Catalog: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

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1. STI - 7000 - ST@C Workshop Series - 2023-2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: All

Dates: 7/3/2023

ST@C workshops explore aspects of innovation in education. In each ST@C workshop, teachers gain an overview of specific technological and pedagogical tools for the classroom while establishing a professional network for more in-depth study. Scarsdale teachers can choose stand-alone ST@C workshops to use toward STI credits. One STI credit is granted when a teacher has documented 12 hours of contact time in ST@C workshops and submits to the STI office an explanation of how new ideas from ST@C impacted teaching and learning in their classroom. Teachers must register for each individual ST@C workshop online and can offer to run a ST@C course by contacting the STI office. Teachers should only register for this course credit AFTER they have registered for STI-5000 (Credit for the first 12 ST@C hours) and STI-6000 (credit for the second 12 ST@C hours) and completed the next 12 hours of ST@C classes (hours 25-36).

2. STI - 6017 - The Mentor Program 2023-24 (All Mentors)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Mentors

Dates: 8/28/2023 to 3/13/2024

Over the past thirty-eight years, the Mentor Program has become an integral part of the Scarsdale School District program. This seminar provides systematic support for teachers new to Scarsdale and recognizes and rewards the experience and skill that Mentor teachers bring to new teachers. The program is a rich opportunity for the professional development of expert teachers who are now trained to work with colleagues. This year the Mentors and new teachers will continue to refine and develop the program. This seminar assists the Mentor teacher in defining his/her role and its relationship to the new teacher. Mentor teachers will meet together to identify needs, discuss problems, and seek solutions. Course topics include roles and responsibilities of mentoring, teacher collaboration, and effective communication. Mentor teachers participate in creating this unique program designed specifically to meet the needs of the Scarsdale staff. MENTORS MENTORING NEW TEACHERS MUST ATTEND ALL 5 CLASSES. Mentors mentoring current staff and not taking the class please ignore the email reminders that Frontline generates.

3. STI - 6018 - The Mentor Support Seminar (Summer)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Mentors

Dates: 8/28/2023 to 3/13/2024

This course prepares participants to serve as mentors to teachers new to the District. Topics include how to provide guidance and support, be an empathetic listening, conduct observations and offer feedback, and manage weekly meetings. Mentors serve as a community for one another to discuss issues and develop solutions. This 2 sessions will cover three of the after school sessions during the school year. This course was designed in response to the needs of mentors who reported that meeting after the school day was a challenge. We find that by offering the summer days more individuals are willing to serve as mentors.

4. STI - 6019 - The Mentor Support Seminar (Yearlong version)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Mentors

Dates: 8/28/2023 to 3/13/2024

This course prepares participants to serve as mentors to teachers new to the District. Topics include how to provide guidance and support, be an empathetic listening, conduct observations and offer feedback, and manage weekly meetings. Mentors serve as a community for one another to discuss issues and develop solutions. This 2 sessions will cover three of the after school sessions during the school year. This course was designed in response to the needs of mentors who reported that meeting after the school day was a challenge. We find that by offering the summer days more individuals are willing to serve as mentors.

5. STI - 6020 - The Mentor Support Seminar: Edgemont 2023-2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Edgemont Mentors

Dates: 8/30/2023 to 6/3/2024

Over the past twenty-two years, the Mentor Program has become an integral part of the Edgemont School District. This seminar provides systematic support for teachers new to Edgemont and recognizes and rewards the knowledge and skill that experienced Mentor teachers bring to new teachers. The program is a rich opportunity for the professional development of expert teachers who are now trained to work with their new colleagues. This year the Mentors and new teachers will continue to refine and develop the program. This seminar assists the Mentor teacher in defining his/her role and its relationship to the new teacher. Mentor teachers will meet together to identify needs, discuss problems, and seek solutions. Course topics include roles and responsibilities of mentoring, teacher collaboration, and effective communication. Mentor teachers participate in creating this unique program designed specifically to meet the needs of the Edgemont staff.

6. STI - 6032 - School Nurse Study Group

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Nurses

Dates: 9/19/2023 to 4/16/2024

Teachers, parents, and students often look to district nurses as resources for advice on health issues that arise in the news or in the schools. Medical information is constantly being updated, and the school nurses require adequate time and opportunity to meet with colleagues to discuss the latest findings in their field. Study group participation provides the nurses a venue to read, listen, and share information that will enhance health office practices.

Participants will choose books, articles, podcasts and documentaries on topics that are relevant to school health office concerns. Through reading, viewing, participating in discussions, and sharing daily-based practice information, school nurses will become better-informed advocates for their students and families.

Participants will create and share a document reflecting on the course content and its impact on their role as a school nurse.

7. STI - 6029 - Teacher as Reader: Quality Readers at Quaker Ridge 2023-2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 9/26/2023 to 6/18/2024

Teachers will gather once a month to discuss a novel. Teachers will decide which books to read for the year. At the monthly meeting, teachers will have a chance to share opinions and ideas about the books read. These meetings will give teachers at Quaker Ridge a chance to meet with each other from around the building that they may not work directly with and build relationships.

The journey of a lifelong reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading, talking, and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre, and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of reading and understanding for their students. Participants will read assigned books and come prepared to discuss aspects of literary form such as character development, theme, plot, and more. They will gain insight into point of view by listening to their colleagues' responses to each book. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students.

Teachers will read a book once a month for the school year. Books will be determined at the September meeting. Each teacher will create their own cookbook. Teachers will choose a recipe that relates to the book in some way. Teachers will write a description of the book and explain how the recipe connects.

8. STI - 6030 - Literature Across Boundaries: 2023-2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: All

Dates: 9/26/2023 to 6/18/2024

The journey of a life long reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading, talking, and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre, and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of close reading and understanding for their students. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students.

The journey of a life long reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading, talking, and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre, and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of close reading and understanding for their students.Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students.

This course can be taken for 1 or 2 credits. Our suggested first book of the year (for our September meeting) will be Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano. All are welcome!

Participants will read one book per month and produce a course reflection or course project at the end of the year.

9. STI - 6045 - Collegial Math Research: Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 9/28/2023 to 6/20/2024

The Scarsdale schools continue to deepen and strengthen methods of teaching and encourage collaboration in elementary mathematics through the Teacher-Researcher Math Collegial Group. Together, teachers from across the district will come together to research best instructional practices and strategies, share ideas and resources and reflect on and support one another's professional growth.

Teachers will engage in research, examine best practices, and reflect on their professional growth and how it affects student learning in mathematics. The course will use the book, Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics by Peter Liljedahl as a framework to examine teaching practices for enhancing learning. This work will deepen teacher pedagogical content knowledge.

Members of the collegial research group will convene for ten, two hours meetings of which half will be virtual. Each member will put in four additional hours of planning and preparation in designing their own web page that will document their year long learning journey.

Attend all in-person and virtual sessions, develop a web page on the course website, document any research and work completed in your classroom, participate in course discussions and reflect on other course members' work as a critical friend.

Participants will be required to purchase the following book for the course. Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics by Peter Liljedahl. The cost of the book is $35.

10. STI - 6033 - Reggio Emilia Study Group

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/3/2023 to 5/30/2024

"One of the central tenets of the Reggio approach is that every child is a creative child. It was from this idea that the atelier (studio) was conceived." Lella Gandini "The atelier brings the strength and joy of the unexpected to the process of learning... and favors the construction of the imagination, and renders the process of education more complete and whole." Vea Vecchi The Reggio Emilia study group is a place of encounter and dialogue where teachers explore contemporary issues in teaching and learning. Inspired by the long history, experience and pedagogy of Reggio Emilia educators, the study group participants explore, analyze, innovate, document, and share chosen aspects of their practice.

Essential questions have guided the study group explorations: What is the nature of learning, and how can classrooms become cultures of thinking and problem-solving? How can we best nurture and inspire creative thinking? How can teachers make the thinking and learning in their classrooms visible? What is the role of the environment in learning?

Study group participants will explore current constructivist pedagogy through readings, discussions, videos, and school and conference visits. Participants will deepen their understanding of the concepts of project-based learning, design thinking, the atelier, making learning visible, and documentation. Participants will have opportunities to widen their experience of the "100 languages of children" (multiple intelligences) as well as experiment with the use of diverse materials in the classroom. Participants will have opportunities to collaborate with colleagues and integrate constructivist methodology and innovative strategies in their classrooms.
br> There is a $50 materials fee and this course can be taken for 1, 2, or 3 credits.

11. ST@C: Schoology Best Practices

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 10/23/2023

Ever wonder how to organize schoology? What's the best way to give an assessment, a quiz or a homework assignment? Should you mark an assignment incomplete or missing? We will discuss all these questions and more. Bring: Laptop or iPad

12. ST@C: Wood Burning

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 10/23/2023

In this session you will have the opportunity to explore one of the skills our 7th graders learn in technology, wood burning. Participants will be able to create small fall/winter decorations to take home during the session.

13. ST@C: Building Relationships through Basketball

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 10/23/2023

Come and learn how you can build relationships with students through the game of basketball.

14. ST@C: Cello in an Hour

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 10/23/2023

For those who love the cello, or don't know that you love it yet... Come enjoy the foundations of learning to hold the cello, and learning some fun songs through a fun and creative approach...You'll learn from square one, but can also attend if you have some experience. You can do it! Are you new to the school or just want a refresher on the Keystone program, including activity and strategy ideas? Come join us as we talk about the program run through some games and activities.

15. ST@C: Keystone 101

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 10/23/2023

Are you new to the school or just want a refresher on the Keystone program, including activity and strategy ideas? Come join us as we talk about the program run through some games and activities.

16. ST@C: Mindfulness Mosaics

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 10/23/2023

Practice mindfulness by creating a mosaic with a pattern

17. ST@C: The Power Struggle with Students

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 10/23/2023

This session will help faculty members understand their role in the power struggle that we all face at times with students. Get more comfortable in challenging situations and help de-escalate student and/or parent emotion.

18. STI - 6034 - Workshop for Senior Options Steering Committee 2023-2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: SHS

Dates: 10/23/2023 to 5/20/2024

Every year Scarsdale High School's Senior Options Steering Committee supervises, organizes, reviews, and revises the Senior Options Program. Teaching staff on the Senior Options Steering Committee must reevaluate program policies, forms, and logistics. The case load of mentors and students changes annually; therefore, the Steering Committee must develop new strategies, train new mentors, and supervise new students. Each member on this committee acts as a Case Manager to the mentors of seniors to oversee their caseload and make sure the requirements of the program are being met.

From September to February, participants meet monthly to review the previous year's program evaluations, to assess the outcomes, to make revisions, and to recommend policy changes, where called for, as directed by committee reflection. From March through June, participants meet at least twice monthly to introduce the revised program to mentors and students. Steering Committee members also work independently with individual mentors and students on project choices and proposal writing. Spring meetings involve individual caseloads and subcommittee work. Committee members must also read and approve caseload proposals by the end of the third quarter. During the Senior Options experience, meetings focus on problems specific mentors and students may have in preparation for presentations, on critiquing the ongoing work of the program, and on presenting ideas for reevaluation.

Attend meetings and become a Case Manager with assigned mentors and students. Fulfill the requirements of being a Case Manager.

19. ST@C- Using Felt online Collaborative Maps

Program: ST@C

Dates: 12/12/2023

Brief introduction to the Felt Collaborative Mapping website that allows you to analyze datasets and share map-based research projects.

20. STI - 6126 - The Future is Now: AI for Teachers

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: 6-8 SMS, Computer Teachers and All Coordinators

Dates: 1/31/2024 to 6/12/2024

During this course, participants will learn how AI works, and the ways it is being used in education and across different subject areas for workflows, study enhancement, engagement, and assessment. Participants will also learn to question the information received from AI tools to check for reliability, accuracy, and bias. The format of the course will consist of monthly meetings as well as individual exploration between sessions to observe and gain insight into how teachers and students interact with AI. Time will also be allocated to reflect and to think together about the use of AI in the classroom so we can make recommendations for our colleagues at the middle school.

Participants will develop a portfolio of work and showcase their findings during a Monday choice session or possibly at a full faculty meeting. They will act as ambassadors within their departments and on their teams to share resources and best practices with colleagues.

As mentioned above, in between sessions participants will explore AI tools and experiment with them in their classrooms through online work and additional studies. Teachers can share lesson plans and ideas that result from this work.

In addition to class meeting times, participants will have at least 2 hours of online work in between classes between January and June.

21. STI - 6158 - Swing Into Dance

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: 6-8, 9-12 Grade Levels

Dates: 2/6/2024 to 3/7/2024

We will explore the cultural context of Swing Dance through a hands-on learning experience. Participants will learn the basics of SWING DANCE through a collaborative and movement-based classroom experience. The basics of Swing Dance will be explored while learning and experiencing the benefits of movement-enhanced learning. Concepts such as rhythms, patterns, creative expression, and partner/group cooperation will be learned. This type of experience will give teachers more tools to foster community and cooperation while promoting respect for self and others in the classroom. Teachers will begin to see that many movement experiences can be taught as a platform to teach other content areas while being able to foster physical, emotional, and social well-being in the classroom.

Participants will learn a choreographed dance number to be shared at the annual SHS Spring Dance Recital! There will be group rehearsals coupled with individual and partner practice. The final project will include either a personal reflection or a lesson plan to incorporate movement-enhanced learning in their classroom.

There will be an initial course meeting, followed by a series of (7) morning movement sessions. The final meeting will be a performance at the SHS Annual Spring Dance Recital. In addition, participants will schedule partner /group sessions to fulfill our course requirements.

22. STI - 6129 - Executive Functioning in the Classroom

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 2/6/2024 to 6/11/2024

Many students who forget assignments, are disorganized, can't complete long-term projects, have trouble focusing, and experience difficulty with change, often have weak executive functioning skills. These students need to be taught explicit skills to become successful in school and life after school.

This is a continuation of the Fall course, but new participants are welcome. The executive functioning skills targeted in my curriculum include: flexibility of thinking, task initiation, working memory, metacognition, self-control, sustained attention, and perseverance. You will work throughout the year to build an effective EF curriculum. I will give you an in-depth lesson plan to follow with all the resources you need each week. You will be amazed at how easy it is to follow the lessons and how much fun your children will have. You will see your students using these skills.

At the beginning of each session, we review the previous skill and exchange feedback. Then, I introduce the next skill with an in-depth lesson plan and links to many resources. Finally, I will give you the hands-on activity to be used the following week. All the resources are digital. The teachers must commit 30-40 minutes a week to teaching Executive Functioning.

The project can vary from a reflection paper to a slide show of the children's work, or your individual lesson plan adapted to your classroom.

23. STI - 6140 - Financial Literacy for Educators: Next Gen Personal Finance Resources: February 2024 Cohort # 41

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 2/6/2024 to 3/12/2024

Our students' ability to build a secure future for themselves and their families requires learning how to navigate an increasingly complex financial system. The importance of financial responsibility will only increase as the world is further transformed by science and technology. Financial Literacy will help students succeed in the future as they create businesses, drive innovation, and achieve personal goals. This course seeks to build teacher content knowledge and access to resources so they can infuse their classrooms with financial education.

Teachers will acquire skills for themselves and for teaching such topics as Banking & Budgeting, Careers, Cryptocurrency Basics, Insurance, Credit, Taxes, Paying for College, and the Psychology of Money through teacher certification courses offered by Next Gen Personal Finance (

Each certification course consists of five two-hour synchronous sessions and a one-hour certification exam. In addition, teachers seeking STI credit must attend two STI cohort sessions to discuss the course, reflect and share progress, and devise plans to implement some of what they learned in the classroom.

NGPF Course offerings for this Cohort are:

Live virtual courses offered: Behavior Economics, Career, and Psychology of Money
On-demand only courses offered: Credit

Specific course dates and times are listed on the NGPF website, and registration for those should be done there. You will first need to register for a teacher account on using your school email.

STI Session 1: February 6th (Zoom)
STI Session 2: March 12th (Zoom)

24. ST@C- SMS Portfolio #4

Program: ST@C

Dates: 2/8/2024

Helping Probationary Teachers get their portfolios done.

25. STI - 6131 - Organization for Educators

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 2/13/2024 to 5/7/2024

As the demands of work increase, teachers feel incredibly stressed. One way to combat that stress is by creating structure and predictability in our everyday lives. Research shows that organization can help balance and promote efficiency in school and at home.

The purpose of this course is to help teachers create a more organized system(s) that promotes efficiencies both at work and at home. Participants will gain a variety of strategies, techniques, and tools that focus on organizational skills. Through collaborations and the sharing of experiences, participants will broaden their awareness of how to organize aspects of their home and work life that will in turn help to alleviate the stressors that they may experience.

Participants must attend all sessions in person. You will create a Google slide show presentation showcasing before and after photos for a total of 12 slides and one reflection slide in response to a given prompt. You will be expected to organize one thing from your home life and one thing from your school life each month that highlights the work that you are doing. There will be 2 hours of independent work organizing your work and home life projects. Participants will also be expected to find a social media or print media that focuses on tips or tricks for organization (Instagram, YouTube, Podcasts, professional journal articles, etc.) that will also be shared with their colleagues as additional resources they can walk away with.

26. ST@C- SMS Portfolio #5

Program: ST@C

Dates: 2/15/2024

ST@C Session for the SMS Probationary Teachers

27. STI - 6132 - Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Financial Literacy

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: 9-12

Dates: 2/26/2024 to 6/10/2024

In this course, participants will lay the groundwork for the new interdisciplinary elective "Principles of Economics and Personal Finance." Participants will develop the curriculum for the elective, creating interdisciplinary goals for each unit and designing the appropriate lessons and assessments. Social studies teachers will learn about the mathematics of financial literacy, while mathematics teachers will develop new knowledge of the social and political aspects of financial issues in today's world. Participants will not only become comfortable with potentially teaching the elective in the future but will also gain new knowledge that will help them make interdisciplinary connections in the courses they currently teach.

28. STI - 6134 - Exploring the Professional Shelf: How to Manage Student Anxiety in the Classroom

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: 9-12, open to include 6-8

Dates: 3/1/2024 to 4/18/2024

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in childhood and adolescence with lifetime prevalence rates ranging from 10% to 30%. Some students who have anxiety disorders may experience distress during tests or other educational activities while still accessing those activities. What do teachers need to better understand anxiety and how to help their students manage the stress and anxiety they experience? A growing body of scientific research shows that accommodating behavior encourages avoidance, which actually fuels continued anxiety. How can educators provide a balance of acceptance, support, and confidence? Working from the framework of Eli Lebowitz's SPACE training and book, "Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD" participants will be armed with a better understanding, appreciation, and strategies to help manage and support students with anxiety.

Participants will spend the course sessions discussing and processing the concepts discussed in Eli Lebowitz's book. Specifically, the conversation will focus on how to better understand anxiety, the school and home connections, and how to develop strategies to work with students and colleagues in managing our own responses. The course will both provide support and an opportunity to brainstorm specific helpful vs. unhelpful accommodation strategies, including worksheets and practical suggestions.

Participants will be required to read the book, "Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD" by Eli Lebowitz, PhD. Additional brief readings may be provided. Participants will have to produce a reflection paper at the end of the course.

The purchasing and cost of the book are the participant's responsibility.

29. STI - 6157 - Teachers Writing Workshop

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 3/5/2024 to 5/7/2024

The purpose of this course is to continue developing a professional writing community in our district. Writing and sharing are key elements to a reflective teaching practice. Course participants will craft original stories in a writing workshop where they will reflect, share, and engage in creative writing exercises designed to help the writer develop her/his voice and stamina. This experience will put participants in the learner's chair and offer insights on how to tease out possibilities from someone with abundant creative potential -- like each one of us.

This storytelling class is a writing workshop for adults. Teachers will participate in a professional writing community where we will write together and talk about writing, so that we can trust and learn from one another. Educators will work on short and longer format pieces and craft them with the guidance of constructive feedback from a supportive writing community. This course will include 9 hours of online writing workshop sessions and 3 hours of independent writing.

Participants will write short original pieces that will culminate in a longer form story that will be shared in a published document.

30. STI - 6130 - Let's Learn Canva

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 3/6/2024 to 5/1/2024

In this course, you will learn how to create amazing, beautiful, designs inside Canva. From social media images, videos, and gifs to posters, websites, booklets, multimedia presentations, and much more, Canva is an invaluable tool for helping add to your teacher toolbox.

During the course, participants will learn how to use the Canva platform to create letters, worksheets, and announcements. Participants will learn how to use Canva to differentiate worksheets and modify curriculum.

Teachers will be expected to show evidence of Canva use to differentiate work, create announcements for their class or create presentations.

31. STI - 6139 - Financial Literacy for Educators: Dollars & Sense

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 3/6/2024 to 6/11/2024

Join our Personal Finance study group, STI 6139 - The Dollars & Sense Study Group, where we collaboratively explore key financial topics tailored to educators. This group provides a supportive environment for faculty and staff to enhance their financial literacy skills, share insights, and continue on their journey toward financial well-being. By empowering educators with these essential skills, participants can make more informed financial decisions and achieve long-term financial stability. Each month focuses on a specific topic as outlined below and our group will meet for 2 hours on the dates listed below.

Wednesday, March 6th: Student loan forgiveness
Tuesday, March 19th: Financial planning for teachers
Tuesday, April 16th: Book Club - The Simple Path to Wealth
Tuesday, May 21st: Financial literacy in the K-12 curriculum
Tuesday, June 11th: Reflections and pathways for moving forward

There is an additional 2 hours of independent work in addition to the class meeting times.

32. ST@C - School AI- Game-changing Tool!

Program: ST@C

Dates: 3/7/2024

School AI is the newest cool tool that is available for us to use WITH our students! Come learn how to prompt this amazing chatbot to enhance student learning with safeguards in place to prevent the chatbot from simply generating answers for them.
Come join us for a casual discussion regarding the shift from Advancing Literacy Coaching.

This meeting will be held via Zoom- Please use the link below:
LIU Hudson's School of Educational Leadership, is sponsoring a Learning to Lead series. Thursday, March 7th from 7-8 pm.

This session will feature the following LIU Hudson alumni:

• Timothy Montalvo, Assistant Principal at the Fox Lane Middle School in the Bedford Central School District

• Shawn Marshall, Teacher and Title IX Coordinator at the Hawthorne Cedar Knolls Union Free School District

• Ashley O'Hara, Assistant Principal at Pleasantville Middle School

Aisha Prendergast, Director of Special Education at Hawthorne Cedar Knolls UFSD will lead the discussion. Please register for the zoom link below.

35. STI - 6159 - K-12 Integrated Unit Design - Edgemont

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 Edgemont

Dates: 3/8/2024 to 3/23/2024

This course is a work session in which teachers will create new integrated units or upgrade current units of study to fit the 21st Century classroom. The goal is to facilitate changes in the way both content and skills are being delivered to enable students to become autonomous learners. It will also allow for teacher work time where they can evaluate ways in which they can increase their own productivity by using technology for communication and collaboration. Teachers will evaluate current technology use in their classroom and explore how to incorporate technology effectively into their teaching to promote student learning and increase engagement.

Participants will take current units of study or create new units where they will integrate different district technology. We will use our feedback protocol to create multiple iterations of their project using instructional feedback from the group.

Course Requirements:
Participants will take current units of study or create new units with usable work samples/instructional materials. They will also create a lesson or unit plan write up.

36. STI - 6135 - Let's Make Anchor Charts

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 3/8/2024 to 3/9/2024

Anchor charts are a great visual resource for students to be able to refer to within a classroom. The visual resource can help a student remember a strategy or rule. It is important for teachers to be able to make anchor charts to support any units of study.

During this one-course, teachers will create anchor charts to be used for student reference that will support the curriculum areas being studied within the classroom. All supplies for this course (chart paper, crayons & markers) will be provided by the course coordinator. Teachers are also welcome to bring their own supplies as well.

Teachers will take a photo of each anchor chart created during the course. Teachers will create a Google Slideshow to display the photo and brief summary explaining how the anchor chart will be used in conjunction with a curriculum area. Teachers should also include a reflection slide.

37. ST@C - Canva Coolness I

Program: ST@C

Dates: 3/14/2024

Join Jenn & Jessica introducing this amazing tool and highlighting the innovative ways Jessica uses Canva with her students.

38. STI - 6137 - CPR for Professional Rescuers

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Nurses

Dates: 3/15/2024 to 3/16/2024

This course is consistent with the Guidelines 2015 for Emergency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. If participants wish, the use of the Automatic External Defibrillator can be taught. CPR for Professional Rescuers will be given as a new certification, nine to twelve hours, depending on the amount of time needed for completion. Recertification requires seven to nine hours, depending on participant proficiency with new skills and familiarity with CPR. CPR recertification will also be done in combination with first aid training.

39. STI - 6203- Reading and Writing Workshops and the TC Saturday Reunion

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-8

Dates: 3/15/2024 to 3/16/2024

Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University has been a think tank in the area of literacy for over thirty years, developing state of the art teaching methods and offering professional development in using these methods. Our partnership with TC has offered teachers access to up to date research and professional development in the area of literacy. Participants in this course will use the TC Saturday Reunion Trail Guide to determine a theme of study that will support their ELA goals for teaching and best practices.

On Friday afternoon, teachers will outline a plan of action and create a timeline of benchmarks . On Saturday, participants will attend the virtual TCRWP Saturday Reunion at Teachers College where literacy educators from across the globe come together to learn. It is a fast-paced day, brimming with workshops that can help you find horizons to work towards, whether your focus is on higher-level comprehension, content area literacy, units of study in writing, assessment-based instruction, increasing student engagement, or bringing books to life. Teachers will determine and revise and reflect upon teaching practices guided by their focus areas of professional development over the course of the weekend.

40. ST@C - Choice Monday - A Bookish Break

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/18/2024

Catch up on your independent reading book in my classroom after school!

41. ST@C - Choice Monday - How to Handle a Choking Emergency

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/18/2024

In this session you will learn how to assess a choking victim and how to administer black blows and chest compressions during a choking emergency.
The "canned" comments in Infinite Campus often feel too general for me. I created a system that will use my own lists to create personal comments for my program and students. I can add a comment to the list when a student requires a comment that "doesn't fit." Now the comment becomes part of the repertoire! Come to this workshop if you are interested in trying my system for your program.

43. ST@C - Choice Monday - What is SSP?

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/18/2024

Come to learn more about SSP, and how we support students! We can also offer suggests for supports within your own classroom.
Many of us have family members who play string instruments. In this session, we'll introduce and review how to tune string instruments so we can do so when we are at home. You won't need an instrument or any equipment -- everything will be provided for you. And, if you're just curious about how tuning works and don't have someone who may need tuning at home, then please join us anyway! (You can also bring in your home instrument if you have one...).

45. ST@C - Choice Monday- 5K for FUn

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/18/2024

Weather permitting, a run down to the pool and back on the sidewalk. We can set some pacer groups so all speeds and walkers are welcome!

You will need sneakers! We will meet in Room C54.

46. ST@C - Choice Monday- Math Dept. Prep for CBT

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/18/2024

This session is to help the Math Teachers get familiar with the Math Tools that will be used in the Upcoming CBT for Math.

47. ST@C - Choice Monday- Vin & Yin

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/18/2024

Blend the best of both worlds! This practice will be a 50/50 mix of vinyasa flow, followed by yin poses. Yin poses are static stretches held for longer periods of time. They help to elongate the muscles and quiet the mind.

Dress comfortably and bring a yoga matt!

48. ST@C- Choice Monday- Mindful Mosaics (Continued)

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/18/2024

For those who have started projects and want to finish them. Also, open to all staff to either work on your own mosaic or to participate in the large memorial mural for Michael Mc Dermott, a former Principal of SMS.

49. STI - 6197 - Financial Literacy for Educators: March 2024 Cohort # 42

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 3/18/2024 to 4/11/2024

Our students' ability to build a secure future for themselves and their families requires learning how to navigate an increasingly complex financial system. The importance of financial responsibility will only increase as the world is further transformed by science and technology. Financial Literacy will help students succeed in the future as they create businesses, drive innovation, and achieve personal goals. This course seeks to build teacher content knowledge and access to resources so they can infuse their classrooms with financial education.

Teachers will acquire skills for themselves and for teaching personal finance topics through teacher certification courses offered by Next Gen Personal Finance (

In addition to your Frontline registration, you will need to register for a teacher account on using your school email address.

NGPF course offerings for this cohort are Advanced Investing (Invite Only), Insurance, and Paying for College. Be sure to look at the dates and times of each course and register directly on the site.

In addition to the NGPF coursework, teachers seeking STI credit must attend two STI Zoom sessions to discuss the course, reflect, share progress, and devise plans to implement some of what they learned in the classroom. A short exam at the end of the course as well as a project are also required for this cohort.

STI Session 1: March 18th @7pm (Zoom)
STI Session 2: April 3rd @7pm (Zoom)
This 2-hour session (3:30 - 5:30) will be a working session to facilitate updates and tweaks to portfolios as needed.

This session is intentionally placed after portfolios are submitted to Kathleen McGreal, and returned with feedback, but before they are submitted to administrators.

This ST@C session will allow attendees to take the feedback from Kathleen McGreal and apply it to their portfolios before final submission to administration.

The session is 2 hours and is open to any and all untenured teachers working on their portfolios.

While this is the 5th in a series of "new teacher tenure portfolio" ST@C sessions it is not necessary to have taken any, or all, of the previous sessions. All are welcome.

We will be in-person in the Heathcote Computer lab.

51. ST@C STOP THE BLEED Training

Program: ST@C

Audience: EVERYONE

Dates: 3/21/2024

A bleeding injury can happen anywhere. We've all seen it happen too often-on the news or in everyday life. Life-threatening bleeding can happen in people injured in serious accidents or disasters. Instead of being a witness, you can become an immediate responder because you know how to STOP THE BLEED.

The person next to a bleeding victim may very well be the one who's most likely to save him or her from bleeding to death. By learning how to STOP THE BLEED, you'll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding once you learn three quick techniques. The STOP THE BLEED training course will help you become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency happens.

52. STI - 6138 - Financial Literacy for Educators: Investing

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 & Support Staff

Dates: 3/22/2024 to 3/23/2024

Teachers are preyed upon by financial salespeople. Learning to choose a 403(b) vendor is not part of formal teacher education and it is easy to be confused when presented with a long list of vendors and investment options. In this course, we will teach you to take control of your retirement investments without the help of a high-fee financial salesperson. You will walk out with a 403(b) and/or 457(b) plan with a low-fee vendor, an understanding of how your money is invested within the plan, and how to manage retirement investments going forward. Teachers will create either a reflection that compiles their course learning OR a project that can be used to share out new learning to other STA members or students.

53. ST@C - Portfolio Review for Year 2 & 3 Teachers

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 3/28/2024

Review and Q&A before Year 2 and 3 teachers hand in their portfolios
All are welcome to join us for the first hour of the STI Policy Board meeting, featuring presentations from two Mini Grant Recipients from this year: Violin/Viola Shoulder Rests
Hana Walton, Fox Meadow/Heathcote Elementary Music
Hana used her STI Mini Grant this year to research innovative shoulder rests and sponges with her violin and viola students. Selecting the right one could make the difference between a student who sticks with his or her instrument and a student who gives up because the instrument just feels too uncomfortable.

Cultural Exchange & Encounter in the Dominican Republic
Sabrina Arevalo, Jedd Chesterson, and Marina Salzano, Edgemont World Languages
Edgemont Spanish students and teachers spent February break in the Dominican Republic . Sabrina, Jedd, and Marina added an exchange component to the trip, using STI Mini Grant funding to build closer connections between Dominican and Edgemont students around social events.

55. ST@C - Using Goosechase (The digital scavenger hunt appt)

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 4/4/2024

In this session participants will learn how to use Goosechase so they can enhance their curriculum with fun and exploratory scavenger hunts. So far Goosechase has been used in Health for a safety tour, our own SMS safety tour, a Math field trip, and let's not forget about The Great Turkey Chase! The app is available for any teacher in SMS to use. Come find out how it is done!

56. ST@C - AI in the Elementary Classroom

Program: ST@C

Dates: 4/4/2024

There are plenty of assumptions about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on teaching and learning in the elementary classroom. Join us for an hour of hands-on experiences with AI tools. And let's talk about best approaches for using these tools in support of instruction and how we can guide conversations with children about the appropriate use of this rapidly spreading technology.

57. STI - 6144 - Tools with a Twist

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 4/5/2024 to 4/6/2024

Students in the middle school participate in a range of activities working with wood through their quarterly technology classes at the middle school. The goal of this course is to improve teachers knowledge about the basic foundations of woodworking and hone their skills with different tools. It puts them in the shoes of their students as they become familiar with hand and power tools to create a project. This course provides teachers with some insight to what it is like for students to engage in hands-on, experiential learning.

Students in the middle school participate in a range of activities working with wood through their quarterly technology classes at the middle school. All participants will learn the tools that are utilized in our middle school technology classes with an emphasis on safety. This course provides teachers with some insight to what it is like for students to engage in hands-on, experiential learning. They will use what they learn to make a project they can use in their classroom.

Teachers will complete all activities to learn the tools in the classroom. They will then use those skills to create a project they can use in their classroom. They will also complete a reflection of their work.

58. STI - 6160 - K-12 Integrated Unit Design - Intermediate - Edgemont

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 Edgemont

Dates: 4/5/2024 to 5/18/2024

This course is a work session in which teachers will create new integrated units or upgrade current units of study to fit the 21st Century classroom. The goal is to facilitate changes in the way both content and skills are being delivered to enable students to become autonomous learners. It will also allow for teacher work time where they can evaluate ways in which they can increase their own productivity by using technology for communication and collaboration. Teachers will evaluate current technology use in their classroom and explore how to incorporate technology effectively into their teaching to promote student learning and increase engagement. Teachers should have taken K-12 Integrated Unit Design prior to taking this level.

Participants will take current units of study or create new units where they will integrate different district technology. We will use our feedback protocol to create multiple iterations of their project using instructional feedback from the group. Teachers will learn new techniques from the previous course to add higher level technology and PBL projects into their units.

Participants will take current units of study or create new units with usable work samples/instructional materials. They will also create a lesson or unit plan write up.

59. STI - 6170 - Canva: High Quality, Cloud-Based Graphic Design for Teachers and Students

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 4/5/2024 to 4/6/2024

Canva is a graphic design platform that can create infographics, presentations, posters, and so much more. Readymade templates, icons, graphics, and stock images for users to use make Canva a full-featured robust design platform.

Canva is easily accessible by both students and teachers using their account. This access gives all Scarsdale users full pro-level access to all of Canva's features for free. This STI will take an in-depth look at and how to leverage this powerful creative tool to support student voices in telling the story of their learning.

60. STI - 6145 - Multiculturalism Through the Arts. Food on Film, of Food for Thought

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 4/9/2024 to 5/21/2024

In the realm of daily human life, food is more than simple nourishment. Food is an art, a business, a cultural artifact, a marker of individual identity, and a medium of social interaction. A region's cuisine can define its people and unite them. When food serves the purpose of communication, it can speak the many languages of comfort and love. In this class, we'll explore how recent movies express a spectrum of emotions-friendship, brotherly affection, family ties, maternal love, and romance--through food. Participants will be able to engage in interactive discussions after being given access to all films, film clips, and background material on Google Drive.

61. STI - 6208 - Financial Literacy for Educators: Next Gen Personal Finance Resources: April 2024 Cohort # 43

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 4/9/2024 to 5/21/2024

Our students' ability to build a secure future for themselves and their families requires learning how to navigate an increasingly complex financial system. The importance of financial responsibility will only increase as the world is further transformed by science and technology. Financial Literacy will help students succeed in the future as they create businesses, drive innovation, and achieve personal goals. This course seeks to build teacher content knowledge and access to resources so they can infuse their classrooms with financial education.

Teachers will acquire skills for themselves and for teaching such topics as Banking & Budgeting, Careers, Cryptocurrency Basics, Insurance, Credit, Taxes, Paying for College, and the Psychology of Money through teacher certification courses offered by Next Gen Personal Finance (

Each certification course consists of five two-hour synchronous sessions and a one-hour certification exam. In addition, teachers seeking STI credit must attend two STI cohort sessions to discuss the course, reflect and share progress, and devise plans to implement some of what they learned in the classroom.

Cohort 43 is published and the courses run between 4/15-5/16 (exam week is 5/17-5/23). They are offering both live and on-demand courses. NGPF Course offerings for this Cohort are:

Live virtual courses offered: Credit, Consumer Skills, Cryptocurrency Basics
On-demand only courses offered: Behavioral Economics, Investing

Specific course dates and times are listed on the NGPF website, and registration for those should be done there. You will first need to register for a teacher account on using your school email.

STI Session 1: April 9th at 7 pm (Zoom)
STI Session 2: May 21st at 7 pm (Zoom)

62. ST@C - Quick Survey of our Video Editing Apps for Teachers

Program: ST@C

Audience: SMS

Dates: 4/11/2024

Ever wonder what App is best for on the spot videos, or what should you use to mimic a TikTok, or what if you want something that is highly customized from scratch? We have access to a lot of video editing tools, come find out which ones we recommend for certain projects and why.

63. STI - 6146 - Gamify Your Classroom

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 4/12/2024 to 4/13/2024

This course will explore games that can be brought into the classroom to enhance student learning. Gamification can transform your classroom environment into a fun and engaging space, turning regular classroom activities into a game. Participants will learn different games that are suitable for their grade/class as well as create a new unique game for their students. They will also understand how incorporating games into the classroom promotes student learning and deepens understanding of the subject matter.

Participants will explore a variety of board games and card games-- both old and new-- to discover games that would work in their classrooms. Participants will also brainstorm ways in which these games can be adapted for their specific grade and/or content area. Many games, such as Taboo, Rapid Recall, and Bingo, can be adapted for classroom learning. By thinking creatively, collaborating with colleagues, and playing these games with one another, participants will discover how to use gamification elements to enhance student learning and improve engagement while still addressing goals and standards.

Teachers will create a running Google Doc highlighting the games they have learned about as well as adaptations they can make to have it suit their classroom/grade. On top of this, the culminating project will entail teachers adapting a game for their needs and creating a unique game of their choice to fit their needs.

64. STI - 6147 - Roadside Geology

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 4/12/2024 to 4/13/2024

Do you know the history of our area? How far back? How about 540 million years back? We'll explain why you shouldn't take rocks for Granite! We'll explain why the Bronx is Gneiss & Manhattan is full of Schist.

From evolution and human migration to geology, literature, and history - the Hudson Valley is an excellent classroom laboratory because it reflects, influences, and has been influenced by worldwide events and changes. We, and our students, can gain an appreciation for change occurring over time and across the globe using the Hudson Valley as a touchstone for investigation. Hudson Valley Geology reveals and connects to changes that we see all over the world. We have woven the story of our local area into a deeper narrative of science and the world. We hope some teachers might like to do the same. We believe it is important for students to become intimately familiar with their local space as an anchor for them to become knowledgeable about themselves and their world.

Bring your walking shoes, some potential sites for exploration are the High School Campus, Yonkers Aqueduct Trail on the Hudson, Orchard Beach on the Sound, Hook Mountain State Park & Palisade Park on the Hudson, Bear Mountain, Rockefeller State Park, & Central Park! We won't hit them all in every course, but they can all teach us something.

Carpooling, places to picnic/dining, & all the other logistics are TBD.

There will be a $6 fee per person for travel costs.

65. STI - 6148 - Tenure Portfolio for Edgemont Teachers

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 4/12/2024 to 4/13/2024

This course is personally tailored to support all teachers as they begin OR continue to build their portfolios. Participants will reflect on their teaching practices and learn ways to organize their artifacts using Google Slides, Docs, or Sites. Through collaboration and reflection, participants will develop several ideas for artifacts and implement strategies to organize and present their teaching journey in a meaningful and effective way. By the end of this course, participants will have a solid understanding of Edgemont's teaching standards and a portfolio-in-progress.

Participants will have plenty of work time to organize artifacts and build their portfolios. This course is helpful for any teacher, no matter how much or little they may have worked on their portfolio. We will review the Edgemont teaching standards to gain a deeper understanding of each strand, brainstorm ideas, and inspire each other by sharing our teaching practices. We will look at exemplar portfolios as well as strategies for organizing and presenting information. Come join and get your portfolio started or finished!

Teachers will share the part of their portfolio that they worked on during the course.
Canva and Adobe Express are giants in the graphic editing and social media industries. With each you can whip up flyers, social media posts, posters, presentations, and short videos. But which one should you use? In this hands-on workshop, we'll take a brief side by side look at the benefits of each, so that you can make an informed choice on the right tool for the appropriate occasion.
If you're interested in exploring the new 3-5 Writing Units of Study, we invite you to join us for an informative session. We'll provide insights into the latest writing units, detailing everything they encompass. This is a great opportunity to preview parts of the units and discover all the materials included. We guarantee you'll find the session worthwhile.

68. ST@C - New in the 3-5 New Units of Study Info Session (For FM Grade 3 and QR Grade 5)

Program: ST@C

Audience: For FM Grade 3 and QR Grade 5

Dates: 4/19/2024

If you're interested in exploring the new 3-5 Writing Units of Study, we invite you to join us for an informative session. We'll provide insights into the latest writing units, detailing everything they encompass. This is a great opportunity to preview parts of the units and discover all the materials included. We guarantee you'll find the session worthwhile.
Language translator tools, powered by Artificial Intelligence, have gotten really good in recent years. In this hands-on workshop, we'll take a look at Microsoft Translator, Google Translate, and Apple's Translate app to learn how they can be used to support conversations in multiple languages.

70. ST@C - What's NEW with the Breakout EDU!!

Program: ST@C

Dates: 5/1/2024

Join Breakout EDU's Director of Advocacy and Engagement, Patti Duncan, for an update on what is new and exciting at Breakout EDU. Patti will review the platform, including new features such as Breakout+, Carousel Games, and Student Challenges/Rewards. She will also discuss strategies for using Lock of the Day, Academic Content Related Games, and, the very popular with our students, Kit-Based Games. There will be time at the end of the for questions.

Join this session on May 1, 2024, at 2:45 pm by clicking on the Google Meet Link below.
Dr. Syantani Chatterjee is a post-doctoral reasearch Scholar in the Department of Anthropology and the South Asia Insitute of Columbia University. Prior to that she was a Mellon Junior Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her PhD from the Department of Anthropology at Columbia University. She specializes in the anthropology of toxicity, and personhood and embodiment. She has an expertise in South Asia and postcolonial studies.

Ms. Kanta Bhatia grew up in a small village in the northwest of Punjab and moved to New Delhi as a refugee in 1947 when India was divided to create Pakistan. She came to the United States in 1957.She received a master's degree in library science from Simmons College in Boston and a master's degree in South Asia Regional Studies from the University of Pennsylvania.

She will share her memories of Indian partition as described in her book,
A Journey Alone: Recollections of a Hindu Daughter.

72. STI - 6149 - Global Networking: Focus on India

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 5/1/2024 to 6/12/2024

Participants will learn some background information that will be helpful during their field study in India. We will provide a historical overview as well as learn about Indian culture and its people.

The six sessions are:

Historical Overview
Geography and Partition of India
Exploration of Spirituality & Yoga
Dialogue with Scarsdale & Edgemont Families of South Asian Decent
Bollywood & Beyond
Exploration of Indian Cuisine and the India of today

There will be a $20 materials fee for this course.
Join us for an open conversation with some of Scarsdale's LIU graduates about lessons of leadership, careers of teachers as leaders and life longer learners, and pathways to administration. Ann Marie Nee and Joan Weber will be in discussion with the following leaders from Scarsdale:
--Christi Browne, SMS Science Department Chair
--Lisa Forte, District Performing Arts Coordinator
--Bob Keith, SMS Physical Education Department Chair
--Vivian Robert, Elementary Math Coordinator
--Michelle O'Donnell, Elementary ELA Coordinator
--Marci Rothman, SMS Social Studies Department Chair and Interim AP

74. STI - 6209 - AI Inquiry for SHS Teachers

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: SHS

Dates: 5/3/2024 to 5/31/2024

During this course, participants will learn about how AI works, the ways it is being used in education and across different subject areas for workflows, study enhancement, engagement, and assessment. Participants will also learn to question the information received from AI tools to check for reliability, accuracy, and bias. Participants will also be confronted by at least two differing points of view on the degree to which AI has a place in schools, as the two leaders of the course have differing views on whether it is appropriate. The format of the course will consist of meetings once every other week as well as individual exploration between sessions to observe and gain insight into how teachers and students interact with AI at other levels in our district and/or in other districts to see what we think is appropriate for SHS. Time will also be allocated to reflect and to think together on the use of AI in the classroom so we can make recommendations for our colleagues at the high school.

75. STI - 6150 - Organize Your Google Drive

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 5/3/2024 to 5/4/2024

Over the past several years, this year more than ever, Google has become the main source of sharing and organizing resources for teachers. As more information and resources are shared or created digitally, it is essential for teachers to develop a streamlined way to organize and find these resources. Having the ability to quickly find what you need, will not only save time, but will enable teachers to be more efficient in planning and executing lessons/units. Work smarter, not harder.

Does finding a doc or folder in your drive cause you anxiety? This course is designed to help teachers learn quick and easy tips to organize everything in your drive or on your desktop. Participants will learn how to create new folders, shortcuts, share with colleagues and more. As part of the course project, teachers will take a screen shot of their google drive before and after the course. Teachers can also describe how they chose to organize their google drive in a typed reflection. This may include what folder they chose to create and how they plan to continue to use their google drive to help plan and share resources with colleagues. As outside work, teachers will continue to organize their drive and find resources to fill existing/new folders.

76. STI - 6154 - OMG: Culture, Religion and History of India- Weekend Immersion

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 5/10/2024 to 5/11/2024

In preparation for our visit to India, participants will learn about predominant religions represented in India.

This weekend course will focus on the religious diversity in India which has shaped it over the centuries. While Hinduism has been the dominant religion, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, and Sikhism have also flourished. India has no official state religion, but religion plays a central role in daily life through the different ceremonies, festivals, pilgrimages, and traditions. The course will be comprised of seeing a Bollywood movie: PK or OMG on Friday and then visiting BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir and Sikh Temple in New Jersey on Saturday. It will include an 80-minute guided tour and lunch in the temple.

There will be a material fee of $20 for this course.

77. STI - 6161 - Building STEAM Skills- Woodworking and Canva

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 (all)

Dates: 5/10/2024 to 5/11/2024

In this course, participants will be able to experience one of the new projects our 7th graders engage with in technology class as well as work in Canva. They will learn to use tools such as the wood burner, orbital sander, and router. As we communicate with our students how important it is to have hands-on skills as well as utilizing tools properly, this course puts teachers back in the student seat to experience it firsthand. It will allow teachers to think about how they may want to integrate more hands-on learning in the classroom and possibly collaborate with their respective technology and teachers/departments. They will also take away the skills needed in Canva to create infographics, graphic organizers, stencils, etc. to better aid in student learning and engagement.

During these sessions teachers will utilize the same skills we teach our students in middle school technology and art such as creating designs in Canva, and learning to use tools such as the router, and wood burning to create beautiful coasters and cutting boards they may take home. After creating their designs in Canva and learning the different tools necessary to create stencils, infographics, etc., teachers will begin to practice wood burning by making coasters. The next day, teachers will begin by sanding down their cutting boards and routing an edge into them. Teachers will then learn about the history and art of pyrography and burn their designs into the cutting boards before finishing them with oil. This course will demonstrate to teachers the interdisciplinary skills seen in our classrooms every day and allow them to explore how they can incorporate them in their own classrooms.

Teachers will produce a finished cutting board with a burned engraving and a set of at least 4 coasters.

There will be a $40 materials fee.

78. ST@C - 5th Grade Feedback - NYS Science Test - Preparing for 2024-2025

Program: ST@C

Audience: Scarsdale 5th Grade Teachers

Dates: 5/13/2024

Scarsdale 5th Grade teachers will complete a Google Form survey to provide feedback about the first administration of the 5th Grade Science exam. Then the teachers will come together with Jen Kiley to discuss the themes and brainstorm solutions to improve the test-taking experience for students in the following school year. To maximize participation, teachers will meet in building-based groups in person or cross-building groups via Zoom (based on teacher availability).

79. ST@C AI in the Elementary Classroom

Program: ST@C

Audience: K-5

Dates: 5/14/2024

There are plenty of assumptions about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on teaching and learning in the elementary classroom. Join us for an hour of hands-on experiences with AI tools. And let's talk about best approaches for using these tools in support of instruction and how we can guide conversations with children about the appropriate use of this rapidly spreading technology.

80. ST@C Get Creative with Canva

Program: ST@C

Dates: 5/16/2024

Come learn different ways to become creative with Canva

81. STI - 6109 - Dots and Points on the Map: Provence 2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12, required of Field Study Participants

Dates: 5/17/2024 to 5/18/2024

The Dots and Points series of courses immerses participants in an area of the world by providing a focused study of the history, geography, music, art, dance, food, and current events of that area. Participants explore resources on daily life while engaging with someone from that area of the world. Teachers work together to create art inspired from the area and learn about agriculture and culinary practices of the region.

This course focuses on Provence in the south of France as preparation for July's field study. Participants will look at the role of this region at various crossroads in world history, but especially the influence of ancient Rome, the works of impressionist and post-impressionist artists from the area, and the more recent impact of immigration to the area. This course is a prerequisite for July's field study but is open to all.
A quick overview on how to take advantage of some of our medical benefits specific to Vision and Dental

83. STI - 6211 - ELA Summer Institute

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 5/23/2024 to 9/24/2024

Ensuring that all students develop high levels of literacy requires teachers to make a concerted, coordinated effort to improve students' proficiency as readers, writers, and critical and creative thinkers. As the Scarsdale district continues to review and improve reading instruction and assessment, teachers will benefit from engaging with researchers in the field and discussing the teaching of reading and writing with their colleagues. We are offering the opportunity to attend Summer Institute experiences at either Teachers College at Columbia University (Advancing Literacy) or The Reading Writing Project at Mossflower both of which have been a think tank in the area of literacy for twenty-five years, developing state-of-the-art teaching methods and offering professional development in using these methods.

Through this course, participants will combine information from researchers at the organizations listed above with discussions with colleagues to tailor best practices to the needs of their students. The participants will attend the Summer Seminar, where they will have the opportunity to choose from literacy-based workshops, including argumentative writing, aligning instruction to the NYS Standards, utilizing performance-based assessments, guided reading, nonfiction through text sets, and many more.

84. ST@C ELA PD Structures Focus Group: Self-Selected PD

Program: ST@C

Audience: All Teachers

Dates: 5/28/2024

During our time together we will engage in a discussion around a series of focus questions to gain a better understanding of teachers experiences with and thoughts on ELA PD structures.

85. STI - 6213 - Financial Literacy for Educators: Next Gen Personal Finance Resources: June 2024 Cohort # 44

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 5/28/2024 to 6/19/2024

Our students' ability to build a secure future for themselves and their families requires learning how to navigate an increasingly complex financial system. The importance of financial responsibility will only increase as the world is further transformed by science and technology. Financial Literacy will help students succeed in the future as they create businesses, drive innovation, and achieve personal goals. This course seeks to build teacher content knowledge and access to resources so they can infuse their classrooms with financial education.

Teachers will acquire skills for themselves and for teaching such topics as Banking & Budgeting, Careers, Cryptocurrency Basics, Insurance, Credit, Taxes, Paying for College, and the Psychology of Money through teacher certification courses offered by Next Gen Personal Finance (

Each certification course consists of five two-hour synchronous sessions and a one-hour certification exam. In addition, teachers seeking STI credit must attend two STI cohort sessions to discuss the course, reflect and share progress, and devise plans to implement some of what they learned in the classroom.

Cohort 44 is published and the courses run between June 3rd- June 19th (exam week is June 21st- June 28th). They are offering both live and on-demand courses. NGPF Course offerings for this Cohort are:

Live virtual courses offered: Banking & Budgeting, Cryptocurrency Basics
On-demand only courses offered: Advanced Investing, Behavioral Economics, Career

Specific course dates and times are listed on the NGPF website, and registration for those should be done there. You will first need to register for a teacher account on using your school email.

STI Session 1: May 28th at 7 pm (Zoom)
STI Session 2: June 19th at 7 pm (Zoom)

86. ST@C ELA PD Structures Focus Group: ALL CALL

Program: ST@C

Audience: Open to all teachers

Dates: 5/29/2024

During this session, we will engage in a discussion around a series of focus questions to gain a better understanding of teachers experiences with and thoughts on ELA PD structures. This session is open to all teachers.

87. ST@C A.I. Update What's newer with A.I.

Program: ST@C

Dates: 5/30/2024

There are new tools and techniques available to take advantage of A.I. in the classroom and your planning.

88. STI - 6110 - Museums as Resources: Artistic Innovations and Cultural Connections in Modern French Art 2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12, primarily teachers enrolled in the July Field Study

Dates: 5/31/2024 to 6/1/2024

This course will introduce the works of the Modern French masters in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art. Beginning with Manet, "the reluctant revolutionary" who ushered in the Modern era by declaring that an artist need not replicate the observable world, he and his fellow innovators created startling new art that declared the centrality of the "art for art's sake" philosophy that influenced art for decades to come. Due to the generosity of many wealthy donors, the Met has an extraordinary collection of masterworks by Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne, Gauguin, and Van Gogh, among others. The study of their art, and the many cultural connections found within it, can be integrated into many curriculum areas such as rural and urban life before and after the Industrial Revolution and how those societal changes are reflected in the art.
There are so many things to keep in mind when we approach the end of the school year, this ST@C is designed to help newer teachers but can benefit all!

90. STI - 6155 - NYC as a Resource: Historical Walking Tour of Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 6/7/2024 to 6/8/2024

New York City is a resource with unending possibilities for fieldwork experiences for teachers and their students. The "NYC as a Resource" category of STI classes allows teachers the opportunity to model experiential education, conduct research and document their learning as they would do with their students. Through these courses, teachers visit the sites and scenes of the events that have shaped the region as they deepen their understanding of and their interest in history and curate resources to share with students. Based on the course, lesson plans can be created in multiple subject areas and across the grade levels.

Participants in this course will learn about the history of one of NYC's most popular neighborhoods and will provide teachers with information pertaining to themes in Native American history, gentrification, art history, and more. Teachers will explore the history and evolution of Williamsburg, Brooklyn beginning with its purchase from the Lenape in 1638 by the Dutch West India Company and continuing to its current iteration as the hipster capital of the world.

The class will meet at Quaker Ridge on Friday and in Brooklyn on Saturday for the walking tour.

91. STI - 6171 - Summer Teacher as Reader Tuesday Cohort

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 6/11/2024 to 8/20/2024

Wait List
The journey of the lifelong reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading talking and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of reading and understanding for their students.

Participants will read assigned books and come prepared to discuss aspects of literary form such as character development, theme, plot and more. They will gain insight into point of view by listening to their colleagues' responses to each book. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students. The first session will include a short text discussion. Participants will read four other books over the course of the remaining sessions.

Teachers will read 4 books, answer questions about the books on a google slide notebook and participate in discussions. The course will meet once in June in person and the other meetings will be held over Zoom.

92. STI - 6212 - Summer Teacher as Reader Thursday Cohort

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 6/11/2024 to 8/22/2024

Wait List
The journey of the lifelong reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading talking and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of reading and understanding for their students.

Participants will read assigned books and come prepared to discuss aspects of literary form such as character development, theme, plot and more. They will gain insight into point of view by listening to their colleagues' responses to each book. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students. The first session will include a short text discussion. Participants will read four other books over the course of the remaining sessions.

Teachers will read 4 books, answer questions about the books on a google slide notebook and participate in discussions. The course will meet once in June in person and the other meetings will be held over Zoom.

93. ST@C ST@C on how to submit all the ST@Cs

Program: ST@C

Dates: 6/13/2024

So you have 12 ST@C hours, now what? This ST@C is designed to help you strategies and plan on the best time to submit and to review the process with you.

94. ST@C Primary Assessment Changes

Program: ST@C

Dates: 6/13/2024

Come join us to better understand the upcoming changes in the primary reading assessments for the 2024-2025 school year.

95. ST@C Explore OpenSciEd Elementary

Program: ST@C

Dates: 6/20/2024

In this free webinar, the OpenSciEd team is joined by Dr. Brian Reiser from Next Generation Science Storylines at Northwestern University. Dr. Reiser leads the consortium developing OpenSciEd's elementary school science instructional materials. The webinar will describe how the consortium was selected, the elementary program's notable features, the field test structure, and timelines for releasing the materials. We will also provide a sneak peek of what learning with these materials looks like. There will be time dedicated for Q&A.

Sign up at

96. STI - 6163 - Building STEAM Skills: Woodworking (June Cohort)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 6/22/2024 to 6/29/2024

Wait List
Developing STEAM skills requires the knowledge and familiarity of a variety of materials. Students in the middle school and the high school participate in a range of coursework working with wood through their technology classes at the middle school or in the Design Lab at Scarsdale High School. The goal of this course is to improve teachers knowledge about the basic foundations of woodworking (i.e., design, joinery) and hone their skills with different tools. Teachers will adapt and apply what they have learned to their specific grade level and discipline. Each teacher will build an Adirondack chair as part of this course as they build their problem solving and teamwork skills.

Teachers will be responsible for the cost of materials for this course, to be determined.

97. ST@C Tri-States INFO SESSION

Program: ST@C

Dates: 6/25/2024

Tri-State Consortium Info Session given by Edgar McIntosh and Drew Patrick

98. STI - 6168 - Positive Psychology For Educators 2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Dates: 6/25/2024 to 8/16/2024

Wait List
Positive psychology, the scientific study of human flourishing, has much to offer educators as we consider best ways to help students attain optimal functioning. Positive education, the application of positive psychology in schools, is essential for student well-being and achievement. This course will review principles of positive psychology and will also have participants engage in experiential learning exercises to increase well-being - which will help reinforce key concepts. Specific emphasis will be given to the integration of positive psychology constructs and techniques in the classroom.

Participants will learn key constructs in positive psychology, which have direct application to student well-being and achievement. In addition to examining the work of scholars such as Martin Seligman, Angela Duckworth, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and others, participants will engage in hands-on positive psychology activities in order to gain a better understanding of key techniques that could be used with students in the classroom. During the course, participants will engage in positive psychology exercises and have the opportunity to write reflective pieces on their experiences. In-class readings will review some key articles on positive psychology and positive education. All participants will be encouraged to share their ideas and perspectives and will have choice for final project including but not limited to a well thought-out reflection or lesson-plan applying the course material.

Participants will be expected to complete approximately twenty hours of independent learning over the course of the summer via exercises, readings and viewing other resources from the instructor.

99. STI - 6167 - Managing Emotions in Times of Stress and Uncertainty

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 6/26/2024 to 8/14/2024

Social and emotional skills are more important now than ever. As educators, we can find ways to better identify and manage our own emotions, which in turn, can help our students identify and manage theirs. This course will help teachers unpack how emotions can help and hinder attention, decision making, relationships, health, and performance. Teachers will explore how to recognize, understand, and accurately label emotions, manage their own emotions and help students manage theirs. Teachers will have the opportunity to describe the biases involved in identifying and managing emotions, as well as to reflect on the potential impact of your own biases on your interactions with others.Finally, teachers will be introduced to the concept of emotion co-regulation, as well as a five-step process to support students in moments of high stress.

Developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, materials for Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage their emotions and those of their students. Presented in an asynchronous online fashion, teachers will complete the course at their own pace (over several weeks) under the direction of Dr. Elliot Cohen. The group will also meet in three synchronous 1 hour (likely zoom sessions).

100. STI - 6174 - Challenge Course II

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 6/27/2024 to 7/1/2024

This Challenge Course II workshop will focus on the ability of participants to stretch their comfort zones beyond Challenge Course I while working with their colleagues in a more physically and emotionally challenging setting. The participants will be developing skills necessary to push themselves and motivate their colleagues beyond their perceived personal limitations.

This course will utilize low rope elements and challenging high ropes climbing activities for teachers to experience "First Hand" the challenges and stressors faced by students striving to achieve new heights or simply "survive" in the classroom. Debriefing activities will allow teachers to network with each other on best practices and time-tested strategies to foster empathy and self-esteem in the classroom environment.

Participants will keep a journal and write a reflection paper that will include their reaction to their experiences during the class. They will also describe how they will transfer these experiences into the classroom.

101. STI - 6162 - Response to Intervention: Creating Games to Differentiate Instruction

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 6/27/2024 to 7/2/2024

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a framework for academic intervention by teachers to identify and to provide supplemental instruction to children who are having difficulty learning. Specific RTI regulations apply to the core curriculum and the general education classroom teacher who must develop interventional strategies that differentiate in the classroom. The use of games is an effective activity for targeting the skills that the struggling student needs to master. Games provide the repetition and review often needed to learn in an enjoyable and fun way in all subject areas. Children are active learners; games engage them in learning and can be used to supplement instruction within the RTI framework.

This course offers teachers specific instruction that can be used in Tier I for RTI. In the Tier I phase, the teacher identifies a student who is at risk and assesses the skill area for supplemental instruction to be provided during the school day. Teachers in grades K-4 will examine RTI specifications and create games and activities that can be used immediately in their classrooms to reinforce curriculum and to differentiate instruction for students experiencing difficulty learning. An integral part of the course will be discussion of multiple intelligences, learning styles, and individualized instructional strategies. Teachers will examine their curricular areas in the primary grades to develop numerous and varied games to target particular learning problems. Participants should bring reference materials for the concepts and skills they would like to individualize in their supplemental instruction.

Course Requirements:
1. Share personal strategies, games, and activities to differentiate instruction.
2. Complete 15 new games or activities for the classroom that can be used as supplemental instruction following the RTI framework.