Catalog: Erie 1 BOCES WebReg (External Events)

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1. TeachingBooks Webinar

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Dates: 1/9/2024

Gain impactful insight into the titles you choose for your collections, displays, storytimes, and even faceout books. Join us to learn how list analysis can assist when examining the genre, recency, and cultural classifications represented in your collections.

2. WNYRIC Library Automation (Follett) - New staff @ Wellsville MS

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Paraprofessionals

Dates: 1/12/2024

Agenda to be sent under separate header.

3. Tonawanda City SD: Tonawanda ES: Destiny Library Manager Initial Training for Teacher in the Library

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Tonawanda Elementary School Teacher working in the School Library

Dates: 1/12/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Registration, overview of WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer), establishment of access for attendee to Destiny Library Manager; Overview of, logging into, navigating, and using help systems (online and on-page, Destiny Discover Help Center, Collections Help Center) in and associated with Destiny Library Manager; Searching for titles including by reading measures (including Lexile measures), copies, eBooks (Lightbox Interactive eBooks (Follett), 1 Follett digital audiobook), web sites via WebPath Express, online databases via One Search in the Destiny Discover search interface and in Destiny Back Office, Accessing the Destiny Discover Chrome Extension and the Destiny mobile apps (Destiny Discover mobile app and the Destiny Back Office mobile app [both for iOS and Android tablets and phones only, not Chromebooks]); Overview of patron empowerment/instructional features including reviews, the transaction record and history, Collections (Destiny Discover) and resource lists (Back Office); A review of the Collection Statistics - Summary report for an overview of library collections in the library catalog. Circulation and Patrons: Overview of automated patron management (automated student data through automated student eSchoolData extract and the automated staff NVision extract] and global deletions of Inactive students. Setup in Admin that Marie Volpe-Bailey completed that affects circulation; Circulation (check outs, check ins, renewals, holds, lost copies); Generating common library and patron reports; Questions and answers

4. Springville-Griffith Institute CSD: Springville MS: Destiny Library Manager Follow-Up Training for SLMS

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Springville MS SLMS

Dates: 1/19/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager.

5. WNYRIC Library Automation (OPALS) - Initial paraprofessional training @ Pioneer CSD (Delevan ES)

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Library Paraprofessional

Dates: 2/2/2024

Agenda to be sent under separate email.

6. Frontier Big Tree Elementary- eDoctrina CBT

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 2/9/2024

eDoctrina CBT

7. Frontier Canva Big Tree AM Session

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 2/13/2024

Introduction to Canva

8. Frontier Canva Big Tree PM Session

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 2/13/2024

Introduction to Canva

9. Lockport City SD: Charles Upson ES: Destiny Library Manager Initial Training for School Library Aide

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Charles Upson Elementary School Library Aide

Dates: 2/15/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Registration, review of WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer), establishment of access for attendee to Destiny Library Manager; Review of logging into (via Google Single Sign-On (SSO)), navigating, and using help systems (online, on-page, Destiny Discover Help Center, Collections Help Center, Follett Community) in and associated with Destiny Library Manager; Searching for titles including by reading measures (Fountas and Pinnell reading measures and vendor-provided reading and interest levels), eBooks/audiobooks (Follett eBooks, Lightbox interactive eBooks; Orleans/Niagara BOCES SLS-provided Gale Virtual Reference Library, Rosen, etc. eBooks), web sites via WebPath Express and in Back Office only, online databases via One Search in the Destiny Discover and in Destiny Back Office. Accessing the Destiny Discover Chrome Extension and the Destiny mobile apps (Destiny Discover mobile app and Destiny Back Office mobile app [iOS and Android tablets and phones only, not yet Chromebooks]; Overview of patron empowerment/instructional features including reviews, wish lists (purchasing suggestions from patrons), My Stuff (transaction record, history), Collections (Destiny Discover) and resource lists (Back Office); Circulation and Patrons: Overview of patron management in Back Office nightly, automated eSchoolData student and 1 yearly staff extract that the district technology team provides to WNYRIC Library Services for import; setup in Admin and in Destiny Discover's Admin area; Circulation (check outs, check ins, renewals, holds, lost copies); Generating common library and patron reports; Questions and answers

10. High School Librarians Professional Learning Community

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Library Media Specialists

Dates: 2/27/2024

A professional learning community (PLC) is a team of educators who share ideas to enhance their teaching practice and create a learning environment where all students can reach their fullest potential. Most PLCs operate within a school building or across a district. They can be organized by grade level, content area or an entire teaching staff. This will not be another meeting, but a collaborative workshop where high school librarians can meet and discuss new young adult literature, effective teaching and programs in the high school library, and professional reflection. This is the second of 2 sessions for the 2023-2024 school year.

11. Frontier Canva Big Tree AM Session

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 2/28/2024

Introduction to Canva

12. Frontier Canva Big Tree AM Session PART 2

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 2/28/2024

Introduction to Canva, Part 2

13. West Seneca CSD: East MS: Destiny Library Manager Professional Development for School Library Clerks

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: West Seneca CSD School Library Clerks

Dates: 3/8/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest provided by the SLMS who is the department coordinator and the Library Clerks on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager, including the most recent feature updates in Destiny Discover and in Destiny Back Office (including the new user experience coming by summer 2024), additional information on temporary check outs for uncataloged items, reports (including overdue email notices), Add Title follow-up questions (multiple series title choices), etc.

14. CSLO Maryvale Primary- Canva/Sites

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 3/8/2024


15. CSLO-West Seneca CSD eDoctrina/CBT Work

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 3/15/2024

eDoctrina/CBT work

16. Fredonia CSD: Fredonia IS: Destiny Library Manager Initial Training for School Library Teaching Assistant

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Fredonia IS Library Teaching Assistant

Dates: 3/15/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Registration, overview of WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer), establishment of access for attendee to Destiny Library Manager; Overview of, logging into, navigating, & using help systems (online and on-page, Destiny Discover Help Center, Collections Help Center) in and associated with Destiny Library Manager; Overview of, logging into, navigating, & using help systems (online and on-page, Destiny Discover Help Center, Collections Help Center) in and associated with Destiny Library Manager; Searching for titles (including by Accelerated Reader levels, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Follett eBooks), copies, educator-selected web sites via WebPath Express and online databases via One Search in the Destiny Discover search interface (the library catalog) and in Destiny Back Office (the library management interface), as well as the apps (both Destiny Discover and Destiny Back Office). A review the call number sections in the library and the call number prefixes in use in Destiny for each collection (based on searches and a review of the Collection Statistics - Summary report); Overview of patron empowerment/instructional features including reviews, recommendations, wish list suggestions for library purchases, My Info (transaction record, recommendations), Collections (Destiny Discover) and resource lists (Destiny Back Office); Adding titles and copies to the catalog via copy cataloging (district records, Alliance Plus, Alliance AV, Z-sources), importing MARC records (including Titlewave integration options), editing copy records, duplicating copy records, and deleting title and copy records; Overview of automation of patron management in Destiny Library Manager (overnight, automated student and staff extracts from PowerSchool). Overview of library policies, calendar, and site configuration and how the settings affect circulation; Circulation basics (check outs, check ins, holds, fines, renewals, copy status, patron status); Generating common library and patron reports. Questions & answers.

17. Maryvale UFSD: Maryvale Primary: Destiny Library Manager Follow-Up Training for School Library Teacher

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Maryvale Primary School library teacher

Dates: 3/25/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

18. CSLO- Eden Elementary Grade 4 CBT/eDoctrina

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 4/12/2024

Grade 4 CBT/eDoctrina

19. North Tonawanda City SD: North Tonawanda HS: Destiny Library Manager Follow-Up Training for School Library Teacher

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: North Tonawanda High School library teacher

Dates: 4/15/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager, including on genrefication of the library collection using Follett School Solutions' recommended best practice for genrefication in employing sublocations (for searching/access, reporting, inventory, etc.) and copy categories (for genre-specific statistics).

20. Frontier Middle School Special Education and Technology Accessibility

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 4/25/2024

Special Education and Technology Accessibility

21. Frontier Middle School Special Education and Technology Accessibility

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 4/25/2024

Special Education and Technology Accessibility

22. Frontier MS World Languages Technology Resource Day

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 4/26/2024

Frontier MS World Langauge Technology Resource Day

23. OPALS/WNYRIC Library Automation WNY Users Webinar 2024 via Zoom

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Region School Library Media Specialists, Library Paraprofessionals only

Dates: 4/26/2024

User Conference
Objective(s): Increase awareness of beneficial features and techniques within OPALS to bolster student achievement; Enhance understanding of strategies for leveraging OPALS to augment the instructional and managerial capacities of the school library program for the school community; Expand familiarity and expertise with diverse features and functionalities in OPALS, catering to curriculum and management requirements. Zoom URL to be mailed out to all registered attendees the day prior to the event(s).

24. Cleveland Hill UFSD: Cleveland Hill Middle/High School: Destiny Library Manager Inventory Training for the School Library Media Specialist & School Library Aide

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Cleveland Hill Middle/High School Library Media Specialist and Library Aide

Dates: 4/30/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager; inventory review training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs. We will discuss related needs including weeding and continued genrefication, as well.

25. Cheektowaga CSD: Cheektowaga MS and HS: Destiny Library Manager Inventory/Year-End Training for School Library Media Specialist

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Cheektowaga MS-HS Library Media Specialist

Dates: 5/1/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

26. Cleveland Hill UFSD: Cleveland Hill Middle/High School: Destiny Library Manager Inventory Training for the School Library Media Specialist & School Library Aide

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Cleveland Hill Middle/High School Library Media Specialist and Library Aide

Dates: 5/1/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager; inventory review training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs. We will discuss related needs including weeding and continued genrefication, as well.

27. Frontier HS World Languages Technology Resource Day

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 5/6/2024

Technology Resource Day

28. Cheektowaga-Sloan UFSD: Woodrow Wilson ES: Destiny Library Manager Inventory/Year-End Training for School Library Aide

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Woodrow Wilson Elementary School Library Aide

Dates: 5/6/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

29. Communication Coordinator and Council Meeting

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Library Media Specialsts

Dates: 5/13/2024

The main function of the communication coordinators (individually and as a group) is to provide two-way communication between the member libraries and the school library system. The communication coordinator meetings will share information on system programs, procedures, data collection, and provide professional development. They will also bring the needs of school library system users (students, faculty and administrators) to the attention of the school library system council and director. The School Library System Council will work with the director to recommend policy; do long-range and short-range planning, including overseeing the development of the system's Plan of Service; approve the annual system budget and the system's annual report; and evaluate the system's services. The Communication Coordinators meeting will be held from 8:30-2:30. The Council will meet from 2:30-3:00. These meetings are open to all library staff. If you are a Communication Coordinator or Council member and you cannot attend a scheduled Communication Coordinators meeting, you are encouraged to send another LMS from your district in your absence.

30. CSLO eDoctrina Assessments

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 5/16/2024

eDoctrina Assessments

31. Friendship Class Teams May 23 2024

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Audience: School administrators

Dates: 5/23/2024

Overview of the features of Microsoft Class Teams

32. WNYRIC Library Automation (Follett) - End of Year activities using Destiny (New staff) @ Fillmore CSD

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: SLMS

Dates: 5/30/2024

Agenda to be sent under separate header.

33. North Tonawanda City SD: North Tonawanda HS: Destiny Library Manager Inventory/Year-End Training for School Library Teacher

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: North Tonawanda HS Library Teacher

Dates: 6/10/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager, including genrefication. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

34. North Tonawanda City SD: North Tonawanda MS: Destiny Library Manager Inventory/Year-End Training for School Library Media Specialist

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: North Tonawanda MS Library Media Specialist

Dates: 6/10/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

35. Cheektowaga CSD: Union East ES: Destiny Library Manager Inventory/Year-End Training for School Library Teacher

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Union East Library Teacher

Dates: 6/11/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

36. LewPort Google

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 6/12/2024


37. LewPort Google

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 6/12/2024


38. Niagara Wheatfield CSD: Tuscarora: Destiny Library Manager Inventory/Year-End Training for School Library Media Specialist

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Tuscarora IS Library Media Specialist

Dates: 6/12/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

39. Lockport City SD: Aaron A. Mossell JHS: Destiny Library Manager Inventory/Year-End Training for School Library Media Specialist and Library Aides

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Aaron A. Mossell JHS Library Media Specialist & Library Aides

Dates: 6/13/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager. Inventory training specifically including: Generating and dealing with catalog maintenance reports to prepare for inventory; reviewing the differences between a partial inventory and a full inventory; using a Chrombebook or laptop with a circulation scanner attached to conduct the inventory or inventories; starting an inventory; conducting the inventory or inventories, including alert messages and how to deal with the indicated issues; discussing what finalizing an inventory entails. Reminder: Inventory may be conducted while circulation and other ongoing library management work occurs.

40. WNYRIC Online Academy Miktuk: AI Basics for Education

Program: Online Academy

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 7/1/2024

This online only course worth 3 PD hours will cover the basics of AI (artificial intelligence) in education. The following topics will be covered: understanding AI fundamentals, ethical and social implications of AI, and AI applications in education. This asynchronous online course will run from 7/1/24 - 8/19/24.

41. WNYRIC Online Academy Miktuk: Book Study: Artificial Intelligence to Streamline Your Teacher Life The ChatGPT Guide for Educators by Mary Howard

Program: Online Academy

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 7/1/2024

This online only book study worth 8 PD hours will explore the book Artificial Intelligence to Streamline Your Teacher Life The ChatGPT Guide for Educators by Mary Howard; Mary Howard is a local WNY teacher. This will start with the why of AI (artificial intelligence) and take the readers through strategies and tips for using AI to streamline their teacher life. Participants are responsible for purchasing the book for this book study. Here is a link to copy and paste into a web browser to see the correct book to purchase: The link is from Amazon and you may see a preview of the book. The book may be purchased from any seller. This asynchronous online course will run from 7/1/24 to 8/19/24.

42. WNYRIC Online Academy Miktuk: Canva Basics for Beginners

Program: Online Academy

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 7/1/2024

This online only course worth 3 PD hours will explore the basics of Canva, which is a free web creation and collaboration app for the classroom and beyond in education. This course will cover what Canva is and ways to start using it in your classroom. This asynchronous online course will run from 7/1/24 to 8/19/24.

43. WNYRIC Online Academy Miktuk: Strategies for Making AI a Friend in the Classroom and Not Just an Adversary

Program: Online Academy

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 7/1/2024

This online only course worth 3 PD hours will facilitate the exploration of strategies for making AI (artificial intelligence) a friend in the classroom and not just an adversary. This asynchronous online course will run from 7/1/24 - 8/19/24.

44. WNYRIC Online Academy Miktuk: Tips for Classroom Management

Program: Online Academy

Audience: K-12 Teachers

Dates: 7/1/2024

Before the next school year (2024-2025) starts, this online only course worth 3 PD hours will facilitate participants with reflecting and organizing their thoughts with tips for classroom management for the upcoming school year '24 to ‘25. This asynchronous online course will run from 7/1/24 to 8/19/24.

45. Site Visit/Training (MediaFlex OPALS) @ Olean SHS

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Current users of the OPALS ILS (SLMS and paraprofessionals as invited)

Dates: 7/8/2024

Training of new/returning library personnel - Agenda sent under separate cover.

46. Behavior Solutions - Policy Consortium: Understanding NYS Education Regs & Implementing Evidence-based Practices that Work (Full Event)

Program: Regional Instructional Resources Team

Audience: Building Leaders, TOSAs, Behavior specialists, Classroom teachers

Dates: 7/9/2024 to 3/27/2025

Are you struggling to unpack and implement the latest NYS education regulations - particularly when it comes to student behavior & "time-out" rooms? Are you looking to cultivate school environments where all children can safely learn? Are you desiring to grow in your ability to deescalate a heated situation? Are you searching for ways to establish calm & restore peace - especially in classrooms dealing with conflict? If you are a building or district leader, a counselor, a social worker, or a special or regular-ed teacher searching for evidence-based ways to address these issues, join us at Erie I BOCES on Tuesday, July 9th and throughout the 2024-25 school year for the newly established Behavior Policy Consortium.

IRT Billing Code: 535.009.02 Costs: CSDs $450/per participant. Please note costs for Charters/non-pubs: $495/per participant. This cost includes the 10% Charter/non-pubs processing fee. E1B Billing will reflect this cost.

Please be aware that any Buffalo Public School employee MUST provide a Purchase Order prior to attending this event. This should be emailed to Please note that E1B Title IIA Non-Pubs are covered for this event.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations for this event are required by 07/2/2024 by 9am. Failure to do so will result in your district being charged for the event. All cancellations must be in writing by Email to Phone calls are not accepted.

47. Online Asynchronous Child Abuse Identification & Reporting Workshop (5 days to complete)

Program: Dignity for All Students (DASA)

Audience: Mandated Reporters

Dates: 7/10/2024

Updated Mandated Reporter Required Training: Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2021 amended Social Services Law 413 to require additional training to include protocols to reduce bias in decision-making processes, strategies for identifying adverse childhood experiences, and guidelines to assist in recognizing signs of abuse or maltreatment while interacting virtually. This law requires that mandated reporters, including those who have previously undergone the current training, complete the updated training curriculum by April 1, 2025.

Erie 1 BOCES Title II A Consortium for Non-pubs is Not Covered!

Costs: $30 per participant. IRT Billing Code: 535.009.02

Charters: $33 per participant. This cost includes the 10% Charter processing fee. E1B Billing will reflect this cost.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations for this event are required by July 3rd by 9 am. Failure to do so will result in your district being charged for the event. All cancellations must be by Email to (Hannah Balfour). Phone calls are not accepted.

After your course is completed, your information will be uploaded to your TEACH account upon payment confirmation.

Please check with your school Administrator to see if your School District will be paying before sending a check or money order.

Checks can be made out to Erie 1 BOCES and mailed to: Attn: Hannah Balfour, Erie 1 BOCES, 355 Harlem Road, West Seneca, NY 14224. Please mark in the memo section that it is for Mandated Reporter & the dates of the event.

For any questions, please email Hannah Balfour at or call the office at 716-821-7162, Monday - Friday from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

48. Site Visit/Training (MediaFlex OPALS) @ Pioneer CSD

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Current users of the OPALS ILS (SLMS and paraprofessionals as invited)

Dates: 7/11/2024

In-service CoSer training as discussed prior by all attendees. Summer work is meant to refresh current SLMS/staff on operational functions of OPALS.

49. Science Consortium 2024 - 2025 (Full Event)

Program: Regional Instructional Resources Team

Audience: High school biology & ESS teachers

Dates: 7/11/2024 to 5/8/2025

Join us for an immersive science consortium to dive deep into New York State's mandated investigations and to align curriculum and assessments with the 3 dimensional shifts of the standards set by the state.

Participants will explore best pedagogical practices as well, such as how to localize curriculum and assessments, how to use AI to enhance planning and how to nurture scientific literacy in the classroom.

Participants will have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow educators in the field and have dedicated worktime to adopt and refine curriculum and assessments. br br All high school-level earth and space and biology teachers are invited to join us for one or all sessions as each session will focus on a different area of expertise.

IRT Billing Code: 535.009.02 Costs: CSDs $720/per participant. Please note costs for Charters/non-pubs: $792/per participant. This cost includes the 10% Charter/non-pubs processing fee. E1B Billing will reflect this cost. Please note that E1B Title IIA Non-Pubs are covered for this event.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations for this event are required by 07/4/2024 by 9am. Failure to do so will result in your district being charged for the event. All cancellations must be in writing by Email to Phone calls are not accepted.

50. CSAT Middle School Science

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Middle School Science Teachers

Dates: 7/17/2024

Teachers will review the three-dimensions of NYSSLS. Teachers will begin planning curriculum for 24-25 using Open Sci-Ed.

51. Frontier MS Social Studies Technology Day

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 7/17/2024

Social Studies Technology Day

52. Frontier MS SS Technology Workshop

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 7/17/2024

Frontier MS SS Department Work

53. Frontier - Deep Dive into the released CBT questions for Science - Next Steps...

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment

Dates: 7/17/2024

Deep Dive into the released CBT Questions for grade 5 and 8. How do our investigations help us look at our curriculum and/or instruction to prepare for these? Intended for teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment 0 Registered as of 7/15 - Closed Registration

54. IRT Science CSAT HS

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Dates: 7/18/2024

Teachers will work collaboratively to plan their first unit aligned to NYSSLS for 2024-2025.

55. Frontier - The Science Literacy Overlap

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Teachers K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, SPED, enrichment, Library, Art, Music

Dates: 7/18/2024

he Science / Literacy Overlap - Where can we intentionally support science and literacy together? (Vocabulary, Writing, Reading) Intended for teachers K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, SPED, enrichment, Library, Art, Music 7/15 - 5 Registered Closed Registration

56. Level 1 Data Warehouse Basic Navigation Training

Program: Data Collection and Reporting

Audience: WNYRIC Level 1 Data Warehouse users

Dates: 7/19/2024

You have access to the Data Warehouse reports provided by WNYRIC, but do you know how to access them? This webinar will provide basic navigation training and show participants where to find and run the reports available to all users. This training is designed for novice users of the data warehouse, or users who need a refresher. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions of Basic Navigation training are the same, you only need to register for one date. Link to webinar will be provided the day before class. Please email with any questions.

57. Site Visit/Training (MediaFlex OPALS) @ Olean SHS

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Current users of the OPALS ILS (SLMS and paraprofessionals as invited)

Dates: 7/22/2024

Cataloging and System Assistance, Part 2 of OPALS Familiarization: Cataloging.

58. End of Year Certification of Annual Outcomes and Attendance Reports

Program: Data Collection and Reporting

Audience: District Data Coordinators

Dates: 7/22/2024

This training will review the Level 2 reports that must be certified as outlined in the NYSED EOY Certification Checklist for Public, Charter, and Special Act districts. Participants will be given guidance for checking the quality of each of the reports requiring certification in the L2RPT Annual Outcomes and Attendance folders.

59. IRT Science Lackawanna HS

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Dates: 7/23/2024

HS Science teachers will continue working to align courses to NYSSLS. Teachers will explore any newly released nysed documents.

60. Frontier - Resources for 3 Dimensional Science Instruction

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Dates: 7/23/2024

What resources do we have to support 3 dimensional science instruction and how can we use them with intention? (Join us for June 23rd and 24th or, just one of the days.) Intended for teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment, Library, Art, Music 1 Registered as of 7/15 Closed Registration

61. End of Year Certification of Annual Outcomes and Attendance Reports

Program: Data Collection and Reporting

Audience: District Data Coordinators

Dates: 7/23/2024

This training will review the Level 2 reports that must be certified as outlined in the NYSED EOY Certification Checklist for Public, Charter, and Special Act districts. Participants will be given guidance for checking the quality of each of the reports requiring certification in the L2RPT Annual Outcomes and Attendance folders.

62. Frontier - Resources for 3 Dimensional Science Instruction

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment, Library, Art, Music

Dates: 7/24/2024

What resources do we have to support 3 dimensional science instruction and how can we use them with intention? (Join us for June 23rd and 24th or, just one of the days.) Intended for teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment, Library, Art, Music 1 registered as of 7/15 Closed registration

63. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Frontier Classroom

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 7/25/2024

In this class, we will discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is evolving and making its way into the educational world. Many of the educational software products have some AI component to them already. Learn how to use components of AI and how they can help streamline some of your teaching.

64. IRT Science Cheektowaga Central MS

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: 5th grade science

Dates: 7/25/2024

Explore and review shared parallel tasks related to the new state assessment. Teachers will review the 2024 released 5th grade assessment and explore related parallel tasks to assist in better preparing students for NYS assessment.

65. Canva

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 7/25/2024

All teachers and students will have access to this extraordinary design program. Canva can be used to create digital projects and designs. A variety of resources for Google Classroom customization, student projects, AI enhancements, and much more. It is a very slick and fun program to work with.

66. Alden - Elementary Science

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 7/29/2024

Teachers will review pending changes and current practices and will generate a brief overview for K-5 teachers. Teachers attending will create one new lesson to implement in the fall using the knowledge gained.

67. Frontier Quizizz (Secondary Only) VIRTUAL Webinar

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Audience: Frontier Secondary Teachers 6-12 (Virtual Event)

Dates: 7/29/2024

Quizizz is a learning platform that offers multiple tools to make a classroom fun, engaging, and interactive! As a teacher, you can create gamified Quizzes and Lessons, conduct formative assessments, host live activities or assign them as homework, tap into detailed performance reports, and so much more!

68. Grade 3 Vertical Team Workday

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 7/30/2024

Come together with Grade 3 teachers from all four elementary buildings in Frontier. Embrace the chance to collaborate across grade levels on a multitude of topics. This presents an excellent opportunity to foster connections with fellow educators district-wide, exchanging resources, engaging in discussions, and supporting one another in any way possible. Additionally, we will showcase technology resources and demonstrate how to effectively share these activities throughout the district.

69. IRT Science Lackawanna MS

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Dates: 7/30/2024 to 7/31/2024

MS Science teachers will update science curriculum maps using Amplify Science. Maps will include the NYS Science Investigations.

70. Grade 4 Vertical Team Workday

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 7/31/2024

Come together with Grade 4 teachers from all four elementary buildings in Frontier. Embrace the chance to collaborate across grade levels on a multitude of topics. This presents an excellent opportunity to foster connections with fellow educators district-wide, exchanging resources, engaging in discussions, and supporting one another in any way possible. Additionally, we will showcase technology resources and demonstrate how to effectively share these activities throughout the district.

71. Frontier - Next Steps to implement NYSSLS (Based on CBT and Investigations)

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment, Library, Art, Music

Dates: 7/31/2024

Now that we have given the Investigations and CBT - What are the next steps for implementation of NYSSLS and 3 dimensional Science? A close look at the importance of SEPs and CCCs and how to incorporate these standards with intention. Intended for teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment, Library, Art, Music Closed 7/22

72. SMART Notebook Fredonia July 31 2024

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Audience: Teachers

Dates: 7/31/2024

This session will introduce SMART Notebook tools teachers can use to enhance their lessons.

73. Grade 5 Vertical Team Workday

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 8/1/2024

Come together with Grade 5 teachers from all four elementary buildings in Frontier. Embrace the chance to collaborate across grade levels on a multitude of topics. This presents an excellent opportunity to foster connections with fellow educators district-wide, exchanging resources, engaging in discussions, and supporting one another in any way possible. Additionally, we will showcase technology resources and demonstrate how to effectively share these activities throughout the district.

74. IRT Science CSAT

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Dates: 8/1/2024

HS Science teachers will continue working to align curriculum to NYSSLS for fall.

75. IRT Science Cleve Hill Elementary

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Dates: 8/7/2024

Grade 4 and 5 teachers will work to realign NYS investigations. Teachers will explore and discuss released 5th grade assessment and make updates to science curriculum maps and materials.

76. eDoctrina Assessments

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 8/7/2024

eDoctrina allows teachers to build assessments within the program and run them within their classroom or grade level/department. It also has various grading components, if you are looking to jump in and utilize technology to save time grading, please join this session. Please bring any materials to build the assessment. Also, eDoctrina will be connected to your eSchool grade book!

77. Frontier - How to get the full potential from your BOCES 4 Science resources and district resources.

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment

Dates: 8/7/2024

How to get the full potential from your BOCES 4 Science resources and district resources. Including Investigations (Please feel free to join us for August 7th and / or 14th) Intended for teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment Closed 7/30 for planning purposes

78. IRT Science CSAT MS

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Dates: 8/8/2024

Teachers will continue mapping and planning their first science unit using open sci-ed. Teachers will explore and analyze the released 8th grade science assessment.

79. Niagara Falls City SD: 79th Street Elementary School: Destiny Textbook Manager Initial Training for the Teachers in the role of Textbook Tracker

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: 79th Street Elementary Teachers serving as textbook trackers

Dates: 8/8/2024

Destiny Textbook Manager
Overview of operation in Destiny Textbook Manager modules: Catalog, Circulation, Reports, Admin, and My Info. The training will include: Overview of WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer), establishment of access for attendee to Destiny Textbook Manager; Overview of, logging into, navigating, and using help systems (online and on-page) in Destiny Textbook Manager; Searching the textbook database; Adding Textbook Copies; Distributing Textbooks: Check Out; Understanding Site Configuration Options in Back Office; Understanding Textbook Loan Policies and Periods in Back Office; Collecting Textbooks: Check In Transferring Textbooks; Generating Reports, including the faculty list to review for deletions; Deleting faculty patron records for those who have retired or otherwise left the district; Questions and answers

80. Eden CSD: Eden Elementary School: Destiny Library Manager Catalog Review, Cleanup and Setup Training

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Eden Elementary School Library Media Specialist

Dates: 8/12/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest based on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager, especially focusing on a review and cleanup of the Eden Elementary School library catalog and settings.

81. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Kenton Faculty and Staff

Dates: 8/14/2024 to 8/23/2024

Day 1: This introductory day begins with look at the therapeutic crisis intervention for schools systems that support high levels of implementation. We consider how trauma impacts a student as they interact with the school environment. Day 2: During Day 2 of TCIS training, we consider and practice the levels of support a student may need as they move up the stress model of crisis, which foundational to implementing the TCIS process. Day 3: During Day 3 of TCIS training, we will dive more deeply into supporting students as they reach intense levels of emotional strain. We will consider ways in which we can lessen that stress and provide support that can help to de-escalate a potentially violent situation, or recover from one which may have occurred. Day 4: During Day 4 of TCIS training, we will practice utilizing the physical components of TCIS safely, and effectively. Day 5: Testing: Physical components (skills test)/Knowledge base (written test)

82. Frontier - How to get the full potential from your BOCES 4 Science resources and district resources.

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment

Dates: 8/14/2024

How to get the full potential from your BOCES 4 Science resources and district resources. Including Investigations (Feel free to join us on the 7th and/or the 14th) Intended for teachers in K-8 - including support staff such as ELL, Literacy, Speech, Math, SPED, enrichment Closed 8/5

83. Frontier - Admins - All You Have Wanted to Know About Science, and More!

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Intended for administrators

Dates: 8/15/2024

Admins - All You Have Wanted to Know About Science, and More! Including "Look Fors” for 3 Dimensional Science Intended for administrators Closed 8/7

84. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Frontier Classroom

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 8/20/2024

In this class, we will discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is evolving and making its way into the educational world. Many of the educational software products have some AI component to them already. Learn how to use components of AI and how they can help streamline some of your teaching.

85. RBERN #15- Multilingual Matters Book Club - CTLE Provider #23007

Program: RBERN

Audience: All Educators of ELLs

Dates: 8/21/2024

Join our educator book club focusing on migration, multilingualism, and multiculturalism. We'll discuss how these topics impact teaching practices and engage English Language Learning communities in Western New York. Explore strategies for inclusive instruction and student/family involvement. Together, we'll reflect, share ideas, and enhance our teaching skills.

The August Book is Spare Parts (Young Readers' Edition): The True Story of Four Undocumented Teenagers, One Ugly Robot, and an Impossible Dream

Participants will receive 2 CTLE credits for participating in the live Zoom discussion. Participants must source the book on their own and read the book prior to the discussion.

Please Note - all sessions required a minimum enrollment of 5 participants to run. If there are fewer than 5 participants pre-registered, we will cancel the event with a minimum of 48 hours notice.

86. Quizizz (Secondary Only)

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 8/22/2024

Quizizz is a learning platform that offers multiple tools to make a classroom fun, engaging, and interactive! As a teacher, you can create gamified Quizzes and Lessons, conduct formative assessments, host live activities or assign them as homework, tap into detailed performance reports, and so much more!

87. Digital Annotation Tools for Newline Boards and SMARTboard Displays

Program: CSLO/Model Schools In-District

Dates: 8/22/2024

Do you have a new SMARTboard or Display in your classroom? If so join me to learn about digital tools you can use on your device as a tablet to walk around and not be stuck at the front of the room. We will explore Kami, SMART, Nearpod, Edge, and more.

88. Catholic Schools - NYSSLS Overview

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: Catholic Schools - Administrators and Teachers

Dates: 8/23/2024

We will spend our time together diving into all 3 dimensions of the NYSSLS and how the pedagogy and content of science has shifted. This will be a great opportunity for participants to see where their impact is evident in consistent curriculum and instruction. Please bring a computer to the session.

89. Site Visit/Training (MediaFlex OPALS) @ Allegany ES, Allegany-Limestone CSD

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Current users of the OPALS ILS (SLMS and paraprofessionals as invited)

Dates: 8/26/2024

In-service CoSer training as discussed prior by all attendees. Summer work is meant to refresh current SLMS/staff on operational functions of OPALS.

90. Lyndonville CSD: Destiny Library Manager Review/Update Training

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Lyndonville CSD School Library Media Specialist and School Library Aide

Dates: 8/26/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Registration, review of WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer); logging into (via Google Single Sign-On (SSO) or via Active Directory (uncommon)), navigating, & using help systems (online, on-page, Destiny Discover Help Center, Collections Help Center, Follett Community) in/associated with Destiny Library Manager; Searching for titles including by reading measures (Lexiles; Fountas and Pinnell; Accelerated Reader; and vendor-provided reading and interest levels), eBooks/audiobooks (Follett eBooks; 1 Follett digital audiobook; Capstone & Lerner Interactive eBooks as Learning Resources only; MackinVIA (not integrated); OverDrive as a custom Learning Resource (not integrated)?; O/N BOCES SLS-provided Gale Virtual Reference Library, Rosen, etc. eBooks), web sites via WebPath Express, online databases via One Search in the Destiny Discover & in Back Office. Accessing the Destiny mobile apps (Destiny Discover mobile app & Destiny Back Office mobile app [iOS and Android tablets and phones only, not yet Chromebooks]; Overview of patron empowerment/instructional features including reviews, wish lists (purchasing suggestions from patrons), My Stuff (transaction record, history), Collections (Destiny Discover) and resource lists (Back Office); Adding titles and copies to the catalog through copy cataloging (Alliance Plus, and Z-sources), importing MARC records (including Titlewave integration options for Follett School Solutions content orders), editing copy records, duplicating copy records, deleting title and copy records. The importance of assigning sublocations; Circulation and Patrons: Overview of patron management in Back Office nightly, automated eSchoolData student (but no homeroom or teachers included so those are manually maintained by the library staff) and staff extracts; setup in Admin and in Destiny Discover's Admin area; Circulation (check outs, check ins, renewals, holds, lost copies); Generating common library and patron reports. Questions and answers

91. AimswebPlus User Group: Getting Ready for Benchmarking

Program: Regional CSLO/Model Schools

Audience: AimswebPlus users

Dates: 8/26/2024

This session will review the process for administering benchmark assessments using both TestNav and the digital record forms.

92. Site Visit/Training (Follett Destiny) @ Ellicottville HS, Ellicottville CSD

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Current users of the Follett ILS (SLMS and paraprofessionals as invited)

Dates: 8/27/2024

New librarian training based on CoSer requirements. Agenda to be supplied morning of training.

93. Level 0 Reports

Program: Data Collection and Reporting

Audience: District Data Coordinators

Dates: 8/27/2024

This webinar is designed for all Level 0 users. The training will cover a wide range of Level 0 reports including newly released Data Quality reports. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions are the same, you only need to register for one date. A link to the webinar will be provided the day before session. Please email with any questions.

94. Lew-Port CSD: Lew-Port HS: Destiny Library Manager Initial Training

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Lew-Port HS School Library Teacher and School Library Aide

Dates: 8/28/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Registration, review of WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer); Review of logging into (via Google Single Sign-On (SSO) or via Active Directory (uncommon)), navigating, and using help systems (online, on-page, Destiny Discover Help Center, Collections Help Center, Follett Community) in and associated with Destiny Library Manager; Searching for titles including by reading measures (vendor-provided reading and interest levels), eBooks/audiobooks (Follett eBooks; 1 Follett digital audiobook; O/N BOCES SLS-provided Gale Virtual Reference Library and Rosen eBooks), web sites via WebPath Express, online databases via One Search in the Destiny Discover and in Destiny Back Office. Accessing the Destiny mobile apps (Destiny Discover mobile app and Destiny Back Office mobile app [iOS and Android tablets and phones only, not yet Chromebooks]. Note: The Destiny Discover Chrome Extension is not currently functioning; Overview of patron empowerment/ instructional features including reviews, wish lists (purchasing suggestions from patrons), My Stuff (transaction record, history), Collections (Destiny Discover) and resource lists (Back Office); Adding titles and copies to the catalog through copy cataloging (Alliance Plus, Alliance AV and Z-sources), importing MARC records (including Titlewave integration options for Follett School Solutions content orders), editing copy records, duplicating copy records, deleting title and copy records. Sublocations-based genrefication review; Circulation and Patrons: Overview of patron management in Back Office SIF via PowerSchool for students and a nightly, automated NVision staff extract; setup in Admin and in Destiny Discover's Admin area; Circulation (check outs, check ins, renewals, holds, lost copies); Generating common library and patron reports; Questions and answers.

95. Level 1 Data Warehouse Basic Navigation Training

Program: Data Collection and Reporting

Audience: WNYRIC Level 1 Data Warehouse users

Dates: 8/28/2024

You have access to the Data Warehouse reports provided by WNYRIC, but do you know how to access them? This webinar will provide basic navigation training and show participants where to find and run the reports available to all users. This training is designed for novice users of the data warehouse, or users who need a refresher. Please note there are multiple sessions of this training. All sessions of Basic Navigation training are the same, you only need to register for one date. Link to webinar will be provided the day before class. Please email with any questions.

96. Williamsville CSD: Library Automation/Destiny Library Manager Professional Development Session

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Williamsville CSD School Library Media Specialists

Dates: 8/28/2024

Destiny Textbook Manager
Questions and answers to include topics of interest provided by SLMS on issues, concerns and/or training needs that have arisen from ongoing use of Destiny Library Manager, including an overview of the Erie 1 BOCES/WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer), status updates for the district's Library Automation BOCES project, the digital content solutions subscriptions included in the BOCES project when the district joined the CoSer (continuing Reading Program Service for Lexiles, adding WebPath Express), new features in Destiny Library Manager ver. 22.0 including a brief review of the new user interface for the district's consideration, a review of district settings (Resource Description and Access (RDA) as the preferred descriptive cataloging form, etc.).

97. Site Visit/Training (MediaFlex OPALS) @ Belfast CSD

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Current users of the OPALS ILS (SLMS and paraprofessionals as invited)

Dates: 8/29/2024

Split session (SLMS-AM) and new paraprofessional (PM): Agenda to be supplied morning of training.

98. Cheektowaga-Sloan UFSD: Theodore Roosevelt ES: Destiny Library Manager Review/Update Training

Program: School Library Systems and Library Automation

Audience: Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School Library Media Specialist

Dates: 8/29/2024

Destiny Library Manager
Registration, review of WNYRIC Library Automation Cooperative Service (CoSer); Review of logging into (via Google Single Sign-On (SSO) or via Active Directory (uncommon)), navigating, and using help systems (online, on-page, Destiny Discover Help Center, Collections Help Center, Follett Community) in and associated with Destiny Library Manager; Searching for titles including by reading measures (Accelerated Reader and vendor-provided reading and interest levels), eBooks/audiobooks (Follett eBooks; 1 Follett digital audiobook; Erie 1 BOCES SLS-provided Gale Virtual Reference Library and Rosen eBooks), web sites via WebPath Express; in Back Office only, web sites via Standards search; online databases via One Search in the Destiny Discover and in Destiny Back Office. Accessing the Destiny mobile apps (Destiny Discover mobile app and Destiny Back Office mobile app [iOS and Android tablets and phones only, not yet Chromebooks]. Note: The Destiny Discover Chrome Extension is not currently functioning; Overview of patron empowerment/instructional features including reviews, wish lists (purchasing suggestions from patrons), My Stuff (transaction record, history), Collections (Destiny Discover) and resource lists (Back Office); Adding titles and copies to the catalog through copy cataloging (Alliance Plus and Z-sources), importing MARC records (including Titlewave integration options for Follett School Solutions content orders), editing copy records, duplicating copy records, deleting title and copy records. Sublocations-based genrefication review; Circulation and Patrons: Overview of patron management in Back Office: nightly, automated eSchoolData student extract and a nightly, automated NVision staff extract; setup in Admin and in Destiny Discover's Admin area; Circulation (check outs, check ins, renewals, holds, lost copies); Generating common library and patron reports. Questions and answers

99. St John the Baptist - Kenmore

Program: IRT In-District Professional Development

Audience: St John's Teacher

Dates: 8/29/2024

We will have two 90 minute sessions. 1 - PreK-3 Purposeful Play 2 - MS Science Overview

100. Lexia Core5 User Group

Program: Regional CSLO/Model Schools

Audience: Elementary reading teachers

Dates: 8/29/2024

This is an introduction to Lexia Core5. Participants will be prepared to use the application in an elementary classroom.

101. Lexia PowerUp User Group

Program: Regional CSLO/Model Schools

Audience: Middle and high school teachers

Dates: 8/29/2024

This is an introduction to Lexia PowerUp. Participants will be prepared to use the application in a middle/high school classroom.