Catalog: CCIU (Web Registration)

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Using Children's Books to Inspire STEM Learning

Program: Hourly Workshops

Dates: 1/23/2024

Meeting Times: 1/23/2024; 8:30am - 3:30pm

Attention educators! We would like to introduce you to an innovative way of teaching STEM subjects to young students. Join us in this session to discover the perfect blend of children's picture books with elementary STEM education. You will learn how to seamlessly integrate narratives and illustrations into your science, technology, engineering, and math lessons. By doing so, you will be able to capture the imaginations of your students and help them gain a solid foundational understanding of these subjects.

Witness the power of storytelling as it brings even the most abstract concepts to life, making them relatable and memorable. Through collaborative discussions, hands-on activities, and creative exercises, you will learn how to use the visual and textual richness of picture books to spark curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and develop a lifelong love for STEM disciplines.

Participants will receive their own copy of one of the Picture Perfect STEM books.