Catalog: Midwestern Intermediate Unit 4 (WebReg)

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1. Guest Teacher Training

Program: Guest Teacher

Audience: Individuals who possess a bachelor's degree

Dates: 6/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

The Guest Teacher Training Program (formerly called the Emergency Substitute Training Program) assists you in obtaining an Emergency Permit to serve as a day-to-day substitute in local school districts during the 2024-2025 school year. The intent of this program is to increase the number of available substitutes for our public schools. In order to qualify for the training program, the candidate must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. This training will be conducted ONLINE and is ASYNCHRONOUS. When your registration is complete, please allow one business day for processing. KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR EMAIL! Instructions on how to access the training will be sent to your email after your registration is processed.

2. CARLOW UNIVERSITY - ESL 01 Developing Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Individuals enrolled in the ESL Program Specialist program

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

Participants in the ESL Program Specialist course, Developing Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity, should register here to ADD graduate credits from Carlow University

3. CARLOW UNIVERSITY - ESL02 Language Acquisition

Program: CPE Courses

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

Participants in the ESL Program Specialist course, Language Acquisition, should register here to ADD graduate credits from Carlow University.

4. CARLOW UNIVERSITY - ESL03 - Literacy Acquisition

Program: CPE Courses

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

Participants in the ESL Program Specialist course, Literacy Acquisition, should register here to ADD graduate credits from Carlow University

5. CARLOW UNIVERSITY - ESL04 - Observing and Planning Instruction

Program: CPE Courses

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

Participants in the ESL Program Specialist course, Observing and Planning Instruction, should register here to ADD graduate credits from Carlow University

6. CARLOW UNIVERSITY - ESL05 - Implementing and Managing Instruction

Program: CPE Courses

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

Participants in the ESL Program Specialist course, Implementing and Managing Instruction, should register here to ADD graduate credits from Carlow University

7. CARLOW UNIVERSITY - ESL06 - Assessing ESL Students

Program: CPE Courses

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

Participants in the ESL Program Specialist course, Assessing ESL Students, should register here to ADD graduate credits from Carlow University

8. LETRS- Nonpublic Science of Reading Professional Development

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Regular and Special Educators, Reading Specialists and Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 7/22/2024 to 6/18/2025

Are you ready to take your literacy instruction to the next level? We are thrilled to extend a special invitation to administrators and educators from Nonpublic Schools to participate in our year-long Science of Reading Professional Development Workshop! This professional development will delve into the research and evidence-based literacy instruction using Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling, commonly known as LETRS. LETRS Professional Development is a blended learning opportunity that includes practical guidance in how to implement effective reading instruction in the phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency. Each participant will receive the LETRS Volume 1 manual and have online access to the Lexia Learning Platform for one year. In addition, there will be four in-person interactive workshops held at Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV. This comprehensive program is designed to empower educators and improve student outcomes. There are 2 costs associated with this training...the materials and the cost of the workshop. The cost for the LETRS Volume 1 participant manual and online access to the Lexia Learning Platform is $399. The cost for our in-person workshops will depend on the number of confirmed participants. The more signed up the lesser the amount per person. Once registration closes we will be able to calculate the final cost. Schools will be billed for both materials and workshop cost. In-person Workshops will be held at: Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV 453 Maple Street Grove City, PA 16127 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Unit 1: Monday, July 22 2024 Unit 2: Thursday, November 21, 2024 Unit 3: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 Unit 4: Wednesday, June 18, 2025

9. Check & Connect Preparation and Implementation Training (Fall)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Administrators, Check & Connect Coordinator

Dates: 9/11/2024

"Check & Connect's Preparation & Implementation Training provides administrators and leadership teams with a thorough overview of the intervention and how to prepare their site for implementing with fidelity. This is a requirement for sites to complete prior to mentor training."

10. Nonpublic Virtual Professional Development

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Nonpublic staff

Dates: 9/11/2024 to 5/14/2025

On the second Wednesday of each month, optional professional development opportunities will be available virtually! Topics will vary based on prior trends in behavior coach referrals and teacher feedback. An opportunity for teachers to take away strategies, seek guidance, ask questions, and share successes and challenges with other teachers within other Nonpublic schools. Interested participants will receive an email describing the upcoming topic and a Zoom link to participate.

11. SWPBIS Monthly Coaches Calls

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: SWPBIS Coaches and Team Members

Dates: 9/18/2024 to 5/21/2025

On the third Wednesday of each month, optional mini-trainings will be held for virtually for PBIS team members. Topics will range from Universal Tier 1 Supports to Advanced Tiers Supports. In addition, these monthly coaches calls will be an opportunity for coaches and teams to seek guidance, ask questions, share successes or challenges, and provide resources with their facilitators and other coaches across districts. Interested participants will receive an email describing the upcoming topic and a Zoom link to participate.

12. Reading PLC 7 MIGHTY MOVES Book Club (Virtual Option)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: General and Special Educators, Reading Specialists and Coaches, and Administrators

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 5/19/2025

Join our Reading PLC! It is easy as 1-2-3! Let's take a deep dive into the book, 7 Might Moves, by Lindsay Kemeny. In this no-nonsense guide, primary reading expert and classroom teacher Lindsay Kemeny shares seven ways K-to-3 teachers can transform their reading instruction, based on reliable research. Each chapter focuses on a critical area of foundational reading-from the most efficient ways to teach phonemic awareness and phonics to the most effective ways to boost comprehension. Kemeny offers "do-tomorrow" strategies, routines and lessons that she uses every day with her students to help them acquire essential skills and transfer them to their reading. She also provides links to video demonstrations that show how she puts reading science into practice. This PLC will be held virtually. You will have two opportunities to join these sessions. The topics shared in the morning and afternoon sessions will be the same. You can join us at 7:45 AM or 3 PM. Each session will run for 30 minutes. September 23, 2024-Session Topic: Introduction to The 7 Mighty Moves by Lindsay Kemeny October 21, 2024-Session Topic: Move 1: Teach Phonemic Awareness with Intention November 25, 2024-Session Topic: Move 2: Teach Phonics Explicitly and Systematically NO December Session January 13, 2025-Session Topic: Move 3: Teach Decoding Strategies, Not Cueing Strategie February 24, 2025-Session Topic: Move 4: Use Decodable Text Instead of Predictable Texts with Beginning Readers March 24, 2025-Session Topic: Move 5: Embrace a Better Approach to Teaching "Sight Words" April 28, 2025-Session Topic: Move 6 Focus on Meaningful Fluency Practice May 19, 2025-Session Topic: Move 7: Improve Comprehension by Developing Vocabulary and Background Knowledge

13. Check & Connect Mentor Training (Fall)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Check & Connect Mentors

Dates: 9/25/2024

"Check & Connect Mentor Training is a 1-day in-depth, competency-based training designed to provide Check & Connect mentors with the information, competencies, and skills needed to be an effective Check & Connect mentor at their local site. Mentors will learn about the core components and elements of Check & Connect, their role and expectations of the Check & Connect mentor, and how to implement the "Check" and "Connect" procedures with fidelity. They will also learn the core competencies and skills needed to be an effective mentor, such as building relationships with students, families, and school personnel, using data to determine interventions, reflective listening, problem-solving and engaging with families."

14. Behavior Support PLC

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: ES Teachers, Paras, SEL Teachers, LS Teachers

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 4/3/2025

Join us for a learning community that will consist of a four-part series that is designed to bring professionals together to explore supports for students with emotional support needs. Topics of discussion include: behavioral interventions, teaching procedures, social-emotional learning, transition, trauma-informed care, and topics designed to meet teacher needs. The intended audience for this learning community is emotional support teachers and is suggested that this is viewed as a cohort of collaborative professionals.

15. Autism Support PLC

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Autistic Support Teachers & Paraprofessionals

Dates: 10/16/2024 to 4/10/2025

"Join a learning community that will consist of a four-part series that is designed to bring teams of professionals together to explore the world of autism. The series will help to facilitate and build a foundation of understanding and history of autism. Topics that will be discussed will consist of Applied Behavior Analysis, Communication, Teaching Procedures, and more. Because this is designed as a professional learning community, it is expected that this is viewed as a cohort of collaborative professionals. The primary audience is autistic support classroom teachers."

16. SWPBIS Secondary Coaches Day

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: SWPBIS Coaches

Dates: 10/22/2024 to 2/13/2025

"Coaches Day is an event sponsored by MIU IV to support building coaches and teams in the implementation of PBIS. Research has shown that coaching is a cornerstone of implementation fidelity. This event is an opportunity for coaches and teams the middle and secondary setting to engage with role-alike peers in professional learning and resource sharing."

17. SWPBIS Primary Coaches Day

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: SWPBIS Coaches

Dates: 10/24/2024 to 2/11/2025

"Coaches Day is an event sponsored by MIU IV to support building coaches and teams in the implementation of PBIS. Research has shown that coaching is a cornerstone of implementation fidelity. This event is an opportunity for coaches and teams in the elementary setting to engage with role-alike peers in professional learning and resource sharing."

18. LETRS for Early Childhood (Pre-K and Kindergarten)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: General and Special Educators, Reading Specialists and Coaches and Administrators

Dates: 11/4/2024 to 3/31/2025

LETRS for Early Childhood Educators is a professional learning experience for Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers that provides deep knowledge of early literacy instruction. Teachers gain new skills to help young learners build a literacy foundation before they even learn to read or write. This professional learning experience: Helps teachers understand the development of oral language, print knowledge, alphabet learning, and writing skills. Provides the "why” and "how” of early literacy instruction across all domains: language, literacy, cognitive, motor, social, and emotional. It also empowers teachers to apply best practice strategies to guide children's learning. This dynamic blended learning experience includes three components: LETRS Online Learning Platform LETRS for Early Childhood Educators Print Manual LETRS for Early Childhood Educators Professional In-Person Learning Sessions There will be 2 in-person sessions offered at Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV Workshops will be held from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Lunch will be on your own. The cost of the Early Childhood Educators Print Manual and Online Learning Platform is $250/participant. In Person Workshops: Early Literacy Foundations and Oral Language Connections: Unit 1 and Unit 2 November 4, 2025 Phonological and "PH"oundations and Print Knowledge ABC to XYZ Unit 3 and Unit 4 March 31, 2025

19. Mastering Math Manipulatives (November 18, 2024)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: K-3 Administrators, Classroom Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Intervention Teachers

Dates: 11/18/2024

Would you like to bring math learning to life and make it more concrete, relevant, and accessible to your students? Do you wish you could do more with the manipulatives buried in your supply closet? It's time to dive in and join in the journey toward making manipulatives meaningful so math learning is concrete, profound, and effective for your students! This is an in person workshop that will use the book Mastering Math Manipulatives as the framework for the session. Please note that this purchase is entirely optional and not a requirement for participation in the workshop. If desired, participants can buy it from the following link:

20. Speech Therapist Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: SLP

Dates: 2/12/2025

Starting Soon
The Speech Therapist Professional Learning Community is an interactive and collaborative learning series. It is designed to support Speech Language Pathologists. Participants will be given opportunities to network and share therapy resources.

21. Paraeducator Series - Classroom Based Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: All Paraeducators

Dates: 2/17/2025

Embark on an exhilarating exploration into the fascinating realm of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)! Join us as we unveil powerful classroom and behavior-based strategies crafted to enhance student learning. From captivating visual aids to sensory experiences, immersive environmental setups, enriched language support, and dynamic social interventions, this journey promises to revolutionize your approach to teaching and support.

22. Paraeducator Series - Sign Language Workshop

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: All Paraeducators

Dates: 2/17/2025

Get ready for an interactive showcase! Join us for a captivating presentation where we'll unveil the ASL signs for the alphabet, colors, and a plethora of everyday activities. Prepare to be amazed as you discover the benefits of incorporating sign language into your interactions with hearing children. By the end, you'll be equipped with a toolkit of useful signs ready to implement immediately, along with a wealth of creative ideas for integrating sign language into your classroom with ease!

23. Safety Care Recertification Training - February 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 2/18/2025

This Safety-Care™ recertification course is a one-day training that provides a complete overview of the initial Safety-Care™ training curriculum. Participants must demonstrate competency in all areas of the Safety-Care™ curriculum and will be tested for proficiency through the demonstrated competencies and a written test. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will maintain their certification for one full year. The one-day recertification course is required annually. Prerequisite: Two-day initial training must be completed prior to this course.

24. Safety Care Initial Training - Feb. 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 2/19/2025 to 2/20/2025

Safety-Care® Behavioral Safety Training program is a two-day training that provides the skills and competencies necessary to effectively prevent, minimize, and manage behavioral challenges with dignity, safety, and the possibility of change. Safety-Care provides the tools you need to be safe when working with behaviorally challenging individuals. Using up-to-date and effective technologies from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS), the Safety-Care program will provide your staff with strategies for preventing and managing behavioral challenges, and teaching replacement behaviors. Safety-Care promotes a positive reinforcement-based approach, and the development of new skills, resulting in fewer restraints. Trainees who successfully pass the course will receive a Safety-Care™ training certificate. Recertification is required annually through a one-day recertification course.

25. ADHD in Education

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educactor

Dates: 2/25/2025 to 3/25/2025

ONLINE COURSE: With more and more students being diagnosed with ADHD, it is important for educators to examine their perceptions and expand their knowledge base of this disability category in order to meet these students' needs. Throughout the course, participants will explore the debate surrounding medication and the myths associated with ADHD. Furthermore, they will complete activities providing them with first-hand experience about what it is like to live with ADHD. We will examine research-proven strategies and methods to help learners with ADHD gain meaningful access to elementary through secondary curriculum content. With the information covered in the course, participants will take away practical strategies to implement across all school environments and ways to provide effective instruction to students with mild to severe ADHD.

26. Check & Connect Preparation & Implementation Training (Spring)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Administrators, Check & Connect Coordinator

Dates: 2/26/2025

"Check & Connect's Preparation & Implementation Training provides administrators and leadership teams with a thorough overview of the intervention and how to prepare their site for implementing with fidelity. This is a requirement for sites to complete prior to mentor training."

27. Tri - County Transition Council - Feb 2025

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Transition coordinators, agency representatives

Dates: 2/27/2025

Our transition council is a network of parents, educators, and community service providers working together to help students with special needs in their transition from school to adult life. We discuss activities, resources, and other topics to promote effective transition planning.

28. Special Education LEA Meeting 2/28/2025

Program: Special Education

Audience: School District LEA, MIU IV Supervisor, MIU IV TaC

Dates: 2/28/2025

Special Education updates from PDE, PaTTAN and MIU IV for compliance and processes.

29. Art of Interaction

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 3/4/2025 to 4/1/2025

ONLINE COURSE: Our responsibility as educators, parents, providers, and caretakers is not to change the card a child is dealt. Instead, it is to help him to play his card in the best way possible. This 3 credit online course is designed to provide educators with powerful insights into new ways to help children become happier and more successful. This course will show teachers and parents how to find creative solutions to difficult problems that they encounter while working with children. The book "The Dance of Interaction” by Jeanine Fitzgerald is full of stories and ideas that give hope and help to those who love children. As educators, you will gain an understanding and ability to create a bond and develop an awareness that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Instructor: Colleen Anzio

30. Successful Literacy Strategies for Reading and the Content Areas

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 3/4/2025 to 4/1/2025

This ONLINE COURSE is specially designed for teachers instructing students in grades preK- 12 in any subject area to provide engaging literacy strategies in reading and subject areas that add variety, increase student motivation, enhance understanding, and improve achievement. The much-acclaimed resource, 50 Literacy Strategies: Step-by-Step (3rd or 4th Edition) by Gail Tompkins, will model for the teacher lessons that address successful literacy implementations that motivate students to learn. This is what's included in the class: Applying strategies that simplify teaching literacy techniques in all subject areas Gaining and practicing new tools for teaching literacy elements Creating and sharing lessons with others in the class Sharing reflections and comments through discussion with participants Fostering the reading-writing connection Viewing and responding to videos and PowerPoints that strengthen the theoretical constructs presented Creating materials and projects to use with students Critiquing articles on literacy including those published in educational journals by the presenter of the class Emphasizing and creating an alphabet book to teach skills in a self-selected area Utilizing Readers' Theatre and the AREA Approach which have been proven to enhance test results

31. Heartsaver CPR/AED Course - March 2025

Program: CPR and AED Training

Dates: 3/4/2025

The Heartsaver® CPR AED Course is designed to prepare you to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) use in a safe, timely, and effective manner During the Heartsaver® CPR AED Course you will: - Learn how to recognize when someone needs CPR - Learn how to perform high-quality CPR for an adult - Learn how to give effective breaths by using mouth-to-mouth or a mask for all age groups - Learn how to perform high-quality CPR for a child - Learn how to provide AED Heartsaver® CPR AED Course with First Aid is available upon request

32. SWPBIS/TIPS/SWIS Refresher (Spring)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: SWPBIS Team Members

Dates: 3/4/2025

This training is designed to continue to improve your internal capacity to support the systems and practices that have been established at Tier 1. During this training, we will be reviewing the rationales behind the key foundational components of an effective PBIS program. Attendees should be new administrators or core team members who were not a part of the initial training process. The training will focus on the "why” behind many of the existing practices your PBIS programs are utilizing. In addition, new trauma-informed practices will be reviewed. The goal of this training is to provide a strong foundational understanding of PBIS and your role in supporting your team.

33. Check & Connect Mentor Training (Spring)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Check & Connect Mentors

Dates: 3/5/2025

"Check & Connect Mentor Training is a 1-day in-depth, competency-based training designed to provide Check & Connect mentors with the information, competencies, and skills needed to be an effective Check & Connect mentor at their local site. Mentors will learn about the core components and elements of Check & Connect, their role and expectations of the Check & Connect mentor, and how to implement the "Check" and "Connect" procedures with fidelity. They will also learn the core competencies and skills needed to be an effective mentor, such as building relationships with students, families, and school personnel, using data to determine interventions, reflective listening, problem-solving and engaging with families."

34. School Social Worker PLC

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: School Social Workers

Dates: 3/5/2025

This professional learning community is for School Social Workers who are interested in connecting with MIU IV and district social workers to discuss issues related to advocating for students and social work within the school settings.

35. PSSA & Keystone Math Open-Ended Task Bootcamp

Program: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

Audience: Mathematics Teachers Grades 3 - 8 & Algebra I

Dates: 3/6/2025

During this training, participants will review the PSSA Math Grades 3 - 8 and Algebra Keystone Test Blueprints. We will also look at resources from PDESAS and experience the new training sets of open-ended questions for specific grade levels. Participants will leave this training with a deeper understanding of how to prepare students for open-ended math tasks/problems on the PSSA and Keystone Exams.

36. Differentiating in Mixed Abilities Classroom

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 3/11/2025 to 4/8/2025

ONLINE COURSE: This three-credit course is for educators working in inclusive classes with students possessing varying levels of academic ability. Inclusionary classroom models are now the norm in most schools due to the Least Restrictive Environment component of IDEA. In order to serve all of our students, it is imperative that educators have the skills to meet the needs of students in inclusionary classes. This course addresses the needs of, not only, learning-disabled students, but as well as physical, emotional, and gifted requirements as well. This course will impact student learning by providing educators with differentiation tools directly applicable to their specific mixed-ability classroom settings. Differentiating in Mixed Abilities Classrooms prepares educators to implement best practices for maximizing student achievement by implementing methods that best meet the needs of diverse learners.

37. Mastering Math Manipulatives (March 11, 2025)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: K-3 Administrators, Classroom Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Intervention Teachers

Dates: 3/11/2025

Would you like to bring math learning to life and make it more concrete, relevant, and accessible to your students? Do you wish you could do more with the manipulatives buried in your supply closet? It's time to dive in and join in the journey toward making manipulatives meaningful so math learning is concrete, profound, and effective for your students! This is an in person workshop that will use the book Mastering Math Manipulatives as the framework for the session. Please note that this purchase is entirely optional and not a requirement for participation in the workshop. If desired, participants can buy it from the following link:

38. Special Education LEA Meeting 3/14/2025

Program: Special Education

Audience: School District LEA, MIU IV Supervisor, MIU IV TaC

Dates: 3/14/2025

Special Education updates from PDE, PaTTAN and MIU IV for compliance and processes.

39. Safety Care Initial Training - March. 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 3/17/2025 to 3/18/2025

Safety-Care® Behavioral Safety Training program is a two-day training that provides the skills and competencies necessary to effectively prevent, minimize, and manage behavioral challenges with dignity, safety, and the possibility of change. Safety-Care provides the tools you need to be safe when working with behaviorally challenging individuals. Using up-to-date and effective technologies from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS), the Safety-Care program will provide your staff with strategies for preventing and managing behavioral challenges, and teaching replacement behaviors. Safety-Care promotes a positive reinforcement-based approach, and the development of new skills, resulting in fewer restraints. Trainees who successfully pass the course will receive a Safety-Care™ training certificate. Recertification is required annually through a one-day recertification course.

40. Innovative Teaching with AI: Transforming Education for the 21st Century

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 3/18/2025 to 4/15/2025

ONLINE COURSE - This cutting-edge course is designed to empower educators with the skills and insights needed to revolutionize traditional teaching methods using Artificial Intelligence. Dive into the latest advancements in AI-driven educational tools, curriculum personalization, and student engagement techniques. Participants will learn to integrate AI technologies into their teaching methods, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among students. Explore ethical considerations and best practices for creating a safe and inclusive AI-enhanced learning environment. Participants will grasp the ethical considerations of AI implementation in education while harnessing its potential to create inclusive, adaptable, and data-driven learning environments. Whether you're a seasoned educator or new to the field, this course equips you with the expertise to navigate the evolving landscape of education, ultimately shaping a new era of impactful, AI-infused teaching practices.

41. 3-19-25 - PASA DLM - The Instruction & Assessment Connection

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Special education teachers who have PASA eligible students, Building administrators and/or special education administrators with programming responsibilities and/or oversight of instructional programming

Dates: 3/19/2025

This training is designed to build statewide capacity regarding the provision of standards aligned instruction and assessment using Essential Elements (EEs) for students with complex learning needs. Participants will see how EEs have already been modified for instructional use and identify existing resources to support implementation in lesson and unit planning.

42. Safety Care Recertification Training - March 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 3/19/2025

This Safety-Care™ recertification course is a one-day training that provides a complete overview of the initial Safety-Care™ training curriculum. Participants must demonstrate competency in all areas of the Safety-Care™ curriculum and will be tested for proficiency through the demonstrated competencies and a written test. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will maintain their certification for one full year. The one-day recertification course is required annually. Prerequisite: Two-day initial training must be completed prior to this course.

43. Advanced Phonemic Awareness Featuring Heggerty Programs (March 20, 2025)

Program: Training and Consultation

Dates: 3/20/2025

Phonemic awareness is the understanding that spoken words are made up of individual sounds, which are called phonemes. A child who is phonemically aware is able to isolate sounds, manipulate the sounds, blend and segment the sounds into spoken and written words. Phonemic awareness is central in learning to read and spell. (Ehri, 1984) Phonemic awareness is the most potent predictor of success in learning to read. (Stanovich, 1986) This three-hour workshop will provide an overview of phonological and phonemic awareness, distinguish the differences between phonological awareness and phonics, and how to use the Heggerty curriculum to provide daily, multisensory lessons in phonological and phonemic awareness. This workshop is intended for teachers in grades Pre-K through grade 5. Sample pages from each curriculum will be available during the workshop, but it is highly recommended participants bring their book to the workshop. Pre-K ( Purple Book) Kindergarten (Blue Book) Primary Book ( Yellow Book for grades 1 and 2)) Primary Extension (Yellow Book for grades 3-5) 3 Act 48 hours are available for a session.

44. School Safety Personnel Training

Program: School Safety

Audience: School Safety and Security Training

Dates: 3/21/2025 to 4/28/2025

​SSSC Training/Laws and Regulations Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, Act 55 requires that every school district must have at least one full-time school security personnel on duty during the school day. The school security personnel who fill this role, must have completed the training under section 1305-C, 1313-C (a.1) or 1314-C. Each school district must certify to the school safety and security committee at PCCD that the school district has hired or contracted with a school security personnel. All school safety personel identified as an SRO, SPO, or security guard must attend and provide proof of completion of NASRO or an approved equivalent training. RESPONSE𝑜𝓁𝑜𝑔𝓎 Consulting and Safety Solutions has met the necessary requirements to provide the Basic School Safety and Security Officer training course and is listed on the state's approved provider registry. This Pennsylvania specific training is available for school entities and security companies and is applicable to all school security personnel including school police officers, school resource officers, and armed or unarmed security guards, including those working for third-party vendors or as independent contractors

45. Developing a Growth Mindset in Education

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educactors

Dates: 3/25/2025 to 4/22/2025

ONLINE COURSE: A growth mindset is a belief that intelligence can be developed with effort. Students with a growth mindset understand they can get "smarter" through hard work, the use of effective strategies, and getting help from others when needed. A fixed mindset is a belief that intelligence is a fixed trait handed out at birth. Course participants will review the research about the brain and how the brain, like a muscle, changes and grows in response to challenge. Throughout the course, we will explore how we, as educators, can praise students for effort and process rather than praising them for being "smart." Participants will take with them practical strategies to implement whether they are teachers, counselors, speech therapists, nurses, parents, or simply anyone who wants to learn more about fostering a growth mindset in themselves or others.

46. Making Makers

Program: Training and Consultation

Dates: 3/26/2025

During this session participants will learn the basics of soldering and reverse engineering in order to build switches, explore creating adaptable items, 3D printing and/or adapt various toys/devices. All necessary supplies will be provided. For the Workshop session, participants are also welcome to bring their own toys or devices they would like to learn to adapt.

47. Librarians Network Meeting

Program: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

Audience: District Librarians

Dates: 3/31/2025

Librarians Network Spring 2025 meeting.

48. Empowering Educators Through Teamwork and Collaboration

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/1/2025 to 4/29/2025

The ONLINE course "Empowering Educators through Teamwork and Collaboration" will provide information on how to build strong and effective teams, empowering our educators to work together toward a common goal for our students, with a particular focus on students with special needs. Collaboration and teamwork are essential in educational settings, providing a positive school culture and improving student outcomes, especially for students with special needs who benefit from coordinated support.

49. Act 71 - More Than Sad/QPR

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: All education staff

Dates: 4/1/2025

"MIU IV is pleased to offer professional development in Act 71 - Youth Suicide Prevention for Educators. During this 4 hour session, participants will be trained in both More Than Sad and Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR). The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's program called More Than Sad teaches educators to recognize signs of mental health distress in students. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer. These are the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Training in QPR includes learning how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help."

50. ACT126/31 Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: All Education Staff

Dates: 4/2/2025

Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training is a requirement in Pennsylvania for all school employees who have direct contact with children. In this Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance 3 hour training session we will review the elements of child abuse, including the legal definitions and categories, and indicators of abuse. The training provides an overview of mandated reporting obligations, including how to make a report, protections for those who report, and liabilities for failing to report. This training is approved by the PA Department of Education, PA Department of Human Services, and State Acts 126 & 31.

51. Teachers Building Resilience and Creating Compassionate Classrooms

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/7/2025 to 5/18/2025

ONLINE COURSE: This course is designed to examine the concept of resilience and how building teacher resilience can lead to more compassionate classrooms for both teachers and students. Specifically, the focus areas of developing mindful awareness, communicating effectively, building community, discovering personal strengths, and cultivating compassion will be explored throughout the course.

52. Autism in Education: Inclusive Practices

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/8/2025 to 5/6/2025

ONLINE COURSE: This course will provide participants with descriptions of disorders that fall under the autism spectrum. Participants will review the latest research in the autism field and the legal aspects of having students with autism in the classroom. We will explore fostering social competence in students with autism, developing and implementing IEPs for students with autism, and how to best meet these students' needs while promoting acceptance from other classmates. Participants will assess the success of instruction with learners with Autism and the improvement of outcomes for all students. Participants will explore methods of motivation and classroom management in settings with learners with Autism. Participants will take with them practical educational and instructional strategies to implement within their classroom along with research-proven strategies and methods to help learners with Autism gain meaningful access to elementary and secondary curriculum content.

53. Heartsaver CPR/AED Course - April 2025

Program: CPR and AED Training

Dates: 4/10/2025

The Heartsaver® CPR AED Course is designed to prepare you to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) use in a safe, timely, and effective manner During the Heartsaver® CPR AED Course you will: - Learn how to recognize when someone needs CPR - Learn how to perform high-quality CPR for an adult - Learn how to give effective breaths by using mouth-to-mouth or a mask for all age groups - Learn how to perform high-quality CPR for a child - Learn how to provide AED Heartsaver® CPR AED Course with First Aid is available upon request

54. Speech Therapist Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: SLP

Dates: 4/11/2025

The Speech Therapist Professional Learning Community is an interactive and collaborative learning series. It is designed to support Speech Language Pathologists. Participants will be given opportunities to network and share therapy resources.

55. Classroom Management and Discipline Strategies

Program: Educator Induction

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/12/2025 to 4/17/2025

This course will engage the participants in understanding the need for good management skills and discipline in helping students to learn. The participants will investigate various scenarios and examples of student discipline problems and brainstorm possible solutions. Each will develop a classroom management and discipline plan based on what research indicates works. This course meets on the following dates and times: Saturday, April 13, 2024 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm); Tuesday, April 16, 2024 (5:30 pm - 8:30 pm); and Thursday, April 18, 2024 (5:30 pm - 8:30 pm)

56. Empathy: Teacher and Student Wellness

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/15/2025 to 5/13/2025

ONLINE COURSE - Empathy: Teacher and Student Wellness, is an online course that allows participants to analyze the role of empathy in the classroom and put new practices into place. Practicing empathy is key in successful leadership and reaching every student. Empathetic practices support Social Emotional Learning. This course encourages compassionate teaching and acceptance. It provides participants with an action plan and tools to use successfully in the classroom. One of the most important roles of an educator is to ensure student safety and connectedness to learning. Empathy allows for that. Participants will reflect, assess, and consider new practices to be sure that empathy is at the heart of the classroom environment. The required text is: Teaching with Empathy: How to Transform Your Practices by Understanding Your Learners by Lisa Westman ©2021 ISBN# 978-1-4166-3048-7 *Electronic or hard copy

57. Get Active About Learning

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/15/2025 to 5/13/2025

ONLINE COURSE: Energize your classroom and boost student learning! This course equips educators with a toolbox of active learning strategies. We'll begin by exploring the power of active learning and its impact on engagement and retention. You'll delve into connecting these strategies with differentiation and discover how to adapt them for virtual environments. The course culminates in crafting personalized lessons incorporating your chosen activities for future use

58. Safety Care Recertification Training - April 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 4/15/2025

This Safety-Care™ recertification course is a one-day training that provides a complete overview of the initial Safety-Care™ training curriculum. Participants must demonstrate competency in all areas of the Safety-Care™ curriculum and will be tested for proficiency through the demonstrated competencies and a written test. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will maintain their certification for one full year. The one-day recertification course is required annually. Prerequisite: Two-day initial training must be completed prior to this course.

59. Project-Based Learning for the Classroom

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/22/2025 to 5/20/2025

ONLINE COURSE: In order to keep pace with the changing world, teachers need to infuse 21st-century skills into their classrooms. The students of today need to be prepared to enter a world that requires them to be able to think critically, create, communicate, and collaborate to solve meaningful problems. Problem-Based Learning and Challenge-Based Learning are two instructional strategies, that when used can accomplish these goals. In this three-credit online course, through a series of lessons, videos, and various other activities, participants will learn the basic pedagogy, benefits, and framework of Project-Based Learning and Challenged-Based Learning.

60. Safety Care Initial Training - April 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 4/23/2025 to 4/24/2025

Safety-Care® Behavioral Safety Training program is a two-day training that provides the skills and competencies necessary to effectively prevent, minimize, and manage behavioral challenges with dignity, safety, and the possibility of change. Safety-Care provides the tools you need to be safe when working with behaviorally challenging individuals. Using up-to-date and effective technologies from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS), the Safety-Care program will provide your staff with strategies for preventing and managing behavioral challenges, and teaching replacement behaviors. Safety-Care promotes a positive reinforcement-based approach, and the development of new skills, resulting in fewer restraints. Trainees who successfully pass the course will receive a Safety-Care™ training certificate. Recertification is required annually through a one-day recertification course.

61. Special Education LEA Meeting 4/25/2025

Program: Special Education

Audience: School District LEA, MIU IV Supervisor, MIU IV TaC

Dates: 4/25/2025

Special Education updates from PDE, PaTTAN and MIU IV for compliance and processes.

62. Beyond Flipped Instruction

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 4/29/2025 to 5/27/2025

ONLINE COURSE: The course Beyond Flipped Instruction, focuses not only on flipped instruction but also on, technology integration, and differentiated instruction, which is inherently associated with flipping the classroom. Through an examination of ways to move lower depth of knowledge content and activities out of the "spotlight” in the classroom, teachers are able to greatly influence student achievement by increasing the amount of class time used for higher-level activities such as discussions, projects, labs, and group activities. This course will impact student learning by providing teachers with a clear and specific strategy to use when meaningfully integrating technology into the classroom. Student learning will be positively impacted because flipping the classroom provides avenues for a student-centered learning environment. Participants will analyze specific models of flipped instruction and design strategies for using the teaching model in their own classes.

63. Tri - County Transition Council - April 2025

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: Transition coordinators, agency representatives

Dates: 4/30/2025

Our transition council is a network of parents, educators, and community service providers working together to help students with special needs in their transition from school to adult life. We discuss activities, resources, and other topics to promote effective transition planning.

64. School Social Worker PLC

Program: Training and Consultation

Audience: School Social Workers

Dates: 5/1/2025

This professional learning community is for School Social Workers who are interested in connecting with MIU IV and district social workers to discuss issues related to advocating for students and social work within the school settings.

65. Academic Games SPRING 2025 Coaches Meeting

Program: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

Audience: Academic Games Coaches

Dates: 5/5/2025

All Academic Games Coaches in the MIU IV Academic Games League should attend this information meeting. Discussions will be held on improvements from the 2023 - 2024 season and also decisions will be made for the upcoming 2025 - 2026 season.

66. MIU IV SPRING 2025 Gifted Network Meeting

Program: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

Audience: Gifted Teachers/Advisors

Dates: 5/5/2025

Any gifted teachers and advisors within the MIU IV catchment should plan to attend the Spring Meeting for updates and helpful information.

67. Multi-Sensory Teaching and Learning

Program: CPE Courses

Audience: Educators

Dates: 5/6/2025 to 6/3/2025

This ONLINE COURSE is designed to provide educators with an awareness of the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic teaching styles. It is important to encourage inclusion of all students and address different learning styles for every student. The participant will be able to determine students learning styles, explore successful strategies and instruction which consist of multi-sensory activities to be used in the daily classroom to accommodate every student. Multi-sensory instruction allows teachers to reach all of the students and it allows diversity among students. In return this fosters social relations and self worth, while meeting social, emotional and academic needs. Participants will look at ways of recognizing each type of learner and explore methods of teaching to ensure the inclusion of all pupils, according to their preferred learning style.

68. Heartsaver CPR/AED Course - May 2025

Program: CPR and AED Training

Dates: 5/6/2025

The Heartsaver® CPR AED Course is designed to prepare you to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) use in a safe, timely, and effective manner During the Heartsaver® CPR AED Course you will: - Learn how to recognize when someone needs CPR - Learn how to perform high-quality CPR for an adult - Learn how to give effective breaths by using mouth-to-mouth or a mask for all age groups - Learn how to perform high-quality CPR for a child - Learn how to provide AED Heartsaver® CPR AED Course with First Aid is available upon request

69. Safety Care Recertification Training - May 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 5/7/2025

This Safety-Care™ recertification course is a one-day training that provides a complete overview of the initial Safety-Care™ training curriculum. Participants must demonstrate competency in all areas of the Safety-Care™ curriculum and will be tested for proficiency through the demonstrated competencies and a written test. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will maintain their certification for one full year. The one-day recertification course is required annually. Prerequisite: Two-day initial training must be completed prior to this course.

70. Educator Induction Day III (Year I)

Program: Educator Induction

Dates: 5/9/2025

First year educators completing MIU IV's Educator Induction Program will complete six (6) professional development days as one of the requirements of the PDE-approved program. May 9, 2025, is considered Day III (Year I).

71. Safety Care Initial Training - May 2025

Program: Safety Care

Dates: 5/12/2025 to 5/13/2025

Safety-Care® Behavioral Safety Training program is a two-day training that provides the skills and competencies necessary to effectively prevent, minimize, and manage behavioral challenges with dignity, safety, and the possibility of change. Safety-Care provides the tools you need to be safe when working with behaviorally challenging individuals. Using up-to-date and effective technologies from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS), the Safety-Care program will provide your staff with strategies for preventing and managing behavioral challenges, and teaching replacement behaviors. Safety-Care promotes a positive reinforcement-based approach, and the development of new skills, resulting in fewer restraints. Trainees who successfully pass the course will receive a Safety-Care™ training certificate. Recertification is required annually through a one-day recertification course.

72. Special Education LEA Meeting 5/16/2025

Program: Special Education

Audience: School District LEA, MIU IV Supervisor, MIU IV TaC

Dates: 5/16/2025

Special Education updates from PDE, PaTTAN and MIU IV for compliance and processes.

73. Educator Induction Day 1 (Year II)

Program: Educator Induction

Dates: 8/29/2025

First year educators completing MIU IV's Educator Induction Program will complete six (6) professional development days as one of the requirements of the PDE-approved program. August 29, 2025, is considered Day II of Year II.

74. Educator Induction Day II (Year II)

Program: Educator Induction

Dates: 1/9/2026

First year educators completing MIU IV's Educator Induction Program will complete six (6) professional development days as one of the requirements of the PDE-approved program. January 9, 2026, is considered Day II (Year II).

75. Educator Induction Day III (Year II)

Program: Educator Induction

Dates: 5/8/2026

First year educators completing MIU IV's Educator Induction Program will complete six (6) professional development days as one of the requirements of the PDE-approved program. May 8, 2026, is considered Day III (Year II).