Catalog: ONC BOCES Instructional Support Services

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1. CPSE/CSE Chairperson Training Day 1-
Regulatory Foundation, Referral Process, Evaluation,
Eligibility Process

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: CPSE and/or CSE Chairpersons, Special Education Directors, Pupil Personnel Directors, Building Administrators,
School Psychologists, Special Education teachers

Dates: 7/30/2024

Starting Soon
Module 1: Regulatory Foundation- federal and state regulations around special education
● Module 2: Referral Process- How students are identified for special education programs and services through the
referral process
● Module 3: Evaluation- What procedures need to be followed to evaluate a student with a potential disability
● Module 4: Eligibility Process- How to determine eligibility based on the evaluation and referral process

2. CPSE/CSE Chairperson Training Day 2-
IEP Development

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: CPSE and/or CSE Chairpersons, Special Education Directors, Pupil Personnel Directors, Building Administrators,
School Psychologists, Special Education teachers

Dates: 7/31/2024

Starting Soon
Module 5: IEP Development-Addressing each area of the IEP and what is required for proper IEP development
● Evaluation Results
● Present Levels of Performance
● Measurable Post-Secondary Goals and Transition Needs
● Measurable Annual Goals
● Program and Testing Accommodations/Modifications
● Coordinated Set of Transition Activities
● Placement Decisions

3. CPSE/CSE Chairperson Training Day 3-
IEP Implementation, Annual Review, Reevaluation, How
to Run Effective Meetings

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: CPSE and/or CSE Chairpersons, Special Education Directors, Pupil Personnel Directors, Building Administrators,
School Psychologists, Special Education teachers

Dates: 8/1/2024

Starting Soon
Module 6: IEP Implementation- How to ensure IEPs are being implemented as written across all service providers
and classrooms
● Module 7: Annual Review-Components of an Annual Review meeting
● Module 8: Reevaluation- Components of a Reevaluation meeting
● Module 9: How to Run Effective Meetings

4. Foundations of Effective Reading Instruction: Understanding the Science of Reading (Asynchronous training from July 1st through August 2nd)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Literacy Specialists; Special Education Teachers; General Education Teachers; School Psychologists;


Dates: 8/2/2024

Starting Soon
Asynchronous training through a shared Google Drive. Participants will be able to:

-describe the current status of reading achievement of students in the United States and New York State;

-describe the gap between what is known about effective reading instruction and the implementation of

effective reading instruction;

-identify theories of reading that are supported by research; and

list the skills that are essential for proficient reading and how to best teach those skills

Credit will be given based on activities completed.

5. CPSE/CSE Chairperson Training Day 4-
Preschool Special Education Process

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: CPSE and/or CSE Chairpersons, Special Education Directors, Pupil Personnel Directors, Building Administrators,
School Psychologists, Special Education teachers

Dates: 8/2/2024

Starting Soon
Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the Committee on Preschool Special
Education (CPSE) and the roles and responsibilities of all parties.

6. Phonics and Word Recognition: Establishing the Foundations for Reading Success

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Literacy Specialists; Special Education Teachers; General Education Teachers; School Psychologists;


Dates: 8/5/2024

Participants will be able to:

1.Describe the legal and ethical importance of providing research-based instruction in phonics and word


2.Define phonics and word recognition and describe why they are important to overall reading development.

3.Explain when and how to teach phonics and word recognition according to our current knowledge of the

science of reading.

4.Identify ways in which classroom assessments can be used to improve phonics and word recognition

instruction and student outcomes.

5.Describe ways in which students with diverse backgrounds and learning needs can be provided with

individualized phonics and word recognition support.

7. Explicit Instruction: An Evidence-Based Practice for Effective and Long-Term Learning

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Special education teachers, general education teachers, coaches, instructional support staff, administrators

Dates: 8/12/2024

This explicit instruction training package is intended to support participants' knowledge of explicit instruction and teachers' abilities to effectively implement explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is a high leverage practice that has proven to be effective for special education students. Research has shown higher achievement results for students with disabilities in both reading and math after receiving explicit instruction.

8. Asynchronous Creating Welcoming and Affirming Learning Environments
(August 1st-16th)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Any school staff

Dates: 8/16/2024

Creating Welcoming and Affirming Learning Environments is one of four high leverage principles identified in the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CRSE) Framework. When students feel like they belong at school, they have fewer absences, fewer disciplinary infractions, higher graduation rates, as well as increased engagement, self-esteem, and attitudes.

By the end of this training, participants will:
Understand how a welcoming and affirming learning environment improves student outcomes
Better understand their own identities and how those identities shape their relationships and experiences
Develop strategies for creating a welcoming and affirming learning environment
Identify 2-3 next steps for ongoing professional learning

9. Increasing Instructional Time and Student Performance Utilizing De-Escalation Strategies

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Support Staff, Related Services providers, Paraprofessionals, Administrators, School Psychologists and Counselors and all other staff regardless of grade level or role identification (i.e. lunch monitors, maintenance personnel, bus drivers, etc.)

Dates: 8/19/2024

This training package empowers educators to understand and effectively manage the conflict cycle of behavior. In this one-day training, participants will ground themselves in a common understanding of the phases of acting-out behaviors and how to effectively manage unexpected social, emotional, and behavioral situations in classrooms and other learning spaces within the school. Equipped with this knowledge, educators will build their toolbox of techniques aimed at fostering a safer and more conductive learning environment that increases instructional time and improves students' performance.

Participants will be able to:
expand and enhance understanding of the conflict cycle of behavior
to increase instructional time and student performance utilizing de-escalation strategies
learn to recognize and respond to acting-out behavior with de-escalation strategies tailored to each phase of the acting-out cycle.

10. Discipline Procedures of Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: District/building level administrators 1/4 may include superintendents, directors of special education, directors of pupil personnel services, CSE chairpersons, principals, deans of students, etc.

Dates: 8/22/2024

This full-day training package is designed for district/building level administrators to gain a better understanding of the process related to discipline for students with disabilities as per the Part 201 of the Commissioner's Regulations. This professional development supports the administrator's understanding of the regulatory requirements and the administrative responsibilities, as they relate to discipline, and are aligned to state law to ensure district compliance. Participants will increase their knowledge of policies, regulations, and best practices related to suspension, removal, and behavioral support related to implementing discipline for students with disabilities. Gaining a deeper understanding of Part 201 can lead to increased compliance with Part 201 Regulations for Disciplining Students with Disabilities. Covered more specifically will be the latest information and regulation requirements in reference to suspension procedures, the use of time out, and removals.

11. Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Dates: 8/27/2024

This training is designed to ensure that students with disabilities and their families are aware of the multiple pathways to

graduate school with a diploma and exiting credentials.

1. Define Self-Determination

2. Discuss credit requirements for graduation

3. Discuss the multiple pathways to Regents diploma

4. Discuss appeal eligibility criteria

5. Discuss safety nets for students with disabilities

6. Discuss exiting credentials