Catalog: LHRIC & SWBOCES (Web Registration)

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Program: LHRIC - Technology Leadership Institute (TLI)

Audience: District and School Administrators and Lead Instructional Staff

Dates: 5/17/2024

The LHRIC Technology Leadership Institute is designed to provide participants with various opportunities to engage in discussion with experts and vendors around topics that are timely and relevant.

TECH EXPO is the annual capstone event for TLI. It highlights the contributions of regional teachers and administrators, and provides ample opportunities for networking with peers, experts and vendors. This massively popular event has grown steadily in attendance over the years, and recently we've had some fun with conference themes. This year's theme TBD.

In an effort to allow more attendance and district participation, the event will be held in a new location: The IBM Learning Center also known as Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Center for Learning. We will share more details as the planning continues.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Trevor Muir, "Making Learning Epic"

Trevor is a teacher, author, creator, and founder of Epic PBL. His books The Epic Classroom and The Collaborative Classroom have helped teachers worldwide to create purposeful and dynamic learning experiences. Trevor has taught in middle, high school, and college classrooms, and currently teaches pre-services teachers at Grand Valley State University. He was a national faculty member for the Buck Institute for Education, and is one of the Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation speakers. His work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Edutopia, EdWeek, and WeAreTeachers. Trevor's inspiring and informative videos have been viewed over 35 million times. At the heart of Trevor's work is the conviction that every student has the potential for greatness, and that every teacher can be equipped to unlock that potential.