Catalog: Dutchess BOCES (Web Registration)

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1. Tech Talks for Technology Integration Specialists

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Other - Technology Integration Specialists

Dates: 9/18/2024

Starting Today
Are you a Technology Integration Specialist? Please join us for a monthly roundtable to discuss topics of interest. Topics will include: Classroom embedded coaching Collaborating with leadership Identifying and overcoming barriers Sharing resources and supports The importance of networking Topic ideas will grow organically with needs from the group. Let us be a support for each other and establish this important PLN for your position!

2. reLET: Recertification of Lead Evaluators of Teachers

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Previously certified K-12 Administrators who are responsible for evaluating teachers

Dates: 9/18/2024

Starting Today
This half-day workshop for lead evaluators of teachers is designed to promote quality and consistency in teacher evaluation in accordance with Education Law 3012-d. Participants will view video(s) of instruction, collect objective, representative evidence, align evidence to the district approved rubric, and discuss conclusions about teaching and learning with colleagues. District administrative teams are encouraged to attend as a group. The workshop content has been adjusted for the 2024-25 school year. ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL KNOW AND BE ABLE TO:

• Practice evidence collection and alignment

• Discuss evidence with colleagues to encourage consistent language and alignment using the district approved rubric TOPICS INCLUDE:

• Evidence collection, alignment and scoring

• Professional Conversations

3. School Librarian PLN

Program: School Library System

Audience: Librarians/Others

Dates: 9/18/2024

NewStarting Today
This professional network draws on the interest and experience of participants to explore timely topics, discuss and share ideas, and problem-solve with school librarians from across the county. Agendas will include opportunities for both planned and spontaneous topics of conversation (30 minutes). Participants will break into groups based on elementary or secondary (30 minutes). The network meetings will take place four to five times a year for now. We will consider adding additional dates if needed - come to any or all!

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

4. Integrated ENL Co-Teaching Series

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: ENL and content area co-teaching partnerships, dually certified ENL and content area teachers

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 12/12/2024

Starting Soon
This series will help co-teaching pairs to understand, plan for, and successfully implement Integrated ENL Co-Teaching in their content area classes. This series will discuss the NYS Co-Teaching Topic Briefs and reference the book Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection by Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld.

Session 1 will focus on building co-teaching relationships, culturally responsive sustaining education, and instructional strategies.
Session 2 will focus on co-planning practices and routines, assessment and writing language and content objectives.
Session 3 will focus on co-teaching models. Opportunities for implementation of the practices and strategies will be embedded throughout the series. Classroom and state testing accommodations for ELLs will also be covered.

We strongly recommend that ENL teachers attend this series with one co-teacher to allow pairs to strengthen their relationship and dedicate time within each session to planning upcoming units and lessons that they will co-teach together. Dually certified ENL and content area teachers are also encouraged to register.

All participants must bring a device to access materials and participate in activities.

5. Integrated ENL Co-Teaching Series (POUGHKEEPSIE ONLY)

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: ENL and content area co-teaching partnerships, dually certified ENL and content area teachers

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 12/12/2024

Starting Soon
This series will help co-teaching pairs to understand, plan for, and successfully implement Integrated ENL Co-Teaching in their content area classes. This series will discuss the NYS Co-Teaching Topic Briefs and reference the book Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection by Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld.

Session 1 will focus on building co-teaching relationships, culturally responsive sustaining education, and instructional strategies.
Session 2 will focus on co-planning practices and routines, assessment and writing language and content objectives.
Session 3 will focus on co-teaching models. Opportunities for implementation of the practices and strategies will be embedded throughout the series. Classroom and state testing accommodations for ELLs will also be covered.

We strongly recommend that ENL teachers attend this series with one co-teacher to allow pairs to strengthen their relationship and dedicate time within each session to planning upcoming units and lessons that they will co-teach together. Dually certified ENL and content area teachers are also encouraged to register.

All participants must bring a device to access materials and participate in activities.

6. Integrated ENL Co-Teaching Series (WAPPINGERS ONLY)

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: ENL and content area co-teaching partnerships, dually certified ENL and content area teachers

Dates: 9/19/2024 to 12/12/2024

Wait ListStarting Soon
This series will help co-teaching pairs to understand, plan for, and successfully implement Integrated ENL Co-Teaching in their content area classes. This series will discuss the NYS Co-Teaching Topic Briefs and reference the book Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection by Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld.

Session 1 will focus on building co-teaching relationships, culturally responsive sustaining education, and instructional strategies.
Session 2 will focus on co-planning practices and routines, assessment and writing language and content objectives.
Session 3 will focus on co-teaching models. Opportunities for implementation of the practices and strategies will be embedded throughout the series. Classroom and state testing accommodations for ELLs will also be covered.

We strongly recommend that ENL teachers attend this series with one co-teacher to allow pairs to strengthen their relationship and dedicate time within each session to planning upcoming units and lessons that they will co-teach together. Dually certified ENL and content area teachers are also encouraged to register.

All participants must bring a device to access materials and participate in activities.

7. Blue Ribbon Commission Forums - Educator

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: All Educators

Dates: 9/19/2024

Starting Soon
In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

Dr. Kim Fontana and Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill will share recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission and facilitate discussions around the recommendations.

Participants will be able to learn about the BRC recommendations, take part in discussions about the recommendations, and share feedback on the recommendations with NYSED.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Please attend and share your input!
Dr. Kim Fontana*, Pawling Central School, Superintendent
Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill**, Beacon City School District, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Student Support
* Blue Ribbon Commission member **Blue Ribbon Commission member and Steering Committee Member

8. Blue Ribbon Commission Forums - Public

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: All Interested

Dates: 9/19/2024

Starting Soon
In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

Dr. Kim Fontana and Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill will share recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission and facilitate discussions around the recommendations.

Participants will be able to learn about the BRC recommendations, take part in discussions about the recommendations, and share feedback on the recommendations with NYSED.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Please attend and share your input!
Dr. Kim Fontana*, Pawling Central School, Superintendent
Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill**, Beacon City School District, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Student Support
* Blue Ribbon Commission member **Blue Ribbon Commission member and Steering Committee Member

9. Discipline Procedures for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: District/building level administrators – may include superintendents, directors of special education, directors of pupil personnel services, CSE chairpersons, principals, deans of students

Dates: 9/20/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Location: Conference Center 5 Boces Road, Pougkeepsie

Starting Soon
This training is designed for district/building level administrators to gain a better understanding of the process related to discipline for students with disabilities as per the Part 201 of the Commissioner's Regulations. This professional development supports the administrator's understanding of the regulatory requirements and the administrative responsibilities, as they relate to discipline, and are aligned to state law to ensure district compliance. Participants will increase their knowledge of policies, regulations, and best practices related to suspension, removal, and behavioral supports related to implementing discipline for students with disabilities.  Participants should plan to bring a laptop (and charger) so they can access a Google classroom.

10. Middle School Building Leaders Network

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Administrators - Middle School Principals and Assistant Principals

Dates: 9/20/2024

Starting Soon
Four facilitated meetings provide a forum for building leaders to share challenges, successes, ideas, and best practices. These virtual meetings provide participants opportunities to collaborate with colleagues around timely topics offering opportunity for professional growth and the development of a network of peers. All principals and assistant principals are invited to join our county-wide Middle School Building Leader Network. The purpose of this network is to strengthen communication and collaboration and can be a valuable avenue for providing direction and support. The Dutchess BOCES county-wide Middle School Building Leader meetings are structured to provide a forum to discuss, share, learn, and support the important work of building leaders.

11. New Teacher University (NTU) for Elementary Teachers

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 6/5/2025

Starting Soon
NTU provides specially designed, practical, and timely support for "new-to-the-profession" teachers throughout their first year. The goal is for teachers to leave each session with skills and strategies that can be immediately applied to their practice.

* Day 1 (full day) September 23,2024

Classroom Management
-Class organization
-Creating a welcoming and affirming environment (DEI/CRSE)
-Organization of non-instructional duties

Day 2 (full day) October 7, 2024

Roadmap for instruction (what to do when there's no curriculum)
-Curricula, units, lessons
-Literacy expectations (briefs)
-Essential Questions
-Aims/Focus Questions
-Objectives/Learning Targets
-Assessing Learning

*Day 3 (half-day- 12:30-3:30PM) October 18,2024

-Analysis and using data

-What is it
-What does Tier 1 look like in your classroom, and what do I do with them (whole class vs small group/individual
-Data-based decision making

*Day 4 (half-day - 12:30-3:30 PM) December 13,2024

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
-High expectations (DEI/CRSE)
-Meeting all students' needs
-Student voice & choice

*Day 5 (half-day - 12:30-3:30 PM) February 7, 2025

-Preparing for CSE meetings
-Student progress
-Crafting data-based statements

*Day 6 (full day) June 5,2025

Reflection and Looking Forward
-Share a success

12. New Teacher University (NTU) for Secondary Teachers

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 9/23/2024 to 6/5/2025

Starting Soon
NTU provides specially designed, practical, and timely support for "new-to-the-profession" teachers throughout their first year. The goal is for teachers to leave each session with skills and strategies that can be immediately applied to their practice.

* Day 1 (full day) September 23,2024

Classroom Management
-Class organization
-Creating a welcoming and affirming environment (DEI/CRSE)
-Organization of non-instructional duties

* Day 2 (full day) October 7, 2024

Roadmap for instruction (what to do when there's no curriculum)
-Curricula, units, lessons
-Literacy expectations (briefs)
-Essential Questions
-Aims/Focus Questions
-Objectives/Learning Targets
-Assessing Learning

*Day 3 (half-day- 8:30-11:30AM) October 18,2024

-Analysis and using data


-What is it
-What does Tier 1 look like in your classroom, and what do I do with them (whole class vs small group/individual
-Data-based decision making

*Day 4 (half-day - 8:30-11:30AM) December 13,2024

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
-High expectations (DEI/CRSE)
-Meeting all students' needs
-Student voice & choice

* Day 5 (half-day - 8:30-11:30AM) February 7, 2025

-Preparing for CSE meetings
-Student progress
<-Crafting data-based statements

*Day 6 (full day) June 5,2025

Reflection and Looking Forward
-Share a success

13. MTSS-i for Building Administrators: MTSS-i Overview

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Building Administrators

Dates: 9/23/2024

Starting Soon
MTSS is a systemic, evidence-based, continuous school-improvement framework in which data-based problem solving, and decision-making are practiced across all levels of the educational system. The Every Student Succeeds Act defines MTSS as a comprehensive continuum of evidence-based, systemic practices to support a rapid response to students' needs (e.g., academic, behavioral, social-emotional, student physical and mental health) with regular observation to facilitate data-based instructional decision making that supports all learners. MTSS helps schools organize the delivery of a continuum of support so that students are able to access the level of support they need when it is needed.

Admin Differentiation
-Overview of MTSS
-Needs Assessment/Data Analysis
-Root Cause Dialogue
-Pilots and Systems Development

14. Developing High Functioning MTSS Teams

Program: Educational Resources

Dates: 9/24/2024 to 5/20/2025

Starting Soon
MTSS is a systemic, evidence-based, continuous improvement framework that utilizes a comprehensive continuum of evidence-based practices to support needs: academic behavioral, social- emotional, student physical and mental health. Data-based instructional decision-making is informed through regular observation such that all learners are supported and have equitable access to a rigorous, high quality education from P-12.

Dutchess BOCES is providing year long support looking to build New MTSS teams or expand existing ones.

Topics Covered include:

September 24,2024: MTSS Overview Team Operation, Role of Administrative Team, Fidelity and Feedback, Pilot Progress

December 10,2024: MTSS Tier 2 Overview. Pilot Progress Monitoring Coaching Tools

February 4,2025: Sharing Pilot Progress, Fidelity Measures, Consultancy Protocol

May 20,2025: Replicable success- County-Wide sharing of best practices and Planning for next year


15. Understanding the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards (Grades K-1 Only)

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers(K-1)

Dates: 9/24/2024

Starting Soon
Students in all grade levels are using technology in their everyday lives. The new NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards go into effect in September 2024 for all K-12 students. These new standards can be incorporated into any subject area. Join this half day workshop to be introduced to the new Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards and discuss with colleagues the many ways to incorporate them into your everyday instruction.

16. Least Restrictive Environment Targeted Skills Group (LRE - TSG) 2024-2025 *For designated districts only*

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Team members of designated districts only

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 5/28/2025

Meeting Times: 9:00 - 12:00 noon

The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Targeted Skills Group (TSG), is designed to deepen the understanding and implementation of the principle of LRE. The team will leave this training with a better understanding of the issues around the LRE. Each module in the series will build toward an action plan to support the district in increasing the amount of time students with disabilities spend in general education environments.

Through this TSG, attendees will:
● Understand the foundations of regulations for LRE decisions and implementation.
● Learn the data used to measure compliance with federal and state benchmarks for LRE compliance.
● Be introduced to the four components to consider when creating an effective system for ensuring student placement in LRE.

Activities are included to help the team begin the root cause analysis process.

LRE targeted skills group training is made up of several professional development modules. Each training focuses on a specific component related to the least restrictive environment. The suite of trainings includes:

1. Foundational Content
2. Pre-referral/Referral
3. Parent and Family Involvement
4. IEP Development and Continuum of Services
5. High Quality Inclusive Services & Infrastructure Considerations
6. Action Planning

TSG dates:
9/25/2024 - Module 1: Foundational Content
10/23/2024 - Module 2: Prereferral and Referral Process
11/20/2024 - Module 3: Individualized Education Program IEP Development and the Continuum of Services
12/18/2024 - Module 4: High-Quality Inclusive Services & Infrastructure Considerations
1/15/2025 - Module 5: Engaging Parents and Families Around LRE
1/22/2025 - Completion of content and action plans
5/28/2025 - end of year progress monitoring and wrap up

Please contact Brian Orzell ( with questions

17. Reading Strategies in the Cross-Disciplinary Environment

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: 6-12 Reading Teachers; 6-12 Social Studies Teachers; 6-12 PE/Health Teachers; 6-12 World Language Teachers; 6-12 Art & Music Teachers; 6-12 Special Education Teachers; 6-12 Math Teachers; 6-12 Science Teachers; Middle School Principals and Assistant Principals; High School Principals and Assistant Principals

Dates: 9/25/2024

Have you wondered how the Science of Reading relates to the secondary content areas? Let's look at how we apply this research to vocabulary development in the cross-disciplinary environment. This course is an adaptation of the work of Jennifer Serravallo for the cross-disciplinary environment and involves cognitive, metacognitive and management strategies, expository text content, as it relates to topics and main ideas, key details, vocabulary, text features, conversation, and writing about reading. Participants will also engage in planning texts carefully for engagement, motivation, and skill match, as well as work with their curriculum maps to revise for more specification. Content standards will be matched to particular reading strategies. Prompts will be planned, and readers will be examined to identify implications for units.

18. Strategies for Mathematical Discourse

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Other: Math Teachers (Grades K-12)

Dates: 9/25/2024

This 3 hour, in-person workshop will expose teachers to strategies for increasing mathematical discourse. When students communicate about math, their thinking becomes deeper and visible to the teacher. Students are able to see their peers as holders of math knowledge instead of relying on the teacher to tell them what's right and wrong. Creating opportunities for discourse in a math classroom can be challenging, and so can making sure students are taking away the key understandings they should be learning. The strategies in this workshop will help with both issues.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

19. Trying Out the NYSED Required Investigations for Earth and Space Sciences

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Earth and Space Sciences teachers, TAs, and HS administrators

Dates: 9/25/2024

Wait List
The new NYSSLS-aligned Regents Earth and Space Sciences test will first be administered in Spring 2025. In Spring 2024, NYSED released three required investigations that should be embedded into Earth and Space Sciences courses before students take the Regents. In this full day workshop, come learn about these investigations by doing them and discussing best practices for rolling them out with your students! Teachers, TAs, administrators, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about these investigations are all welcome to attend.

20. Social Studies Teacher Network (Grades 7-12)

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Secondary Social Studies Teacher (Grades 7-12)

Dates: 9/25/2024

Calling all Secondary Social Studies Teachers! Feeling isolated? Craving fresh ideas? Join our dynamic Professional Learning Network (PLN) designed to ignite your passion for social studies education. We'll meet every other month for engaging discussions, collaborative activities, and resource sharing - all focused on empowering you to: Deepen your subject matter expertise: Explore innovative approaches to teaching history Incorporate cutting-edge pedagogy: Dive into best practices for active learning, technology integration, and fostering critical thinking skills. Collaborate with passionate colleagues: Connect with fellow secondary educators, share successes and challenges, and build a supportive network.

21. Culturally Responsive Teaching Workshop- "Family Engagement: Communication & Culture"

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Dates: 9/26/2024

Meeting Times: Thursday, 9/26/24 9 am-12 noon

This is a virtual workshop via Zoom. The workshop is designed to introduce educators to concepts of communication and culture that impact the ways educators and educational organizations (EOs) interact with families. Participants will be introduced to The Culturally Responsive Sustaining-Education framework and include an opportunity for educators to review meaningful and equitable training resources/tools to support effective family engagement and communication. Workshop Learning Objectives: 1. Examine the impact of culture & communication in our practice as educators 2. Explore the concept of culture & connect with the idea of Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education 3. Explore strategies for effective collaboration between families, caregivers, and schools to support students *Participants will receive Zoom log-in information 24 hrs. prior to workshop commencement via registered Frontline email. For assistance once the workshop commences please contact the RPC program assistant Gail Beverly at

22. Introduction to AI: Exploring Practical Applications of AI in Education

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers only / grades K-12

Dates: 9/26/2024

The education landscape is evolving, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize the way we learn and teach. This interactive workshop delves into the practical applications of AI in education, empowering you to harness its potential for personalized learning, enhanced engagement, and improved outcomes. This workshop promises to be an engaging and informative experience, equipping educators and anyone interested in education with the knowledge and tools to leverage the power of AI for a more effective and inspiring learning environment.

23. Trying Out the NYSED Required Investigations for Life Science: Biology

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Life Science: Biology teachers, TAs, and HS administrators

Dates: 9/26/2024

The new NYSSLS-aligned Regents Life Science: Biology test will first be administered in Spring 2025. In Spring 2024, NYSED released three required investigations that should be embedded into Life Science: Biology courses before students take the Regents. In this full day workshop, come learn about these investigations by doing them and discussing best practices for rolling them out with your students! Teachers, TAs, administrators, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about these investigations are all welcome to attend.

24. Transition Assessment: Part 2 - Using Transition Assessment Results Throughout the Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Administrators, Special Education Teachers, CSE Chairperson, Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists

Dates: 9/27/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00am-11:30am

The focus of this training is to:
1. Learn to incorporate transition assessment results into the IEP
2. Review a case study
3. Analyze transition assessment results
4. Use assessment results to identify transition strengths and needs, and develop individualized goals and services

Participants are asked to bring a student's IEP (age 15+) to the training to have the opportunity to reflect on their district's transition practices.

Participants will receive helpful resources and a variety of assessments that can be administered to students for quality, individualized IEP development.

Registered participants will be emailed the Zoom link prior to the training. As a result, please check spam/junk mail if the link is not received two days in advance. If you have any questions prior to the training, please contact me at Thank you.

25. Using the FBA & BIP Process to Support Students Needing Intensive Intervention (Day 1 of 3 in 3-part series)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special education teachers, special education administrators, school social workers, school psychologists and parent liasons.

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 11/15/2024

Meeting Times: 8:30 am - Noon

Location: Conference Room

Day 1: Friday 9/27 After reviewing the theoretical rationale for a Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) and the importance of the teaming process, participants will develop their skills to use a hypothesis to effectively complete a FBA in order to create an effective behavior intervention plan (BIP). Please bring your current documents for student FBAs and BIPs you may be working on for us to workshop together. NOTE: This is a 3 part workshop, so please register for day 2 Friday 10/25 and day 3 Friday 11/15 of the series. After discussing and practicing the skills to ensure the BIP is implemented with fidelity and progress monitor a student's response to the plan regarding changes in behavior, participants will also have the opportunity to plan how to best engage families in the process.

26. Using the FBA & BIP Process to Support Students Needing Intensive Intervention (Day 2 of 3 in 3-part series)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special education teachers, special education administrators, school social workers, school psychologists and parent liasons.

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 11/15/2024

Meeting Times: 8:30 am - Noon

Location: Conference Room

Day 2: Friday 10/25 After reviewing the theoretical rationale for a Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) and the importance of the teaming process during day 1, participants will develop their skills to use a hypothesis to effectively complete a FBA in order to create an effective behavior intervention plan (BIP). Please bring your current documents for student FBAs and BIPs you may be working on for us to workshop together. NOTE: This is a 3 part workshop, so please register for Day 1 Friday 9/27 and Day 3 Friday 11/15 of the series. After discussing and practicing the skills to ensure the BIP is implemented with fidelity and progress monitor a student's response to the plan regarding changes in behavior, participants will also have the opportunity to plan how to best engage staff members and families in the process.

27. Using the FBA & BIP Process to Support Students Needing Intensive Intervention (Day3 of 3 in 3-part series)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special education teachers, special education administrators, school social workers, school psychologists and parent liasons.

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 11/15/2024

Meeting Times: 8:30 am - Noon

Location: Conference Room

Day 3: Friday 11/15 After reviewing the theoretical rationale for a Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) and the importance of the teaming process during day 1, participants will develop their skills to use a hypothesis to effectively complete a FBA in order to create an effective behavior intervention plan (BIP). Please bring your current documents for student FBAs and BIPs you may be working on for us to workshop together. NOTE: This is a 3 part workshop, so please be sure you've registered for Day 1 Friday 9/27 and Day 2 Friday 10/25 of the series. After discussing and practicing the skills to ensure the BIP is implemented with fidelity and progress monitor a student's response to the plan regarding changes in behavior, participants will also have the opportunity to plan how to best engage staff members and families in the process.

28. MTSS-i for K-12 Teachers: MTSS-i Overview

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 9/27/2024

MTSS is a systemic, evidence-based, continuous school-improvement framework in which data-based problem solving, and decision-making are practiced across all levels of the educational system. The Every Student Succeeds Act defines MTSS as a comprehensive continuum of evidence-based, systemic practices to support a rapid response to students' needs (e.g., academic, behavioral, social-emotional, student physical and mental health) with regular observation to facilitate data-based instructional decision making that supports all learners. MTSS helps schools organize the delivery of a continuum of support so that students are able to access the level of support they need when it is needed.

Teacher Differentiation
-Overview of MTSS
-Tier 1 Behavior Support

29. Co-teaching: A Comprehensive Approach. Module 1: Six Models of Co-teaching

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Co-teaching teams, which could consist of General and Special Education teachers, ENL teachers, Related Service Providers, and Administrators

Dates: 9/30/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00-12:00

The purpose of this training is to help participants gain a foundational understanding of co-teaching as a service delivery model and the six models used to implement it. In New York state the co-teaching model is most often associated with the special education service integrated co-teaching. This model will be covered as well as the use of the co-teaching model among other service providers (e.g. English as a New Language [ENL] teachers, speech language pathologists etc.). Variations for use of the models will also be discussed throughout the training.

30. Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (Lexia LETRS) Training Cohort 1

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 9/30/2024 to 5/12/2025

Lexia LETRS teaches the skills needed to master the foundational and fundamentals of reading and writing instruction-phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and written language LETRS training provides teachers with research-based instructional practices to support literacy acquisition. Teachers who are selected by their district should register here for a year-1 cohort, which includes 4 full-day trainings, supplemented with evening support sessions. Interested participants will also have the opportunity to earn graduate credit. For more information, please visit Total In-Service Credits: 36 Lexia: 24 Dutches BOCES: 10

31. School Psychologists Roundtable

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: School Psychologists

Dates: 9/30/2024

This roundtable for Social Workers will cultivate a space that offers community, shared resources, and feedback for school social workers in this and surrounding areas. During bimonthly sessions, social workers can expect to use protocols to share and hear best practices, discuss common obstacles and solutions, and discuss and receive feedback on cases. Participants should be prepared to connect with others, bring an open mind and a strength-based, solution-oriented attitude.

Participants will be able to:

• Make connections and network with other social workers to share skills and insight.

• Establish a shareable bank of resources.

• Learn impactful activities, protocols, and knowledge for their practice.

32. NYSSLS Science at the High School

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Science Teachers and Administrators (Grades 9-12)

Dates: 9/30/2024

This spring 2025, the NYSSLS-aligned Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences Regents will be administered for the first time. The NYSSLS-aligned Chemistry and Physics Regents will follow in spring 2026. In this 2 hour virtual session, we will discuss what it means to implement NYSSLS-aligned science instruction at the high school level, consider what we are already doing, and what some of our next steps may be. We will also look at NYSED expectations and guidance, think about how we can prepare for what is coming, and look at how our work can be guided and supported by current available NYSED resources.

33. A Dynamic Duo: ENL Teachers & School Librarians

Program: School Library System

Audience: School Librarians and ENL Teachers

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 3/20/2025

This professional learning workshop series is a collaboration between the Dutchess, Sullivan, and Ulster School Library Systems and the Hudson Valley Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (HV RBERN).

School Librarians and ENL teachers working together can provide powerful learning opportunities and resources for ELLs and their families. We invite you to attend this workshop series to learn more about each other's area of expertise and begin building a new partnership that benefits your ELLs.

School Librarians and ENL teachers should register to attend together as a team for all sessions. This activity is eligible for ELL CTLE credit.

Teams will collaborate to develop a special event or new initiative for ELLs that includes literacy components and recognition of their students' achievements. Participants will be provided with strategies and support to help them develop a strong foundation for a successful partnership.

Participants must bring a device to access course materials and resources.

Session 1 (October 1st, in-person at Ulster BOCES)
The morning session will include introductory presentations and activities designed to give participants a better understanding of each other's roles, as well as strategies to develop a successful partnership. The afternoon session will include highlights of recent Dynamic Duo events, discussion of funding and family engagement resources, and prep time to begin collaborative work.

Session 2 (January 24th, in-person at Southeastern NY Library Resources Council)
Working session for all teams to continue developing their plans and receive feedback and support from SLS and RBERN staff.

Session 3 (March 20th, in-person at Ulster BOCES)
Participants will have an opportunity to review and share their experiences and discuss ideas for continued collaboration with their partners.

Building and district leaders are welcome to attend along with an ENL teacher and school librarian team.

34. rePET: Recertification of Lead Evaluators of Principals

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Previously certified Administrators who are responsible for evaluating principals

Dates: 10/1/2024

In this three-hour in-person learning experience, participants use case studies and view video(s) of principal practice to collect objective, representative evidence, and align evidence to the district-approved principal-practice rubric. District principal evaluators are encouraged to attend as a group. The workshop content has been adjusted for the 2024-25 school year. ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL KNOW AND BE ABLE TO:

• Practice evidence collection and alignment

• Discuss evidence with colleagues to encourage consistent language and alignment using the district approved rubric TOPICS INCLUDE:

• Evidence collection, alignment and scoring

• Professional Conversations

35. AI Spotlight: Twee

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers only / grades K-12

Dates: 10/1/2024

Feeling overwhelmed by lesson planning? Wish you had a creative AI assistant in your corner? Join us for a 1-hour interactive workshop where you'll explore Twee, a revolutionary AI-powered platform designed to transform your teaching experience. Leave feeling inspired and equipped to take your teaching to the next level!

36. New Teacher Mentor Training (Refresher)

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: New Teacher Mentors

Dates: 10/1/2024

For beginning teachers skillful mentoring significantly increases confidence as instructional problem-solvers and decision makers. This training offers an overview of structures, strategies, and tools for mentors. Experiences will provide specific information about the mentor's role, identify the needs of beginning teachers, and model steps for ensuring an effective mentor-protege relationship.

The Role of the Mentor;
Recognizing the Needs of Beginning Teachers;
Effective Communication;
Maximizing Time and Attention;
On-going Support Strategies.

Understand the Role of the Mentee/Mentor; Work in Partnership with their Mentee to Affect a Positive School Year; Foster a Trusting Relationship Focused on Student Learning.

Zoom information will be shared via email the day before the session.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 8-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

37. New Teacher Mentor Training (Refresher) ARLINGTON ONLY

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: New Teacher Mentors

Dates: 10/1/2024

For beginning teachers skillful mentoring significantly increases confidence as instructional problem-solvers and decision makers. This training offers an overview of structures, strategies, and tools for mentors. Experiences will provide specific information about the mentor's role, identify the needs of beginning teachers, and model steps for ensuring an effective mentor-protege relationship.

The Role of the Mentor;
Recognizing the Needs of Beginning Teachers;
Effective Communication;
Maximizing Time and Attention;
On-going Support Strategies.

Understand the Role of the Mentee/Mentor; Work in Partnership with their Mentee to Affect a Positive School Year; Foster a Trusting Relationship Focused on Student Learning.

Zoom information will be shared via email the day before the session.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 8-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

38. Virtual Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)/Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chairperson Training - Fall 2024

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: School Psychologists, CPSE/CSE Chairpersons, Directors of PPS/Special Education, Special Education teachers, School Psychology interns

Dates: 10/2/2024 to 11/6/2024

Meeting Times: 10/2, 10/8, 10/17, 10/22, 10/31, and 11/6 - 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

This virtual training series of workshops will consist of six (6) live Zoom sessions. Each module will include pre-work activities.

Materials will be accessible via Google folder. Upon registration and before the start date, participants will be provided with the Zoom link and information on how to access materials.

Virtual live session dates: 10/2, 10/8, 10/17, 10/22, 10/31, and 11/6. Training sessions will be 9:00-2:30, with a lunch break.

In this series, Chairpersons will gain an in-depth understanding of effective practices in the following aspects of the Committee on Special Education and Preschool Special Education.

The topic schedule is as follows:

Session 1 - 10/2/2024 - Module 1. Regulatory Foundations, Module 2. Referral, Module 3. Evaluation

Session 2 - 10/8/2024 - Module 4. Eligibility, Module 5. IEP Development

Session 3 - 10/17/2024 - Module 5. IEP Development

Session 4 - 10/22/2024 - Module 5. IEP Development, Module 6. IEP Implementation, Module 7. Annual Review

Session 5 - 10/31/2024 - Module 8. Reevaluation, Module 9. Effective Meetings

Session 6 - 11/6/2024 - Wrap up

This training is designed for new Chairpersons. Veteran chairs would also benefit and are welcome to attend. Interns are also welcome.

Contact Brian Orzell ( with any questions.

39. High School History Meets High School English: Texts & Themes

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: 9-12 Reading Teachers; 9-12 Social Studies Teachers; 9-12 Special Education Teachers; 9-12 English Teachers; High School Principals and Assistant Principals

Dates: 10/2/2024

Participants will plan units together and discuss common collaboration time, as well as collaborative space for lessons. Expository text will be compared to the aspects of narrative texts (plot and setting, characters, figurative language and theme). The concept of time management, as in the dividing of classroom material planning and assessments, introduction of tech tools, and utilizing consistent rubrics will be discussed. Small stresses, such as proofreading, meeting collectively with parents and counselors, alternating "heavy” lifts in the classroom will be addressed. Exploring routines of setting the historical stage and reading literature will be discussed, as well as the exploration of multimedia resources and text excerpts. We will also look at how Science of Reading concepts can be applied to routines in high school humanities classes.

40. reLET: Recertification of Lead Evaluators of Teachers

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Previously certified K-12 Administrators who are responsible for evaluating teachers

Dates: 10/2/2024

This half-day workshop for lead evaluators of teachers is designed to promote quality and consistency in teacher evaluation in accordance with Education Law 3012-d. Participants will view video(s) of instruction, collect objective, representative evidence, align evidence to the district approved rubric, and discuss conclusions about teaching and learning with colleagues. District administrative teams are encouraged to attend as a group. The workshop content has been adjusted for the 2024-25 school year. ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL KNOW AND BE ABLE TO:

• Practice evidence collection and alignment

• Discuss evidence with colleagues to encourage consistent language and alignment using the district approved rubric TOPICS INCLUDE:

• Evidence collection, alignment and scoring

• Professional Conversations

41. New Teacher Mentor Training (Refresher)

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: New Teacher Mentors

Dates: 10/2/2024

For beginning teachers skillful mentoring significantly increases confidence as instructional problem-solvers and decision makers. This training offers an overview of structures, strategies, and tools for mentors. Experiences will provide specific information about the mentor's role, identify the needs of beginning teachers, and model steps for ensuring an effective mentor-protege relationship.

The Role of the Mentor;
Recognizing the Needs of Beginning Teachers;
Effective Communication;
Maximizing Time and Attention;
On-going Support Strategies.

Understand the Role of the Mentee/Mentor; Work in Partnership with their Mentee to Affect a Positive School Year; Foster a Trusting Relationship Focused on Student Learning.

Zoom information will be shared via email the day before the session.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 8-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

42. New Teacher Mentor Training (Refresher) ARLINGTON ONLY

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: New Teacher Mentors

Dates: 10/2/2024

For beginning teachers skillful mentoring significantly increases confidence as instructional problem-solvers and decision makers. This training offers an overview of structures, strategies, and tools for mentors. Experiences will provide specific information about the mentor's role, identify the needs of beginning teachers, and model steps for ensuring an effective mentor-protege relationship.

The Role of the Mentor;
Recognizing the Needs of Beginning Teachers;
Effective Communication;
Maximizing Time and Attention;
On-going Support Strategies.

Understand the Role of the Mentee/Mentor; Work in Partnership with their Mentee to Affect a Positive School Year; Foster a Trusting Relationship Focused on Student Learning.

Zoom information will be shared via email the day before the session.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 8-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

43. High School Principals Network

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Administrators - High School Building Leaders

Dates: 10/3/2024

Facilitated meetings to share challenges, ideas, successes, and best-practices. All agenda items TBD by the group. Join your peers for an opportunity to connect, collaborate, learn and grow together. Dates subject to change, based upon scheduling needs.

Open to all high school building principals.

44. Data Team Training - Pawling Elementary School ONLY

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Pawling Teachers

Dates: 10/4/2024 to 12/11/2024

This full team training will include opportunities for participants to learn what a Data Team does, how to review/analyze data using protocols, plan and implement interventions, and interpret the results. Dutchess BOCES will provide instruction and guided facilitation during the sessions, while gradually releasing control of the process to the Data Team. The Data Team will then implement a course of action based on the data, review/analyze the data, and then discuss and implement a new course of action. The process is intended to build an understanding of the cyclical nature of Data Teams and support the foundational expectations necessary to build a culture for data-driven decision-making.

Participants will be able to:

• Identify the parts and expectations of each component of the data cycle.

• Organize, facilitate, and participate in meetings using an agenda and protocols.

• Use data protocols to review and analyze data.

• Develop a theory of student learning needs based on the data.

• Design and implement a researched-based instructional strategy in all classrooms.

• Support and facilitate the rollout of the action plan to the rest of the faculty/staff.

• Assess the action plan after its implementation using the data from its assessment.

• Determine next steps.

These are the first two sessions of the 6 part series. The additional sessions will take place during the 2024-25 school and will have a separate registration entry.

45. Transition Assessment: Part 3 - Transition Assessment for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Administrators, Special Education Teachers, Case Managers, CSE Chairperson, Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists

Dates: 10/7/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00am-11:30am

During this workshop, participants will:
1. Learn about research that supports transition assessments for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
2. Identify and explore transition assessments for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
3. Utilize transition assessment results for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to inform transition planning and Individualized Education Program (IEP) development

Registered participants will be emailed the Zoom link prior to the training. As a result, please check spam/junk mail if the link is not received two days in advance. If you have any questions prior to the training, please contact me at Thank you.

46. Introduction to Spanish for Librarians (NEW DATES!)

Program: School Library System

Audience: K-12 School Librarians

Dates: 10/7/2024 to 12/16/2024

In collaboration with the Dutchess School Library System, the Capital Region Language Center has designed an 11-week course for a cohort of school librarians and support staff who work with Spanish-speaking students. The program will start October 7th. Participants will meet two times a week from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays via Zoom and must complete homework independently between sessions. In addition to learning the alphabet, numbers, courtesies, date and time, and basic conversation, course participants will focus on pronunciation and learn key phrases to use with students. Class lessons will cover common school vocabulary related to the library, school supplies, and places in a school.


- Greetings, courtesies, biographical information (questions and answers)
- Alphabet and number introduction or review
- Pronunciation practice
- General "Who, what, where, when, and why” questions and answers
- Present tense verb conjugation
- School-related vocabulary

Targeted Audience: Absolute beginners and anyone needing a refresher on the building blocks of Spanish.

Cost: $100(includes workshop materials)

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

47. Trying Out the NYSED Required Investigations for Life Science: Biology

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Life Science: Biology teachers, TAs, and HS administrators

Dates: 10/8/2024

The new NYSSLS-aligned Regents Life Science: Biology test will first be administered in Spring 2025. In Spring 2024, NYSED released three required investigations that should be embedded into Life Science: Biology courses before students take the Regents. In this full day workshop, come learn about these investigations by doing them and discussing best practices for rolling them out with your students! Teachers, TAs, administrators, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about these investigations are all welcome to attend.

48. Teaching Sustainability

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: K-12 Teachers; K-12 Building Principals; K-12 District Leaders

Dates: 10/9/2024

Why do U.S. teachers lag behind global peers in teaching about sustainability? In this 3 hour course, we will use articles, podcasts, and talks to identify why, and gather materials to weave sustainability topics across content areas. How the science of reading provides foundations for deep diving into sustainability topics will be explored. Your toolbox will be filled with curricular resources across a wide range of sustainability-based topics. Let's take a look at the Zero Waste Food Project, guides from PBS on navigating the Hot Politics surrounding this topic, and learn more about the The Three Spheres of Sustainability. This course is for K-12 teachers and leaders across content areas who want to see how sustainability can be integrated into all we do in the schools, with former K-12 Curriculum Director and current small business associate, Dana Brown. ***FREE for members of the Center for Sustainability & Climate Education

49. Understanding the IEP

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Teacher Aides and Teaching Assistants

Dates: 10/9/2024

Having an understanding of the IEP will prepare teachers, teaching assistants, related service providers, etc. to effectively work with students with disabilities and provide them with the individualized support needed to meet their unique needs. During this 2-hour workshop, you will learn about IEP classifications, components of the IEP and the CSE process.

50. Researching Children: Putting the P-3 Continuum into Practice

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: District Kindergarten-Grade 3 and UPK Staff and Administrators; Community Based Organization Staff and Directors

Dates: 10/9/2024

This course focuses participants on observing writing behaviors, shared and interactive writing, independent drawing and writing through the professional and published works of Margaret Wise Brown and Lucy Sprague Mitchell. Participants will see how researching their students will shape their curriculum, create equity across genders, as well as engage them in experimenting with their own writing for their students. We will also see how the Science of Reading research in writing applies to our youngest learners.

51. Book Study - Ed Tech Essentials: 12 Strategies for Every Classroom in the Age of AI

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers only / grades K-12

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 10/30/2024

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-growing world of educational technology? "EdTech Essentials" by Monica Burns cuts through the noise and equips you with 12 practical strategies to transform your classroom in the age of AI. This four week interactive book study will guide you on a journey to: Harness the power of effective pedagogy - Learn how to seamlessly integrate technology into your teaching methods for maximum impact. Master 12 essential EdTech skills - Become a confident EdTech leader, prepared to leverage the latest tools for engaging and effective learning. Create dynamic learning experiences - Discover creative ways to use technology to personalize learning, foster collaboration, and empower your students.

52. School Librarian PLN

Program: School Library System

Audience: Librarians/Others

Dates: 10/9/2024

This professional network draws on the interest and experience of participants to explore timely topics, discuss and share ideas, and problem-solve with school librarians from across the county. Agendas will include opportunities for both planned and spontaneous topics of conversation (30 minutes). Participants will break into groups based on elementary or secondary (30 minutes). The network meetings will take place four to five times a year for now. We will consider adding additional dates if needed - come to any or all!

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

53. Trying Out the NYSED Required Investigations for Earth and Space Sciences

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Earth and Space Sciences teachers, TAs, and HS administrators

Dates: 10/10/2024

The new NYSSLS-aligned Regents Earth and Space Sciences test will first be administered in Spring 2025. In Spring 2024, NYSED released three required investigations that should be embedded into Earth and Space Sciences courses before students take the Regents. In this full day workshop, come learn about these investigations by doing them and discussing best practices for rolling them out with your students! Teachers, TAs, administrators, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about these investigations are all welcome to attend.

54. C.A.I.T Meeting

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Other - Technology Directors, Technology Integration Specialists

Dates: 10/11/2024

The Curriculum Assessment and Instructional Technology (C.A.I.T.) Council meets monthly to discuss district technology planning and implementation in order to support curriculum and instructional practices to improve student learning. C.A.I.T members, including Directors of Technology, Technology Integration Specialists, and/or participants designated to attend by district leadership, discuss staff development initiatives including best practices and uses of instructional technology. The council will explore successful initiatives from a variety of sources in order to work together to best assess the effectiveness of technology on teaching and learning within our county, districts and schools.

55. Future Fridays: Opportunities for AI to address our twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss with Dr. Lily Xu

Program: Center for Sustainability and Climate Education

Audience: Other: Educators (Grades K-12) and Students

Dates: 10/11/2024

Future Fridays is a workshop series featuring speakers who are working in the fields of sustainability, climate change, and/or climate justice. We invite all educators to join us for these monthly hour-long, remote talks, either with or without their students, and with or without their lunches!

Dr. Lily Xu is a computer scientist at Oxford focused on using AI to address environmental challenges. You can learn more about them here-

Our planet is experiencing rapid global change, with 3.6 billion people living in areas highly vulnerable to climate change, and animal populations declining by 70% on average since 1970. One technology that is increasingly developed to craft solutions to these global challenges is AI, which can help predict which regions are most vulnerable, optimize deployment of our limited resources, and evaluate the effectiveness of our actions. Here, we'll talk about ways that new AI technology can help address the climate and biodiversity crises, while also discussing ethical challenges and debunking myths about AI.

All Future Friday workshops are free for members of the Center for Sustainability and Climate Education.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

56. Understanding the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards(Grades 2-3)

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers(2-3)

Dates: 10/15/2024

Students in all grade levels are using technology in their everyday lives. The new NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards go into effect in September 2024 for all K-12 students. These new standards can be incorporated into any subject area. Join this half day workshop to be introduced to the new Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards and discuss with colleagues the many ways to incorporate them into your everyday instruction.

57. New Teacher Mentor Training (Refresher)

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: New Teacher Mentors

Dates: 10/15/2024

For beginning teachers skillful mentoring significantly increases confidence as instructional problem-solvers and decision makers. This training offers an overview of structures, strategies, and tools for mentors. Experiences will provide specific information about the mentor's role, identify the needs of beginning teachers, and model steps for ensuring an effective mentor-protege relationship.

The Role of the Mentor;
Recognizing the Needs of Beginning Teachers;
Effective Communication;
Maximizing Time and Attention;
On-going Support Strategies.

Understand the Role of the Mentee/Mentor; Work in Partnership with their Mentee to Affect a Positive School Year; Foster a Trusting Relationship Focused on Student Learning.

Zoom information will be shared via email the day before the session.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 8-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

58. New Teacher Mentor Training (Refresher) ARLINGTON ONLY

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: New Teacher Mentors

Dates: 10/15/2024

For beginning teachers skillful mentoring significantly increases confidence as instructional problem-solvers and decision makers. This training offers an overview of structures, strategies, and tools for mentors. Experiences will provide specific information about the mentor's role, identify the needs of beginning teachers, and model steps for ensuring an effective mentor-protege relationship.

The Role of the Mentor;
Recognizing the Needs of Beginning Teachers;
Effective Communication;
Maximizing Time and Attention;
On-going Support Strategies.

Understand the Role of the Mentee/Mentor; Work in Partnership with their Mentee to Affect a Positive School Year; Foster a Trusting Relationship Focused on Student Learning.

Zoom information will be shared via email the day before the session.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 8-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

59. Tech Talks for Technology Integration Specialists

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Other - Technology Integration Specialists

Dates: 10/16/2024

Are you a Technology Integration Specialist? Please join us for a monthly roundtable to discuss topics of interest. Topics will include: Classroom embedded coaching Collaborating with leadership Identifying and overcoming barriers Sharing resources and supports The importance of networking Topic ideas will grow organically with needs from the group. Let us be a support for each other and establish this important PLN for your position!

60. Blue Ribbon Commission - Educator Forum

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: All Educators

Dates: 10/16/2024

In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

Dr. Kim Fontana and Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill will share recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission and facilitate discussions around the recommendations.

Participants will be able to learn about the BRC recommendations, take part in discussions about the recommendations, and share feedback on the recommendations with NYSED.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Please attend and share your input!
Dr. Kim Fontana*, Pawling Central School, Superintendent
Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill**, Beacon City School District, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Student Support
* Blue Ribbon Commission member **Blue Ribbon Commission member and Steering Committee Member

61. Blue Ribbon Commission Forums -Public

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: All Interested

Dates: 10/16/2024

In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

Dr. Kim Fontana and Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill will share recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission and facilitate discussions around the recommendations.

Participants will be able to learn about the BRC recommendations, take part in discussions about the recommendations, and share feedback on the recommendations with NYSED.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Please attend and share your input!
Dr. Kim Fontana*, Pawling Central School, Superintendent
Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill**, Beacon City School District, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Student Support
* Blue Ribbon Commission member **Blue Ribbon Commission member and Steering Committee Member

62. Discipline Procedures for Students with Disabilities

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: District/building level administrators – may include superintendents, directors of special education, directors of pupil personnel services, CSE chairpersons, principals, deans of students

Dates: 10/18/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Location: Conference Center 5 Boces Road, Pougkeepsie

This training is designed for district/building level administrators to gain a better understanding of the process related to discipline for students with disabilities as per the Part 201 of the Commissioner's Regulations. This professional development supports the administrator's understanding of the regulatory requirements and the administrative responsibilities, as they relate to discipline, and are aligned to state law to ensure district compliance. Participants will increase their knowledge of policies, regulations, and best practices related to suspension, removal, and behavioral supports related to implementing discipline for students with disabilities.  Participants should plan to bring a laptop (and charger) so they can access a Google classroom.

63. Overview of Transition in the IEP - Case Study Application

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Administrators, Special Education Teachers, School Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, and New Special Education Staff Hires

Dates: 10/18/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00am-11:30am

This training will utilize case studies to highlight transition components that are incorporated into a student's IEP the year he/she turns 15 years old. These components include; transition assessments, present levels of performance, transition needs, course of study and coordinated set of activities. Participants are asked to bring a student's IEP (age 15+) to the training to have the opportunity to reflect on their district's transition practices.

Participants will:
*Identify and understand key components of high-quality Transition IEPs and understand the transition planning process 
*Utilize available case studies to apply concepts 
*Utilize optional IEP mapping templates to use in tandem with their own active student IEP
*Be able to directly apply and implement today's concepts into practice with an increased understanding of high-quality transition-focused IEP development

Participants will receive a Zoom link for this training a few days in advance. If you do not receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link, please check your Spam folder. If you have any questions prior to the training, please contact me at Thank you!

64. inLET: Initial Certification of Lead Evaluators of Teachers

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Newly certified K-12 Administrators who are responsible for evaluating teachers

Dates: 10/18/2024

This blended workshop for lead evaluators of teachers is designed to promote quality and consistency in teacher evaluation in accordance with Education Law 3012-d. The first 6 hours will be conducted asynchronously from Friday, September 20, 2024, through Thursday, October 17, 2024. The final 6 hours will be held in person on Friday, October 18, 2024. Participants will view video(s) of instruction, collect objective, representative evidence, align evidence to the district-approved rubric, and discuss conclusions about teaching and learning with colleagues. District administrative teams are encouraged to attend as a group. The workshop content has been adjusted for the 2024-25 school year. ALL PARTICIPANTS WILL KNOW AND BE ABLE TO:

• Practice evidence collection and alignment

• Discuss evidence with colleagues to encourage consistent language and alignment using the district approved rubric TOPICS INCLUDE:

• Evidence collection, alignment and scoring

• Professional Conversations

65. SLS Advisory Council Meeting

Program: School Library System

Audience: SLS Advisory Council

Dates: 10/18/2024

The Dutchess BOCES School Library System Advisory Council meets quarterly to recommend policy, review the annual budget, and perform long-range and short-range planning, including overseeing the development of the system's Plan of Service. Participants work to approve the annual system budget and report. School librarians, public librarians, and a Southeastern NY Library Resources Council representative serve on the advisory board.

66. Science Teacher Professional Learning Committee

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Science Teacher (Grades K-12)

Dates: 10/21/2024 to 4/14/2025

Interested in collaborating with other science teachers? Excited about working to improve your practice based on your own professional goals throughout the school year? Then this PLC is for you! We will meet on zoom every month throughout the school year. During our first session, we will select an area of focus for the year. In the following sessions we will work to build knowledge around our selected area of focus, plan something to implement back in our classes, and share what happened. We will complete as many cycles and revisions as time allows for.

67. MTSS-i for Building Administrators: Tier 1 High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Building Administrators

Dates: 10/21/2024

Fostering High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction is one of four high-leverage principles identified in the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CRSE) Framework. Research shows that teachers' expectations of students can influence their academic achievement and behavior. Teachers are more likely to underestimate students with disabilities, students from low-income families, English Language Learners, and Black, Latinx, and Native American students.

-Admin Differentiation
Setting Tier 1 Expectations for Educators
Fidelity Tools
Walkthrough Tool

68. BOCES Project Based Learning Cohort #3 (DC Boces Only)

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: BOCES Teachers

Dates: 10/22/2024 to 2/12/2025

In this workshop series, educators from Dutchess BOCES will learn best practices within a project based learning framework and work to revise or develop a project that they will implement in their classes. We will be discussing PBLWorks frameworks for Gold Standard Project Design and Teaching Practices and working to build these practices into our planning and instructional practices. We will work to model the practices we want to see in our classes by creating a community where we can all gain the knowledge and skills we need to thrive, provide each other with feedback, and support each other throughout the process of creating PBL units together!

69. The Science & Joy of Reading in the School Library

Program: School Library System

Audience: K-12 School Librarians

Dates: 10/22/2024

Librarians and library services play a significant role in the literacy development of young people. Through their expertise and the use of library resources, librarians positively influence the implementation and success of evidence-based literacy instruction as defined by NYSED's Literacy Briefs and current research about literacy and libraries. In this workshop, participants will examine research findings and instructional resources, collaborate with peers, and develop plans for supporting and enhancing students' literacy and social development.

Donalyn Miller, Keynote Presenter and author of The Joy of Reading

Research findings show that wide reading can foster the development of positive social behaviors and attitudes, including empathy. Wide reading remains one of the most accessible ways for young people to build background knowledge about personal interests and academic study topics. In this session, Donalyn Miller will share research findings, instructional moves, resources, and programming ideas for promoting wide reading. The day includes work session time to explore resources and collaborate with peers.

This full-day event has been planned in coordination with the School Library Systems Association of New York State. Colleagues from across the state will join us from other satellite locations as we engage in our learning at Dutchess BOCES. For questions regarding this activity, please contact

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 8-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

70. Building Relationships with CBO's: District, Community and the P-3 Continuum

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: District UPK Staff and Administrators; Community Based Organization Staff and Directors

Dates: 10/22/2024

District UPK funds have granted us a wonderful opportunity to work together with community based organizations to provide preschool programs to our children. Let's come together as district and community staff to lay the groundwork for long-term relationships, by using websites, materials and conversations to clarify our joint purpose. We will also discuss and share strategies for defining roles and responsibilities, building habits of communication and collaboration, creating regular check-ins, and addressing Science of Reading guidelines according to NYS guidance.

71. AI Spotlight: Almanack

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers only / grades K-12

Dates: 10/22/2024

Are you an educator yearning to break free from the never-ending cycle of lesson planning? Do you dream of spending less time buried in textbooks and more time inspiring your students? Look no further than Almanack, the revolutionary AI platform designed to streamline your workflow and empower you to create phenomenal learning experiences. This interactive workshop delves into the magic of Almanack, unveiling its potential to transform your approach to curriculum. Join this interactive session and let Almanack illuminate a path to efficient, effective, and truly inspiring lesson planning. Together, we'll turn your classroom into a vibrant learning hub, fueled by the power of AI development.

72. MiniMed: A Health Literacy Curriculum Writing Opportunity

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: K-12 health teachers, science teachers, ELA teachers, and anyone else interested in health literacy

Dates: 10/23/2024 to 5/22/2025

The Dutchess County MiniMed Project aims to create authentic health curricula in order to increase health literacy and health outcomes for all our students, families, and communities. It is a collaboration between educators throughout Dutchess county, the Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health, and Dutchess BOCES. Educators will work in teams alongside health professionals and be supported in creating a unit that utilizes a project based learning framework to address key health literacy concepts within their classroom. We will meet from September to January to write our units, teachers will then implement their units back in their classrooms, and we'll meet once more in May to celebrate and share how our implementation went. Health teachers, as well as any other educator who could envision teaching a unit that would support health literacy (science teachers, ELA teachers, elementary teachers, etc.), are all welcome to join! You can see work from the first year of our project here:

73. Blue Ribbon Commission - Educator Forum

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: All Educators

Dates: 10/23/2024

In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

Dr. Kim Fontana and Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill will share recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission and facilitate discussions around the recommendations.

Participants will be able to learn about the BRC recommendations, take part in discussions about the recommendations, and share feedback on the recommendations with NYSED.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Please attend and share your input!
Dr. Kim Fontana*, Pawling Central School, Superintendent
Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill**, Beacon City School District, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Student Support
* Blue Ribbon Commission member **Blue Ribbon Commission member and Steering Committee Member

74. Blue Ribbon Commission Forums -Public

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: All Interested

Dates: 10/23/2024

In November 2023, the Blue Ribbon Commission on the Graduation Measures presented their recommendations for future diploma requirements to the Board of Regents. Since then, the Department created a vision to implement these recommendations.

Dr. Kim Fontana and Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill will share recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission and facilitate discussions around the recommendations.

Participants will be able to learn about the BRC recommendations, take part in discussions about the recommendations, and share feedback on the recommendations with NYSED.

Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss and provide feedback to the Department on their proposed vision for implementing the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduation Measures. Please attend and share your input!
Dr. Kim Fontana*, Pawling Central School, Superintendent
Dr. Sagrario Rudecindo-O'Neill**, Beacon City School District, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Student Support
* Blue Ribbon Commission member **Blue Ribbon Commission member and Steering Committee Member

75. What Does it Mean to Be Culturally Responsive?

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: District Leadership and Administration, Pupil Support Personnel, School Leadership, Directors of Special Education, Special Education Teachers, General Education Teachers (anyone serving students with disabilities).

Dates: 10/24/2024

Meeting Times: Thursday October 24,2024 9 am-11 am

This workshop is intended to introduce participants to foundational elements of culturally responsive education. The materials will support the development of Culturally Responsive-Sustaining mindsets, practices, and strategies to be implemented in Educational Organizations. As educators grow in their understanding and execution of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, student engagement, academic performance, behavior, and graduation rates will improve. Culturally Responsive educators provide instructional scaffolds so that learners of all abilities will be able to access content & will feel welcomed in classroom settings. Participants will be able to recognize that "CRT is not a set of ‘best practices' but a practice that recognizes the mind-body connection involved in learning” (Zaretta Hammond, 2013). * This course is offered synchronously online via Zoom. Thursday October 24,2024 9 am-11 am Participants will receive Zoom log-in information 24 hrs. prior to workshop commencement via registered Frontline email. For assistance once the workshop commences please contact the RPC program assistant Gail Beverly at

76. 2024 Fall Into Books Children's and Teen's Literature Conference

Program: School Library System

Audience: K-16 School Librarians and Public Librarians

Dates: 10/24/2024

The regional library systems will host their full-day annual Fall Into Books Children's and Teen's Literature Conference on Thursday, October 24, 2024. This year the event will take place at the Newburgh Armory, 321 S. William Street, Newburgh, NY 12550.

Held annually, Fall Into Books brings together school and public librarians from eight counties within the Mid-Hudson Valley for a day of literacy, discussion, networking, and insight. This collaborative event features book discussion sessions ranging from picture books to young adults. Our morning keynote speaker will be a representative from the Hudson Valley Writing Project. Our afternoon author speaker will be Brendan Kiely. A continental breakfast and lunch is included with your registration.

This conference provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to engage in collaborative discussions on children's and teen literature. Library workers and educators of all types are welcome.

Fall Into Books is sponsored by the BOCES School Library Systems of Dutchess, Orange-Ulster, Rockland, Sullivan, and Ulster, Southeastern New York Library Resources Council, Ramapo Catskill Library System, and Mid-Hudson Library System.

Registration is mandatory for this full-day conference. In addition to Frontline approval to complete your registration, select breakout sessions, and payment sign up with Southeastern at

Doors open at approximately 8:30 am for breakfast & networking. The conference will start promptly at 9:00am. There will be a 1-hour break for lunch.

Registration closes on September 24, 2024.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

77. DASA(Dignity Act for All Students)

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Teachers, administrators, coaches, and teaching assistants, aspiring educators

Dates: 10/24/2024

This six-hour course meets all of the requirements needed for NYSED certification and certification updates for teachers, administrators, coaches, and teaching assistants. The DASA law was passed by NYS in 2010. This law seeks to provide the State's public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.

78. Fall i-Ready User Group

Program: Model Schools

Dates: 10/24/2024

Dutchess BOCES is excited to announce a Fall i-Ready User Group session focused on maximizing your use of Diagnostic 1 data! This session is designed for educators and administrators who leverage i-Ready to inform instruction. Key Activities: Collaborative Analysis: We'll work together to dissect i-Ready reports generated from the first Diagnostic window. Best Practices Roundtable: Share and learn from colleagues! Participate in a roundtable discussion on best practices for utilizing i-Ready data to drive student success. Feature Exploration: Get hands-on with the latest i-Ready features and discover how they can enhance your teaching strategies. Don't miss this opportunity to: Gain deeper insights into student strengths and weaknesses. Develop actionable plans based on Diagnostic 1 data. Network with fellow educators and share best practices. Explore the newest features i-Ready has to offer.

79. Project Slice: Food, Soil, Climate Change

Program: Center for Sustainability and Climate Education

Audience: K-12 science teachers

Dates: 10/24/2024

Join educators from Cary Institute of Ecosystem Science and Dutchess County BOCES for a one-day workshop diving into the connections between food, soil and climate change. Participants will engage in schoolyard ecology protocols they can implement with their students, build skills for project design and assessment and increase their content knowledge in climate science and its relationship to soil health and food production. We'll focus on developing our data analysis skills and learn new tools to bring back to our classrooms. We will discuss ideas for modifying workshop materials for all grade levels and science disciplines and invite all interested K-12 science educators to join! This workshop is free for members of the Center for Sustainability and Climate Education.


-Learn the how changes to weather patterns and global temperatures due to climate change impact soil health.

-Explore connections between soil health and food production.

-Conduct hands-on protocols to explore soil ecology.

-Learn the essential elements of project based instruction.

-Develop skills in designing and implementing formative and summative assessments in a project based unit.

80. Collegial Circles for Building Principals and District Leaders

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 10/24/2024

This is a professional learning community made up of principals and district leaders committed to enhancing or improving their professional practice. Each month there will be a short workshop on a specific topic followed by a sharing of current challenges with a focus on collaborative problem solving and exploring solutions. Topics include: Helping your school integrate NYSSLS by inspiring teachers to develop a culture of inquiry and exploration with their students, Leading Educational change and getting faculty on board, Creating and maintaining a work/home life balance, Facilitating effective faculty, staff and parent meetings, Giving and receiving authentic feedback, Effective methods in dealing with resistant and difficult people, Best practices in promoting in Diversity/Equity/Inclusivity, Using MTSS to address social/emotional learning with a school wide proactive approach.

81. Co-teaching: A Comprehensive Approach. Module 2: Building Your Co-Teaching Team

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Co-teaching teams, which could consist of General and Special Education teachers, ENL teachers, Related Service Providers, and Administrators

Dates: 10/25/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00-12:00

In this workshop we will focus on the three key components of an effective co-teaching partnership which are co-respect, co-responsibility and co-planning. Building and maintaining a strong partnership is essential for optimizing the benefits of co-teaching for student learning. The blended expertise of the team provides teachers with a unique opportunity to reach many more students academically, emotionally and behaviorally. It is critical to understand the importance of both building a strong partnership as well as maintaining the strong partnership through ongoing reflective practices.

Participants must attend as a team.

82. State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 13: Secondary Transition - Key Concepts of the Compliance Review

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: The CSE Chairperson for secondary students is required to attend. Special education administrators, special education teachers, and related service providers are also welcome to complete this training

Dates: 10/25/2024

Meeting Times: 10:00am - 11:00am

The purpose of this training is to review key concepts of the SPP Indicator 13 compliance review to ensure districts are developing individualized education programs (IEPs) for students (aged 15 and over) that meet SPP Indicator 13 compliance requirements. Districts are required to complete this training the school year prior to undergoing this review.

During this one-hour virtual training, participants will: Identify, understand, and apply key components of State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicator 13.

Registered participants will be emailed all relevant links several days prior to the training. If you do not receive an initial e-mail with Zoom link prior to the training, please check your spam/junk mail. Otherwise, if you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact me at Thank you!

83. MTSS-i for K-12 Teachers: Tier 1 - High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 10/25/2024

Fostering High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction is one of four high-leverage principles identified in the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CRSE) Framework. Research shows that teachers' expectations of students can influence their academic achievement and behavior. Teachers are more likely to underestimate students with disabilities, students from low-income families, English Language Learners, and Black, Latinx, and Native American students.

-Teacher Differentiation
Tier 1 Academic Supports
Receiving Feedback- The Role of Administration

84. eSports Professional Learning Meeting for Coaches

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Other - Middle School and High School eSports Coaches

Dates: 10/28/2024

This monthly session is for dedicated coaches for Middle and High School eSports teams working with BOCES and Contender eSports. eSports Coaches will have the chance to network, share tips, and learn new strategies related to eSports Teams with monthly focus topics prepared by Model Schools Specialists.

85. Math Teacher Network

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Math Teachers (Grades K-12)

Dates: 10/28/2024 to 5/19/2025

This 1 hour, virtual, monthly collegial meeting will provide opportunities to collaborate, brainstorm, share best practices, and network with math educators throughout Dutchess County. Topics for discussion will be determined by group members. Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

86. Building Literacy Leadership: Skills for Teacher Leaders, Reading Teachers and Literacy Coaches

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Grades K-5 District Leaders, Grades K-5 Principals, K-5 Teachers; Grades K-5 Reading Teachers and Literacy Coaches

Dates: 10/29/2024

What makes a good leader in literacy? Literacy knowledge, interpersonal skills, and technical skills in planning and organizing instruction will be several of the areas that we will discuss in this 3 hour workshop. Together, we will formulate a plan for achieving goals in improving students' reading, learning from colleagues, solving instructional problems, preventing future "difficulties," and having strategies big and small for addressing Science of Reading guidance from NYS.

87. Moving Towards 3D Assessment in the Science Classroom

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Science Teachers Grades K-12

Dates: 10/29/2024

As we adjust our science instruction to meet the standards set out by NYSSLS, we must also adjust the ways that we assess our students. The days of utilizing vocab quizzes and content-based multiple choice questions as our primary form of assessment are behind us. We must assess our students on the NYSSLS standards in ways that are three-dimensional, phenomenon-based, and require sensemaking. This will also help align our assessments to the NY ELS and ILS tests that students first took in 5th and 8th grade last spring, including the content-based literacy skills required of our students on these assessments. In this half day workshop, we will explore the NYSSLS framework for assessment, utilize tools to assess our assessments, and work to develop 3D assessments that we can bring back to our students in the classroom.

88. Understanding the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards(Grades 4-6)

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers(4-6)

Dates: 10/29/2024

Students in all grade levels are using technology in their everyday lives. The new NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards go into effect in September 2024 for all K-12 students. These new standards can be incorporated into any subject area. Join this half day workshop to be introduced to the new Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards and discuss with colleagues the many ways to incorporate them into your everyday instruction.

89. Making the Most of UPK Funds

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: District UPK Staff and Administrators; Community Based Organization Staff and Directors

Dates: 10/29/2024

When utilizing UPK funds, there are so many questions we should be asking as an organization, such as do we have an early learning data system linked to our K-12 system? Have we invested in professional learning, including mentoring and coaching, for our early childhood providers? Do we know how to address NYS Guidance on the Science of Reading? Is there a uniform approach to student assessment in all early childhood settings? Are there supports for English Langugage Learners in all settings? Is the early learning environment high-quality? Is there collaboration between the public schools and community partners focused on professional learning and best practices? Are we thinking about babies and toddlers? Let's come together in this 3 hour workshop to ponder our approaches to answering these questions, share resources, and develop strategies to utilizing our funds efficiently and effectively.

90. Using the PLDs to Drive Regents Science Instruction

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Science Teacher (K-12)

Dates: 10/30/2024

This 3 hour workshop will introduce participants to the Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) for Elementary Science, Intermediate Science, and Regents Science (Life Science: Biology and Earth and Space Sciences PLDs are currently available; Chemistry and Physics PLDs are anticipated to be released in Fall 2024). As we move toward NYSSLS implementation, the PLDs are a valuable resource. We will discuss how they can be used to evaluate and revise your curriculum, unit maps, and lesson plans, how they can be used to plan for scaffolding, and also how they support the use of projects and other summative assessments that emphasize higher order thinking skills and science and engineering practices.

91. Literacy in Math

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Other: Math Teachers (Grades K-12)

Dates: 10/31/2024

This 3 hour, in person session will provide educators with explicit, research-based techniques to bolster literacy skills within the math classroom, ensuring that students not only excel in mathematical concepts but also develop strong reading and comprehension abilities.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

92. Bridging Literacy and Content: Reading and Writing in the Secondary Social Studies Classroom

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers only / grades K-12

Dates: 10/31/2024

Feeling like reading and social studies exist in silos? This interactive workshop will equip you with engaging strategies to weave literacy skills directly into your social studies curriculum. Learn how to transform your classroom into a vibrant space where students become critical readers, thoughtful writers, and active participants in historical and contemporary issues. This workshop is perfect for secondary social studies teachers (grades 6-12) looking to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment where literacy and content mastery go hand-in-hand!

93. 26th Making Healthful Decisions Conference

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Human Service Professionals, Mental Health and Health Care Providers, Special Education Professionals, Childcare Professionals, Seniors, Students, Parents

Dates: 11/1/2024

Overcoming loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness happens in community! Immerse yourself in community-building strategies, making connections, and experiencing belonging. The conference will provide experiential learning, research-based information, and opportunities to engage in healing-centered dialogues.

Presenters will share current research, insights, practices, and steps to creating a culture of community that supports the varying range of everyone's needs, including their identities, abilities, and economic power. Click here to view the full flyer: ***YOU MUST REGISTER BOTH HERE, AND ALSO WITH THE HEALTHFUL DECISIONS CONFERENCE. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER:

94. C.A.I.T Meeting

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Other - Technology Directors, Technology Integration Specialists

Dates: 11/1/2024

The Curriculum Assessment and Instructional Technology (C.A.I.T.) Council meets monthly to discuss district technology planning and implementation in order to support curriculum and instructional practices to improve student learning. C.A.I.T members, including Directors of Technology, Technology Integration Specialists, and/or participants designated to attend by district leadership, discuss staff development initiatives including best practices and uses of instructional technology. The council will explore successful initiatives from a variety of sources in order to work together to best assess the effectiveness of technology on teaching and learning within our county, districts and schools.

95. Overview of Transition in the IEP - Condensed Version

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Special Education Administrators, Special Education Teachers, Psychologists, Social Workers, School Counselors

Dates: 11/4/2024

Meeting Times: 9:00am-11:30am

Location: zoom

During this training, participants will gain valuable information, strategies, and materials to assist with writing quality transition-focused IEPs. In addition, participants will receive helpful resources to prepare them for the State Performance Plan Indicator 13 review. Participants will have the opportunity to review their district's practices for writing the transition components in the IEP. These components include; transition assessments, present levels of performance, transition needs, course of study and coordinated set of activities.

The goals of this training are to:
*Identify key components of high-quality transition IEPs and understand the transition planning process
*Identify the components needed to develop and write measurable postsecondary goals
*Understand the relationship between transition needs and the development of annual goals to support the student toward achieving the postsecondary goals
*Identify key concepts of coordinated set of activities
*Ensure student participation in the development of a transition IEP and parent involvement in the transition planning process
*Directly apply and implement concepts into practice

Participants are asked to bring an IEP (of a student age 15+) to the training to reflect on their district's transition practices throughout the presentation.

You will receive a confirmation email for this training a few days in advance. If you do not receive an email, please check your SPAM folder. Otherwise, please contact me directly at with any questions. Thank you.

96. Book Study - Differentiated Instruction Made Practical

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Other: Math Teachers (Grades K-12)

Dates: 11/5/2024 to 11/19/2024

This 1 hour, virtual, weekly bookclub will cover Differentiated Instruction Made Practical by Rhonda Bondie and Akane Zusho and support participants in the implementation of the framework specifically in math classrooms. Differentiated Instruction Made Practical introduces readers to the All Learners Learning Every Day (ALL-ED) framework that aims to make differentiation easy to use and practical in the classroom. The book discusses self-regulated learning routines that help make student thinking available for the teacher to use in differentiation decision-making.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

97. Strategies for Mathematical Discourse

Program: Educational Resources

Audience: Other: Math Teachers (Grades K-12)

Dates: 11/7/2024

This 3 hour, in-person workshop will expose teachers to strategies for increasing mathematical discourse. When students communicate about math, their thinking becomes deeper and visible to the teacher. Students are able to see their peers as holders of math knowledge instead of relying on the teacher to tell them what's right and wrong. Creating opportunities for discourse in a math classroom can be challenging, and so can making sure students are taking away the key understandings they should be learning. The strategies in this workshop will help with both issues.

Dutchess BOCES is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

98. Introduction to AI: Exploring Practical Applications of AI in Education

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers only / grades K-12

Dates: 11/7/2024

The education landscape is evolving, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize the way we learn and teach. This interactive workshop delves into the practical applications of AI in education, empowering you to harness its potential for personalized learning, enhanced engagement, and improved outcomes. This workshop promises to be an engaging and informative experience, equipping educators and anyone interested in education with the knowledge and tools to leverage the power of AI for a more effective and inspiring learning environment.

99. Alternatives to Suspension: 2 Day Training (Cohort 3)

Program: Regional Partnership Center

Audience: Building leaders and teachers

Dates: 11/8/2024 to 11/22/2024

Meeting Times: 9 am - 3 pm (NOTE: This is a 2-day training)

Location: Conference Center

The issue of in and out-of-school suspensions of all students, including students with disabilities, who demonstrate escalated classroom behavior, has become controversial and divisive leaving many staff members at odds. This two-day training package, designed for building level administrators and teachers, is intended to help participants understand that exclusionary practices have significant short and long-term negative effects on academic, social-emotional, health and wellness, and family outcomes of students and that there are alternative approaches to discipline that lead to improved student outcomes. Participants will ground themselves in a common understanding of suspension, removal, and discipline, as well as influences, impacts, policies, and procedures that contribute to the on-going suspension crisis in schools today. Throughout these two days, participants will learn and explore effective research-based strategies for responding to student behavior and appropriate alternatives to suspension, which have significantly fewer negative impacts on student or family outcomes. Many resources will be shared digitally, so participants should bring their laptops or tablets to access the materials.

100. Project Slice: Inquiry in the Woods

Program: Center for Sustainability and Climate Education

Audience: K-12 science teachers

Dates: 11/12/2024

Join educators from the Cary Institute and Dutchess BOCES for a day of hands-on learning about trees as a site for inquiry. Participate in schoolyard protocols investigating trees and forests to illuminate ecological principles, particularly nutrient cycling and the role forests play in global carbon cycling. We will discuss ideas for modifying workshop materials for all grade levels and science disciplines and invite all interested K-12 science educators to join! This workshop is free for members of the Center for Sustainability and Climate Education.


-Develop skills in creating hands-on scientific investigations in your schoolyard where students are able to collect, analyze, and interpret meaningful data.

-Learn how to support students in developing conceptual modeling skills connected to the cycling of matter and flow of energy through ecosystems.

-Build confidence in facilitating artistic observational techniques to deepen students' understanding of trees and other science phenomena.

-Connect with other educators in the region and find inspiration for incorporating hands-on investigations into existing curriculum.

101. Understanding the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards (Grades 7-8)

Program: Model Schools

Audience: Teachers(7-8)

Dates: 11/12/2024

Students in all grade levels are using technology in their everyday lives. The new NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards go into effect in September 2024 for all K-12 students. These new standards can be incorporated into any subject area. Join this half day workshop to be introduced to the new Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards and discuss with colleagues the many ways to incorporate them into your everyday instruction.