Catalog: Monroe-2-Orleans BOCES WEBREG

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1. New Part 154 ELL Coordinator Meetings

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: New ELL Coordinators

Dates: 9/13/2024 to 5/20/2025

New ELL Coordinators are welcome to join us as they can for monthly meetings covering everything related to English language learners and bilingual programming, placement, CR Part 154 Policy, testing, family engagement, equitable instruction, and much more. This group will serve as a community of support for those navigating and supporting this subgroup of students. Seasoned ELL Coordinators are also welcome to join as they see topics of interest. Our first meeting on September 13, 12:00-2:00, will be a kickoff, in-person celebration at Monroe 2 BOCES. Subsequent Meetings will be held virtually each month.

2. Seasoned Part 154 ELL Coordinator Meetings

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Seasoned ELL Coordinators

Dates: 9/13/2024 to 5/9/2025

Seasoned ELL Coordinators (those who have been in the position for more than a year) are invited to join us as they are able for Bi-Monthly meetings. Agendas will be steered by coordinator needs and questions and there will be a space for an open forum. Our first meeting will be an in-person kickoff on September 13, 12:00-2:00 at Monroe 2 BOCES PD Center. Subsequent meetings will be held virtually via Zoom.

3. Regional School Counselor Group

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: School Counselors

Dates: 9/16/2024 to 5/28/2025

School Counselors attending these meetings will receive updates from the NYSED and various districts, contribute to planning the Annual Regional School Counselor Conference, and provide feedback to shape our professional development initiatives. They will also have the opportunity to suggest conference topics, ensuring our agenda aligns with the needs of the counseling community. These meetings are a cornerstone of our commitment to continuous learning and collaboration.

4. Academy for Instructional Coaches

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 9/17/2024 to 5/13/2025

Through participation in the Academy for Instructional Coaching, participants will engage in the development of skills related to building relationships, leading professional learning, and coaching individuals and teams of educators on the implementation of the Next Generation Learning Standards and the impact on student learning. Participants will engage in a student-centered model of coaching which centers data at the forefront of decision-making.

5. The Science(s) of Reading - Roundtable Sessions for Leaders

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary Principals, Assistant Principals, Literacy Coordinators, Instructional Coaches

Dates: 9/25/2024 to 5/6/2025

Join your administrative/leadership colleagues for an ongoing series related to understanding the research around best practices in literacy instruction that make up the Science(S) of Reading. Session topics may include comprehension, fluency, assessment, bridging processes, text selection, instructional practices and more. These sessions are designed to support leadership in literacy.

6. Bilingual Educator Collaborative

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Bilingual Administrators, Bilingual Teachers

Dates: 9/26/2024 to 5/22/2025

Please join us for an affinity group around Bilingual Education. The aim of this Professional Learning Community for leaders of bilingual or dual language programs is to share resources and collectively solve problems to ensure equitable access to education for bilingual students. Reading material for professional growth will be provided between sessions. The sessions is open to leaders of bilingual and dual language programs in the Mid-West Region. Zoom links for the entire series will be sent to registrants 24 hours prior to the first meeting. Note: Meetings are held from 10am-11am with additional time provided for reading material. Please register and attend the sessions that fit your schedule. Registration closes on September 24th.

7. Regional PD Coordinator meetings

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: PD Coordinators, District Office Administrators

Dates: 9/27/2024 to 5/30/2025

This series of meetings is designed for district PD Coordinators to meeting monthly to collaborate and share best practices. The meetings will also include NYSED Updates, problem solving and PD on various topics based on request from the group. If you have questions about this group please email Dr. Marijo Pearson at

All sessions will be Online via Zoom and the information will be sent as a reminder the day before each meeting.

8. Regional Science Leadership Cadre

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: teachers, teacher leaders, coaches, and administrators

Dates: 10/1/2024 to 3/27/2025

The Center for Professional Development and Education Reform, in partnership with BOCES 4 Science, is again offering an opportunity for teachers, teacher leaders, coaches, and administrators to come together to learn, share resources and ideas, and provide support to each other as we work to successfully implement high-quality science teaching for K-12 students. Our theme this year will be on fostering a culture of belonging in science learning through a focus on justice-centered community based three-dimensional learning. This support students' identity development toward becoming science-capable people in a time and world that needs scientifically literate, socially responsible citizens.

Sessions feature opportunities to dive deep into local phenomenon and to foster a student-centered learning community guided by principles of:
(1) Making student thinking visible;
(2) Valuing students' ideas around justice as intellectual resources;
(3) Fostering collective and individual sense-making toward greater belonging.

Morning beverages and lunch are provided. Session 1 is for New Cadre members only.
Note: There will be approximately 1.5 hours of asynchronous work between these dates.

9. Regional Math Leaders Monroe 2 Districts

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Math Leaders

Dates: 10/2/2024 to 5/28/2025

This year, the Regional Math Leaders Group will focus on: Project Based Learning, MTSS, Updates from NYSED, and other relevant topics. Meetings will be held virtually via zoom throughout the school year. The zoom invitation will be sent the day before to all who are registered.

10. Regional Social Studies Leaders Group

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Social Studies teacher leaders, instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, and others

Dates: 10/3/2024 to 2/27/2025

Monroe One and Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES are pleased to offer a Regional Social Studies Leaders Group again for the 2024-2025 school year to bring social studies leaders from across the region together on a regular basis to hear updates from NYSED and collaborate. This group will provide an opportunity for Social Studies teacher leaders, instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, and others to share strategies, ask questions, and acquire new knowledge. This year we will be doing a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. Our first session will be virtual. The other 3 sessions will alternate between BOCES 2 and BOCES 1.

11. Excellence Through the Math Practices Project - MONROE 2 DISTRICTS ONLY

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: All Math Educators

Dates: 10/9/2024 to 6/4/2025

Welcome back for year three of the Excellence Through the Math Practices Project! All are welcome to join this team as we continue to explore how the implementation of the Next Generation Learning Standards is truly an opportunity to focus on equitable instruction for ALL students. This year we will be developing strategies and resources, through the lens of the 8 Mathematical Practices, to support student success. This is open to all math educators who want to help lead the way in this essential work.

12. Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) Q&A

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: All school staff

Dates: 10/16/2024 to 4/23/2025

Are you new to SIFE? Do you have questions about instruction and/or programming to meet the needs of SIFE? Join Mid-West RBERN for a 1.5 hour SIFE Q&A. We will provide technical assistance and resources to help you meet the needs of SIFE in your district. Come to the sessions that work for you. The ZOOM link will be sent to registrants on the morning of the meeting.

13. New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) Network

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: NYSSB Coordinators, High School: Administrators, World Language Teachers, English Teachers, ENL Teachers, Counselors

Dates: 10/17/2024 to 3/27/2025

The purpose of the New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) Network is to discuss best practices, share resources and effectively plan for the implementation of the NYS Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) in schools and districts across the Mid-West Region. A focus on how ELLs and non-ELLs can earn the NYSSB. Meetings are designed to support new and existing districts offering NYSSB interested in a refresher/relaunch. Topics include but are not limited to: Getting Started and Recruitment, Deadlines, Culminating Project Presentations, and Student Recognitions. Registered participants will receive a Zoom Link for the series 24 hours prior to the first meeting.

14. ENL Teacher Coffee Talk

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: ENL teachers

Dates: 10/21/2024 to 5/19/2025

An informal, bi-monthly Zoom session for secondary ENL teachers. Teachers will engage in facilitated conversation related to instruction, assessment, advocacy, resource sharing, and parent and family engagement. Zoom link will be sent to registrants prior to the first meeting.

15. Principals' Forum

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Principals of Schools that serve English Language Learners & Bilingual Students

Dates: 11/6/2024 to 2/11/2025

Mid-West RBERN is hosting two Principals' Forums for the 2024-2025 school years. These forums are opportunities for principals to troubleshoot, seek advice, and gain understanding of topics surrounding English language learner and bilingual students. Topics will be driven by the audience but may include, CR-Part 154, classroom look-fors, best practices, and assessment and accommodations. Principals will also be invited to our ELL Admin Community, a virtual space for collaboration and resources. Registered Participants will receive the Zoom link the morning of the meeting.

16. Regional Literacy Leaders

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: literacy specialists, literacy coaches, grade-level leaders, administrators of school districts in the Monroe County region

Dates: 11/6/2024 to 5/20/2025

This group meets throughout the school year in order to provide ELA specific updates from NYSED; explore best curriculum, assessment, and instructional practices; and provide networking opportunities among group members. Participation limited to teachers/leaders employed by public and private schools.

17. Advanced Coaching Roundtable

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 11/20/2024 to 4/23/2025

The Advanced Coaching RoundTable provides an opportunity for you to collaborate and problem-solve with fellow instructional support specialists and coaches in any content area. The Advanced Coaching Roundtable is intended for experienced coaches with more than a year of coaching experience.

The agenda for these meetings will be driven by the interests and needs of the group and feedback will be gathered to determine topics. There will be ample opportunity for collegial discussions and exploration of research on most effective instructional coaching practices.

18. Gifted and Talented Network Enrichment Consortium

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Teachers and Coordinators working with Gifted and Talented Students

Dates: 12/10/2024 to 3/19/2025

A forum for education and support for teachers and coordinators working directly in gifted and talented education. The in-person forums are designed to give participants the opportunity to learn from their colleagues and further their own professional expertise.

19. NYSAA for Administrators

Program: Monroe Accountability, Assessment & Reporting Services

Audience: District and building level administrators, special education supervisors, those who support teachers who work with students who will be taking the New York State Alternate Assessment

Dates: 12/12/2024

This training was designed for administrators or professionals who conduct CSE meetings or testing for students identified for the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA). There will be an overview of the format and structure of the NYSAA and an introduction to the Essential Elements which are the skills and knowledge that students with significant cognitive disabilities need to master. Participants will learn how to navigate the Dynamic Learning Maps website and gain insight into instructional implications and expectations. There will be an opportunity to ask questions including the logistics of test preparation and how to better support teachers before and during the 11 week administration window.

20. TIG Winter Training Cycle- Track 1

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Identified members of TIG Teams

Dates: 1/8/2025 to 5/7/2025

This training is for designated members of the Consortium on Trauma, Illness, and Grief in Schools. This Winter/Spring Group of schools/districts include: Churchville Chili, E. Irondequoit, Hilton, Monroe 2 BOCES, Rochester Academy, Rush Henrietta, Spencerport, St. Rita, Webster, Wheatland Chili and Young Womens Academy.
Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's state Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0390.
Training for the 2024-25 school year include the following topics:

- Day 1 : Grief and Loss at School & Trauma

- Day 2: Suicide Risk and Intervention & Chronic and Critical Illness

- Day 3: School Violence and Threat Assessment & Enhancing Educator Resilience

- Day 4 & 5: Critical Incident and Stress Management

- Day 6: TIG Implementation

NOTE: New Location: Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, 3599 Big Ridge Road, Spencerport, NY. Training starts promptly at 8:00, please allow time for signing in.

21. TIG Winter Training Cycle- Track 2

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Identified members of TIG Teams

Dates: 1/8/2025 to 5/7/2025

This training is for designated members of the Consortium on Trauma, Illness, and Grief in Schools. This Winter/Spring Group of schools/districts include: Monroe 1 BOCES and Honeoye Falls-Lima.
Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department's state Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0390.
Training for the 2024-25 school year include the following topics:

- Day 1 : Grief and Loss at School & Trauma

- Day 2: Suicide Risk and Intervention & Chronic and Critical Illness

- Day 3: School Violence and Threat Assessment & Enhancing Educator Resilience

- Day 4 & 5: Critical Incident and Stress Management

- Day 6: TIG Implementation

NOTE: New Location: Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES, 3599 Big Ridge Road, Spencerport, NY. Training starts promptly at 8:00, please allow time for signing in.

22. IN-PERSON: Grade 5 Got Water?

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 1/15/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

23. IN-PERSON: Grade K Pushes and Pulls

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 1/15/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

24. ONLINE Series: Grade 5 Earth and Space Explorers

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 1/15/2025 to 2/12/2025

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional learning workshops include guidance on NYSSLS-aligned instructional strategies specific to the unit of study, formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin teaching the unit to their students. Participants should plan to attend all dates of synchronous, online instruction. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

25. Wayne-Finger Lakes ENL Collaborative

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: ENL teachers in Wayne-Finger Lakes region

Dates: 1/15/2025 to 5/7/2025

This collaborative will meet bi-monthly for facilitated conversations and resource sharing opportunities for topics related to ELL curriculum and instruction, advocacy for ELLs, parent and community engagement, and other similar topics.

26. IN-PERSON: Grade 2 Made of Matter

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 1/16/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

27. IN-PERSON: Grade 1 Sky Patterns

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 1/23/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

28. IN-PERSON: Grade 5 Got Water?

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 1/24/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

29. IN-PERSON: Hilton Conference Day for HS Science

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Hilton HS Science teachers

Dates: 1/24/2025

Join us as we analyze the most recently released ESS and LSB sample clusters, focusing on PLD levels, evidence of the three dimensions, connections to the investigations, etc. to understand what student skills and behaviors are needed moving forward. You will have an hour for lunch on your own.

30. IN-PERSON: Digital Star Lab (Digitarium) Training

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: K-12 teachers of science

Dates: 1/27/2025

The Digitarium is a digital star dome or portable planetarium. Join us for the morning to be trained on using this amazing piece of equipment that can easily show the following objects: stars in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, an annalema, eclipses (without fear of them being blocked by clouds), transits, views of the solar system from other moons and planets. The Digitarium has the capacity to comfortably seat 30 K-6 students or 24 7-12 students. We hope to see you at this workshop so that you will be able to share this wonderful experience with your students!

31. IN-PERSON: 3-D Assessment Writing Workday

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Life Science: Biology teachers

Dates: 1/28/2025

Did you attend one of our 3-D Assessment Writing Workshops but feel as though you need more time to work on your assessments and/or to collaborate on assessments with colleagues? If so, join us for this additional assessment writing workday! BOCES 4 Science 3-D assessment experts will be on hand to support you as you write new assessments, finish ones you started, or evaluate ones that others have written. If you are a Chemistry or Physics teacher, please keep in mind that NYSED has not yet released any sample clusters for your domains, so this workday may be of limited value to you.

32. Reading Recovery Teacher Training Class - 2024-2025 Spring

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Only Teachers accepted into the Reading Recovery Training Program

Dates: 1/28/2025 to 5/13/2025

This course is designed to introduce experienced teachers to the principles and practices of Reading Recovery. This course is required for and open only to teachers accepted into the Reading Recovery training program.
(For more information, please contact Stephanie Smyka:

Teachers will:
* Develop their understanding of reading and writing processes.
* Become skilled at using a range of systematic observation techniques to assess and guide children's reading and writing progress.
* Become competent at using the specific Reading Recovery procedures.
* Be able to design individual instruction that assists the child to produce effective strategies for working on text.
* Be able to critically evaluate their work and that of their peers.
* Be able to guide the program and report regularly on its operation in their schools.

33. IN-PERSON: Regents Earth and Space Science NYSSLS Curriculum Cohort

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Earth and Space Science teachers

Dates: 1/30/2025 to 4/24/2025

This new cohort provides an opportunity for Regents Earth and Space Science teachers to collaborate with colleagues across the region to ensure their readiness to deliver NYSSLS-aligned instruction to their students. The focus will be on curriculum work that involves modifying existing in-district, evaluating/adopting/adapting off-the-shelf, and/or writing original curriculum components. Everything that is created, adapted, or modified by cohort participants will be shared with all. We will engage in curriculum mapping, identification of gaps to NYSSLS alignment, and remediation of the gaps. The three sessions will be facilitated by BOCES 4 Science, and there will be an hour for lunch on your own each day.

34. IN-PERSON: Grade 3 Invisible Forces

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 1/30/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

35. IN-PERSON: Intermediate-Level Science Investigations Workshop

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Middle School Teachers

Dates: 2/4/2025

Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative session that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. We will also discuss how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

36. HYBRID (In-person AND on Zoom): Planets, Stars, and Cosmology...Oh, My!

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: K-12 teachers of science

Dates: 2/5/2025

Follow the stardust road to join us for a full day of Astronomy for Teachers. Astronomy falls in between Earth and Space Science and Physical Science: Physics just enough to make it challenging, but we are here to help. If you are an ESS or Astronomy elective teacher and would like to refresh your content knowledge and learn some new activities to do with your students, here is your opportunity! In this workshop, you will engage in computer-simulated content, planetary labs, stellar distance activities, and cosmology, too. There will be an hour for lunch on your own. Hope to see you there!

37. IN-PERSON: Unraveling the Mystery of Lactose Tolerance

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Life Science: Biology teachers

Dates: 2/5/2025 to 2/6/2025

Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative 4-hour workshop that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within this NYSED Science Investigation. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

38. IN-PERSON: The Sky is the Limit - Decoding Weather Conditions

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Earth and Space Science teachers

Dates: 2/6/2025

Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative 2-hour workshop that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within this NYSED Science Investigation. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

39. TIF Program: Advanced Series in Education 215: The Science in Reading and Early Literacy Instruction, Part I

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 2/10/2025

Starting Soon
This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

This course will provide participants with an overview of what the Science of Reading is, as well as key elements of literacy instruction at primary grades. The course is based in part on guidance provided by NYSED's Literacy Initiative and the Science of Reading Brief Series released in January 2024. In Part 1 of the course, we will define the Science of Reading and discuss myths and facts related to the use of the term. We will also explore what science is telling us about how children develop oral language and listening comprehension, letter sound knowledge (the alphabetic principle), decoding skills through explicit, systematic phonics instruction. We will then discuss a few research-based instructional practices in these areas of literacy.

Objective: Participants will understand the term Science of Reading and be aware of some research-based instructional practices for primary grade literacy.

40. TIF Program: Teaching Basics 101: Classroom Management and Engagement - Option 2

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 2/10/2025

Starting Soon
This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

This professional development session will focus on the pillars of classroom management and engagement, including the importance of rules and norms, relationships, and routines. Participants will also explore engagement and participation techniques to ensure all students are reaching their full potential. Not only will participants gain knowledge on how to structure a lesson using key strategies, but they will also leave the professional development with a wide variety of techniques on how to manage student behavior and engage students in learning.

Objective 1: Participants will understand how rules, norms, and relationships impact classroom management.

Objective 2: Participants will explore a variety of strategies and techniques to manage the classroom.

41. IN-PERSON: Regents Life Science: Biology Investigations

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Regents Life Science: Biology teachers

Dates: 2/10/2025 to 2/11/2025

ClosedStarting Soon
Join our instructional specialists as they lead you through an informative 2-day workshop that will help you navigate expectations, provide tips for set up and implementation, and give you opportunities to practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. We will also discuss how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. You'll be given time to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues.

42. ONLINE Series: Grade 4 A Walk in the Park

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 2/10/2025 to 3/3/2025

Starting Soon
ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional learning workshops include guidance on NYSSLS-aligned instructional strategies specific to the unit of study, formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin teaching the unit to their students. Participants should plan to attend all dates of synchronous, online instruction. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

43. Meet New Commissioner of Monroe County Public Health

Program: Community Schools

Audience: Superintendents and District Leaders

Dates: 2/13/2025

Starting Soon
This session will allow school district leaders an opportunity to meet the new Commissioner of Public Health in Monroe County, Dr. Marielena Velez de Brown. Attendees will learn about the plethora of services her department is able to provide to schools, including their support of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, vaccine clinics, and access to emergency services. Possible further integration of Monroe County Public Health services in schools will also be examined.

44. TIF Program: Teaching Basics 101: Classroom Management and Engagement - Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 2/19/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

This professional development session will focus on the pillars of classroom management and engagement, including the importance of rules and norms, relationships, and routines. Participants will also explore engagement and participation techniques to ensure all students are reaching their full potential. Not only will participants gain knowledge on how to structure a lesson using key strategies, but they will also leave the professional development with a wide variety of techniques on how to manage student behavior and engage students in learning.

Objective 1: Participants will understand how rules, norms, and relationships impact classroom management.

Objective 2: Participants will explore a variety of strategies and techniques to manage the classroom.

45. Advanced Series in Education 216: The Science in Reading and Early Literacy Instruction, Part II

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 2/24/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

In Part 2 of this course, we will explore what science is telling us about how children learn sight words, how teachers can use different types of texts to support students learning to read, how teachers might prompt students during reading lessons. We will discuss several research-based instructional practices in these areas of literacy.

Objective: Participants will understand what research tells us about how children learn sight words, and how to support developing readers with prompting and use of different text types.

46. TIF Program: Teaching Basics 102: Elements of Effective Instruction - Option 1

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 2/24/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

This professional development session will focus on the theory and practice of elements of effective instruction including planning engaging and rigorous lessons, assessing, demonstrating knowledge of learners, and embedding research-based instructional practices. The course is based on the New York State Teaching Standards. Participants will review the New York State Teaching Standards to gain a wholistic knowledge of their teaching expectations and then the course will take them through the pieces of instruction and the ways in which they should be orchestrated to gain the highest level of student achievement.

Objective 1: Participants will review the pieces of an effective lesson, including frequent checks for understanding, integrating knowledge of learner assets into planning and instruction, and total participation strategies.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of the New York State Teaching Standards.

47. TCIS FULL Training

Program: TCIS - Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools

Dates: 2/25/2025 to 2/28/2025

This training is offered as a four-day format which allows for certification in verbal and physical interventions. This entire training will be conducted in-person. Participants must attend all four days for certification. Materials: You will be receiving a TCIS Student Workbook. You are responsible for reading this entire workbook. Please read Modules 1-3 (through page W43) prior to the first day of training and be sure to bring your workbook to the training. Physical Component: You will be asked to participate in a required physical component to this training to be certified in TCIS. If you cannot participate in the physical component, you are still required to stay for the entire duration of the training. Attire: Wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, mask and bring any other PPE you would typically use for a physical restraint. (i.e., face shield) Lunch is on your own.

48. What is Necessary for Some is Good for All: Connecting Instruction, Assessment and Equity - ADMINISTRATORS EDITION

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Building and/or District Level Administrators. Individuals or teams are welcome.

Dates: 2/25/2025

"Having only a single option for students to show their learning introduces significant inequities and, thus, threats to the validity of our assessments.”
~ Lee Ann Jung

Do you find that teachers are reluctant to adapt assessments? Do they think they need your permission? We should ensure all students have equitable access to assessments so they can demonstrate their skills, knowledge, and growth.

This professional development session for administrators will address some possible reasons for reluctance with adapting assessments. This session will:

• identify why some teachers may be reluctant,

• provide guidance and language that can help with shifting practices, plus

• share ideas and strategies for assessing diverse learners in various formats.

Participants will learn why adapting assessments is important and leave with practical insights on how to support teachers in this process.

NOTE: There is a 2-day series being offered which administrators can attend along with teachers or other staff instead of attending this session.

49. Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for English Language Learners (ELLs)

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: ESOL/Bilingual Teachers; Special Education Teachers; School Administrators; PPS Directors, CSE Chairs

Dates: 2/26/2025

Dually identified students who are both ELLs and have documented disabilities are legally entitled to services under both classifications. However, in many contexts within K-12 education, from the classroom to school to district to state levels, special education and English learner support are two separate, siloed systems. It is imperative that educators within each system understand ways to fully support dually-identified students and that these educators work together to create systems and supports. Educators need to understand where, how, and why to integrate linguistically and culturally appropriate supports throughout the process of writing and executing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This presentation will cover considerations for evaluation of ELLs who are referred to special education, infusing language acquisition support throughout the sections of the IEP, and appropriate strategies for placement and implementation. Participants will analyze causes of disproportionate classification of ELLs, practice integrating language supports into measurable student goals, and compare program and placement options that support both classifications.

50. ELLevate Your School Counselor Toolbox

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Secondary School Counselors

Dates: 2/26/2025 to 4/29/2025

This 3 part series will equip school counselors with knowledge and skills to improve their work with English Language Learners and their families. Session 1: Understanding ELLs in NYS and the barriers to their success Session 2: Developing an Understanding of ENL Programming, ELL subpopulations, and the social/emotional needs of ELLs Session 3: Expanding Cultural Competence and Humility, and Building Relationships with Students and Families

51. IN-PERSON: Grade 4 Riding the Waves of Information

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 2/27/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

52. TIF Program Classroom Visit with Coaching and Feedback I

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 3/3/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

Wondering how you might improve the use of a strategy in the classroom? Looking for feedback on building community in the classroom? Utilize our coaching and feedback service! Adrienne Loftus will visit you (at a time/date of your choosing) while substitute teaching and provide feedback relating to a particular focus area.

Prior to the visit, a focus area based on a particular instructional strategy or part of the Danielson rubric will need to be identified and discussed between the coach and the Fellow. A debrief immediately following the lesson, or within the next days, will need to occur. In total, the pre-visit preparation and discussion will be an hour, the visit 15-20 minutes, and the feedback/debrief discussion will utilize the remaining time (counts as a paid PD credit/course).

Location: Zoom (for pre-visit discussion), in-person visit (Fellow's school district), and Zoom (for post-visit discussion)

53. Cohort 4: Positive Intelligence for School Administrators - Foundation Program for Mental Fitness

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: School Administrators ONLY: Greece

Dates: 3/3/2025 to 4/21/2025

6 Positive Intelligence one-hour sessions, 1 Introductory Session

Provide access to the program's 7 weekly video sessions.

Provide access to one year of the daily fitness Positive Intelligence app including daily mental fitness exercises, coach challenges, journal and the audio book of Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine

1-1 meetings if requested by participants for amplified learning.

Facilitate/monitor private on-line channel for participants for group communication throughout program duration.

This session is virtual. A link will be provided prior to the start.
Open to Greece Administrators only.
Register for one cohort only.

54. The Power of Progressions: Untangling the Knotty Areas of Teaching and Learning Mathematics Grades K-3

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: K-8 homeroom teachers, math instructors, instructional coaches, administrators

Dates: 3/4/2025

As more teachers look to add high-yield tasks to their repertoire, the struggle to make it all work becomes real. Let's examine how problem-based lessons can be used throughout the scope of a unit and how we can harness their power to move student thinking forward. We'll identify strategies and explore some tasks that help us find a healthy balance between application, conceptual understanding, and procedural fluency.

55. TCIS Refresher

Program: TCIS - Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools

Dates: 3/5/2025

This is a 1-day TCIS recertification class for staff that are already TCIS certified and need their yearly recertification. *LUNCH- please bring your own lunch to this training. A 1/2 hour duty-free time is included. *PHYSICAL COMPONENT- you will be asked to participate in a required physical component to this training to be recertified. If you cannot participate in the physical component, you are still required to stay until the training is over. Please review your TCIS student workbook prior to the training and you are encouraged to bring it with you to the training. ATTIRE: Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes to this training.

56. The Power of Progressions: Untangling the Knotty Areas of Teaching and Learning Mathematics Grades 3-8

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: 3-8 homeroom teachers, math instructors, instructional coaches, administrators

Dates: 3/5/2025

Let's explore some key understandings involving fractions by examining the developmental progression of models, strategies, and concepts, and how they all build on one another. Many times, as our fraction units near, the emphasis on teaching and learning mathematics shifts to rules and procedures which shouldn't be the case. To avoid this approach, we'll identify how simple changes in everyday practice can leave a math residue that builds solid reasoning and makes student understanding stick.

57. What is Necessary for Some is Good for All: Connecting Instruction, Assessment and Equity

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: General Education teachers, Special Education teachers, ESOL teachers, Electives teachers, Instructional Coaches, Department Leaders, Administrators, Individuals or teams are welcome

Dates: 3/5/2025 to 3/25/2025

"Having only a single option for students to show their learning introduces significant inequities and, thus, threats to the validity of our assessments.”
~ Lee Ann Jung.

How do you connect your instruction to assessment while keeping equity in mind? It gets overwhelming thinking about all the initiatives we are expected to do, what the research suggests and what we have time to do. By connecting instruction and assessment, we can become more efficient at finding out what students know, understand and can do.
Some steps we can take are modifying assessments, providing accommodations, and adapting our instruction to better understand where our students are in their learning. We should be considering the needs of our diverse learners (neuro-diverse, culturally, linguistically, physically, economically, cognitively). These equitable practices contribute to a growth mindset, building hope and motivation while fostering each student's greatest potential.

In this series, we will explore strategies to:

• differentiate assessments based on student need,

• modify existing assessments,

• utilize inclusive and best practices to support all learners, and

• influence student motivation.

Besides the 2 sessions in person, we will offer attendees a virtual check-in option. Date(s) and time for the virtual check-in are to be determined. Please also see the ADMINISTRATORS EDITION: What is Necessary for Some is Good for All: Connecting Instruction, Assessment and Equity.

58. The Art and Science of Text Types: The When and How

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: K-2 classroom teachers, reading specialists and literacy leaders

Dates: 3/6/2025

This is Part 6 in the Series: The Art and Science of Reading: How does it look in the K-2 classroom?

This 1-hour session explores different text types and what the science is telling us about how we might use them with students, such as decodable texts, predictable/patterned texts and leveled texts.

This session is part of our series reviewing topics relating to the Science of Reading in early literacy instruction. The sessions are based in part on guidance provided by NYSED's Literacy Initiative and the Science of Reading Brief Series released in January, 2024. Though it is recommended to attend all six sessions, it is not required.

59. TIF Program: Teaching Basics 102: Elements of Effective Instruction - Option 2

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 3/7/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

This professional development session will focus on the theory and practice of elements of effective instruction including planning engaging and rigorous lessons, assessing, demonstrating knowledge of learners, and embedding research-based instructional practices. The course is based on the New York State Teaching Standards. Participants will review the New York State Teaching Standards to gain a wholistic knowledge of their teaching expectations and then the course will take them through the pieces of instruction and the ways in which they should be orchestrated to gain the highest level of student achievement.

Objective 1: Participants will review the pieces of an effective lesson, including frequent checks for understanding, integrating knowledge of learner assets into planning and instruction, and total participation strategies.

Objective 2: Participants will develop a knowledge of the New York State Teaching Standards.

60. TIF Program: Teaching Basics 103: Special Education and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 3/10/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

This professional development session will focus on special education law, state guidance, and key information on this unique population of students. Not only will the course review necessary skills such as how to read an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) and 504 plan, but it will also review acronyms commonly used. Additionally, participants will examine what specially designed instruction is, the specially designed instruction framework, and how to ensure that special education students receive equitable, personalized instruction in the classroom.

Objective 1: Participants will develop an understanding and knowledge of special education, including acronyms as well as how to read an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) and 504 plan.

Objective 2: Participants will develop an understanding of how to apply the specially designed instruction framework to planning and working with special education students.

61. APPR 4 Day Training for Teacher Evaluators - Spring Session

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 3/10/2025 to 3/18/2025

This training is for new administrators who have not been previously trained. The State Education Department requires all evaluators of teachers to be certified through an appropriate training process. Lead teacher evaluators are those who conduct summative annual professional performance reviews. The district must certify that these lead evaluators have been trained in the minimum requirements as outlined in the new APPR regulations. The training that we provide will meet this requirement in the manner prescribed by the SED. You must complete all 4 days for certification.

62. IN-PERSON: Grade 2 Save the Bees

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 3/11/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

63. ONLINE Series: Grade 3 Generations of Butterflies

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 3/11/2025 to 3/25/2025

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional learning workshops include guidance on NYSSLS-aligned instructional strategies specific to the unit of study, formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin teaching the unit to their students. Participants should plan to attend all dates of synchronous, online instruction. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

64. IN-PERSON: Grade K Worm Scouts

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 3/12/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

65. IN-PERSON: Grade 5 Earth and Space Explorers

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 3/12/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

66. IN-PERSON: Grade 1 A Bunny's Life

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 3/13/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

67. IN-PERSON: Grade 3 Generations of Butterflies

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 3/13/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

68. Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 3/14/2025

Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development for All Intended Learning Outcomes: * Participate in the observation of teaching procedures demonstrated by the trained colleagues behind the two-way mirror. * Engage in in-depth study of the components of Reading Recovery lessons and the theoretical foundations for them. * Continue to refine observational expertise of children's on-going literacy development in order to better inform decision making for instruction. * Learn how to best support struggling emergent readers and develop skill in teaching children selected for intervention using effective instructional procedures and theory. * Analyze reading and writing records and discuss teaching decisions. * Examine data and discuss Reading Recovery results at the school level. * Discuss and solve implementation problems at the school level. * Participate with the Teacher Leader in planning and evaluating Continuing Contact sessions. * Engage in self-evaluation and reflection of theory and practice leading to on-going professional growth and effective teaching. **Persons who are NOT trained, but are interested in observing a session should contact Stephanie Smyka, Site Coordinator:

69. ONLINE Session: Science "Look Fors" .... Especially for Administrators

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Administrators

Dates: 3/14/2025

ONLINE (Zoom): The New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) have changed how science should be taught. How will you know if your school's science education is aligned to the NYSSLS and 3-dimensional science instruction? This session provides an overview of specific shifts in the teaching of science and what administrators should look for when visiting classrooms.

70. IN-PERSON: Investigation-Style Lesson Writing for Secondary Teachers

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Secondary Science Teachers (grades 6-12)

Dates: 3/17/2025

Come write investigation-style lessons in order to help prepare your students for successful completion of the NYS Investigations. Support will be provided by a facilitator who has created example lessons to share with you. In the morning session, you will be guided through the steps of the writing process, then provided work time to create your own lesson. You will have the option to stay for the afternoon, if you would like more work time and support.

71. IN-PERSON: Work Session for Investigation-Style Lesson Writing

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Secondary Science Teachers (grades 6-12)

Dates: 3/17/2025

The Pre-Requisite to register for this work session is the morning workshop on this same day, during which you will learn the steps of the writing process. Sign up for this afternoon session if you would like more work time and support.

72. Navigating the Next Generation Algebra 2 Standards

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Algebra 2 Teachers

Dates: 3/18/2025

As we approach the next academic year, it's crucial to understand the changes that the Next Generation Learning Standards will bring to Algebra 2. These standards aim to enhance our instructional approaches, equipping students with the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed in today's world. Join math professionals from Monroe 1, Monroe 2-Orleans, and Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES for an enriching collaboration as we delve into the changes and implications for our instructional practices. Together, we will explore innovative strategies and share insights to enhance our teaching and better support our students' learning journeys. *Monroe 2 Component Districts ONLY*

73. DEI Statewide Conference

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: administrators and DEI leaders, educators

Dates: 3/19/2025

This hybrid conference will provide New York State administrators, DEI leaders, and educators with an opportunity to learn about how school districts across the state are aligning practices with the NYS Board of Regents Policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. New York State Education Department (NYSED) staff, along with partners from districts, will share current practices across the state in several key DEI areas, with opportunities for discussion and share out with colleagues. This event is an important opportunity to deepen our collective understanding and implementation of the Board of Regents' DEI Policy.

74. On-Demand PD: Learn 360 Streaming Video

Program: School Library Services

Dates: 3/20/2025

Looking for videos to enhance your instruction? Want to be sure they are classroom-safe and curated with education in mind? Learn 360 (elementary/middle) and Classroom Video on Demand (secondary) are for you! With thousands of streaming videos covering a wide range of topics, these are fantastic sources for instructional videos. In addition to streaming video, Learn 360 gives you access to The Mailbox for classroom activities and handouts.

Learn 360 is available to all schools that belong to the BOCES 2 Media Library. If you're not sure if you have access, please contact us. This introductory session is designed to get you started with Learn 360. No prior knowledge required!

Please ignore listed start date. This course is asynchronous and can be completed at any time between 10/1/24 and 3/20/25.

75. On-Demand PD: PBS LearningMedia

Program: School Library Services

Dates: 3/20/2025

If you haven't checked out PBS lately, you're missing out on some fantastic content! PBS is designed with learning in mind, and includes videos, images, activities, lesson plans and more! With engaging resources, clear organization, student-friendly content and tons of educator supports, PBS is made for the classroom. In this session, you will learn how to find and share PBS resources with your students. PBS LearningMedia is available to all schools that belong to the BOCES 2 Media Library. If you're not sure if you have access, please contact us.

This introductory session is designed to get you started with PBS. No prior knowledge required! This course is asynchronous and can be completed at any time between 10/1/24 and 12/20/24.

76. Introduction to Universal Design for Learning with Guest Speaker, Matt Bergman

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 3/20/2025

Many teachers struggle with how to support students with varying needs, strengths, and identities in inclusive learning environments. Through Universal Design for Learning, teachers learn how to proactively identify barriers in lesson design and instruction and design flexible learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners, including those who require significant support and those who need additional challenge. In this session, we will explore the basics of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and equip educators with the tools and strategies needed to begin creating truly inclusive learning environments.

77. ONLINE p.m. Session: Grade K Worm Scouts

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 3/20/2025

ONLINE: The BOCES 4 Science professional development sessions include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate NYSSLS topic, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin using the new science standards. A BOCES 4 Science instructor will send you a Zoom link prior to the session. One CTLE credit is earned for every hour of training attended. This unit requires 3 hours of training. The training sessions are FREE for those districts who lease this BOCES 4 Science unit. Please follow your standard district procedures to confirm registration.

78. MATH-ish Online Book Study *Monroe Two Component Districts ONLY*

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Dates: 3/20/2025 to 5/22/2025

Join us as we dive into and discuss Jo Boaler's latest book, Math-ish. "Math-ish is a groundbreaking guide to finding joy, understanding and diversity in mathematics. In Math-ish, Boaler shares new neuroscientific research on how embracing the concept of "math-ish”-a theory of mathematics as it exists in the real world-changes the way we think about mathematics, data, and ourselves. When we can see the value of diversity among people and multi-faceted approaches to learning math, we are free to truly flourish. When mathematics is approached more broadly, inclusively, and with a greater sense of wonder and play-when we value the different ways people see, approach, and understand it-we empower ourselves and gain a beneficial understanding of its value in our lives." Participants will need to purchase their own copy of the book and have chapters 1-3 read prior to the first session. *Monroe Two component districts ONLY*

79. Teaching Basics 104: English Language Learners, An Overview

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 3/24/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

New York State's dynamic and diverse student population includes a significant number of English Language Learners (ELLs), presenting both opportunities and challenges for educators. This professional development class is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective support for ELLs, while also aligning with Part 154 regulations. Additionally, participants will explore the many resources NYS provides, including the NYS Department of Education's website along with the Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) and opportunities that exist for multilingual students such as the Seal of Biliteracy program.

Objective 1: Participants will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of Part 154 regulations, language proficiency standards, and program models, and review strategies to ensure compliance while meeting the diverse needs of ELL students.

Objective 2: Participants will explore best practices related to English Language Learners across the content areas, focusing on scaffolding techniques and differentiated instruction, while exploring a variety of strategies unique to the needs to ELLs in NYS.

80. New to NYSESLAT Training

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Certified Teachers & Administrators who have not previously trained in NYSESLAT administration

Dates: 3/24/2025

This training is intended for certified educators or administrators who are new to administering the NYSESLAT. Participants will learn how to prepare for testing and administer all four components of the test and practice scoring the speaking portion. Optional writing scoring materials will be available for participants to interact with on their own. PLEASE NOTE: If you have administered the NYSESLAT before, please do not sign up for this training. This is for new participants only.

81. March SLS Council PD Session

Program: School Library Services

Audience: SLS Council Members

Dates: 3/25/2025

Morning PD session for our SLS Council

82. Regional School Counselor Annual Professional Development AM Session

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: School Counselors and Administrators

Dates: 3/25/2025

The Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Regional School Counselor group is pleased to offer our annual professional development session for school counselors. This program will consist of 2 half-day programs (same format as previously years). School Counselors should choose either AM or PM when registering. The sessions will include a keynote speaker: Deb Salamone, MS, Ed., CCISM. Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner. Senior Consultant, Transformation in Education. The Keynote address will be on Trauma Responsive Spaces: A Pathway to Flourishing in Education. In this address: We'll start our day centered on environments that help you and your students thrive. By enhancing our current trauma responsive skills and building new ones we can support school communities that foster student resiliency and where we can all flourish. Since schools have moved into this post-COVID space it is evident that we're seeing increased needs of students in many facets of their lives including academic learning, social-emotional growth, and resiliency. As School Counselors, you're charged with modeling best practices with students and supporting staff as they support students. Understanding students' reactions to real or perceived threats, and trauma responsive approaches to support regulation and relationship building will be highlighted. In addition to the keynote there will be breakout sessions with Jane DeRue, Behavioral Health Program Manager, Monroe County Family Access and Connection Team; Andrea Antonetty, Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) for Mindfulness, Greece Central School District and Deb Salomone, MS, Ed., CCISM. Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner.

83. IN-PERSON: Grade 4 A Walk in the Park

Program: BOCES 4 Science

Audience: Elementary Science Teachers

Dates: 3/25/2025

IN PERSON: The BOCES 4 Science professional development session will include a deep-dive into the 3-Dimensional instructional strategies specific to the appropriate unit, current formative and summative assessments available, content instruction, and more. Teachers will walk away prepared to begin instruction for this unit using the new science standards. Registration is limited. Lunch is on your own. This training session is FREE to districts who lease this unit.

84. Regional School Counselor Annual Professional Development PM Session

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: School Counselors and Administrators

Dates: 3/25/2025

The Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Regional School Counselor group is pleased to offer our annual professional development session for school counselors. This program will consist of 2 half-day programs (same format as previously years). School Counselors should choose either AM or PM when registering. The session will include a keynote speaker: Deb Salamone, MS, Ed., CCISM. Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner. Senior Consultant, Transformation in Education. In addition to the keynote there will be breakout sessions with Jane DeRue, Behavioral Health Program Manager, Monroe County Family Access and Connection Team and Andrea Antonetty, Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) for Mindfulness, Greece Central School District.

85. March SLS Council Meeting

Program: School Library Services

Audience: SLS Council Members

Dates: 3/25/2025

SLS Council Meeting.

86. Canva Carnival: Unleashing Librarian Creativity

Program: School Library Services

Dates: 3/26/2025

Join us for a fun and engaging one-hour Zoom session designed specifically for school librarians! In this interactive workshop, we'll dive into some of Canva's more advanced features, including the exciting Text to Image AI tool. Discover how to transform your library's promotional materials, lesson plans, and more with creative flair. Whether you're looking to enhance your digital storytelling or create eye-catching visuals, this session will equip you with the skills to make the most out of Canva's powerful tools. Get ready to unleash your creativity and take your library projects to the next level! Full disclosure: this course title and description were created by AI (Copilot). Fun is not guaranteed.

87. Spring into Books

Program: School Library Services

Audience: School Librarians from GV, Monroe One and Monroe 2-Orleans regions

Dates: 3/28/2025

JOIN LIBRARIANS, STACEY RATTNER AND ALICIA ABDUL, WHO WILL SHARE THE BEST 2023 AND 2024 BOOK TITLES FOR STUDENTS. THEY WILL ALSO DISCUSS ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS TO ENGAGE READERS AND SHARE INSIGHTS INTO THEIR OWN READING LIVES. BOOKLISTS WILL BE PROVIDED. Brought to you by the School Library Systems of Monroe One, Monroe 2-Orleans, and Genesee Valley BOCES. Registration is 8:00-8:30. Lunch will be provided. Also, parking will be paid for.

88. TIF Program Classroom Visit with Coaching and Feedback II

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 4/1/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

Looking to learn from your first visit and implement new strategies in your second? Utilize our coaching and feedback service again this semester! Adrienne Loftus will visit you (at a time/date of your choosing) while substitute teaching and provide feedback relating to a particular focus area.

Prior to the visit, a focus area based on a particular instructional strategy or part of the Danielson rubric will need to be identified and discussed between the coach and the Fellow. This could be the same as the first visit, or the Fellow could select something different. A debrief immediately following the lesson, or within the next days, will need to occur. In total, the pre-visit preparation and discussion will be an hour, the visit 15-20 minutes, and the feedback/debrief discussion will utilize the remaining time (counts as a paid PD credit/course).

Location: Zoom (for pre-visit discussion), in-person visit (Fellow's school district), and Zoom (for post-visit discussion)

89. Unlocking Effective Instruction for ML Newcomer Students

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: ENL teachers, administrators, school professionals

Dates: 4/2/2025

Midwest RBERN is proud to host and sponsor this session in collaboration with Deena Marshall from SupportEd. During this professional development session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities faced by multilingual learner (ML) newcomer students while also learning strategies to support students' content learning and academic language development. Participants will walk away with actionable, research-based strategies and tools they can use to strengthen instruction for their ML newcomer students.

90. TIF Program: Equitable Grading Practices 101 - The What & The Why

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 4/2/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

It's time to question the grading practices we use because traditional grading practices do not support what we now know about student learning and motivation and often work against current equity initiatives. In fact, Joe Feldman says, "We may bring new curriculum and instructional strategies to our classrooms, engage in courageous conversations about identity, and collectively dedicate our schools to equity, but we undermine it all when we continue to use many common grading practices.” What are more equitable grading practices? What small changes could make a big difference when it comes to helping all of our students succeed? Attend this session to find out.

91. Immigrant Experience Book Club Spring 2025

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: All School Staff

Dates: 4/3/2025

Aged eight, Dina Nayeri fled Iran along with her mother and brother and lived in the crumbling shell of an Italian hotel-turned-refugee camp. Eventually she was granted asylum in America. She settled in Oklahoma, then made her way to Princeton University. In this book, Nayeri weaves together her own vivid story with the stories of other refugees and asylum seekers in recent years, bringing us inside their daily lives and taking us through the different stages of their journeys, from escape to asylum to resettlement. In these pages, a couple fall in love over the phone, and women gather to prepare the noodles that remind them of home. A closeted queer man tries to make his case truthfully as he seeks asylum, and a translator attempts to help new arrivals present their stories to officials. Nayeri confronts notions like "the swarm,” and, on the other hand, "good” immigrants. She calls attention to the harmful way in which Western governments privilege certain dangers over others. With surprising and provocative questions, The Ungrateful Refugee challenges us to rethink how we talk about the refugee crisis. This virtual asynchronous course will take place on Schoology from March 1 - April 3, 2025. Course links will be sent prior to the start of the course. Book must be purchased on your own.

92. TCIS Refresher

Program: TCIS - Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools

Dates: 4/3/2025

This is a 1-day TCIS recertification class for staff that are already TCIS certified and need their yearly recertification. *LUNCH- please bring your own lunch to this training. A 1/2 hour duty-free time is included. *PHYSICAL COMPONENT- you will be asked to participate in a required physical component to this training to be recertified. If you cannot participate in the physical component, you are still required to stay until the training is over. Please review your TCIS student workbook prior to the training and you are encouraged to bring it with you to the training. ATTIRE: Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes to this training.

93. Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 4/7/2025

Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development for Churchville, Hilton and York In-Person at Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Intended Learning Outcomes: * Participate in the observation of teaching procedures demonstrated by the trained colleagues behind the two-way mirror. * Engage in in-depth study of the components of Reading Recovery lessons and the theoretical foundations for them. * Continue to refine observational expertise of children's on-going literacy development in order to better inform decision making for instruction. * Learn how to best support struggling emergent readers and develop skill in teaching children selected for intervention using effective instructional procedures and theory. * Analyze reading and writing records and discuss teaching decisions. * Examine data and discuss Reading Recovery results at the school level. * Discuss and solve implementation problems at the school level. * Participate with the Teacher Leader in planning and evaluating Continuing Contact sessions. * Engage in self-evaluation and reflection of theory and practice leading to on-going professional growth and effective teaching. **Persons who are NOT trained, but are interested in observing a session should contact Stephanie Smyka, Site Coordinator:

94. New to NYSESLAT Training

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: Certified Teachers & Administrators who have not previously trained in NYSESLAT administration

Dates: 4/7/2025

This training is intended for certified educators or administrators who are new to administering the NYSESLAT. Participants will learn how to prepare for testing and administer all four components of the test and practice scoring the speaking portion. Optional writing scoring materials will be available for participants to interact with on their own. PLEASE NOTE: If you have administered the NYSESLAT before, please do not sign up for this training. This is for new participants only.

95. TIF Program: Equitable Grading Practices in Action

Program: Teacher Immersion Fellows Program

Audience: Spring 2025 Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows

Dates: 4/8/2025

This professional development is open to Teacher Immersion Fellows (TIF) Program Fellows only.

Most educators were successful as students, so it is likely that traditional grading practices worked well for us when we were in middle and high school. However, they do not work well for all students. We have heard that more equitable grading practices promote greater success for all students, particularly those historically underserved. It can be very difficult to imagine something different from what we lived. What would different (more equitable) grading practices look like in action? How could they potentially benefit all students?

It is not about lowering expectations. It is about helping all students succeed at a high level. We will examine scenarios where teachers use different grading practices and consider the effects those practices have on students. By the end of our time, we will discuss the potential impact for students as well as the instructional and logistical considerations of the grading practices we examine together. This interactive session is geared toward but not limited to grade 6-12 teachers.

96. Introduction to the Multilingual Literacy SIFE Screener

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: CR Part 154 Coordinators, ELL/Bilingual Teachers, Central Office Staff

Dates: 4/10/2025

Join MidWest RBERN and the MLS team: The Multilingual Literacy SIFE Screener (MLS) is a diagnostic tool used in the intake process for Newcomer students. It is a recommended tool for identifying SIFE-Students with Interrupted/Inconsistent Formal Education. The MLS evaluates students' abilities in Reading comprehension and Math in their home language. The MLS can be accessed for free by all schools in New York State and is available in 19 languages. This introductory webinar provides an overview of the tests, a walkthrough of the website interface, and there will be time for questions and answers. A ZOOM link will be sent to registrants on the morning of the session. CTLE credit is available for participants.

97. Community Schools 101-Spring 2025

Program: Community Schools

Dates: 4/22/2025

Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the community schools strategy. The workshop will be content focused in the morning and team discussion focused in the afternoon.

98. Designing Effective Assessments: Aligning to Next Generation Standards Math REGENTS

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: High School Math Teachers

Dates: 4/29/2025

Join us for a focused professional development session designed to enhance your assessment practices for Regents level courses. This workshop will emphasize the importance of aligning assessments with established standards to ensure student success. This session is ideal for educators looking to improve their assessment practices and foster a rigorous academic environment. Join us to refine your skills and enhance your students' learning experiences! Join math professionals from Monroe 1, Monroe 2-Orleans, and Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES for an enriching collaboration as we delve into the changes and implications for our instructional practices. *Monroe Two component districts ONLY*

99. Stories Matter: Examining the Immigrant Experience in High School - Podcasts by Emily Francis

Program: Mid-West RBE-RN

Audience: ENL teachers, HS teachers, K-12 teachers and staff, school counselors, social workers, school phychologists

Dates: 5/1/2025 to 6/12/2025

This professional development opportunity will provide a firsthand account of the immigrant journey from a high school newcomer to a high school ESL teacher. Emily Francis traveled from Guatemala to the US as a teen and shares her experiences in her Stories Matter podcasts. Participants will get five hours of CTLE PD credit for this course by listening to podcasts and engaging in discussions online. The course will be completely asynchronous, with discussions and reflection completed at your own pace on Schoology from May 1 to June 12. All work will be done online and completed by June 12th. Please note: There is NO meeting. All work is completed on your own.

100. Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development

Program: Curriculum Instruction and Prof Dev

Audience: Elementary Teachers

Dates: 5/2/2025

Reading Recovery® Ongoing Professional Development for Indian River CSD Intended Learning Outcomes: * Participate in the observation of teaching procedures demonstrated by the trained colleagues behind the two-way mirror. * Engage in in-depth study of the components of Reading Recovery lessons and the theoretical foundations for them. * Continue to refine observational expertise of children's on-going literacy development in order to better inform decision making for instruction. * Learn how to best support struggling emergent readers and develop skill in teaching children selected for intervention using effective instructional procedures and theory. * Analyze reading and writing records and discuss teaching decisions. * Examine data and discuss Reading Recovery results at the school level. * Discuss and solve implementation problems at the school level. * Participate with the Teacher Leader in planning and evaluating Continuing Contact sessions. * Engage in self-evaluation and reflection of theory and practice leading to on-going professional growth and effective teaching. **Persons who are NOT trained, but are interested in observing a session should contact Stephanie Smyka, Site Coordinator:

101. May SLS Council PD Session

Program: School Library Services

Audience: SLS Council Members

Dates: 5/21/2025

Morning PD session for our SLS Council