Catalog: Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES (Web Registration)

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1. Child Abuse Identification & Reporting (Certification Only)

Program: Online Workshops: Professional Development Unit

Activity Owner/Manager: Laura Purdy  -

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)

Child Abuse Identification & Reporting

Mandated reporters can participate in this web-based online training course at any time, 24/7. Users must complete the course within the course duration which is the current school calendar year (2024-2025). Users learn definitions, indicators, and how to make a report to the New York Statewide Central Register. This course meets the New York State Education Department mandatory requirements for Training in Child Abuse Identification and Reporting. In accordance with Chapter 363 of the Laws of 2018, the Board of Regents adopted amendments to certain sections of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education related to Reports of Child Abuse in an Educational Setting.

This course also includes updated mandated reporter training requirements. Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2021 amended Social Services Law § 413 to require additional training to include protocols to reduce implicit bias in decision-making processes, strategies for identifying adverse childhood experiences, and guidelines to assist in recognizing signs of abuse or maltreatment while interacting virtually within the New York State Mandated Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment/Neglect coursework.

The required training consists of a 3-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

****You will be emailed an invoice for $35.00, 2-3 business days after registration.

All registration fields must be filled out including address and phone number, or we will not be able to process your registration.

Course link will be emailed to you once payment has been received by our business office.****

Please contact Sara Herman with any questions at

2. DASA: Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention Certification Training

Program: Online Workshops: Professional Development Unit

Activity Owner/Manager: Laura Purdy  -

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)

DASA: New York State's Dignity for All Student's Act (Dignity Act) seeks to provide NYS public elementary and secondary school students with a safe, supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. The Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES is a NYSED approved provider of the Dignity Act certification training.

The required training consists of a 6-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

****You will be emailed an invoice for $50.00, 2-3 business days after registration.

All registration fields must be filled out including address and phone number, or we will not be able to process your registration.

Course link will be emailed to you once payment has been received by our business office.****

Please contact Sara Herman with any questions at

3. The Needs of Students with Autism Training

Program: Online Workshops: Professional Development Unit

Activity Owner/Manager: Amber Wildenstein  -

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)

The Needs of Students with Autism

In response to the growing number of children being diagnosed with autism, the Legislature amended Sections 3004(4) and (5) of the Education Law to require all persons applying for a teaching certificate or license on or after September 2, 2009, as a special education teacher or as a school administrator who works in special education, to complete coursework or training in the needs of children with autism. This workshop will fulfill the NYSED requirement for Classroom Teaching Certification in all areas of Education. Participants of this course will learn about the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as behavior supports and best instructional practices for supporting individuals with ASD. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will complete a certification of completion application that they can submit to the NYS Education Department along with other relevant forms when they apply for certification.

The required training consists of a 3-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

****You will be emailed an invoice for $35.00, 2-3 business days after registration.

All registration fields must be filled out including address and phone number, or we will not be able to process your registration.

Course link will be emailed to you once payment has been received by our business office.****

Please contact Sara Herman with any questions at

4. Certification Course Bundle: DASA, Child Abuse Identification, and School Violence Prevention and Identification

Program: Online Workshops: Professional Development Unit

Audience: Individuals applying for their NYS Educator Certification

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)


We have bundled the 3 courses into one price for your convenience and savings.

To receive your NYS educator certification, individuals must complete the following 3 workshops:

Child Abuse Identification and Reporting

The required training consists of a 3-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

The required training consists of a 6-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

School Violence Prevention and Intervention

The required training consists of a 2-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

****You will be emailed an invoice for $100.00, 2-3 business days after registration.

All registration fields must be filled out including address and phone number, or we will not be able to process your registration.

Course link will be emailed to you once payment has been received by our business office.****

Please contact Sara Herman with any questions at

5. SAVE: School Violence Prevention & Intervention Certification Course

Program: Online Workshops: Professional Development Unit

Activity Owner/Manager: Laura Purdy  -

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 30, 2025)

Anyone applying for school certification after February 2, 2001 must complete 2 hours of training on school violence prevention and intervention. This workshop includes training in effective classroom management techniques, identifying the warning signs of violent and other troubling behavior, and intervention techniques for resolving violent incidents in the school. This training is intended for anyone working with children and in a school setting.

Topics Covered:

  1. The warning signs within a developmental and social context that relate to violence and other troubling behaviors in children;
  2. The statutes, regulations and policies relating to a safe nonviolent school climate.
  3. Effective classroom management techniques and other academic supports that promote a nonviolent school climate and enhance learning; character education, citizenship and civility.
  4. The integration of social and problem-solving skill development for students within the regular curriculum
  5. Intervention techniques designed to address a school violence situation;
  6. How to participate in an effective school/community referral process for students exhibiting violent behavior.
  7. Defining, identifying, intervening and ending bullying in all its forms, including cyberbullying.

The required training consists of a 2-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

****You will be emailed an invoice for $25.00, 2-3 business days after registration.

All registration fields must be filled out including address and phone number, or we will not be able to process your registration.

Course link will be emailed to you once payment has been received by our business office.****

Please contact Sara Herman with any questions at

6. Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) Consortium

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: Middle & High School Teachers of the Arts (art, music, dance, and theater)

Dates: 9/18/2024

NewStarting Today
The Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) is a plus one pathway to graduation that highlights students with strengths in the arts. A major component to the IAAP is a portfolio of student work and reflection. This portfolio must contain all mandatory elements from the IAAP implementation guides. This consortium will use the implementation guides and student workbooks to develop a plan for implementing the IAAP requirements. Teachers will be given time to collaborate with other teachers from around the region, so they use their collective understanding and backgrounds to implement the IAAP within their district.

Please note that teachers that are attending should be in the implementation phase and their districts should be approved to offer the IAAP to students. The work being done will be a collaborative effort to work through the challenges of implementation.

7. Blue Ribbon Commission Ambassador Forum

Program: Professional Development Unit

Dates: 9/25/2024

In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures.

8. Teacher Onboarding and Mentoring #1 of a 5 Part Series-Creating a Safe and Welcoming Classroom Environment Online 4-5:30

Program: Online Workshops: Teacher Center

Audience: New educators

Dates: 9/26/2024

These live sessions are designed to support teachers with high-impact content while providing highly effective mentoring over several months. PLC Assoc. team members facilitate each session. All are experienced educators & instructional coaches who work with districts across NYS. Students need to feel safe to learn. The physical organization of the classroom and the emotional support of each student is critical. Routines and procedures as well as getting to know the child, academically and emotionally, will help to create a safe and welcoming classroom environment for students of all ages. Learning Intention: Create a classroom environment that is safe, supportive, and promotes a growth mindset. Classroom routines and procedures. and signals and verbal prompts to gain the attention of students. Academic and social-emotional understanding of each student. Classroom organization- how to use the space effectively. Materials management and stations set up. Co-establishing classroom norms and expectations. You will have access to the recorded course for 30 days post-webinar. You will receive a link before the webinar. Feel free to gather some colleagues and do this together in a classroom, at a pool or anywhere else that makes it fun! Have a "watch party"!

9. Council/Communication Coordinator Meeting (1)

Program: School Library System

Audience: regional school librarians

Dates: 10/8/2024

The Council advises the School Library System and helps create the Plan of Service, approves the SLS budget, and approves the Annual Report. All members of SLS are encouraged to attend, but only members of the Council can vote. The Communication Coordinators meetings are a bridge between the SLS and school librarians in-district. Each district has at least one designated Communication Coordinator who is required to attend, but all librarians are encouraged to attend.
#2 in the series by PLC Associates and NYSASDC. Why are learning targets important? Explicit, well-designed learning targets provide the purpose for the learning within the lesson. The success criteria connected to the learning target will intentionally help students understand the path to meeting the learning target. In addition, this criteria supports student understanding of expectations and what it looks like to be successful. Learning Intention: Integrate assessment for learning practices as a driver within instructional practice to foster student ownership of learning, building success and agency.

11. Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES Curriculum and Staff Development Council

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 10/21/2024 to 5/19/2025

CSDC is a working group dedicated to developing the capacity of teachers and leaders in the CO BOCES region. Meetings include NYSED updates, collegial sharing, and collaborative discussions about curriculum, instruction and assessment topics. Members of the group are tasked with:
* Participating in discussions around current teaching and learning practices
* Serving as a liaison between their districts and BOCES regarding professional learning needs
* Sharing information about curriculum, instruction, and assessment with their leadership teams and teachers.

12. TCIS: Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (Level One)

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: teachers, assistants, paraprofessionals, support staff, administrators, and additional school personnel

Dates: 10/21/2024 to 10/24/2024

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention in Schools (TCIS) is a student crisis management system designed to prevent crises from occurring as well as training staff to de-escalate potential crises, effectively manage acute crises, learn constructive ways to handle stressful situations, and develop a learning circle within the organization. Participants will be trained over the course of three days in active listening, behavior support techniques, emotional first aid, crisis co-regulation, the life space interview, and the stress model of crisis. This training is available for teachers, assistants, paraprofessionals, support staff, administrators, and additional school personnel.

Please note the days are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

Registrants outside of the Cayuga-Onondaga districts will be charged a $150 fee for this workshop.

13. Statewide School Library Systems training on The Science and Joy of Reading in the School Library

Program: School Library System

Audience: Regional School Librarians

Dates: 10/22/2024

Librarians and library services play a significant role in the literacy development of young people. Through their expertise and the use of library resources, librarians positively influence the implementation and success of evidence-based literacy instruction as defined by NYSED's Literacy Briefs and current research about literacy and libraries. In this workshop, participants will examine research findings and instructional resources, collaborate with peers, and develop plans for supporting and enhancing students' litearcy and social development.

14. Checkpoint A Benchmark Proficiency Assessment Item Writing Workshop

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: World Language Teachers

Dates: 10/23/2024

In this workshop, participants will learn to apply guidance for writing assessment items aligned to the NYSED OBEWL Principles and Guidelines for Adopting or Creating Locally Developed Benchmark Assessments for Checkpoint A. The presenter, Dr. Joanne O'Toole, will provide and explain model items in various formats for each Communication Standard as well as support resources. She will additionally guide participants in designing assessment items that adhere to the guidelines.
Understanding the different types of engagement will assist teachers in planning lessons that highlight student voice and their contributions to the learning. Learning Intention: - Effectively design lessons to engage all students in learning that lasts using protocols that promote deeper learning. - Explain why checking for understanding against a learning target matters in daily instruction. - Types of engagement: behavioral, emotional, cognitive - How the brain learns - Strategies for highlighting student's voice - Build high levels of engagement throughout the lesson - Checking for understanding - a variety of strategies - Co-establishing classroom norms and expectations with students. You will receive a link before the webinar.

16. NYS Lab Investigations: Elementary Level Science Exploration

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: 3-5th Grade Science Teachers, Curriculum Coordinators/Administrators

Dates: 10/24/2024

This workshop is for 3-5th grade science teachers to explore the four required elementary level lab investigations. Join us for a hands-on experience with the investigations and to hear tips and tricks for success in your classroom.

17. The Regional CARE Network

Program: Professional Development Unit

Dates: 10/29/2024 to 6/10/2025

The Regional CARE (Collaborative Action for Resilient Education) Network is a new collaborative opportunity designed specifically for student service providers (counselors, social workers, psychologists, mental health providers) to come together to discuss their roles, study best practices, and share and borrow ideas. Participants will network with regional colleagues, obtain updates from NYSED, and dive deeper into Tier 2 and 3 supports and resources. This session will be facilitated by the Behavior Excellence Coaches from the Instructional Support Services Department. There will be 4 meetings across the school year with extended learning opportunities. There will be professional presentations provided in the areas of Trauma, SEL, Restorative Practices, and Mental Health. This group will heavily focus on supporting primary and elementary grade levels however all are welcome.
This is a 3-module course presented by PLC Associates and NYSASCD starting on Wednesday October 30, 2024 and concluding on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. Each Module is listed separately in Frontline. Learn dynamic strategies to engage students, check for understanding, and differentiate instruction effectively without compromising rigor. Session 1: Let's Really Engage Our Students: Dynamic Strategies that Work. Learn strategies to design lessons that effectively engage all students, increasing retention and achievement. We encourage you to have a watch party and view/participate in this lively webinar with your colleagues! A link will be sent to you before the webinar.

19. High Impact Instructional Practices that Work-Module 2-I Know I Taught It But: Checking for Understanding-Online-4-5:30

Program: Online Workshops: Teacher Center

Audience: All educators

Dates: 11/6/2024

Learn strategies to check for understanding and empower students to lead their own learning. This is module 2 of a 3 Part Series. We encourage you to have a watch party and view/participate in this lively webinar with your colleagues! A link will be sent to you before the webinar.

20. Teacher Onboarding and Mentoring #4-The Dynamic Classroom: Differentiation/Scaffolding Online 4-5:30

Program: Online Workshops: Teacher Center

Audience: All new educators

Dates: 11/7/2024

Student differences matter, and effective teachers attend to those differences thoughtfully and proactively. It is important to understand that differentiation is a flexible process that is based on student data gathered regularly by the teacher. That scaffolding is an effective strategy for "laddering up" student competencies. Learning Intention: Determine when, why, and how to differentiate instruction to maximize all students' learning. Understand and appropriately apply scaffolding strategies. - Differentiation/scaffolding: the difference - Foundations necessary for effective differentiation - Foundation for effective scaffolds that maintain rigor to the grade-level standards - Understanding of a variety of effective differentiation strategies - Co-establishing classroom norms and expectations with students

21. Seal of Biliteracy Consortium Meetings

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: World Lang Teachers, Counselors, ELL/ENL Teachers, Administrators

Dates: 11/12/2024 to 3/11/2025

The THREE Seal of Biliteracy Consortium meetings have been planned to revolve around reporting deadlines and feedback from participants in CO BOCES World Languages Day. At the meetings, participants will review information and share practices. This year we will also work to deepen our understanding of the research projects and presentations in order to create consistency within our consortium.
Tues, November 12, 2024 - Seal documentation, research, and project expectations
Tues, January 14, 2025 - Monitoring SEAL students and expectations for visiting students
Tues, March 11, 2025 - Panel calibration, CO BOCES official forms, and WLD logistics

22. HIgh Impact Instructional Workshops that Work-Module 3-Differentiation Does Not Mean Watered-Down Online 4-5:30

Program: Online Workshops: Teacher Center

Audience: All Educators

Dates: 11/13/2024

Learn to differentiate instruction effectively while maintaining rigor using scaffolds and strategies that support all learners. Provided by PLC Associates Team Members and NYS ASCD. Purchased by the Teacher Center for all districts in consortium. We encourage you to have a "watch party" and view/participate in this lively webinar with your colleagues! A link will be sent to you before the webinar.

23. Teacher Onboarding and Mentoring #5-Positively Managing Student Behaviors Online 4-5:30

Program: Online Workshops: Teacher Center

Dates: 11/21/2024

Behavior management is an important structure for any classroom as it establishes a culture of learning for students. A variety of strategies can be implemented as well as using school-based supports to help develop and implement the strategies. Learning Intention: Develop proactive strategies to manage student behaviors. - Implementing and monitoring the efficacy of classroom routines and procedures - Student self-regulation - Consistency with Classroom Norms and Expectations - Managing Challenging Student Behaviors - Proactive Strategies- "See the Best in Students" - Support Staff- their role in helping to manage student behaviors - Understanding IEPs and Behavior Plans

24. TCIS 2.0 Update or Recertification Course

Program: Professional Development Unit

Activity Owner/Manager: Pamela McHenry  -

Audience: Associate Trainers in need of recertification (an update)

Dates: 12/10/2024 to 12/11/2024

This course is for associate trainers who have already completed the 5 day train the trainer course and who need recertification (an update). *An update is required every 2 years in order to maintain your associate trainer status. These 2 days of training will contain updates about the TCIS.2 system, strategies and physical interventions.

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention in Schools (TCIS) is a student crisis management system designed to prevent crises from occurring as well as training staff to de-escalate potential crises, effectively manage acute crises, learn constructive ways to handle stressful situations, and develop a learning circle within the organization.

Each participant will receive updated training materials.

****Estimated cost listed below is based on 25 participants. The final cost will be determined based on the actual number of participants.****

The cost for attendance is: $484

Registration closes on Thursday, December 5, 2024 in order to allow for delivery of materials.

25. Council/Communication Coordinator Meeting (2)

Program: School Library System

Audience: Regional school librarians

Dates: 1/9/2025

The Council advises the School Library System and helps create the Plan of Service, approves the SLS budget, and approves the Annual Report. All members of SLS are encouraged to attend, but only members of the Council can vote. The Communication Coordinators meetings are a bridge between the SLS and school librarians in-district. Each district has at least one designated Communication Coordinator who is required to attend, but all librarians are encouraged to attend.

26. Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) Consortium

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: Middle & High School Teachers of the Arts (art, music, dance, and theater)

Dates: 1/15/2025

The Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) is a plus one pathway to graduation that highlights students with strengths in the arts. A major component to the IAAP is a portfolio of student work and reflection. This portfolio must contain all mandatory elements from the IAAP implementation guides. This consortium will use the implementation guides and student workbooks to develop a plan for implementing the IAAP requirements. Teachers will be given time to collaborate with other teachers from around the region, so they use their collective understanding and backgrounds to implement the IAAP within their district.

Please note that teachers that are attending should be in the implementation phase and their districts should be approved to offer the IAAP to students. The work being done will be a collaborative effort to work through the challenges of implementation.

27. The Arts Collaborative Community

Program: Professional Development Unit

Audience: Music and Art Teachers

Dates: 2/12/2025

This interactive work day is designed specifically for teachers of "The Arts" to come together to discuss their craft, study best practices, and share and borrow ideas. This session will be facilitated by a regional practitioner with support from the Professional Development Unit.

28. Council/Communication Coordinator Meeting (3)

Program: School Library System

Audience: Regional School librarians

Dates: 3/5/2025

The Council advises the School Library System and helps create the Plan of Service, approves the SLS budget, and approves the Annual Report. All members of SLS are encouraged to attend, but only members of the Council can vote. The Communication Coordinators meetings are a bridge between the SLS and school librarians in-district. Each district has at least one designated Communication Coordinator who is required to attend, but all librarians are encouraged to attend.

29. Council/Communication Coordinator Meeting (4)

Program: School Library System

Audience: Regional School Librarians

Dates: 5/21/2025

The Council advises the School Library System and helps create the Plan of Service, approves the SLS budget, and approves the Annual Report. All members of SLS are encouraged to attend, but only members of the Council can vote. The Communication Coordinators meetings are a bridge between the SLS and school librarians in-district. Each district has at least one designated Communication Coordinator who is required to attend, but all librarians are encouraged to attend.