Program: DASA
Audience: Principals, Superintendents, Teachers, Paraprofessionals (Support Staff)
Dates: 5/12/2025 to 5/29/2025
The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) requires that candidates applying for certification, including educators with initial certification applying for professional certification, complete at least 6 hours of coursework/training on harassment, bullying, cyber bullying, and discrimination in schools [Article 2 Sections 10-18 of the Education Law]. This training also addresses microaggressions and social patterns of harassment, bullying, and discrimination.
We are approved to offer the DASA workshop as a 2-part course:
Part #1 Asynchronous training (Monday May 12 to Friday May 23): Participants work at their own pace during this window, to complete all tasks and assignments by the end date. This consists of a series of modules using recorded lectures, videos, readings, and activities, which takes at least 3 hours to complete. Participants need a computer/device with internet access to watch videos, view and complete documents in PDF format, complete Google Forms, and engage in online activities. You MUST complete Part #1 before you can attend the in-person session.
Part #2: In-Person Training (May 29, 8:00 am to 11:30 pm) Participants attend an in-person workshop with the trainer. Make sure you are on time, as we do not allow late entry.
Registration ends on Friday, May 2. Payment must be received no later than Friday, May 9. Please mail your CHECK or MONEY ORDER ONLY to: ONC BOCES, Attn: Audra DeSilva, 7352 State Hwy 23, Suite 3, Oneonta, NY 13820. (Payable to: ONC BOCES)
There is a $25 fee for employees of: Andes CSD, Charlotte Valley CSD, Cooperstown CSD, Laurens CSD, Schenevus CSD, Stamford CSD, South Kortright CSD, Worcester CSD
There is a $100 fee for all others.
Upon completion of both parts of the course, ONC BOCES will report your completion electronically. If you fail to complete you would need to pay and retake the course at the next offering.