Catalog: Capital Area Intermediate Unit 15 (WebReg)

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1. Sign Language Level 1

Program: Student Services

Dates: 6/25/2024 to 7/30/2024

This is a beginner class. No previous experience with sign language is needed. The course will include ABC's and numbers, basic vocabulary, light conversation and an introduction to Deaf Culture

2. Guest Teacher Asynchronous Course 24/25

Program: Human Resources

Audience: Individuals who are interested in becoming a certified guest teacher who have at least a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and have obtained Act 34, Act 151 and act 114 Clearances.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025

This asynchronous course is designed for individuals who would like to serve as a guest teacher in the schools and districts within the Capital Area Intermediate Unit catchment. The course includes seven modules that cover the topics of professionalism, lesson planning, classroom instruction, legal aspects, special education, positive behavior management, and active engagement strategies. Participants will be able to view videos, read articles and then take time to reflect on the information covered in each module. In order to register for this course, you must have prior approval from The CAIU Human Resources Department. For details, please visit:

3. (PESI) "Break Through" Self-Regulation Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Autism, ADHD, Sensory or Emotional Challenges

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

No one ever said that working with children with autism, ADHD or sensory disorders is easy. Theo will only eat white foods, tends to be buried in his own world and melts when he is transitioned too quickly. Steven, in 6th grade, has ADHD, poor organization skills and an attitude that is hard to break through. But, how do we help a child break through the self-regulation issues that limit their achievements?

4. (PESI) 2-Day Certification Training: Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children & Adolescents

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have completed the course and want Act 48 credits awarded.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Divorce, family breakdown, violence in society and the media, has produced a "shell shocked” generation of kids suffering from anxiety! Join Dr. Steve O'Brien, who will demonstrate how you can "connect” with anxious children and inspire them to practice new self-regulation skills. You will learn how to help parents ("bulldozers,” "helicopters” and "snowplows”) and schools gain confidence, gratification and success in helping their most anxious kids. To increase your effectiveness with the various manifestations of child anxiety, Dr. Steve O'Brien will address each of the following disorders with case examples and clinical vignettes:

• Separation Anxiety Disorder
• Panic Disorder
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• Obsessive-compulsive disorders (including skin picking and hair pulling)
• Social Anxiety Disorder/Selective Mutism
• Specific phobias
• Trauma and Stress related disorders
Emphasis will be on creative psychotherapy involving insight-oriented, cognitive behavioral, biological, mindfulness, and family systems interventions.

5. (PESI) 3-Day Intensive Training: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children and Adolescents

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

In this breakthrough Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Course recording, develop core competencies and transform your skills to achieve better therapeutic outcomes, even with your most challenging children or adolescents! You will be able to utilize concrete strategies that will provide greater healing for your clients who suffer from:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Bipolar Disorder
• Substance abuse
• Suicidality
• And many other challenging conditions! You'll get effective clinical techniques from David M. Pratt, PhD, MSW, a leading expert in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. He will teach you how to master the art of applying CBT to a variety of clinical conditions with children and adolescents. In this revolutionary experience as he reveals the latest advances in CBT to get the skills you need to succeed! Through case studies, interactive discussions, role-plays, and reproducible handouts, you will take away practical CBT strategies to use immediately with any client.

6. (PESI) A Practitioner's Guide to Autism Assessment: A Strengths-Based Approach

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Have you ever worked with a child or adolescent and noticed that treatment wasn't progressing as expected? Or perhaps you noticed a developmental concern, and you suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but didn't know what to do next? Join Rebecca Sachs, PhD, ABPP, and Tamara Rosen, PhD, and learn how to skillfully use specific screening and assessment-based tools and strategies for:
• When ASD is suspected and you feel stuck
• Understanding and treating challenging behaviors that may be impacting treatment
• Confidently communicating ASD concerns to other professionals and parents
• Making effective and appropriate referral
• Incorporating screening and assessment results into tailored interventions
By incorporating this knowledge and using skills that you already have, you will be able to support your client's underdeveloped areas while also harnessing their strengths!
OBJECTIVES 1. Utilize appropriate screening tools when ASD is suspected. 2. Conduct a functional assessment of challenging behaviors associated with ASD, a co-occurring condition, or both. 3. Determine the information required to make an appropriate referral for evaluation or services when ASD is suspected. 4. Utilize specific interventions and modifications informed by screening and assessment results.

7. (PESI) Advances in the Management of ADHD: Evidence-Based Medications and Psychosocial Treatments

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

The past 10-15 years have witnessed a number of major developments in the medications and delivery systems available for the management of ADHD. Dr. Russell Barkley discusses the types of medications now available for ADHD management and the various delivery systems developed to extend the effectiveness of the medications across the day. For each medication, he will present the major beneficial effects and side effects. He will also discuss various issues clinicians should consider in selecting medications to use with a patient with ADHD, such as those issues related to the social context, the patient's characteristics, and any comorbid conditions that may exist. This recording then moves on to an overview of the science-based approaches to the psychosocial management of ADHD. It also discusses those treatments that, while popular, have little evidence for their effectiveness in managing the disorder.
OBJECTIVES: 1. Assess and characterize the utility of current FDA approved ADHD management medications for symptom management 2. Discriminate between effective and unproven adjunctive ADHD interventions and its treatment implications 3. Articulate the beneficial effects and potential side effects associated with ADHD medications in relation to assessment and treatment planning

8. (PESI) Anti-Anxiety Medication in Children and Adolescents

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Approximately 60% of children and adolescents in treatment will be prescribed medication for anxiety, so it is essential that clinicians know what anti-anxiety medications are available and the medications' benefits and side effects. Join Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, as she shares the types of anti-anxiety medications, black box warnings, and the importance of clinicians keeping open lines of communication with prescribers - helping the client and his or her parents, get the best treatment possible for their child.

9. (PESI) Art Therapy: Creative Interventions for Kids with Trauma, Anxiety, ADHD, and More!

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI attendees that have completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 hours

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Do you work with challenging children and teens who seem absolutely resistant to every intervention you offer? Clients who are stuck, repeating the same patterns over and over and you feel like you're powerless to help them? You know the ones that repeatedly refuse to listen and don't stop to think before they act. Or those who refuse to take responsibility for their behaviors and constantly pass blame onto others? Do they leave you feeling stagnant and burnt out in your practice? Watch this seminar and learn innovative interventions that will help even your most resistant clients become unstuck. Your day will consist of creative, interactive, hands-on training that will re-energize your work. You will leave with fresh new art strategies and approaches that you can use immediately to engage even your most difficult and challenging clients. These tools are fun and playful. They will offer you an opportunity to refresh yourself as well! No art experience is necessary, just an openness to try something creative. Art therapy materials recommended: Crayons, markers or colored pencils, 2 sheets of white and colored paper, glue or glue stick. *Participants will learn how to implement therapeutic art interventions. They will not be certified as an art therapist.

10. (PESI) Autism Assessment in Adults: Differentiating the Complexities of Autism from Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Autism diagnoses in adults are on the rise. Adults are now reporting that their childhood diagnosis of anxiety, ODD, OCD, alone doesn't make sense - autism is suspected. How do you separate the complex characteristics of autism from common co-occurring mental health diagnosis? In this session, autistic psychologist, speaker, and author, Dr. Wenn Lawson will teach you to how to assess for autism and separate it from other co-occurring mental health issues in adults. Watch and learn:

• How to interlace a neurodiversity affirming lens with DSM-5™ diagnostic criteria

• The interplay between poor mental health and autism and impact of unmet needs

• How autism presents differently in different gender identities The impact of a diagnosis in adulthood can lead to self-injury, employment and relationship problems, other mental health issues including suicidality.

11. (PESI) Autism Intervention Using a Trauma-Informed Lens: Creating a Foundation of Safety & Trust to Promote Self Awareness & Problem Solving

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI attendees that have completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 hours

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Since the Covid-19 Pandemic began, children across the country and the world have experienced significant changes within their homes, schools, and communities. Interactions with family members, teachers, therapists have suddenly shifted, and become unfamiliar, resulting in less productive opportunities for learning and growth. Children with autism are especially vulnerable to negative impacts, as they work to process complex emotions and implement successful coping strategies in their new environment. Through the development of a trusting relationship, children with autism can begin to gain the co-regulation skills necessary to develop self-awareness, and ultimately empower independent problem-solving and self-monitoring skills. The initial development of trust and positive regard within a relationship is crucial when supporting emotional advocacy and communication skills. Join me in this exciting, innovative, and evidence-informed recording. Finish feeling invigorated, with a new plan of action for how to use standard models and strategies in new ways to facilitate meaningful and lasting trauma recovery.

12. (PESI) Autism, LGBTQIA+, and The Intersectionality of Gender and Sexuality

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Like autism, gender exists on a spectrum... With the rise in clients seeking services related to gender identity, we know many are autistic. We also know gender identity and sexuality are more diverse among autistic individuals when compared to the allistic (non-autistic) population. To best help your autistic clients looking for support related to their gender identity and sexuality, it's imperative you understand how the two spectrums overlap. Join Wenn Lawson, PhD, an autistic transgender psychologist as he guides you through the implications for gender and sexual development, diagnosis, as well as how to support this diverse population. This session explores these issues and more!

13. (PESI) Beyond Behaviors: Effective Neuroscience-Based Tools to Transform Childhood

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

In Beyond Behaviors, internationally-known pediatric psychologist Dr. Mona Delahooke challenged mainstream ideas about addressing childhood behavioral problems based on new insights from brain science. Now, hear Dr. Delahooke in this exclusive companion course to the award-winning book as she unpacks and expands on how to apply the principles of the book to real-life therapy. Designed for psychologists, behavioral therapists, teachers, and anyone responsible for helping kids with challenging behaviors, she guides you, step-by-step, through her behavioral models of therapy based on an understanding of each child's unique nervous system. By applying insights from brain science, polyvagal theory, and social and emotional development theory, Dr. Delahooke shows how the real problems are beyond and beneath behaviors - and by using her system and principles, you can not only address behaviors but the underlying drivers of those behaviors. Featuring impactful worksheets and charts, this accessible and practical course offers professionals, educators, and parents tools and techniques to reduce behavioral challenges and promote psychological resilience and satisfying, secure relationships, and better therapy outcomes with kids.

14. (PESI) Boundaries in Clinical Practice: Top Ethical Challenges

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Boundary issues present some of the largest challenges you'll face as a clinician. How you communicate and interact can be interpreted differently by each client. Your professional liability is at risk by not following clear guidelines and best practices when it comes to boundaries. This seminar will provide you with answers to the top challenges you face. You'll get guidance on the following ethical boundary pitfalls:

• Social Media
• Email & Text
• Self-Disclosure
• Gifts & Receiving Gifts
• Contact Outside of Session
• Dual Relationships
• Financial & Business Boundaries Sign up today and avoid ethical entanglements that risk your professional liability!

15. (PESI) Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Many persons diagnosed with ADHD prefer not to take medication. There are various reasons for this including side effects and concerns with long-term use. In this live webcast, you will learn more about these reasons, as well as alternative interventions for ADHD. Looking at ADHD from a developmental perspective, we will consider reasons for the apparent increase in ADHD diagnoses over the past two decades. By understanding the way the brain works in ADHD, you will be able to better identify a variety of strategies to significantly impact the nervous system and positively influence symptoms of ADHD in your clients. Not only will you walk away with information about some of the most common non-medication interventions for ADHD such as computerized cognitive training, mindfulness meditation, and neurofeedback, you will also learn a variety of practical strategies that can be implemented immediately and at low cost. We will navigate the vast research on exercise, movement, diet, sleep, disruptive technologies, supplements, and the impact of the environment on ADHD, summarizing the findings and applying the information to "real life”. You will finish this webcast with the tools and knowledge to develop a holistic approach to working with adults and children with ADHD.

16. (PESI) Child-Centered Approaches to Effective Autism Treatment: Practical Strategies that Clinicians & Educators Can Use Right Away!

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

All behavior is communication, and when it comes to figuring out what children on the autism spectrum are trying to say, autism expert and author Jim Ball, Ed.D., BCBA-D, has the answers Offering a unique look at behavior through the child's perspective, Dr. Ball will teach you strategies help to reduce challenging behaviors, including:

• Figuring out why a child is engaging in a specific behavior
• Building an effective child-centered intervention plan
• Teaching individuals on the autism spectrum how to change their behavior
Stressing how behavior changes start with the caregiver, you'll learn strategies to build your "behavior-investigator” skills, which are essential to create effective intervention plans. Dr. Ball's philosophy is to help individuals on the spectrum, not to change who they are. To help them uncover, see and understand their strengths while shaping their unwanted challenges.

17. (PESI) Different... Not Less

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI attendees that have completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 hours

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Join Temple as she shares insight from the latest edition to Different… Not Less. In this interview-style keynote, she will explore the extraordinary potential of those on the autism spectrum, along with strategies to help them tap into their hidden abilities!

18. (PESI) Distracted and Disorganized Kids in a Digital Generation: Techniques to Influence Neuroplasticity, Manage Screen Time & Implement Sensory Smart Movement

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with smart technology. The use of screens is not just impacting social skills and human interaction, it's compromising neurosensory development! As learning and leisure time becomes increasingly screen-based, children are over-using their visual systems at the expense of exploring the environment and activating their senses for learning through movement. While the impact of screens on social interactions and self-esteem are being increasingly recognized, clinicians and educators need to understand the potential implications as it relates to neurosensory development. As clinicians and educators, we are equipped with many programs and interventions based on neurodevelopmental principles. Now, we need to apply them in the context of an increasingly digital world. Treating requires a new framework to ensure we activate the senses for learning and model the habits of success. This is especially true for children with ADHD, Autism, LD, sensory processing, and motor deficits, who, at baseline, require more opportunities for multi-sensory integration to increase attention and enhance brain development for learning than their neurotypical peers.
In this recording, you will enhance your existing therapeutic techniques to:
• Determine a child's digital and sensory-learning profile to inform treatment planning
• Identify the influence of smart technology and screen time on neuroplasticity in children with ADHD, LD, Autism, and SPD
• Rebalance the brain-body connection through controlled activation of multiple senses
• Optimize connection and cognition while supporting recovery from dysregulation and digital overload
• Instill the habits of success: mindset, state regulation, and movement

19. (PESI) Early Intervention for ASD: Building Rhythms in Relationships through DIR®

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI attendees that have completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 hours

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Rhythms in life are present in many forms, and for children and families, these rhythms are most present within their interactions and daily life. Yet, a child with ASD may have difficulty with rhythmicity due to underlying sensory processing and motor challenges, which impacts synchrony within relationships. Looking through a Developmental, Individual, Relationship-based® (DIR) lens, Stacy Rosello, MA, OTR/L, will teach you why rhythms are important to early intervention for autism. You'll learn strategies and tools to help foster and match rhythms between the child and caregiver. Attend and you'll learn how to:

• Recognizes the unique neurobiological profiles of the child and caregiver
• Help the caregiver understand the idiosyncratic characteristics and subtle nuanced signals of their infant, toddler or preschooler
• Match child and parent rhythms within their interactions and teach the caregiver how to respond sensitively and to adapt contingently by embedding rhythms into routines and rituals, the child adapts and becomes empowered, driving development. In time, these meaningful experiences create connectedness and cherished family bonds.

1. Theorize the reasons why achieving rhythm in a relationship for a child with ASD may be difficult. 2. Use DIR strategies to support rhythmicity and "synchrony” in interactions to foster relationships in a child with ASD and caregiver. 3. Create rhythmicity within relationships to build routines and rituals that foster family bonding.

20. (PESI) Ethical Considerations in Autism Related Services: Operating at the Highest Level Possible

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Join Drs. Kathleen Platzman and Karen Levine guide you through the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) toolkit-developed by autistic self-advocates-which provides the field feedback on what is ethical and what is not. Using the ASANs toolkit as a guide, we'll look at:

• Many common practices within autism related services and supports that have serious ethical concerns
• Way to provide ethical services to ensure we are operating at the highest ethical level possible, looking through the lens of autistic self-advocates This session is in part based on the ASAN toolkit entitled, "For Whose Benefit: Evidence, Ethics, and Effectiveness of Autism Interventions".

21. (PESI) Ethics with Minors: An Essential Guide for Mental Health Professionals

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have completed the course and want Act 48 credits awarded.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Working with minors and their parents presents unique challenges and problems but also provides unique rewards for therapists. There is often confusion and misunderstanding about the myriad of ethical and legal issues to consider when working with minors. This training will dive into some of these key issues and how to navigate them:
• Vulnerability of minors & power differentials
• Consent: Who can provide it and when
• Special rights of older adolescents
• Challenges of divorced parents
• Boundary Social media & texting issues
• Parental access to child's records
• Mandatory reporting of abuse You will learn how to use an effective and easy-to-use decision-making model that can be used in any situation when working with minors. Vignettes are used to illustrate how to navigate challenging situations involving minors and you'll receive additional resources to assist you beyond this training.

22. (PESI) Executive Function Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Practical Strategies to Improve Metacognitive and Self-Regulation Skills

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Do you work with children and adolescents who struggle paying attention, are severely disorganized, have difficulty making transitions and are unable to make plans? They repeatedly act out and meltdown-seemingly unaware of the consequences of their behavior. They frequently get placed in timeout or sent to the principal's office-missing out on typical childhood experiences in school, on the playground and with their families. These children have Executive Functioning (EF) deficits. The good news is that EF can be taught! Watch this intensive workshop and learn to strengthen the neuro connections in children and apply evidence-based metacognitive and self-regulation visual strategies and hands-on techniques to improve: Working Memory, Inhibitory Control, Adaptability, Mental Flexibility, Goal Setting, Planning/Strategizing, Sequencing, Organization, Time Management, Task Initiation, Executive Attention, Task Persistence, Emotional Control, Social skills, and Communication. OBJECTIVES 1. Determine when to use strategies, such as breathe cards or keychain rules, to support children's self-management in regulating behavior, focus and energy. 2. Implement specific intervention strategies to improve recall, organization and planning, and self-management skills in children with Executive Functioning (EF) deficits. 3. Utilize video modeling as an intervention strategy to target social-communication skills deficits and subsequent behavior difficulties in children with EF deficits. 4. Integrate visual strategies to support the way children and adolescents receive information and retain it in long-term memory. 5. Integrate metacognitive strategies to provide structure, predictability and routines to improve children's level of functioning. 6. Utilize self-regulation strategies to help children identify their emotions and level of emotions and to improve their level of functioning.

23. (PESI) Executive Function in the Classroom: 30 Cognitive-Motor Activities to Improve Attention, Memory, & Self-Regulation

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Teaching students how they think, learn and behave empowers them to play an active role in their own learning. When children with ADHD, anxiety, learning differences, oppositional tendencies and disinterest in school are taught how to be "Cognitive Scientists” coaching their own brains to plan, prioritize, attend and remember, they become more invested in school and motivated to learn. Taking the mystery out of executive functions by showing students how to learn more efficiently while calming their defensive brains leads to better concentration, improved attention, higher academic achievement and competent social-emotional skills. In this workshop, Lynne Kenney, Psy,D., pediatric psychologist, author and international educator, will teach you how to integrate the newest research in neuroscience, kinesiology and education for kids to learn more efficiently. You will discover over 30 developmentally progressive cognitive-exercises, worksheets and activities to enliven your classroom. Learn how to improve cognition, enhance learning and empower children to be better thinkers with motor movement, sequencing, attending, self-regulation and memory activities. OBJECTIVES 1. Implement research-based activities educators, teachers and school psychologists can use to improve thinking, self-regulation and behavior. 2. Characterize the relationship between cognition and motor movement. 3. Practice bringing physical activity back to the classroom with neurocognitive activities. 4. Demonstrate how students calm their defensive brains leading to better concentration, improved attention and competent social-emotional skills. 5. Evaluate the integration of computer-based cognitive skills training and motor movement activities 6. Choose how to enhance collaboration and cooperation in your classroom by teaching children applied neuroscience research.

24. (PESI) Executive Function, ADHD and Stress in the Classroom

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

This seminar draws on Cindy's clinical expertise of working with teachers other support professionals and parents as she brings to life how to bridge the gap between theory/research and actual implementation to address learning and behavior challenges in school. She will help you design subtle changes in the classroom to improve time management, working memory, motivation and emotional regulation that will benefit all children, not only those with ADHD. Walk away with new ideas, valuable handouts and important resources for teachers, parents, and students to manage homework, home/school communication, study-skills, behavior and more. Join ADHD expert Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ACAC, for practical and effective TIPS, TOOLS and STRATEGIES to:
• Improve motivation to learn and engage
• Ease stress and anxiety to help kids anticipate and prepare effectively
• Strategies to help manage their homework and improve accountability
• Decrease time spent off task and out of compliance
Do you need new strategies to get kids to pay attention and learn more effectively? Are you struggling with kids who can't get started, stay involved, or complete their class work? This seminar teaches techniques and tools for children who struggle to focus, cooperate, and perform to their potential.
• Take advantage of the latest brain research and evidence-based best practices to get kids motivated, focused, organized, and performing closer to their true potential.
• Empower students to take charge of their challenges and take responsibility for their own success in school and in life
• Improve collaboration with parents who struggle to effectively help their children

25. (PESI) Helping Anxious Families: Active Tips That Work and Common Traps to Avoid

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI attendees that have completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 hours

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Anxiety and OCD will show up, and after the past year, anxious cracks have become chasms for many anxious families. It's common for clinicians to get caught up in content (what kids worry about) instead of focusing on the how and why of anxiety--all the more detrimental with a missed OCD issue! In this recording, Lynn will show you how (and why!) to sidestep this content trap and move away from all-too-common elimination strategies.

26. (PESI) Improve Executive Functions: Evidence-Based Strategies to Change Behavior

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Executive Function skills form the foundation of success for people of all ages. But individuals with ADHD, Autism, OCD and other conditions have significant EF deficits - failing to thrive at school, work, home and in their most important relationships. Watch this recording and get the targeted skills and tools you need to cultivate lasting change and transform the lives of those who struggle with executive deficits - the chronically lost, late and unprepared! Watch George McCloskey, Ph.D., the internationally renowned creator of the McCloskey Executive Functions Scale (MEFS) for this incredible recording. An author, researcher, and clinician with more than 20 years of groundbreaking work with Executive Functions, Dr. McCloskey will teach you how to develop customized interventions that can be used with students or clients across multiple settings from the private practice office to the classroom. OBJECTIVES 1. Analyze a comprehensive neuropsychological model of executive functions as it relates to clinical treatment. 2. Communicate how executive function difficulties are manifested in individuals diagnosed with various psychological disorders and/or enrolled in special education programs as it pertains to assessment and treatment planning. 3. Apply effective assessment techniques based on a multidimensional framework to determine executive function strengths and weaknesses and to target specific intervention needs. 4. Recommend strategies that are appropriate for fostering executive function development and/or for intervening when executive function difficulties are identified. 5. Implement strategies that bridge the gap between "external control” and "internal self-regulation”. 6. Utilize mindfulness, CBT and other evidence-based programs to foster executive function development and/or remediate difficulties.

27. (PESI) LGBTQ Youth: Clinical Strategies to Support Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

A 9-year-old boy took his own life, just days after coming out to his peers as gay, due to the severe bullying he received. Sadly, he is not alone. Suicide rates among LGBTQ youth are rising at an alarming pace. As a clinician, how do you approach a sensitive topic like gender identity without offending your clients? How do you navigate the LGBTQ spectrum, with its unique terminology and challenges? How are you supposed to help an LGBTQ youth client when their parents are not on board?

28. (PESI) Lights, Camera, Empowerment! Neurodiversity and the Transition to Independence

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Are your clients ready for their next step? Transition to adulthood, including attending college or starting employment, is a time of significant change for many individuals. For neurodivergent individuals, excitement and anticipation of this change is frequently coupled with a sense of nervousness about how to manage these next important steps. Many times, as individuals in "helping” professions, we work hard on ensuring that every accommodation and support is put into place for our children and clients. Where we fall short, is allowing for opportunities of exploration and autonomy within a structured setting. This way, clients learn their best practices, and how to advocate for them. It is critical that therapists, educators, and all stakeholders consider post-secondary transition needs and make a targeted plan to support a student's journey to independence. In this session, transition planning best practices are used to consider therapeutic outcomes and to support targeted goal setting. A variety of evidence-based methods for promoting dynamic learning, self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-advocacy strategies to build a student's personal autonomy are discussed. Attendees will be provided with strategies ready for immediate use.

29. (PESI) Motivational Interviewing for High-Functioning Autism in Adulthood: An Insider's Perspective

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Join autism expert Sean Inderbitzen, APSW, MINT, as he teaches you-from an insider's perspective- how to use Motivational Interviewing techniques (MI) with your adult clients on the autism spectrum. In this rare opportunity, Sean will guide you through MI techniques that will help your clients improve:
• Anxiety and depression
• Social pragmatics
• Communication
• Self-esteem
• Emotion identification
• Intrinsic motivation
• "Black” and "white” thinking
• Navigating ambiguity
• Find what changes to pursue
• Resistance to change Learning effective techniques from a clinician on the spectrum, will give you the essential skills and perspective you need to help your clients overcome the treatment obstacles that can impede the therapy they desperately need. Stop feeling frustrated, ineffective, and perpetually stuck at square one in therapy!

30. (PESI) No More Autism Meltdowns: Strategies to Deescalate Meltdowns and Reduce Anxiety

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder often present with behavioral challenges that make it difficult for them to regulate their feelings. Their frequent meltdowns can hold a family and therapeutic progress hostage and force everyone to walk on eggshells. In this session, you'll learn how best to understand these moments of dysregulation and manage one's own emotions in order to get better outcomes with children. Join autism expert Jed Baker, Ph.D, and learn concrete strategies to deescalate meltdowns in the moment, design effective behavior plans to prevent these moments, and reduce frustration and anxiety are covered in depth.

31. (PESI) ODD, ASD, ADHD, & Mood Disorders - Over 50 Behavior-Changing Techniques for Children and Adolescents

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

It's guaranteed… this recording will guide you through focused, clear and successful methods for treating children. You will walk away with evidence-based techniques that will not only re-energize your practice but also help your clients to:

• Aggression
• Distractibility
• Impulsivity
• Over-Activity
• Sensory Sensitivity
• Irritability/Temper Tantrums
• Hopelessness
• Panic/Anxiety


• Effective Communication
• Self-Control
• Coping with Environmental Change & Transitions
• Task-Focus & Persistence
• Empathy & Remorse
• Respect
• Social Skills

Jennifer Wilke-Deaton, M.A., L.P.A., national speaker, expert and author will teach you more than 50 techniques that can quickly improve the lives of children and adolescents with ODD, ASD, ADHD and mood disorders. Learn how to troubleshoot and adapt techniques for preschool through high school aged kids through real-life case studies, video/audio clips, reproducible client-friendly worksheets, and step-by-step directions for every intervention. Jen's passion, caring, humor, and time-tested approaches will make this day of learning fly by! You will leave invigorated and empowered to treat the top childhood disorders.

32. (PESI) Oppositional, Defiant & Disruptive Children and Adolescents: Non-medication Approaches to the Most Challenging Behaviors

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Children and adolescents with ODD, ADHD, Asperger's, anxiety, mood and disruptive disorders provide constant clinical and parenting challenges. Attend this seminar and learn new, effective non-medication strategies for your client's most challenging behaviors including: tantrums, running out/away, noncompliance, nagging, refusing to work/help, yelling/screaming, bullying, panic/anxiety reactions, lack of follow through, not following directions. You will walk away with immediate strategies for out of control behaviors and techniques for emotional regulation along with long-term treatment strategies to help kids at home and school. Robert Marino is a clinical expert and has worked with the most challenging kids both in clinical and school settings. Through the use of case studies and action oriented handouts, you will leave this seminar with solutions to turn your most challenging kids around.

33. (PESI) Over 75 Quick "On the Spot" Techniques for Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Problems

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Leaving nothing to the abstract, "75 Quick, ‘On-the-Spot' Techniques for Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Problems” will guide you through focused, clear and successful methods for treating children. Every professional who seeks to fill their toolbox with tested methods will leave this seminar with a wealth of fresh ideas and rejuvenated spirits. If you do not have a lot of experience working with children and teens, you will leave with a defined strategy for success. If you are a seasoned professional, you will learn new tricks and techniques to re-energize and revitalize your practice!

34. (PESI) Psychopharmacology in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Many individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are on medications that are not supported in the literature as being effective in treating symptoms of ASD, which is confusing and alarming. This program will review the latest research in psychopharmacology and ASD as well as:

• Benefits of certain pharmacological interventions in treating the symptoms of ASD
• Potential side effects of psychotropic medication that can mimic or cause behavioral issues
• Your role as a treating clinician in assisting your client's with ASD in psychopharmacological management.

35. (PESI) School Refusal: Real Help for Children and Teens Who Can't or Won't Go to School

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

School refusal creates chaos in families and often becomes a vicious cycle in which students become trapped. Often a symptom of anxiety and depression, school refusal creates an immediate short-term relief for kids seeking to escape aspects of the school day. But the result typically includes falling further behind academically, increased feelings of disconnection from peers, and lowered self-esteem. Join Susan Gibbs, LPC, to learn from her extensive experience in addressing school refusal effectively. She will bridge the clinical and educational words and share approaches for both environments so you can help struggling students and families.
You will leave with the ability to:
• Identify the 4 functions of school refusal
• Anticipate and plan for 5 critical times of day
• Create student and family specific plans that focus on the student's inner wealth and human connection
• Equip parents and educators with age-appropriate interventions to successfully handle school refusal in-the-moment
• Apply the Nurtured Heart Approach to school refusal

36. (PESI) Sensorimotor Interventions to Improve Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Functioning: Neurological Approaches for Children and Adolescents with Autism

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Join author and expert Varleisha Gibbs PhD, OTD, OTR/L, as she teaches you how to skillfully apply strength-based sensorimotor interventions for improving social, emotional, and cognitive function in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience, Dr. Gibbs will guide you through the underlying neuroanatomical connections to help you better select and develop appropriate interventions. You'll learn:

•Activation of the Vagus nerve, music and movement techniques, and breathwork for emotional regulation and social participation
•New self-regulation and mindfulness techniques to support arousal levels along with new assessments and treatments to organize daily interventions
•Environmental modifications to support optimal function of children with autism
Dr. Gibbs will share techniques from her books Self-Regulation and Mindfulness (PESI Publishing & Media, Summer 2017) and from her latest book on Trauma Treatment in ACTION (PESI Publishing & Media, 2021).

37. (PESI) Smart but Scattered Adults - Manage ADHD by Targeting Executive Skills

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Strategies to improve the ability of adults with ADHD to: -Get organized -Manage time -Control emotions -Avoid procrastination -Stay focused -Control impulses -Shift gears/roll with the punches -Keep track of it all Many adults with ADHD fail to finish college, hold down a job, progress in their career, or maintain satisfactory relationships with friends and family. Failure and the recognition that they are working well below their potential erode self-confidence and eat away at self-esteem. Even highly motivated clients with ADHD struggle to follow through on the changes they need to make to improve their physical or emotional well-being. They know they need to change, they know what they need to do to change, they may even be able to take a step or two toward making those changes-and then they plateau or give up. What's getting in the way is not their unwillingness or resistance to change, but weak executive skills. Executive skills are underlying brain processes that help people manage their everyday lives, get things done, control their emotions, and help them manage obstacles that interfere with productivity and behavior change. Attend this seminar and learn cutting-edge neuroscience on executive functioning and practical strategies for your ADHD clients to help them overcome the obstacles presented by weak executive skills. At the end of the day you will be able to best help your clients assess their executive skill strengths and weaknesses and create an action plan that is realistic and leads to true and lasting change.

38. (PESI) Social Skills Intervention for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum: Helping Clients Overcome Today's Obstacles in Social Skills

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI attendees that have completed the course through PESI and want Act 48 credits awarded

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

In this video session, autism expert Jay Berk, PhD, will provide valuable insight into the unique social skills challenges faced by children, adolescents, and young adults with autism in today's world relating to the pandemic, emergence from the pandemic, digital impact on social skills acquisition, and challenges associated with co-occurring disorders, such as social anxiety.
Attend and learn how to adeptly teach your clients with autism how to:
• Navigate social interactions online and in person, in any setting
• Use "in person” approaches from "on-line” responses to social situations
• Effectively manage their preservation of high interest areas
• Reduce misinterpretation of social cues
• Understand appropriate/inappropriate content for discussion topics

39. (PESI) Tech Addiction & Digital Health in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: Level 1 Certification for Clinicians and Educators

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

We are on the verge of a global public health crisis - and the kids, teens and young adults you work with are at the greatest risk. Young people are living their lives in front of a screen with disastrous results. ADHD, depression, suicidality, anxiety, sleep irregularities, thought disorders, and stunted social skills are rising dramatically. Whether you're a mental health professional or school-based professional the resources available have lacked the concrete strategies and real-life interventions you need to effectively intervene in this growing epidemic. Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is an internationally renowned expert on tech addition, author of the best-selling book Glow Kids, and executive director of one of the world's top rehabs, The Dunes in East Hampton, NY. He is an active advocate for screen addiction to be included as a clinical disorder. Learn from him in this Certification training and get the most effective tools, strategies and techniques you need to help children, adolescents, young adults and families hijacked by technology overuse. Discover:

• Clinical and school-based interventions for problem screen usage
• Safe and effective strategies to work with kids hijacked by tech addiction
• How family dynamics relate to problematic digital behaviors - and what you can do about it
• Proven interventions to reduce video gaming, social media, and YouTube obsessions
• Strategies to improve digital boundaries and discipline

40. (PESI) The Hard-to-Engage Student: Strategies to Minimize Work Avoidance, Increase Connectedness, and Enhance Academic Success for Struggling Students

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

The kindergartener who refuses to join the others at circle time. The fifth grader who has yet to complete an assignment. The freshman who leaves school daily after lunch. As educators, our goal is to inspire and unlock each student's passion for learning. But what happens when our best efforts are met with refusal or hostility? Join Savanna Flakes, Ed. S, international educational consultant, for this unprecedented seminar that will equip you with proven interventions and strategies to engage the hardest-to-engage students. Through interactive activities, video demonstrations and collaborative discussion you will acquire dozens of evidence-based, practical strategies to increase academic achievement. Discover:

• Inclusive and equitable practices to remove barriers to student engagement
• SEL strategies for building positive relationships and productive interactions during learning
• Innovative technology tools to support struggling students
• Evidenced-based practices to support effective group work and team collaboration
• Practical and low-prep strategies to differentiate reading and math instruction on-the-fly
• Strategies to support student resilience, mindset, and independence
• Collaboration, co-teaching, and interdisciplinary approaches for success

41. (PESI) The Neuroscience of Safety: The Transformative Impact of the Polyvagal Theory on Supporting Children on the Autism Spectrum

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Join Dr. Stephen Porges, the developer of Polyvagal theory (PVT)-also known as the neuroscience of safety-as he offers a paradigm shift in autism intervention. You'll learn that the behaviors you frequently observe are the tip of the iceberg. That we must go below the waterline to reveal the most important treatment goal for all individuals: the neuroception of safety as evidenced by physiological state regulation. You'll learn the best strategies for down regulating threat and defensive reactions by shifting the individual's state to that of calmness with feelings of safety leading to accessibility and spontaneous social engagement. Dr. Porges will present new ways to conceptualize and write treatment goals that are respectful of the child's (and parent's) nervous systems, leading the way to improved communication, relational satisfaction, and joy. Autism treatment that includes an appreciation of the body, the physiology of parent and child. Through research and an understanding of the science, this workshop presents cutting edge integration of neuroscience into autism support, providing new, emerging applications and offering hope and a new focus on the neuroscience of safety to autism treatment.

42. (PESI) The Two Attention Disorders: Identifying, Diagnosing, and Managing ADHD vs. SCT

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

In this program Dr. Barkley provides detailed information on the specific nature of ADHD symptoms and the current DSM5 diagnostic criteria for ADHD. He then reviews the various modifications necessary for updating the DSM criteria and making them more useful and rigorous with special populations (girls, adults, etc.). Dr. Barkley then addresses the issue of subtyping of ADHD along with the emerging conclusion that one form of the inattentive type may constitute a new disorder known in research as sluggish cognitive tempo or sometimes called ADD by clinicians.

43. (PESI) Theory of Mind: Therapeutic Implications for Clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

Because individuals on the autism spectrum have Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits, they struggle with pragmatic interaction skills, organized and coherent conversations, engaging in appropriate turn-taking, and inferring what others might do, think and feel. To address their social/communication deficits clinicians must discern their ToM abilities.
Join internationally renowned expert Carol Westby, PhD, CCC-SLP, as she guides you through:
• Current research on neural bases for emotional understanding and theory of mind
• Developmental stages of theory of mind from infancy through adolescence
• Assessment and intervention implications for ToM deficits and how to intervene with infants through school-age children.
Given the role of Theory of Mind (ToM) in social and academic functioning in persons with autism and the rapid increase in our understanding of the neurological and environmental factors that contribute to ToM, it is important that we recognize delays and deficits in ToM.

44. (PESI) Trauma and Loss Among College Students in a Post Covid World

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI attendees that have completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 hours

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

The COVID-19 pandemic created a dramatic shift in higher education delivery and impacted the mental health and well-being of college students. Students experienced grief and loss related to the death of loved ones as well as the loss of experiences related to social, emotional, and academic milestones. In this presentation, we will first provide an overview of COVID-19 losses in college students, the impact on young adults with previous trauma history, and a discussion of COVID-19 as its own unique trauma. Next, we will review risk and protective factors associated with mental health problems post-pandemic. We will conclude with clinical considerations for working with college students experiencing losses post-pandemic, including specific considerations for students with a history of trauma.

45. (PESI) Trauma-Informed Compassionate Classrooms: Strategies to Reduce Challenging Behavior, Improve Learning Outcomes and Increase Student Engagement

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

As an educator, you are faced with the challenge of meeting the social and emotional needs of all your students. This can be challenging enough with typical learners but it is even more difficult with those who have experienced trauma or have mental health challenges. Students who have experienced trauma often present as difficult to engage and display problematic behavior such as a low frustration tolerance, angry outbursts, or difficult social relationships. These behaviors all get in the way of teaching and learning. When a student has experienced trauma, he/she often spends much of the day in fight/flight/freeze mode which limits their capacity to learn. Their outwardly aggressive and irritable behaviors also disrupt the flow in the classroom, requiring your time and attention. Despite the amount of time you invest in behavior charts or incentives for good behavior, traditional behavioral approaches to classroom management and a punitive approach to discipline simply are not effective. Join Dr. Reese in the recording and learn how a trauma-informed approach will greatly reduce challenging behavior, improve student engagement and increase learning outcomes. Finish this program with new strategies, tools, and resources to reduce students' impulsiveness, aggressive behaviors, and inattention and increase their focus, attention, and compassion. While this positive approach is absolutely essential for students with trauma, it will also greatly benefit each and every student in your classroom. Return to your school with:

• Research-based practices to establish a trauma-informed classroom
• A plan to develop positive relationships and build trust with your hard-to-reach students
• Prove techniques for communicating more effectively and collaboratively with challenging students
• Cognitive skill-building strategies which incorporate the science of neuroplasticity and the strengths-based perspective of neurodiversity

46. (PESI) Trauma-Informed Schools and Adverse Childhood Experiences Training

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI activity attendees that have completed the course and are requesting Act 48 hours.

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

When you entered education, you thought it would be about lesson plans, curriculum, and seating charts. You weren't expecting kids who curse, hit, kick, and scratch other students, and bang their heads on the table when they're frustrated. Kids who are constantly "in trouble” at school and have difficulty grasping the material being taught. But sometimes the trauma of physical and sexual abuse, hunger, violence, and suicide lie behind these behaviors. And when you hear the stories of your students pain you're left feeling blindsided, unprepared, and desperate for guidance on how you can help. Whether you're a teacher, administrator, counselor, social worker or anyone who works with students, this program will provide you with the step-by-step direction, tools, and techniques you need to work more capably and comfortably with kids who've experienced trauma. The strategies and comprehensive learning supports shared at this event will enable you to create a better school climate, boost academic achievement, and improve school safety while building critical skills in students like self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and an openness to teamwork and cooperation. Get the trauma-sensitive skills and strategies you need to ensure every student can succeed!

47. (PESI) When Politics Get Personal: Sociopolitical Stress and College Student Mental Health

Program: PESI, Inc.

Audience: PESI Attendees that have already completed the course through PESI and are requesting Act 48 credits

Dates: 7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024

The current unrest exhibited on college and university campuses across the U.S. has largely been driven by politically provocative higher education policies. Predictably, the sociopolitical stress experienced by college students is wide-ranging and uniquely felt and has particularly daunting implications for their mental health. Bringing together a multidisciplinary team of professionals in law and mental health, this training will provide a range of professionals in higher education and beyond with the necessary awareness, knowledge, and skills to support college student communities as they navigate a politically stressful environment.

48. The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (CPE Course)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Educator's Pre K-12

Dates: 7/26/2024 to 8/26/2024

Starting Today
This online class will be extremely helpful for the first-time teacher just as much as for the seasoned professional! This course will provide an educator's goldmine to pertinent information to make not only the first day of school but every day run smoothly. The book utilized, The First Days of School: How To Be An Effective Teacher (2018) by Harry Wong, is the updated edition of a proven resource on successful teaching practices for both classroom management and student success. The course will feature many great, practical ideas to implement resulting in positive outcomes. Students' educational experiences will be so much better after having applied the book along with completing the other high-powered activities in the class. The text for this class will be provided prior to the start date of the course; price is included in the registration fee. Goals of the course are: 1. To impact student learning by the teacher applying the three characteristics of an effective teacher. Structuring and organizing the classroom, teaching classroom management procedures that create consistency, and developing lesson plans that produce student learning. 2. To strengthen student growth in the classroom by studying and applying research on improving student achievement. 3. To assist in the success of all students by adhering to the philosophy that all students will succeed in their classroom, not just can succeed.

49. Igniting Inquiry: Phenomena and Innovative Science Strategies

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Science educators K-12, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 7/30/2024

Starting Soon
Venture on a dynamic one-day training designed to empower science educators with cutting-edge teaching practices. Dive into the power of phenomena-based learning, where real-world events captivate students' curiosity and drive scientific inquiry. Explore Ambitious Science Teaching strategies to elevate your classroom approach, emphasizing student engagement and critical thinking. Uncover the art of sensemaking in science, equipping you with tools to guide students in constructing deep understandings. This is a Tier 1 training, appropriate for educators who are new to or have introductory knowledge of 3-Dimensional, Phenomenon-based learning as they begin their STEELS journey.

50. Navigating the Future: STEELS Elementary

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Elementary Science teachers, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 7/31/2024

Starting Soon
Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to lead the way in elementary education through our comprehensive training on the new STEELS standards. This workshop is designed for elementary educators seeking to deepen their understanding, unpack the standards, access valuable resources, and collaborate with their teams to seamlessly integrate STEELS into their classrooms. This is a Tier 2 training, appropriate for educators who have a good understanding of 3-dimensional, phenomenon based learning, or have attended professional development on 3-dimensional, phenomenon based learning.

51. Navigating the Future: STEELS Secondary

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Secondary Science teachers, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 8/1/2024

Starting Soon
Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to lead the way in secondary education through our comprehensive training on the new STEELS standards. This workshop is designed for middle and high school educators seeking to deepen their understanding, unpack the standards, access valuable resources, and collaborate with their teams to seamlessly integrate STEELS into their classrooms. This is a Tier 2 training, appropriate for educators who have a good understanding of 3-dimensional, phenomenon based learning, or have attended professional development on 3-dimensional, phenomenon based learning.

52. cAIu Summit: Unleashing the Power of AI

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 8/7/2024

The cAIu Summit on Transforming Education- Join us for the inaugural cAIu Summit, happening August 7, 2024 at the Capital Area Intermediate Unit. This groundbreaking event promises a deep dive into the transformative world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on education. Whether you're an educator, administrator, tech professional, or simply passionate about the future of learning, this summit is for you! [Created by Google Gemini, 2/22,24] Carl Hooker, author and national keynote speaker, will kick off the day of learning!

53. High Impact Strategies (Virtual)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Students who are preparing to student teach

Dates: 8/12/2024

(This course is for students who are preparing to student teach) What types of high impact strategies do effective educators use to engage all learners? Join us for a synchronous virtual professional development opportunity where you will explore current educational topics. Content includes Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), active engagement, addressing learner variability, instructional and assistive technology, and educator effectiveness. This conference style day of professional learning features various forms of presentation modalities, breakout sessions, and collaboration/networking opportunities. Participants will leave with access to a slide deck of high impact engagement strategies that can be applied across contexts and with diverse learning populations.

54. UDL Walk in the Park (Adams Ricci Park, Enola PA)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: School Teams including School Administrators, Curriculum Directors, Instructional Coaches, General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, support staff and anyone who would like to learn more about Universal Design for Learning

Dates: 8/12/2024

What can a community park teach us about UDL? Through this unique professional development opportunity, you will gain familiarity with Universal Design for Learning while strolling through the park and engaging in deep conversation. This session strives to support participants with developing a UDL mindset, explore how design is connected to intention, and make connections with UDL based on your individual role, all while having fun!

55. ELD Curriculum Writing (all day) (ELD Specialists)

Program: ANPS

Audience: Limited to ELD specialists

Dates: 8/14/2024

ELD Curriculum Writing (all day) (ELD Specialists)

56. Learning & the Brain Workshop w/ Dr. Far (all day) (ANPS educational and remedial specialists)

Program: ANPS

Audience: limited to ANPS educational and remedial specialist

Dates: 8/14/2024

Learning & the Brain Workshop w/ Dr. Far (all day) (ANPS educational and remedial specialists)

57. Asynchronous Course Assisting Students Struggling with Math (WWC Guide)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: K-5 classroom teachers, math coaches or interventionists, special education teachers

Dates: 8/15/2024

What strategies and practices best assist students struggling in elementary math? What research supports these evidence-based practices? Participants will explore the latest WWC guide on assisting elementary students struggling in mathematics. This is an asynchronous course. Information will be emailed to access course materials. This course runs from June 3 thru Aug 15

58. Asynchronous Course Best Practices for Tier 1 Core Math Instruction

Program: Educational Services

Audience: K-12 math teachers, special education teachers, math coaches or interventionists, administrators

Dates: 8/15/2024

What practices are best utilized in core instruction? How do the components of explicit instruction support best math instruction? Participants will review the research and resources behind best practices for Tier 1 instruction for all students. This is an asynchronous course. Information will be emailed to access course materials. this course runs from June 3 thru Aug 15

59. Asynchronous Course Classwide Math Interventions Grades 1-6

Program: Educational Services

Audience: 1-6 classroom teachers, special education teachers, instructional coaches and interventionists, building administrators

Dates: 8/15/2024

Participants will learn how to utilize screening data to create and implement classwide math intervention to improve ALL students' mathematics skills. This is an asynchronous course. Information will be emailed to access course materials. This session will run from June 3 thru Aug 15

60. Asynchronous course CRA Toolkits

Program: Educational Services

Audience: : K-8 educators interested in math education

Dates: 8/15/2024

Which tools best support hands-on math learning? How do teachers use manipulatives to teach core concepts in early numeracy, basic operations, fractions, and integers? Participants will select a math concept and explore with hands on materials how to best teach for instruction and student understanding. This is an asynchronous course. Information will be emailed to access course materials. This course runs from June 3 thru Aug 15

61. Asynchronous Course High Yield Math Routines

Program: Educational Services

Audience: K-8 educators interested in math education

Dates: 8/15/2024

Participants will explore various math routines that can be utilized in grades K-8 to increase student engagement and deepen student learning. This is an asynchronous course. Information will be emailed to access course materials. This course runs from June 3 thru Aug 15

62. Asynchronous Course Learning Trajectories for Grades K-2: Counting and Subitizing

Program: Educational Services

Audience: K-2 math teachers, math coaches or interventionists, special education teachers

Dates: 8/15/2024

How do children learn how to count? What are the best ways to practice subitizing? Participants will learn the components of learning trajectories as well as instructional strategies for each stage of counting and subitizing. This is an asynchronous course. Information will be emailed to access course materials. This course runs from June 3 thru Aug 15

63. Building Capacity and Promoting Instruction through PASA DLM (virtual workshop)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Special education teachers of low incidence classrooms, general education teachers supporting inclusive classrooms, special education administrators, building administrators and PASA Assessment Coordinators who oversee special education programming.

Dates: 8/15/2024

The training is designed to build statewide capacity regarding the provision of standards aligned to instruction and assessment using Essential Elements (EEs) for students with complex learning needs. Participants will see how EEs have already been modified for instructional use and identify existing resources to support implementation in lesson and unit planning (i.e., unpacking DLM essential elements, professional development modules, instructional planner, mini-maps, and more). This is a virtual workshop.

64. ELD Networking (August Virtual)

Program: Student Services

Audience: Any staff member who serves Multilingual Learners

Dates: 8/15/2024

In ELD Networking, participants will hear updates related to the ELD field as well as explore topics that are pertinent to the education of Multilingual Learners. This year, our focus in the fall sessions will be on evidence based practices while our focus in the spring will be related to the variability of English Learners.

65. ELD Networking (August In Person)

Program: Student Services

Audience: Any staff member who serves Multilingual Learners

Dates: 8/15/2024

In ELD Networking, participants will hear updates related to the ELD field as well as explore topics that are pertinent to the education of Multilingual Learners. This year, our focus in the fall sessions will be on evidence based practices while our focus in the spring will be related to the variability of English Learners.

66. High Impact Strategies (Virtual)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Students who are preparing to student teach

Dates: 8/28/2024

(This course is for students who are preparing to student teach)What types of high impact strategies do effective educators use to engage all learners? Join us for a synchronous virtual professional development opportunity where you will explore current educational topics. Content includes Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), active engagement, addressing learner variability, instructional and assistive technology, and educator effectiveness. This conference style day of professional learning features various forms of presentation modalities, breakout sessions, and collaboration/networking opportunities. Participants will leave with access to a slide deck of high impact engagement strategies that can be applied across contexts and with diverse learning populations.

67. Kids Come in All Languages! Book Study

Program: Student Services

Audience: ELD and Content Area Teachers; Administrators

Dates: 9/3/2024 to 12/3/2024

Join us this Fall 2024 as we read and discuss John Hattie's book Kids Come in All Languages: Visible Learning for Multilingual Learners. Teachers of all grades and content areas are welcome. Participants will receive a free copy of the book at the first session and Act 89 credits for all sessions. We will cover the book over a series of seven sessions. Only 20 spots are available, so sign up quickly before it's too late! We hope to see you on Tuesday, September 3 from 2:00-3:00 for our kickoff session.

68. MTSS Elementary Novice teams

Program: Educational Services

Audience: For NEW K-5 school teams – principal(s), school counselor, grade level representatives, special education representative, and/or specialist(s)

Dates: 9/5/2024

This four-part series uses implementation science to create the conditions necessary to develop & implement an equitable, universally-designed MTSS framework. You must register for each date separately - 9/5, 10/8, 1/23, 4/8

69. IEP Training Series

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Special educators, Special Education Administrators and Supervisors, Coaches, Consultants

Dates: 9/6/2024

Join us for a year-long learning series for special educators! Dr. David Bateman, Principal Researcher at the American Research Institute, will lead participants through writing legally compliant IEPs, sharing the latest trends in special education, and learning from due process hearings. Monthly virtual follow-up sessions will be available to participants from 8:00-9:00 AM on Oct 28, Nov 18, Dec 16, Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 24, and Apr 28, led by Dr. Bateman. Dr. Bateman will return to the CAIU for a 1/2 day wrap-up session (in-person) on May 16 from 8:30-11:30 AM. Attendance at all sessions is not required. This registration is for the September 6 in-person training date.

70. Effective Interventions in Mathematics book study 2.0

Program: Educational Services

Audience: K-5 math interventionists or specialists ONLY

Dates: 9/6/2024 to 2/7/2025

This book study further explores the book, Effective Math Interventions. Each virtual one-hour session will explore effective, research-based interventions that can be used for numeracy, computation, and word problems. Participants are required to attend 3 virtual meetings held the first Friday of the month.

71. Manipulatives in Middle School? Absolutely! (AM session)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Grades 6-8 math teachers, interventionists or coaches who support middle school math, administrators.

Dates: 9/9/2024

Do your middle school students need some hands-on activities to help develop their mathematical concepts? Discover the benefits of using manipulatives in your middle school class to help students better understand math as well as some ways to use a variety of manipulatives. See why manipulatives are a powerful tool for middle school students! This session will include a variety of topics, including work with integers, solving equations, geometry, and much more!

72. Wilson Reading System Introductory Workshop

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Special Educators, Reading Specialists, Interventionists, Reading Teachers, Tier 3 Reading Providers

Dates: 9/9/2024 to 9/11/2024

This course provides participants with an overview of the Wilson Reading System® (WRS) 4th Edition curriculum and serves as the required prerequisite for WRS Level I Certification. Over three consecutive days, this course examines how WRS addresses the teaching of phonemic awareness, word identification, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension through an integrated study of phonology, morphology, and orthography with students in grade two and above with persistent phonological coding deficits. Please go to for more details about the workshop.

73. Manipulatives in Middle School? Absolutely! (PM session)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Grades 6-8 math teachers, interventionists or coaches who support middle school math, administrators.

Dates: 9/9/2024

Manipulatives in Middle School? Absolutely! PM session
Do your middle school students need some hands-on activities to help develop their mathematical concepts? Discover the benefits of using manipulatives in your middle school class to help students better understand math as well as some ways to use a variety of manipulatives. See why manipulatives are a powerful tool for middle school students! This session will include a variety of topics, including work with integers, solving equations, geometry, and much more!

74. MTSS Secondary Novice teams

Program: Educational Services

Audience: For newly established secondary teams (Grades 6-12).

Dates: 9/10/2024

Use implementation science to create or refine an Early Warning System (EWS) grounded in equitable, universally-designed instructional practices that complement an MTSS framework. You must register for each date separately- 9/10, 10/22, 1/28, 4/16

75. Classroom Management Support Plan: (DAY 1 of 3) Creating a Positive and Engaging Learning Environment

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Classroom Teachers

Dates: 9/11/2024

Three-day series for individuals looking to expand their classroom practices. Participants must register for all three sessions (9/11/24, 10/22/24, 11/21/24). We will develop a classroom support plan that looks at six different components of classroom support. Steps include teaching expectations, establishing routines, using reinforcement and consequences effectively, pre-correcting problem behavior, managing interactions, diffusing confrontation, and managing instructions.

76. Multilingual Minutes Virtual Series (CAIU Title III Consortium Members Only)

Program: Student Services

Audience: Any staff member who works with Multilingual Learners

Dates: 9/12/2024 to 12/12/2024

We know the importance of giving students meaningful opportunities for interaction in order to transfer interpretive language skills into the expressive domains. In this series, we will dive into four topics related to fostering students expressive language skills. -September 12, 2024 (Lowering the Affective Filter) -October 10, 2024 (Accountable Talk) -November 7, 2024 (Fostering a Love of Writing) -December 12, 2024 (Collecting Student Samples and Providing Feedback)

77. Multilingual Minutes Virtual Series (For Non Title III Consortium Members)

Program: Student Services

Audience: Any staff member who works with Multilingual Learners

Dates: 9/12/2024 to 12/12/2024

We know the importance of giving students meaningful opportunities for interaction in order to transfer interpretive language skills into the expressive domains. In this series, we will dive into four topics related to fostering students expressive language skills. -September 12, 2024 (Lowering the Affective Filter) -October 10, 2024 (Accountable Talk) -November 7, 2024 (Fostering a Love of Writing) -December 12, 2024 (Collecting Student Samples and Providing Feedback)

78. Building Capacity and Promoting Instruction through PASA DLM (virtual workshop)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Special education teachers of low-incidence classrooms, general education teachers supporting inclusive classrooms, special education administrators, building administrators and PASA Assessment Coordinators who oversee special education programming.

Dates: 9/12/2024

The training is designed to build statewide capacity regarding the provision of standards-aligned instruction and assessment using Essential Elements (EEs) for students with complex learning needs. Participants will see how EEs have already been modified for instructional use and identify existing resources to support implementation in lesson and unit planning (i.e., unpacking DLM essential elements, professional development modules, instructional planner, mini-maps, and more). This is a virtual workshop.

79. Revolutionizing Science Education: 3-Dimensional Learning

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Science educators K-12, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 9/12/2024

Embark on a transformative journey into modern science education with our one-day workshop. Understand the "why" behind the shift, explore the three dimensions of learning, and discover the distinctions from traditional teaching methods. Join us to revolutionize your approach and inspire the next generation of scientists. This is a Level 1 Training appropriate for educators who are new to or have introductory knowledge of 3-Dimensional, Phenomenon-based learning as they begin their STEELS journey. This workshop is supported by funding from PDE and is available at no cost to participants.

80. Wilson Reading System Level 1 Certification Course (Virtual Start-Up Day)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Special Educators, Reading Specialists, Interventionists, Reading Teachers, Tier 3 Reading Providers that completed WRS Introductory Workshop

Dates: 9/12/2024

This session is the Start-Up Day for individuals participating in the WRS Level 1 Certification Course. Completion of the WRS Level 1 Certification Course will make one eligible to receive the professional credential of Wilson Dyslexia Practitioner. This course begins with a Start-Up Day on September 12, 2024. Participants will work with their cohort and the Wilson credentialed trainer to meet throughout the school year, conduct lessons with an approved practicum students, participate in observations, and conduct pre and post testing. Please see the flyer for detailed information and requirements - By registering for this training, you are also registering to be a part of the Level 1 cohort throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Registrants will be sent a link to attend the virtual start-up day a few days prior to the workshop. The cost includes the entire course, meetings, observations, Wilson materials, and assessments throughout the school year. Please note: WRS Introductory Workshop (3-Day) is a prerequisite. Completion of WRS Introductory Workshop MUST have been completed within the last 5 years.

81. Technology Advisory Council (TAC)

Program: Technology Services

Audience: District Technolgy Directors

Dates: 9/12/2024

TAC activities focus on reviewing programs, providing recommendations, and assisting students and faculty. Committee members work as a team to set goals each year and are results-oriented.

82. Igniting Inquiry: Phenomena and Innovative Science Strategies

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Science educators K-12, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 9/16/2024

Dive into the power of phenomena-based learning, where real-world events captivate students' curiosity and drive scientific inquiry. This is a Level 1 training, appropriate for educators who are new to or have introductory knowledge of 3-Dimensional, Phenomenon-based learning as they begin their STEELS journey. This workshop is supported by funding from PDE and is available at no cost to participants.

83. Developing Fraction Sense with Manipulatives (AM session)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Grades 3,4,5 math teachers, interventionists and coaches who support grades 3-5, administrators

Dates: 9/17/2024

Join us for an interactive session that will deepen your understanding of fractions! We understand that many students find fractions challenging, so we're excited to show you how to use hands-on manipulatives like Cuisenaire Rods, Color Tiles, and Pattern Blocks to make learning fractions engaging and accessible. This session will demonstrate practical ways to use these tools to represent fractions, helping your students build confidence and develop a strong conceptual foundation in math.

84. LETRS 3rd Edition, Volume 1 - Units 1-4

Program: Educational Services

Audience: For all K-3 teachers, Reading Specialists, Special Education teachers, Instructional Coaches, SLPs, School Psychologists, and Administrators

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 4/3/2025

• Focus on structured literacy instruction grounded in the science of reading
• Blended learning model with online activities, videos, and assessment
• Four and a half face-to-face sessions required throughout the year
• 9/17 (AM only), 10/24, 12/18, 2/20, 4/3
• Apply learning in your classroom with Bridge to Practice activities
• Onsite and virtual coaching opportunities available ***Cost includes Volume 1 book and access to online course content for one full year.

85. Developing Fraction Sense with Manipulatives (PM session)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Grades 3,4,5 math teachers, interventionists and coaches who support grades 3-5, administrators.

Dates: 9/17/2024

Join us for an interactive session that will deepen your understanding of fractions! We understand that many students find fractions challenging, so we're excited to show you how to use hands-on manipulatives like Cuisenaire Rods, Color Tiles, and Pattern Blocks to make learning fractions engaging and accessible. This session will demonstrate practical ways to use these tools to represent fractions, helping your students build confidence and develop a strong conceptual foundation in math.

86. MTSS Elementary Refinement teams

Program: Educational Services

Audience: For existing school teams (Grades K-5 building leadership and advanced tier teams). Pre-requisite requirement: Teams attended the MTSS Novice cohort in 2023-2024 school year.

Dates: 9/18/2024

This four-part series uses self-assessment tools to guide teams in refining an existing MTSS framework, increasing its effectiveness and ensuring sustainability through equitable and universally-designed practices. You must register for each date separately - 9/18, 11/13, 2/19, 3/26

87. Instructional Coach-Mentor Collaborative Network Meeting (September 2024)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Coaches from Instructional Coaching Collaborative member districts

Dates: 9/19/2024

The CAIU Instructional Coaching Mentor works with Instructional Coaching Collaborative members to focus on increasing student engagement and improving student achievement through analysis of student data and the implementation of evidence-based learning strategies. This networking meeting is designed for instructional coaches and/or specialists as a means to communicate, collaborate, and share resources with one another to help strengthen classroom instruction, student achievement, and engagement. Session topics also focus on the practice of coaching. Materials and information that are disseminated during this professional development opportunity will help to build capacity and support for instructional coaches in home schools and districts. Ongoing professional learning for instructional coaches enrolled in the Instructional Coaching Collaborative initiative.

88. LETRS 3rd Edition, Volume 2 - Units 5-8

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Individuals who have completed LETRS 3rd edition Volume 1

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 3/25/2025

LETRS 3rd edition is professional development delivered in a blended learning format. Participants will complete online coursework over the year and attend four in-person, full-day learning workshops. The course includes 1-year access to the online content, required book, assessments, Bridge to Practice activities, and opportunities for coaching and consultation. PREREQUISITE: Full completion of LETRS 3rd edition Volume 1, Units 1-4 is required. IN-PERSON DATES: 9/19, 11/5, 1/15, and 3/25. Participants will be notified in July/August 2024 to make arrangements to pick up the book.

89. Math Collaborative Learning Network (MCLN)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Educators interested in mathematics education K-12

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 5/15/2025

Join a collaborative and supportive environment of fellow practitioners and participate in discussions and discoveries in the quest to improve students' math experiences. Third Thursday of every other month - September 19, November 21, March 20, & May 15

90. Immersive 3-Dimensional Learning: Science Phenomena In Action

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Science Educators K-12, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 9/23/2024

Step into the future of education with our immersive training, where educators experience 3-Dimensional, Phenomena-Based Learning aligned with the STEELS standards. This hands-on experience offers a unique opportunity to observe and engage with dynamic teaching methods that seamlessly integrate Science and Technology, Engineering, English Language Arts, and Mathematics. This is a level 1 training, appropriate for individuals just beginning their journey into STEELS. This workshop is supported by funding from PDE and is available at no cost to participants.

91. Navigating the Future: STEELS Elementary

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Elementary Science teachers, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 9/24/2024

Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to lead the way in elementary education through our comprehensive training on the new STEELS standards. This workshop is designed for elementary educators seeking to deepen their understanding, unpack the standards, access valuable resources, and collaborate with their teams to seamlessly integrate STEELS into their classrooms. This is a Level 2 training, appropriate for educators who have a good understanding of 3-dimensional, phenomenon based learning. This workshop is supported by funding from PDE and is available at no cost to participants.

92. TIPS: Team Implemented Problem Solving

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Classroom Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Coaches, Building Administration

Dates: 9/24/2024

School-based teams will learn how to effectively implement the TIPS problem-solving process. We will model strategies for holding effective team meetings and how to use data for decision- making.

93. Structured Literacy Training of the Trainers

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Specialists, administrators, teachers, coaches

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 9/26/2024

This training is designed to help district appointed trainers become trainers for the structured literacy requirements in order to meet Chapter 49. Attendance is required each day

94. De-escalation Strategies

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Classroom Teachers, Coaches, Administrators

Dates: 9/26/2024

Our half-day training session offers educators practical tools and techniques to manage challenging behaviors, diffuse tense situations, and promote positive interactions within the classroom.

95. Know Better, Do Better: Instructional Routines

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Classroom teachers, Special Education teachers, Reading Specialists, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 11/22/2024

Join the CAIU for a 3 session virtual series devoted to instructional routines. Learn why instructional routines are essential. The presenters will share various instructional routines that can be easily implemented within literacy instruction. Sessions will occur on September 27, October 25, and November 22, 2024, from 8:00-8:30 AM on Zoom. Zoom registration for link access will be emailed to the email address used during registration on Frontline. Links will be sent a couple of days before each session.

96. Elevate your Teaching: A Book Study on "Ambitious Science Teaching"

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Science educators K-12, administrators, curriculum leaders

Dates: 9/30/2024 to 12/16/2024

Enhance your science education practices with our book study on "Ambitious Science Teaching" by Mark Windschitl, Jessica Thompson, and Melissa Braaten. This comprehensive guide serves as a compass for educators aiming to refine their teaching methods, and learn the HOW of implementing STEELS. This book study will consist of 4 online sessions lasting two hours each. Participants will receive one copy of the book, Ambitious Science Teaching thanks to a special project funding from PDE. Sign up by 9/10 to receive your book on time! This workshop is supported by funding from PDE and is available at no cost to participants.

97. Classwide Math Interventions Grades 1-6 (AM Session)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: 1-6 classroom teachers, special education teachers, instructional coaches and interventionists, building administrators

Dates: 10/1/2024

Participants will learn how to utilize screening data to create and implement classwide math intervention to improve ALL students' mathematics skills. **Please note** Participants can select AM or PM time slot for this date.

98. CAIU Reading Network - Tier 3 Problem Solving & Writing Foundations (10/1 In-Person Option)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Reading Specialists, Interventionists, Instructional Coaches, Teachers of Reading, Administrators

Dates: 10/1/2024

Reading Specialists, Literacy Coaches, and any teachers of reading are invited to join us for professional development and networking opportunities over the course of the 2024-2025 school year. The intent of this network is to provide professional growth opportunities to teachers of reading in the areas of assessment, intervention, and instruction for struggling readers. There will be 2 options on each date - an in-person option and a virtual option. Each date will have new content and resources to discuss. Part of the time will focus on Tier 3 Problem Solving and Planning for Intervention. The other part of the time will begin our journey with understanding the research and foundations for writing instruction. Sessions will be held on 10/1, 12/4, 2/4, and 4/9. Each network session requires individual registration. By registering for this session, you are registering for the in-person option on 10/1/24.

99. CAIU Reading Network - Tier 3 Problem Solving & Writing Foundations (10/1 Virtual Option)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Reading Specialists, Interventionists, Instructional Coaches, Teachers of Reading, Administrators

Dates: 10/1/2024

Reading Specialists, Literacy Coaches, and any teachers of reading are invited to join us for professional development and networking opportunities over the course of the 2024-2025 school year. The intent of this network is to provide professional growth opportunities to teachers of reading in the areas of assessment, intervention, and instruction for struggling readers. There will be 2 options on each date - an in-person option and a virtual option. Each date will have new content and resources to discuss. Part of the time will focus on Tier 3 Problem Solving and Planning for Intervention. The other part of the time will begin our journey with understanding the research and foundations for writing instruction. Sessions will be held on 10/1, 12/4, 2/4, and 4/9. Each network session requires individual registration. By registering for this session, you are registering for the virtual option on 10/1/24. Zoom links will be emailed to the email address used in Frontline WebReg to register for this session.

100. Growth Mindset

Program: Educational Services

Audience: Classroom Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Instructional Coaches, Building Administration

Dates: 10/1/2024

This professional development session is designed to equip educators with the knowledge and practical strategies to foster a growth mindset in their classrooms and schools

101. Classwide Math Interventions Grades 1-6 (PM Session)

Program: Educational Services

Audience: 1-6 classroom teachers, special education teachers, instructional coaches and interventionists, building administrators

Dates: 10/1/2024

Participants will learn how to utilize screening data to create and implement classwide math intervention to improve ALL students' mathematics skills. **PLEASE NOTE** Participants can select AM or PM time slot for this date.