Catalog: Questar III BOCES Web Registration

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DASA Coordinator Training

Program: School Improvement

Audience: This training is appropriate for anyone who is involved in the DASA process in their school district including DASA Building Coordinators, DASA District Coordinators, Superintendents, and DASA Response Team Members.

Dates: 10/23/2023

Dignity for all Student Act (DASA) Coordinators and their DASA Response Teams play a vital role in supporting a positive school-wide climate in relation to prevention and reaction to dignity violations in their school. DASA Coordinators need to be well-prepared to manage the demands of this important position and this training will provide them with the tools to be successful DASA Coordinators. Note: This is NOT the six-hour required training for certification. Participants will be provided with hard copies of resources and a Google Drive so that they may modify documents for their school district's needs.