In an effort to improve implementation and student outcomes within our ECRI implementing school districts, the IU8 will be hosting a new and exciting support opportunity this year. This opportunity is designed to provide information and resources to ECRI Implementation leaders within your district. Ample time will be given for collaboration with fellow implementation leaders.

7. Autistic Support/Emotional Support Network

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 10/16/2024 to 3/19/2025

Appalachia Intermediate Unit continues to offer an Autistic Support/Emotional Support Cohort for the 2024-2025 school year. Participation is open to all educational professionals that service children with emotional and behavioral needs. The cohort will provide members the opportunity to discuss difficult cases and job-related challenges with participants from other districts. Having educational professionals provide input, suggestions and resources regarding curriculum and regulatory issues will benefit all involved.

8. IU8 MENTOR TRAINING - COHORT A (2023-2025 SYs)_IU8 District Induction Consortium- BY INVITATION ONLY

Program: District Induction Consortium

Audience: District Mentors enrolled in Cohort A (2023-2025)

Dates: 10/21/2024

Teamwork is crucial for a school to be successful, which means a school needs teachers who are will to move forward and be drivers of change, energy, and motivation. Mentors will identify four types of people in a school and recognize each person's role in working together to move the team and school forward. This knowledge will help them encourage and motivate their mentee to be a consistent leader in any school.

9. Strengthening your MTSS Series

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 10/24/2024 to 4/3/2025

Already have your MTSS Framework established but are ready to grow and develop your MTSS Manual? This workshop series is for you and your core team! In order for your team to get the most out of this training, it is HIGHLY recommended that administration is present and actively engaged at all of the sessions in this series. Your IU8 MTSS Consultants will guide you to reflect upon your current MTSS practices and implementation. You will create your MTSS Manual during work time with the support of your consultants. Collaboration opportunities will also be included.

10. SLP Network

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Audience: Speech Language Pathologists; Special Educators

Dates: 10/24/2024 to 5/15/2025

Join this virtual network to learn and grow as you provide speech and language services in our area!

11. IU8 MENTOR TRAINING - COHORT B (2024-2026 SYs)_IU8 District Induction Consortium- BY INVITATION ONLY

Program: District Induction Consortium

Audience: District Mentors of Cohort B (20242-2026) enrolled in the IU8 District Induction Consortium

Dates: 10/29/2024

All students deserve effective teachers. Beginning teachers reach their fullest potential with systems of support from the schools and mentors. Mentors will identify and be able to leverage in their daily work the personal and professional habits and dispositions of an effective mentor, including effective communication and collaboration skills, enriching relationships, tackling tough challenges, provoking growth and learning, and regular reflective practices.


Program: District Induction Consortium

Audience: Cohort A - IU8 District Induction Consortium Members ONLY

Dates: 10/31/2024

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM: Professional Ethics as required by Chapter 49 of April 23, 2022, Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code Facilitator: Carl P. Beard, Esq., Beard Legal Group PC 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM: SEL & Network #3. Research suggests that nearly a quarter of students witnessed violence in their homes, schools, and communities in the past year and that two-fifths of children aged 17 and younger witnessed violence at some point in their lifetime. As integral individuals in the lives of the children we serve each day, it is important that we understand trauma and its impact on our youth, families, and ourselves. As a result of this learning path, you will be able to recognize the signs of trauma in students, recognize the signs of the impact of secondary trauma on school employees, and explore a myriad of resources and best practices regarding trauma-informed approaches that should be considered across Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. Facilitator(s): IU8 Behavior Education Consultants

13. IU8 DISTRICT INDUCTION CONSORTIUM: Shared and Data-Informed Decision Making_COHORT B (2024-2026)_BY INVITATION ONLY

Program: District Induction Consortium

Audience: Members of the IU8 District Induction Consortium (Cohort B-2024-2026)

Dates: 11/15/2024

This session will explore various types of assessments. You will gain an understanding of various types of assessments, the purpose of these assessments, and how to use the data gathered to benefit learners. Facilitator: Jennifer Herncane, IU8 Curriculum Specialist/Instructional Coach Mentor

14. Canceled: Elevate Instruction in Grades 3-12

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 12/5/2024

Join us for this free IDEA-funded four-part training series, designed specifically for teachers of grades 3-12. This comprehensive series aims to enhance your teaching strategies and deepen your understanding of how students learn. Each session will provide valuable insights and practical tools to support your students effectively. Attendance at all four sessions is encouraged, but participants may attend sessions as desired.

15. IU8 DISTRICT INDUCTION CONSORTIUM: Classroom Management for Elementary & Secondary Teachers_BY INVITATION ONLY

Program: District Induction Consortium

Audience: Educators enrolled in the IU8 District Induction Consortium ONLY

Dates: 12/9/2024

The classroom is one of the most challenging areas an educator faces on a day-to-day basis. Student problem behavior is cited by the U.S. Department of Education as one of the top three reasons why educators leave the field and are one of the top two content areas identified by teachers as a gap in pre-service training. Effective classroom management is important to the whole educational process because it provides students with a safe, consistent, positive, and predictable learning environment. In turn, this helps prevent teacher burnout and will make students and teachers feel safer and happier. Classroom management involves more than just discipline and sending students to the office. Through this learning path, you will learn about proactive, evidence-based classroom management strategies that research proves to promote positive student behavior. By the end of the learning path, you will develop a fully customized comprehensive classroom management plan for your own classroom environment. Facilitator(s): IU8 Behavior Team
This session will build on the participants' knowledge of UDL. We will explore resources and design structures to assist with differentiating to meet the needs of all learners. Facilitator: Tracy Rains, IU8 Virtual Learning Specialist

17. CRA Math/ Multiplication & Division

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 2/21/2025

The IU8 is proud to partner with the PATTAN Math Team to offer this FREE training to our IU8 educators! Join us as we welcome Dr. Erica Kauruder and Jared Campbell for these 3 workshops designed to give you the knowledge and confidence to implement the CRA Approach into your math instruction!

18. RESCHEDULED: CRA Math/ Addition & Subtraction

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 2/25/2025

The CRA (Concrete-Representational-Abstract) instructional approach is a three-stage teaching method for mathematics. It helps students build meaningful connections by progressing through concrete, representational, and abstract levels of understanding. Students first use physical objects to learn concepts, then transition to pictorial representations, and finally solve problems using abstract symbols. Research suggests this method improves students' mathematical performance.

19. Secondary Transition Network

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Audience: Transition Coordinators/School Psychologists/Special Ed Directors and Coordinators/Social Workers/Special Ed Teachers

Dates: 3/4/2025

This session will focus on how we can setup plans for students post school. We will have community members providing strategies and resources that schools can utilize

20. SCL Reimagined Through Storyboarding

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/11/2025

Starting Soon
The World of Learning (WOL) at Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 provides equitable access to high-quality, hard-to-staff courses. WOL employs a flipped classroom model, transforming traditional learning into an engaging, narrative-driven experience that fosters deeper connections with language and culture. WOL teachers author their own courses, using the concept of Storyboarding Curriculum (Hayes Jacobs and Zmuda). Storyboarding is an instructional design practice that transforms typical compartmentalized learning experiences into a cohesive journey where learners want to know what will happen next. Join us virtually to see this experience in action! Zoom link will be provided in advance.

21. Tech Tidbit Tuesdays, EdPuzzle (EdTech Accessibility)

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 3/11/2025

Starting Soon
Join us for this monthly virtual network as we explore a variety of Assistive Technology features and tools from a variety of companies. We will target technology for reading, writing, and math as well as technology for communication and access.

22. JoltEDU Author Collaborative: Getting Focused: Crafting On-Target Learning Outcomes with ChatGPT

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 3/11/2025

Starting Soon
Discover how to create clear, impactful learning outcomes with the help of ChatGPT. In this workshop, we explore the importance of well-defined goals in guiding professional learning experiences and demonstrate how ChatGPT streamlines the process. Walk away with a clear and meaningful focus for your micro-course.

23. Canceled: Elevate Instruction in Grades 3-12

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 3/12/2025

Starting Soon
Join us for this free IDEA-funded four-part training series, designed specifically for teachers of grades 3-12. This comprehensive series aims to enhance your teaching strategies and deepen your understanding of how students learn. Each session will provide valuable insights and practical tools to support your students effectively. Attendance at all four sessions is encouraged, but participants may attend sessions as desired.

24. CRA Math/ Fractions

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 3/12/2025

Starting Soon
The CRA (Concrete-Representational-Abstract) instructional approach is a three-stage teaching method for mathematics. It helps students build meaningful connections by progressing through concrete, representational, and abstract levels of understanding. Students first use physical objects to learn concepts, then transition to pictorial representations, and finally solve problems using abstract symbols. Research suggests this method improves students' mathematical performance.

25. IU8 ELA Resource Fair

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/18/2025

Join us to explore resources from leading ELA curriculum vendors to help you make informed decisions prior to making a purchase. Each vendor will have tables displayed in our training room to showcase their resources. In addition, each company will have a 20 minute time slot to share more in-depth information about their resources. Bring a team of ELA leaders to help find the best resources for your teachers and students!

26. Gifted Network

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/19/2025

IU8 Gifted Network meetings provide professional development and collaboration for gifted support teachers to improve their practice and share ideas about working with gifted students.

27. Curriculum Network 3-20-25

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/20/2025

Please join us for our bi-monthly Curriculum Network Meeting

28. PASA DLM Training 2024-25 School Year

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 3/20/2025

Required Training for all LEAs providing Standards-Aligned Instruction to students with Comprehensive Support Needs. Register for only ONE 3-hour session date from the options. A required asynchronous introductory training will be assigned to all registrants through Jolt Edu before their session date.
This virtual one-hour professional learning will address making the most out of small group instruction in ELA classrooms.  Zoom link will be sent after registration.

30. Counselor Network

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/21/2025

Please join us for Counselor Network. The network enables counselors to exchange best practices, stay informed about emerging trends, and collectively enhance the impact they have on their school communities. Through shared resources and peer-to-peer connections, the network fosters growth in areas like student wellness, academic planning, mental health support, and career readiness. Counselors gain access to the latest tools, strategies, and insights from colleagues and experts, creating a strong support system to address the diverse needs of their students. Lunch will be provided.

31. Structured Literacy K-2

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/24/2025

This sessions is for teachers with a certification in Grades K-2. This professional learning will address all of the structured literacy competencies set forth by the State of PA.

32. Elevating Education through Innovation: Next Steps

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/25/2025

Elevating Education through Innovation is made possible through the funding and support of the PA Smart Initiative, a program of the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The collaborative effort between the Pennsylvania School Study Council at Penn State University and the Pennsylvania Intermediate Units in the formation of the Student-Centered Advisory Council has been instrumental in shaping this comprehensive Blueprint and Blueprint Navigator. Participants will engage with the Blueprint Navigator to assess their current position in the student-centered learning journey. Using this insight, they will explore the Blueprint to identify actionable next steps for advancing their practices. This hands-on session aims to provide clear direction and practical strategies for fostering meaningful and inclusive student-centered learning environments.

33. Library Network

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/26/2025

Join us to share resources, ideas, and best practices on how your library is changing and growing to meet the needs of your diverse community. This meeting is for librarians and school library media specialists in grades K-12.

34. Instructional Coaching Network

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/27/2025

Monthly Instructional Coaching workshops are designed for instructional/virtual coaches to participate in collaboration with other instructional coaches across many districts and professional learning. The coaches will learn instructional strategies to strengthen practice, increase student engagement and improve student learning in both face to face and virtual setting. Coaches will share information learned at the monthly coaching workshops with administration and instructional staff at their school.

35. 2024-2025 STEM Online Trainings: Dash and Dot (April)

Program: STEM

Dates: 3/31/2025 to 5/2/2025

Dash and Dot, by Wonder Workshop, are exciting, hands-on learning tools for students in grades 2-6. Targeted at teaching creative problem-solving and computational thinking, Dash and Dot help students learn fundamental processes relevant for all 21st century skills. In this online training, learn how your students can use Dash and Dot to learn programming and coding skills, explore math concepts and develop design thinking skills by building extensions onto the robot using LEGO® Bricks. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 4 hours to complete.
The Hummingbird kit is comprised of lights, motors, and sensors which allow students in grade 4 and up to build a robot out of any materials. Developed at Carnegie Mellon's CREATE lab, the Hummingbird Robotics Kit enables open-ended and creative engineering and design projects. Throughout this course you will learn how to connect and code each of the build materials and how to connect it to your curriculum. This is a very open ended kit that once learned can be connected to so much content. The first week of this course, a Hummingbird training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 4 hours to complete.
Lego Spike Essential is for students K-4 to use Lego bricks and sensors to teach students programming concepts, circuitry, and robotics, preparing them for more advanced STEM concepts. It is the replacement for Lego WeDo. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 3 hours to complete.

38. 2024-2025 STEM Online Trainings: LEGO Spike Prime (April)

Program: STEM

Dates: 3/31/2025 to 5/2/2025

Lego Spike Prime is a coding and robotics kit designed for kids in grades 4-8. It includes a colorful, easy-to-use programming language called Spike Prime, which allows kids to create and customize their own interactive stories, games, and animations. The kit also includes a variety of sensors, motors, and other components that can be used to build and program a variety of robots and projects. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 4 hours to complete.

39. 2024-2025 STEM Online Trainings: littleBits (April)

Program: STEM

Dates: 3/31/2025 to 5/2/2025

This online training will explore using littleBits to introduce elementary and middle school students (3rd-8th grade) to the engineering design process. littleBits are small electrical components, including switches, sensors, motors, and lights, that snap together like Legos. Students can combine littleBits with common classroom materials to prototype inventions of all kinds. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 3 hours to complete.

40. 2024-2025 STEM Online Trainings: Micro:bit (April)

Program: STEM

Dates: 3/31/2025 to 5/2/2025

Looking for a great entry level robotic tool that can also grow with students (3rd grade and up)? Micro:Bit is an excellent choice. It's an open sourced, pocket-sized computer transforming digital skills learning. It works with MakeCode, Scratch and Python languages. It also has the ability to work with many other devices like hummingbird and Makey Makey. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 3 hours to complete.

41. 2024-2025 STEM Online Trainings: Osmo (April)

Program: STEM

Dates: 3/31/2025 to 5/2/2025

OSMO is a mobile augmented reality (AR) platform designed for children aged 6-10. It uses an iPad camera to superimpose interactive 3D objects and games onto the real world, promoting learning and creativity. Throughout this course you will explore many OSMO physical activities to support educational content, including math, science, and art, in your classroom. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 3 hours to complete.

42. 2024-2025 STEM Online Trainings: Root Robot (April)

Program: STEM

Dates: 3/31/2025 to 5/2/2025

Root Robot (K-8) is not just your average coding robot. It is responsive to touch, obstacles, light, color, and sound, students can program the Root coding robot to drive, draw, light-up, play music, and even vertically climb magnetic whiteboards or chalkboards! It reaches pre readers through graphical coding all the way up to high schoolers using text-based coding. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 3 hours to complete.
This course was designed for elementary teachers, K-6, with no STEM background. It was built using the four Core Math Standards areas: Numbers and Operations, Algebraic Concepts, Geometry, and Measurement, Data and Probability. This course offers an engineering design project as well as two robots or digital devices per area to integrate STEM easily into any classroom setting. If you are looking to begin to incorporate STEM into your classroom, this is a great place to start. The first week of this course, a training kit will be delivered to your school or library for you to be able to complete the projects. It will be picked up on the date marked on your container. This course should take about 5 hours to complete.

44. PREPaRE Workshop 2

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 3/31/2025 to 4/1/2025

This 2-day workshop develops the knowledge and skill required to provide immediate mental health crisis interventions to the students, staff, and school community members who have been simultaneously exposed to an acute traumatic stressor. The knowledge and skill developed within this session also help to build a bridge to the psychotherapeutic and trauma informed mental health response sometimes required to address challenges associated with trauma exposure. This workshop is an excellent course for all mental health professionals in your district who provide mental health crisis intervention services (NASP, 2023).

45. Structured Literacy 3-8

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 3/31/2025

This sessions is for teachers with a certification in Grades 3-8. This professional learning will address all of the structured literacy competencies set forth by the State of PA.
This one-hour professional learning will explore comprehension strategies that can be used Before, During and After Reading to strengthen Comprehension skills. Zoom link will be sent after registration.

47. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 4/2/2025 to 4/3/2025

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

48. IU8 Math Teacher Network- Session 4

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 4/2/2025

Quarterly sessions designed to strengthen our effectiveness of instruction while building community with fellow math instructors. All workshops are guaranteed to align to the Science of Math research and the recommendations of math education experts. Session 1- Just in Time Math Intervention to help ALL-students access grade-level material. Session 2- Practice Strategies to ensure students maintain their learning beyond the test. Session 3- Tech tools to make your classroom engaging and accessible for all learners. Session 4- Understanding and using your classroom assessment data to plan for the next year. These are each individual events. You can attend one or all four.

49. Sustainability

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 4/7/2025

Join us as we deep dive into ‘EL&S' of the STEELS Standards. This session will explore sustainability while discovering how to integrate sustainability concepts and practices into 3D science instruction aligned with the STEELS Standards. Lunch will be on your own.

50. Spring Math Administration and Coach Networking Session (Spring)

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 4/8/2025

Join us for the second of TWO special days designed to help coaches and administrators get the most out of their Spring Math implementation.

51. Tech Tidbit Tuesdays, AbleNet (AT for the classroom)

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 4/8/2025

Join us for this monthly virtual network as we explore a variety of Assistive Technology features and tools from a variety of companies. We will target technology for reading, writing, and math as well as technology for communication and access.
Learn how to grab your learners' attention and keep them engaged with powerful visuals. In this workshop, we combine the art of creating compelling hooks with Canva's design capabilities. Discover strategies to captivate learners from the start, then explore how to design eye-catching visuals that reinforce your message. You'll leave with a practical hook for your micro-course.

53. Regulate to Educate

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 4/10/2025

Join us for an engaging, hands-on look at self-regulation and how we can leverage educational strategies to maximize the learning potential of all students. The session will explore interoception, self-regulation, and mindfulness strategies, for students and staff, as well as provide a hands-on make-and-take session where educators will create their own visuals supports for use in the classroom.

54. STEM Network Tours Throughout Somerset County

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 4/15/2025

Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 (IU8) and the Somerset County Chamber have partnered to provide an exclusive tour showcasing unique career opportunities in our region. Educators will gain firsthand insight into various professions, exploring job responsibilities and essential skills that connect directly to STEM curricula in schools. Global SFC, Drive Devilbiss, Somerset CTC, Augustine Plastics

55. Nonviolent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 4/16/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

56. Complex Learner Network

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 4/16/2025

Join us to learn about research, resources, and strategies for complex learners that will diversify your teaching tool belt to ensure achievement for all learners!

57. Instructional Coaching Network

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 4/24/2025

Monthly Instructional Coaching workshops are designed for instructional/virtual coaches to participate in collaboration with other instructional coaches across many districts and professional learning. The coaches will learn instructional strategies to strengthen practice, increase student engagement and improve student learning in both face to face and virtual setting. Coaches will share information learned at the monthly coaching workshops with administration and instructional staff at their school.

58. PASA DLM Training 2024-25 School Year

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 5/6/2025

Required Training for all LEAs providing Standards-Aligned Instruction to students with Comprehensive Support Needs. Register for only ONE 3-hour session date from the options. A required asynchronous introductory training will be assigned to all registrants through Jolt Edu before their session date.

59. PASA DLM Training 2024-25 School Year

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 5/6/2025

Required Training for all LEAs providing Standards-Aligned Instruction to students with Comprehensive Support Needs. Register for only ONE 3-hour session date from the options. A required asynchronous introductory training will be assigned to all registrants through Jolt Edu before their session date.

60. Science on the Lake (MWEE)

Program: STEM

Dates: 5/7/2025

Join us at Canoe Creek State Park on May 7th for a special MWEE event, where we will be kayaking as part of our outdoor learning experience!

61. Curriculum Network 5-8-25

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 5/8/2025

Please join us for our bi-monthly Curriculum Network Meeting

62. Tech Tidbit Tuesdays, Smartbox Technologies (AAC)

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 5/13/2025

Join us for this monthly virtual network as we explore a variety of Assistive Technology features and tools from a variety of companies. We will target technology for reading, writing, and math as well as technology for communication and access.
This workshop focuses on strategies for visual storytelling and making learning memorable. Learn to combine Google Slides' dynamic presentation tools with Canva's creative design features to craft visually stunning, learner-centered instructional videos that capture attention and leave a lasting impression. Walk away with practical tips to elevate your course content.

64. Co-Teaching Quick Tips

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 5/14/2025

We know your time is limited, so in order to give you meaningful training, we're going to drip out QUICK TIPS for you and your co-teacher. Each week, we will have a new focus on successful co-teaching and share these tips on our interactive Facebook Group called Co-Teaching Quick Tips. These tips will be manageable to implement right away and help clear up misconceptions on what co-teaching is and isn't. During our live office hours each month, we will discuss what you've tried and answer any questions you have about the strategies. Then we'll celebrate our successes from the year in-person on May 14. Act 48 hours will be given at the end of the year. We will track your attendance each time you attend office hours and credit your total hours attended.

65. Nonviolent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 5/15/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

66. Instructional Coaching Network

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Dates: 5/15/2025

Monthly Instructional Coaching workshops are designed for instructional/virtual coaches to participate in collaboration with other instructional coaches across many districts and professional learning. The coaches will learn instructional strategies to strengthen practice, increase student engagement and improve student learning in both face to face and virtual setting. Coaches will share information learned at the monthly coaching workshops with administration and instructional staff at their school.

67. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 5/20/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.
Learn how to develop meaningful tasks and assessments that allow learners to demonstrate their understanding in quick but practical, authentic ways. Explore how to incorporate supports and feedback for these tasks that drive improvement and reinforce key concepts. Walk away with a well-crafted task or assessment for your course in which learners will demonstrate they've met your learning outcome.

69. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 6/11/2025 to 6/12/2025

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

70. PASA DLM Training 2024-25 School Year

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 6/11/2025

Required Training for all LEAs providing Standards-Aligned Instruction to students with Comprehensive Support Needs. Register for only ONE 3-hour session date from the options. A required asynchronous introductory training will be assigned to all registrants through Jolt Edu before their session date.

71. PASA DLM Training 2024-25 School Year

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 6/11/2025

Required Training for all LEAs providing Standards-Aligned Instruction to students with Comprehensive Support Needs. Register for only ONE 3-hour session date from the options. A required asynchronous introductory training will be assigned to all registrants through Jolt Edu before their session date.

72. Nonviolent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 6/17/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

73. Project-Based Learning "Project Slice" Workshop

Program: Curriculum & Instruction

Audience: School and District Leaders, Teachers, and Instructional Coaches

Dates: 6/18/2025

A Project Slice demonstrates what it's like to be a learner in Project Based Learning, by engaging participants in an immersive one-day PBL experience - a "slice" of a project. Lunch will be provided.

74. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 7/16/2025 to 7/17/2025

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

75. PASA DLM Training 2024-25 School Year

Program: Training & Consultation / Special Education

Dates: 7/16/2025

Required Training for all LEAs providing Standards-Aligned Instruction to students with Comprehensive Support Needs. Register for only ONE 3-hour session date from the options. A required asynchronous introductory training will be assigned to all registrants through Jolt Edu before their session date.

76. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 7/23/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices.
Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

77. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 8/5/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices.
Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

78. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 8/11/2025 to 8/12/2025

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

79. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 9/15/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices.
Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc... - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

80. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 9/24/2025 to 9/25/2025

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

81. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 10/14/2025 to 10/15/2025

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

82. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 11/5/2025

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

83. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 12/3/2025 to 12/4/2025

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

84. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 1/15/2026

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices.
Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

85. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 2/4/2026 to 2/5/2026

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

86. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 3/5/2026

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

87. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 4/1/2026 to 4/2/2026

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.

88. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Refresher Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 4/28/2026

This standard refresher training is for individuals who are currently certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) and are required to receive this annual 3-hour refresher training to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for this training NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes

89. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention: Initial Training

Program: Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NCI)

Dates: 6/2/2026 to 6/3/2026

This initial training is for individuals who have never been certified in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) or have allowed their certification to lapse beyond the expiration date shown on their most currently issued Blue Card(tm) (the card would have been provided at their last NCI Training). The training emphasizes early (verbal) intervention strategies for preventing and/or managing disruptive behavior. Disengagement and holding skills are also taught as a means to help manage safety. Transport techniques are included as well. After receiving this certification, the annual 3-hour Foundations of NCI Refresher Training is required to maintain certification. *Act 48 hours are provided only for NCI trainings that are held at IU8 Offices. Due to guidelines established by the Crisis Prevention institute, Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 is only able to train employees of school districts within the IU8 counties of Blair, Bedford, Cambria, and Somerset. - Participants must arrive on time, actively participate, stay for the entire session (no exceptions) & pass the written test. - Successfully demonstrate intervention skills - Certification may be withheld if the participant misses more than 10 minutes of instruction. (late, phone call, non-participation, etc...) - Dress casually / comfortably - Bring a pencil/pen - Wear comfortable, non-slip shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes) - For full-day trainings, lunch is on your own - Trainings may be canceled due to low enrollment - Electronic devices / Computers are not needed for in-person trainings NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, registrants will be notified by email of any schedule changes.