Professional Learning
formerly MLPPDMS
Web Registration
Program: Math, Science & Technology
Audience: Only open to accepted applicants.
Dates: 7/8/2024 to 7/12/2024
Program: Professional Strategies
Audience: National Board Certified Teachers
Dates: 9/17/2024 to 5/6/2025
Program: Mathematics - Secondary
Audience: Middle School Mathematics Teachers
Dates: 9/26/2024 to 5/1/2025
Program: Albany City Area Reading Council (ACARC)
Dates: 10/17/2024
Audience: All Teachers (K-12)
Dates: 1/14/2025 to 3/11/2025
Program: Adirondack Literacy Council
Audience: Any elementary, MS, and HS teachers, staff, or admin who are interested and able to participate in open, honest conversations.
Dates: 1/28/2025 to 4/29/2025
Audience: Science Teachers of all levels and disciplines.
Dates: 2/3/2025 to 3/20/2025
Audience: All educators and administrators.
Dates: 2/3/2025 to 3/3/2025
Dates: 2/4/2025 to 4/29/2025
Program: English Language Arts
Dates: 2/6/2025 to 3/13/2025
Audience: grades K-6
Dates: 2/11/2025 to 3/18/2025
Dates: 2/24/2025 to 3/31/2025
Program: Arts
Dates: 2/24/2025 to 4/11/2025
Dates: 2/25/2025 to 3/25/2025
Program: NYS Learning Standards
Audience: Secondary Teachers
Dates: 2/26/2025 to 4/16/2025
Audience: K-12 science teachers and administrators
Dates: 2/26/2025 to 4/9/2025
Dates: 2/26/2025 to 3/12/2025
Program: Capital District Writing Project
Dates: 2/27/2025 to 3/27/2025
Dates: 3/2/2025 to 4/6/2025
Dates: 3/3/2025 to 5/12/2025
Dates: 3/3/2025 to 4/28/2025
Dates: 3/4/2025
Dates: 3/9/2025 to 4/13/2025
Dates: 3/10/2025 to 4/14/2025
Program: Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Regional Catalog
Dates: 3/12/2025
Dates: 3/12/2025 to 4/30/2025
Audience: Special Educators with certification to teach at the secondary level, any teacher preparing for the CST in English
Dates: 3/18/2025 to 5/27/2025
Dates: 3/19/2025 to 4/30/2025
Dates: 3/20/2025
Dates: 3/22/2025
Dates: 3/24/2025 to 4/28/2025
Dates: 3/26/2025 to 4/9/2025
Program: Berkshire-Hudson Valley Chapter of the American Orff Schulwerk Association
Audience: In-service and pre-service Music Educators
Dates: 4/5/2025
Audience: All K-12 teachers
Dates: 4/10/2025
Dates: 5/7/2025 to 5/21/2025
Dates: 5/14/2025
Program: Mentoring
Audience: Teachers, School Related Professionals, School Staff, Mentor Coordinators
Dates: 5/20/2025 to 6/17/2025
Dates: 6/12/2025
Audience: Science Teachers and Administrators of all levels
Dates: 7/1/2025 to 7/31/2025
Audience: This course will be applicable for all subject areas in grades 3-12.
Dates: 7/1/2025 to 7/24/2025
Dates: 7/7/2025 to 8/11/2025
Dates: 7/7/2025 to 7/28/2025
Dates: 7/7/2025 to 7/18/2025
Dates: 7/8/2025 to 8/18/2025
Dates: 7/10/2025
Audience: All Educators
Dates: 7/13/2025 to 8/16/2025
Dates: 7/16/2025
Dates: 8/14/2025