Catalog: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

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1. STI - 6211 - ELA Summer Institute

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 5/23/2024 to 9/24/2024

Ensuring that all students develop high levels of literacy requires teachers to make a concerted, coordinated effort to improve students' proficiency as readers, writers, and critical and creative thinkers. As the Scarsdale district continues to review and improve reading instruction and assessment, teachers will benefit from engaging with researchers in the field and discussing the teaching of reading and writing with their colleagues. We are offering the opportunity to attend Summer Institute experiences at either Teachers College at Columbia University (Advancing Literacy) or The Reading Writing Project at Mossflower both of which have been a think tank in the area of literacy for twenty-five years, developing state-of-the-art teaching methods and offering professional development in using these methods.

Through this course, participants will combine information from researchers at the organizations listed above with discussions with colleagues to tailor best practices to the needs of their students. The participants will attend the Summer Seminar, where they will have the opportunity to choose from literacy-based workshops, including argumentative writing, aligning instruction to the NYS Standards, utilizing performance-based assessments, guided reading, nonfiction through text sets, and many more.

2. STI - 6222 - The Mentor Program 2024-25 (All Mentors)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Mentors

Dates: 8/26/2024 to 4/30/2025

Over the past thirty-eight years, the Mentor Program has become an integral part of the Scarsdale School District program. This seminar provides systematic support for teachers new to Scarsdale and recognizes and rewards the experience and skill that Mentor teachers bring to new teachers. The program is a rich opportunity for the professional development of expert teachers who are now trained to work with colleagues. This year the Mentors and new teachers will continue to refine and develop the program. This seminar assists the Mentor teacher in defining his/her role and its relationship to the new teacher. Mentor teachers will meet together to identify needs, discuss problems, and seek solutions. Course topics include roles and responsibilities of mentoring, teacher collaboration, and effective communication. Mentor teachers participate in creating this unique program designed specifically to meet the needs of the Scarsdale staff. MENTORS MENTORING NEW TEACHERS MUST ATTEND ALL FOUNDATION SESSIONS WITH THEIR MENTEES.

3. STI - 6223 - The Mentor Support Seminar 2024-25 (Summer)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Mentors

Dates: 8/26/2024 to 4/30/2025

This course prepares participants to serve as mentors. Topics include how to provide guidance and support, be an empathetic listener, conduct observations and offer feedback, and manage weekly meetings. Mentors provide a community for one another to discuss issues and develop solutions. By offering this summer schedule we hope to provide greater flexibility for mentors who find meeting after the school day challenging. These dates also include 3 meetings that mentors attend with their mentees as part of Foundations.

4. STI - 6224 - Mentor Support Seminar 2024-25 (Yearlong Version)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Mentors

Dates: 8/26/2024 to 4/30/2025

This course prepares participants to serve as mentors. Topics include how to provide guidance and support, be an empathetic listener, conduct observations and offer feedback and manage weekly meetings. Mentors provide a community for one another to discuss issues and develop solutions. These dates also include 3 meetings that mentors attend with their mentees as part of Foundations.

5. STI - 5000 - ST@C Workshop Series - 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: All

Dates: 8/26/2024

ST@C workshops explore aspects of innovation in education. In each ST@C workshop, teachers gain an overview of specific technological and pedagogical tools for the classroom while establishing a professional network for more in-depth study. Scarsdale teachers can choose stand-alone ST@C workshops to use toward STI credits. One STI credit is granted when a teacher has documented 12 hours of contact time in ST@C workshops and submits to the STI office an explanation of how new ideas from ST@C impacted teaching and learning in their classroom. Teachers must register for each individual ST@C workshop online and can offer to run a ST@C course by contacting the STI office. Teachers should only register for this course credit AFTER they have completed 12 hours of ST@C courses.

6. STI - 6000 - ST@C Workshop Series - 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: All

Dates: 8/26/2024

ST@C workshops explore aspects of innovation in education. In each ST@C workshop, teachers gain an overview of specific technological and pedagogical tools for the classroom while establishing a professional network for more in-depth study. Scarsdale teachers can choose stand-alone ST@C workshops to use toward STI credits. One STI credit is granted when a teacher has documented 12 hours of contact time in ST@C workshops and submits to the STI office an explanation of how new ideas from ST@C impacted teaching and learning in their classroom. Teachers must register for each individual ST@C workshop online and can offer to run a ST@C course by contacting the STI office. Teachers should only register for this course credit AFTER they have registered for STI-5000 (Credit for the first 12 ST@C hours) and completed the next 12 hours of ST@C classes (hours 13-24).

7. STI - 7000 - ST@C Workshop Series - 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: All

Dates: 8/26/2024

ST@C workshops explore aspects of innovation in education. In each ST@C workshop, teachers gain an overview of specific technological and pedagogical tools for the classroom while establishing a professional network for more in-depth study. Scarsdale teachers can choose stand-alone ST@C workshops to use toward STI credits. One STI credit is granted when a teacher has documented 12 hours of contact time in ST@C workshops and submits to the STI office an explanation of how new ideas from ST@C impacted teaching and learning in their classroom. Teachers must register for each individual ST@C workshop online and can offer to run a ST@C course by contacting the STI office. Teachers should only register for this course credit AFTER they have registered for STI-5000 (Credit for the first 12 ST@C hours) and STI-6000 (credit for the second 12 ST@C hours) and completed the next 12 hours of ST@C classes (hours 25-36).

8. STI - 6220 - The Mentor Support Seminar: Edgemont 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Edgemont Mentors

Dates: 8/28/2024 to 6/2/2025

Over the past twenty-two years, the Mentor Program has become an integral part of the Edgemont School District. This seminar provides systematic support for teachers new to Edgemont and recognizes and rewards the knowledge and skill that experienced Mentor teachers bring to new teachers. The program is a rich opportunity for the professional development of expert teachers who are now trained to work with their new colleagues. This year the Mentors and new teachers will continue to refine and develop the program. This seminar assists the Mentor teacher in defining his/her role and its relationship to the new teacher. Mentor teachers will meet together to identify needs, discuss problems, and seek solutions. Course topics include roles and responsibilities of mentoring, teacher collaboration, and effective communication. Mentor teachers participate in creating this unique program designed specifically to meet the needs of the Edgemont staff.

9. ST@C - K-6 Free Book Shop: Treasures New and Gently Used

Program: ST@C

Dates: 8/28/2024 to 8/29/2024

FREE High-Interest Trade Books! Discover a treasure trove of free popular trade books at our open classroom book shop, designed specifically for K-6 teachers. Enhance your classroom library with a wide range of books, activities, and tools to inspire your students, all at no cost! Bring a shopping bag and take all that you would like! Stop by anytime on Wednesday or Thursday between 10:30 - 3:00.

10. STI - 6392 - Articulating Leadership Across Departments 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: SMS Department Chairs

Dates: 8/29/2024 to 6/12/2025

Middle School department chairs serve on the Principal's Cabinet and are relied on for a wide variety of responsibilities. We are the leaders of curriculum in our departments as well as being responsible for hiring and supervising the staff in our departments. It is imperative that we have time to collaborate as we try to work with the administration. This year will be a little different as we will have an interim principal and assistant principal so that may bring some unique challenges. Maintaining consistency in our practices ensures that the middle school functions as well as it does.

The department chair serves as an advocate for one's own department while at the same time supporting the wider mission of the school. As a result, healthy and open discussion about school issues must occur regularly. Scarsdale's commitment to educational excellence and evolving state regulations require department chairs to work collaboratively to examine current practices and continue to adapt to changes. The Middle School department chairs, in the role of teacher evaluators, will function as a study group to review various duties including staff observation and evaluation, and progress with school goals. Participants will work across departments to ensure consistent approaches are being utilized. Through this course, the chairs plan to work collaboratively to follow or modify current practices as well as to prepare for upcoming initiatives.

Participants will attend all meetings. The course minutes will provide detail of what was discussed and accomplished.

11. ST@C - 3-5 ELA New Writing Heinemann Flight Navigation

Program: ST@C

Audience: 3-5

Dates: 8/29/2024

Come join us to get an overview of the Heinemann Flight platform! In our time together you will learn how to log into your account and access your new writing units, along with all of the digital components. We will also take a peak at your students digital writing journals and demonstrate opportunities for AI supported feedback. We look forward to seeing you there!
Come join us to get an overview of the Heinemann Flight platform! In our time together you will learn how to log into your account and access your new writing units, along with all of the digital components. We will also take a peak at your students digital writing journals and demonstrate opportunities for AI supported feedback. We look forward to seeing you there!

13. STI - 6225 - Financial Literacy for Educators: September 2024 Cohort # 47

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 9/5/2024 to 10/8/2024

This course seeks to build content knowledge and share [free] resources that can help support the mission of integrating a personal finance education into the Scarsdale experience. Teachers will acquire financial literacy skills for themselves and their students through courses on the Next Gen Personal Finance platform (

Courses offered: Banking & Budgeting, Behavioral Economics, Careers, Consumerism, Credit, Cryptocurrency, Insurance, Investing, Paying for College, The Psychology of Money, Taxes.

Participant responsibilities include:
- 2 STI Zoom sessions, an introduction session and end of course session (in the evening)
- 5 2-hour sessions, courses may be synchronous or on-demand
- Certification exam certificate
- STI project submission

Cohort 47 runs between September 3rd - October 2nd. Courses offered during this cohort are:
Live Courses: Credit, Investing
On-Demand Courses: Behavioral Economics, Insurance

14. ST@C - Zaner Spelling Connections

Program: ST@C

Dates: 9/6/2024

This ST@C will provide information useful to launching, planning, and implementing the Spelling Connection materials with your students. We will also discuss highlights for sharing this information at your open house.

15. ST@C - Zaner Spelling Connections II

Program: ST@C

Dates: 9/6/2024

This ST@C will provide information useful to launching, planning, and implementing the Spelling Connection materials with your students. We will also discuss highlights for sharing this information at your open house.

16. ST@C - 3-5 ELA New Writing Unit 1

Program: ST@C

Dates: 9/9/2024

Join us for an overview of the first writing unit. During our time together we will go over how to administer the on-demand assessment through the Heinemann Flight platform, built in AI support for scoring/feedback, as well as an overview of each bend's purpose. We look forward to seeing you!

17. STI - 6228 - School Nurse Study Group

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Nurses

Dates: 9/16/2024 to 5/12/2025

Teachers, parents, and students often look to district nurses as resources for advice on health issues that arise in the news or in the schools. Medical information is constantly being updated, and the school nurses require adequate time and opportunity to meet with colleagues to discuss the latest findings in their field. Study group participation provides the nurses a venue to read, listen, and share information that will enhance health office practices.

Participants will choose books, articles, podcasts and documentaries on topics that are relevant to school health office concerns. Through reading, viewing, participating in discussions, and sharing daily-based practice information, school nurses will become better-informed advocates for their students and families.

Participants will create and share a document reflecting on the course content and its impact on their role as a school nurse.

18. STI - 6343 - Foundations of a Scarsdale Education for Tomorrow: High School

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale HS new Teacher

Dates: 9/18/2024 to 5/20/2025

Model lesson plans, constructive feedback on instruction, and tips on school culture and classroom management are all critical in helping new teachers be successful. In Scarsdale, a school-based mentor assists new hires with adapting to school culture and common practices in the first year. In addition, Scarsdale teachers benefit from curricular guidance from department chairs and colleagues. As a teacher grows as an experienced professional in the Scarsdale schools, this Foundations course scaffolds teacher professional development and mentorship in their first years so they can take maximum advantage of the professional resources available to them throughout their careers. Throughout the school year, classroom teachers, mentors, department chairs and administrators will engage each other in an examination of instructional methods, content, curriculum, and student learning and understanding to improve classroom teaching and learning. In the fall, new teachers will receive an overview of the Charlotte Danielson model of teacher evaluation and discuss expectations in the areas of special education, technology, grading, and communication to name a few. The mentor component of the course includes five after-school seminars with mentors and mentees and as well as confidential weekly meetings with the assigned mentor teacher. Curricular guidance is individualized through meetings with colleagues and department chairs.

19. ST@C - How to use ST@Cs & STIs

Program: ST@C

Dates: 9/19/2024

Are you a new teacher or someone who has questions about ST@Cs and STIs? This class is about the registration process for both ST@Cs and STIs and provides helpful information regarding teaching ST@Cs and STIs
The PAAC comes back together for reflections and next steps for data collection

21. STI - 6333 - Creating a Choice Board

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 (all)

Dates: 9/20/2024 to 9/21/2024

This course will help teachers create a Choice Board using Google Slides. Choice Boards are technology-based and have varied activities to provide additional practice with the knowledge and skills students need to master. Choice Boards may also contain extensions of material covered in class or challenging problems for students who have mastered the material and want to delve deeper into topics. Choice Boards allow students to be exposed to a broader range of activities and task options. These activities/options will be scaffolded and provide differentiated instruction and practice. Because students can choose the activities they would like to do, Choice Boards encourage students to be more engaged in their learning, increase their motivation, and improve their understanding and mastery of the material.

For their final course project, teachers are expected to submit a complete Choice Board they will use in their classroom. They will start their Choice Board during the class meeting time but will need to spend additional time on their own to complete it.
BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple is the largest Hindu temple in the United States. The site captures thousands of years of inspiring thoughts, values, architecture, and culture from South Asia. Construction began in 2011 and was just completed in 2023.

Saturday, September 21, there will be an educational tour of the grounds including an explanation of the tenets of Hinduism, Indian history, and the growth South Asian population in the NY metropolitan region that contributed to the building of this religous site.

The cost is $20, which you can bring with you.

Carpools will be arranged from Scarsdale to the temple at 110 N Main Street, Windsor, New Jersey.

23. STI - 6344 - Foundations of a Scarsdale Education for Tomorrow: Middle School

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Middle School New Teachers

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 5/20/2025

Model lesson plans, constructive feedback on instruction, and tips on school culture and classroom management are all critical in helping new teachers be successful. In Scarsdale, a school-based mentor assists new hires with adapting to school culture and common practices in the first year. In addition, Scarsdale teachers benefit from curricular guidance from department chairs and colleagues. As a teacher grows as an experienced professional in the Scarsdale schools, this Foundations course scaffolds teacher professional development and mentorship in their first years so they can take maximum advantage of the professional resources available to them throughout their careers. Throughout the school year, classroom teachers, mentors, department chairs and administrators will engage each other in an examination of instructional methods, content, curriculum, and student learning and understanding to improve classroom teaching and learning. In the fall, new teachers will receive an overview of the Charlotte Danielson model of teacher evaluation and discuss expectations in the areas of special education, technology, grading, and communication to name a few. The mentor component of the course includes five after-school seminars with mentors and mentees and as well as confidential weekly meetings with the assigned mentor teacher. Curricular guidance is individualized through meetings with colleagues and department chairs.

24. STI - 6399 - The College Application Process 2024: Recommendations

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 10/15/2024

The College Application process impacts every professional in our school district. It is a process that students discuss well before they even enter high school and is part of the fabric of our school culture. In 2011 and 2022, the guidance department offered courses examining the changing landscape of college admissions. This course will continue the conversation with specific attention to the high school teacher's central role in this process: writing letters of recommendation.

In this course, members of the counseling department as well as academic area teachers will discuss best practices in writing recommendations. Participants will review the importance of recommendations in the process, the components of the most effective letters, how to use data from each student to personalize recommendations, and how to manage time efficiently when asked for a letter.

25. STI - 6341 - Building Community at Greenacres Through Picture Books

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 6/16/2025

At Greenacres we seek to further build community through the reading and study of common picture books. Each month classes at all grade levels will read and explore a picture book with a theme or topic such as friendship, perseverance, family or courage. Each class will study this picture book and expand their understanding through projects, reflections, illustrations, author studies or close reading of the author's craft. Books can also be used in the many buddy classes further deepening the relationships between older and younger students. Picture books are one of the few things that can be shared from kindergarten to fifth grade. Through this study of a common book as a school, shared understanding and experiences will be developed. There will be a "Book of the Month" bulletin board that displays the title. Classes can add their reflections to the board to further build community.

To begin each session, teachers will share and reflect on how they used the previous month's book with their students. They will show student work and discuss how this book further deepened their student's understanding of the theme highlighted in this book. Then participants will closely study the book chosen for the upcoming month. Teachers will discuss ways they can enhance the reading of the book with their classes through activities and projects with their class. They will collaborate with grade-level colleagues to plan and implement their ideas. Teachers will share test practices around the teaching of reading.

Teachers will produce lessons around the reading of this picture book of the month. They will further their craft as they work collaboratively to plan these lessons and activities. They will reflect on the work they do with their students after they implement these lessons.

26. STI - 6335 - Teacher as Reader: Greenacres 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Greenacres K-5

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 6/17/2025

The Teacher as Reader STI course is a building-based book club that meets once a month and is only open to Greenacres teachers. We discuss books that we have read, delving deeply and meaningfully into texts. Reading common books and discussing themes, characters and personal connections builds community and enriches the reading conversations we have with our students. When we as educators place ourselves in the position of learners, we can greater empathize with the young readers in our class and challenge them in respectful and appropriate manners. Teachers share discussion questions prior to each club meeting, and these questions provide a foundation on which discussions are built.

At the start of the course, teachers will participate in the selection of the books we will read for the year. Discussion norms are established surrounding participation, attendance, and general engagement. Participants will read one book per month, generate discussion questions, and participate in extensive conversations surrounding the books. Participants will reflect on their personal growth as a reader throughout the course.

Throughout the year, teachers will read ten books. The culminating assignment is a paper synthesizing their reflections about the books they have read. Teachers may pick discussion questions about which to write more extensively or select a common theme that exists in some of the books.

27. STI - 6336 - Teacher as Reader: Fox Meadow 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 6/17/2025

Book clubs encourage critical thinking and deeper engagement with literature. In this course, teachers will spend time reading together, sharing insights and reactions to texts. Connections will be made through their discussions while reading a selection of diverse books. These texts serve both as mirrors and windows of different human emotions, experiences, and cultures. They offer a powerful opportunity to build community, increase empathy, and understand bias and prejudice. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students.

Participants will read assigned books and come prepared to discuss aspects of literary form such as character development, theme, plot, and more. They will gain insight into their point of view by listening to their colleagues' responses to each book.

During the course sessions,10 books will be read and discussed. Participants will answer questions about each book and reflect about their feelings.

28. STI - 6337 - Teacher as Reader: Quality Readers at Quaker Ridge 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 6/24/2025

Teachers will gather once a month to discuss a novel. Teachers will decide which books to read for the year. At the monthly meeting, teachers will have a chance to share opinions and ideas about the books read. These meetings will give teachers at Quaker Ridge a chance to meet with each other from around the building that they may not work directly with and build relationships.

The journey of a lifelong reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading, talking, and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre, and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of reading and understanding for their students. Participants will read assigned books and come prepared to discuss aspects of literary form such as character development, theme, plot, and more. They will gain insight into point of view by listening to their colleagues' responses to each book. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students.

Teachers will read a book once a month for the school year. Books will be determined at the September meeting. Each teacher will create their own cookbook. Teachers will choose a recipe that relates to the book in some way. Teachers will write a description of the book and explain how the recipe connects.

29. STI - 6338 - Teacher as Reader: Heathcote 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 6/17/2025

The journey of a lifelong reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading, talking, and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre, and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of reading and understanding for their students.

Participants will read assigned books and come prepared to discuss aspects of literary form such as character development, theme, plot, and more. They will gain insight into point of view by listening to their colleagues' responses to each book. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students. For the first session, participants should bring a book read over the summer to share with the group.

Teachers will write a reflection on each of the books we have read over the course of the year.

30. STI - 6339 - Teacher as Reader: Edgewood 2023-2024

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 6/17/2025

The journey of a life long reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading, talking, and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre, and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of reading and understanding for their students.

Participants will read assigned books and come prepared to discuss aspects of literary form such as character development, theme, plot, and more. They will gain insight into point of view by listening to their colleagues' responses to each book. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students.

Teachers will answer literal and inferential questions on a Padlet. Teachers are expected to read all required books, attend class as well as participate in the deep discussions.

31. STI - 6340 - Literature Across Boundaries: 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 (All)

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 6/17/2025

The journey of a life long reader is a search to gain insight and understanding by reading, talking, and reflecting. By transforming reading into a community event through discussion groups, teachers learn differing perspectives on the same work and gain knowledge of literature, genre, and technique. The commitment to read widely and deeply is an important endeavor for teachers as they model the love of reading and the skills of close reading and understanding for their students. Participants will enhance their own reading skills and learn techniques for leading discussion groups with students.

For our first meeting of the year, we ask participants to come prepared to book talk about a recent or summer read that you would recommend to the class!

Participants will read one book per month and produce a course reflection or course project at the end of the year.

Participants can take this course for 1 or 2 credits.

32. ST@C - Midweek Mindfulness

Program: ST@C

Dates: 9/25/2024

It is essential for teachers to practice mindfulness and self-care to maintain a healthy balance between our professional responsibilities and our personal well-being. Finding this time can be challenging so this "Midweek Mindfulness" ST@C is designed to provide you with a midweek pause, allowing you to integrate mindfulness into your routine so that you can recharge for the remainder of the week.

These sessions will include engaging, hands-on activities such as making friendship bracelets, and glitter jars, and enjoying adult coloring pages-all creative exercises proven to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Your renewed energy will help you to navigate the demands of the week with greater resilience and be your best for yourself and your students.
This session will familiarize you with the summer program improvement work done on pacing/unit order, enrichment/extra practice, benchmark/unit assessments.
We will also review how to navigate the Elementary Math Website.

34. STI - 6345 - Foundations of a Scarsdale Education for Tomorrow Elementary Level

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Elementary new teachers

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 5/20/2025

Foundations of a Scarsdale Education for Tomorrow Elementary Level Model lesson plans, constructive feedback on instruction, and tips on school culture and classroom management are all critical in helping new teachers be successful. In Scarsdale, a school-based mentor assists new hires with adapting to school culture and common practices in the first year. In addition, Scarsdale teachers benefit from individualized curricular guidance from K-5 district coordinators in Math, Science, and English Language Arts. As teachers gain more experience in the Scarsdale schools, this Foundations course scaffolds their professional development and mentorship in their first years so they can take maximum advantage of the professional resources available to them throughout their careers. Throughout the school year, classroom teachers, mentors, and helping teachers will engage each other in an examination of instructional methods, content, curriculum, and student learning and understanding to improve classroom teaching and learning. New teachers will receive support for their Math, Science, Reading and Writing curricula from the district coordinators through regular consultations in and out of the classroom and half day professional development workshops. The mentor component of the course includes four after-school seminars with mentors and mentees that address district-wide best practices as well as confidential weekly meetings with the assigned mentor teacher. They will also attend the ST@C Portfolio sessions.

35. STI - 6346 - Foundations of a Scarsdale Education for Tomorrow Special Education Elementary Level

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Elementary new teachers in Special Ed

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 5/20/2025

Model lesson plans, constructive feedback on instruction, and tips on school culture and classroom management are all critical in helping new teachers be successful. In Scarsdale, a school-based mentor assists teachers new to Scarsdale with adapting to school culture and common practices in the first year. In addition, Scarsdale teachers benefit from individualized curricular guidance from K-5 district coordinators in Math, Science, and English Language Arts. As a teacher grows from novice to experienced professional in the Scarsdale schools, this Foundations course scaffolds teacher professional development and mentorship in their first years so they can take maximum advantage of the professional resources available to them throughout their careers. For Special Education teachers, many of the professional learning opportunities are built into the structures already in place. Team meetings along with workshops and coaching cycles with consultants are incorporated throughout the year. Additionally, while it is important to grow your expertise regarding curriculum knowledge and delivery of instruction, being a SPED teacher adds an additional layer. The preparation and participation in the IEP process, progress monitoring goals and implementation of differentiated instruction adds to the work you do daily with your students. Support will be provided in these areas to ensure success. Throughout the school year, classroom teachers, mentors, and coordinators. will engage each other in an examination of instructional methods, content, curriculum, student learning and understanding to improve classroom teaching and learning. New teachers will receive support for their Special Education, Math, Science, Reading and Writing curricula from the district coordinators through regular consultations. The mentor component of the course includes after-school seminars with mentors and mentees that address district-wide best practices as well as confidential weekly meetings with the assigned mentor teacher.

36. ST@C - Progress Reports

Program: ST@C

Dates: 9/26/2024

This session is designed to help newer teachers and teachers who would just like a review of the progress reports process using infinite campus.

37. STI - 6362 -Responsive Classroom: Through the Year at Fox Meadow

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Fox Meadow K-5

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 5/1/2025

Fox Meadow faculty has engaged in work for the last 2 years to learn and practice the Responsive Classroom approach. Many teachers are practicing Responsive Classroom regularly in their classrooms. Building on the momentum of last year's study group, teachers will join together once again to continue their practice. We will use our time together to share ideas, create resources, and debrief inter-classroom visitations; all to make us and our students stronger!

Teachers will have time to reflect on their experiences in the classroom with like-minded thinkers. They will develop projects/plans for their classrooms such as outlines for morning meetings, lessons that involve academic choice, and plans for behavioral concerns. Teachers will visit each other's classrooms so that they can be a part of times such as morning meetings or closing circles, providing feedback to each other in areas like planning and language choice.

Teachers will become stronger in the RC approach. They will be expected to reflect on their experiences, provide written feedback for colleagues, and visit colleague's classrooms to engage in lesson study.

38. STI - 6398 - Financial Literacy for Educators: October 2024 Cohort # 48

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 11/7/2024

This course seeks to build content knowledge and share [free] resources that can help support the mission of integrating a personal finance education into the Scarsdale experience. Teachers will acquire financial literacy skills for themselves and their students through courses on the Next Gen Personal Finance platform (

Participant responsibilities include:
(1) 2 STI Zoom sessions, an introduction session, and end of course session.
STI Zoom #1: September 26th at 7pm
STI Zoom #2: November 7th at 7pm

(2) 5 2-hour sessions, courses may be synchronous or on-demand. Courses offered during this cohort are:
-Banking & Budgeting
-Cryptocurrency Basics
-Paying for College
-Behavioral Economics
-Advanced Investing (prerequisite: Basic Investing)

(3) Certification exam certificate
(4) STI project submission

After you enroll in Frontline, you will need to:
1. register for a teacher account on using your school email address.
2. register for a course in the Certification Courses section on the NGPF site.
Are you looking to boost student engagement and enhance learning outcomes? The "Gamify Your Classroom" mini-course provides educators with practical tools to incorporate game-based learning into their teaching. These sessions offers a preview of the full STI, giving participants a hands-on introduction to adapting games for the classroom and a glimpse into the full course's dynamic content. Don't miss this opportunity to explore creative strategies that can transform student learning!

40. STI - 6334 - AI Inquiry Group: High School

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: SHS Grades 9-12

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 5/16/2025

During this course, participants will continue to learn about how AI works and the ways it is being used in education and across different subject areas for workflows, study enhancement, engagement, and assessment. Participants will also learn to question the information received from AI tools to check for reliability, accuracy, and bias. Participants will also be confronted by at least two differing points of view on the degree to which AI has a place in schools, as the two course leaders have differing views on whether it is appropriate. The course format will consist of monthly meetings and individual exploration between sessions to observe and gain insight into how teachers and students interact with AI at other levels in our district and/or in other districts to see what we think is appropriate for SHS. There will also be a break in the winter to engage in a K-12 experience to help with understanding throughout the district. Time will also be allocated to reflect and think together about the use of AI in the classroom so we can make recommendations for our colleagues at the high school.

41. STI - 6227 - K-12 Integrated Unit Design - Edgemont

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 Edgemont

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 11/23/2024

This course is a work session in which teachers will create new integrated units or upgrade current units of study to fit the 21st Century classroom. The goal is to facilitate changes in the way both content and skills are being delivered to enable students to become autonomous learners. It will also allow for teacher work time where they can evaluate ways in which they can increase their own productivity by using technology for communication and collaboration. Teachers will evaluate current technology use in their classroom and explore how to incorporate technology effectively into their teaching to promote student learning and increase engagement.

Participants will take current units of study or create new units where they will integrate different district technology. We will use our feedback protocol to create multiple iterations of their project using instructional feedback from the group.

Course Requirements:
Participants will take current units of study or create new units with usable work samples/instructional materials. They will also create a lesson or unit plan write up.
Special Educators will engage in research-based discussions around progress monitoring, develop progress monitoring systems that work for their students, and track student progress throughout the year toward annual goals in IEPs.

43. ST@C - SMS Untenured Portfolio #1

Program: ST@C

Dates: 9/30/2024

The First session to help new teachers develop their year one portfolio.

44. STI - 6229 - Responsive Classroom: Through the Year at Heathcote

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5 Heathcote Faculty who have taken Introductory Responsive Classroom

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 5/6/2025

Responsive Classroom is a student-centered, social and emotional learning approach to teaching and discipline. It consists of a set of research, and evidence-based practices designed to create safe, joyful, and engaging classrooms and school communities for both students and teachers. Heathcote teachers have participated in Responsive Classroom courses through the STI. This year-long course will allow teachers to work together, to refine their knowledge and support each other as they implement their new skill base in their classrooms.

Teachers will work together to develop and implement strategies to build a sense of community within Heathcote classrooms and Heathcote School, encompassing a feeling that each person belongs to the group, brings strengths and weaknesses, and has something unique and special to contribute. This is essential to students' social emotional growth and development, self-esteem, ability to make and sustain friendships, and acceptance of self and others. Teachers will collectively explore resources to build classroom community: new books such as 80 Morning Meeting Ideas and Energizers, along with previous resources First 6 Weeks of School and The Power of Our Words.

Teachers will implement Responsive Classroom in their classes and will demonstrate their learning and use of the approach and the impact on their classroom community in the form of a written reflection, photos, student work, lesson plans and notes, etc.

45. STI - 6352 - Building STEAM Skills: Ceramic Tile of Sicily

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 10/22/2024

Wait List
This interdisciplinary class integrates history and art. Ceramics are the hallmark for all sedentary cultures. By studying ceramic art, we can better find similarities in cultures between seemingly disparate peoples. Understanding the culture and art of others is the basis for living in an independent world.

In this course, participants will learn the history of ceramic art in Sicily. We will study the colors, patterns, and materials Sicilian artists have used, while understanding how these images, patterns, and motifs are driven by surrounding Moorish, Greek, and Roman art. Participants will create their own designs using underglaze to decorate tiles in the traditional Sicilian style. Additionally, we will research other surrounding cultures to compare and contrast motifs and symbolisms. By the end of the class, participants will have numerous tiles reflecting in a variety of cultures.

All participants will design & paint at least eight separate tiles, each based on traditional Sicilian art and a particular culture they choose. Most will be focused on traditional Sicilian work, however, they will be encouraged to compare those designs with surrounding cultures at various times in history. They will then have to document the process and write a paper on what they learned, made and how this will influence their teaching.

There is a $35 materials fee for this course which sent this directly to the STI with your tuition payment.

46. STI - 6353 - The Reggio Emilia Study Group: Explorations in Teaching and Learning Grades K-12

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 5/6/2025

The Reggio Emilia study group is a vibrant forum where educators come together to explore and discuss contemporary issues in teaching and learning. Drawing inspiration from the rich tradition of innovative educational practices developed in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and other creative pedagogical approaches from around the world, this group catalyzes professional growth and collaborative inquiry.

Meeting monthly, the study group delves into educational topics, including playful learning, using materials and loose parts in writing and narrative development, creative and innovative teaching strategies, and alternative assessment tools. These sessions are designed to keep participants engaged with the latest trends and to inspire the integration of new ideas into their teaching.

Members will work closely together, fostering a supportive environment where they will share experiences and insights. This collaborative spirit is further strengthened through visits to different classrooms and schools, allowing participants to observe and deepen their understanding of the Reggio Emilia approach in diverse educational settings. These visits also provide an opportunity to explore how documentation-a core element of the Reggio philosophy-can be used to guide and enhance teaching practices.

In addition to these explorations, the group will enrich its learning experiences by visiting local museums, art galleries, and other cultural institutions.

A highlight of the study group's activities is the annual visit to Reggio Emilia, Italy. This trip allows participants to immerse themselves in the Reggio Emilia approach firsthand, attend conferences, and engage with educators at the forefront of this innovative educational movement. The experience provides valuable insights that participants can bring back to their practice, further enriching the study group's collective knowledge.

This course can be taken for 1, 2, or 3 credits
Peace Over Violence is a nonprofit 501c3, multicultural, community-based and volunteer-centered organization dedicated to building healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence. Survivors of domestic or sexual violence often face challenges with stress, anger, and mood swings. These overwhelming emotions can make it difficult to navigate daily life after experiencing such traumatic events. However, by learning to regulate these strong feelings and control impulsive reactions, survivors can improve their mental well-being, foster healthier relationships, and regain control over their lives.

Join POV for this informative webinar as they introduce practical tools and techniques for emotional regulation. These strategies can help manage emotions, improve relationships, and boost mental health. If you're ready to take charge of your emotional well-being and feel more positive about yourself, or be more ready to support students, colleagues, family, and friends, this webinar is for you!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
9:00-10:30 pm Eastern Time (EST)
(Zoom webinar is hosted live on the west coast 6:00 - 7:30 pm Pacific Time (PST); please note the three-hour time difference for us on the east coast)

Zoom link will be emailed to you after you register for this Zoom webinar in advance at:

Federico Carmona, Trauma Therapist

For more information, please contact
ASL interpretation will be available.

48. ST@C - Midweek Mindfulness -Session 2

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/2/2024

It is essential for teachers to practice mindfulness and self-care to maintain a healthy balance between our professional responsibilities and our personal well-being. Finding this time can be challenging so this "Midweek Mindfulness" ST@C is designed to provide you with a midweek pause, allowing you to integrate mindfulness into your routine so that you can recharge for the remainder of the week.

These sessions will include engaging, hands-on activities such as making friendship bracelets, and glitter jars, and enjoying adult coloring pages-all creative exercises proven to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Your renewed energy will help you to navigate the demands of the week with greater resilience and be your best for yourself and your students.

49. ST@C - Notability Review

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/3/2024

Review on some ways teachers can use Notability with their students

50. STI - 6371 - Reading and Writing Workshops and the TC Saturday Reunion

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-8

Dates: 10/4/2024 to 10/5/2024

Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University has been a think tank in the area of literacy for over thirty years, developing state of the art teaching methods and offering professional development in using these methods. Our partnership with TC has offered teachers access to up to date research and professional development in the area of literacy. Participants in this course will use the TC Saturday Reunion Trail Guide to determine a theme of study that will support their ELA goals for teaching and best practices.

On Friday afternoon, teachers will outline a plan of action and create a timeline of benchmarks . On Saturday, participants will attend the virtual TCRWP Saturday Reunion at Teachers College where literacy educators from across the globe come together to learn. It is a fast-paced day, brimming with workshops that can help you find horizons to work towards, whether your focus is on higher-level comprehension, content area literacy, units of study in writing, assessment-based instruction, increasing student engagement, or bringing books to life. Teachers will determine and revise and reflect upon teaching practices guided by their focus areas of professional development over the course of the weekend.

51. STI - 6355 - Teachers Writing Workshop

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/8/2024 to 1/21/2025

The purpose of this course is to continue developing a professional writing community in our district. Writing and sharing are key elements to a reflective teaching practice. Course participants will craft original stories in a writing workshop where they will reflect, share, and engage in creative writing exercises designed to help the writer develop her/his voice and stamina. This experience will put participants in the learner's chair and offer insights on how to tease out possibilities from someone with abundant creative potential -- like each one of us.

This storytelling class is a writing workshop for adults. Teachers will participate in a professional writing community where we will write together and talk about writing, so that we can trust and learn from one another. Educators will work on short and longer format pieces and craft them with the guidance of constructive feedback from a supportive writing community. This course will include 9 hours of online writing workshop sessions and 3 hours of independent writing.

Participants will write short original pieces that will culminate in a longer form story that will be shared in a published document.

52. STI - 6356 - Elementary ELA Collegial Research Group

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Scarsdale Elementary teachers K-5

Dates: 10/8/2024 to 6/3/2025

The Teacher-Researcher Collegial Group brings together teacher-leaders from across the district to share and engage in action-research. Teachers will set goals based upon current challenges and problems of practice and study our students, while implementing classroom practices, and engage in peer reflection. In addition to the five days teachers will be working together in classrooms studying with a TCRWP leaders Natalie Louis and Brooke Geller, this course will focus on supporting the development of the teachers' literacy knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge, developing exemplary practices so that the group can research students, implement classroom practices, and reflect together.

53. STI - 6358 - Executive Functioning Advanced at Greenacres

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 10/8/2024 to 1/21/2025

Many students who forget assignments, are disorganized, can't complete long-term projects, have trouble focusing, and experience difficulty with change, often have weak executive functioning skills. These students need to be taught explicit skills to become successful in school and in life after school. This course will take the EF skills that have been taught and integrate them into their teaching and classroom management.

The executive functioning skills targeted in my curriculum include: planning, organization, time management, task initiation, working memory, metacognition, self-control, sustained attention, flexibility, and perseverance. You will work throughout the year to build an effective EF curriculum. I will give you an in-depth lesson plan to follow with all the resources you need each week. You will be amazed at how easy it is to follow the lessons and how much fun your children will have. You will see your students using these skills all year long and improving their learning. You may also see some improvements in your own EF skills. Teachers will work together to develop and implement strategies to build Executive Functioning within their Greenacres classrooms. Each session I will introduce the upcoming lesson and will have a presentation from lower and upper elementary teachers demonstrating how they implemented and integrated EF skills in their classroom.

At the beginning of each session, we review the previous skill and exchange feedback. Then, I introduce the next skill with an in-depth lesson plan and links to many resources. Finally, I will give you the hands-on activity to be used the following week. All the resources are digital. The teachers must commit 30-40 minutes a week to teaching Executive Functioning.

Final Project will be examples of student work in EF or the teacher's lesson plans in EF for the year.

54. ST@C - Midweek Mindfulness - Session 3

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/9/2024

It is essential for teachers to practice mindfulness and self-care to maintain a healthy balance between our professional responsibilities and our personal well-being. Finding this time can be challenging so this "Midweek Mindfulness" ST@C is designed to provide you with a midweek pause, allowing you to integrate mindfulness into your routine so that you can recharge for the remainder of the week.

These sessions will include engaging, hands-on activities such as making friendship bracelets, and glitter jars, and enjoying adult coloring pages-all creative exercises proven to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Your renewed energy will help you to navigate the demands of the week with greater resilience and be your best for yourself and your students.
During our time together we will share insights and best practices for incorporating the Responsive Classroom approach into your math and ELA lessons. You will leave the session with simple next steps that you can implement immediately.

56. STI - 6348 - Wellness In and Out of the Classroom

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 1/22/2025

Research shows that teacher mindfulness and mental well-being lead to increased performance, self-compassion, and resilience, as well as reduced stress and burnout. Professionals receiving mindfulness interventions also experience less emotional exhaustion and increased job satisfaction. Studies similarly demonstrate the connection between teacher well-being and student learning. For example, decreases in teacher stress and burnout lead to increases in student social-emotional intelligence, academic learning, and empathy. As a result of completing this course, teachers will identify practices and methods that positively contribute to stress reduction and emotional wellness. They will learn how to bring more mindfulness and wellness work into their own lives and the lives of their students.

Each session will begin with a short meditation or yoga practice to come together and settle in as a community. We will then delve into the benefits, history/philosophy and experience of wellness practices such as yoga, meditation, nature walks, artistic expression, mindful movement, and journaling. Teachers will explore both theory and practice. Participants will learn about a variety of applications in the classroom and how to apply mindfulness and wellness in all areas of their lives, both in and out of the classroom. Upon completion of the course, participants will present a lesson or unit that incorporates wellness practices. Teachers will reflect on the readings and practices studied in the course, noting which practices were most effective to the teacher, and how he/she can incorporate the practice into his/her life

57. STI - 6349 - Exploring Cultural Diversity Through Literature

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: All

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 5/8/2025

Teachers in a global community must understand the diverse customs and traditions of their students and colleagues. What better way is there to relate to others than through reading the stories that embed cultural perspective into the lives of real people? Literature selected from across the globe can foster a deep understanding of the racial, ethnic, and cultural groups within the school community, the nation, and the world. Through the reading of selected works of literature and group discussion, participants will learn about the daily lives and perspectives that exist within different ethnic, socio-economic, and cultural groups. Teachers will develop classroom activities that promote empathy, interest, and respect for the global community based upon the readings. The first book for 2024-2025 will be James: A Novel by Percival Everett.

Teachers will read and discuss books that explore diversity. These books will give teachers more opportunities to develop curriculum around this theme. Some of these books, or excerpts, can be used to stimulate class discussion in any subject area.

The group will choose which books to read and discuss. At the end of the course, teachers write a reflection or lesson based on what they read.

58. STI - 6359 - Exploring the Professional Shelf: How to Manage Student Anxiety in the Classroom

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: 9-12, open to include 6-8

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 12/3/2024

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in childhood and adolescence with lifetime prevalence rates ranging from 10% to 30%. Some students who have anxiety disorders may experience distress during tests or other educational activities while still accessing those activities. What do teachers need to better understand anxiety and how to help their students manage the stress and anxiety they experience? A growing body of scientific research shows that accommodating behavior encourages avoidance, which actually fuels continued anxiety. How can educators provide a balance of acceptance, support, and confidence? Working from the framework of Eli Lebowitz's SPACE training and book, "Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD" participants will be armed with a better understanding, appreciation, and strategies to help manage and support students with anxiety.

Participants will spend the course sessions discussing and processing the concepts discussed in Eli Lebowitz's book. Specifically, the conversation will focus on how to better understand anxiety, the school and home connections, and how to develop strategies to work with students and colleagues in managing our own responses. The course will both provide support and an opportunity to brainstorm specific helpful vs. unhelpful accommodation strategies, including worksheets and practical suggestions.

Participants will be required to read the book, "Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD" by Eli Lebowitz, PhD. Additional brief readings may be provided. Participants will have to produce a reflection paper at the end of the course.

The purchasing and cost of the book are the participant's responsibility.

59. STI - 6360 - Keeping Current with Middle Grade and Young Adult Literature

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: 3-12

Dates: 10/10/2024 to 6/12/2025

Research shows that the two most important instructional design factors influencing reading motivation and comprehension are access to books and personal choice of what to read. This course is critical for students because it will support their teachers in reading and coming to know a wealth of fresh, new middle-grade (readers aged 8-12) and young adult (readers aged 12-18) literature. The course will support teachers in bringing these titles into their classrooms and their instruction.

This course is designed for educators (teachers, librarians, coordinators, administrators) to study current trends and titles in middle-grade (readers aged 8-12) and young-adult (readers aged 12-18) literature.

Not only will participants read MG & YA books of their choosing, but they will also study research related to trends in format and genre. An emphasis will be placed on classroom application in the form of book recommendations and readers' advisory. Another aim of the course is to support educators in conversations about books that may be perceived as controversial.

Participants will:
-Read at least one book per month and produce a book evaluation
-Read at least one professional article per month and respond to a discussion thread
-Film at least two student-facing book talks
-Complete a case study of at least one reader

60. ST@C - Portfolio Work Session for SHS

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/11/2024

Probationary teachers would learn and work on their portfolios.

61. STI - 6394 - Building Community through Music 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/15/2024 to 6/10/2025

The purpose of this course is to show teachers how choral music fosters collaboration, listening skills, and provides a community bonding experience that promotes wellness and inclusion. Teachers from all buildings and levels will learn about choral arrangement and music education from district music teachers as they assume the role as performers in an ensemble. Teachers will gain a greater appreciation for music so they can more easily integrate the arts into their own teaching practice as they build connections across the district for future work across disciplines and grade levels.

Music teachers will lead monthly rehearsals as teachers learn repertoire over the course of the semester, with a final product of a public performance. In this course, participants will learn the fundamentals of vocal technique, program selection, and performance practice in addition to experiencing singing music across a variety of genres, styles, and decades.

62. STI - 6401 - Multiculturalism through Film: Films on Artists

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/15/2024 to 11/19/2024

This course focuses on prominent artists and their work. We will explore selected painters representing a range of artistic styles, eras, and national traditions. Each session will feature a full-length movie as the starting point for discussing the role of art in world culture, personal expression, gender politics, and history. The films will be viewed at home and then discussed during class.

Session 1: Loving Vincent (Poland, 2017)
Session 2: Mr. Turner (England, 2014)
Session 3: Séraphine (France-Belgium, 2008)
Session 4: To Be Announced

The first session will be in-person, and the remainder will be via Zoom.

63. ST@C - Midweek Mindfulness - Session 4

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/16/2024

It is essential for teachers to practice mindfulness and self-care to maintain a healthy balance between our professional responsibilities and our personal well-being. Finding this time can be challenging so this "Midweek Mindfulness" ST@C is designed to provide you with a midweek pause, allowing you to integrate mindfulness into your routine so that you can recharge for the remainder of the week.

These sessions will include engaging, hands-on activities such as making friendship bracelets, and glitter jars, and enjoying adult coloring pages-all creative exercises proven to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Your renewed energy will help you to navigate the demands of the week with greater resilience and be your best for yourself and your students.

64. STI - 6357 - Teacher as Reader: Edgemont

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Edgemont Teachers K-12 (all)

Dates: 10/16/2024 to 5/14/2025

In Teacher as Reader, we gather once a month to discuss a book (either a novel or a work of creative nonfiction) and explore how it affected us personally and as educators. We also discuss craft and points of view and how they work in the text. Reading can be a profound way to deepen our empathy and understanding of others' experiences and it can also help us reflect on our own lives. Our discussions expand our understanding of the texts, and help us to build community as a staff. The books are selected to prompt interesting discussion and to expose us to a variety of perspectives. The experience of reading and discussing has also fed into the curriculum, with some books making their way into the English curriculum.

In this course, we will read and discuss books. The discussions can serve as a model for how to have open-ended, inquiry-based discussions with students. We also have opportunities to write reflections about the books, and to learn about what inspired the writing of the books.

The final project will invite participants to connect their reading with their work as an educator in some way. Participants can respond creatively, in a written reflection, lesson plan, or a visual art project with a reflection.

65. STI - 6364 - Growing a Math Professional Learning Community at Greenacres Year 3 (24-25)

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-5 Greenacres

Dates: 10/16/2024 to 5/2/2025

At Greenacres, we seek to continue to develop a Professional Learning Community in the area of mathematics. After two years of teaching Reveal Math, teachers had opportunities to reflect on their practice and the implementation of the program. Looking forward, we would like to continue this work as teachers build on their foundational knowledge to enhance their practice by differentiating instruction and collaborating with colleagues on and across grade levels.

This course will provide teachers with an opportunity to build on the work they have done the last two years while looking forward. We will work on the development and enhancement of our teaching of Reveal Math thoughtfully and collaboratively. We will continue to work to develop the activity-based portions of the lessons, as well as focus on differentiation for all students. We will also focus on the Reveal Math games and how we can use the games to enhance our lessons and student understanding.

Teachers will continue to study the units in the Reveal Math program. Participants will have opportunities to collaborate with colleagues to deepen their understanding of lessons and units across the year. Participants will have opportunities to engage in discussions that will focus on reflective practice, lesson study, and student assessments. Participants will have opportunities to prepare and create materials to meet the needs of their students. Teachers will work on our annual Greenacres Math Day/ Math Week which has been one of the most anticipated events here at Greenacres involving all faculty and staff.

Course participants will engage in reflective practice with colleagues on and between grade levels. Anecdotal notes, a reflective journal and a compilation of math resources and supplemental materials will be generated as an outcome of the collaborative sessions. Participants will also participate in the planning and development of the Greenacres Math Day 2025.

66. ST@C - Gmail Inbox Intervention

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/17/2024

Are you overwhelmed by your inbox? Do you want to clean it up and put in strategies before we get to deep in the school year? Well this ST@C is for you! Participants will learn quick hacks to make their Email process smoother and more efficient.

67. ST@C - SCHOOLOGY Review

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/17/2024

Quick review of Schoology best practices and organization.
This 1-hour workshop will cover the basics of organizing and curating artifacts for potential portfolio submission. It's always better to have and not need as opposed to the other way around so we'll cover the best way to have more than enough, and well organized and accessible, in order to simplify and curate the perfect set of artifact for the New Teacher Tenure Portfolio.

69. STI - 6354 - Reflective Practice Seminar 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/17/2024 to 3/27/2025

When teams of teacher practitioners meet and reflect together on the core issues of effective teaching and learning, they can promote positive change in the classroom and in the school culture. The goal is to build a community of learners among colleagues through an examination of shared activities common to all subject areas and grade levels.

In this yearlong course, participants will look collaboratively at concrete examples of teacher and student work examining and applying various protocols for reviewing student work. Teachers will observe in each other's classrooms and are encouraged to participate in activities designed to understanding the culture of a school. The group meets twice a month; members will develop a set of reflections on their work with students and colleagues. Members also will complete a set of peer observations as the year progresses.

Participation in all class sessions and completion of coursework fulfills requirements for Professional Performance Review (Option A) for the 2024-2025 academic year. Documentary films will be used to examine teaching strategies in a variety of scenarios.

70. STI - 6367 - Building STEAM Skills: Sustainable Fashion

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 (all)

Dates: 10/17/2024 to 2/27/2025

Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without! Do you know how to sew? Do you want to learn? Working conditions and wages in the fashion industry are often abominable and the industry encourages the use and disposal of garments at an astonishing rate. Participants in this course will learn about issues of sustainability in the fashion industry, and obtain the skills to envision and create useful and beautiful garments from existing materials. Learning to sew, envision, and create is at the heart of creativity and sustainability and will give participants an artistic and productive outlet as we learn patience, develop fine motor skills, reduce stress, and make the world a better place!

The course will begin by teaching participants how to follow a simple pattern and create several projects that can be done with students. The primary focus will then be on upcycling existing garments. Participants will learn to hand sew, use a sewing machine, and experiment on fabric with paint, bleach, and embroidery. We will take a field trip to explore local resources and gather materials. Participants will complete a plan to incorporate sewing into the school day and a reflection on the creative process as both teacher and learner.

Participants will create upcycled garments as well as a possible plan to incorporate sewing into the school day. Everyone will be asked to complete a reflection on the creative process as both teacher and learner.

There is a $20 materials fee which should be paid directly to the STI with your tuition payment.
While Chinese Americans have found success in the United States, they continue to face barriers and challenges rooted in the perpetual foreigner stereotype. In this workshop, participants will learn about the ways this stereotype has manifested in fields such as science and technology, civic engagement, and the arts.

Participants will reflect on their ideas about what an "American" looks like and learn classroom strategies for combating prevailing and harmful stereotypes that seek to "other" groups of people. Participants will increase their content knowledge about the perpetual foreigner stereotype and its impact on Chinese Americans. They will also gain best practices and/or strategies for integrating APIDA content.

Zoom Link:
Are you looking to boost student engagement and enhance learning outcomes? The "Gamify Your Classroom" mini-course provides educators with practical tools to incorporate game-based learning into their teaching. These sessions offers a preview of the full STI, giving participants a hands-on introduction to adapting games for the classroom and a glimpse into the full course's dynamic content. Don't miss this opportunity to explore creative strategies that can transform student learning!

73. ST@C: Envisioning the Future: Education and the Workforce **FRIDAY ONLY**

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/18/2024

Friday Oct 18 only
What are the essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes students require to thrive in the workforce of the future?
How are schools, government, and private sector employers preparing for changes due to artificial intelligence?
How do we prepare our students (and ourselves) for Learning, Living, and Leading in an age of accelerating change?

This 4-hour ST@C is the Friday portion of the STI 6400: Envisioning the Future course that will highlight a few of Scarsdale's programs relating to Career Connected Learning, Critical and Creative Thinking, Arts in Education, Culturally Responsive Hiring, and Civic Education. Friday afternoon will give teachers some insight into work in the district that might be new to them, and inspire them to integrate more of these themes into their own work, individualy and collectively.

The Topics for Friday are:

NY State Education Intiatives and Our Work
-Superintendent Dr. Drew Patrick

Unconscious Bias Training in the Hiring Process
-Assistant Superintendent Meghan Troy

Career Connected Learning in Scarsdale:
-Career Exploration in Eighth Grade with Elyse Tenzer
-Intro to the SHS Engineering Program and Design Lab with Brian McDonald

Civil Education, Moral Development, and Experiential Education in the A-School
-A-School Students and Faculty: Fallon Plunkett, Amanda Filley, Mike Giordano, Chris Paulison, and Haley Rauch

The Essential Role of the Arts in a Scarsdale Education
-Lisa Forte, Jen Giustino, Adam Weber, and Brian Zeller

The full STI #6400 course continues Saturday, October 18 with a broader regional dialogue at SUNY Purchase, sponsored by LIU Hudson.

74. STI - 6400 - Envisioning the Future: Education and the Workforce in the Age of AI

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Dates: 10/18/2024 to 10/19/2024


**Participants MUST also enroll for Saturday at**

Envisioning the Future aims to bring together educators and business leaders to discuss the skills, abilities, and dispositions necessary for success in the AI-driving workforce.

The event will bring together the workforce spectrum--government, business, education, and the nonprofit sector to learn about each other's needs and resources, the skills employers will require as they adopt AI, and what the schools need to do now to prepare students to succeed in a dynamically evolving workforce.

New York State Regent Dr. Frances Wills will lead a conversation with New York State Commissioner of Education Betty Rosa, and New York State Commissioner of Labor Roberta Reardon.

Jerry Crisci, President of Chestnut Hill Media and former Director of the Center for Innovation and Director of Instructional Technology and Innovation for the Scarsdale Public Schools will lead a presentation and discussion on how AI will revolutionize instructional design and its corresponding impact on the workforce.

The conference will offer panel discussions led by experts in the following areas:

Career-Connected Learning
Civic Education
Cultural Competence in Classrooms and Hiring in the Age of AI
The Essential Role of the Arts
Critical and Creative Thinking in School and at Work
The lunch hour will also provide an opportunity to engage with State Senator Shelly Mayer of New York's 37th District, allowing participants to discuss significant legislative and policy issues.

Many panelists featured represent the Scarsdale schools and there will be a district-wide discussion of these themes as part of this STI course on Friday, October 18. We will preview scholarship relating to these changes in education and learn how our practices have evolved to address these topics.

75. ST@C - Getting to Know Star Assessment

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/21/2024

In this session for K-5 teachers, you'll learn how to navigate the Star interface and utilize its key features, while also exploring both the teacher and student views. Additionally, you'll discover how to generate and interpret initial reports to gain valuable insights.

76. ST@C - Midweek Mindfulness - Session 5

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/23/2024

Starting Soon
It is essential for teachers to practice mindfulness and self-care to maintain a healthy balance between our professional responsibilities and our personal well-being. Finding this time can be challenging so this "Midweek Mindfulness" ST@C is designed to provide you with a midweek pause, allowing you to integrate mindfulness into your routine so that you can recharge for the remainder of the week.

These sessions will include engaging, hands-on activities such as making friendship bracelets, and glitter jars, and enjoying adult coloring pages-all creative exercises proven to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Your renewed energy will help you to navigate the demands of the week with greater resilience and be your best for yourself and your students.

77. STI - 6397 - AI Inquiry Group: Middle School

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: SMS Grades 6-8

Dates: 10/23/2024 to 5/14/2025

Starting Soon
During this course, participants will continue to learn about how AI works and the ways it is being used in education and across different subject areas for workflows, study enhancement, engagement, and assessment. Participants will also learn to question the information received from AI tools to check for reliability, accuracy, and bias. Participants will also be confronted by at least two differing points of view on the degree to which AI has a place in schools, as the two-course leaders have differing views on whether it is appropriate. The course format will consist of monthly meetings and individual exploration between sessions to observe and gain insight into how teachers and students interact with AI at other levels in our district and/or in other districts to see what we think is appropriate for SMS. There will also be a break in the winter to engage in a K-12 experience to help with understanding throughout the district. Time will also be allocated to reflect and think together about the use of AI in the classroom so we can make recommendations for our colleagues at the high school.

78. ST@C - Fluency

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/23/2024

Starting Soon
This session will discuss the difference between fluency and automaticity, the district philosophy on the development of fluency, and how it aligns with current research. The session will also provide ways to enhance fact fluency practice in the classroom and will provide resources.

79. ST@C - 3rd Grade Digital Writing Support: On Demands Unit 2

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/24/2024

NewStarting Soon
In our time together we will go over how to use Heinemann Flight to launch your second unit with your students. Access the features of AI to gain support in scoring your on-demands, providing personal feedback to students, and creating strategic small groups.

80. STI - 6332 - Writing Units of Study: Unboxing and Preparing to Teach the New Writing Units of Study - Grades 3-5

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Grades 3-5

Dates: 10/24/2024 to 6/12/2025

Starting Soon
In this professional development course focused on the new writing units of study, educators will participate in monthly sessions to deeply explore and prepare each unit for classroom implementation. These sessions include the initial unboxing of new elements such as DEI, AI, grammar, and spelling, hands-on workshops for practical application, collaborative planning to integrate units into existing curricula, and peer feedback to refine teaching strategies. Following classroom implementation, reflection meetings will assess the impact on student learning. The course is designed to align closely with the school's curriculum, ensuring that the new units enhance educational goals and are immediately applicable, thus providing continuous professional growth and a community of practice for all participants.

As part of their ongoing development, teachers will be required to engage in peer reviews within their schools, contribute to online professional forums, and keep up with essential readings on current educational practices related to writing instruction. This approach ensures that the course outputs are practical, directly applicable, and continuously evolving to improve everyday teaching and learning outcomes.

81. ST@C - Gamify Your Classroom: Quick Play Edition Pt. 3

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/25/2024

Starting Soon
Are you looking to boost student engagement and enhance learning outcomes? The "Gamify Your Classroom" mini-course provides educators with practical tools to incorporate game-based learning into their teaching. These sessions offers a preview of the full STI, giving participants a hands-on introduction to adapting games for the classroom and a glimpse into the full course's dynamic content. Don't miss this opportunity to explore creative strategies that can transform student learning!

82. STI - 6375 - NYC as a Resource: Historical Walking Tour of Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/25/2024 to 10/26/2024

Starting Soon
New York City is a resource with unending possibilities for fieldwork experiences for teachers and their students. The "NYC as a Resource" category of STI classes allows teachers the opportunity to model experiential education, conduct research and document their learning as they would do with their students. Through these courses, teachers visit the sites and scenes of the events that have shaped the region as they deepen their understanding of and their interest in history and curate resources to share with students. Based on the course, lesson plans can be created in multiple subject areas and across the grade levels.

Participants in this course will learn about the history of one of NYC's most popular neighborhoods and will provide teachers with information pertaining to themes in Native American history, gentrification, art history, and more. Teachers will explore the history and evolution of Williamsburg, Brooklyn beginning with its purchase from the Lenape in 1638 by the Dutch West India Company and continuing to its current iteration as the hipster capital of the world.

The class will meet at Quaker Ridge on Friday and in Brooklyn on Saturday for the walking tour.

83. STI - 6376 - Let's Make Anchor Charts

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12

Dates: 10/25/2024 to 10/26/2024

Starting Soon
Anchor charts are a great visual resource for students to be able to refer to within a classroom. The visual resource can help a student remember a strategy or rule. It is important for teachers to be able to make anchor charts to support any units of study.

During this 2-day course, teachers will create anchor charts to be used for student reference that will support the curriculum areas being studied within the classroom. All supplies for this course (chart paper, crayons & markers) will be provided by the course coordinator. Teachers are also welcome to bring their own supplies as well.

Teachers will take a photo of each anchor chart created during the course. Teachers will create a Google Slideshow to display the photo and brief summary explaining how the anchor chart will be used in conjunction with a curriculum area. Teachers should also include a reflection slide.

84. STI - 6377 - Tenure Portfolio for Edgemont Teachers

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 (all)

Dates: 10/25/2024 to 10/26/2024

Starting Soon
This course is personally tailored to support all teachers as they begin OR continue to build their portfolios. Participants will reflect on their teaching practices and learn ways to organize their artifacts using Google Slides, Docs, or Sites. Through collaboration and reflection, participants will develop several ideas for artifacts and implement strategies to organize and present their teaching journey in a meaningful and effective way. By the end of this course, participants will have a solid understanding of Edgemont's teaching standards and a portfolio-in-progress.

Participants will have plenty of work time to organize artifacts and build their portfolios. This course is helpful for any teacher, no matter how much or little they may have worked on their portfolio. We will review the Edgemont teaching standards to gain a deeper understanding of each strand, brainstorm ideas, and inspire each other by sharing our teaching practices. We will look at exemplar portfolios as well as strategies for organizing and presenting information. Come join and get your portfolio started or finished!

Teachers will share the part of their portfolio that they worked on during the course.

85. STI - 6350 - AI Fundamentals to Frontiers

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: K-12 (all)

Dates: 10/26/2024

Starting Soon
In the AI Foundations to Frontiers: A Journey for Teachers course, participants will engage four modules and a lesson overhaul project that directly connect AI concepts to classroom applications. Each module is designed to build on the previous one, starting with the fundamentals of AI and advancing to complex applications and ethical considerations.

*Introduction to AI and its Educational Applications: Teachers will start with the basics of AI technology, including key terminology and principles. They'll explore case studies demonstrating AI's role in enhancing personalized learning and assessment tools. This foundation will help them understand the potential of AI in education.

*Data Literacy and Bias Exploration: Participants will engage in activities to develop data literacy skills, crucial for understanding how AI works. They'll analyze datasets to identify potential biases and learn strategies to mitigate these biases in AI applications. This session aims to cultivate a critical lens through which teachers can evaluate AI tools and help raise students awareness regarding the assets and drawbacks to AI tools.

*Developing AI-Enhanced Lesson Plans: Educators will apply their learning by redesigning an existing lesson plan that incorporates AI tools. They'll either use AI to address diverse learning needs and to foster skills like critical thinking and problem-solving or use AI with the students to enhance learning.

*Environmental/Ethical Considerations and Responsible AI Use: The Module will focus on the ethical implications of AI, including privacy concerns and the impact of automation on future employment. Participants will discuss and develop guidelines for ethical AI use in their classrooms, preparing them to lead thoughtful discussions with students about these critical issues.

The remaining work will be done asynchronously in a collaborative format.

86. STI - 6402 - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Scarsdale Middle School: Analysis and Reflection of What is and What Can Be

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: Grades 6-8

Dates: 10/26/2024 to 6/10/2025

Starting Soon
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are cornerstone ideals that Scarsdale Middle School has committed to. This course will solidify and deepen the growing knowledge in both scholarship and practice for the participants. Building upon the work of Dr. Derrick Gray, school-based discussion groups, data gleaned from the Belonging Survey, and other professional learning experiences, this course will explore critical concepts and research for ensuring all students are not only seen, included, and understood, but also, most importantly, how educators can move from theory and research to classroom and school-based practice.

Participants will:
-Develop and deepen understanding of foundational and contemporary research and theory on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in a secondary setting
-Collaborate with fellow educators on developing joyful and school-specific events, activities, norms, and more
-Analyze and apply selected learning frameworks when studying instructional practices, curriculum, and materials
-Curate tools, resources, and materials that will match their instructional goals and their students' needs and identities

87. ST@C - Getting to Know Star Assessment - Session 2

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

Starting Soon
In this session for K-5 teachers, you'll learn how to navigate the Star interface and utilize its key features, while also exploring both the teacher and student views. Additionally, you'll discover how to generate and interpret initial reports to gain valuable insights.

88. ST@C - Progress Monitoring at SMS - Session 2

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

Starting Soon
Special Educators will engage in research-based discussions around progress monitoring, develop progress monitoring systems that work for their students, and track student progress throughout the year toward annual goals in IEPs.

89. ST@C - (Almost) a 5K 4 Fun

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

NewStarting Soon
Take an easy run down to the Scarsdale Pool and back (about 2.8 miles)

90. ST@C - Books and Bookmarks

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

NewStarting Soon
Join us for a relaxing hour of reading, beginning with a moment of mindfulness. This ST@C provides the opportunity to catch up on your independent reading while also engaging in a mindful, hands-on activity: decorating and coloring your own custom bookmarks. Whether you're looking to unwind, spark creativity, or simply enjoy a peaceful moment with your favorite book, this ST@C offers the perfect balance of quiet reflection and artistic expression. Come relax, read, and design a bookmark that's uniquely yours!

91. ST@C - Comedy Improvisation

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

NewStarting Soon
Have a laugh at the expense of and in partnership with your fellow educators. Fast paced, fun, no experience necessary. Connect outside of yourself and practice what I call 'full body listening' which, in turn, can help you in your work with students.

92. ST@C - International Fieldwork

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

NewStarting Soon
Please, join us to learn about two international fieldwork opportunities! We are offering STI programs to Cusco - Machu Picchu (Peru) and to Cádiz (Spain) this year. I hope you'll consider joining us for either adventure!!! A central theme for both programs involves thinking about how we will bring these experiences back into our classrooms to benefit our students.

93. ST@C - The New and Improved Comment Assistant

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

NewStarting Soon
Participants of this session will benefit from the feedback of the participants from the last Choice Monday! The Comment Assistant is new and improved, allowing teachers to easily add their rosters from IC, use custom comment banks, generate organic comments, and keep track of historical feedback given during progress reports and report cards. A true example of the iterative process, drop in to see if the Comment Assistant will make your life easier while imparting quality feedback to your students.

94. ST@CS - Human Rights Day Lessons

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/28/2024

NewStarting Soon
Want to spend some time working on your lessons for Human Rights Day? Join us to learn more about the changes with this year's schedule and make a new, exciting, hands-on lesson!

95. STI - 6378 - Workshop for Senior Options Steering Committee 2024-2025

Program: Scarsdale Teachers Institute

Audience: SHS

Dates: 10/28/2024 to 5/19/2025

Starting Soon
Every year Scarsdale High School's Senior Options Steering Committee supervises, organizes, reviews, and revises the Senior Options Program. Teaching staff on the Senior Options Steering Committee must reevaluate program policies, forms, and logistics. The case load of mentors and students changes annually; therefore, the Steering Committee must develop new strategies, train new mentors, and supervise new students. Each member on this committee acts as a Case Manager to the mentors of seniors to oversee their caseload and make sure the requirements of the program are being met.

From September to February, participants meet monthly to review the previous year's program evaluations, to assess the outcomes, to make revisions, and to recommend policy changes, where called for, as directed by committee reflection. From March through June, participants meet at least twice monthly to introduce the revised program to mentors and students. Steering Committee members also work independently with individual mentors and students on project choices and proposal writing. Spring meetings involve individual caseloads and subcommittee work. Committee members must also read and approve caseload proposals by the end of the third quarter. During the Senior Options experience, meetings focus on problems specific mentors and students may have in preparation for presentations, on critiquing the ongoing work of the program, and on presenting ideas for reevaluation.

Attend meetings and become a Case Manager with assigned mentors and students. Fulfill the requirements of being a Case Manager.

96. ST@C - Midweek Mindfulness - Session 6

Program: ST@C

Dates: 10/30/2024

It is essential for teachers to practice mindfulness and self-care to maintain a healthy balance between our professional responsibilities and our personal well-being. Finding this time can be challenging so this "Midweek Mindfulness" ST@C is designed to provide you with a midweek pause, allowing you to integrate mindfulness into your routine so that you can recharge for the remainder of the week.

These sessions will include engaging, hands-on activities such as making friendship bracelets, and glitter jars, and enjoying adult coloring pages-all creative exercises proven to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Your renewed energy will help you to navigate the demands of the week with greater resilience and be your best for yourself and your students.
In our time together we will be exploring the elements of digital writing. By the end of this session you will have all the information you need to get AI support with scoring your on demands, reading the report for creating small groups, and assigning digital notebooks to students.
Please join us to review the digital platform in Heinemann Flight. In our time together you will learn how to administer the on-demands, receive AI support in scoring and feedback, receive AI support in small group planning, and assign digital notebooks for each bend of unit 2. We look forward to seeing you there!

99. ST@C - SMS Untenured Portfolio #2

Program: ST@C

Dates: 11/5/2024

Second session for portfolio development for SMS & HS Untenured Teachers

100. ST@C - K-2 Decodable Texts Overview

Program: ST@C

Dates: 11/6/2024

During our time together we will review your new decodable materials. We will discuss how to balance these materials with your leveled classroom libraries, and tips and tricks for organizing them. We look forward to seeing you there!

101. ST@C - ELA PD- 3rd Gr Unit 2 Writing

Program: ST@C

Dates: 11/6/2024

In this 60 minute workshop is designed to support Greenacres Grade 3 teachers in effectively implementing the new Writing Units of Study Unit 2: Changing the World for those that were unable to attend the ELA PD on 10/15/24, . This session will focus on strategies to guide students through argument writing, helping them craft opinion pieces that advocate for meaningful change, while also integrating essential grammar and spelling components.