Catalog: LHRIC & SWBOCES (Web Registration)

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Digging Deeper into the NGLS Writing Standards for Narrative Writing (Grades 3-5)

Program: 2023-2024 - Literacy & ELA

Audience: Grades 3-5, Assistant Principals, Coaches, Content Leaders/Specialists, District Leaders, Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Principals, Student Teachers

Dates: 5/16/2024

Would you like to deepen writing instruction for your students, while ensuring you are crafting lessons aligned with the NGLS? Join Sarah Cordova, National Literacy Consultant, to explore the ins and outs of the Narrative Writing Text Type NGLS writing standards, including:

- The difference between text types and genres
- How to vary the narrative genres and strategies across grades
- The power and purpose of mentor texts

During the session, you will have time to work with colleagues browsing new mentor texts, to develop specific mini lessons that can be incorporated into your writing instruction immediately.

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